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Q _.J \\" j\ r~" ,. .,"'~ r >, ,:\Fi~::. - ~ ,,\t" ,r " 0 \\ i, ,r~ -~~'b '-'-, -;~< ,[,/1'..'\ \~A' :r:-:.~?.'- if I'.?~~--' -',l ); ,..,~,.~ ,:1 ~...~, ~ ,\ () \1, 'OD . ,;:/ C', ." , ;:.,o_..._~~ " I) "~~:~~..." ~ ~=t'..' ~ MElYI0RANDUM 27 :March 1985 TO~ Chairman and Members Planning and Zoning Board FROM~ Carmen So Annunziato Planning Director RE~ GRIMES WAREHOUSE PARKING LOT ORDINANCE VARIANCE REQUEST Section 5=144(c)4 of the Code of Ordinances requires that when a variance to Section 5u Article Xu Parking Lots is requested! the Technical Review Board must forward to the Planning and Zoning Board a recommendationu and that the recommendation for'\o\7ardec1 is to be made a part of the public hearing proceedingso To that endu this memo is forwardedg consistent with 5~l44<c) (4) 0 Richard Grimes has applied for a variance to Section 5-l41(g) (8} g Driveways which requires that no more than two driveways shall be permitted from any property onto any public or private right-of-way 0 The reasons for requesting this variance are enumerated in the attached application 0 On TuesdaYg March 26g 1985 the Technical Review Board met to review plans and to formulate a recommendation with respect to the re- quested varianceo After review and discussiong the TRB recommended that the variance be approved 0 The basis for this recommendation is that there arc two properties involvedg Lots 6 and 7 of Lawson Industrial parku and if developed separatelyu it is likely that four driveways would be requested 0 Thereforeg this request is considered more of a technical interpretation rather than a request to modify the Parking Lot Ordinanceo \ c~~~ J( i1iO::Jt: CARMEN So ANNUNZ TO Ibks Technical Review Board Central File cc~ ,..;.; \\.. ~'t',& .' i{ '~\f ~-- .~-~'1' 1'; ...t,~""~~,~-"""'-"'-:;:- ~~ --- o:li/ :'_ ~_~~_.t_~ rt r(' j' ;-,-) .~ \f J'-, ~'.- () .r l,l[ l~ <.:::'iY/ ~4,;'1l-'" " J! 1= \~ r:~ II. 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", \"" . ,\ ""~'~ {s" .(1, ~ b\\ ~0' -' 't}',:;:.:- :\\ D ,;.i(.. ,~>i';::~J ;) ':~.~~~~)~j 11 ~1'< ,~-, ji''''\l"q f.J 1/ <; l) , ~, j':~ AP~LICATION FOR VARIANCES TO PARKI~G LOT REGULATIONS City of Boynton Beach, Florida' Planning and zoning Board This application must be fil1c:...5 out completely and accurately and submitted in one (1) copy to the Planning Department. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Please Print Legibly or Type all Information. 1. Project Name of Site Upon Which Parking Lot is Located: Walf ev - Cqt--I"'- G;"NY~f ?uQ.....e hov.)e 2. Date this Application is Submitted: /J1QPch It.,{ /9,j r- 3. Applicant's Name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made) : Address: -P~s 4295 N.t1. 1 Avp, ~ Roci'! Ratonp florida 33431 ~n!i-~q1-qqnn Phone: 4. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant) :* , ,,::Imp ::I~ :H? Address: Phone: * ~ lette: from the applicant or owner authorizing the agent ~s requ~red. 5. property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name: Ri chat'd Grimes r James Ci'lVOY' R. Address: Ralph Nalker 4295 N.H. 1 Ave. Boca Ra ton ~ Fl or'i da 33431 Phone: 305-391..9900 6. Correpondence Address (if different than applica~t or agent) *: * This is the addreSs to which all agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed. .