5693-5698 -.. . ~~~~~~:::'Jw.~--~5M"---"'---"'~ .:."..-. ..",..~......-~--~~~.-........-,..--- Ii City of Boynton Beach MICROFILlVl INPUT SHEET Planning Departmellt Developmellt File - .. - Pro. ect Name e:,-' (l ,"R (} l-t~ 'JPpJlJ Jll)/JSPS Date :3 - / / - ~7_ DOCUMENT TYPE Parking Lot Variance - PL V D Preapplicatlons - Preapp ~ Conditional Use - CU D Master Plan - MP D Rezoning - R D Master Plan Modification - MPM D I Rezoning and Land Use D Preliminary Plat - PP D Element Amendment - LUEA D D Site Plan - SP Annexation - A D D Site Plan Modification - SPM Abandonment - Abdm Year f7 .'9 'AI COMi\tIENTS: Approved D fL-tlltJS Number of Sheets Denied 0 Conditions D I I No llllllllllj;i_ill\~lliilllill[t'lllIl Fiche No. X of X No. dq~;;l- Frames " :\....-' .r(.trl.tr.I!J'i\ttiVif.II.n;?J.i!Ri\ff\\Tf:ffS~"~t.&ll..i.ttY. ...... . ,.................................. .................... .~t.\lU;,... .. ........... ~~~I~a.l\lJJJ..wI:NtU:~;~.,..... 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MEMORANDuivi . .' .. . ., o Peter Cheney City Manager Sept. 14, 1981 September 21, 1981 DATa ---=---- 13N.]""....... :\,\7.. .' - b :'.~ ~"()-7-0 ,,0 /\. '.r .~'.c~ . ~ J\ ~ Carmen S. 1L1').nu:nziato fa '.. sii~1fc'r C.i ty Planner, ;; SEfl1981 '0') ~ ~ ~~ ~ t~~~:~n~- ~ ..,. . ;1L...'Q.,;o~li ';. !,i: J f\, tt) CftV r\tT:.mt:.::-;'.~~ J\7 :...'\ 0'" ~...''''~ ~ ,t"1 ...... ~ll~ GYf '\ ,c;,r .{e .~4J o;::/'.:' _0.oJ OG ~7 !--" ..' IIll connection \-li th yo ~ c.: -. uest for reviE~w, conunent and recommendation on t~le proposed Grand Circle Townhouse project, please be advised of the following. I: I:,":JU i I l !~ . ! Request fpr Comments/HUD 'It i , ~T: F~M ",;(--.---~------------.--,..,.---,-----,- ^~E;v\ORANDUj\A Peter Cheney City Manager Sept. 14" 1981 DATE ~ "I =.01: Carmen S. A.l1nunz ia to City Planner 5UlUlECT Request for Comments/HUO I :., The ,application is for housing assistance to construct twenty-five units located in close proximity to Seacrest Blvd. at ~lW .7~ Avenue., The propo~al "" =q,vides for these twenty-five . uni ts . to be attached,.' two"';story to't-n.1houses of two?J _ three and four bedrooms. . '{~he applicant i:s John Green.,. _ Ex~cuti"Te Directo:r o~ the Department :0:[ Housing and Conmtuni.ty Developme:t'1t IJ Palm Beach County and ownership of the proposed Ul~ts would be vested in the Board of'County'Commissionersg The proposed 'rent schedule is $635 for t.he 4' bedroom/2 bath unit~ $515 for' i"he 3 bEMi,room/ l~ bath unit and $521 for the 2 bedroom/l~ bath unit. Additionally~ "a ,recreati<,n cente.r is proposed containin.g a tot play area ~ laundry and recreation building, bi:!skat.ball COU1~.t and passi Vie area. Area Manager Department of Housing & Urban Development Jacksonville Area Office Peninsular Plaza 661 Riverside Avenue Jacksonville, Florida 32204 Subject: FL29-0064-032 - Grand Circle Townhouses, Boynton Beach Dear Sir: .... .... Concerning the need for assist,,~dt housing~ I refer to the Housing Element: of the CfJmprhensive Plan which illustrates that in 1979, approximately 130 households had been certified for housing assistance $ubsidy payments but only 65 had fO\il~d lodg- ing. p~~ additional 219 Boynton Beach househo~ds had applied for assistance We have reviewed the material you sent us on the above and our response is contained in the attached memorandum from Carmen Annunziato, our City Planner. I I I I I lC We ~ind this application to be consistent with past City Council pol~cy, although there are some Code problems that will have to 'be addressed.. PLC: sr Attachment cc: John J. Green Ma~r & Council \n.armen Annunziato Cen~cral File -"""~"-'"\\". ' 'r\~~~~.~'" '~;j:<'f '^,..' .' ,'~~:~,~~ . r., '1.1. ?Z c'''' ,> . '- ". <;" '-', ~ . 'I ~. Sincerely, I With respect to locating a rent subsidy type developmentg this 'area in particula:r sc~.,reS' very high when evaluated against -the criteria for public-assisted housing site selection pro- vided'in the Comprehensive Flan Housing ElemEh~t0 As noted in ~e Plan, ev~n though development of b~is type may result in concentrating subsidized wlits, the largest proportion of poten- -tial renters currently ,reside in the neighborhoodft Additionally the recent park and inf:t'as;tn'!1c'tt.1.re i.mprovements :ma,ke the area'!. proposed suitable for this use. ~ OF BOYNTON BEACH ,. ./ J / / ;r..1e. } ( :,~ ). I., '/y.;. (. ~ ~.;-." ., I P~ter L. Cheney City Manager Concerning site related issues, the proposed plan violates the zon:i.ng by providing at.tached hOi'ues in areas A and B (see attached map and materialsj~ Areas A and B are zoned RIA and single-family detached units only may be constructed. The uses proposed for the ranainder of the site appear to be consistent 't~i th the zoning; ho:wever, smaller scale dJ:'awings would have to be submitted and the pl~ns approved by the City Council. - 1 - ":\ ~. ..;"~:,'~~" ';-Jr,tc '_~~'_'.I\ll!l.~\}"_~__~' ' '~,~, ;_.. ..).. . _":. ...." 1 I ~,J \\ .;~. t. ] I I it I I I, l~ ~ ~ [~ f..t. . 1. . f l ['..t \J l,d hJ ti'J I.S tl tr:. , . ;..l ,: I t'.i 1 , \ii, ~, 1 ,. In sUF~ry, the need for rent subsidy units has been well doc~~ented in the Comprehensive Plan and in the various -Palm Beach County housing documents. The location proposed is the sam.e as that which was proposed by Auslander (Boynton irerrace, west side only), and. said location meets the site selection criteria listed and is consistent with the Comprehen- sive Plan. Concerning the plan, it only meets 19ca1 codes in part. Therefore, I recommend ~~at we comment in favor of the concep't, only, but reserve the right to review and approve plans at the appropriate time. . ~..-~ S" ;t;:- ~/ '~~ ~ _ ~ -___~,~..... c.....- ~ Carmen S. Ann\L.'1.zi.. City Planner I r~ I Wi ~ I CSA:mpc .. , tt " I (r\; ',~~ . ..tl .' .,.,. ."" 1/... .:{'" .... .. . -t. """,~ t . il: ~f It .. t . ..... :( ~ .. .' : 10"': ~ .. .~ ~,"" . j' .. ' . I' '. . I ' f~"" '\:. . f ~' " -, '\.: -y."' r ~ <1 ,. , 14 .... Ilf . t I _r- ;~'4';;""W(...;...,...'~...~,"-~~ --~ .. a ~ -I 1- - ~ r~ 1 ~ ~. ,{' Ii :;~\'(::::~-. "--"', ~.~ L - sr4.\1rD'D: "\<E~. ~.. / DATA UlA OF SUE &fI'ROll, ).J' U:RtS eRlA.OOWIf 'A"'Oill".UEI A. lO.IOO SO,". .. )'.1>00 C. n.750 O. 17,000 . I. 41.470 I~ AVEUJ:t OUSIfY \Il. 14 ,.R,." 6I11NS" II] O,.,..llll."'..5 11111,...'. "211A'"5 T ",r.r.rrolf DRIVE ~ "" - --'0- \ '\' .fl' ~ '\ I ~ ~~' .~ ~ "---- /j ~. " C> GO -" . "J7 &exn .1'4 .114 .1'0 , -52 IU.~IGSiU" 1'/0,0 U. OtlllSl" , IO,'! . 7.'1> . 7,79 ....!..- " .0 n P. I' O.UI"C'[ 12lS SO,n. lit! SO.Fr. 10'P so.n, SITE \I.AI.E I . C.OVUAt:E A[,IOEN""" UNIIS u"" SO,n, I. 'U~"R'i . .rcRU lllOlI, Arp.o.. J.ooo IOfAI n." ~O.rr. '''VI Ill'. C'UII ~PAC.ts Alia .(CR[UloII C'RCU <J .. lL " \ \ , \ \ , , ~~ I" . O' DEPT. CF HOUSING & COMMUNITY OEVELOPMENT PRBPARED FORI , 1I,'f, 11.'-' '4,1!'. 20.'00 so, n, &lO,P' I AUNOOV AND R[CRrAIIOII sue uNII rn. ~'NlllC..P"(O "(A SONS ", ... ,< :1 1\ :4e;;"'''::,~, ,~~~t"'~-~")r~ ,,: . _.l',' '.. . "\, ''';(t*" < ~ ~ " " :~.:; ~ t . ',' ~ . . , - :'!~,.: ~,..,:..;-: :""""~;;;~ " ,,' li J'.'i1:ia.:cr ,~""'-'-..... , ~,. .~! '" , ... ." .e.'_"_......~_~~r~...~..._,Ul\ 4 , ,~.-...,,'~.c"" M '. ...., i.~-~flP:;;~ f: " ~. 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J JiJt '1'~ 111\:, ,I., ..n li..~-;;;'\.L._. ..t-~.} . tI.I. .. t.1 roup t"tOROOU Uti1 r SIDE ELEVATION SCALE t Ir '-.0- ~'-" r..--- .,.-.~ ,,''i;- -tJ,'-....:;. ~~/~.J- " .,,~ ~ .' In iI' 'v' I ~; '.,~r. .. ... I ~:r:"~ i~\\~' Ii .... ~ . \ ;f.a~ ... .. r .. r . l'. - _.lit _"--' ' fII""l?'!~ ..-.~ '"f' ft ;$ J'I f..-......:'.-....... !' I"~; of .';.'.1 -~if 'J "J f.~ '" i' ,I" L. f ; IHRE( REDAonU UHll fWD BEDROO\ll UN" UfO ~EDAnnu tJ,.1f r'IR[E ~(nRoo"'IJ"J' fElONT ELEVATION ~C6ll t a' '.01)" ~;; t( ~ fv\EMORANDUM , ~ Cl Peter Cheney City Manager OATr Sept. 14, 1981 "j ~""'..'... ji iY'. "l IW~" ~;,' ~ f.\\Jl ,":J\\ ~] ~Il J~'1 ..:,~(.i....~J. ~ ~ ,,,;, , \ C\'j ,;;~ ~.j .\. .....,,} 'i'l '.'.:' ....~I.. .. (\~ :~;i(l ,;om ,\\il'~' '.;: ,I,', y,;;;.i "M ~:~'}~ ~~l:.~;r \f';'~ rlt f ROM Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner .UOJEct Request for Comments/HUD In summary, the need for rent subsidy units has been well documented in the Comprehensive p1an and in the various Palm Beach County housing documents. The location proposed is the same as that which was proposed by Auslander (Boynton Terrace, \-.rest side only), and said location meets the site selection criteria listed and is consistent with the Comprehen- sive Plan. Concerning the plan, it only meets local codes in part. Therefore, I recomm~nd that we comment in favor of the concept only, but r~serve the right to review and approve plans at the appropriate time. a~ -S"C ~;t;;- Carmen S. Annunzi City Planner CSA:mpc I '~ v""'"-.....