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"i;;'~~"(1?;~,.,J~o""'-'i!,r""i71~"'J",::""!~r~;~",. .ci' o o " .: . ,I BOYNTON BEA2H PLAh~ING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION INFOR."1I.TJON FOR."1 -: NOTE: This form Inust be filled out compl~tely and accurately and must accompany all applications submitted to the Planning Dept. PROJECT NAl-iE: A rTa:t'ehouse & Office buildir.p: for BarrY E. Greer AGENT'S NAME: Culverhouse Construction ADDRESS: ~ Zeph:v.r vTay .Juno Beach. Fla. 31408 PHONE:' -1:4-9110 OWNER · S NAME: Ba=y E. Greer (or trustee' s), . ADDRESS: P.O. Box 955 Bo'mton Beach. Fla. 31415 PHONE 7:36-1966 PROJECT LOCATION: ~of r.o~ess on Neptune 3 lots in. (not legal description) CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS:* (if different than agent or owner) * This is the address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be forwarded. ; .;." ",- ;/;' G o M E M 0 RAN DUM : JAMES M. RHODEN, FIRE CHIEF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FIRE DEPARTMENT TO: Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner DATE: September 7, 1982 SUBJECT: Greer Warehouse - Neptune Drive The Greer Warehouse has been evaluated from the fire protection ~sp~cts as they relate to the proposed plan. The following list lndlcates problem areas and ou~ recommendation for satisfactory compliance: 1. The distance for hose runs to the back building are beyond the range for satisfactory "time to water" averages. la. provide a hydrant at the South West corne~ of the back building on the property line. 2. No water line to supply the e~ove ref. hydrant. 2a. Provide an 8" water main to supply the hydrant. Thank you for your concern and help. I /1 /'1 ~,/~4-L. ~James M. Rhoden, Sr. Fire Chief p \<,1 [ r\ t I:" '1'\," ~~ r:' 1~1 t j' " \~~ !, " ~' [&' I..,~ f~:~ l' "1 I.." ~ :~. ~ - ij . I " j o I i -' \ \ ~" 1 l "'d ., I i 1 1 I ) I , u c) STAFF CO~1MENTS GREER WAREHOUSE Fire Department: See attached memo Engineering Department: See attached memo Utility Department: See attached memo Police Department: I113tall security lighting on buildings Public Works Department: Contact Public Works prior to building dumpster slab for location dnd orientation ... Planning Department: '(I) Cl1rb landscaping (2) Construct sidewalk thrn driveway ~ \\.~ ~,-' "-)" [r~ "j ;1 1-'" I I' ,., Ie I ~ J. 1 ,1 L_,_._~ \~_ :1 ~--~'''''''., -~.. _~_") 4 ~:I ~;. '~-'~fP~~'~-'~~"""~''\~~-'t'-'''''''-~''''''~'''''-'''''''lr"'"'~.~:",,;'''''''''''~'-'~t''-...-......_~,.,~~_-,.;"-"'"'~>O,_ {.,....>~._'--"'-'-'.'f;,.....,............-,.~~_.~~"'-<-""'"~......,""'-".....,...~p~' ~, :i '- \, :: n (" , o C"\, ' \(."J l4EMORl\NDUM September 7,. 1982 TO: Mr. Carmen Annunziato, City Planner FROM: Tom Clark, Ci ty E l'IJineer Re: Warehouse and Office Building for Mr. Barry Greer Conunents: 1. Drainage calculations should be revised to indicate that the first hour of a three year storm is con- tained on site. Some consideratioDs could be given for percolation to show that the construction proposed is O.K. 2. Please note that the lighting plan is not included. A note on sheet one indicates shop drawings for lighting will be submitted. -~?-:~ ~. Tom Clark TAC:mb '-~f l:1 1fA/JI;;~ f: JAMES M. RHODEN, FIRE CHIEF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FIRE DEPARTMENT M E M 0 RAN DUM : '"~ ~ ~ - , TO: Mr. Barry Greer Greer Warehouse Neptune Drive, Boynton Beach. DATE: September 27, 1982 SUBJECT: Fire Protection of your proposed warehouse. i ~I W:~ r [ [ t~ [I [" t" , Mr. Greer; This memOl"'andum can be taken as an understanding between each of us to establish the fire protection requirements for your proposed warehouse located on Neptune Drive in our City. - q Although it may,have been confusing to you when considering the requirements fo~ the square footage in evaluating hydrant need, it is the only way for addressing that requirement for Ordinance establishment. Below you will find the requirements for your building: 1. You will be allowed to use a standpipe system for protection. 2. That standpipe system must be installed in accordance with the National Fir-e Protection Phamphlet No. 14. 3. You must provide hose cabinets inside each external door. 4. A free standing standpipe siamese connection ~ill be pro- vided at the street. S. You may "stub" off the fire line for the rear building until you complete your decision for completion. . b. The standpipe will be connected to City water lines. Thank you for your interest in fire protection, I remain; ~~/d?4-i. . ~James M: 'Rhoden, Sr., Fire Chief J o o MEMORANDUM september 7, 1982 TO: Mr.Cannen Annunziato city planner RE: Barry Greer Project - Neptune Drive Per our discussions at the TRB meeting this date, please advise the developer to show location of water line on Neptlli.e Drive and the proposed location and size of a water line in a 10' easement. at. least 10' from any build- ing, with calculations for fire flow and fire hydrant, as required by the Fire Department. We are returning the plans. with this memo. ~ ~& per~essna,~ Director of utilities apt Attachment: "plans" ;f " , ~~ ?', ~/ !J)" -:, '. l;l./ '-.. i J ~ ' " ,I " ," il 'k:1 \\ , l' n - ~<.10::,~l:, ~i /;;,",lr~;i.,,- ~~Z',~;:,~~'H:;--:;'~~rsf1l:::'~f~~~"".6\~~:;~; ~J _.