__...,._.,~._.,,~....____~"_' ;:'''_ ,._"_~~"-~""'_""_~'__"_~'_"'__"~__,1.~~ -""r--."""__"'-' J .~ \J 'p ,p .:, ,. l',,,.':l ,. F.';O ih (_ !~\ J) -~~~3 t\'i,; frfk;~; <{t::~r~r-:~~~) 11 II 1 I I I il ~< 11 , II .J 11 -: "'\ r ! ,.It ::\ 7. ,--n \l ~(1 o~ I .D ~ I 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. "-,~" What is applicant's interest in the premises affected? one af tneowners (Owner, Buyer, Lessee, Builder, Developer, etc.) Street Address or Location of Site Upon Which Parking Lot is Located: address not yet ass; cmed [3000 block of S.!~. lBJh Pl ace ) Legal Description of site Upon Which Parking Lot is Located: Lot 6 & 7p LAWSON INDUSTRT~ PARK as recorded tn Plat Book 42. paQes 134 & 135 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County. Florida Intended Use(s) of Site Upon Which Parking Lot is Located: T'ncluc;t".i::l' 7nnPd t1lith of'fic~/'^,avoehouse use Developer or Builder: CilVOVO CnMt.lI'llr:ti on Company Architect: Cranford SprQ',l" A,P, A, Landscape Architect: Cr;mf<n'(! Sproul. A, P ,~ , Site Planner: Cr~rgul. A,Q.A. Cranford Sproul. A.R.A. Joseph Tucker ( Richard Sheppard & Associates) Engineer: Surveyor: Traffic Engineer: Cranford Sproulp A.R.A. Copy of last recorded Warranty Deed inclUded? (check) ...- , Lett~r authorizing' agent (if any) included? (check) site plan and survey (2 copies each) attached? (check) Number of variances requested on 'the following sheets: x Note: A separate sheet must be completed for each specific design requirement (Sec. 5-141) or permit application requirement (&ec. 5-142) to which a variance is re- quested. All variances which are requested in connection with the construction or reconstruction of a particular parking lot are covered by a ~ingle filing fee of two- hundred dollars ($200.00). Planning Dept. 5/82 f( '\l ~) '-{j ,J' ~; ~. d';:o '" \~;, ;;~\ -=[(\>'. 's''1.',c_' .Jr'\!~II''''C;''.''lrO-1 .J) . ~c~ '. ./r' ~:.;:.~,. .'.~ "1 "'., !P'1j:; [/ ~c:: ir~"7r"il ,)'- (" i.. ~"-~ 1 L .,' .~. '~ t\ \lr~~..:f;i)>5" 'l \~\ I;, 11.'\~'~J.f. ~/ 0 0'\;, If,;'""::: 11"1/ ..... ~ d) :,?) '~I ~. ;, t ~ I I I' JL, . \\ ,.,~~ ~?~" ~I'--' I,.:';' "".,.'r The undersigned hereby petitions the Planning and Zoning Board to grant to the petitioner a variance to Article X "Parking Lots", of Chapter 5, lIBuilding, Housing and Construction Regulat~ons,n o~ the Code of Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach, Flor~da, as ~t pertains to the property described in this ap~lication, and for the reasons stated below: Section Subsection, and Paragraph number of specific requirement to which variance is requested; and exact language contained in the Code: 1. Sec. 5-141 (9) (8). No more than biD (2) drive'oJay" "hi'll. hI" p~II'i11;tt",rl Tv-nm "ny property onto anyone public or private right of way. Nature of Variance Requested: 1. A"fdng Tnr ? third dri'tel"!QJ' 1. Statement of Special Conditions, Hardships, or Other Reasons Justi- fying the Requested Variance (attach additional sheets if necessary) : If t'le ltJe\"e to bui 1 d on one or e"en one half of a 1 at I;re liotel d be ah 1 p tn hil"l2 bm drivet'JaY and ultimately have 4 or even 8 drivet'lays on the total ro~d fro~tage. l~e are making a nice!