~...',',......(r,....---.- ~! i'!( Y..;; ({ d c'" .tJ.o . 'IT' . .'~ ~..... ,~^".L. ~,' ..,._~,:'\, .'_' 'f"~ .... '. .. 'n~ ,j"'~.;-' ~ J~\ Cl:~ , ""' i I I I I ' . I V' '1 ! t I I i 1 "J . , II II I > tj r I 1~/'1 I I 1 I I II I 1 II IJ 1 "'.1 .~ 1 I I I ~';. iI I C #.~f ~;@ \\P J) "~I If 4< \:.,,\X ;',",,-"'i <~ p MEMORANDUM september TO~ Mayor and city Cour~il .--..-".... -' ""--"") .' RE: Grand Circle Town~s ~=== -' - On scpte~)er 9, 1981, I wrote to Carmen in which recormendations concerning ~o'",'nhouses . D",.~ C4 i. --:; .---______,u Tii,;? __ I sent you a copy of a I asked you ~o con~ent the proposal for Grand memorandum and make circle Attached is a memorandum from Carmen Annunziato dated septerrilier 14, 1981, and unless I am directed otherwise I will forward .the comments to the Depa~tment of Housing and Urban Development and to John Green's Office as requested in the form of the city Planner's memorandum indicating that the concept of this development is consistent with past proposals, past city council policy and the City's Comprehensive plan but that the particular proposa~apparently do not meet all of the require- ments of the city's ordinances. For our comments to be con- sidered by HUD it is necessary that they receive them within thirty days of the date of their le!:ter, which was August 26th. /:) "./ ;1 ~ / _11'(,..>( ,-.< {.tG,/ Beter L. Cheney E city Manager PLC :j c cc: Centr~l File ~ Carmen Annunziato v' -"ll'lP"~-_. j , I " 10 .l .""1"- j riJ I ~l b~ [. II "I fJ .[\".:.1 '~1 ., 1>:".';'11 ,,11 [:.:'."............1 .W,:." j'l ~II 7/ I' i I J 11 11 [ r [ -;;;:{\.~ ~U1 'M E J\l ORA 1'-l D U jV\ Peter Cheney City z.1anager DA.7E Sept. 14, 1981 -- /.~;:,.. ... ,.....,. J .:' ,., "La Carmen S, Annunziato City Planner Request for Comments/mJD 1;.. (,:_, ~ ~:. .., , . SEP lS31 UUDJI'CT c~:~~E!.~~L ',1 r.,.?;."'_, ... f.... V...~J , '.'. In connection with your request for review, comment and recommendation on the proposed Grand Circle Townhouse project, please be advised of the following. The application is for housing assistance to construct twenty-five units located in close proximity to Seacrest Blvd. at.NW 7th Avenue. The proposal prqvides for these twenty-five un1ts to be attached, two-story townhouses of two, three and four bedrooms. The applicant is John Green, Executive Director of the Department of Housing and Community Development, Palm Beach County and ownership of the proposed units would be vested in the Board of County Commissioners. The proposed rent schedule is $635 for the 4 bedroom/2 bath unit, $575 for the 3 bedroom/ l~ bath unit and $521 for the 2 bedroom/l~ bath unit. Additionally, a recreation center is proposed containing a tot play area, laundry and recreation building, basketball court and passive area. Concerning the need for assisted housing, I refer to the Housing Element of the Comprhensive Plan which illustrates that in 1979, approximately 130 households had been certified for housing assistance subsidy payments but only 65 had found lodg- ing. An additional 219 Boynton Bench households had applied fOT assistance W5.th ?::"espect to locating a rent subsidy type develo},lment this area in particular scores very high when evaluated again~t the criteria for public-assisted housing site selection pro- vided in the Comprehensive Plan Housing Element. As noted in the Plan, even though development of this type may result in concentrating subsiClizea units, the largest proportion of poten- tial renters currently reside in the neighborhood. Additionally the recent park and infrastructure improvements make the area proposed suitable for this use, Concerning site related issues, the proposed plan violates the zoning by providing attached homes in areas A and B (see a.ttachcd map and materials) . Areas A and B are zoned RIA and single-family detached units only may be constructed. The uses proposed for the remainde.': of the site appear to be consistent with the zoning; however, smaller scale drawings would have to be submitted and the plans approved by the City Council. - 1 - ~" /1' '~~~""l::~.~f~~~h'i't . I ~~~~-""L._o , . ,~~.::L_~.,.---~~ ;(1,"; 1'" ,;c. ''tr---\\-;;;;~Vr~,...-..,~~~y--\'\--]=o... ...."y ~ .;:- " 1/ ~',r)r',~ ii" >,..' III' ,'> ..."",?J( ,;" 'r 'C,. I' ~..("'. 2"" ,\r, :"~,, lip, , _. ~('} '(1"1 ,;~ \ 7,~>~~(,/~~\ _,.10,""" '1\ r,~,'>"'-;"(. . L.. ~~)7?'\\" t~,< ~~.. (\,..~;% ~)Vi,~ ~~; "'I~ ~ ~- \ _ ,./rC~~1r'1' /~:~:~~:':Y~~~/. .I'?i .~,. .'i>~:,. .<'~~f:~~/,O'"'.~~L". b,; . .'.~ ,;\l~.', -.:;{/ (;t~. .. /I \,j ",/1'\<., !"'<:oI.... ~~, " 1\ \\ ,1 II - ,'" " ,1. ..'h II \1> ,", 1.;'1 )!> z-;'S' " I'" II ~h "",/r (Y.6'-"" ';'\1 0 \~ ,7' ,'.," r"~'(c.. tr 7/' '.. jY:" "y.;-3, lfl~ ',;ff '" " ~ .;i~;- i,\\l'i ,.;~.. 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KITCHEN 8 I -0" x 15 I -0 II l- UTILITY ,~.;'.:."" . o 1 ,. , ,,,f ::;;. j.,+~ ,~): '\T.Fq I :. - .-4 (<"\ o ~L: ..1 :1 I : f ~ . . ...'11......:-...--.' " ,; ~ ~~l ~; I COAT CL: ./ Af~ 1a ! LIVING 121-~" X 12'-0" '. ~ ..r~t~~f! --~-~l.~.::,;.!J."."""'''' .... ~~~~~~~ ~NTRY 15'-8" I 1 FIRST FLOOR PLAN ==-= ~ u( .. ) . ~... . ","'"I.",=, , I I ' I , ; -.. , . ' , . l ....... . , ~ ~_. ,-:' ....1 .. , 101:: ; I .~~. I ,1 . ~ . r-:;, ,;~~ , . lll""'~, .~.~-~~, ~~ . '1.:, Ai! 7. \ " ~ ,~ ~ .n:!i < ~ -j " ( DOWN Vi , - , .. . ( r "" , I r .;' ~. f ~:1 s~ ~,l ' L-J I 10 I ~'-W'''''T~'''''fr~~J= . ,...- :~~Lt~:r.=;~~;t;..~~...1:~~~.ih- I I L,,,,,o.,,. '';; !~~ o o r-l (<"\ I t SCALE TWO BEDROOf\4 ~ ONE and HALF BATH UNIT L 4"=1'-0" 1\ ._.~"~-"-"~'-- ......"'.... ._~._-..---...;... - "'--,'"~'~::::?,":,-~~~ 0(,(,. ;, J.J""!.;"~""C{~ 9 u - 'J ~r-- C,?<':,.. ~'~~, n",?~ '~'O,l~' /x. \'l(f ,~'~i , ~ ." t,,' . :', 'L. r;' o \.~. r" " ~;;~~;2~~' 1 I I 1 .[;:?~'~"'.Il I BEDROOM NO.2 101 -10" x 3'-3" ~ / j ~~,,",,^ ^JI:ij l ti ' I NEMtl ~ "'r, ------ ----~ I t !~ <"~~"r-r'"'l I I ~ 1.o~"'~ /y I. ASTER BEDROOM 12 I -0" x 12 I -0 " 151-g" I {~ t~ '"'~~,.u :.~...,~::::J! I I I I' SECOND FLOOR PL~~ ~.lj'tr~:'''i; " ,." ~ , " II t.>"'" ,~;..;! ,.:'u t\) ::".\ , l , r)t ~~. \;'" r~ "1J 1< ~ ir ~.....;t'~"~::;;;~.,J;o\.-~~n. -',:{;:.- ~<,;J"'---;--m..~~. ,; ,~; iI}t{l~;);: .!L!i':;},4{:f:f:; " .;~;,zp:" I:!' ,"'-'~J <'~~. . I ~ o ",. '-'~;:):,.' 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'i62 - ':p r,::;:::':'~,..l'':;i<:5''''::;:f;''::f}' ':\.;,":: ;;<:'~ 0 0 I I OJ - ..0 N N -' \" ;::'.J '~.~;;~ 'e:;c..::.... ~ "N"'-' ~:."",' .'i..~.,'.j.,,'.......,'- "":'"c- ~ ~.;:"',,:,,,....,;; "~~:......l;;;::;. .).:"", = , o I - N or I f~~i~ · 8Ji . , KITCHEN, r- ~~' 111 -0 II X 91-8" II ' ~i 0;6 i ~ 0:0 t ~_R!:~:, _ _ J I <'- ~~ I LIVING/DINING ~.. ~.~., ~, r~ 191-611)( 111-811 ~ ~ I ~ ~l ~ I I W'::~-r:\~" !"i! ~ , 'FOYER '~Dj J 1:),_. . -, "I f '..:;:: "^ ~ ,:;1 lr>:: .'...:,,-:;::.:;l ~;:~ r~"':'" _.."'--~ I - '--'- -- r . ____________J 1.- - - - - - - - ..:- -. - - t 22'-8" { .. . ... ~; .,:,?.,..",..';' ~ - -- - - :'~~~)~ - -~~i PANTRY ~ A 10 ~ ~ r_, _ ~;~j .~ '- STORAGE i'. Sr:orr;<SI -4 " ~ ~ .~ ~ { ,,,,~...."'f--'; ,~. ~':' ':".: ~j ~ ~~ ''''<' ..:~,,-,-,,,, ",," . -". i\ ~~ ~I ;',1". ;~ ~: FIRST FLOOR PLAN o , CO N ~,","i);::C;"~~ "'J ...~ (1 , J~'''":B:-.'''',U.. (,,"';"'';/.'~~ -,'" $'/ ' ',~~A"'""'''"'~..' -~~~..-!~ "1t\ir'\.t:S'-u:..~~~~-"1S:- " I ." ,; '/"',' .,~.'''' -"'.' ~-,.' ,--:j , " ", ... - - - , . "'" ,'!\ ,- 1,i:.;.t..;....;;,,:"".s:.: i~ ~,:(I',l ~ nE~!1_~OM ~O,,2 i \'; Sf -nil )I 9' -n" 1<<1 i~~:.-,' MASTER l1EOROOM I' tJ r Qlr -;;---l-IT:;7iTi--- t~ 1;1 .!. .) . -Lt" II, ~ , / ~ " <, """".'" /'>... ^ ~-~ j 4' ""1 ..,.... ~ , "" \1:; ~ ~ t ~~-~-~'I : " ^ ~ DOWN;~C ~~ . 'I ~;;;;t''''<;''lii>J~'!l';?:'~-'~fr/' r}1< 1 ~ ~ rtl~ ' ~.-. ~NJ -~ I~-----'~-------k~ ,~=-i ~~ ~._~-~ _.~~, ),:;..... .. 4 ,.":......:...~.......~ ~. ~ ," 1 ,~ LilA ",f,' ~~ 0 _ l~ ~i ~. ~.I! .. r~Q"" t~. :"; -: r __ :.. ~ ~- .....-;~"'!f:;. I,} ..::==- ":----"'Jt ',-} i I I I I m ~~~ "' r.. :~~~ :,,~"'.;2 ~'jj<~':>~: BEDROOM NO. 2 ro '-0 TTX-TI r~81T" ! r 221-8" SECOND FLOOR PLAN .....- .. . .- THREE BElDROOM~ ONEandJ HAlf BATH UNijT -'1/4"-11-011 SCALE '. 1 :,' 1\ ~...._~;.""' ,~--",~.:,:_....~./~~'7~' If'lK\ l\ "i'L~" {J. ~ [r1i,~~r Ir--:>;;P " it "-0 ir-----Jr-inv" ~o, _ }2,., ' o ."'" If C ~ . ; ~2' '# " ~, jJ...