~"',-~f?~~~~:rDr:;-\" (, '~:.",,~74r;;,\"i.1 ~,t~~~;;', \B~i~ - ~::~~=-"] n"/~ r~ dS~r. '~.~~)' Jr::-1t?r:~~~~) ,~tW-YC~~~~~j f.':'- '-,-\~:;~n!~;:, ,:"J} '/i~1;1~--;~.:\~,'''''v-''rr;--~~ c-~1~~,;... rJ :\ "-~~- f- .; ": ~tr \.- ~. ~\, ;~~ II" ' ~ . , ff "'. [}I: ~: \1 .~ ~;,r::;;;:r=-'jJ,]r"2~r::~"--""l('''':(~~rr .~:I,,,,~~~,'!,q;)\ <:~;'Ib, 'JrJ~,"j q21(i"1!~Q\~,~:J'f;}~ ,." . 6'!nI~&:~r r.t\.;:~,L~;;:'\;r-:;~'".<, ~Ii' if"" "-1.~[T7t&\ .'" :,\~ () ~~ 11 \t,.1.~.\ " rj ,.~,};L (f,'(,-',:,;i T~~;0;>f'::~ 'f.~> ~~'~~~:,;~; ~- .""~ .....\\:,~ ~;.: , i(;~: ;---'" ./{ It tr-::- .:' 1 tl hi} !/'", IJr, t~~ j': ;-~<r; ~:~{~ r;~ \~,1! ( :~.,: 7-11.; _'~.'I' -..,l,: .' ,;"; Y""" ~~~:"~ "1 oj,' lcrt, fy~~' ~~! Jk) 7j:t. ~ 'r;"'W '~'" J"~; r~~r$ ~Ir- [~ 1'f~'.~, (~ "::<i~' [~"~~ .~~ i'" ['V:j ~ l' I ,',Ii: f{( ~l 1", . "." h Ct,':' LtC> . ~~-' "\;1, .?~ ".1; ~~ ~~ -.~)s, ,J~ ,) ;~ 'ry..' - ~.. -' ~ \~ \ ') ~.:~ ~l' fo~ rx, 1"11,,, L...... h2'.:- [0" ~t~r.~"..~ .lt~ rif{ .-.::. ;5'~ l'~ff! ;".,\~.-.~. ~~\ 1~) ) -~:" ~;-: -~, r"-,." \, -, F'o, {'# ";.<It< 'I; ~,.',' 'l~'" [", ~r, ~ ~ (, 'h [~ ~~ ~ it " ' ~; ~~',e )j :::';r:? r~li~ t~'t(, \\ C,:,,;;, ..,,~ ~'~J Ir / ;\~ If ,,~ 1_0.' '< ',' { ~ Pl t,1; f h-J'~ fr' [ ,~ c "-< [, .1. ri" l'l 1" F:' h' t~'i IC~'-' ~ rr h j tJ d' J' f, {( ;:? I) ~- ,." ""':j~~ t-' . _" .,~~ ,I", '~''''';') L ,.L!~~'~~~ I 'r"'~-~":!r''-':!1f~~~~f---)r "~~~f7'1r:~"'r-';"t',"j"~_ fi:!'k ',~' ...\ 0' t.~~:;'1 rffd'~~::~~ - I " 1t~ 1:>', ~ '"\ ~ 't.:( \\' 'I --" ~'. i~_ -'~ "'\) - ;i. "~';"~i'\'~;~' . '-", ~l " ,~n ,.,- ,-'! ';",,-. "."'.t;.,,.\,,}<.j':Y:E;rq~ ';;' e,!' " I } 11 J ) J l J j '1 '..',..1) j [1 ~ 'i .~ :\1 ", :J ] ~ '1 ,fJ'~; Q ~. il I '1 j ;c.j d [,of fie b ~.' ~ " '", ~~\ ."" -"9 '1 f~ 7:.':-,i '-.'. z.~' ,ip s)) '<.1. ~ :-@. ~\ ~~~ .~~. .~-} ~IAr~ h.'.' 'J, ,J\ " ;\ '" '},~i it: ~'~iJ/ ;~'t;; rl (-~: io b cc ~u'lf @'~ la01fu\]U()~ lalEA(C[HJ p,O, SOX :310 120 N,E 2ND AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435 13051 734'Blll September 22, 1982 ~'. Barry E. Greer P.O.Box 955 Boynton Beach, Fl. 33435 Dear Mr. Greer: On Tuesday, September 21, 1982, the City Council approved the Site Development Plans to construct two (2) industrial buildings on the north side of Neptune Dr. approximately 600 feet east of Congress Avenue, subject to staff comments as follows: Fire Dept... See attached memo Eng. Dept. : See attached memo utili ty Dept.: See attached memo Police Dept. : Install securi 'cy lighting on buildings Public Works Dept.: Contact Public Works prior to building dumpster slab for location and orientation Planning Dept.: (1) Curb landscaping (2) Construct sidewalk thru driveway To furtper clarify the comments made by the Fire Chief, pleas~ be advised that approval of the fire protection system must be granted by the Fire Chief, prior to obtaining a ,~uilding permit for the project. Prior to submitting plans to the Building Official for permits, all s.taff recommendations and other materials listed above and adopted by Council in their approval shall be provided. If you have any further questions concerning this matter, please contact me. Yours very truly, CSA:mpc CITY OF BOYNTOn BEACH C~ J 6 c;r.:,,;~ Carmen s. Annun~iato City Planner ~r':"7'=~ ." o 0 f-1EMORl\NDUM September 7~ 1982 TO: Mr. Carmen Annunziato, City Planner FROM: Tom Clark, Ci ty E rgineer Re: Warehouse and Office Building for Mr. Barry Greer Comments: 1. Drainage calculations should be revised to indicate that the first hour of a three year storm is con- tained on site. Some considerations could be given for percolation to show that i:he construction proposed is O.K. 2. Please note that the ligtting plan is not included. A note on sheet one indicates shop drawings for lighting will be submitted. TAC : mb -y~~ Tom Clark -'~"''''~-''''''''''''-~''\. ,,-.-~- '''''-'''"''''"''-',~'-''"'-"-.~''-''~-~'''~ .,,.,-~. --. _.~,,~", "-- .;.",' ~' (t '~j ,-'~; \\ n v II ' IJ" U [ (~) o (~lY @~ [8) CO 11 N IT (Q) ~ [B) [Effi\ \C H F,O, BOX 310 .20 N,E. 2ND AVEt.UE BOYNTON BEACH. FlORIDA 33435 13051734'8111 "] I - 2 - To: Mr. Barry E. Greer: [I I CC: City Manager Bldg. Dept. w/plans & attmts. Eng. Dept. w/plans & attmts. Utility Dept. w/plans & attmts. Pc. lice Dept. Fire Dept. w/attmts. Parks & Rec. Dept. Public Works Dept. Central File w/plans & attmts. Energy Coordinator -I I I ~ .~.~ o o MEMORANDUM september 7, 1982 TO: Mr.Carmen Annunziato city planner RE: Barry Greer project - Neptune Drive Per our discussions at the TRB rneet:ing this da't:.e, please advise the developer to show location of water line on Neptune Drive and the proposed location and size of a . water line in a 10' easement. at least 10' from any bU11d- ing, with calculations for fire flow and fire hydrant, as required by the Fire Departmentc We ace returning the plansp with this memo. Z~e!h Director of utilities apt :\ttachment: "plans" ...:::..~. . ','.."'f.~.Ii'--...-- ~~ -1:,;. .,.