/" projectj~)f combini,ng lots. HOl~re"eTl"o t~!e need i'l thwcl t~t'Jay. If we are forced to have only two driveways~ the visitor parking will not be ~ (I) (We) understand that this application and all papers or plans submitted herewith become a part of the permanent reccrds of the Planning and Zoning Board. (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and the state- ments or showings made in any papers or plans submi.tted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge. This will not be accepted unless signed b~~ J I? Signature of Applicant or Agent: ~/~ Date: ltI/al'C.t, /'-1; /98 S; planning Dept. 5/82 o I ~ I ~ 1/ j, \1 ~ a Ii 'l \' (> o .~ r{) c{! \)H ~'~.'';; il~ 'I, ...:-,;, .....,1 " Q8 t."l'; "' 0,1/ ~ 11;) dJ 't) (', t!t: \' 'II '" ;;_~I /I' -~~. '~) . .' ..0....,'."..........0..... ... .: (;'. '.'. " . 'i \\"_<~_ :; " ,\" '{, ! tig '1 ~ ;;.~,~ d &~~ #'J. ~ I .~ I ~~ 11" ~ ~ it ~ I ~ (( 'QJ OCO " , o ,~..o '2;1 ~ " Q '" o ::;,~/ ~ [. ;-:) 7J ,,0 CJ "q; ~ \) ",/;1 0 "a o ~ C', (,~I 12 G o " ~ cI 1 (' .~ ~ ell , 'i (\ v' ~ GI () o c:y D __ ""'-'-~'F'!'~ "';F~- ~.::.o.~~ _- ~''t--~~.-~'-- ,---.".".....~-- ';) ~l [) NOTICE OF PUBLIC' HEARING -c ;, {) ,,:, ,,<, c ~, (I r""'" "",>_..{,.""","..~..~^"..,..,,..~~....;;.::. 6 () 'J;.~J!i,~~5r~1!ii;h~Si!!;:~ . MEMORANDUM NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning & Zoning Board of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, shall meet at 7:30 PO' M~ on Tuesday, April 9, 1985, at the city Hall, Boynton Beach, to consider an application for a var~ance on the following described property: 14. March 1985 Applicant: Richard Grimes ~ [I FROlvt : TIMOTHY P. CANNON SENIOR CITY PLANNER TO: BETTY BOF\ON I CITY CLEHK Owners~ Richard Grimes, Ralph Walker & James We Carr, Jr& Legal Description: Lots 6 and 1 LAWSON INDUSTRIAL PARK PLAT NO~ 1 Recorded in Plat Book 42w pages 134 & 135 Palm Beach County Records 3000 block of Sa We 14th Place RE: GRIMES WAREHOUSE PARKING LOT VARIANCE Attached to this memorandum, please find an application for variance to Section 5-141 (g) (8) of the Parking Lot Regulations, as .it applies to Lots 6 ~nd 7 of Lawson Industrial Park~ This application is submitted by Richard Grimes~ who is also a part owner of the subject property. A check for $200"00 is also attached. ~lease advertise this variance request for the Planning and Zoning Board meeting of April 9, 1985a Location: . Requested variance: I ~1 Relief from Article X.