~"-t/ ~!4' ~P'" '-' fU' - ~...' '~'....< ~.' .~.~; "";'-"',j."'~~~ II . rr-:-~;:.p:]1 '~,'n-. ~'~-'"'.- '''''''j'.~:.:;,"t~:~'~~~':;;~;i' .... ~."""",,,-,,,,,,,",,. (""b.O ~~', :~:&~ .IL )I\~ , I Qc-i\ " rr--" ,A,-,..~....-.t..~ v - ............~~~~'_."..., '''; 0 0' -'".........<J... ... o ""';.....''"'''.,.,--,::.c;~;~~':'~:..~t7::!r-'~ ~ '+'~......'" \\ r1 - '" !7 >'!).' ~ I \1 o " '" '" , , o " t, 0 .~ c ~, ,J l\, '-I ~~ ;~ \\ l' 0, ~ :~, / . / ~~ ,_ "Ie': =-"2, 1 " 0 (t~ -( rf-)'r"""~>~~-"":""';"":'<!Ji"~, cc,f7 ;;fX'~' "" ':' ,- :.. . . ,.... ~\~ "C"" . '.' ... . ...mO..... ~0 ,.',.'.. ... l::1 .... 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() ~ 0'6 ./' ,frK-~' L"l' -' it {.I ~~ tY' __.~~~ -.-..a. ' ~_.1iI,_;""f_'''''.A~, ~~--..:- -~'~"i~~ 1iil.iIII'~1 -.~:~ ~--~"'"-.;-r-~~~~+~e3!t~"!l~';~..',.~~!]"~~~'~~,fiB;D;~~t~.,~.!t~:i1ft~~.._<<~:"t;'~~~~~?!.il~'0;~;,=,~,: ., ~~ f~ ,~ j ~' "+ :~ ~ -(, ---, -" _=L_,'= _ - ~-i ' "I- --- ---..-.--- 6-6 x5*O ~i' --- - -~ ~! " ~ .---- ~~....,,-,.".:..''''..-. hc,'""c - ,~~t ,~ I I rr=hl t1 ILU i:~l m LqpJ~ .- ~.~ KITCIIEN ~r1~oo, ~ ~ T1'-0"x9'.8" -I, ~ ~I'Hri':1 . 1 r ~~ .="..~, ~]: - - -- ~ ~--- . .. ~:r.::;:Ui.t....-\,.:;,,',~ik, ~ - .~ ~l~ r'! -~ _~:'r~=.~ <, II ~ ~ . <~L" ~ . , I "j .BEDROOM NO. 4 I r~W. i ~ · gr:.UTrx"91:-nrr-- ~ ~ ~ ~ . .,. ,~ "<" . .~._ 1."*_. i . , _. , . . : __-.-.-.-../ __ ," .-'W . ~~.d""^"N.:,,,;il~~~J~~J.: ~ - - - - - - - - _.. ~ ;,~:" - - -.- - - - - - -- - - .: ~t ~ ,~ - co N I - \ ~2,.~;;"..",'"'''' >", ~'c""~_.",,.._' ~ I ,- ~oi><l'''-''':tot:!ot~_--"....::-... . ti.2-f~J:OY':"'" '-'- -,,-~;:;=';':;;:~~'::-';i;;o';':;~~(:;'l" .~ ~ .- 1 ~ 1ti . I.jj i I i MAS TER OEDROOlVl 12r--q"X'Tl f_Uil- .~ i. a~,~ A'I ~A ~ "'\ ~ .~ -~lr~~ I~ "=~"""- ~,.~,-" ;:;=<",~.=~a..._', :L' '\~ ~~ ~..- ~ :,--- --;,~ t 1~1- l~ I'~V Vu-IL..", I' 11 ~ - .. 02~_ J~ '.. ~,l I ~ . I I ~ II BEDROOM NO. :3 t;r.. &;'r~~.~'~<"...,...~.~il ~ TO CoITXTI YO" ~ ~ , I ~ 0 !L~>>lu~ , . n .".,F'! ~ l'.;';.:t~~.,~~-~.. ,~J;,t=_.t-~~....-t"ll ~.....,'... '7~-.=~""~"l ~ 'I . WI'~,", ~. ~ I I' ~ >;,1 ~~.~ I . .0 , - o U ! - ~ ~ - o I I L U K"'.! ~'6 .1';4 .. , ,~ .;~ . LIVING/DINING 15 clF -;, 11 r:n " ENTRY' - o , , ~ ff~ . i ~ - -0 , - ...0 N j'< .~ ,~ ,~ !l ~' ~ , . , rfRST r-lOOR PLAN l.. _....__ _._. SECOND FLOOR PLAN __... ._. _.~._.,._.. "_. ___ ._ _ ~_'_''''NOl'- dit I I"~ -,it,',",'< i.~ t . ~ - ~i -::- ~_.. o t - N t4 ~i'i " ;s ~ --E.9UR BEDROO~~9 TWO BATH UN!T FOR THE HANDICAPPED_ SC^LE 1/11" -; 1'-011 .... ,i'--::.::::::;,I;..~.. ~_..--. . ,,::::'4("~"':"'" -;-':t!':r~~,,:~:::_::~~~~.~~~.,",,'''' ".,..................,.. .~ '-Cl~'-"'--~"):;-~~~'1!~;,.;_~.._'~.....-....~ (i ." " ,; :. ~:.:: : ~" ~i' ( . ( 1\ H .. 14 {' t:t ~ J:1 r " ..~. " .. 11 ;~ . It> . '? ~ ". t" if ( ~ . V e " \. . .. - ;;r~~~.. ,":. .. ,~-~,. "} : -<)~.. ,." ~...~ - 1.. ; :t'" ~";I' ~!'i""~~"""'~~ _____- _ - ___"--d'" -- i.lL_ Ill:.____.. "~"-...-">L;~~.sII'...l---..;.""~~~".,.'.._~_~..~'rlZ4l''''fC!itI.~~!!:r:~ ""'A".~~:>O-r'&l~.~"-~.~.&:-__--~_f~-~~:';'~~~""~~~~~ [;. , ~ , H I I I l ,. ~ I I I _ ._:,:":~2_-~__.._ ._.~,.,:,,-_~_~___-,_~..,,,-~.__. .,-__..__ '-.. I' /1y\EMORANDUM .. .,.0 Peter Cheney City Ma.nager 11M ,r l! Sept; 14, 1981 FILE . ..l..~.&1.. ,.., )- ~~~ ~~lf~'t* "- ,...J' r ~ ""~~"O;~ . ~ /, !'R1 !t~~~ . ~.~ - j - -0 ~ .' .. : _ ., .. ~.Sb'lA....!~'WA I (. .1~ :i.::l:h Y - __ _ . . _' , . " . . . .. . '"" . ,...... .,,{, H-;'~'~\O- _ _ . '- ~ _ .. . '. . _ .) . _'" ~ b~a~,~~ ~~ ":- . o. .. .. '" ~\. .~" .~1 ~'--~' i:r"C.~ ~ f '. . .. ._ .~_ _. " 'r-" ('.'(;.;:';'f. . .: , ,,'" "-~Z'~' .!:1, ~ · 'of t71X!i:~ ......'~I:../ :. '~";-.-.. . . ,:.. " r . ~\... ~(. , . o.t.',1(~>'. "~('?rl '"A.. ~;.!> (6 ...:-. -~ .: . . . ",. ~~it!:;.'-.,..",.", ,~~t..,~-;...l.l'-. .. r_ ) f.-;r-:lJl'~'~ ~"~",,~,;,"~~~.='p~=-::;:r;i-,~"':j;ki1:";u~~~i:~:'~~4J:;i...,'i<.';~rr.,\y.~~ ",' =c.":;" __ I \Jr;:td...~(' ~'~ '\'I ~,. \ '- "~~r~~~~'~~"14' '~~""""""''''M'' 8'Aol ~ ," ,?l .. n "',-..., ....f."t. ... ., . ~.., "'~ ' v ~ -~_. f.. j I ". '., I ~. I '''\ .' ....". " :t~~....(1... I.~ - 11 --... J I ;.<;. . . , ...' I 'I:;: , li ~ I .,... '... .. '":!;' #: . __ _. " I. , . 1.r1.. ll' lj. ~J>1'f: ~'~I ,---- ".;,Itj"1 ':'!'C:"r:: '. ...'""TO""'.......... .' ,',' "In. : i [./~~i..U~ " t.,~~....+-. !'l t', '/t:.\" , Il I ,.!~.~~~Til:. I ;:',', I. . I II ,..... 11....,:.."...11,.,.......'..11 , u' ..' ~"'I;,,' ......~.............~...... ~ ~ 1i{-.:.I...~<}~ II , 1'" I" . . I . .' . .... '- ......,.-"" -- ... .~ "'.f' "':" ~p. '1 (~' . ....J~...I...,,Jlul:.I.....~ .uw....... .....~ . , . ~:;l-;..:....,.-.f.~<= .. _- '~II'" .. I "1/' I """"","""~f"~<m:;;;;!!:;~''''='.~'it:~m'ftl'"'''':~.;-,.';t(j''''''''''~ .\ ~ I ~1*1 ~H.tJ li~'r.1'd JJ,...;;~~.,:f..... u' .. i~ .:. f~":, :'M:' ;:, ~. It II \" ~ ~ lie ~$k~ Ii; ~:J. , ' ..::J f... .:'.\lfr c-:-~. i~ 1\ :- J, . ~~-~., .)...t I tT-\t'\\. ..J\.- ~~~ - [P1' "1,,~i:,J1 r~'-=-'L-_ v->.~t~ i::~~ .~~.~~ .LJf-...~. j .....-..~_A.~,l.... .._-I_~~ -~t~~~~~~l".r'..,~ t"i:" 2-- ~_ _"'~__~-:.:.= ''I''""......~...-...... -~~ -_~~~r-:"" ;w:a~- _ ~~ " Carmen S.. Annunziato City Planner. !!IU!l.JI:CT Requept for Comments/HUD .roOIl/l "'" In connection with your request for reviewu comment. and recommendation on ~~e proposed Grand Circle Townhouse projectg, please be advised of the followinge ..OUR f'COROOM U"', t tHllEE nEO!lOQ!d Utll1 .OUR rtoRClOM Ull! I The application is for housing assistance to construct twenty-f1ve units located in close proximity to Seacrest Blvd.. at NW 7th Ave~ue... The proposal prqvides'for these twenty~five units.to be attached,' t~o~story townhouses of twoK ~three and four bedroomse . The applicant is John Green~.Executive Director of the Department:of Housing and Community Developmento Palm Beach County and ownership of the proposed units would be vested in the Board of County Commissioners.. The proposed:rent schedule is $635 for the 4 bedroom/2 bath unit, $575 for' the 3 bedroom/ l~ bath unit and $521 for the 2 bedroom/l~ bath unit.. Additionally, -'a recreation cente.r is proposed containing a tot play area, laundry and recreation building, basketball court and passive areao TIlRt[ (\(tJRUOPJ tlNI I f.RONT ELEVATION SCALE I ::'0 1'.0'. .- ...,. . /~ --~.'" ...~:!-~ ~./ ,"" ~~"",", /'l "". ,"'~"""'" ~~ ~,,-~~~,( , ~~:'''''it;~~~~~~~ l~'-':,'$1~ ~~.~~ :\~::p'f' :!:I'~'I""~,_~' I, .~~ ...... ~ .t ~...:~....,I I' I ~.~ .......:\':~ E~ ll\J'':-~':;';' ~.:;:: :':m',::.. ~~'!"':- :,~ <<:1" ~~ ~ ~,\ 71 ',I'.'I,! './,1. t, :,,'.!!'" .... ,;, "I:'l~:':l.-. J~~ '.: \ If I,.' ,I " I' II. . I .:;"{."!1"."........ ...... II :"'llb"""'!rr'T~;'" I:",: .,.iJn"'TIT" . 1:;,-,;';:"'11"'. "', .' '.lli1. . . Il~ .-1 ,i' . . .1.. i"ltl rl"';..~ltl"".:.--4' I .l&1l" . ~:r'JiP'>\ l1ll:w:i.. ,., ..,..~..,~ ;...~...",.J...,..lJ...""....,!=.~,..'" I "'. ~ ~ - (~~-)":i'~-1:t"m==-~~"l':'{."!~ . ! ..'. , Jll~f1;' l -!if. D~' _......-J~-'<S. 1 i',:~:"':'6.'>),.;,''jC',~1 ~.,. I ..Vii:. I.. ;..j :\;;: I' l':i t~~~~:;;"~)1:;-J. .. 1 [ . ' : J c_..:. ! ,.,./'?,':'>,\,-i.;:.h$.,/ L-4J1~r.'\.:llliL '-~ _ ..~'4 ._~:::_ t':~~:$dr'~" - .. ~7 r-Ve. "\ ~ ."\. -~./" 1', "'~ 'if'r........... t! '\J.l[' r. ~ J ~~tf " "f)r9 .1\0 ~ ~ {,/:;-- '"; , ~~.11~~~.J __~_.~,I:} ,. J.U ," Ii.: l Concerning the need for assisted housingll I refer to the Housing Element of the Comprhensive Plan which illustrates that in 1979, approximately 130 households had been certified for housing assistance subsidy payments but only 65 had found lodg- ingo An additional 219 Boynton Beach households had applied for assistance FOUR rtO:iOOIh urn r SlOE ELEVATION With respect to locating a rent subsidy type development, this' area in particular scores very high when evaluated against the criteria for public-assisted housing site selection pro- vided'in the Comprehensive Plan Housing Element.. As noted in the PIang even though development of this type may result in concentrating subsidized unitsu the largest proportion of poten- .tial renters currently:reside in the neighborhoodo Additionally the recent park and infrastructure improvements make the area proposed suitable for this usee SCAle 1 U" \'.0' \ ~ , ~_. ....... r----- ...1iJo.., ,;~t~~:~ ~ ~ 'Iq....b'.~. l,$- - .. .__- ____ ".. t>''''$..l~ ..__- \ ,''/ ~~;Jf' r-('..-.:: ~----- -~.J "'.. ;, \.e'~ r . r~. -'"' ..., I JI-. t'i -'!r' .. T;,. . " .! - :0- rt ". ),.';.0.1 '.. .. t:"", ". '. \ , '~ i:2l:.,~,~~~ . f,J;.." ~,P\':" 'I':'i~'~~ ,. '" .l ~ ~ . ~~~k 7_~,1;t - :..p,! JI.;' ~~~--'n'>~~<7r''''''':'':''?'';::-'''_. "'AV~'''':~f''lf'"::-':'''''''''''::~::'7''''rl''';-~-::;:\" " -:r'~'''':',<~J<<''l>,;; j' "H'';'j'<~.;,s ~-""v I~ """'_._,4.z...._.........