-.......... '.) il l,l, tl !.I I o o M E M 0 RAN DUM JAMES M. RHODEN. FIRE CHIEF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FIRE DEPARTMENT TO: Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner September 7, 1982 DATE: ~1 ' ! j I .J !J r ~, . I, I [ I j SUBJECT: ~,~ Greer Warehouse - Neptune Drive The Greer Warehouse has been evaluated from the fire protection ~sp:cts as they relate to the proposed plan. The fOllowing list Indlc~tes problem areas and our recommendation for satisfactory complIance: 1. The distance for hose runs to the back building are beyond the range for satisfactory "time to water" averages. 1a. provide a hydrant at the South West corner of the back building on the property line. 2. No water line to supply the above ref. hydrant. 2a. Provide an 8" water main to supply the hydrant. ~ ,~ ?Y:: If ~. w:1~ r i t~ It~ ~~~ /~ I" ~ ~ ~1 t I '1' [ [, j 11' t t.] Thank you for your conc~rn and help. .- ./ I. /.2/' / / - , .:-J"7( J~'._/r'~/'':" .J;' James M. Rhoden, Sr. Fire Chief I L l ,:-~ J ~ ,I I ~~ f~j t~l ~~. !t ! ~""; ....~. , [~ I" "I '.~: t, " f t I: 1 ~ e (i; t l~ f .~ o"~ d' // ~/ ) B ~-I: f \:) j l' I " [J' '?> 'R o 'b u o q, s ,oj '0,1 'P "1, 0, ~ 1.' ~1 ,I :'", j ~' ? OJ, [,H( "'I ( ,)i6 I ! ~ I 0: I r'-Y"'''" " ~ .. ~~ .~ ! " . ' " o , i ~ J; .. I ? r~<;;' \)'6 _'\" i <I" t,\ -3 >, ~ 0 II ~, J ~:;; '" r;:': oc:-) ') Ci c o ' o i:J ,~ () 0 -;, (, ,., ';J (, .. n UD ~ ~ I/O 0", o " .c: .t1 " " ,. ,1." H. H It ~! 'f ., ;j e(~ 'i (I i 11 H (0 rt J', Ii U 11 q Ii 1\ fi ',j " ,_~_,..,::."....."jl.,._.""__",..",,,, ~ ?'" ........ ~,' c:?~;J!:r ~':'b'~V'''i~'-;::~;-;;~-",--~-' :; '(; "~r: 6\c' 'Ieao !/ 0 ,,0, 6 A <l~' 'b dO Ii' >'),,' ~;:::; '-' \~;- " J~",,_,,~:, _"..~__::':..,~, ,Q,,,,,, ,," '>' .. c:;J D d_i ll'D I) ')0. c.( n ~' 1:1 II~" ff'" <;'Ill- - I I II II .1 '/ I) -' lJ (1 0,<, ,. F~, ,", 11 ~ ': 1,\ II, ':, g,..,,; '.. "'(I oj I'll ~ '" c ~ r ;'~\ II, (', ~, ~~- ., .~.._, ..,..~,...-,="..._- ~~- '~'~~~~~'=~'-'"":~~-~'~ _, ;; ',~ ,1 _ ';t:~ t{) ~., ',~ '';., "tJ 1.\. ,. ,A{\\~ ~i' 'b n j; ~;; 'I) ......-~.._~.;u. 'Ii' I j ~~~ .A~.l/ " } ti J: (. 1 . 'ij;~ c . & ""'$f'::'} !'~~o} ,""",r,""'~",, ~:~;.,- t:.1 . s~~:;_ _~.;, - ~ i"'~~L - f ~6:@'F ...::?~?t.. -;7t-- Ij (J~ ;f~:,,'J '-di.. , . ,~ "0 ~ "., I.~:;.. ~ J' 4;,"") , " ",," 'iiJ ~'~1~<'- "' ",;~~ " ,;~~ ~:,1 _,'!f;;' ,J. g:i ,:J ,f'.J:., " ." :,,;m, ?~'~" II~] ..::.. "",FI" . ((,.' -~ ,'~:._,^~(",,' I~' -C$i ~,,",~ ~ 'Xi:: f. dJ~ ... J~;2;3'1 u!ii!i."""", I(~, "~o ~:;,,:I~ c:, ?9~ '''1t " Art. Xp ~ Jl.6 BOYNTON lBUEACH CODE S~~1tii@Jril ]1(b\ ~fiIr~ fmy<dbr$)Jlllt~o A. RESlIDENTJIAL SUBDJIVlISJIONS. Kn one and two (2) stOJfY subrllivislGICJls with not morre ihan ten (10) dwe!HJa~ uniiis parr aCJf<611 firre hyclrra.nts shall be spaced n.o greate~ i~ five Jhundlrr~d (500) feet Blpw'rrt and net more than tm@G hunclJfecl (300) J?@~t ta the cent~)f of any lot in the subcHviilZli~!fi) sIDlcl shaH Ibx6 \G{f)nJrn~<ct18d to ml&imu~ na Ress than six (6) lloht:lh1e@ un clii~nn<9t<eJfo T1h1@ !System shalU lPllrOviidl~ <capacity for fil"~ ilil@~J af at least fiv~ ~1;UlEildhrq;)d(500) gallons peIr mnnute in addlli~fi@ffil 11;0 mmunm\Ul,lOOl d@y dom(B~iic Jrceq1Uln:rem0nts ~t rresicluBJ jp)~~ SUIre~ of nOlt ne~$ ihlgHa twenty (20) pounds peTt' square iEil<J;a B. MULTlI1PLE~FAMlILY DEVELOPMENTS OF O'V'E1R?, TEl\t (10) DWEILK..:lING UNrrS PERAGRE9 COMMERClIAL KNSTITUTIONALll INDUSTJR,JIAL OR OTHER HKGM DAYTKME OR NIGHTTIME POPULATION DENSITY - DEVELOPMENTS. Kn the5e ISlrreas firre hydf~ta shslllR lbQ sp~c~dl IDlO glt"'cea(r;@Ir than thIree k.HJlIDHdbrecl (300) f~~t ap&rt ~@ the 1l'@wo1l;e.tli P~ft af ~~y StIrlUlCtR!R'<9 shaH not Qe mOK'e ~rruGill11 two llillUilllldlJr<ecl (2010) feet f)forn the hydrant and shall b~ conntectl6cl"11;o m~ll!m~ nQ less than six (6) in<ches !Rl dioonle~.el? JIn a<<:1lcliitian 11;0 dom~st!c requirrements at residual presg~ of norfi; less lth~n ~W~{tlty (20) pounds peIr squwre inch, fire flkillfJ of 1ID.'\t ne831s~ (Qlml~ \iilli.1oVJ~&Jld nV(f; hUXlHdhred (111000) gaUo~ ~ minutiE,l shaH be JPfQviided as a minimum standard. jOo'. ~~-' #Vt# '$r~ . ~-~:~~. .."..., .~r.~. -I' .. ~'$ .~~ C,oI(i, -(.~?! ~i:~' '.~ ~ ~ ':~~;~ .~ l~: !;' '~:t, ,~ -:~... ,~ a<e~fGn@lID1 1l7f 0 TR'~jf1Cli~ <<::<CDIffifG1r@E <dl~'Wn~<El~o The rdtesign (Qlf tr~ffic contJfol devices shall be in accordeIDloo with the mli1.nual fPE uniform traffic cantrol devices. S<e~fGIi@Jlil ],8.. M!@E'ttvd}m~:rrilit~o ' Thee design IPf pel'manenlt rr~feEence monumenUlv, Gc\]p JR,J\{Jo 118S'1l WJffid JP1e~~anent (ComrtIro! POiJl'J1~9 GGp ..C.P. 's" shmllJ! ~ as prrescl'iibcedl by Chapter 177, F!oJtJlcla Statutes, as amend~ Wh~Jfe SUClm mOJnuments occurr within stIreet pavement aK'e~ . they shaH 1b~ irAstaUed in a typic~ water valve coveJ?lI $19 prescrribsd in the current city standmrds. All inform8!tiolQl pertaiining' to the loc?Ltion of dc\}PoR.lVlL 1181111 shall be indica~ m note foJI"R'IDl on the plat, such as undeEground installatioKWo 2146 ~s:""';: ."...",,""'.~ ~~.:~,~,;::~:~~,=~{=-r::'.';'~~:~~~~~~0;~: ."",~""q,,".. ./,/>)" .. c . .,. .", '"0 '. \', " .0 " 0 \;J ~ 0 -- I) , ~~~~::~'.,:\:~ o ~1'l ,,,,,'1',, ,[) .tJ.~J , 6 '::~\ ~:,':.