- Parking Lots, Section 5-141, Design Requirements, of the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances (9) Driveways (8) No more than two (2) driveways shall be permitted from any property onto anyone public or private &ight~of-waYe properties which are bordered by more than one public or private right- of-way ~ay be permitted two (2) driveways at each right-af-way depending upon traffic volumeso All interested parties are notified to appear at said heariLg in per- son or by attorney and be h~ard~ Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Planning & zoning Board with respect to any matter considered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and f.or such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the pro- ceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be basede ~~._7~~___ Timothv I'. Cannon , II BETTY Se BORONI, CITY CLERK CITY OF BOYNTON B~CH ."k 00,;1), PUBLISH~ THE POST EXTRA March 24 & 31, 1985 cc~ City Council City Attorney Recording Secretary J .', I I ~-- . '.~~-'-'---""~;l'o~,:--:~~r;:-,;~c ~ I ,J 0- ~ f., " (} ,( .,V () o .j' " D 1 ' , , o c () ,:,~ 'Di! t," ,I{ /t' ft ~ " eJ j~~ ~, " " 'n ~) ./,:';.- I~_;' b (,; \"} \\ Ii" /..' . :)~ \~ :", r;\ 'fr \) , ;,) ft II i\" 'I \\ <; . lJ ~ , II u o ,y J."t '" I " I" it !~:," "~..JI,, [) ,~___,~_,,~"" ;,c,_.}>",,,.. ~ ._;" ,0" ,_~_ _~_,._,_ ~,,,...,~_.::_,~,_,._. 'c,,,,,,,~;..,,,,,_~.:~..(L>::~::..~.,__,..',:o,.."~,,,~:;,,;,,, .. ba (l" '\). () o 'i ~ _: ."..~;~_~::..__#~~_.,.(':,..('",-,,,,.....~~.,._ \J~ .-,' \':co:.> _ '-- ,;'" , '-" ti?\..i,,!) ~.'^::...'"~.......... ,.~_,;,_~~..-"-.",,.....____....t1iO ...... .......a~. M.'.,~",'.JIIi!I!iIlIl.kJt~J.jl:L -,iIIIi1lJ[JIiliilNII ...,-:'t&~~, ' I .' '"C ~i_~~ ~ '~""r~~"""J>~""'j;T&iI...-.z__ ....,.~'~1I>r~a~~iL'&:~ " 'oi=---F ~. 1 ;. ~/~RY .: ',":'h .. : "I'!i.~;" : f\~ " r . ..,,,,ii.,,...,,.,,, 8 . :""rh,. -.-...:: :....~ ~.tll \:\" ";j,~ . I f ,. . . .--..... 'a ---.~ ~~ :" Re':':'urn to This instrument was prepared by:/ Name Rngpr r, ~~hPr~nn. F.~. ) Address110 E. Atlantic Avenue De1ray Beach, FL 33444 ~........-,~-_..."I#'r i I " ' - t:; C':: I: - CoO (jD c:.o ("i") 'titarranty lIeed SPACE BELOW THIS I~INE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date Received by Planning Dept.: Date Reviewed by Technical Review Board: Dates of Advertising for Public Hearing: Date of Public Hearing before Planning and Zoning Board: Action: Approved Denied Aye Nay Stipulations: l r ~':',:'...~'r...,.':-"t';"",,L,~'.. r;.r."r,,,~'r..t.."".-f;~ r;.... rt\..;..t~"" :-:.L.,_:..t-.:-;l..,,:-;=': r:L...:-...'--r-:."r:.1.. r:' ~~L. r;~;,-...':'"'~ t.. ~ .,:- RICHARD GRIMES 'ii-'71 :..~: f.:"~" '~, .'; '..'-: .;: ,r;.".:' '.;' r >~:;" r -'30 3 b'~; .' r~ r....S50.SW.-16THSTRE.ET ;-...._."-.:-.';""':~^"L "-l>" ~~ "';'~-u" ..~"'~ ~~.. ;-......c... ;;...Li.Of ~ ... {<<.," ;,,~,.... ..-. .,_l. - _..:-. - ~ .~ ..", r -'; _:-.. .".. ,.. .~. .~ '. . .:- . -, BOCA'RATON,'FL'~33432 ,.'; ~~~ ,";' .~~ - ,.~"~ t)ffq.:' ''':''~r :.., ',":,. ,", ,.;;. ,", ': ." t~ .... '1::" .,.... .. '1- .... .a:..... t: ~.. .~.. ,...' _.-' .:::Lt.. / ;0"- .63..fi23'C"" i~" _ '-.i,,~ f'.~;~:-;" :.' r:' r...... i'..~~.r~..""tlO:o\ t~I_.,...~, ~.;;.. r ~./9- .'u,..t-.."'--:aro-,,101,,~-'-.. ,_ ~' >< ~~~~ ::-.;}..: .-': ::. ~J":r.;;'U ..:~~.~' r..~..>~~l < .'~. . ",,~:'~t"....' i:":'r.~."" ~~r;}' ;~ !