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'~--':"-~_~~_~"-...-~~'~_.;..../l-'~ ~ STAFF COMMENTS HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK BUILDING NOo 1 SITE PLAN Building Department~ See attached memoo Fire Department~ See attached memoo Engineering Department~ See attached memo 0 Utili ties Departmen"t ~ See attached memoo Public Works Department: Contact Public Works prior to pouring dumpster pado Planning Department~ 10 incorrect parking space from paving and drainage Remove detail planso 20 Provide dumpster pad detailo Forester~ See attached memoo "-l .' ;,'t "" ,); /' I i \ f '('t' ,[ I t.'~:,r,,~:.,j 14{',J',,';1 I.'"' I r I" ),R~'~~l~,:,,;: ".>;~ ,,! '-t, )',7 v.!; ~r! r~,3t~ I ~( or;" l J. Ii ",t~'l; 1-. y /f?;'.1.l t' " \,~! ~'It~ ur#'~, F\: L " hi~j f:'~~1~j b,~~1 C:rtJ {j.!'y~.. r'" I I~:;; l\/W !:'~,,~~~,'~=:! ~ [",:JI 'f',,;;J'~ .(.~ ,"'.' 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'c' "I .. {" ' ~ November 5, 1985 MEl>10RANDUM r 'I FROM r TO P Lf) IJ A!i JU 6. (Dc- P T "I FROM FI/ZC J> C-p; TO: Mr. Carmen Annunziato City Planner FROM: Tom Clark City Engineer TO Carmen Annunziato Ci ty Pl anr,\~r Bob Donovan Chf. - Plans Review ;-;; RE: Site Plan for High Ridge Commerce Park, Bldg. No. 1 SUBJECT: BOYNTON COMMERCE PARK DATE: 11-5-85 SUBJECT:,.. 7,"&J3 ~ FOLD ~ Hd.: (J16-U P-1D6E Qe,/JIJ/lIltf2.ut- (J/J-121C ;t: /lJ tP !2.pe-12 7t!J CR; /'fl p,- 'i W-ZTfI Q.. rrY 'S1A. B -D I (// ~ I Q;J !lt3QUll'U3/)1I:::ttitS - :2- FIt21i Hc;f}/ZI9-~ --.r~/I AIZf;-- J-ooP ;> f-fn-t-I- I&F jJf/.u///{)&'1), j4S AM Ihn7Z-AJlITf(;b If /J f) 0 J) 177 rJ/UAL j:fJ{) P 1'/1 IJ-Y # c I!u IJ r)()V() AJ 12A~-p,-fl- ~T J-Jtv~ of 7CJ17+r... ;J/Zrl0b~r: DATE: ((~_,~ rs IlL-D6- 11-1 Comments: , ~ 1 ~OLD ~ 1. Some uses of bays may require Environmental reviews. 1. Sidewalk to be continuous thru driveways except t~at on High Ridge Road the Eurnout construction w~ll replace the existing bicycle path and connect thereto on each side. 2. Requires Water Mgmt. approval. 3. State h~ndicap code must he meet. (ramps, parking spaces, bathrooms, accessibility) 4. Building shown on two lots. Need Unity of Title. 5. Need proposed use of bays, clearly defined. 6. Need water & sewer flow rate by Fl. registered engineer. 2. The paving and drainage plan shculd be revised so there is no flow into Commerce Road right-of-way. l,'i '1 " j 1 PLEASE r-iEll'l Y TO ==-=> SIGNED ~>> Bob D. PLEASE REPLY TO ~ SIGNED 4t't'/~' L ~aZL Tom Clark ~ REPLY REPLY (L~ ~r' TAC:ck ~ /:' >4-/d. -dL~ru' ,~ 1-~;::?$ SIGNED ~ DATE: /I-tt- f'S:- SIGNED ~ S- ~ lIem # F269 @ Wheeler Group Inc. 1979 ." Item # F269 Wheeler Group Inc, 1979 1I-IIS COpy FOR PERSON ADDRESSED THIS COpy FOR PERSON ADDRESSED ~l 01 ,,J ~\cJ 'I." :"."..~.il.~," " " ~ :.~,','l,. r~ ~~ ~. ~J ? '~; MEMORANDUM ~ '" '~ JQ M E M'O RAN DUM November 4. 1985 "',1' TO f.? I FROtA 'I I Carmp." Annunziato P: .l.Hdng Director DATE November 6. 1985 FILe: Kevin Hallahan Forester/HorticulTurist 9UDJECT High Ridge Commerce Park Building #1 TO: Mr. Carmen S. Annunz ia tio .Director of Planning r- I', ; 'j;;.'...~.',",'..!.'. ...~ ~ )f! !~..