~,f;t' ~ '9 ~;,~'f? '~;' ~;) ~ ", ,r.:;p o r->, 'J :1 "....:;;~? ~':' tl q c It c\ . a~ ~,,,~~Io F'iJ~ I' " ~ \ - {~" tr' " :\':" - 0"<1, ':"" ~ .,; if) 'i no; " ::,00 ~. DO <, c~;\\:~ 0" 3 ~. ,,0\;\,,;, " ":." 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"~-:.cf ,.:; /,.( D 1;:; !t~. -.:.-; c.:r "(~ CNJ' u~'(i ~ C; ~. ~~../~ q\ It c;{. 0 >!i't il{'{l ~t,~ ~ 0ij It; .:-:- f.fEr c {;. -'2~ ~ f::~ <;"; '~1' .!,.v- ':' .'1\,",:, ~",,;.l'Q ~\ 'I." (f~ 4t n'".. \jj ,; "v -0',- _~ <r1~ 9,. ~ ~ ~f,1)~ r;;~~] 402.2:;1 For avenllge conditions, hydrants shall be placed at least 40,~_{ .~ ~"iJi! ~I~ ~<':4 ,~ ,1 ft (12.2 m) from the buildings protected. '1<1 :~;-j ""b"~~"61:F;l/"1 ~ ExcepUon: When hydrants cannot be Placed at thz's dz'stance, they % It, ,>~ <- \;;" :<\~ . i may be located closer, or wall hydrants used (see Fzgure A -4-4. 2) pro- ~( f:: ll, ~,u, v'Jib i ~ vided they are set z'n locatz'ons by blank walls where the possz'biUty of . ,}t lJ ; ~,;"" <-;'~ ''''-"" w/f,i1l ~ inJury by fall'ing walls is small and from wh~'ch peoPle (lre not Ukely to {f'; ".;tif:. qjC'O' J 'J be dre'ven by smoke or heat. UsuallYI z'n crowded plant yards, they _ ",- '>1' %~\ ~ , can be Placed bes'ide low bv.ildz'ngs, near brt'ck siaz'r towers or at " Ar<;{ , J J angles fanned by substantial brick walls which are not likely to fall, # "1);1 I ~ I ,:"... "_;~~ .~I '\'~' .Ii " f'<".;""" ' , ",.~o"". 1~''''! ,~~ , ,. "~ > , . ~:-:;{~" "! ,.1 ('; ,:.."'\'tJ,.,~.;.r;1;~. ,,~.e;J;,:"~"l: "'"' ~ ",'-? ",."",,,-:-'"Il'r.r.If' Jl""'~!'j~~""''''''-' Q"'-~'" ~-w- = C, J'N ,\l,. , . >) '-:;'. -. "'- . 4' Co.,~, r~""1lHe:(" ,'. ,i111<tJ;':V1,'ij ';"I\.;'"'r"~\,~:#,'i~' ~rf'; ~~:"'!:" ~ : ",/ ""~.~ '~~l."'t~~,rF' ' t\rJ." I tj':'l~~{.~f.~:j"\':!f.liYW!;i,~mr~iir~~~~rI,l;:l\;l() ~1!ji;<~';i~:,~~~~~~(l~j~!?i.!.>;ri!1\\r-1frt<,l,;)i.iii,\';:'~;;r;~~~.'ir~ir.,.:j(;".:~l:";" ..' ':~.; :". ' '+;;j't\r,i~~nf':' ""'T.:t~:~:I;"'.::t~7:,:r'dlr.'jd;,..~,^,,;., ,;}~I". ',!:,..jr::- "'!::J"n"':, ":':, ," '" j' ..;'. ,~. ," :...' p .J ' ., "" ""~ ,'.." . <' :"::::'\~::~;' '. :~' "\:1" ': :'~, !,:, ,..., '=,T"~"'::"'~~;:~~t:'::M :.>~:~:>~.;:: ';r:'''' ., ",~ .' , " 'S:,~-~ "'". ,,<__ 0~1"" ,\,)" ''',~' '",." \'1 Ilr, c;\ " ,\\ y 0 j' '" ,0 , ~ -': ,- \" "'.~ .;, ',~'~\ "-,',\ ('- ,~,~ ......r'. ~...' 24-16 JPlRiV A T~ FiRE SERV!CE MAINS , 2\..4 Vah,es in )Fi~. 3..4.1 Where it is impracticable to provide a post indicator valve, valves may be placed in pits through permission of the authority hav. ing jurisdiction. V alve pit~, e~cept those lacated at 1Olll' near the base of the riser of an elevated ~ank, shaH satisfy the objecftive~ of 3-4.2. NOTE: For valve pit5 located at or near the base of a tank riser, refer to NFl' A 22. Stalldrml for Wain Tallk.'i for Private Fire Protection. 3",4.2::1 When used, valve pits shaH be of adequate size and readily accessible for inspection, operation, testing, maintenance, and removal of equipment contained therein. They shall be constructed and arranged to properly protect the install(~d equipment from movement of earthi freezing, and accumulation of water. Poured-in. place or precast concrete, with or without reinforcement, or brick (all depending upon soil conditions and size of pit) are appropriate materials for construction of valve pits. Other approved materials may be used. Where the water ~able is low and the soil is porous, crushed ston(: or gravel may be used far the floor of ~he pia:. See Figures A-2-6b and A-2-6c for suggested arrrangemenm. 3-4.3 The location of the valve shall be decarly marked and the cover of the pit shaH be kept free of obstructions. . 3",5 SeccillJ>li'ilal Valves. 3-5.1 Large private fire service main systems shall have sectional controlling valves at appropriate points, in order to permit see: tionalizing the system in the event of a hreak, or for the making of repairs aIr extensions. .. 3;"5.2 A valve shall be pravided on each bank where a main crosses water; it i~ alsa recammended that valves be installed to shut off sec- tions of pipe 1I.lllrnaer buildings. (See 11-3.1.) . 3",~ Kdentlfyiing and SecMX'ing. Identification signs shall be pro- vided at each valve to indicate its function and what it controls. To assure that valves are kep~ open see Chapter 6 of NFPA 26; Recom. mended Practz'ce for the Supervisz'on' of Valves Controlling Water SupPlies for Fire Protection~ . ," "- "'" ~.; \I .....~ :;j \"~~\ " ~ ;k t~ ~ ~';.:, v" -. .-;.'" -.~ ''\ :/...... ~ \. ~~,^', (h l.\; J1:'~,:~ ~~\ .J<~' .r 1;'5-._ f' ,'f ~l> {~ v~ ~A~ I"J,.. ,!':. J; "( '. ~; , ' '- C1 "is, ~ .,;..,,' .)~'( n . .{l I r \\ "-~::"'i"" . J! ~~' . H .r jJ r "j ;' i ,~1 ~ " L il ~ ij I:' tl ~ " ,.. .~, I ~ p' ~...o ! '. . i, ' ' ...... " ': J · 'c C,' I i ',y ~" i '"o.r .'\ ""',~ ~; . , ,'"', ",,'.......,.:....,;. ","~,' ,~'" -;.~,.____.,.,.!,,',i""'.-, '" ._ '.L. . ,,,,1- ;"", .,",'_~\._ "~:,.";,E.,'. ,..~:t____";:;."',_..,,Ji{'C .;~<~!-, '~~~s::~t::: ,~~c...:..:.,.::S;~~~~4~~:;w~;,':.: ..: ;~~ ~,,';~~;~)n,.:^ C "', C.'k --" 0"'/~\,-,~_.. \\..._,~, ~ ~".::'7';.;,:~,~,_.,;.~l!.:~;i;.>>:5(_~<,~~~J:!::--'-"(,,,,lt'i,,'~,...1::....J..~c,i;Jt,'-i', " , I:,.,L :.~ : ,;;J"::"~~,~, ,. ". " ,,,., ,._ _.c_ ~ _ "_ _ __~ , · . , - --, ,,--- .. '",,"'r'^- '-~r-"""""""'-"""""'"'"'?7"'''-'~~~~''''---'i20'~~{~;;~TJ'1s;'J1l:I''~~;;.'':' "~~= "-:;~~~:'lr'c" \:%.,:'?;;':.' ;i.::.