~< ~~ _, " t: PAYTO THE ~ r I ,:r:?, ;4' .. '. .. t... . - L . , , 9 l.. r' ~' r .. ~"'. r,..,/'V)t:I'. r " L 'Il ORDERQF' ~"" ;'U'I',Ut'~:O-';'': ' . -..t::>e:i:::-";: ..~, '~$~4A:/":7..-;._ '. t~ ...-.~_t.~"r Coo L..~h\..r-"""r' .,.L, L:'I""~"~_: ""_.";'~r-'~~~.-.-:;'.."""~.''''~~~'\-r'''~;''''rl.r--.''~r..- ;.3.... '-="'. ..... .... .r '.~/ ar;.:....J: "...JJ!. U 'a" ft>. .... ...." ~'. .-' .r . ".... '''-::. LT"' .ee'. '1I.l_ ~ .~.:.: UA? ~~. I d;e?"'cr";'CtA,.r--:.E-~t . ~~."i" <~"<Il_ t~' :~.. =-~ rno~s -: ,t"",... ~; \""... ;IP..... ..-; t-';' ......r te.,. tCl,...~~; '..." _ ...\.......:~ t-r :..~..-.LG;... .."':...i~:r: to';:' ,0'''': _OW:"..~L-r :.::. r . -,1"1 ,'1!IlI"~ ~"' m; -NCNB .National Bank ,::",.' ~ - _' ':": t ...._: ~';'._ lO r 'l""~ I ~ .~~~ ,k' !..'. ,; "';. ,''';.. L' " " f1~~[{ .. ill 0 ~. of Aonda I &.... ..' .. . .... .. ~ . . .. r ... 14.1 a. .... ... l ftI . .:.. ;.l ..,t!~- =1i~.13oca'Ratbn.a33il32.:"', - .,'" ::'~w':'" '-;'..~ .,' I'M..._ :-,' '. r w L.. ~ .... ....,. .. ... - .. ~ ..... . - h. ~ ;... ~ r' - . ~.. '^ :'/I'C .. ,__ ... r. 6~ .. ... .. .'~':Sl i\.o C"........, . '-.- ".... t. -;o~~.)/QY(~..;ce n9r;"/Jj,(cd-~.;::{;.;e~r~~'; :-' -,!<~ '. ' .'.. :':k~ . r. ....:01;'l'OO1;.r3BI:. 'L0103SB9T'2!!m 3030~" -:.::-.: ;:', ~~ o. .-:--. 1 (STATUTORY FORM-SECTION 689.02 F.S.) _1 L~L'1 /3 19 ~j , i1lrtwrrn " . .~ 'n aJQia 3Jnlll'niure. Made this day of l ." I I I H~ , Planning Dept. 5/82 ENRICO ROSSI AND SANTIAGO MALAVASI 00 co en or the County of P 1 LM BEACH , State of T;'LORIDA ' grantor.... and RALPH WALKER, JAMES W. CARR, JR., RICHARD GRIMES, an undivided one-third (1/3) interest each as tenants in common. whose post office address is 950 S.W.16th Street, Boca Raton, Florida '~; ~ i' ' ~\'.; of the County of , State of Palm Beach Florida , grantee", .....' 'r1\ " .} ie' ;:, ..'"'' L.'_<l I I ~ DlU:ll'aartQ. That said grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of CI? Ten ant'l 00/10n ($lQ 00) ____Dollars, I and other good and valuable considerations to said grantor in hand paid' by sOia grart'tee. toe receipt wlfereof is hereby ~ acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the said grantee, and grantee's heirs and assigns forever, the fallowing -< described land, situate, lying and being in County. Florida, to-wit: CiS: S!1 ' LOTS 6 AND 7 OF LAWSON INDUSTRIAL PARK PLAT NO. 1 AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 42, PAGES 134 & 135 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA. SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND LIMITATIONS OF RECORD, SUBJECT TO ZONING CF~INANCES AND TAXES FOR 1981 AND SUBSEQUENT YEARS. ~~SUBJECT TO RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS EXECUTED BY GRANTOR 13th DAY OF JULY, 1981 / AND RECORDED SIMULTANEOUSLY HEREWITH. I , THE PROPERTY CONt~YED BY THIS DEED IS VACANT AND UNIMPROVED. IT IS NOT il_^ HOMESTEAD PROPERTY NOR CONTIGUOUS TO OR A PART OF THE HOMESTEAD PROPERTY I~ OF GRANTORS. ~h'.. '\ and said grantor does hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all .~ ~O persons whomsoever. .