~.,'.".I,.. )' ~ '1 '~ A ~ ~ ~ ,1 RE: Boynton Commerce Pal:k Show'manhole and gravity sewer line on east side of lot 6. I l t This memorandum is in reference to the landscape plan for the above mentioned site plan. The appJ.icant cannot plant the Australian Pine (Causarina) trees as noted on his plan. These trees are prohibited from being plal.ted in accor- dance with Ordinance 81-22, sect. 7A-35 C2. o r This development cannot go forward until such time as the balance of the gravity sewerage collection system in Cedar Rige has been televised anq....1.nspected and certified to' the Health Dept. because all the permits for both the resi- dential and commercial were taken out as one unit. _~~-JJ~~ Kevin Hallahan Ii fu ~r ~:1 , j .~' c' '11 ilj We return the plans. (.' K1l/ad GPifC~~C( Perry A. Cessna, Director of utilities I r f ! II I ' II II U apt Attach:nent: a/s above I ...'.--.....' ..,,,,.,~~. .""._.~~''''~-'''''-'.'''~~'."''~.'''"",",~~.,,,.,..~...-.._,~~~..,.~~'""'-~- I, t ~, '.:. (1 () I ,.l\'. 0, 0' 0 y'/ i / J ;3 .~ ,~ ~ t::,':: I .c;y )..ll ~i 2> J du c~ J q. ~ I ~ ~l 2 o r/ ""1' ,\,' ,,~~~ c~ o 0\ ,~ C \, D' I. J. 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I i ".,...~';;t':~::.~~~.~~. ...:;t" p . f.~ h-;l~~~""".,bi'.;;,'-'Il:"-' The following materials are to be submitted in six (6) copieso Each set of plans must be stapled together in a single package 0 Scale of drawings must be 200 fto(or less) to the inch 0 Incomplete site plans will not be processedo .:'.:" ;~~:,) ~~ ~tt ,'j "''''j -x' ~I ~J ft;l ~'q)!:' ~.; r)" l'i~ " J " 1 f;~ 'j.~~(J. ,::;)11,' it;; "~\q ~\l~j' ~~ !' )J;y.. ~ ~1 ;:- f. ~,..~ u] ,1 ,fl ~ ~', 'I,;-, ;, ;'.0) ; "'->.4 c.'j' :~~'~ " 1J . -'';' ~I': ~~~:j ',$"i ~..2"2J ~J "";tb1 i~~>~ ~-l' \ ~I,~., ~~ ~,~\'l~j " ' '~:,G< ,,e 1'f~~1i ~I.;,:, ~'.' ';} ~~,~,u I;,~~i .' ,. 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Paq::: ;j ,I 'I Location forth in Platt~ng of additional fire hydrantst to meet standards set Article Xq Section 16 of the Subdivision and -- Regulations 0 pase 6 SITE PLAN ~QUIRBMENTS ( chec};,) J 210 " / 220 Fire f10w calculations justifying line size for both on off site water lineso , . 10 Boundaries and dimensions of the parcelo / 23~ Sealed engineering drawings for proposed utilitiesq as per City specifications 0 .;,/ 20 /' 3.. 4., / /. 50 .// 60 / -4a- 10 ~L </ 90 ~,~118 100 ,i'fjl~ " i o n' ,i r.\ .f )";11 "l'\~"'L.:. ; ,'.1' ~~;~ '::~J ,....~t, ~;D~-l ~~;~'. .,..", ~ir1 )-,~;<:~ ~' ,~"~"C ~:~. ;j~~!t.. , "l!; co" J ~~\&(;: }!7:)'~~ ~~)~,~ ~ : . ..'~- / 11" /' 12" . '/' 130 /14" 415, / 16., ...../ 17., ....,.,-- .,,- /' 18" --.,-...... /19. ~ 200 /1 >;:::::.::;.~ ;" . \'; Scale, graphic scaleu north,arrow! and dateo '. , ,/ Information regarding form of ownership (condominiu:nq l1ee sim.-etEq lease f et.c..)" 240 Adjacent properties or land uses~ Pavement edge and/or right-of-way lines for a.ll streets, alleysq sidewalksp turn lanes, drivewaysq and unimproved rights-of- way within one-hundred (100) feet of the siteo Alsos names of adjacent streets and rights-of-wayo J Location and orientation of garbage cans or dumpster facilities: All garbage dtmpsters must be so located to provide direct access for the City front-end loaders;, and the dumpster area must be provided with adequate width and hei.ght