~,,:!!>: ,A'i: ,:? " - 'r"~""'J'''~''~1:--Wo ','\:--'\c....,...,....-::--.,~"""~'g,\l1Jt-" ^':Wt~\:;:..""~"'?~f~12.'T:"-,;,':.~;1...:;,,t:t~e,f,i'{r.;:';'-~;)"~~"f;li. \~l7'i7'-:" ',~-'::1~::(jUf:r1r.':~,\, ~, J y':' 0 _ ~?-":{\!-'i ,k";;;:1: \f!. ,~tt )fO lr., '"' :a~ \""" '~~ )M''',,~/- \~'-',.;,,,~ H c ,,)1: "1-.vl "v <;"']- ~I'" to ,\! Il '1'7(1 '.,' c" "",_", 0 .,,y 0 ~, <0 1\, ~\' j~ r.?.l :.J ~ .,~ (, ""- --."....;.\.'J -6 -t? C~'lI1!~" r';-_I-p" ,';'1, ,~?";:;. \ ~'~ {''' tti:i':ft'-rJ,., \~\!. ,(..\ \ \ U ,,-~ ~.q ~ -'I'J ;t' ) . _"'_~ "^~/" ,,\ :t.'-.~~j . \i~! r. ,t{~ ~ ~ -'-' -" ~"1 \ J;I fL Iv _ .r _ ~r ~ .....,......( -) .- ~ '~:-( c p:'~~., ,:-';.-' l~t _ t::5 - 1;11 =."\;: ""lI,~.r.<;,.t'r-!J?l~;~)\! ~ \~, ~pJ '~,r '\ ~ ,Ii . oF _ .." , " ~(,(~. - I:" J " t;, " ! \). . , ~,\_....f .(:::1,' ~..." ~:;J. _,'-:>';"w _.........,. o .~\'-t . ';1/ Co.,~ ".. ~~i" .' ~ i in ~ il f j I 40! <GeneX'alK. :' 4-!.1 Hydra,nlS sh,a!l be of a~proved lype and have, nOl less ~hai1 a I 6-m. connectIOn wltn the mams. A valve shall be Installed m the .1. hyd.rant connection. The number, size and arrangement of outlets, 1 the size of main valve opening, and the size of barrel shall be suitable 1 for the protection to be provided and shall be' approved hy the' j authority. having jurisdiction. Independent gate valves on 2 ~ -in. t outlets may be used. (See Chapter 5.). . H:YDRAN"rS (cha1P~el1" 4 'Jill ytdll1"aln~ ~ 401.2 Hydrant outlet threads shall conform to the American Na- .,1 tional Fire Hose Connection Screw Thread, as specified in NFPA ~ 1963, Standard for Screw Threads and Gaskets for Fire Hose Con. l nectg'ons. ~ Exception No.1: Where local hose couPling threads do, not 'con- I form to the Amen'can Natt'onal Fire Hose Connectz'on Screw Thread, .r~. the authorlty ~am'ng jurz'sdz'ctz'on ~hall desz'gnate the threads to be " used. .{ 11 Exceptz'on No.2: Where local hose coupUngs are of a type wz'thout :{ threads, the authority having junsdz'ction shall deszgnate the type of '1 outlet to be used. . , ,~ 4-2 N umberr armtdllLllJ>catilDJn. .~ 402.11 A sufficient number of hydrants shan be installed to provide .~ two streams for every part of the .interior of each building not covered ~ by standpipe protection ~llld to provide hose stream protection for ~ every exteriar part of each building by the use af the lengths of hose ~.l normally attached to the hydrants. There shaH be sufficient hydrants l t~ (Concentrate the required fire flow aoo1i.llt any importaljU building ; with IDlIO haze )line exceeding 500 ft (152.5 m) in length. l NOTE: Public hydrants when available on an acceptable public water system ~ may be considered to comply with this requirement. ~%?\ d7 ~~~ \ ~,\ - II " :::.,"~ \~, i ! ~. \~ R , il I ! 1 ~ II I [ ~ !f,'i W ,JI~ " ,_ ", ,';:;]..;tc:!.' ,'"'~ ,,_.....-""_,....... '''!\ - ~':'~.~Ar.(~,::..c:~..,'~..~.~~~..,>,~:., \1' ',~ j: 'lrt ~lil,.'\ : ~ ; i 1~. ". \~~ jj,- I ! i , i ,1 , ] , ~.~.. -:::..:::~.;;~..1~:::!::~4~~:~::;~:::~>~ ~ Q . If <! v v ll' "'T.,..... . ...r>> I!~~:<: :~,"' ,K .e:J. ""17 ; '.; 1_',,:;'> . /J .t~- > 1) ~, a;. "(lnI .~ '''\\-.. , ,,' ' ":o!;;~~ '. .,~i:!.~~"'\~~ ~) ~1~) 'ti ^ ;;'~. ;,1[?J!{l'~_;::;: ":~~-'~/f~;:;f,',~~S:-'~" - ~.. .' ~" ;J,\--:-::~ '~f~ (;~~r7'y~<~, ~ l' -' Q .~....}>...,-:.~,,;-,. . ,~ ,\ "!J.--=:,~~~~ e':'" "lL...'. ""', ,-, II .Ii ~ :, ~r :\', ",,' ...~ ,t '" , \,'). nil ' ~;{ 0 'it l.l 1 o..~, f ii. a I! ~ tl ~ ~. ~ '~o ~ ," I " '';',''-,'' :)1 ~,-- '~"....:::~........~ /,~"...,~..~. " .- .- ....~...... ~ v \~" ":~~.,, :":'i", \"~~',:'" ,t;'~ .. \9 0 -0 " <, If "" .1<'l .~~--..-....-----.. // 't, ., ", ......, ,-(' ~ ",,;;:;-r -,\,. ./ ~-{I",'~' "~~~~C.\'~~D ii'~~:~~~~t~ ~":A"" r/ ~J " , '-5 on ~;~) Jl}' , IiI" ~; 1" I" ~ 1/ fi t, r~: "',,\ ' ~ .~- ~Jh -,.il , s l;l n -.;,t 0\ \l ;I. \l )' 1:: Si cO J \~ Q:;'h _r.3o , ~~ I! il I 61 ~, II ii ,? -Q ~i x~, \' (~ ~r-~r:"""1~-~~~.-:- . ~~~; ,1,< !: : I,\:,.;;., ti'o, r ~ ~. t> f~~ l~~q i~~ ~~ r",,c'i r"" ~~~ !jT, ! .: -~ .:, ::. ' '" l so ,~ ( B ~ ~~~ "f >-it 8, " r r~, r 'T i ~7 "- ~7' .,:.-:: ':~~ .:: ;..:.' \1 - \\ -" ~ fi. C. ~'''.. / ,tr"&.::",...;'r,,".J~, ,) % '.'V !J, R,',-,>'i..'~ if ,1.,\# . / \1<,,,,"'0/ (;) ", 0.". J.,."'" .o:i " '.' ~ }~; "'1' '..'~,""...,.;,.,,'... ' c.~ i..\ .\ ': ~'. c: ? U '''I -'" ~l ;';ij' VQ ~ 'J ;;~j ~ ~ 1 01 8 !~ .~ ;~ C?:' 1,. ~~ i'~ ~ ~ u ~ .' 'F:; .. I{; ~ ~ ~ ~ ;'3 IA r;". ;L... r,' ,n~ ~.c' .