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F ff - ~~f. ~~ ,.If . ;~/ 1 "\~1 ~. li\'1 '''.A, {.j \.'., ~- ~'2;Jl J 1}~ \\;'\~1 >i) if 'l~:';'" ,> '., ....~""-< " .;;)-;H!~v.J2..:.......~ -;'." ;I i " C"'.>:L.-":::".';':~~~.ji-',",,_~ .. -; l-' t. ~ '-:-~,l~ill<.....o-Jt~~'~~' '- - ",1 ,,~~~L....-..J';" ...-"";;1.1._ _-:::-- iJ ij H li ij ji D ~ .~ P H fJ ~ ~ ~ 11, u :t; 1/ q .Jt~~_:~' :--f'~<~:.~ ....;.""..,.Jl4;.}~ ':( ~.- __ ;,: ~u~:~J" ~~,_____;,.:.1' ';: - { ,,-" '~, ..1- W .J ...l \1 '~~ ,.l,' " "'~~~:i.;.;___~,~\-..-...~'O<:lJA " ',~..~~;"~~;'~L-.J~~\~" l TO \FOOM r l 1 ~ ~. l As you can ste.e from the report,v both bodies tool~ unal1r!l,imous acti on in favor of the rezoningo action which was opposite ~~ the position supported by the Boynton Beach City Councilo l~~,' it., .-,~ (_~L-,;.;,/~~~:..--~t-.-':'.r /) \") f> '1L--:..J~~""'<" " ,....1 -'-; - MEMORANDUfvl TOg Honorable Mayor and city Council NA~~ 411980 I t r, ~ 1\ II Ii ,( !! I ~ II .J ~ ~ J ' r II 1 , 1 11 ~ il . I !I ..'" .",.,..., J\ '.,)'~' c I 'l'""'"jl~:-J,.......~~~..._"-~ 0:..:;..' ~'I. ~:;;.- f) N\EN\O~A~~DQJM From~ Mro Peter La Cheneyo city Manager March 3 9 1930 Pet.er Cheney Il City M?nager . DATI.! 2/28/80 I Re ~ G:rimes Rezon.ing Attached is a report from Mro Carmen AnnunziatoQ City Plannero concerning his appearance before ~he'palm Beach County Planning Commission and the County ConlIDission of Palm Beach C~unty sitting at the zoning Board~ at which times, he represented the city Council indicating ,the city CouncilDs opposition to ~e proposed rezoning of the Grimes propertY9 PLC gmh Atto ccg~ro Carmen Annunziato, city planner i'-.. .~ '< /~ (J"I .J ~ ~ t I/' I ~..-e?~ ':JC' l r ret.er Lo Cheney Ci ty R-lanageJr \~ " .,-":;:;t,'.,(; '~ ~; ~~,....:\>~, ..~., ."'" J'" vet.!! City Planner SUkilJll:t;i: . D brJ..mes Rezon:tna -" n . .~ :J lJ li \1 .. 1j II 9 ~ ,j ~ Ii (I II )1 { , i J i " \1 .' \'. u ~ s' ,~~,,".t.:f__~~:'" l1_W;t;.i,J.J....;.;:;...:.... - . -.-"""" consistent with Councilos directive/}I appeared before the Palm Beach County Planning Commission on 2;14/80 and before the County Commission sitting as the Zoning Board as 2/28/8~o In both casesq I objected on Councilos behalf to the rezoning citing land use conflictsu access problemsq insufficient but legal public noticeu potential for industrial expansion on the shores of Lake Ida and change of ownership 0 In both casesq the action taken was unanimously in favor of the rezoningo . At this timeu I can see no reason for continued active objection on my parto c~~c L--_ Carmen S 0 Annu1ffi~ia.!l,-o (J City Planner ~ ' . :... ,.-4""""~'~":::" ":',:';.":'':::"",_"",.,."",, \'~ f~,.~ --.:::_. -.", < ~.-~~~...,..,.:k"-'i,~J.- ";;J.....,;~"'; ,,,.-.- CSAgpf if'';, ') . ~ .' 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""\r ~l\'Oj" 0 ikf,{;"" .:?SA .~~,~ ''i,,') \i_ii-, "'~ \. \\ ''^" ~,~" It,J!c', ,", ,~, 1 .' J:~~!t~- --"_,Jr' ." ...... /; \ ~;~/,...;.:,,~.- -;r,/'-;.[{ Ii ~t<,~~<<.'~;f!. " ~ - ,_',' <..~n \\". \ ~:d',',,'," (I 'r ~, ' .;r,JI " \.~L ,o' jl~l\" ~}~ 0 " ~'" /},c I ' I . . t~EMO~ANDUM &,g . ~ ~1 j l~.. ~~r 1 ,~ r. I{ \i ;:, '; Y);~~ i", ~1 4#'''''_ "~--~{)~Yf\t\._;fi'l 1'<1) Peter CheneYI1 Cit.y Manager 2/28/80 @Ava US tot!: 17~OM SUgJ~ . R . l:i!C J..mes ezolru..ng ~-= .,.,. City Planner consistent with Councilos directiveoI appeared before the Palm Beach County Planning Commission on 2/14/80 and before the County Commission sitting as the Zoning Board as 2/28/BOG In both casesq I objected on Council~s behalf to the rezoning citing land use conflictsq access problemsq insufficient but legal public noticef potential for industrial expansion on the shores of Lake Ida and change of ownership 0 In both casesu the action taken was unanimously in favor of the rezoningo At this timeq I can see no reason for continued active obj~::'Gtion on my part.. C~J~ ~ -.. ~~ Carmen So Annunziatoq ~-- City Planner CSA~pf Ji- A,l ,;/' ~, \ 0;~ . }- ;+ 4~: ""J) co" 7/ '\'~, , \ li \1 () t.,<.. ~ ~! !: -0 ,:; ;:::'--...., Ii " o 1.1 ~ '" ,.~;.......O~~.-..---=..,1'-..~~, ;1[0', ,,4', .~ '~ ~ :II ~ ~ -1j ~ I '&l \~ ~ 11 l!.! '~ '~ , \,,1 I' ~ ~ I ' ot" " h~\ ;J lee 0- o . [::; , . . ;:;.~ " I~ 0 0' _ll I~Qo 0 Ice;" ~.) ",' I >,_",9 "" 1': ,~ foc :.. 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PALM BEACH COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION AND BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Notice of Public Hearings to be Held 14 February 1980 and 28 February 1980 on planning and zoning matters. l-Iotice is hereby given pursuant to Cha-pter 163.160, Part II, F:l.orida Statutes and ~hapter IV, Section 40~.4(D) and 402.5(D), Zoning Code of Palm Beach County, Florida, as amended, and other authority vested in the Boa:d of County Commissioners to call and hold public hearings and give not~ce thereof that Public Hearings will be held on the below listed req~e?ts ~or Distric~ B~undary ~hanges (Rezo~ing), Special Exceptions~ Mod~~~cat~on of Comm~ss~on Requ~rements, Zon~ng Regulation Changes (Ord~nance Amendment), said public hearings to be r.