clearanceo The site must be so designed to eliminate the necessity for the front-end loader to back into any streeto If any use requires the disposal of wet garbage, a ten foot by ten foot (10 ~ xlO U) concre'te slab shall be provided 0 All dumpsters must be screened and landscaped in accordance with the City Landscape Code~ (see Seco 705-35 (i))., 250 Location of all proposed structuresu and any existing structures that are to remain on the siteD Setbacks of all structures (over 3 fto in height) from property lines.. Use of each structureq indicated on the site pIano Number.of efficie~cYq ~-bedroomg 2-bedroomq etcDpdwelling units 1n each res~dent~al structure; to be indicated on site pIano .... / 260 A parking lot design and construction plan showing conformance to the City Parking Lot Regulations, and including the follow- ing information" Any exceptions to the Parking Lot Regulations that are proposed or that are to continue will require an application for Variance to the Parking Lot Regulationso . '/. ~, -G ~t;x~ I,;' "I?'" '. ' ~:t~~~ [J4i"P '" . ~ i"'L> (,) s- , ':, "'~;~~ ~ ~:,;.2~'~~~'J~ ,,,,,",,,m,., ~'''o 'ii.""~ :.}.,,':) \\(tft-r-'";jE . .l,~~o ,~~~~~ L" ?C:-~1 (\ ~~~ -~I~i~\~" 0 l,\ft~ f,.'?:.-!, e~ (,1_ i ,orJt?lI" '--',~' , , .# "'f, c ~ -:t~- ~ , Indicati.on of height and number of stories of each t t ~ s rue ure" c/ aa Location of all parking and loading facilities" Indication of struc.tu:r:esq equipment v etc" above 45 ftoheighte including height in excess of 45 ft" b" A parking lot layout planq including curbsq car stopsv and stripingo v Floor plans or typical floor plans for all structures" Finish floor elevations of all structures" / -.C/. c", A cross-section of materials to be used in the construction of the parking loto d" A lighting plan for the building exterior and siteq including exterior security lightingq and lighting for driveways and parking lotso to include the location of lighting standardsq direction of lightingg fixture types; lamp types and sizes; and average i.llumination leveles) in footcandleso .......- .. .- -- . .. .. Uses within each structureq indicated on floor planso Elevations or typical elevations of all structures'" including materialsq surfac? treatmentsq and color schemes 0f all exterior surfacesq including roofso / .\ eo Information showing conformance with the City Street and Sidewalk Ordinance; including construction of sidewalks along adjacent public streets 0 f 0 Location of existing and"'proposed public and private streets q including 'ultimate rights-of-waYm Indication.of the n~mbers and types of recreational facilities to be prov~ded for residential developmentso Indication on site plan of locationq orientation and height of all premises and advertising signso ; J./ Location of walls and fences;, and indication of their heightq materialsq and color~ /. go On-site traffic plan, including arrows and other pavement markingsq traffic signs, and stop signs at exitso .,.