~..."'-.."'_.~""~~....,~.................-""-'..~' f' r""''''''''''':---''r'' ~U:-.t.. ;~'t .. t 'j j'~-I.':.J ~.:i 1 LJLl, E;;:j....... ;.l;".1; l~ ~. :. ~..~s; ,..l;.....l, .... . ~- ~. . - L.... ,""., ..(H.. t. J: '.,..-. < I" . '';-' .... ~ "';_t '!~ . I. A.a 1.....--- I . ~. i . ~;".,; ~":'! ,,-1 'cJ~-' 'l,1'.c..4........ ,J I' ,..... ..i ..... ..... ....r . .. ~ "-.... " .... I \~' :.; ", :'\-. ... . . , I' ...~'. ~ 'tl" .~ \ :';"'\ ..t.~'f-.,...~~~ ~-.. ...... "--- .... -;.. .. .r...;....,.~~ ,:, ~,... .~~ --. l .~~'";'-""J ...~::;::~~:~f;1J. [1~... ""'l:zr.l":':r~;'~';"'nr"1?T~'I' 't'4'J.Jl~'['''''''''''~' 5.-) ,.' II ~l: 1 I I I -:. ~. I :.....".. I -:,..... ..r~ ......r. ":; -- ; !-::::;;~-' r~-':" - · t/fo!":..:'. .1...1 ~;~ ~;:~;;.. '-=-.. .~..'-'~.0~~;)~--'-~E1~iSl~:...~co.,~;:~~~..:~tl \r ~,;;:,,~~,,'~~~l{L,...;u~ Concerning site rela.ted issues, the proposed plan violates the zoning by proviil1ng attached homes in areas A . and B {see attached m~p and materials)e Areas A and B are zoned RIA and Single-family &etached units only may be constructede The uses proposed for the rp~ainder of the site appear to be consistent with the zoning; however 17 smaller scale drawings would have to'be submitted and the plans approved by the City Couneilo ~ . ~, hill H (> ((Hlf)t'!IJ tiltH two I1UlIlCOY 1>"'1 : /iO (l( OPOOo.l UJ.;ll "i~(( 1'((JIfO,jA.' UIJIl E R 0 tLLJ;lz.g v A n () N "CAU \:s 1'.0. - 1. - o:;f/. Ii" C~=-';':-:i~<)!.'; ;, 't. I}e c" '<,\0 i.J .';>.. ",~. .il 'f "- "D"","'" '\, (f,;( .~. r~ ,;.l '" i";:- 9. cdt i.\' 0" \i IJ 4) ,J ~'";-.. ~\ ~ 9 i~ ~; i. -;"J ~~ .. (\, '. , t. 0 [~(1 \') c, n ,'"' ,:;:. r; G. Q ;? 0 I.':; ~.:-> 1~ I/ i~ ,,~ ".;.: ('; i,;;-- (I 1\,... .- 1r ~,.-:~ >~ ~~., .,~ ;,\ ~. ;'~li> '=' 0 fJ ~ it' \\ \l )1 ,( 'l t\ j.~ D.' .,. f;.r .,;? J')~", '0-" ~'J ] '-lit: ('; '\1 0 ~~, I~ ~3 C),,"' <! IJ~ .', 0" f.} I; e. ;:;. :::' !) '-:'~.- (\ D Ij , "J " \) () 'I \1'~ \~j) r,'. 'l.' ',,",:;\ t::(;, ~l II ~ 4 g ~.,tl 1:;- 1.1 ':-- (; !J I,; II (I :;, " ~ i '.'~, ", .;) t~1 ",' ~j /- o (l~!~ fl " ,I ( " il f I I \1 (j ..- I l' (;' -,'5' ~;c, 'r r"-, L ')~ < ~ f J"'" ~~~^,~'____=~~~oV'fr~,"'L j?~" ~ .", ..,~ ,'I; . w :. l.r;j.~ "' .... :,....:.~. t,~r .., ME^"ORANDUM TO Peter Cheney City Manager nAYE Sept~ 14g 1981 .. FILE I"ROM SUB.J~;:.-r Reqnest for Comments/HUD Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner In summary, the need for rent subsidy units has been well documented in the Comprehensive Plan and in the various Palm Beach County housing documents.. The location proposed is the same as that which was proposed by Auslander (Boynton Terrace, west side only), and sai~ location meets the site selection criteria listed and is consistent with the Comprehen- sive PIano Concerning the plane it only meets local codes in parte Therefore, I recommend that we comment in favor of the concept only, but reserve the right to review and approve plans at the appropriate time~ It c2 &~;n s.r~nunzi~.::t.~ City Planner CSA::mpc _1""1 '~ dr \~ ,.~) ~;. i.\ r(- ;;, -J' _-i ti (\0 \1 \, .. '," ,p i..\. Ii " .t N t \) /j iI /.~ \" '1\ ". \\ ~\' ~:, j' I( ". ;., d.~ ~1( .-T I}l it '; ,) ,{{ '<0" · ,! ',Io~, I .~ (' ! :' ,:, ,~e I") ,\\" ~ 0 A\, " "~~-~'1;~'!t~ .1f.J"_.::rj'~l!~r_."'- c:;J .)"( .J.) c' (:1 I:; ',~ ;;:.-.:. " ?-;~ " o L'" J! I~ (,' I":. <"., I.' 't, """ 11 s~ '\ @ r:.! '~ !IlJ.Ll '~_~iI'..aIillllI~ , , I ~ t ' ft! l1 , I ... I ~. : . '::i \< (l -;1 \~ " 0 \ ) C> I <;1 / CIRCLE (,\\~,,\) - -.. - I ~" ~"~r IQ~ ORf~1 " s r A~"~RO ~ ________. OR'''E: '\~. ________ . eo ". DATA AREA or SIIE AP.R(.~. 3.]9 aCAES e.EA~OOWq 'A..OO.I'.I~ lEI A. 20,SOO SO rT 8, )4.~00" C, H, ISO O. 11,000 · E. ' AI,470 171:'rn AVER..cE DENSITY Y1K 2 46..,.12 OAT"'" 113 e.ft...1 III eAI~S 122 a....'II/Z BA1"S COVER ACE RESIDEIlTlAL UHltS L 'U~ORV, RCtREA 11I)11. A,..OOK TOIAL ' 141,~ZO sa. rT NO.O.U.. , 6 6 on!J" 10, A~ T.56 7,75 ,477 AeRts ,794 ,714 ,390 ,R52 5.40 25 7.]! 0, UIACRE 12U SO n 1185 so' FT' 1020 so:rr: SITE SCALE ,. a It 0' @ \ I U.S4' SO, rT ],000 . Ih.dJS SO. r!, PAVWC CPEEN SPACES AHO 'EtREAflOM 20.600 SO. FT. " 110. PS LAUNORV A~D AECREATION SIT[ UN" rOR UANDlt.PrtO PERSONS -,- ......-~---- , - T '~-- "...- - - .0 """- \ \ ~ ~~EI=IAr=lEC FOR 1 , 11.4', I].~ 14.1!t. e " i I I " , . ! ~~.. ,.. I:" t 1\ ~ 'C , , P T # If t (:0 6 ~) -~ ,p ,-~ :-~:-:=.",;::::':;";'';':''''''~ud~__ry-4_ ~~;:~"""',-~ "'J.~"'.--"~ .. ~'" .J>{" , -./ ~ n . . . . : . I l. ~ ' . .:t .' $ ',II.j . . ""'" ClePT. en.: HOUSING &. CCMMUNlrrV CEVI5L.f.:n:3MENT . . '. ::.:: ~ , v , . -.rill ~ ,-~"'-~" " l .. _ .;? ..it" . (.. 1. t,~ .' :.....~.:. ~:: ~ ~ '1 ~ ~> ~'," l',:: : f. ,,'~'. :~.:~.~ >.~~'J~:'t:.<."."*€:_l?^~. ;C" '11' ...~r .. I -w 1> ~ f 4 "C!lt';~~_"';'::":':'.'':~~'''::~~~..''.'''''Ii'4.,''_"""~"",,,_ I .'....... ~~v, . ~ : ~'. <; , ~ ~ I . III i)'~ &.;., I "~ ~ ,,!l! ''J:!l I ~~ I L 1 ----~~,',;_. - ~ to l' a~~.. , , It '" . .,..\, o ~" 0".. "<F; I .. " I.' '.~ .,-~~~~~ . D~!/t.\: 0 . . 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I I: ri "l1..~j ~.. l I r ~ .. / r [ : . f,: .. 1 t' ~t=:---1 bf [- ~~ ~ .t:=i, ~ ~~,~~~~ ~~?~?OM f,'.1 aJ ~ rD'. !,:,'l. ! ~~ I ' ~~ ~"'''''''''''''''''~: ~":"'~ I I t 15'-8'0 t ,r FIRST FLOOR PLAN SECOND FLOOR PLAN llMO BEDROOM \) ONE aUld HALF 8ATH UN~T SCALE 1/4"=11-0" iI ~~ ~ {( :~~.' )\t ~ -~.'''':::::::::r:;''''''4~''''''~'~ tf ,... f.:: '..; 'G ~ ii" o ,.. . :1 j\ ::t"..?~-~-"'''''' ,...~'-U_"~ ",.---::...--~.,~..,,- 1~~1I;, ,p 1r6)L~'. ~~. '. be . . ,Ji >l lr:-I~ 1;'- ..:l '0- ,\~0~\~t '., ''10 c, ...," lfli\\, .,,!J'/cr/~~ ,1 c."J ~~1'iC\ fL\:D ,.o~lI ~'~,':-~:'::':::::~~~~~'_'f!,~,~_:,,__ '............-""-,~ ~(-'.~~1"F';?--zff . it -, ,~'l~;l)h, ,> II' "'i.\\-' ~. ~ n ( v .~".._",.~,>'"t:'A:'-:-+-:'1,,---'''''''~~'f'''-'''''-~ . 'if7~;7f""':---:-,~~r, ') , "'\<L II ',' i, ,,--_~\,~..;;' " -~~,;.. ,.-' ~~~\ l.A.!:iI" .~ t:.L U(" ..... I~,\~i 'C0 ;1$ t(\",. J~~;~ J~:- ~.~,} If:' , I ' ~tl (j ,~ ~ ~ 'fcL"'-';- . ~~~ "p' ,~~ .,.~~~ ll, "",,'1 ~~~,~ ~(,j \}~~":~? 11-\. 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'- 0 di'~ l'FOVER, -- ~:~ -- J" ~ :J ) '~JID - I':~ .-~ _ , :J! :t\.,~~ ,~' It\ ",,,,",_.,""1 ~ ~, " (;;OA ~ Cl. ~ I I .~ '~ 'r'~ ~ UP .... "0 , o ~'""'1;~"'~~' I e v I1UJ ~~) \\~ptl I I ! . L_______________________J t 22'-8" 1 I \ FIRST FLOOR PLAN ....--..... .u. ~ I. -- -_. -- ~;Q,;~~ffi'il~~~ [ r t ~ Q~~~!:""l~ .,,":::.:'; ';' .... 'o:C6':.(~5i" ~ t ~ " ::~~--f ---~~ ": :~ ~n-", --'~ . _~=--7.~ o R BEDROOM NO. 3 0'-0'1 It 90-3" ,i:\ co MASTER BEDROOM 13 r:2f'T XTP -0 n-- , Q o " f, ~ 'I; i '=' 0"<"'''1 'cO OOWN< "t'"] ~II r ,;. \! of) ,9 9 ~ " 6' ~ .. BEDROOM NO, 2 WI_Oil ~ 1 rr:rrr Cll~:E & o I R " t' '''f'-S' go lr ! r 22'-0" SECOND FLOOR PLAN u~AErE IBHElC>>RO(Q)~'\fJtJ ONE (Qw~@ D1JAlF !8Au~ QJJN~T SCALE -'1/4"=11-0" ; :1 j\ ,-- .;;,' '''::::.:;::.~"~,.....~.'"';t''t~ '~~::::::.':-- ~"4,.... .1'- " ,/I' J) ~~o .~p,?;;_3~ .' II 0."" jf ~o QQ. " ~02",f ~",'m-~:;v\- ,~~ ~;tlb~ Ho 'f~1! f~~ ~:) Pi r;'~r; ;{(\~~~~ J~'1." ~.,,'&~ iL fk\dL r ^ .;.; " X.1 [' 1 e"~'~~,',.,~~.."'t;;~~~,j~,,,r'4-.-"" ._ J~ -C~l ~/-;:{f; I.l' ~lk,;! "- ", .~;1,\ "~ ~~ "JJ~; .~ ~ '-'~e..-:;- "~\,' .~~' , \ ~ -o~,.::.~,;)l5~i-'Ci . o .,.f.5(';;r.\~i/" ,..p,~,Wdl, " ?A~ I]~\" ,:,,!> i~().':.... ,,;;;'1 j'''- " . .;l! . '-, ~": [ h ;(~ " J e'l. .. ;;\ I.'~) ~;l \~ '"~'\" "'-'. Ol?!: ~, J! ~r ~l.~ ;21 5)i ; rP:'~iP.~ ;r^~ ;.' " ~ ~"-~ t>V1 !'~~ C'( " 1),.\\1 ,) ~~. or; .~ 1" '~ f!i. ;~ ~~ """ "';); ~ 4 -' '1( "'\ "'- '\ \'1L , ~!),~ , ~~,~~ ~(~ ~ "" €-'1~'i-'l \,1I.\f :r rJ~ L~) ~(? k)ll'~ '~'~ ~'~ Ltf .) ~j ~ ~;< 4- If i~ (~;i!:, "t) :./...1 ~ . ~,c'S';;;l~ ':':':":';e~ .'~__" ',_. "~. , . . .' 9" .' f~l , ~\~.,....~-,--..-.... ---'~" ,.,~..- '. (f __? C.'; ~\ ~.-, /9': '\ .'." \( .1~ \) '{1U! y' ~....-?J1'P ;;\"? ' ([Ii\)(~i ~.:> -:IL \\." Il'~ ~.- ... (',:.r.;~~ v, J ,'( {l ..' '. I ,..,.~~....-ll -c "..]l~ f ) ,.r .\Y > I \\ i~ \\\ , ,> ~.{{1 , f f D .. (0 ~ ~ G ASPHALT SHINGLES o "" ~ 1// I', \t 4.5 112 I R~19 INSULATION METAL DRIP J .): ~ Q,~ :: !.l0 ~,~ 0 ~\, ' I '" ~l ~ co ~,~ /1 i' , '<>', tI,.f '~ 2x4 STUD WA~L ,~ r W /Pl:YWOOD SIOI NG ? '~~l'l IN.SULATION. , I ,,~ r{ 'WOOD TRIM ~ : FLOOR TRUSS ~I ~ ~J ~~ p :: r=l 2xo STUD WALL I - W,/WIRE LATH AND ~, 0' ~J STUCCO ~~l .. , R-ll INSULATION ~ ;.. ,p " FLASHING J MONOLITHiC FOOTI NG " " ~ ~ ~ 9 TYPICAL WALL SECT~ON SCALE 1/2"=1'-0 II q. \',.','('.. ?] ~1 .s . :1 .:' ,.