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All applicants with approved site plans,w.hich at a J.ate.1:' date request a revi- sion~ will be processed in ti'1e sarre In3TIl1er as the initial application subject to all Code requirements effective at tbe time the revision is requested. Narre of ApPlicantAehi:?a- ~,c.'~ ~/~r C'?vt, Address "; /?l A j c:: " '7 t:.f1. ~I ,., "IV ~ J _LY ~,c, _.e.. ,,~~:2.:e T, DC>;rrMT,oP f.15~ IJCn The following data must appear on all copies of the Site Plan: 1. Existing Zone ~?5 2 . Proposed Zone 3. Area of Site //lC~'i.. 5. Total Nurriber of Units Proposed' .. .2 (<. /5. ;- I ~uV' Density Gross Per Acre 4. 6. Building Area' Sq. Ft~. % of Lot 7. Parking Spaces: Req' d' . . . . . . , 8. Parking - Aisle Area" . 9 . Street Area Proposed Sq. Pt ~ Sq. Ft; % .of lDt % of Lot 10. Landscape Area 11. Height of BIll.ld:i.ngp 12. Total floor- Area . Sq. 1:'1:;' % of Lot Feet . 'Stories : Sq. Ft. What :is -tl1e applicant's interest in i:he premises affected? e,orV7J2/fC--Tt? ~-',~;lz!/; f(~1 ~S;et-'I2-,.~~71v~' (Owner, Age-it, Le~ee, Etc. What is approxi.rna.t~ cost of the work involved? c.)t5J t:9C/^ tJ 0 . (I) (We) rmderstand that this Site app:roval beromes a part of me pennanerrt records of the Planning and Zoning Bo=o..rd. (I) (We) hereby certify that the abov"e state- ments ;:ang.A::i;e statements or shavings )jade in any paper or plans submitted herevJi th are e tdthe best of (JJ!Y) (our) knGJledge and beliei'. ' .. , !J.q,;~tt~l ; ,"1 'I q~"" ~!~\~7{Jl:'~' ~(: t' /l..If;~/ \\\:, ~A ~':;',:~~~ c.;'I;" l<r" 4J 1"') "kj\"V ~PA: (;;fb ~, i~" j~},'j:;~ ~'~~:~~.:;~:fl~':':::... ;.i .;,,-;::"''';:;:;'-:;- /#) ~;;~ ,r:;~".(H Q(l ''''.....T'. '.'.".;1 =0'. r: ~:~\ ,( ,,::r,; c'lj:.! ,,f/ ~~ J:1 ~ ,,'. ".j ;, )j j/ ~~1~'-'--' \:,,~I.:~l ::""~:,,;\J\I; ,3"'.:.t ~~~~~:, -. /< {:~.l ~\t \,'.'.;.'. ,,\ 'I. ~:~:' II , ~h, II I t j~~V" 1, '~'\ d IT . J',;,.. 1 ," I ,,'" ll, t' TI ht,;~ VI <,,1) ,j ! . . ~ 'ill ~ f.i 1.\ . \,' ~ A € tw" I : ! ~\\\~.I4' ,::;~~~;~110!j;;.::;_';~"~;"'''S<;''''"t1I~"''",r";.,, ,':'7",,~ ." '.,.' ""iP' ".~~j "trr;rT;T;'I?~~",/""~'~-'""'R"'" ~r--L "~,';','M,,C':"; "" .,. 'IY"-.i " The Owner has he'r""..by designated tbe above signed pa.'Y'Son -to act as his agent in regard to fuis peti- tion. (To be executed when Owner designates another to act on his behalf. ) ,.J........ <f I 'Ii' ,,-. ,i' ~;lh? I · ~, "'~'~', "~,,~.'" _ ;/>.~"!7}l, '{?~,JfA . ~0>'9.':.l J,~l0\ ",; " ~:f/j\i . ':~dr\ (/", ,r,'- .'", ',: ~ ....;.,. o I o ;1 ;1 I " COMMUNITf 'APPEARANCE 'BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Request for Change ( Sign Approval ( ) ) Date Preliminary ( ) Final ( ) Project Name . '/h-r~~' ~JJ ~'~ / ' Legal Description Address of Site' . '7 'Z 0 N. e', 7Y-.s-:;;-: Owner H,.e HA~Obb Tel. 1/ ~/J 'YL:'Cl)<: . ArChitect .. 0/9 VIS .. Tel. 1/ All neeti.ngs of the ColTllIllIDi ty Appearance Board are open to the ,Public. IMPORTAhJT ..:. 