// ho Location of handicap parking spaces, plus signs and access rampSq consistent with the State Handicap Codeo A landscape pIano showing conformance with the Landscape Code and.T:e~ Preservation CodeD and showing adequate watering fac111t1eso Plants must be keyed outo . / io A drainage plan for the entire site, including parking areaSj to include finish grade and pavement elevations, drainage calculations, and details of the drainage systemo If the total impervious area on site exceeds twenty-five thousand (25,000) square feet, then drainage plans and calculations must be prepared by an engineer registered in the State of Florida, and must be sealedo A sealed survey, by a surveyor registered in the State of Florida ~nd no~ older than six (6) monthsq showing property lines ~ 1~~~u~1ng bearings and dime~sions; north arrow, date, scaie, e,{ ~ ,~ t 1. n n 5 ~ ru c t'} r e c . n d p ".. ,:/ .. n " . . :J l.- , ~. oJ d. (J,.L. q, 0. X 1 S t lng, e 1 e v -1 t. 1. r !' c- 0 n c'; t r::> r Ie}' f. c (t= . ( L ... J ~.~ ..J oJ.. - ,..j ",..,- ),-"~y.li'v arl'l P'~""(""r"I,.'r- 0'1 0"'" .. . t . . '.' ..: 1 _ c..... ~,.",. .' _..> . L au J ':-' C (; n t () t l' (. r.; t-.-,. U {- ; 1 ; f- . '., , 011 0 r ad J n. c e t t h . 1, . I .. ,'- ' t., f . '" ... ~- .... 1 t.. .) n~ar.est c. 'n 0 t e 51te, _egal dcscriptionq acreage to the . one-hundredth (1/100) of an acre location ~kctch an~ surveyor 0 s cart; f' " _' C"" ; " ,;;) q U d h' - ~cut2ona Al,;;)o, Slzes & location~ of existing trn atn hS,rhubs, including co~non and botanical namec ;nd indi~ution ~:s o W 1.C are to b t' 1 .;,;) q as , e rc alnee, rcmovedq relocated, or replacedo Location of cxicting t'l.t I' to be indic.~t"d,;;) t\ u '1. ,1 Y lncs on or adjacent: to the property , ~.- on .DC sltc plan in addition to being shown on thr~ rPl'("./(H/ 1~1 "''''' 1 -. .... .. ' i. .(, ~\ '''''~I ,f,' "~~.l.r)'.. r.,.f ......... .....6 .. ,,';, t . 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' ,_ ~R^ ..,'-/\C"'-f'".--,< J ~', ", ,-- ',v ._.~~,~'" ' ~...:.~~~....u.\"",,,,,,;~l,;~...(\,i- '.; :';i. \\. ~... ~ ,.", <1 '--" c._;;) {I, . ~~rrY @~ ~(Q)YN10~ ~tEAC~ ~ 120 Eo Boynton )Pi 0 BOX 310 Boynton Beach~ Florida 33425=0310 (305) 134-81U OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR 21 November 1985 Mro Mark Lotterman 7909 NeWo 54th street Miarnio FL 33166 RE~ High Ridge Commerce Park Building Noo 1 lJ Dear Mro Lotterman~ Accompanying this letter you will find one copy of the site plan which was approved by the City Council on TuesdaYg November 199 1985 and two copies of the landscaping and building elevation plans bearing the stamp of approval of the Co~~unity Appearance Boardo The approval of the City entitles you to construct only the improvements shown on the site plan~ The site plan will be viewed procedurally as an as-built or record drawing 0 with respect to th~ two sets of plans bearing the Community Appearance Board stamp of approvalg both sets must be submitted to the Building' Department along with other constr~ction planso If you have any questions concerning this matterg please do not hesitate to contact meo Yours very trulYe CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~~A:un~ Planning Director Ilat cc~ City Manager' Technical Review Board Central File c;, , ~r -.. ^ , -...-" . ~ ~''''~ ~-~.-<..... I d'. -!r ,,~" " \' .\_ t"- --:.;-- '.I \i..\ ", ," ~lr- \~ \:- \" ':;.'