~ld as follows: Thursday, 14 February 1980 Public Hearing before the Palm Beach Coun~y ~lanning'Commission at 9:00 A.M., at the County' Comm7ss~on Chambers, County.Courthouse, West Palm Beach, Flor'.::da, to consider said applications and recommend approval or d~sapproval thereof to the Board of County Commissioners of Palm Beach County, Florida. Thursday, 28 February 1980 Public Hearing before the Board of . County Commissioners, Palm Beach County, Florida, at 9:00 A.M., at the County Commission Chambers, County Courthouse West Palm Beach, Florida, to consider said applications and t~ hear t~e':ecommendations of the Palm Beach County Plan- n~n~ Comm~s~~on and accept, reject or modify such recommen- dat~ons, and to take such other appropriate and lawful action including continuing said public hearings from time to time upon motion of the board duly passed and approved. (Publish: 22 January 1980 and 29 January 1980) <96 -2 Y " (:r(~ 'c\ n~~ g '-'-' ~r~ ~ <; ~ H If'U z;' I! .. \1 ./i 1 ~~, :~.,J <'"::' J Ir /(' (".> 'F~I '1~ i/" ". Jh :,0 ~.lO__ 8~j 1\ _ \, Ira i';:,:; -..,.u J) C . (; '!! II ... 80-13 The petition of LARRY E. TIMH for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION TO ALLot-l THE PARKING OF TWO (2) MOBILE BOHES ON TEN (10) ACRES AS TEMPORARY RESIDENCES on the South 1/2 of Tract 34, Block 'A', LOXAHATCHEE GROVES, in Section 19, Township 43 South, Range 41 East, as recorded in Plat Book 12, page 29; subject to an easement for road and drainage over the South 30.0 feet thereof. ~ Said property located on the west side of VB' Road, approximately .9 mile 'north of Okeechobee Road in an AG-Ag~icultural District. 80-15 The peti -riO:l of ANSHEI EMUNA CONGREGATION, INC., by Henry Silver, Presid~nt, for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION TO ALLOW A TEHPLE on the East 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 ,II of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section (' 27, Township 46 South, Range 42 East; Subject to all rights-of-way, easements, restrictions, and reservations of record. Said property located on the west side of Carter Road, approximately 1300 feet north of L.W.D.D. Lateral Canal #37 in an AG-Agricultural ,District. 80-16 The petition of ~~RC SHAW for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION TO ALLOW THE PARKING OF ,ONE (1) MOBILE.HOME AS A TEMPORARY RESIDENCE on the North 517 feet of the South 2685 feet of the'West 456.22 feet of the East 3605.22 feet of that part of Section 33, Township 40 South, Range .41 n~ East, lying North of State Road No. 706; Subject to an IV easement for road purposes over and across the East 130 feet of the North 50 feet and the West 130 feet of the South 50 feet thereof. Said property located on the nOj,,-.th side of 184th Place, approximately 500 feet west of 134th Way in an AG-Agricultural District. :1 80-17 The peti~ion of P.B.N. DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, by Ray Liberti for the REZONING; FROM AG-AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT TO RS-RESIDENTIAL SINGLE Fft~ILY DISTRICT ~~ of the South 130 feet: of the East 295 feet of Tract 57 and the South 130 feet of the West 16 feet or Tract 58, all in Block 23, Palm Beach Fa~ms Company Plat,No. 3, in Section 21, Township 44 South,. Range 42 East, as ~eco~ded in Plat Book 2, page 47. Said property located on the southeast corner of the intersection of Andrews Road and Nassau Road. 80-1~ The petition of P.B.N. DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION~ by Ray' Liberti for the REZONING, FROM AG-AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT TO RS-RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY DISTRICT ~ of the South 130 feet of the vJest 269 feet of the ~ East 284 feet of Tract 56, Block 23, Palm Beach Farms.Co., Plat No.3, in Section 21, Township 44 South, Range 42 East, as recorded in Plat Book 2, page 47. Said proper~y located on the southwest corner of.the intersection of Andrews Road and Nassau Road. l I . . ". : j 1\ , \ v c I;':: I , t) .;} I 80-19 The petition of RONALD and VIRGINIA BOND for a SPECIAL, EXCEPTION TO ALLOW THE PARKING OF ONE (1) MOBILE HOME AS A TEMPORARY RESIDENCE on a parcel of land in the East 1/2 of the V1est 1/2 of Section 1, Township 45 South, Range 41 East, more part~cularly described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of said Section 1; thence East along the South line of said Section 1, a distance of 1336.03 feet to a point; thence North 0001'17" East, a distance of 1968.00 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence continue North 0001'17" East, a distance of 327.00 feet to a point; thence East a distance of 668.44 feet to a point, thence South 0001'57" \1est, a distance of 327.00 feet to a point; th.ence West:, a d~stance of 668.38 feet to the Point of Beginning. (This land