~. ~'-~:-,::::~:~...=~,,- ~::~:':~-';'"""--~ "', ':.-..." ii.',:~': ~ ......~, n;:.-""""~ ..-..~.:.~~~~___ _,."""",~~i:.-"''''''.''''''''~--''' o I 'P' .."---..~_,JL~.... .----,..,."'~"...~ "~'}';' '"':~:-:::':;;-~~.,;:;"~;7~;r-"'M';''";:.;;''';;;:';:',".::t~ ~ 1 t' \ 'II ~I il ~ o~ ,.~ . \(~J ~.~ ".;: ":" 1 '\ ( ~ J\ .& ,. I k < ~ J ~ ~,; :~ q( " ; 1~~- .. ..\, A, t~.~..._~-_.._........ i~ OT0,r:!I - lor~ Jr> .. :b.. ~(Yj('.." ")'<'--~1..F"T: ) ",.r f! 0'., J.. , ..P, 1\." (i'\," ,l,,{'. ('" '..:dr \\ -- ~0\ ~p. \.;;:".~ ......'">. (j ~~ ~l;' /> v ,. :<;"'; >. ~ , t l> # ;J' ~i ^ . ", . --< "-,~,,,,,,,,,,,,:,,,,--~~._~...._~~--.,,~. 1~"\l'''' 11( '" c' '>\~ .)(0 ),)1"" -(, ,. ,-' -~IL It- . 1"< 'r'\~J~. . ;r--.-;!.." ...'F'Ir~Ir:;-<;}:'lr--':''''{i., .1/1,..,.--.'--:'$, o. -\(..s--\~, "',....':::,'.1' \'r :;< \"'YI, {;;:;"YJ...,'- I .0' .."ll lh ~.::, I""". '.;,' ..--.;:.... "~^. . --'_.. ,~ )7 l~ If II~/ n,,'\~'~ , ii'-" /I'. . ,Ji ~':lJ)' ,-.... r:: f!:, '~",.""'!i' ~.,~ 0. -',. , ',' (; ..,,(/ ,'; rf]"W~:~.-; . 'ir-:?~ \\...~~_' ~t . .~~ ,cf? tf' ",.;:;:.W.l.. ,~, ~t ,'?~--:=;=,J( . I.~i)r- ", ''''''--4, 'J ~::.~/ rr ~~. ')' ~. f!f '):l -:-,-"., /;;--:::_~ _? -.::.'''''c .y iI,1 v-:----' II , 0 !r---:-'"'~ " ,,..,,~~.',\ <3 "/1 - -0 I - -0 ~-- = '" I - = ~ 0 I "" I - '" N . ENTRY -11 J .. ~ " ,. C' ,;, Ii · t " ~ ~ ~ ~/ r ~:::::::~- =;::;::::::::;;':t~' . ...:::" ...~!...".. .. ~....=;....-.~_.c:....~--- ~........;".. -~,;;~.-,.",<", :_~ .t:3", -.. -:.-----. --. ---- p no STorMGE 6'-6" x 5'-0" ~ .., ------- "~ ~~ ~I , I : Jft.'I - .. MAS TER BEDROOM [3 ED ROOM NO. 2 l~r':illlxTI r-rJ II J qr:TorrXIuGlil- . ..^. ^~ - " ,~ / . .. .. ---- LINEN - --- --- .V - U . . . - - DOWN .~ ---:-- - '-- R I BEDROOM No. ., - -~ . - CH^SE 10'-0" x 1 rgo" . . '. . . . .. . - - - 11 . - . . - . . ~.. . . . . .. 0 - 1 . - t , 22' -6" '" I I m KITCIIEN -d- ITT-O"X9'-S" 1~8 _R~,~___~ , LIVING/DINING T~xnq'J" " I '.1 r--h------:;'~:.,----~--------~ f f:IRST FLOOR PLAN II::> . ~_~~..Q~DI FLOOR PLAN~ FfoUR BEDROOM. TWO BATH UNIT FOR THE HANDICAPPED. SCALE 1/4" :-: 1'-0" . ~ . :1 ;~:. 1\ , ~ . .. I ':.... , . . . \ .'. .. "-' . . '" : -/, ~ . '. ...... . . ..~, '" ,:- ...'-- .. - III " ,.~~ , { ~> ' ",- -- - I I I I ~jo . 4 :~JI'~:;;-~_A.'~ .-.- q~__.__.;;t... ._ ".l.:o... '. -...... ~~ ~~......~.-.~~....~~ ~~ .._--....~ J7 ~... '-, .....i.\ 1.,....-- r--,-=' ',- ,~ ~ 1 ~ I "f0 Peter Cheney City Manager DATE Sept ~ 14 J' 1981 . ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I ;I I - . . . , ' .. .. , _...._.............._.'----__".....____~......__~__ __......" ~_.._c__~.._...__._~___ .., l MEMORAt'-~DUM .oj. ... .. :', .. MEr\l\OR.ANDUM I "'0 . . Peter Cheney City Manager DATI[ Sept; 14, 1981 .J Il' P"LIt I r "'" -)- "'''DN Ca.:naen S. Annunziat.o City Planner. !iUB.JIICT Request for Comments/HUD ""Lit ,,-r--.' FMOM Carmen s~ lLqnunziato Ci ty P laIlner SUBJECT Request for Comments/HUD ...r... ...---.... -"- -- ...... .. ..... ~ , .. -. ...-.. -... -: ..~...' .....:..; "..- ;..~ : ...~ I , < . ,..,.. .- . ....... , '- " : ~~ ..... ... -:.: - ~-... " ~~':"''':'1:,-:' ..-;..... "- ~ . ",I I .'.i"4J , ....:.t;.. .1"~1 '(' .... m '~ . I ", ""'~"" 1)' ";, j ~.. '" . ,.., J... ~r\;1 t;, :~i ~~~. ~ In connection with your.request for review, comment and recommendation on the proposed Grand Circle Townhouse project, please be advised of the following~ In SUJiUnary, the need for ren't subsidy units has been well documented in the Comprehensive Plan and in the various Palm Beach County housing documents. The location proposed is the s~~e as that which was proposed by Auslander (Boynton Terrace, west side only), and saifi location mE~ets the site selection criteria listed and is consistent with the Comprehen- sive Plan. Concerning the plan, it only meets local codes in part. I I I I I ! ..,. The application is for housing assistance to construct twenty-five units located in close proximity to Seacrest Blvd. at NW 7th Avenue. The proposal provides for these twenty-five , .. 'unitsto'be attached,- two~story townhouses of two, ,three and four bedrooms. . The applicant is John Grcen~.Executive Director of the Department:of Housing and Community Development, Palm Beach County and ownership of the proposed units would be vested in the Board of County' Commissioners. The proposed:rent schedule is $635 for the 4 bedroom/2 bath unit, $575 fox' the 3 bedroom/ 1~ bath unit and $521 for the 2 bedroom/l~ bath unit. Additionally, .a recreation cente.r is proposed containing a tot play area, laundry and recreation building, basketball court and passive area. Therefore, I. recommend that we comment in favor of the concept only, but reserve the right to review and approve plans at the appropriate time. 1!lUl'l 1'[01l001of UNIT TIlREE BEDROOM UNl'i THREr 8E'DROO,", 11M' ,.OIlR flr:nROOM UNlI rRONT ELEVATION SCALE 1:1" 1'-11- I I I I I .- -.. . ~ ., I;.. } Concerning the need for assisted housing, I refer to the Housing Element of the Comprhensive Plan which illustrates that in 1979, approximately 130 households had been'certified for housing assistance subsidy payments but only 65 had found lodg- ing. . An additional 219 Boynton Beach households had applied for assistance c-<~_____ S'C ~ Carmen S. Annunzial City Planner CSA:mpc i'OU!l rtDROOM UI'II r ~- ~ '-. .~ii.. 'M-.' ,- 7.2~i...: .!lP" ,; --':: ..:;1..---...;,p.. __._ ~. --0- ~---- - With respect to locating a rent subsidy type development, this:area in particular score3 very high when evaluated against ~he criteria for public-assisted housing site selection pro- videdin the Comprehensive Plan Housing Element. As noted in the Plant! even though development of this type may result in concentrating subsidized unitsQ the largest proportion of pote~- 'tial renters currently.reside in the neighborhood. AdditionaliY the recent park and infrastructure improvements make the area proposed suitable for this use. l - SiDE F"LEVATION su.u: 1 U. l' -0' I ~ I ~ l L ~ .- ..--- . . ..........s .. .,- . -.... . . '. r Concerning site related issues, the proposed plan violates the zoning by providing attached homes in areas A and B (see attached m~p and materials) . Areas A and B are zoned RIA and sing'le-family detached units only may be construct.ed.. The uses proposed for the remainder of the site appear to be consistent with the zoning; however, smaller scale drawings would h~ve to'be submitted and the plans approved by the City Council. ~.. ; t !:IllEE IIEDII90ll UlIIl1 tw!l8EOROO~.. UNU' THO ilEDROOIII UNIT "'"E[ flEOllOOM UHf r I' FRONT EliVATION !.iC.e.lt 1:1 Q'-o" - , ..l. , -.:~.,~ll_'.' ,~. . , .~ ~"'~~.;~ ,.' ,.' ,-' , ," (I \) /;t,'; "'''\\ :; ;<~,,\\ ,~ ,01 !....J..llL'*-. ':t..., ~ ~ '..r ., '~r . ", -l~~~.-.,,~. lli-' "- . "'...... ' i/fI,.....' _;.&.~.u~._....~~..".UL ']ltll \ '" ~;.,-:"J .. ....., .:(:..~:~ 'l'-'l'.: ,/ /" ~.,.,(../, j/TJ I ~ I I I I I Ii I - I ?9 XJ I I I I ~ ~ " ~ ~;; '" 'tI, l.." t.1 'c.'';:,:::::.~:/~~:;.,>~\... . f _~_' ~_J____~...........~~.....-' .. ~ ~ ~. "I -I' :::~;:-~8'- ~~-':"" P'i~(TIl~ O~IVE ., \ (- ~~ ..~ 1- "? \ o " \ ) I C> CI~rLE / .E~TA 'Rt" OF SlTt ..,ROX,'." lCQU eREuOOW~ "PP.OXIMATE' A. 20,800 SO. H, e. '4,bOO c. ".150 0, 17.000 . E, 41,470 l~ 141. ~20 sit FT I/O.O,U.. , b b O!:ll5J" 10.4~ 7.'6 7,7' .477 AC.E! ."4 .774 ."0 .4'2 ..L !,40 AVU~E DENSITY 7.37 0, WAcnE I,I'X 2 " e,~, "2 e'TI/S.. 11' e....,1 1I28lT'tS 12 2 8,~,1/11'18ATNS 1215 SOFT, tt 85 SO. FT, 1020 sa,rT. SITE SC"LE COVE RACE RESIOENTlal U"'ls U.S4' Sa.H. LlUNOR... .REcnaIlOI/.lFP.OX. '.000 fOUL U:irno.-rr. , , "p' ~ $> t!' (j ~ ,"fO.a a.wt "" " <;J "~ -~~ ,.. "0' @ PREPAREO FOR t , cePT. OF HOUSING Go COMMUNITY CEVELOPMENT 1I,4r. l),'>l' 14. :~ "\ltl/C r,'HN SP'CES '''0 .EC.UTlON 20.600 sa. FT, 110,11' . L.UNO.... "'lO UC~U"ON SITE 1:HIT '0. U5NOICAP"EO PE~SOI/S e '. " ' ! ,,~ r!~ _:1 1\ ~~"-'-':"- ....,..;jV'" _..-:.,~". ,... ~ . Iii'. .oj.rt ."';' , ~. ~ . l' ~. . , . . . .' . J ~. .; . / ri oJ "'- ~ .~ ,~ ......... ' t'.I" '" " .' .., ,",r" . .. . 7, . , .'. .' . ) " ' I'" ~,,",. . "'. ....... / 1 ,'7 " . '" .' ~. ...., ;;iP ] ~ \ \ \ . " I ~ . ,\,.' ":.'7t.:';~:::_......:,,~,~~_,,~ ... __. ").0.,.., ~ . ~ ~ ~ ""..:0' .' ~}'. \! , I i ,,'). tiII(.'&~~;-, ~,",~......-:;'''"''~..~.::., . ~L~~' . ~;! .~ ~''''''',' .' . "" ,'. _.~''', 'C' .'~~~' '.........'. '=------~ n' .....,j o 'r., '" B_1,' ~-~'\'. f "<Oil f) "' () i? ;:, <;:: \\ " .0 ?' o " ::::: c , " U c ~r'2' o 0 ".