~ C) --'\ U PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD APPLICATION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA J ~ 1 ~ d j ~ 1 ~j All ~pplications to be processed by the Planning and Zoning Board must be received and accepted by the City Planner thirteen (13) days prior to the regular meeting. Th~ applicant will be advised as to supplemental meetings necessary fe,' application review. All applicants with approved site plans, which a~ 3 later date request a revision, will be processed in the Sa!lll:, wanner as the initial application subject to all Code requirements effective at the time the revision is requested. Name of Applicant Barry E. Greer Applicant I s Address P.O. Box 9'5'5 Address of Site 1401 Neptune Dr. Intenried Use of Site Office and ~Tarehouse and marble fabricat@d of the Site Plan: 1. Existing Zone /1.../ If 2. :Vk3. I /vir 4. Area of Site 1.]4 acres Total Number of Units Proposed 2 Density Gross Per Acre 5. Building Area~36 Sq. Ft. 41 44 % of Lot "1 ~j ~ ~JJ <., 6. Parking Spaces: Req'd 43 Droposed 7. Parking - Aisle Area Sq. Ft. % of Lot 8. Street Area Sq. Ft. % of Lot 9. Landscc...pe Area 12.8'3'3.5 Sq. Ft. 22 % of Lot 10. Height of Buildings 21' 2" Feet 2 Stories 11. Total Floor Area 25D236 Sq. Ft. What is the applicant's interest in the premises affected? ol-mer (Owner, Agent, Lessee, Etc.) (I) (We) understand that this Site approval becomes a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Board. (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and the statements or showings made in any paper or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. This application will not be ac- ce :~i~d ~y _the~wner of the property. S' nature of OWNER The Owner has herepy designated the above signed person to act as his agent in regard to this petition. (To be executed when Owner designates another to act on his behalf.) ? l' ~1 1 , 11' 'I 'J J '\ '1 \\1 ,\ ))~\ ~ 0' ,\\ y. "'ilo fi ~ I' j ^h " n i' n I' ""i ~." V TRACT . tlgU f'l ~ !I(J)/T/E RSI - RtJfl/ /:v.o. i 1. ~~ ;/ _____. __ J;.~'J.:5_Q' :.::.:.e:AtlIlt,-:--- "_-__.::- II I. t> .; 0 400 800 ' 1600 :, Pl.JJltAlrnlrn n#:'J?r t::iJ /""''11 ' I 7"-~ --..- ~( " e:i u ; Jft ~ , I I I .! ) c!f ., t . . . '-, ..... :.:~ .: j.. ",:",:";': ;0.:..., I .~... ~ ~ 2400 j, 3200 \\ '\;:. r. ..:" -, ~ .;;.~ ~ , i 'm:~5 ," 4000 y~ . {'. .' . \, e ..... ... ..' r . .~"" I/Il~ ~ \' 'O"...._.,,~'~....._.._,..~.>-"".....___'-<;..._...............~ } I ~ . j; " ,-) ,..........'",.."".- 0:' ----~- -~ 11. /'" 'i;J ~/ .., r-" ~U ,,/'~) ,.~ CO!-:,: ::.::;: ':'~. 1....:.:. =:;'..r_!..~::.E t.."'..-=- _ _r.. ..J , .~ I> BO~.NTOK BEACH, PLO?':;)A Date ? 1'30/82 Preliminary ( ) Final e><> Request for Change Sign Appro'\~al ~~ Project Na>ne Uaxel10use & Office Buildi1u; for Barry Greer Legal, Description i;4~~~ ;~lto~o~~~ ~~;;.5~l)~~8B O~t th(R~~:~~~f ;~ ~~ ;:e esat 460f the northwest quarter (1mt) of the southl-lest quarter S"rTt of secti~n 5, ~:~hin south, rarure 43 east r Pal m Beach County _ A -- f' J {Jj t . ? caress 0 Sl.te~ l'J'Ap+.unA Dr.: Owner Barry E. Grp.P7". Archi tect Sharr 8= Associates Tel 0 ~ 716-1966 Tel. f 391 -501 R All meetings of the'Community Appearance Board are open to the Public. IMPORT~~T - Requirements for Review: C> IN ORDER FOR YOUR PLANS TO BE REVIEh'ED I A REPRESENTATn'-E WILL NEED . TO BE PRESENT AT THE MEETIl'tS. Preliminary Review Requirements: A. Site Plan (including the General Landscape Development) B. Building Plan, C. All Exterior Elevations with material designations D. Outline specifications of facade and roof trea~~ents E. Sketches of all signs and their dimensions F. General Exterior color description (including signs) Pinal Revie~ Requirements: h. Site plan ~hoKi~g setb~cks! I~nas~aping, all outside areas and their ~seE. 1.=.~c~==F'.l.n9 !:".a~- be ::..::: ~€::'=~E.~ ":.';=::-~~, =:.::: ":.::=::~:::~...:.~ 2.=-::: ~=~~~al ~yp=s of p~an~s ana ~raes ~~s~ be n~~eG, inc~u~ing lighting, fences, or any outside permanent fixtures and calculations or parking lot landscaped areas (10% minimum). Buildinc Plans Detailed dra~ings for all signs . Exter~or surface treatments (inclUding roofs) Exter~or color sch:me (including that of siens). All colors must b~ designated by semple., - S1X (6) sets of working dra~ings and specifications. B. C. D. E. F. Date of Re\'ie"," FOllc..--up Date Decision of review (as stated in official minutes of the peeting): v Community Appearance BOard C Ch a i rilliin ...-- - . .-.-0. "- If \'.'-'~@;~. o ':..":,..~....,=,:"",,,...:r:~..--.."'~~tT\.~,*-.,l.._......__~~____"'~......-'''''- if ~ ~I ~ ~'-'~"'~ ~,;~ II " (:, .,. ,.~~ < ?t~~ .~~~ \ ,(::~ I I .-'1.\ ".' "" ",,;-,..~ ~ _._...._~" 1. r, f r: .~ .d . ii~! t,. t' " 'l)~o ,\1' t.g. (i ;c ~ ~ <l t,;' ~ '"n;:; -~l p'';'' o lilj " II o n if Ii 11 Ii n [) ":.~ .;:;::-~ 0' {I Il ~~--- ~.- -~ - c? ! (? , .C\_~ / ,... 0 . . ...... . . - '7'1..9' - ..""._.....o~_ ~ J - -- ~ 0\" \ ....-. r-";f\Oh RD . ..,I.. ...c ... J... . . r :... .. ..... . . ...... '- 6J'~ 'll COLOR J..'!;r, :.t; ':I:RIJi..L SCHEDDeL! c;; V' . t> Date /~ 19- 1~ .::rob Name V(iJ/U)/J~_ '<f ~ ~ LOCation~. FloL ?7N~..LW>.1L ow:.; ~~pplicani: ~ L.~~ . AddreSS--!OtL- ~fC!1S-".') j)<,>vN7,,~ ~4 _Tel. f..2S't,~ ICf(,t:, ~:3Y:SS- . SURFACE ~1ATERIAL COLOR O~ame>> BEAMS C~T C~ LJ~~ COLUMNS DOORS FASCIA GABLE ENDS D - GLASS - GRI LL P Jl..NELS __INSECT SCREEN' RAILINGS ROOF SHUTTERS SOFFIT l'\?ALLS . OTHLRS (as required) ~ Applicant v I CAB Form ~2 Cit:y of Boynton Beach J 2-:-75 ... ... /I o o ~..:.. I! !I c;; o o () J'.,'J ~) ~~ (:, .~~ p n I, ..., '; (.J ,~ 1;1 {; (f) ~, [y. '" J) ~- 0 o "'. , \; i\ t~ Ii l! Ii ~~ , . Ii .~~f~',,:' '\";."', - '. '.< ';',-- ,; . <t " " il .l,\ I, (.. - 'Ii;!; U, '~~1~t\\ ,f;'- ,f (,I 'L '\\ ~::..':~ ;;:,;: !( \~) ,j" <( 6.; f,) F' '-I ;:", ~:;~ \";J';" ~~/-' ~:=r'S ~' "',' :r~ l/ri'.;~ ,-. . 