more cOTmIlon1y referred to as the West 1/2 of Tract 33). Subject to an ?asement over the Easterly ~ 30.00 feet thereof for Roadway purposes; ALSO subject f to an easement over the Westerly 30.00 feet thereof for Canal and drainage purposes. Said property located on the west side of Park Lane East:, approximat-ely .6 mile west of S.R. #7 (U.S. 441) in ~n AG-Agricultural District. I; Ii t 80-20 The petition of EVELYN JANE DUNCAN for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION TO ALLOW THE PARKING OF ONE (1) MOBILE HO}ffi AS A TEMPORARY RESIDENCE on the East 1/2 of the North 1/2 of Tract 28, Block 'A', Loxahatchee Groves, in Section 17, Township 43 South, Range 41 East~ as recorded in ~ Plat Book 12, page 29. Said property located on the west side of tBI Road (155th Avenue North), approximately 700 feet south of North Road in an AG-Agricultura1 District. 80-21 The petition of BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF PAI"M BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, by Bill Bailey, Chairman, for the REZONING, FROM AG-AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT TO PO-PUBLIC OWNERSHIP DISTRICT of the West 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4~ of Section 14, Township 42 ~outh, Range 42 East. r Said property located on the north side of Lake Park West Road (Northlake Boulevard), approximately 3/4 mile east of Florida's Turnpike. 80-22 The petition of CHARLES and NANCY SKAHEN for the REZONING, FROM AG-AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT TO IL-LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT of the West 1/2 of Tract 52, Block 5, Palm Beach Farms Co., Plat No.3, in Section 33, Township ~ 43 South, Range 42 East, as recorded in Plat Book 2, pages 45-54. Said property located on the north side of 2nd Place North (Wallis Street), approximately .1 mile east of Skees Road (70th Avenu~North). ,~ ',:::} (.~. (j ~ o il I {l, ,~ ii, " ~ <> ~' .. \; ;;'1' ~ ~ t',..'" ' i~}.:~J k'J~' Y'~~;"O'" .r; ~::J :>:. C 1\1' ~ W~ f t t' : L [" ~. ~ \\ (ut+J f\. 1(' ,i' )~. ;;"~t c~, ';f. ';-~:-;, :I{,: ~~. ~,',.'.~: "". '~ . '-f'; (,\ ~ l1; l~~",:' t:! '\ 9., ~:. ~ t;"~.",.,. C- ~~,"'.',' , ~ 'ii L, P~,' tf;,-. ..,J (, \" ,:;;, I'" :J~ \ \:1 ~, ~: (~ ~ (I '" . " (.> (? ~, 1.1 Ii b ~ () n ~ I I I r I I } l1 ~ .,:,; "~ \.".....,' :/ 80-24 'K 80-25 ~, tf The petition of GRHIES MANUFACTURING CC?HPANY by Jc1.me~ S. Mihor~ f or, the REZONING. FRO]:l....cJ?::.GJ:.I'JE.Mr....-CQNNJ;;.RCIA;L DISTRIC'!', nr-'pA'RT:-7\.Ffff'RS-RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY 'DIS'l'Rrc'r, IN PART, TO IL-LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT of a parcel of land ~n Sect~on 5, Township 46 South, Range 43 East, being more particularly described as follows: Commence at 'the intersection of the North line of the South 1/4 of the South 1/2 of said ,Section 5 with the East right-of-way line of State Roac No. 9 (Interstate 95); thence South 18031 i 1St! tvest (assumed) along said East right-of-way line, 329.39 feet; thence South 89058'3511 East, and parallel with the said North line of the South 1/4 or the South 1/2 of Section 5, a distance of 300.00 feet; thence North 18031'J East, and parallel with the said East right-of-wi'.'! line of State Road No. 9 a distance of 380.00 feet tr ~ line 48.00 feet North of and parallel with the said North line of the South 1/4 of the South 1/2 of Section 5; thence North 89058'35" West, along said parallel line 23.59 feet; thence North 18026'2511 East, a distance of 108.34 feet to the point of tangency of a curve concave to the Northwest; thence Northeasterly along the arc of said curve, having a central angle of 91037'13" and a radius of 69.09 feet a distance of 110.48 feet to the end of said curve thence North. 16049'12" East, along a line tangent to said curve a distance of 94.23 feet to a point of curvature of a curve concave to the Southeast having a central angle of 49003'3411 and a radius of 67.65 feet; thence Northeasterly along the arc of said curve a dis~ance of 57.92 feet to the end of said curve; thence North 65052~46" East, along a line tangent to said curve, a distance of 90.85 feet to a point of curvature of a curve concave to the Northwest, having a central angle of 53045'58" and a radius of 106.26 feet; thence Northeasterly along the arc of said curve a distance 0.: 99.69 feet to a point; thence North 59034'14" West, a distance of 460.29 feet to a,point in the East right-of-way line of Interstate Road No~ 95 (formerly known as Florida State Road No.9); thence South 180'31'15" West, along said right-of-way line a distance of 710.28 feet to the Point of Beginning aforedescribed. Said property located on the east side of Interstate Road 1-95 (S.R. 9), approximately 600 feet west of Lake Drive Extension. . The petition of CENTCRY VILLAGE, INC., by F. Martin Perry, Attorney, for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION TO ALLOW AN OFFICE/WAREHOUSE COMBINATION on a