\ 't:l 0 "l\ C' C-':'Q '-' u {J '";J , a':' ~ -;.:, 'I' - o 00 ;,; 0 ~-q, o~ Q;,l ~l~ () d OCCl_ U CJ,p-,;., {) -o~ <I) c .,r~ e ~- ~'"'; ~ ~, ,- ~"I o -'-'b,'J ,~ ' f. - -9, r? ,.,(j O. <j oq'<;1,o ~~ r:P _'; dO 0 "", o 0 rllP ,0 , G'- 0' <::. \) " ? Q(i (J o o S ~ " '1:..""" -" ",:t B~ '-a'~ J .", o 0 b () 00 " 0 " l:i !';-""'" ~ P." 00 " .".j'.. ',l,--~ " 0- o } o I p ~ r ~ r. C , T ',G..J ~ CI , ~ C?:, '\, c; - t> ~ "'" >:) .. , Q .0 ('~f l!l- A, ., . t I o~o~ o~~:~"~~ ~ ,"VI l'> .y< , # ~ l{' II lp .Q o , .g f.' r"" :;, p ~lnol I /' ,~ I I 1 I r. '. , ~ ----~~~--........- ~~,=- ~ ~ r I. < ...-- ~ ~ i S'TORAGE I -0" )( 3 I -8 I - f':i t' t\j t ~-~(~~ t=- ~~ffl~'&)~ I~I _.J OOt.- ---I : t 00' do KITCHEN 8'-0" X J.5'-0" ENTRY UTILITY DINING <~\ , " 91-0" ){ SP-3" 0 I ;, 0 , - 0 .-I ! (<"\ p=J ('('\ , . 1 COA T Cl~ ~C> LIVING '['2'-2" X 12t-o" f '. () V;C:'~~:~~::::::'~"':::::::'~~~"""'~". o . u \J"'o JZ{. 1/' fJ o ~1>~(P"'~ \ ...o~() 151-8" FI RS T FLOOR PLAN I [rr~Jr~" ~, ~ : . I "1 !~~r<J',.1 pi . L2 BEDROOM NO, 2 - It .. ~ 101 -10" ){ aI-a" ~._~ I r, .. t -{; ~ 0' '0', ':o~ t t"/ [ ~. ~ ~ DOWN . 0 O';i 0 i H r .~ D " ,I ~ r'j ~. :1 : l~ -G '~"="" ~ I I ~~ ., ~" ,~~ /~t lIJ/ASTER BEDROOM 121-0" x 121-0" ~ I 0 I'", .'--', ".\'Io ."", "" 't'nM '" ~.!trt%'~~ 9CS?i.)~'t~O"\<'t1'~G~. ~~; I t 151-8" l' SECOND FLOOR PLAN TWO 8EDROOM ~ ONE aUld HALF BATH UN~T SCALE 1/4"=11-0" ," I.','. I:' j\ ~~,. ;-.:.::..;::;:,...,~':.~,'".c .-~~". " .If ../2" t::"F, '?;'1'.J " .... .",,1 . C ~ . ~, II '6 ";.r' ;:?, il. i,,;, \~"-'~/. . ':::""'~"':";:-~:~-:'~~'~~~e."';L~ "",,",,-~,.- () ~""\n.., (Ii ~-,~"'-;;-~~,~,_ :"~: , 4 ~~') '" l-li 0.. ';'\\.~, -i] ., o I br- ;'i:/rrJ),.}lt) l/"'_ '~,.~: 1\ a l ~'.l" t'~ n'''' ,I." ~ dt 'j '~r' CJ ~'" I; o . .,;;,' j f,' " fiw i';'.'" 'C. <~ 1r ~-, ~ \.",; \\ l~~Cl" Ii (r 1 - ., ( , "" ., : v:~ _', ~'\~i C " , ~ ~ f1 /,"\1,,, [ l ~Ci1 ,~~ ,:~~'~;: f"'~~ b ~". (~t~\~ X;-f)-'~b ~'(J';,i'~ I.,. -'.~. _\~. fP" r~\ ."0; .- ~~'~i;Y~ -- " "~'~~ ?t~1. '}h~..c: ~tf~ \:-,,<'"-,';: ..""-';"-" ~;.~~: !;~~ ("f,~ ,];! 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I , ;..1 ~ ~J_ " o " ~ ~l " ..~'J. ..~.,~ d J -- . '~'I." -1 o " 11 gt~~O~t~?. 4 <D Ii I _ -J,..."g~ -I"-,~-,~~LLQ -.,,~ ,,'0' ", I '. I r - - - - - - - - - - : ;,~;'. - - - -- - - - - - - - - ~ -} ~IRsr fLOOR PLAN 4.~:: )iJ) , . JI ~ - .- '\~ ~'.'-.' ".J-~ ~'~w"" ''''lC': -~ ~ i --I ":7iTi:.i:E j , ., ~ I\,~AS TER BEDROOM rzr:7fi1xTI r.:nrr-- ~~ ' t01'V' ~.f~~ ---~UNEN ''n.~~-~ __I.: ~ -~ I>,~V ~ BEDROOM NO. :3 WI_Oil ~ 1 rr.1(f" 11- (~ "'" 2 21-6" " , ~",:,V'VCii_n j' . I ""'i'r~">'4,;"'..:-.~-J BEDROOM NO. ;2 9T=-Torrti1oqn" ~/,.^,' t : "" 'L-.!J B .' DOWN nO. 'J \" CH^SE "I n .C\ ~ .1,., o ~ECOND-< FLOOR PlAN...:m., ,FOUR feHEfDROOfv1o TWO BATH uwrr fO~ THE H~NfO)~CAPPlED .I! -::- """-: L . " .'. . A . ._ SCALE l/ti" :-: 1 '-011 .'. :. /" -~;~.,:~:'::"":::::~~- <~,-:;.;c.~='::::::T- ,._.,,::-c " . r,\ Ii) ,"'-J/ O~OI::,t' 'j 11 0 'll 0 "\\ "6 "\. " I; .."~ o :.', ..... o o IJ 0 0 ../I ,; n fo' Jr' ,\, c ~ . Q " ~ dt~r; v -,. Ill, !I.{( ::19 ~ ',,'...t'.... ..,- \ ,-, n . ,\ ) . 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" 1 ,-."j_".::::"\-.,,-~l-;~,,:,,l', """,((;.~ 1,..,..J: -.'.., ~" ,. ,c.. ,.... .' .~.-~:(;a,~y..>tr I.:;:W]:-f- f$ ~~}- i(jr.r-\~~~r-~', '.:t:""~~' \>~I/,.::,{;!_,.,,-...{ '2~_,')y", i..........-.~ {/"/-, --\!l~j.;.~{~~.\\,f.& -cl:-1,~~7o~~e'~ ~;-- .(--:,,-~,\ J'" ":,,. ,~,~, f. lF~ t:~. 't";"';>rl'J.,;..'~ut~','--/~ :1(. r 6 ~~'::..::~ - ,'Co" _ _ _\~'';}f ',~~ j<Yi j) _ ,"'" ,''0 t'J:' , :2~ _ "~:..\ ,1:Qi7j( ~. _ ,~,;..,,:p:v'l)Sb:_ ;;., -l/~ "!j"" ~ /!r0t;-~ ~~l 0 ,tr If" ~~\:h '\Uf~l v.~-- _ " ,f'~~1 !11l!/, ~>>~~::i- ~~~) tl!Jt'p::; il'+'L~ P.,- "Jf \,..::\ ~~_ d~ ~~\.~c "" ).. ,..... r -"- { ,-...~ ...... 'J ~W....>f~ 'I . 'ope -" I .'~'tr~)!;. .:" .." ---" # '1~,/" "- =-- 6 t:. J. , ~~/. lr '--~'j ~~' f?~ 'l-~ . I '.\l!,. - r;;UR rCOROOU utat tHREE IltDROOI,t uttlr FOUlI n:nonou un11 'lIiOi([ BtnRODU UUIl I"ROMT SCALE ELEVATION I W' ,..n. "'" ".. ....r ... Yr ~l~ {~\ ;)'r;-.... 'j . l' .-, .' 'r:~~' I ~~~~ 'il_ rjlt r1t/r- M;, I. 'if, iJ,t '14 .. ~ 1 '., -n L iO' _., .>t-,;.,} ,tI.l, (', rauit ("[DROOI.I UNI r SIDE ELEVATION SeAL! 1 0" 1'.0" \ ~-..; .- .--- ~. ---- r--- .-{' ~~~,It;:' ~L:.J; -:..: -to IHAE( nEOAonu UNIt 'IIR[[ flEDROOU Ut.t1 r (\'fO BEDQOOU Ur:1f fllO p[UROaU Ur:H FRONT ELEVATION f1 L ( 1 1\ . .. _."._ i -::~R---"-';;r--7'- 'SCAll l tr ".0" "';-}~;l~" ~L.;.". ..::~.~ We will only consider comments received by us within 30 calendar days from the date of this letter. If your unit of government does not intend to submit any co~ments, please notify us as soon as possible so that we can expedite the making of our determination. ~ny comments should also be sent to the appropriate A-95 cleari~ghouse(s) on or before the date of your submission to this .office. .~ Thank ou for your .a ttent ion to this ~in r lY~==; . iZ;i;;~j- . A~L -.~ matter, ,~L",,~... .~,_~r:""'_~"" "',' f"l""" c, ==-.. _.,,", "l\ '.:;' ./", Sf.\ '>... '.. '''o0o..r . if l! il ,Fzr;I""1i~'t~~{'--~?s: .. '" :-.d'''';;,;---:..~t -..IF'i;,<?~'t ':~';3'i'El\ ,flfJf '.'~ ~- ~ .!!'Jr-.~ _ ,(! -~1 - - Ii 1;:--cl q~:g~) ,.,y,\} '!'\~ ./j J!~~- '2-~ ~_i_. 7r;_~, !:! .r-. 1f~,\\'j,. ,}b ;\d "t':?jjt;;:;.:: lJ 1 I 1 I; II r] ~ j :\l f ~ ".~,IP' )'t ~::..-'" ~~~ t".>/i~ &~ tW c;.?-s;,~ {~10oz~ -"J" <':Jl<..,\.<," ~~ l,~~r-:' '-~;'j" '.,;:C..) :t~;. lii tJ5-'j'i.\~~/\' '\?jJ I;:t ',;.....~:..;:\ !~ ~it~ _ ~. ;~L ~:..r11~ ,~..,., ~'1; !' - \\ !?~~ " MEMORANDUM september 9, 1981 e0 TO: carmen AnnUnziato~ ci tY:p.~armer ,~ RE: Grand Circle Townhouses will you please review the attached correspondence and provide me with your comments and recommendations concerning this proposaL f2~ Jd eter Lo Cheney City Manager PLC:jc Attachment cc: Mayor and city Council - w/attac~~ents Central File ~~ ~ )? ~"., r~ I,}, ,...---..--'~; ;z:: ,=:- #' _~~;' 'ii' --,...-4'~\~w,'), .,_~5'<~"T,\\",",,'Z")C:.~';.':'~:-7"~?~~~~;Y;:~':-:V ;,;~J''::'/ ,- f;i'? g.'\~lun 0, <J'" ~nn(l.~r.. +"<;, " 1,1!.;:1 - .~: Ili,1II * j t"O)~"Da",..()'6t:> J \1 :, .J ~ r 'I 1 ~ I II ,,{l";"l, ~b' . It' ~;-lr--~:;:-~I~)7"'tt'-- .,'v' '.. """'JI.l'"7-'1f' '" '(f., tt, If ;r; ,,~\.,'Z' \~ '~'r(i~ "~~ ';t) . " d" ,;::\)\~( "', '.' \1: , I J~L~-r--l\"l~ .' ">;r:'" .. , . 'I'W'!'" \I 1!6rW '~\?" ({ " ' .', !}'j)';/ ~.\J.(.'j,1.l, r jf::;,.I.~\ .. 'c )~, f} ~; ~( i\\".;t.-c.-',j "~"r )~ '''',;\ts~(( ~~= v REGION IV DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND UBBAN DEVELOPMENT JACKSONVillE AREA OFFICE PENINSULAR PLAZA ' 651 RIVERSIOE AVENUe JACKSONVillE. FLORICA 32204 August 26, 1981 '1.1> M ~ ~y IIIl REPL v REFER TO; 4.6 HDH Mayor of the City of Boynton Bea.ch r.o. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 I (cf__Sf~.-l . :\C"> c.~ W' :::1 /f.~/ . - '. Dear Sir: Subject: FL29-0064-032; Grand Ci~cle Townhouses; Boynton Beach ~e ~re.co~sidering a Preliminary Proposal for,housing assistance in your Jurlsdlctlon ~nder the Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Program for New Con~tructlO? The proposal consists of 25 units to be located at ~rand C1rcle Dr1ve, Boynton Beach . The proposed distribution of units 1S as follows: .:,.: ::. ..r~; '.,IC~ Structure Types Elderly/ Handicapped O-BR I-BR 2-BR Total Units Sma 11 Family* I-BR 2-BR Large Family* 3-BR 4-or more BR Detached Semi- detached Walk-up Elevator 12 11 2 25 * By regulation, an owner is required, wher~ practicable, to have at ~east 5 percent of any small family and large family units deslgned for and accessible to the physically handicapped, Pursuant to Section 2l3(~) of the Housing and Community Dpvelopment Act of 197u, HUD must determlne whether or not there is a need for such hous.;ng assistance, and whether there are or will be available in the area,public facilities and services adequate to serve the proposed houslng. A proposal may be'approvp.d only if this determination is in the affirmative, The r~view criteria to be cons~dered by your unit of ~overnmen~,are outl1n:d in S~bpart C, Applications for Housing Assistance ln Areas ~lthout Houslng ASslstance Plans, of 24 eFR Part 891 Review of Applications for Housing Assistance. ' We invite you to submit to us all comments or information your unit of gov~r~ment considers to ~e relevant. to our determination including, in addltlon to the above, slte related cornr.\ents and whether the proposal is approvable under local codes and ordinances_ hbile we will not be bound by any such comments or infor~ation, all re1evant Co~nents or informaticn you provide will bp considered. :( '-'_. \t ",I A .o~ ":~l .... &, &7',)'.