~' ;, t ::;r .!;, ~j'\ ~ D, ','---' , 'if ,( C\' 1', . '.j '~ () l> ! ~ \; " . " ,9 ~ ij '-11 r"}(.:;;";';"",...,~..P u:,.:H-,;".,;,.,#<\......:H-h ,-~...J(."'-:;-.:~~_.., .~C' __\'c':_'!";,:," ~':-,Jr:..JJ-. '-,' ,i,-,..>. ,..,..J(, ,:r;; "!'l ; t. ~I an li Q {~ ~ '. -f I ! .. ~ " , . -.~.~ . ~ I I, ~ ~ r h ,I IlII t~~ c /;7 D ti '#' \; ~::- .f~1 ') / '1 If \1 11 !' " n jt ~ ,,.Ii l \1\ II 1 i I I 11 I t 1\ 1\ II . It ' Ii II It if -.,. :.,' " II ,....-.<<."' ,,,.>-..,- ,.'~ ....,', '. Q ~".,-~,~.._, -_.........,.""-,,....,....;,-~..,,,.........,..,....,,..------~_.- " ., ,,_,~_ ,,_ ~__W'~"" ,- ,r Q",,<, ~ ,P' In~' !lY'7I ~~ IF 'Ir~' '1) l\ - >> D J.:! /1 0 ," \) (,~ () r; 'I ~ -: 1, O' .\) \0 ~! " G3 lJ' (\ " o i., ,...~.....__............-__~,,..,.,.....,.._.._~_..__~_..,.,..."'''''<=<. 11, .9::,5.:_ fi____~,...:J _ .-,,~. ~",,~.....~,,~-S'.... ~ u J'" 1/ il. , i1 li 11 i{ j, <;} ,! 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SITE PLAN APPROVAL APPLICATION City of Boynton Beach, Florida Planning and Zoning Board This application must be fill~d out completely and accurately and submitted in one (1) copy to the Planning Department. .Incomplete applications will not be processed, Please Print Legibly or Type all Inf0rmation. I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Project Name: Boynton' Commerce Park Building - 1 2. Date this Application is Accepted (to be filled out by Planning Dept.) 3. Applicant1s Name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made) : Mark Lotterman Address: 7909 N.W. 54th Street Miami, FL 33166 Phone~ (305) 592-8590 4. Agent's Name (person; if any, representing applicant): M"rk 1,nrr~rmRn Address: , 7909 N .W.. 54th Street Miami, FL 33166 Phone: (305) 592-8590 5. Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name: Mark Lotterman Address: 7909 N.W. 54th Street Miami, FL 33166 Phone: (305) 592-8590 6. Correspondence Address (if different than applicant or agent) *: ..., ----____._..______,___._..,_ __....v_..~_ ------^--------~-- * This is the addrcss to which all agcndus, letters, und other materials will be mdiled. Planning Dept. 10/82 ~ {/ (/: " \~ Q.':i i; l\ 'I -r, Page 2 7. What is applicant's interest in the premises affected? To construct warehouse/office facility. (Owner, Buyer, Lessee, Builder, Developer, Contract Purchaser, etc.t 8. Street Address or Location of Si'l::e: Commerce Road Lots 5&6 9. Legal Description of Site: 1.n1"<: 'l&fi C:",n"r Ring"', A 1> H n ""rl High Rirlg~ Commer~e PRrk, A P.I.D. aR recorded in PB: 46 Pr.. 58, nf the public records of Palm Beach County. 10. Intended Use(s) of Site: warehouse/office 11. Developer or Builder: H.H.H. Construction Corp. W.R. Bradford 12. Architect: W.R. Bradford 13. Landscape Architect: 14. si te Planner: W. R. Bradfol:d 15. Engineer: Ralph D. Denuzzio & Associates 16. Surveyor: Ralph D. Denuzzio & Associates 18. 17. Traffic Engineer: N/A Has a site plan been previously approved by the City Council for this property? P.LD. approved 19. Estimated construction cost of proposed improvements shmJn on this site plan: $600,00.00 Planning Dept. 10/82 (I'\:" '~i /.