parcel of land in Section 23, Township 43 South, Range 42 East, said parcel of land being specifically described as follows: FROM the Southeast corner of said Section 23, bear Nnrth 89057'J.l" West, along the South line of said ttJ Section 23, a distance of 2063.00 feet to the inter- {I section of said South line with the Southerly prolongatio~ of the West line of CENTURY VILLAGE, PLAT NO. 14~ as recorded in Plat Book 30,\pages 156 and 157; thence, due North, along said West line of said plat and its Southerly prolongation, a distance of 391.00 feet to the Northwest corner of said plat and the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence South 89057' 11" Eas.t, along the boundary of said CENTURY VILLAGE, PLAT NO. 14, a distance of 120.00 feet; thence, due North, along said boundary, a distance of 290.00 feet; thence North 8g057'1~" West, a distance or 299.00 feet; thence, due Souths a distance of 125.00 feet; thence, South 89057'11" East, a distance of 179.00 feet; thence, due South, a distance of 165.00 fe~t to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said property located approximately 300 feet. north of Okeechobee Boulevard (S.R. 704) and approxi- mately .3 mile west of Haverhill Road in a" CG-General Commercial District. "_..'.....~~"-_.~,.....~~,~ ~ if I ;: ;t! r I' L '(,' n 0'" II. .80-26 1 i [ ~ I 80-27 .r ~ .i The petition of WTWV, INC., by Bob. Nichols, Agent, for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION TO ALLOW A COMMERCIAL TELEVISION . MICRO\VAVE TRANSNISSION TOWER on a part::el of land in " Section 13, Township 41 South, Range 41 East, more particularly described as follows: that part of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast Ill{. of the Northwest 1/4 and that part of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of said Section 13; lying North of the North line of a 50 foot conal right-of-way therein, as recorded in Plat Book 24, page 7, and lying South of a lin~ 330 feet North of and parallel to said North right-of.. ':;J.y line whose bearing is assumed to be North b9057'50" East and said 33Q feet is measured along a line with bearing North 0058'49" East; Subject to a road easement for ingress and egress along the Northerly ~ 30 feet thereof and also subject to a drainage easement (I over the West 30.0 feet thereof. Said property located on the south side of Sandy Run, approximately .2 mile east of Heagerty Drive in an ~G-Agricultural District. The petition of CITRUS RIDGE, INC., by Don E. Killoren~ Jr. Agent for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION TO ALLOW A PRIVATE h~NDING STRIP on an easement lying within Lots 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, and Lots 145, 146, lL~ 7, 148, 149, 150, 151, 15L 15S3, aln~ Lot 154, unrecorded plat of CITRUS RIDGE RANCHE, y~ng in Sections 5, 6, 7 and 8, Township 42 South, Range 41 East, Drawing Number 178-156, on file in the records of Flor.ida Surveying and Mapping, Inc., 941 No~th Military Trail, West Palm Beach, Florida, marked Exhibit 'A', attached hereto, and being made a part hereof, being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the Southwest corner, Section 7, Township 42 South, Range 41 East; thence North 02047'40" East, along the West line or said Section 7, a distance of 4,621.09 feet; thence North 89.041'25" East, a distance of 230.00 r feet to the Easterly easement line of WINTERGREEN ROAD; thence North 02047'40" East, a distance of 25.01 feet; thence North 89041'25" East, a distance of 332.16 feet; thence North 00022'38" \<lest, a distance of 125.00 feet; thence North 39041'25" East, a distance of 3,579.39 feet to the Westerly easement line of LASHLEY ROAD; thence South 00025'14" East, a distance of 300 feet; thence South 89041'25" West, a distance of 3,579.61 feet; thence North 00022'38" West, a distance of 125.00 feet; thence South 89041'25" West, a distance of 334092 feet to the Easterly easement line of WINTERGREEN ROAD; thence North 02047'40" East, a distance of 25.01 feet to the Point of Beginning. Said property located on the east side of Wintergreen Road, on the west side of Lashley Road, and approximately .3 mile south of Sparrow- hawk Road in an AG-Agricultural District. 0';>> a " \ c~ 'jF ~ I I j 1 If ,I II 'I ,! \ . 