~ * "Grantor" and "grantee" are used for singular or plural, as C!lntext requires. the day and year first above written, ~~..-c-..-c-:..~?J.---" ....~r{co ROSS~ ' lSeal) [Seal) ,".; ,j ... ~)'. t I I 1> .. ~ ',' ('i',f i Oil;' <11} I 'I '. ,'.i*'; I I I I I. . I "(""~,:;:""".~;,.:,,,,,,,,~~~~~,.:J..~~""'~~~~~lW~~<li':~~~~.~~~~l~~~~~~~~~r~~'iil.~i;~ '\ I I I I ~ D " 'v.:l I I - ~ d~~~' San ~a 0 Malavas~ (Seal) (Seal\ ~ ~~ ~ Q 6.. STATE OF Florida COUNTY OF Palm Beach I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day before me, an officer duly qualified to take acknowledgments. per5anall~ appeared ENRICO ROSSI and SANTIAGO MALAVASI to me known to be the person described in a"d who executed the foregoing instrument ar.d acknowledged before me that th~ executed the same. , l~ITNE,SS my hand and official seal in the County and State last aforesaid th,i~ / -5, da~,,~.~ . ~~-<;; tl ~i.4~ n&:tU~4..Ab( My commissk.n expires; --V~ ,.',,:"", ",'Nalary Public , '. }', . t...... lfn elF.) m b10IARi' PUBLIC 5;/.;1 ~, ". MY !u"''''' ".....' . u, 1.(,;,1\;01, AT l~IR"~ .'" """.'" __",,'0/ .. . '-01.- BONCite! l.Hi(U GH;c~'L,r 11_" "v, ; J I 9. ~ " , INS: Ut,CERWRI TEF<5 '.' j,~ ~~: l .' ..' , . i-"4L't..,A dt/j'-:~i ...'/,.J~: r-., t~ .. :'. r ~.; ; <:: ("1'''~1t ':iF~" .... 1.1 : '~-:l :~. :..~f::A :~:~'" . . , ;1 " ~ s. II " 4~ ',;.-:"-""' " .. ..,..~, . t ,~.-~~~> r j I ~ I I I I I --_..~.- r TO I -, FROM ~wl iiPr~ OFFICE OF CIT~ CLERK Carmen Annunziato City Planner -;: >:";,-}1A" SUBJECT: -.----.....---...--.--------------------.- ,_.___________-DA TE:-~y--d-l-T-:1-9-8-~- FOLD -+ Attached hereto is a copy of the recorded Grant of Easement by Ralph Walker, James W. Carr, Jral and Richard Grant to the City of Boynton Beach, for your information and fileso Please acknowledge receipt of the abovea .. PLEASE REPLY TO ,. S B i I' f. ~ ~ DATE: q -/ c=-<;?Q SIGNED 7 - ./"--......, II. ~ K \':\ ~' 'r'~' 1!l ) \L tf J 1 r. t r h t\ \ \ ;. j '1 ," I I ,I ! \ I( I '(I ) , ~ ~ 7[ ,~~, :~,.~~...:,:~~,~':);.:"_ ~l .J.! (~; Item # F269 @ Wheeler Group Inc. 1979 TH~S COpy fOR peRSON ADDRESSED -'0 ~ '::::.:, 2 ~\f _.i\.__ /? ',\ l~_ .~ ~..,.~'.-."............'"'".. - .....,-,..,-,., '.-"'~-""""~"~"~ ,,,.,.....,,_.. u ""'~.""""'---'-~"'--""""~',".~.....",_."",.. .. " c:/ y.: , \, :I ~f ~\ "' ~~ .:;-'/ >> .J~ " ,', , 'I If '::c.r- il. '::'::, ,~ ,\, D ". ;.' '\ . ,\" \.1 ,0 c:; ) ~) '.'" ~ H 'J' , ..r.;: .I I ~ !? ti "I ;- :. t il ~{J /'1 e , " '....~~ (3 \i cf) " -~) ( \~ \! !t 0. , " ~ ;, \) ~ , \: '\: ,~ " " ('~[, '~,",_."",.~.."; '. ,.,~~,..~.:::::~:~, .... I lc""~ .. ol:'::.:......:"..~ ~~,*,,",o;:~~ >!'~ ~ f; "-c, o 't} ,'J i ,Q" i;.,--:r) II; ; T, .~ ',J. t'[.. .~(,J".~.~_~ \\'_.'_:, . .. -.- .- ..::!{,; .-_.-~,.".,.,,,....,,....,-~,.,;,~.;.~;:::..;.;;.._----:,.:.,;,.:;, "",::d~...,....,~'_', ~....Ji'__~_:~..dIIIIiilIali~. ....-...." ""'~iio'Ilr.A.' ~.IhlliJ'~."'qJ! ", ,il" .,f>".",e I:' p -,,,.......t>l~-~ !) /1 -- ~ ,- -- - ---~~""'7.u:;.!IJiI!.~:~~___' ~-'-~---1If- ~ .. ~l " ~ , L/~ '"OecUfJdtWf TAlI H t_~ 7 l. \ - . 1.-t.."lii'io ,.. N. 'i.~t~fl"I" GRANT OF EASEMENT co -t M o .0 ..