\ .! \ () # I ~-~ jL~ (\ 5t~ ;'-.:,;'i,;'> \\.;, Page 3 The following information must be filled out below and must appear, where applicable, on all six (6) copies of the site plan. <I) j. Total Area of Site 2.2 Acres 1. Land Use Category shown in the Comprehensive Plan P.LD. 3. Area of Site 2.2 acres 95,746.7 sq. -\=.... .... '-. % cf site % of site -% of site % of site 100 % of site ~ % of site % of site % of site % of site 100 % of site , '\ '> "-- '" n ::;'1 " II. SITE DATA 2. Joning District Boynton Beach * Including open space 5uitable for outdoor recreation, and having a ~inimum dimension of 50 ft. by 50 ft. 4. Land Use -- Acreage Breakdown a. Residential! including surrounding lot area or grpunds fi/A acres b. Recreation Areas * (excluding water area) I N/A acres c. Water Area N/A acres d. Commercial N/A acr.es e. Industrial 2.2 acres " f. Public/In- stitutional N/A acres g. Public,private, and Canal Rights-of-Way N/A acres h. O~her (specify) N/A acres i. Other (specify) Nt A acres 5. Surface Cover Per Plan a. Ground Floor Building 37,896 Area (lIbuilding footprintll) sq.ft. --1J~ % of site J b. Water Area N/A ._ sq. ft. c. Other Impervious Areas, including paved area of pUblic & private streets, paved area of parking lots & drivcways (ex-- eluding landscaped areas), and sidewalks, patios, decks, and athletic ,,:Otl1' ",'~ . Per Plan 34,569 .' " ~ Ii ~..:p.mLl ___ I2...M9.... sq. ft. d. To t~ll ImpQl'v ious Area e. I,undscaped A1'0<1 In:dde ___NI fI:..___ nq. ft. of Pd.1'kinq Lots (20 ~;q.fl. ll(\!'int-,('dor p;11-1, it1'1 sp.'"It~C n'q'..t i l'('d-- ~;.l(" ~,~~-'~'.. "l..f;".;t.(...:) f'." 11 ~; t; of site 36.1 5.7 % ot site ~. of site " ,'~. /) t ~ '," J ~~ nt~':;\-'~ ""\ o i)'1 " --.....: (;I r):;.:';.~)J\~~ ~<~~'"' ~: '~ " \~ i:~~;0~ '",,' f,l\l_~ IC~ I;, ~f tt~\~ I"; .~ r c: .1 '}f~ c. !:1 r" ~'" 1 ,,;= >(.\::, ....." I. i( '" l.'\')\~ ["r. C ~) ,< -~b ,y ') ._,' ~ 1:, -q\;:,?;;~ .'. '..(.'i~....'" .. ~ {/;~;lr:::::. {( ~ :', -:";'"~1: _/fi :,,' " ~ \~ ~ ~~'1 .4 " \,- .. 'f " ;~J .. .... .:~:' J .," ;.:,/i,'",(, If' ,'t)"""',.,,>~v, ~-)1F.tl~~\~^';tii1 """'."'."".'1 ;~'C"'")\;~;_' .'\:.:,-i' ,'It: " i\'4 I'':'', '~~ .1f't-.-~.~, ~~J "',, ,'.~( I ,\' ,.~- ,:;{.:,," ~~~'\ -O~1-;;~;1 \, t.-:?:,. i~ l] ~ \\.' if;. CJ t"h ";'-'''''''1 ," ,-1\, ~'{2)~' ~'@";'{" I~ ,. ",;' :J...,." ,'., '-'~ ",i. .'. 1"'1 \'~-~""d. r:'),~ ~,-1 ""-"~ '/., ~ "\?::~i't~'l ;';:~~;j'~~ ~~~ i"'r,\y,~0 ,~ ""-\] ~::\f~iir:~~ ~.. ~~~~ifi '." .~"':'TJ:( '. ~ ~\' ',,':' _! .0., '. ,,) " ~' ,,\(..~ "'oj~' &1 ':-7~ ft'. ' -)~ " , " '''''4 ': ~"23 !.:" " "),~-' V~,.U~\ ~r ~ij ,.,._,'l ~,' ;1: '. ,,~';. ~./;"'" ~~~ \~~...\....1 ""\1 'it \\1 jI' ,;,'1: t, ,f.:oJ11 ....:;.=( .::dE r?J. ,,;:p;. ".,' .'r d "',;'..,)'.' " II ~~ "'.. ~ "'". ' '. J " ;; .:. 1. iet;) f (,~'1, ., "I \~~{'_. l'-~ t'~\ P.'! "?~~~-' i: ;,100 .. J' ,-' " \.~ ~.~.~'."..1l\.'~.'"~. f~ f .,0 II . ',;,: ~ ',h __,-. ,i ~~"",(I";-; ~J' '7-J 1 ;1 v.