80-28 80-29 80-30 r II ;.c'~" , The ~etition of TRAFALGAR DEVELOPERS OF FLORIDA, INC., A S~bSidiary of GENERAL ELECTRIC CREDIT CORPORATION, by lair G. Andersen, Vice President, for the REZONING" FRO AG-AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT TO RT-RESIDENTIAL TRANSITIOnAL DISTRICT of the ~rurth 1/2 of "the Northwest 1/4 of Section 34, Township 41 Soutb, Range 42 East, less the t-lest J/2 of the Hest 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of the Nortlnvest 1/4 and less the right_-of-way for HOQd Road, and the REZONING, FROM AG-AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT TO RE~RESIDE~ITIAL ESTATE DISTRICT of all that part of /Section 27, Township 41 South, Range 42 East, lying lEast of the Easterly right-of-way line of Florida's Turnpike, less the North 75 feet thereof, AND A FURTHER SPECIAL EXCEPTION TO ALLOW THE EXPANSION OF A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT KNOWN AS EASTPOINTE, PREVIOUSLY APPROVED UNDER ZONING PETITION NO. 74-102 on the North 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 34, Township 41 South, Range 42 East, less the West -:1./2 of the tvest 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 and less the r~ght- of-way for Hood Road; and, all that. part of Section 27, . Township 41 South, Range 42 East, lying East of the Easterly right-of-way line of Florida1s Turnpike, less the North 75 feet thereof; and, tne North 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 34, Township ~1 South, Range 42 East, less the East 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 and less the right-of-way of Hood Road; all that part of Section 27, Township r,... South, Range 42 East lying Westerly of Florida's Turnpike ~JU less the North 75 feet thereof for right-of-way of Donald 'Ross Road and less the South 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southeast l/q. Said property located on the ~ast and west sides of Florida's Turnpike, being bounded on the north by Donald Ross Road and on the south by Hood Road. The petition of JACK N. STEVENS for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION TO ALLOW THE PARKING OF TWO (2) MOBILE HOMES AS TEMPORARY RESIDENCES on a parcel of land in Block 'A'~ Loxahatchee Groves, in Section 18, Township 43 South, Range 41 East, as recorded in Plat Book 12, page 29~ ~ and being more particularly described as follows: l' the North 1/2 of Trac.t 29, Block 'A', Loxahatchee Groves. Said property located on the west 3ide of 'B' Road, approximately .3 mile south of 40th Street (Nor~h Road) in an AG-Agricultural District. The petition of COCOANUT ENTERPRISES DE VE LOPMBNT COMPANY, INC., by K. T. Mock, Agent, for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION TO ALLOW A NURSERY AND GREENHOUSE FACILITY on a parcel of land in Tracts 11 and 12, Block III according ~( to the plat of the Palm Beach Farms Company Plat No. 911 in Section 29, Township 43 South, Range 42 East, as recorded in Plat Book 5, page 58~ more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point in the West line of said Tract 1111 70 feet South of the Northwest corner of said Tract 11; thence South 87046'06" East along a line that is 70 feet South of and parallel to the North line of said Tracts 11 and 1211 a distance of 730.00 feet to a ~oint in said Tract 12; thence South 571.57 feet to a po~nt; thence West 759.45 feet to a point; thence North along East line of Tract 10; thence 601.17 feet to a point; thence South 87046'06" East, a distance of 30 feet to the Point of Begi~ning. Said property located on the northeast corner of the intersection of Okeechobee Boulevard (S.R. 704) and Rubin Road in a CG-General Commercial District. n II II 1\ ~J (J n ~ o ':) v. ~. '('~ _~,-"'T-'-"- -----.-..~.;; " ,~ t tt~ I "~ '~ 'Cift~.' v' , ' j r o ..,,? ,<~' "" '0 l y~ \\'u~j I ~ ] ~ ,pi , {2 A ( ,~ ',p G !I ~I? l)" I! () -tJ Q .~ ~Q -&:c, 1/ D', ~ G g \\ .. '" "'.-....~~~-~--.;; '\ I:' I () -, "L iQ!;\ --~J ,-;;/"",_",,~).lLv""~' ~-- ',;_~'j"'~-;M.:-~-- a''';\~''<l''' i II ,~ , "'.--'; ... [If>~, Ii ~- 0 ,....~- \,., ~~ in \\11 f.,'r' U ....)\, ~b- 80--31 The petition of ROY So and PATRICIA f1 o' ROOD for the REZONING~ FROM RS-RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY DISTRICT TO CG-GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT of a parcel of land lying in 'and being a part of Sec.:tion 2 5 ~ TOlvnship 1+0 . South~ Range 42.Easts being more particularly described ( as forlows; Being the West 25500 feet of the North 200000 feet~ (as measured at right angles)~ of the. Northwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of said Section 250 Said property located on th~ south side of County Line Road~ approximately ~2 mile east:of Riverside BoulevardQ . 80-32 The petition of NABIL HANSEN and ARMO HANSEN by Nabil Hansen~ Agent~ for the REZONING~ FROM RM-RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE FAMILY DISTRICT (MEDIUM DENSITY)~ IN PART~ AND CG-GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT~ IN PART~ TO CG- ~ GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT AND A FURTHER SPECIAL l" EXCEPTION TO ALLOW A LARGE SCALE COMMUNITY SHOPPING CENTER on Lot 1+ ~ Block 3:il less .the North 1/4 ~ the South 252075 fe~t and the right-of-way of Military Trail thereof~ Palm Beach Plantations~ in Section ].2~ Township 44 South~ Range 42' East~ as recorded in Plat Book lO~ page 20 Said property located on the west side of Military Trail (SoR. 809):il approximately 850 feet south of Forest Hill Boulevard 0 X80-6 X80~7 \:1 , ~ I '. 'In!,,,p.lj~V'lC ..'& {? .