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",,~b~t ~J~ :~;~' ,'p_,~~t ~i~~ ;}i~: ~.\~:: ::2~~'~ ,~r~ . ~~I<,g ~P,~.~ i.r,,~1 r"'t;;-\ ~~:.']" ~;1 ~~:',,-: ;, ,> \ J..!~ ~ :~.'\\~- ~. - c ! 'J '/ ..:~ '-'1\ ".,).P ."-<)- .~ -cr \-~, oj n I) \~. (;<; '?:JI~'~-~ I :,ui' . 0 '0 "'~i}~i c[f. I ~~jxYi "~;.~.. . (,11 " '~::-7.r,~,.~ r :G)'~' ".., "r'~:,i:-"",;' ,~< f~;l ~~~2t ~1 ~' 1';<: r',!~~X j,,~/\.o .." (' " " ~( 1/ ~"'.;,: -" ' ~' -J 'J.;. , Ii I':' 1;- '\\ ~ n 11 ~ : It jl li ,', n .., \'" ~ ~ 'i t/ ir ~" t,.~- y; ~~~:t \~ ',,) :Jrc;~:...:::;'~~~r,:::_,;'~J'-~,~..,",,,~~(,,-,:~ .".....'"',~[" e',- ' ,1f",\>piJ~~J$ ~::l~ 0 , c ~.. (I ';"'..,:..." .;@ ,; j{~i.," .~~ '.~'.~ ~~': , '~~,.{f ~ . " :'::';-ll, o " (0 & tJ ~ , cU ~ , . : ::~ ." ,<' ,,- . . MEMORANDUM .. . SeptembeJ!) 18t~' 1982 !fOg T-RB }..iENlBERS "::- 'PerPy Ce8snaJ)' Utili:f;y J)iJ{Jector. J' anes .:Rhoden" SY.!o Fire Chief C'ha.r les F:x~ea.eric/k.'p Rea 0 ,& Pca~k8 Dire a tor Bud BoweZlJ) Building Official Tom Clcr.rk31 Ci t11 EngineeJt.~ Capto HiZl.eryJJ PoZiae Department Kevin l1al/ldJuzJ1,~ lJrban Fopester Rick Walke-l' Publia Works 1JiX"e~tor, L~aig Grobee I ~ Energy Coordir:-awr DAPE: Tuf!:..sday~ Septembe~ ?th~ 1982 9:$0 Ao'Mo RE: . Si te Deve lopment P1.a:ns: _ . -,--:::t. 10 GreeJ:' v/(wehGMSe ' 20 HasZem Shopping CenteJfJ $0 . Quai.1, Ridge P:Pofessional Center 40 Boynton . !1'err'eJrje Apcwtments (;Modified pwingJ) d:taainage.and utility "" plans . Parking Lot Ordinance Variance: . .. 10 Boynton. Terrace Apa:ratmentB (TWo (2) curb cuts on the east side-of Seacrest BouZevard~ located too close to intersections and one (1) curb cut on the west side of Seaarest BoulevardJ) located too close to intersectionsJo A meeting of th~ Tecih:niaaZ. Re'l'Jiew Bo~d has been scheduled in the BuiZdingJ) EngineeringJ) and Planni'flfJ Depar"tments U conference room. at .the above ment-ioned date and time 00 For those of you who did not receive aopies .of the pLans under .separate cover~ aop~eB are availcible for review in the Planning Departmento Please attend this meeting or send a designated representativeo ~ -- fs xc: Ci ty Manager Cen tral Fi Zes . L)~~ ut"~.~Z- C~en Annunziato p7 Ci ty Planner L.-',,_ , ~:' f~,;' :~~ ~.':; ~;,,;~ I,~~;':::' -; ~~,', ,.,-,:,:"9'. Ii ,\ :.:- ,~.1" ~, '-- r.:::o'':;Q -),,~ ~,o J ~ ~'~ - 0 IJ, ...:' iI. ~,; - \.\ ""oR' .' it ~ 11 I ij ~ ~ 1, n 1) 'I Ii' l ./1 " . \ '.I -- \';~~ ': -.' . _.', ;....__'- 'hV"<,r'".._ ~~.,.;::,:..<~~ J~ .......__ " \> o . <? in 11 H I !1 ! I II i ,; . U U _f n. .~.-~:,:>:,~:::-Ji'::::r:!r:.,::}!,;r";;"",,;-<,4~~~.~~~ ':.,.,":;::':',:_,.-(,. _ -,c.i:' .r.;".~ :, \\;i1"".r.-'.:., ~--:.."---_ 'l'.77.._:':;'_ ,"""""''"'. -:.....":.. '....', ,'f" . I II 'I ~', ~, ~ " ,. " !:', \,' " .~ , , . ,. \ MrEMOf(ANlDUM1'/ <OJ t:l /'{,\ ),-' ""', , .. , ::_>_..i"';-~:'''''':'''''''-'k__,.,,'-2:::'::L~,. ..,.. c(.." ., "0 ~ ""OM 1 .... Bud HOlJ)eZZ~ BuiZding.Offieial Tom Clt:1Pk,p City Engineer Perry CeB8na~ Utility Dire a tor DA'r1Z September 18t~ 1982 '--J"'''~_' :1i;:'::;:'~;r.,:~:~.~._,.~:...~.~-;,.~.--...2,_. "- '".. _ w""<,,",,,,~......' .,.,.,.,..,.' -,:-,.,.-.;- P'IIL I! Carmen Annunziato City Plannep SlJID.DIZC'i1' Teannioal Re1J{.e7iJ Board Meeting I j r i I I t \ I \ Accompanying this memo:rcou1wnJ> you will find copies of each of the foZZOlJJing site= deve Zopment p Zans 0 GREER WAREHOUSE' HASLAM SHOPPING.CENTER QUAIL RIDGE PROFESSIONAL CENTER BOYNTON TERRACE APARTMENTS (Modij~ed paving~ drainage andutiZities) PZe~se return the~e plans and prep~e .your comments in writing fop the Technical Rev~ew Board Me~t~ng~ schedule~.fol'a TuesdayJ>< September 7th~ 1982 a:t 9:30 AoMo PZans may be re't"Ulmed at. the tune of the meeting 0 ~ fs ~) (~...-""\..~ .J\."-' .~ ( S'(' armen Annunziata- City Planner ~-X: I~, 'V:".-' 1>- , -f7:::;.! - !r,?"I\.li~r ~"l~';~~--~,'..',T:.',~~,"?J,~. 'V0~.~,;ii.,..'.," "",,-~1-l,'I.."""""".~-,-""';.,'-..~_:.~.'~.'.'j;.'J- -._,,:5 [r.),;, ""."..,',-",~,-,~~".~'.?E~;'':~.',.:'"u--..'.._',r..~.r'.' .'.~~.::,I:"'&"'-""_"~J':>; i.-.',_,'"~~.r~.'_---'---','.-2.'~.,.,rJ.'.,."..",,. '~:,.:~,tl---"~:; r ,~,., ,l;::..:-'i ". ,~. 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" ) ,/\ , " 1/ - ,~ ~'\!, ? ;1,\ ~' ~>1. ..~?'; :'( :(. ~:: 11 ;...:. i:." ;;\ }.l .,,,,,,,.JJ.J~"".;:., ')I':,'~ _" .. c" r"tr~l' ':':s' -~'~~'1t~! ~~~f~, ,'i~~:.~' ;0'\J\,t-.~ 4k\~)' ~~~~J~~, '\'~~ , .. . . .. ". ..1' _...~/\,:/.u;;;:P" " '(~,' .~~~ers-~.~'~.r--"':._-----":-- ,;. ....r~. ~~~. c )h.... ,-,_ '. It ...... ,,! - - -.' <:.,( '-' v 1/ )j" ,.-t'Y ,''0" iJ -0_ ~;- ':,-' _" "If:!,;::/'- (] \,..., -...-..... '1 \) CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ApPLICATION Permit # () '..-' Subdivision /) IJ 'I~" f~~ d:.ILt- Block Lot Condo Apt# Bldg# Seco Twp ~Rge ;rob Address_/ fD ~ A~..., Zone Fire Zone Owner's Name IE A<ldlreSs~~ ~eg;/:! A,-~~'ttlJ. Contractor's Name IE Addr::s'~~~ ~. ~~ I~~ State NooRG o~o 2.5'1JLphone Noo 0 PERMIT TO:~ q u...:>(]IA..p.-L...~~-t ,~cA~ X HEREBY MAKE APPLICATION FOR O~ -- ~ - .