-t ~ THIS EASEMENT, made thi s 2/ day of J'v~e , 1985, by RALPH WALKER, JAMES W.. CARR, JR=-~'--RICHARD GRIMES ( the II Grantor" ), whose mailing address is 950 S.W. 16th Street, Boca Raton, Florida 33432 to the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ( the HGrantee"), a municipal corp- oration of the State of Florida, whose mailing address is 120 N.E. 2nd Avenue, Boynton Beach, Florida 33435; -' ~ U1 OJ WITNESSETH THAT: ~ C") W :a: oC Grantor for and in consideration of the sum of Ten and No/IOO Dollars ($10.00) to it in hand paid, receipt whey'eaf is herby ackrlOwredged, grants>> bargains and sells unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, an easement for the purpose of continued operation, maintenance, repair, alteration, inspect- ion and replacement of the water line, pipes, conduits and mains, together with all valves meters, incidental equipment, attachments and appurtenances pertaining thereto, over, on, upon, across, under and through the following premises~ 10cated in the County of Palm Beach, State of Florida, and described as: The west 85 feet of the south 10 feet of Lot 6, LAWSON INDUSTRIAL PARK PLAT NO~ 1 as recorded in Plat Book 42, pages 134 & 135 of the Public ~ ~eeords of Palm Beach County, Florida. Grantor. represents that it is lawfully seized of' the above described property and that it has full right and lawful authority to grant the above described Easement. IN~ITNESS WHEREOF~ Grantor does herby set its hand the ~I day of ::J ~ <f?t' . , 1985, and Grantee.' s acceptance of thi s Grant of Easement, Grantee expressly assumes the right and obl~gation of maintenance of:such pl)Operty. . ~ ..- ~ ~ ~ m - Witnesses /1 b~b , .~sW. a~ lOCIIarQ~s ~. r , STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTRY OF PALM BEACH .D ::l- N o a., o o ..0 ~ co ]he foregoing Easement was acknowledged before me thiS'~1 ._ day of::~',;..~. . ,. ~ ::Tu.!2.e. _, 1985, by _ R~~ ~~l~r, James W. Carr Jr. & Rla,ard:GtliTt~~'.o_/:.~.:.;...;:., to me known tObe the person escrl e in and who executedthe foreso;'~.ng'" ...t.:",;.".". :'~ . instrument and acknowledged before me.: that they executed the same':;:'~~ -/.~ :,:'~'" i.? ..':' .' WITNESS. my hand and ~ i ci a 1 seal in the County and Sta te 1 as t"~f'~lI;e5'\lJ.J1 .1 . :.J. . thi s d/JI' day of . /iU _ 1985. \ .: :'" ~.r; CJ /-1 ::. iJ ~ '. -.. . ~.,> -..). My commission exp'lres: tt OF FLOQ~O~ 1u...,",' '. ;;2'~~~.,~~,~':~~'::- F IOTAR't PUBLIC STA ..1 'IV CO~MISSI0~ EXP. AUG 11.1 uS7 ',I: ~<:;;i :'.'~ BQKOtO TltRU GEM. l:tSIl~:'t~:::. :JtI0 . ..: .., in S':2! ("t') ~ Il ~ '~: ~ ~ .r:: ~ .... u . ;:: . '" ('0 I':) b ~ i.:: Prepared by & return to: G g 0 -5 Ri chard ?rimes ~ ~ M ~~ 4295 N"\~. 1 Ave. \; 8' ;~ ~ Boca Raton, Fl a . 33431 o .... C) ::; ~::: ~ .~ Q,!Q..~ PA!,:'~i~gA'ORCD VERiFIED H COUNTV dOHN B. (JUNK' f FlA ClEl1K ClRCulr COURT :_.::"I'i~,~.M1i!~i"f.~~~~:~~~/{~~~:':~.~!r~;V;:.';!'~d~;it'.),,~;~)~_.._\:jl~~:";';~.;i~':-- ,):(, < p ",.'. 'jf', c ," ,. ", J "..., ... " \\ t\ \\ , " . .. ~~SIiW"""~"'''.I_ .l ~;z., ~\= . :'''',,. #,..: v ;. .t.. .~, ...~~ ~.~ . ,C (; I 1 'I .i( ,. "', ~'UI ",.,,~,r.illIt., ' ~r, d. ~""" '"