~jl::\r;:lr;: The petition of PALERMO REALTY::l INC. ~ by Joseph Ao {\ Palermo~ President~ (Original Petition NoD 18-4) for a ONE (1) YEAR EXTENSION OF TIME FROM THE FEBRUARY 1980 EXPIRATION DATE ON THE SPECIAL EXCEPTION APPROVAL OF FEBRUARY 23~ 1978~ to file the first plat for ~ Palermo Acres:il a,Plan~ed Unit Development. Said II property located on the west side of Marginal Road (82nd Drive South)~ approximately 02 mile south of Pioneer Road in an RE-Residential Estate Districto ...,. The petition of MADALYN STEPHENS (Original Special' AP Permit Noo SP-MH-78-101) for a SIX (6) MONTH EXTENSION ~ OF TIME FROM THE DECEMBER 1979 EXPIRATION DATE ON THE . SPECIAL PERMIT APPROVAL OF DECEl1BER 20S) ,1978:i) to park one (1) mobile home while constructing a single family dwelling. Said property located approximately 109 miles south of Indiantown Road (Wo Ocean Boulevard) and approximately 006 mile 'east of Canal C-18 in an AG~ Agricultural Districto -,\. ,) ff .'-.: u , . .. ,,,: ,)..,.' \" ~ ;,. \~/: {; -,..,0 ,,'~';l {.II) ~~, (rj';".,,!, ii'; ''" ~~~. '" t:~ 't;\\N~ I'" ~ ~i( II,.JI. Ii,,,, h\ "dr-" 4 ~~ ~\ ~l ~.~ " J,k. " t1,t0',~7(!>. .- ~I ~ I ~ i( . ,,,,' "'.....~)--'-\I ~.....-..~~..~.- '~::,rr'~ "j '1"'; ~<(.) " \.r; '" '" \\ "~ <11'" )L(L \D;;~, t", r rY f. 'c ,ie '. ;;)~~ t ,),(;1 .....\'~I [(tt'1: 1 "~ t~; ~ ,,_.t, j~:J! ~~:!j ~.~~ d. ~l' .. ;Cci1 ?"0 l},\';'? ~ t, "OJ.'.t f ~~ t ~~ , " ~~' iI_"~ .- ) 01) '1 r1 ~1) [@ vo5c' lX;: tra t', r~.','~.'.'!J.'CI.' l }1 J.( Jt c~' '\~1, Ir-..~ \' s. " ~, to ~'--'. t( Ii r :.,J~ """r;.;, 'i lr r' r, ;J."'.:.. L1o' ;; [11 <:;i t .Ii ,/'1 ",''0,:. &~_..\.J-r.::..' ,',-" "\" It {>J l f? [-'It f'~oi. f ~ A' LJ( i'.~" "(. .;:.:;! 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'= \~'S;)!..=: I~ ~~ Jt~ :J.JL 11" ~ [3~~ to "ip'.!';, ..~cr~ ~: .~?~ .' 'i .\.. ;jr- ;~"~" ''- ') ,y'!' "fi " N g ~\ '-'~ (~ J~ - 'i( "W , ))1'" ,~.. :.."" "0\, ~}j ,~ ~ -!.. '~-k'<>, r--'b~ '~'" ---;;-1t::'c'-:;" -.. jt"-'f:rir--,-w' ~......~""'~. . ... ' .. c I) ,,""'1. V'll "(, j)(. '!l? Ii '~if-'" \~, ~~"\-j;fW" '!i:"'~:]~''',\,'''c' l\..~. ',_ ' \1 ~"';::\ ;::::o.,~,;- ......\...-9 " -.s- (,I.;, ;9" fI fl'~l' 1/ l\ 1 j ~ .. ">.; ,f ~ fJi J I 1 '1f- ~r " h.: I 'r, \ J' i ?1'~' ~. ''"'i;:'~' r;c A Vii, ~it~ {~. ,<I, ....~. .,.>-,....'.'..0 ll., , -:.:-;?> . '.!...:::.\:- 3. 80-17 AGENDA PALM BE4CH COUNTY COMMISSION SITTING AS THE GOVERNING BODY 28 February 1980 A. Roll Call 4. 80-18 i ',I I The petition of P.B.N. DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, by Ray Liberti for the REZONING, FROM AG-AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT TO RS-RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY DISTRICT of prope~ty located on the southeast corner of the intersec- tion of Andrews Road and Nassau Road. Details of Property: approximately 0.93 acre - owned Land Use Plan Recommendation: RS The petition of P.B.N. DEVELOPME~IT CORPORATION, by Ray Liberti for the REZONING, FROM AG-AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT TO RS-RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY DISTRICT of proper.ty located on the southwest corner of the intersec- tion of Andrews Road and'Nassau Road. Details of Property: approximately 0.80 acre - owned Land Use Plan Recommendation: RS The petition of RONALD and VIRGINIA BOND for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION TO ALLOW THE PARKING OF ONE (1) NOBILE HOME A~ A TEMPORARY RESIDENCE on property located on the west s1de of Park Lane East, approximately .6 mile west of S.R. #7 (U.S. 441) in an AG-Agricultural District. Details or Property: approximately 5.02 acres - owned Land Use Plan Recommendation: RE The petition of EVELYN JANE DUNCAN for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION TO ALLOW THE PARKING OF ONE (1) MOBILE HOME AS A TEMPORARY RESIDENCE on property located on the west side of 'B' Road (155th Avenue North), approximately 700 feet south of North Road in an AG-Agricultural District. Details of Property: approximately 5.0 ac!'es - owned Land Use Plan Reco~~endation: AG -2- '~, '11 (i If 7. 80-21 8. 80-22 9. 80-24 10. 80-25 ~ The petition of BOARD OF COU~TY COMMISSIONERS OF PALM BEACH COU~TY, FLORIDA, by Bill Bailey, Chairman for the REZONING, FROM AG-AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT TO PO-PUBLIC OWNERSHIP DISTRICT or property located on the north side of Lake Park West Road (Northlake Boulevard), approximately 3/4 mile east of Florida's Turnpike. Details of Property: approximately 5.0 acres Land Use Plan Recommendation: RT B. Opening Prayer & Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag C. Remarks of the Chairman: The Board of County Commissioners of Palm Beach County, Florida, sitting as the governing body, has convened to consider applications for Rezoning, Special Exceptions, Modification of Commission Requirements, and Ordinance Amendments to the Palm Beach County Zoning Code pursuant to Chapter 163.160, Part II, Florida Statutes and Chapter 70-863, Laws of Florida, Special Acts of 1970, and Chapter IV, Section 402.5(D), Zoning Code of Palm Beach County, Florida, and other authority vested in the Board. The Board will consider advisory recommenda- tions of the Palm Beach County Planning Commission resulting from a public hearing conducted by that body on 14 Feb~uary 1980 on each application listed in the enclosed agenda. D. Proof of Publication 5. 