~J ~VFOLLOWING TYPE S RulwRE: Silllgle Fami;JLy Duplex Commercial X' Industrial . lV1ulti,=-Units VALUATION: Any change in building plans or specifications must be recorded with this officeo Any work not covered-above must have a valid permit prior to startingo In consideration of the granting of this permit~ the owner and builder agree to erect this structure in full compliance with the Building and Zoning Codes of the City of Boynton Beach" Flao This permit not refundable 0 / I certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. DO FA I LURE TO COMPLY WITH THE MEeHAN I CS 0 LX EN LAW CAN RESULT I N THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS" , I . It_~ Application Date7-vo lq...€?JJ______Owner: or: Owner: 0 s Aut.h~rized ~gent/;i::', _ CONTACT PERSONaS NAlVlE~f .!Z?Jli'er~ ".__ -::. _PHONE Of iF ~~ lE- [lJJ $ IE (() lNllL ~r VALUATION FEE 'r-- Type Consto Bldgo $ $ Oce 0 Group Roof Architect SiD 000 coo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 Areal Sqo Fto Sewer o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 g '. Fi:K Units Water 00000 0 0 000 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 e - Flood! Zone Impact 0 0 0 0 000000000 0 0 0 0 000 " BFE CAB Paving Eleco 000 0 000 coo 0 0 0 0 0 0 coo 0 REllJIARKS ~ ~lbg 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ale o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 " TOTAL $ ~ LESS PLAN CHECK TOTAL PENALTY TOTAL AMOUNT DUE ~ $ c- Cl NOo OF BEDROOlVIS AND BATHS / .... Reviewed! By Date - . - I 1 1 .. j I fit '1 'j l ~: L r' [\".',1 ',. ;:\. '~ ,.................... .... o ~ (~ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ApPLICATION Permit #I - .~ o Subdivision Parcel "fl" Block Lot Condo Bldlg# Twp Apt# Seco Rge .' JT 0 b Address 1401 Neptune Dr 0 FiIC'<6 ZOIDle Zone Ownerlls Na.me & Address Barrv E~_G~..e~~J)~5S Bj)..jrof.j)XLJ3-B..&-Q~1&.35..._ Con tractor II s Name & Address aJiL~h.ous.e C~.t-" 444 Z~.b~ Juno .HeachJrla." Sta te No 0 RG 000 2594 Phone No 0 734-9110 I HEREBY MAKE APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO: builLa 't-J'sxehoJJ5a & oft\.ce builc.ling.. - for Barry E. Greer THE FOLLOWING TYPE STRUCTURE: Single Fami~y Duplex lVIulti=Units Commercial , X Industrial . . VALUATION: Any change in building plans or specifications must be recorded with this officeo Any work not covered-above must have a valid permit p~ior to starting. In consideration of the granting of this permit~ the owner and builder agree to erect this structure in full compliance with the Building and Zoning Codes of the City of Boynton Beach~ Flao This permit not refundable 0 I certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE MECHANICSB LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS" I Application Date 7/19i82 OvmeI:' or Owneros Aut,horized Agent Barry Eo Greer I .. ~....- I OONTA CT PERSON\~ S NAME Barry E Greer PHONE NO 0 _736-1966 -- Type Const" O!F F u (C lE- lU @ IE 0 M\!llL ~t VALUATIO~ ~ Bldgo $= $- FEE Oeco Group Roof Architect SiD 00000 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 ~ 000 0 0 Area Sqo Fto Sewer o 0 0 0 000 000 0 000 Q 0 0 ~ 0 0 Fix Units Wa. ter 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <> .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. 0 0 0 0 - Flood Zone Impac too Q 0 0 0 0 0 <> .. 0 '" 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 '\ BFE Paving CAB EIsc 0 0" 0 0 " 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 REMARKS: ~lbgo A/C o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , oJ '..1 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 ~ $- TOTAL -J. LESS PLAN CHECK TOTAL $ c- Cl NOo OF BEDROOMS AND BATHS / PENALTY TOTAL AMOUNT DUE ~..... ~ - :". .... Reviewed BYc=-,~ It)~te ~..". .;/ ~ $ )( ~\- 'If '\ , - ~( I~>, ".n ~..,{:rl.~ ': "-vI".. ~) ') (:: II (, Ij !i ~ ' \::::- ,1;.1 '(\ ,_'Q.l-(} ""-,~" D~W.).. '.d...~.~<.:..I"..'i.{..~''''...: ~!(I~~J'-." ,~\.~:"';, '. ~::~ "".., ~( ~~,i) .., ~ ,,"'" 'l.: '2J .'" I ,1 .,. I . c ! \0; r t...:....~....c... -..:. ~ " (:) \'i' ~;. ,- I,.;' ~ ,'J (, l(:~ 1'0 Y, c "" c: o c; .-:./., '.;1.' 1.,C " " D ..[ \\ 1= /1 o ~ Q \,;,\/ o ....- " ,.. o ~. r:J! .~ \ t 1 '* t, (j (l J. ~"""1..lliJ /--, ; ........ . \) ~i' () ., t' .1 /'....j ,""'........ .~;.;.. . '" " ., .l:1d /7' //:.. 2.-..... r" f -h1 ,....-~- "-J" ~ ~If . -....~A!lI,J1 - '0 '~:_' () o o /~- (-. , , '). (j .~. +. .' tlli.lIiIIIIL......',. I. 101 ..~~ -I' . . .., 'J!B!-.n:. "~', . !t:A!IIIiI ~ _J . [. -.WIIJ1 UIIL l III II .. --LlS...".1.: Miscellaneous Cash Receipt CITY OF B01lNTON BEACH t('~U "&'>' SEP ~8:J 18 N~ 6&20&. Accoun.t No./ltJl __&#0 -..J# -d'6 _jj piTY OF BOYNTON BEACH !:hi .t 411 ()~ 0-0 w~. -. 7J~ "~~ ~ ~;P~~ , 19 cf7__ Received of .$t I2L./l ~ r;L Address _ ... Eor J<~ ~-~~~~ r~.?- --' r~ \ I ) By ~ Dept. F-~ ~ J..._ <) f) , \1 '" . '1! ,"j r~ _\ t' , If .. , C'J J ~ . , 'J . " " .... t. II ri...w2.' i":,,~all\I. ~1IIlIJ~l1"JI J~ .. .""'''''''',' > >"~-~1""_:,"""~,'~'- ,':...- .,~;r, "~,'_-*".;;~~~:~1~6' JJ1l A.4..:1l<, 1_~..L"'-~_'~~"':"" .' /) (/ i-:-; ,:; :/ 0 , .. " . .. /1 ()~. :/'" 1;/ ::; (f ~ ,~~ ',;.' , , ......0 0,\ .." \\ ..., \. ,- \ ~ ;~o ~~:: C( .C-' .:{;' 't", .~: o.,'d - :_ ilf . ,~ , .. . t :"1 c -:.::::::,-. ~/ ~ " '_.,~ , ; Ii [J ,. Q ~ . , ,{,