(< .,~ ~( , j' r" j' r.-'~ '!i " .~. 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(r" "'!I' II ..,{( rAy.!1 /./ , ~f' .'11'-.... /' di i!j.{" >-." r! ,,,_,,r' t~ \ '1 I " j I ,._""""~J4;."",,...: '".,' ,.- ,.- -.'.. i t:i~ --"~)e:~~'-:----~~ ~~~1;r"\:"i'n ~~;11~\'4.. r.::?" l~\::Y .r::; -.;. ~t~:-'i.::~_'~,:.::,:~~~:~~;~ii'-~~jf;;.~~ ".- -:"'~~.~, . -:f "1':;'-' \i --,:I-:! (,,-t" ~~ '- OM8 NO, 63.llOli76 ( 19 "?,L 1 APP1.ICATION - PROJECT MORTGAGE INSURANC~L.7-7 ;f506Lf _ ==:':"'- U S DEi'ARTMF.NT OF HOUSING AND UlllIAN DEVELOPMENT ,. FEDEIlAL HOUSING ADMINIS,\'\lA'r\OH ( Project N aMC: I'rojecl Number: y Unassigned Grand Circle Townhouses N/ A nnd the FEDERAL HOUSING COMMISSIONER. TO: h . . f S " . ., f $ . to be insured under t e provllllons 0 ec.lt'n The undersigned hereby reques~s a loan m the principal amount 0 " of the Nationlll Housing Act SlIid loan to bl' secured by a first mortgage on the property herel~a,fter t[t~~ed. Insurance of advanc<ls during l:ilnstrucli~n 0 in, 0 is not desired.O Feasibilily (Rehab.) 0 SAI'Y1A 0 Com!ltlona um . Type of Mcrt(lsr.or: 0 PM 0 LD 0 n-s 0 NP Permanent Mortgage Interest Rate %. A. LOCATION AND OE5CRIPTION OF PROPERTY: 1. Slreel No:!. \2; :sueel , 3. Municipality I.e. Cen,,"n Tract Gra~J Circle Drive Boynton Beach 61 7. Typo of Project: 0 Elevalor Q;l Walkup 8. No.Storie1 9. ~i'a'l,n~~lion; Full . o Row (T.M.) 0 Detaebed 0 Semi.Delaehed 2 IlXl Gralle 0 Busement 11 Numb<Or of Unil. 12, Number 13. List Aece....ry Building" l1J1d Area . of'l:ull..:"g' 10. IXI !?ro"o""d o EttIlIUnCl 16Fi~;id~ Z~I' 33~e35 1!9a. Basement Floor: I'al1la1 Crawl Slrucluxll! :Slab on o Bamt. 0 Space OSlab !Xl Grode 13n. LIlli Recrealion FucUilien l1J1d Arca laundry and Recreational Facili Basketball Court 17,000 Sq. Ft. 1>. COUDIlI Palm Beach Revenue Non..Revl o 9 25 BUILDING INFORMATION OConventlont\lly Built SITE IN~'ORMATION 16. Yr. Duill 16a. IOMl1J1ufaclured Housing OModulen OComponentn 117. Struclural Syntem I Wood 17;a;;J' Floo:j:-r:1synte", r18. Heating. AlC I I _, System 10 . 1l10r Centra 1 1~. Dimenslonn: . ft. by ft. or 147,620 nq.ft. Propose II>. Zoning: (If recentl)' clUlllgerJ. sutmut evidence) 16b. Exterior Fi"im R-3 & R-I-A Masonite B. INFORMATION CO~CERNING LAND OR PROPERTY: 19. Dato 20. 21ddilional Co,ln 2X~~J-a1a~~~~~a 23a. Acnuired Purehase Prlee Paid or Aeerued Rent Total Cost :l3ll. 0..: stl1J1din(l r.:i w.r.e I I 24. Urlatlonship' ilusiness. Petsonal or i O...ler TJetween Seller and Buyer t I I ! ! 3-18 68,000 S Distance ~ 26. UnusuDl Sile Featl1Ro: o s $ $ 25. UtWlieo, ~ CommunilY Water Scwors ~ 00 At Si te At Site m l\:"ne o o o CUla 0 FIUlI o Poor Drainage [] Other(SpecUy) o Roelt Formation a o High Waler Table o Erosion [] Rctlllnlnll Wt\lIa o OUoSlte ImprovomentD C. ESTIMATE OF INCOME: 27. Number of Living Area FllUtll:t Typc Unit (Square Feet) Composition of Unlto Unit Rent Per Monlh T~lltly Re~', for Unit Type 2 1.215 4 BRs/2 Baths 635 $ 1.270 -- tl 11 1.185 3 BRsl1~ Baths 575 6,325 $ 12 1,020 2 BRs/1!z Baths Is 521 6,252 o ,. $ o $ 2G. TOTAL ESTIMATED RENTALS FOR ALL FAMILY UNITS s 13,84/ 29. Number of l'arllin(l Space.. per monlh o AUended o Self Parlt Open Spates @ G Covered SpaceD (jl $ por monlh 30. CommDreW: Laundry/Vending @ $3/unit month Azea.Ground Level "'iI. fl., @ $ per tq..ft./monlh pcr aq. fl./month 75 Olher Leveln aq. fl.. G> 0 31. TOTAL ESTIMATED GROSS PROJECT INCOME AT 100% OCCUPANCY o 13.922 ,32. TOTAL ANNUAL RENT (/t1'11I31 X 12 mOlltl~,) 5167.064 13-&. Net lIenldble R",denLlIlJ Are", 13&. Net Renlable CommercIAl Area: $Q. n. I 27.705 1lQ. fl. I ''1. fl. NON.11EVENUE cllODUCING SPACP. 33. Gro.. Floor Area: 30,705 3r,. Type of Employee NONE No. tlOOfllS Cnmposlt:.on of Unit Location of Unit in Prnject D. EQUIP~U;NT AND SERVIC~;S INCLUIH:O 1:-1 n~::-1T: (i:/II'r/; 1tl/IrtI,lfh//l.III'/IU) 38. SHIYIC:l-:S: .. .. -, "0 lIenl 0 1101 Waler GAS: 0 Cookl"G 0 Air Cnnd.lIonlnCl I:;LEC.: 0 lIenl 0 Hot W.wr o C..nklnG rJ Air CUl\dlUnnll\(l o LlllI'ts. ele.,In UOII OTllt:lt FUEL: [l :1..1 , +'ll1n, Wale. :~ WATlm 0 OTm:Il ..xash-1::,Cm9.YA. . 3ll. SPECIAL ASSf:SS~n:N~ ,;:c:; l;i.j;~y.';I" - o Non.Prel'oyablD b. l'r1nclpul DWflI1Ci' ~_______ ~. AnnuI11 Payment 11__._ d, lten'lamlna ,\'enn ___..~._ _.,___y'eora, :11, t:.l.llllP~n,N1'; , ':i(j it.~'&.. tUn or Elee.) Cl Olo!twa.her OClltelrn:. (Ga. or ~l.r.) In Cupel 10 AIt C","I,ll;'IJIIP. onlyD Dr~pe. :a ".Id,... 1:.hau.1 Fau 0 Sw.m...lu" I'nul lO Lalludrr Fa.dille. 0 Tonull l:uutl LJ 014pn..1 00 .{Hher (S'~'!Ir.r) 1 I~ecrca.; 1 una -F"a"ci ,- i ty- - ,- - . '1{""1 f 1 . <:f' '~J ...... "C ,,' I; !Jl, .....~ ::{ i :~, j/ ,;{;:...., I l.l I 'j I I ~ I u '\ I , .'f ;,'. I I {II t,. ___, 'o!h..." \b ",il~r~f'~' ?P'i~. ~ ,.,,}.~ $'. au I>G''\,JJ :> , , t . ";}-'~?-~',, '~"L~,"lr ,,;&~"& .r!J ,'.', ,:t:~f>;" ~\ ":' 'n 0" ~:;...'~' ;_\ . ,....,c" I' ,.:>. '-'T~ ,," ~~- 'c-- II f~ I J [I R \.....1 -2- f','." 1 ] . I f;S'I'll\IA'I'E 01" ltEPLACEt>.n:N'r COST: ~ I':STIMA'I'F. Q.L ANNUAl. EXI'~:NSE: G. E , ~O!llNISTRATIVE: 360. UUUllUaI Lalld Improvemenl. 0 1. Advol1lllinlI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tl 3Gb. Othcr Ll1J1d Improvemenlo . . .0 35.000 35 .000 2. Mo.npaemen~....".......... 0 12 ,OQ9_ time) 36e. Total Land Improvementu . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . .. 0 3. Otber .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .. . . 0 5.000 See (pt. S'l'.n.ucTJlllES.: -G. 'i'OTAL ADMINISTRATIVE.. :0 17.000 37. MnIn BuildlnCla . . . ... . . . . . . 0 1.419.000 QRERAnlW: 3B. Aecesoon' BuUdin(lll ~ . . . . . . 0 ~. Elevalor Mnlnton""ee Ellpen"" 0 39. Gnrngc .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 0 G. Iruol (lif~~~laf.rd. ~~:,:e::I:. ~O. All Olher Bulldlnll' . . , . ., . 0 1,454,000 l;I ~1. TOTAL STRUCTURES. . .. . . (l '1. Ll!!htlnll & M14c., i'ow~r .. .. 0 1.000 ~2. General Requ!.temento . . . . . . \ . . . . . . . . . . . 0 I G. Wotc;r....... If'~.."''''. 5 600 UES: . 9. GD.tJ, ................... (l ~3. BuUdcr'o Generlll Overhead 10. Gerbo(lo Os T."m Removll1.., I) 400 (P/Tl ~..........., 0 36.350 11.. Pa)"ro!l . .. . . . . . ..... 11 . . ... . c 5,000 Caretaker BuUder'o I'roflt @~. . 0 4<l. !2. Olhor .. ......... . ....". .. I) Architeet'o FeD - Design 1,000 ~5. 43,620 1<:. TOTAL OPERATING.. ...... {; ~%........... 0 MAINTENA.NCE: <16. ;uehilect'a Feo - SupervlllOry 14. Dec')rclln(l....",....... 0 G-~..."""" IJ 14.540 :1.5. RcpclrG ................ 0 2,500 47. Bond l'rellllum . . . . . . . . . . . 0 16. Elltermlnatlntl ,.......... 0 1.000 ~B. Olhor Feeo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 25,000 17. IItS\Ul1J1ce.... .. .. .. .. .. . l> 1 ,000 49. TOTA!. FEES............... (l 119.510 18. Ground Ellpon"".... .. .. .. e 50. TOTAL for All Improvemonto 19. Other.................. (I (Linea 36c ~ 41 + 42 .. 49) . . . . . . . . . . ... t.l 1.608.510 20. TOTAL MAINTENANCE... ... t.l 4.500 51. Coot per Gross Square Foot. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0 21. Replacement Reserve (O.GOGO It Tolal for 8J4~ 52. EDtimnted Conutruction Time. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 montho. Struclurea, Line 41) .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . $ 22. TOTAL C:Xl?ENSE... ........ t.l 37.244 CARRYING CHARGES AND FINANCING: 53. Interellt monlba@ _ % . XAXES: 23. Rell1 Estete:Estlmnted Asse",,~d onO ........ 0 Property is 54. TMC:S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ Valuation 0 (1} por 1;:1000 0 County- 115. Inmrnn.ee .. . .. ... . . . .... 0 $ 2~. "erllOnaJ Property: EIIi., A!l:l.ssed owned and fi6. FHA hit(.(. Inn. Pre. (0.5%).. 0 Valuation $ therefore 57. FHA EXDm. Fee (0.3%). . . . . 5 @ por $1000 0 exempt from I>G. FHA In.pae. Fee (0.5%) .. . . tl 0 - 25. Employee Payroll Tlllt . . . . . . 0 taxes 69. Flnnncin(l Feo (_ %). . . . . . 0 26. Other................... I) 60. AMPO (~)........... 0 27. Other ................... $ 61. FNMA/GNMA Fee <-%). q. (\ - 62. Tille l1J1d Reco.dIng . . . . . . . 0 23. TOTAL TAXES ........0... T6TAL CARRYING CHARGES &. FIN.. .. . 1;1 G3. ll9. TOTAL EXPENSE AND TAXES .............$ ~7 ,2!l~.Q9 LEGAL. ORGANIZATION &. AUDIT FEE: - 0 . 64. Lecnl.. . . . . ... .... ..... F. INCOME COMPUTATIONS: G5. Omenlzatlon . . . . . . . . . . . . (I 811. Eatimnted Project GrollO Ineome 66. Cost Cel1lflcatlon Audit Fee 0 106 (Line C32, Pn(lc 1). .................... JJ 167,064 67. TOTAL LEGAL, ORGANIZATION & AUDIT FEE 0 209 31. OCCtlplUlCY (Entire Proleel) . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . 100 % 68, Bullder 8< Sponsor l'rotlt Md RIs!< . . . . . . . . . . . . .0 I)!:nnn 32; Effectlvo GrollO Income (Line 30 It Line 31). . . . . 0 167.064 69. Conaultonl Fee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0 33. Total Project Eltpen.e. (Line 29) . . . . . . . . . .. . $ 37.244 70. Supplementnl Ml1J1ogement Fund. . . ; . . . . . . . . . 0 M. Nel Ineome to Project (~ine 32 - Line 33) . . . . 0 129.820 71. Conllneency RtllCrve . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . , . . 0 35. Expense Ratio (Llnc 29 .... by Line 32) . . . . . . . 22.3 % 72. TOTAL ESTIMATED DEVELOPMENT COST (EllCludln(l Land or OffoSlte co.l) 1.842.616 H. TOTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR SETTLEMEN'r: .(Llnea 50 + 63 + G7 + 68 + 69 + 70 + 71) . . . . 0 1.842.616 73. LAND (Estlmaled Marllet Price of Slle, -0- 1; DEVELOPMENT COSTS (Line 72) . . . . . . . . . . $ llQ.ft. @ II per "'l. ft.. . . 0 2. LAND INDE8TEDNESS (Or Cnsh required' -0- 7<1. TOTAL ESTIMATED REPLACEMENT COST OF for Ll1J1d Acqulsllion) . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 0 PROJECT (Line 71 ~ Line 72). . . . . . ., .. .. . 1;1 1.84~ 1.842.616 , 3. SUBTOTAL (Line 1 + Line 2).............. 0 Amount i Mor11IIlIlo Amount. ... .. .. 0 1,807,616 Source of Cash lo meel ltequiremenls . ~. and Community 5. FecG PDld by Other lben Cam $ 25 .000 Housing 1,832.616 Deve100ment $ 35 000 G. Llno 4 plua Line 5 Sublolnl . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . ~ I Pa 1m Beach County 'I. CASH INVESTMENT REQUIRED 10.000 Housina Finance Authnritv $ 1 807 616 I (Line 3 - LIne 'I) .. .. . .. . . . . " . .. . . .. . 0 G. INITIAL "ll'ERATING DEFICIT ........... 0 $ 9. ANTICIPATED cmCQUNT............... 0 10. Working Capitol (2% , : Morl:lOllD Amount) . ... 0 36.152 I $ II. OffoSlte Construction co.to.. . . . . . .... .. .. . 0 12. TOTAL ESTIMATED CASll REQUtnEMENT i 46.152 $ (LinG. 7 ~ fl + 9 ~ 10 + 11) ,. . .... . ..... .. 0 TOTAL $ 1,842,616 t' t f' L, l I ,~ .r" ,", ,( 1'i Of?; ~.~ ~. d V t 1\ n ,~- ~"I--o" c, 1~i? '0 ;:L"t-~' ..Jl _ 1~ (t"'" 'ir ';", ':-, ,~;.'" ~0 ~t . "", "r;-"o/ . .~~~~'-----:'~~~:;}r; -~~ L.~~r':e- ,.............. ---1\ .... ~ mEssEs AND 'l'ELEI'1I0NE NUMllEltS 01" TilE FOI,LOWING: 2, CONTRACTOR: Name, Addre.. and ZIP Code: I I.. NAM~:S. I. Sl'O'NSOR(S): Nom., ..ddroaa ond ZIP Codo: I Department of Housing Development Palm Beach County 801 Evernia Street Nest Palm Beach. Florida L I I and Community 33409 -.J L ! -1 Telephono Number: 10. Non.e, AddrellO nnd ZIP Codo: I Telephone Number: 3. SPONSOR'S ATTORNEY: Nnmc, AddrCrD end ZIP Code: I, -I I -1 L ~ L ~ Telephan~ N>tmbc.: lb. Nnmc, AddrcllD anI!. ZIl' Code: r Telepbone Number: ~. ARCHITECT: Nome, AddrcDD IWd ZIP Code: I Obst Associates, A.I.A 2326 South Congress Avenue West Palm Beach. Florida 33406 I I L ~ L ~ Telephone Numb.ar: J. CERTIFICATION: Telephone Number: The underlligned nll ihe principal sponoor of the proposed mortgagor, certifies that he is fnmi}!ar wah the provisions of the Re~ula. tions of the Federal H~using Commissioner Ullder the above identified Section ?f the National H?usmg Act and that ~o the best of i~u: knowledge nnd belief the mortgagor has complied, 0; will be able to comply, With nll of the requirements thereof whIch are prezequlSlte to Insurance of tb~ mortgage under such eection. The undersigned further certifies that to the best of his knowledge nnd belief no info~mati?n .or dnta contt:ined herein or in ~h~ e~' l;ibits or nttachments IiGted herein are in anv way false or incorrect and that they are truly descriptive of the project or property ': h~ch IS intended !lll the security for the propose<> ~ortgage and that the proposed construction will not violnte zoning ordinances or restrictions of record. The undersigned agrees with the Federal Housing Adminintration that pursuant to the requirements of the FHA Regulatio~s, (~) neither he nor anyone authorized to act for him will decline to sell, rent or otherwise make availllbll' any of the property or housmg 11\ the multifamily project \0 a prospective purchaser or tenant because of biG race, color~ reli~on or national origin; (b) ~e Will com~IY with federal, state and 10cIlllaws and ordinances prohilJiting discrimination; and (c) hIS fadur~ or ref~sal to comply ':Ith t.h~ requU"em~nts of either (n) or (b) shall be proper basin for the Commissioner to reject requestn for future busmess With the npom<'t' ldentuled or to ta e , any other corrective action he nu:y deem nece=ry. Date: .-;-- 3o-.--~ I I Signed: o Firm REQUEST FOR COMMITMENT: 0 Conditional TO: FEDERAl, HOUSING COMMISSIONER: Pllrsuant to the provisions of fhe Section of the National Ilousing Act identified in the foregoing app/icat;on and FIlA Regulotions o Ucab/e tllerefo, request is hereb)' mode for the issuance of a cornmrnitmenllo insur(' a mort~age COl'erlln~ :h~propcrt). dl'~crlbed abot.l'. After examinalion of the applicatioll and thil proposed securit)., the undersigned considers th~ proJfct to lie des/mble and IS /IItt'r~~ted'I',n k. I 'th . " I mount 01 '" lL'hlCh u'i11 bear mlcrest of ,c-. U'I ma mg 0 oan In e prlnc pa a '" ' , d require repa)'ment of principal Ollfr a period of months according to amortl:atlon plan agree upon. Ins/JN!nce oj advances during construction 0 is, 0 is not dcsired. It i3 underslood thaI the financing expense, in the amount of $ is subject lei adjustmenl so thaI the tolal ,dll not exceed % of the amount of )'our commitment. Herewith is check for 8 . :./U'([3 ill in pa)'menl of the oppliC!lll'on fce req..ired by FlU Regu. lations. Signed: (hopo""d MortClll!IOO) Addre:s c.f Jl1orl[(rlgee: FOR FHA USE:: ONt. Y Dale R.e.lved ~,- AUlount Code Seh.clul. IIte.lv.cl lIy !,/ -.. -'-~~~C....r-<"~- "..F'::" ~:''7"......._~"...~,__" o ,{ '\\ '1. () " \\ ~. Oi' \I I 11 1, \\ ,if Ii' iJ . ',,' ~::: \;.~, 'Or . ( ,/ ,----' / 1I II '" ~< i/'!'" o ,'. I; ,'. .;,.,(., o,~ v '-"J ',\.6 ~\1,!) '=!. ""?0:-' 'J i.1 () ~ ~.-"o,\!,,,, '-4 G i' r,o , ,:-::Jllri~> , 8' () r J~' 10P >) fJ q - " .; ,; ~. t -,.~,. ,). Co Q 0 aO i !" ,~ i~ r ? o [.,,,;, f""''' "''''' "" \1 .'t':, \1,\ ,~, '~i:. '" ~FO g:~ 11P. '." ~~~. ~,;a: '/ ~(1 ,<$ ~'.:I ' .)':' 'II " " 0,~),.{ ~d~ 6t'\i "" J ~I':: 8 l"'.~ (r}~.ji.' 1Jiti I." <',' n ~~ ,",!\, " :h-:-' {'ib ,,; l~ ~. R ~..\ { !1 o ':;..' 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R. ./1 112 BA r"s 12 2 R,R..'11I2 BATHS Sllire SCALE I': 40' 1215 sa. FT, llB5 sa. FT. 1020sa.n. COVERAGE RESIDENTIAL UNITS 13,845 sa. FT, LAUNDRV.RECREATlON,APPRDX. 3.000 TOTAL 1~.U4S SO, n. 11.4f. 13. "" 14. 7~, LO\,i:U;PA~Eli:I, II=Ofi'ils ICEE::IIJ. 1011= &=1JCU!5iUli\!l~ S COMMUNITY ceveL.CPMENT PAVING GPEEN SPACES AND PECREATlON 20.600 sa. FT. 110.175 LAUNURV AND RECREATION SITE UNIT FOR HANDICAPPED PERSONS 9 " . :'1 1\ J' -, ~,=:;:t.::;"'. ..' ,~....J-. , C . . '~' , . ~1ll "::;r::::~:"'~~,..;;:;;;#"'~""'~ ,..... ..,--.......,~.. --.l, \1" q' i'I. ~{ ~~ 'If ~ '1r:;;- "" fl. '" ,~ ("...Uo/I. -4. Cl~ "I .~ ~ q\.. " '~l. ::'i?' f\ \!.~ ,", ..../) ji --~-7f'-ji-"iJ"" ,'", _ ' If If <; ,~ .~............i ~~~, It' . , ~';/1-;'-J 6 ':'11 jJY '(( ~u~ ,'1 ",to! ;t? ~. ~ I? (f ",," 4" <I 11 'W o n ~~...rf. If!,J,----..-~~ =0 )): ~.)~ .. .0. ~'.I~.~8~{O,,' .,=\,c ,Q .. ~~ Ili""(~; -(I' . i1 ~. 9 '>~ 'q~ r,r?:~ \\ ~w-: C..{I""l~ -, )^' ~"~""""-'~:;:;":""'" " IL "'-<9 L' L~ [ I? 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UP .m 61' ~~~!~o,,: I ENTRY 'i , 1 t U:~C'5:~ '~:),.. If 151-8" I 1 FIRST FLOOR PLAN = .....1- _-:__...._..u.-..:.., I I I,. ~ , . fJt"~1 f J " r .. -, ,; , .. I '""'" I ...-. I ;+ . -' ! "- , 0 " ," j I c"~r f /' ~, /. ! < "'2!~ ^ ~j · ~I~~~~.; - -~ - ~ - ~ -~1 It. t, (" ~'T"I::,"" ,...."..",~ ~'~"lff,:;;! ,'.' ......![,j,. 1 I r !'~ Lilt; I I ') . >'i. I I '5 " I' . " '." ", . ' ~-".&J1' '- ,,',. .. ... ~',""i7 "" .I'[~.~"; " / ~ ] 'i I:~ ij " " ,- .," kl J--~"".%} (~ :;; ,1 " DOWN " ,pJ ~. 11 f r', l ""----",l ~ 'I f. ':O'''l ~ \ I -~, . '1 I BEDROOM NO.2 10' -10" x 8<-8" ~, k ., I\JIASTER BEDROOM 12 I -0 II x 12 I -0 II [I 0 ~,h~'\:""'JF1" ;':. . c",Bi!;Pi'TC"P;' t t '-.~- - I t ,. o ~~J 1i "" """ ,~; I t 151-8" SECOND FLOOR PLAN TWO BEDROOM ~ ONE ~li1d HALF 8ATH 1L~HT SCALE 1,'411=1'-0" '" ,. , :- j\ .;:.~=:..~~ ~~i.:"""^"-".,,'~'"c;~'~ 1\ '1/ <6 .II, dl~1 ~. 1>" ,01 '-"',-;:1 ~\,O U~~.._ ,;:;'. ~r: \'\~ (ft" 0 ~, (N,. 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