80-19 ~.'~ - 'if ~l ';1) ~ c~. <..\ )..... t~J The petition of CHARLES and NANCY SKAHEN for the REZONING, FROM AG-AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT TO IL-LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT .of property located on the north side of 2nd Place North (Wallis Street), approximately .1 mile east of Skees Road (70th Avenue North). Details of Property: approximately 5.0 acres - contract to purchase Land Use Plan RecomrrLendation: RT The petition of GRIMES MANUFACTURING COMPANY by James S. Mihori fOI' the REZONING, FROM CG-GENERAL COHMERCIAL DISTRICT, IN PART, AND RS-RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY DISTRICT, IN PART, TO IL-LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT of property located on the east side of Interstate Road 1-95 (S.R. 9), approxima"tely 600 feet west of Lake Drive Extension. Details of Property: approximately 6.97 acres - owned Land Use Plan Recommendation: IL The petition of CENTURY VILLAGE, INC., by F. Martin Perry, Attorney, for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION TO ALLOW AN OFFICE/WAREHOUSE COMBINATION on property located approximately 300 feet north of OkeechQDee Boulevard (S.R. 704) and approximately .3 mile west of Haverhill Road in a CG- General Commercial District. Details of Property: approximately 1.313 acres - owned Land Use Plan Recommendation: COmr.le:t,~ial -3- " "r, ' II )\ ,i ) I \ { ~, I E. Remarks of the Zoning Director, Planning, Zoning & Building Department F. Advertised Petitions 6. 80-20 .:..:. ~''''''''' - ,~o, 1/ "" II ~ ,;J ~ '~ <.1 " ~, \\'\ ,~ ~: :9, IJ (-;; 1. 80-15 The petition of ANSHEI EHUNA CONGREGATION, INC., by Henry Silver~ President, for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION TO ALLOW A TEMPLE on property located on the west side of Carter Road~ approximately 1300 feet north of L.W.D.D. Lateral Canal #37 in an AG-Agricultural District. r \1 Q \' " I Details of Property: approximately 5.23 acres - contract to purchase Land Use Plan Recommendation: RE 2. 80-16 The petition of MARC SHAW for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION TO ALLOW THE PARKING OF ONE (1) MOBILE HOME AS A TEMPORARY RESIDENCE on property located on The north side of 184th Place, approximately 500 feet west of l34th Way in an AG-Agricultural District. Details of Property: ~~ il c~ ~ ._"\\ ~CI' ~. Ij - approximately 5.41 acres - owned Land Use Plan RecoJrunendation: AG ~'''''t i,1 ~) rY (0 ) -:) ,\ f ~, ~f' \3 " )11 , I If II ~ '/ \l ~ -~ \.. -;\ !t Ci' f(' ~ /' . \) If /; \l I f \ t \ "4: '; ~"~,, .,l ,'11 '" " f I "II \,\ 1\ I'JII' \;,;;,,'~, ",6'''' ~ .1;}' ,c:, j/~, f.\ f;, ;'riM' _ ,t.i -",~'tl" A_,'\\f,,;~. ". __\"~-,,, ,~..;..\f',,:'t7::;'/~ .~ \I"D" -;n.."'~ tj:';.::E~:.~/ t~,..2\('7/ Ii .' / f#J f l . } i J '~ tl , 'I ,j If II !~ b ,,~ )/(> I \ \:.'< 1.) ,':i o t\ ~ ,i; g.. ',\ (r""_'(~~~~,c>i;- --'_!'~ ~f (: c,\~~__'~ lf~,:-'~~~a~J (\\~ (1 \l~' c '<; ~.-'l_ ,-.....'"'""\r~~r-~~, ~,~ r:,':;: ~<~~~\tY"\~~'};'~~"~~ l\-.0h;.~\;Pt;Y; -~ ~'~<~,X<.:'g;S~t~:J~~f::gf,c:~'zIf;~~lff~~~~;r;; '~~L~~~2~~;:;;L~;:;':;:;':~~!:~:3~h:~r~\":t;'~ ~'~]'~";l>~~'" 11. 80-26 12. 80-28 13. 80-29 14. 80-30 " .:; " '\~c; The petition of HTVJV, INC., by Bob Nichols, Agent, for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION TO ALLOW A COMMERCIAL TELEVISION MICROWA~E TRANSMISSION TOWER on property located on the south s~de of Sandy Run, approximately .2 mile east of Heagerty Drive in an AG-Agricultu~al District. Details of Property: approximately 2.5 acres contract to purchase Land Use P'.an Recommendation: AG The petition of TRAFALGAR DEVELOPERS OF FLORIDA INC., ,r.. Subs~di~r'y of GENERAL. ELECTRIC CREDIT CORPORATION, by Cla~r ~. Andersen, V~ce President" for the REZONING, FROM AG-A~RICULTURAL DISTRICT TO RT-RbSIDENTIAL TRANSITIONAL DISTRICT and the REZONING, FROM kG-AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT TO RE-RESIDENTIAL ESTATE DISTRICT AND A FURTHER SPECIAL EXCEPTION TO ALLOW THE EXPANSION OF A PLANNED UNIT DEV~LOPMENT KNOWN AS EASTPOINTE, PREVIOUSLY APPROVED UNDER ZONING PETITI9N NO. 74-102 on property located on the east and west s~des of Florida's Turnpike, heing bounded on the north by Donald Ross Road and on the south by Hood Road. Details of Property: approximately 664.96 aCI'es - part owned part contract to purchase Land Use Plan Recommendation: RT/RE The petition of JACK N. STEVENS for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION TO ALLOW THE PARKING OF TWO (2) MOBILE HOMES AS TEMPORARY RESIDENCES on property located on the west side or 'B' Road, approximately .3 mile south of 40th Street (North Road) in an AG-Agricultural District. Details of Property: approximately 10.0 acres - owned Land Use Plan Recommendation: AG The petition of COCOANUT ENTERPRISES DEVELOPMENT COMPANY INC., by K. T. Mock~ Agent, for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION ' TO ALLOW A NURSERY AND GREENHOUSE FACILITY on property located on the northeast corner of the intersection of Okeechobee Boulevard (S.R. 704) and Rubin Road in a CG- General Commercial District. Details of Property: approximately 10.219 acres - owned Land Use Plan Recommendation: Commercial -4- '';::' !;) " e " :...