~ Page 4 fo Other Landscaped Areasp excluding Water Area 23,281.7 sq..fto 24.3 . % of site go Other Pervious Areas, including Golf Courses, Natural Areas, Yards, and Swales, but excluding Water Areas N/A sq..fto % of site he> Total Pervious Areas . "23..281 24.3 % af site sqoft.. sq..ft.. i.. Total Area of Site 100 % of site 60 Floor Area ao Residential N/A N/A sqoft.. sqofto sqofto n.. Commercial/Office c.. Industrial/Warehouse Per Plan 37,896 d", Recr,ea tional N/A sq..ft.. eo PublicI Institutional N/A sqofto sqofto fo O~~er (specify). N!A go Other (specify) N/A sq..fto ho Total Floor Area 37,8(Hi sq..fto 70 Number of Residential Dwelling Units ao Single-Family Detached dwelling units N/A bo Duplex N/A dwelling units Co Multi-Family (3 + attached dwelling units (I) Efficiency (2) 1 Bedroom (3) :2 Bedroom (4) 3+ Bedroom dwelling units dwelling units _ dwelling units dwelling units N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A dwelling units do Total Multi-Family eo Total Number of Dwelling Units N/A 80 Gross Density N/A Dwelling Units per ~cre 90 Maximum Height of Structures on Site ..., -.. U g, ~~~O feet 1 stories 100 Required Off-Street Parking ao Calculation of Required Number of Off-Street Parking Spaces bo Off-Street Parking Spaces Provided on Site Plan _....58 59 ......... ....-.... ""''''-' '-, ,\'1" \~ IIIJ :~ -.;..-..'~::' <. _._.({ li)) ~\.~,~, ;,' .~. 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The following materials must be submitted in one (1) copy: A checku payable to the City of Boynton Beach, for two hundred dollars ($200) 0 I'!M 20 . . . . ... ~ For projects that generate at least three thousand (3uOOO) vehicle trips per day or two hundred and fifty (250) single directional vehicle trips in a one el) hour periodu a traffic impact analysis must be submitted 0 AI/It 30 Any other engineering and/or technical datau as may be re- quired by the Technical Review Board to determine compliance with the provisions of the CityUs Code of Ordinanceso v.. CERTIFICATION (I> (We) understand that this application and all papers and plans submitte~ herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Boardo (I) (We) hereby certify that the above st tements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans Sll i e~ herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowled ~d ~ 1" This application will not be accepted unless. g 'e .~ 0 ing to the instructions belowo TRW5T~) wner(s) or Trusteeu Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other/ business entity 0 dc,. g l~i!5~ DatEi VIo AUTHORIZATION OF AGENT Signature of Authorized Agent . Date (I) (We) hereby designate the above signed person as (my) (our) authorized agent in regard to this application 0 Signature of Owner(s) or Trustee, or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity 0 Date SPACE BELOW THIS LINE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ~ Review Schedule: Date Received:: Technical Review Board Planning & Zoning Board Community Appearance Board City Council Date Date Date Date Stipulations of Final Approval:: -_.._------,;_._-----~---_.. _,_......__...._~.._...,_,. __._. ..._._e.....____._..______ -__ Other Government l\.9cnc1c.;'H/Persons t.o uc; Gont.:lcL(~d: Additional Remarks: "" _._.c>. ...." .... ,,,--_. .,__*, __ ".",,,,.. _. ~.. .._;.........._,. _.,", ,"._." .......,.____ -- {( 1,\" l :' ,~.....~ ii II 'r: "'" .,...., \\' \\ 'c. ., ,\, 'i" tY. /f :::;'-;, .:.:;'::' ~, .- :\ :1 .~ jl I ~~~~""':::Jr. '.....~ .~';( ~/- ~ l- I,' \\, " n I] Ii I, fj :1 t """,0,,"11' . I~!'?'~~r-':~~~,...-.~,___,,__I~,.. 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