'REQUIREMENTS 'IDR 'REVIEW IN ORDER FOR YOUR PlANS '1"0 BE REVIEWED, A REPRESENTATIVE WILL NEED'TO BE PRESENT AT THE 'MEETING. Prelimincu.'Y 'ReView 'Req~ts rrwo (2) sets of pre1i:m:inaxy drawings and specifications which will include: A. Si i:'e Plan (Including the General landscape Development) B. Building Plan C. All Exterr.iox' Elevations tri th Material resignations D. Outline Specifications of Facade and Roof Trea'br.ents E. Sketches of All Signs and 'Their D:i.riJensions F. General Exterior Color rescription (Including Signs) Final Revie-w Requirements Three (3) sets of wo:r:king drawings and specifications which wiLl. :include: A. Site plan shaving setbacks, landscapfug, all outside fu""'6as and :their uses~ landscaping may be in general ta-ns, but the}l~g'h,~~<f,. gep.er'?fl-_types- <;>f -'-- plants and trees must De noted, including lighting, fences, .or any outsJ.de permanent -fiXl:1.1i-'eS and caJ~culation.s or parking J.ot landscaped a:reas (10% minim1.ml) .-. . B. Building Plans C. Detailed Drawings for All Signs D. Exterior Surface Treatments (Including Roofs) E. Exterior _ ColQ!'~chetIl? .JLic:Lu~g_!!1<:l't9f _Signs) --Ail cOlors--must be designatedby_.s~~~. . __._..J Date of Review' Follav-Up Date'. Decision of Review (as stated :in official minutes of the meeting): COI1t-illNITi APPEARANCE BOARD . - - .-...-. .._--- -- ._- .-----, Chai:anan I ~~:~:~:-';Id~,""'t',~"~~:~:~~:~~ ~,. " ,Sf) CAB Form #1 City of Boyn'ton Beach 12/5/75 ~:, ,I Q, -"-, II . ,.,J .)< /,1,' Il ~ ;, jt\;. I ' " ,j ,1 Y iJ ; ! I , q I/~....J--:::-,: . /) ,.-...-,.~lt":;--I~~. ,., :.2 'i 'r~ :~ -....:,~. .' l,\,,\'~ ~r''--:'''~/\\ ,:;J: ::, h '-:"',~ '<i~~;~ "~'.nfrr~L " ;:',~.-j),'t< H ;'1:="",',/ ~ , ! \ I II t I ,!'~I l " ..--.~-,.------~~ " o. o COMMUNlTi APPEAAANCE BOARD 'COLOR 'AND'MATERIAL 'SrnEOOLE Date Job Name' location P;>1?plicant Address Tel. :: SURFACE MATERIAL OJl.DR (Name) . tJ-BEAM3 ,"~~~ . I' . '3')(3(/~ ~ OJLUMNS roaRS /( . FASCIA i ~ ff~<.-~ ~.-;-c- GABLE ENI'S GLASS GRILL PANElS INSECl' SCREEN RAILINGS -n/~ ROOF ~. ~ (j}~ SH1JTIEFS SOFFIT WAlJ.S O'IHERS (As Required) ~ CAB Fonn #2 City of Boynton Beach 12/5/75 .~ :.;l\ Q ,~ U << n ~ II fi rr U S, 'I ~ r ~ ~ q II I .1 . 'i '~ 1 J~~~~.J.~~~~~~~-, {j,'~~,:~.:"' "; ! ~tY !;::/~ !,~ '~~;~:"; 't' .-Jtd\ ,,~ ,; \'\~'-~<>:~; , ','~' .<. .//" ~~~~;.u,L, . //' .:~,.. l).il '~J ..\,~,~~.)/lJ.' ;/." \:~'~' '"' ,~'t\\" ':~;il' (/r\ .-;-;t;~7;~'C' ., \~', t- "", 1:;' H ,~~'i~~Fnr;-p .,. j'q" ,.V '11 ,., <,~ 1\.1 '< ?f'L~1 ' ~~h ~,\~! 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I! 7L FILLED OUT COI\llPLETELY Application D&lie.. 4' .f' ..~L " . . .,,, ~{7 , ACCEPTED ~ ". u Please Print or Type THIS APPLICATION MUST BE OR IT WILL NOT BE i ':r;J~";ic~' j ,,' I I I , . ' " , .. , ~/Dd/.A-K:{ 'i1/~I/~'. -T~ Site: LoHs)~1.;;( 'TA~ ~ ;L ~. BJo& ," I :" . "..., . - . ....; .t. .~.... .,. . ..- , .. Other iAitac:h Lega1'~cripticm) " .' .. - - A · ~I Address 7/0 /l/..~ ":"'-:7~'. S-r~$<fr- ~er: Name jll1e.~ #4it t~/~T CLt'/hAddres~ .. . \ . , ../_' ~ ~L- ~ :ff .J!!~ Ie , , .' ", .- Zoning R-<:' ~ D:~ . L J ELre ~l.. I co~~~r 7-i ,~ 0 If> 3'J . [ I I ! Conb-actors: General License No. ~ " !1.:} p ~ t) 1-1 ~ " ~ .' 0 , ;.\ "'J Electrical License No. I License No, --' '. . ,Plwnbing I I lJceT>""? No. . I, . AJe ". .IM:PROVEJdEh"T(S) (Check one each column): . ._.'. -.. ..': o Single F'amily'. . 0 New Bldg.:' .-- " . o Duplex .. . . ~ddifioD, ~.~ R. pi ~ ~'. _ ~Multi "Units . 0 Repair,' ~7pe.._ . EJ Commercial 0 Other o Industrial - 0 Other Dce" Group Type/Constr",_ . 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