- l II () ,.... .. o "r---- If.=/?-- ~. " .?:l c# ff' l\~Jt" I) .~~? ~;u-jr ~':J ,_,~\ 0 . '(.-<.>~iI\\_~Z::{I-?:0.;!}9R::~-- ..:,':~W"s;.;-:;-_ " (~" '''--''''j!A('r'j,V . ,; , (',-~ ;~ , ! If G. Postponed Petitions \ n 1 1. 79-178 The petition of VILLADELRAY INVESTORS, LTD., by Maurice F. Valibus, Agent, for the REZONING, FROM AG-AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT TO CG-GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT of property locate0 on the southwest corner of the 'ntersection of Mili'tary Trail (State Road 809) and Oak Hill Road. Details of Property: approximately 0.30 acre - owned Land Use Plan Recommendation: RS 2. 79-L68 The petition of G.R. FROST, TOWN MANAGER OF THE TOWN OF PALM BEACH, by Robert Cain and Tom McCarthy, Agents, for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION TO ALLO\O] GOVERNMENTAL SERVICE AND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES, INCLUDING RECREATION AND CLUB FACILITIES on property located on the south side of Okeechobee Boulevard (S.R. 704), being bounded on the west by L.W.D.D. Canal No.3, approximately 1950 feet west of Haverhill Road in a CG-General Commercial District and an RH-Residential Multiple Family District (High Density). Details of Property: approximately 31.15 acres - owned Land Use Plan Recommendation: RM 3. 79-283 The petition of ORANGE POINT CORPORATION, by Charles J. Simmons of Gee & Jenson Engineers-Architects, Inc., Agent, for the REZONING, FROM AG-AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT TO RE-RESIDENTIAL ESTATE DISTRICT AND THE FURTHER SPECIAL EXCEPTION TO ALLOW A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT on property located cipproximately one (1) mile west of S.R. 7 (U.S. 441), and approximately 1.5 mile south of West Forest Hill Boulevard in an AG-Agricultural District. Details of Property: approximately 339.86 acres - owned Land Use Plan Recommendation: RE 4. 79-284 The petition of ORANGE POINT CORPORATION, by Charles Simmons of Gee and Jenson, Inc., Agent, for the REZONING, FROM AG-AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT TO RE-RESI- DENTIAL ESTATE DISTRICT AND THE FURTHER SPECIAL EXCEPTION TO ALLOW A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT on property located approximately .9 mile west of S.R. 7 (U.S. 441) and approximately 1.7 miles south of West Forest Hill Boulevard. De'tails of Property: approximately 1076.61 acres - owned Land Use Plan Recommendation: RE -5- ,- r~ It ", U::;' ~~'-l.", ,~ t j c1 j 5. 80-6 6. 80-7 7. 80-8 'J j , J ,] ~ -~;ii '.f'~ L{f' ;,~:~...:-.:: >('W" ?)i -.. 1;"-1'= "r' "-~J;2EL t/;t";' ') 'I .. "~'I' The petition of LIL GENERAL STORES, by J.L. Trull, President, for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION TO ALLOW GASOLINE PUMP ISLANDS on property located on the northeast corner of the intersection of Military Trail (S.R. 809) and Blue Heron Boulevard in a CN-Neighborhood Commercial District. Details of Property: approximately 0.9 acre - contract to purchase Land Use Plan Recommendation: RS The petition of LIL GENERAL STORES, by J.L. Trull, President, for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION TO ALLOW A GASOLINE PUMP ISLAND on property located on the r.jrtheast corner of the intersection of Military Trail rS.R. 809) and Venus Avenue in a CG-General Commercial District. Details of Property: approximately 0.5 acre - contract to purchase Land Use Plan Recommendation: Commercial The petition of LIL GENERAL STORES, by J.L. Trull, President, for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION TO ALLOW A GASOLINE PUMP ISLAND on property located on the northwest corner of the intersection of Westgate Avenue and Congress Avenue in a CG-General Commercial District. Details of Property: approximately 0.7 acre - contract to purchase Land Use Plan Recommendation: Commercial H. Administrative Inquiry a. Petition #76-189 - Byron and Helen Edwards I. Adjournment I (" ~. . \ ,/ a /1.- " '1 '< ~"i! 'f"""~ ~ If Ii 1, -Q (b 1~\ '~ l ~~~L ." ..::...\ ~ <'\1""".-J~7"'""<'- . II ,~l '~r-~", " .' If. (,;;i -, ~-.;:. 1,1 ,'-'",~ I i . t ~ ..~~. -;::"-~9',r' -6- ,-..:1 ii.\.~ <,;'~""-'I.- ~ " 4\' " ," c>,C_', -~~--..,;.. :: ~" 'J ' " ,'~ ,...._._~.-.......~.... -:"'~~-'-.'.' '-~-':-~-;'.'-'.-' -.",-.,j-::~'~r"-. .,~~ c ,'"."< r= . ""cO.', k~r:;;,,, , ",.'". 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