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'I _ .L~1 ~f:~ I!~j~ < -t ~..:~ ('--31,', -4., P:'\~I )~"i: l~' rf\~7 JPITannin g De paurt1I1l1l e1l1l1t DevenOfvlnrnen11: lFille 1--- '--'"----'~.=tt!:I- ~=' I:,,~ ~ ~~...a=~ =~ II i Pro "oct ~a:rr:.ej!f-/~;;U~ !).~ e: SJ7!J./Zdf;;J2 h~J::-Dare. 3 :::::JI-=- . 8" -:i ,; DOCUMElIT TYPE Parking Lot V man.ce - PL V D Cl D Master Pla..n lVIodification - MPM Preapplications - Preapp D D D D Conditional Use - (..1] Master Plan - IvlP Rezoning - R Rezoning and Land Use Element Amendment - L1JEA Preliminary Plat - PF' Abandonment - Abdrn D D D Site Plan Modification - SPM Site Plan - SF Annexation - A. D Year /& /f7o Number of Sheets ~ COMMENTS: Approved ro ALfL_/ LA7KJ Conditions lC&i Denied D ,. ~) j.li, ", If ;>< dr~~ C:/~:~\1 ill,d} rl~'1/-':: ,,\:,11\P . ,J" ;\;'~,': e#,,1 l[:';'~"1 ["\1;' ; t..~!2" ~t J?"?( ~~~; t',;::."'1 J'iJ- t.~r 't}" -I .!l"JI 1"',-,.11 ti~"J~1~ !'( ,-:,;",'i, 'I IlIlr&,*.I.lill~11I'liilr.I~llt~&"I'11 -Wnc1m~ N~o ':J " i'. ~t XA~'C'~~~~~' "jR'~t~i~'~"N~~':~"""f"" ......IF.~.~~~~.:.;...:-... . ~ (p,1 ~ I (f ~ :,J ~ =-=~ L,I ( " 11l.~WlilL.Il.IJlIl.II1- U;.(f)frr:\f r~~~<'1' l'! ......, /~~ \t;:. .w '~ V)~,,t;,.~ ," I ~ \.l ~ I ~-~ l?(~!)!ij 1;1:. \1. I{'." ,,'J ~~~'~J..! ~il~!,)j ~1 [:,;0,\ [I:'" '< t?H.1~11 I'YN,\ \~Nt. l'~r'" ~"~j ~'ti1 .?~ .. ,k.<<~ i'~~~i , t".",. :: t~//" A ,,' ,. ~ ,~1 ", II lFOnIDl 1" Ol07117"lU'-. II'] .\ i> ..~. I' tl ' ", H-,~~~' }r""~ ~~ ... 'fi :I~ ij II ' u U 1I I) I I u 11 11 ~ u' n ~ , l' t n",., _ ~ .,....--- ~.c:;;;r\,. (tc!.I~) ~r . j< ~: it .il 'I I' I! n 11 I! 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'? o ~ f Q. ,.~ C nfV 0* laOYN10N talEACH ~~~~p:~~: :~~,~ r::-- ~; , ,'. 'ff~iip~fiiiE;~rmm \pw ' }P? -~'~~~"." September 22nd, 1978 P. O. BOX 310 120 N.E, 2ND AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIOA 33435 I f [ I i I i I i I I ! ! I I ~ 1 I I I j I ~ J 1 1 J ~ ~ II ~ , ,1 J ~ ~ Q ! "j d ~ J Oil :1 ;~ ~ ''I ~{ ~ ~ ~ ~ j '" ~~..,,~ r 1 l~ if! ~1 ~J ~l ".' ~A id ~l "1 ",J '.....~ ~h IJ,'. ,~ ~~.'. ,( " j ~ "\ i .,n., ~t ~J Mr. Richard Wensing Jr. Suite 214 2300 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd. West Palm Beach, Florida 33409 Dear Mr. Wensing: On Tuesday, September 19th, 1978, the City Council approved your site development plans subject to the following: Engineering Dept: Subject to memo (attached); Building Dept: Provide sidewalks on Public Streets; Fir~ wall requireo; Fire Dept: Subject to memo (attached); utility Dept: Developer to connect to water and sewer systems when available and pay for the cost of lines in front of property; Planning Dept: Parallel parking to be 25-ft.; Dedicated streets to be paved to City specs; Community Appearance Board: See attached minutes. Prior to submitting plans to the Building Official for permits, all staff recommendations and other materials listed above and adopted by Council in their approval shall be provided. If you have any further questions concerning this matter, please contact me. Yours very truly, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH . ~.J: ~ CARMEN S. &~NUNZIATO, City Planner CSA:pf cc: Mr. Frank Kohl, City Manager Mr. Bud Howell, Building Official (copy attached to plan) Central File .,. MINUTES O~ THE REQAR HEETING OF THE COlll1UNIMpPEAHANCE ~ARD HELD AT CITY F.ALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, MONDAY, SEPTEl1BER 18, 1978 PRESENT Col. Carn R. Reid, Chairman Harold Blanchette, Vice Chairman Mrs. Kitty Deneen, Secretary Arnold Fasano Nat Ostrow Nat Weinshel Mrs. Jean Pipes, Alternate Rev. Richard Bass, Alternate Bob Donovan, City Plan Checker ABSENT Danny O'Brien (Excused) Chairman Reid called the meeting to order at 7:40 P. M. MINUTES OF AUGUST 21, 1978 Mrs. Deneen requested that the minutes show Mrs. Pipes' absence as excused. Mr. Fasano moved to accept the minutes as amended, seconded by Mr. Weinshel. Motion carried 7-0. NEW BUSINESS Site Plan Approval Applicant: Location: Richard Wensing for J. Palermo High Ridge Road (North of and adjacent to Florida Pneumatic) Legal Description: Acreage Project Description: Storage/Warehouses The members reviewed the plan. Cl1airman Heid referred to the area from the paved surface back to the building and questioned if it would be grassed and 11r. Wensing replied affirmatively that they will maintain the 5wale. Chairman Reid referred to no planting shown across the front and Mr. Wensing pointed out the areas of planting planned for the ends. After discussion, Chairman Heid noted the planting of two additional groups of trees in the front. Cl1airman Reid then referred to there being nothing On the side of the building and Hr. \'lensing explained that it I,olould be a common road used by them and Florida Pneumatic. Chairman Reid referred to the rear and Hr. \'iendng pointed out that hedge was planned along the rear. Ch03.1 I'IT3.n Reid N:ferred to a ~pI'inklLr system and Mr. \oieTlslng repl:i eel U/dt one \oJOuld be inst:a] led nnd stated that i. t ,,:as f11)ted on the 1'1 Cln. >;5 t ~ " J C :J " :.':;. Ch;jir':~.;;m j;'~'id r(::f(:l'I'(~d to \'iNh/lia Gr'()Um1r:Clv('I' 1Jping shown at the CuI'tter;; of the buildi :"1;]5 and (~)'pld\ n~1d flOW Oil S d(:t'llal1y did Iloth~ ing plus required high 1:.aintcman<::e. It I,o;as tlgI'lJed that 2 to 3 r ~,hr'nb!;, be planted in pl'ice of the viN3,'lia in ,,11 the areas rr.arxed "BII. Cha'iI';;,.an Ft>id !Iot(~d tlds on the plan ...::th ~,UU{,N;t:ons for ty;,,~!, of trc.('S Clnd ~)lLr';,ll,h(,ry. ') ":':-:1 " ~,.---~. ;, C) . 0 0 PECHT - WENSING - ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS o M E M 0 R A'N DUM I MEMBERS: AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS August 17, 1978 HERBERT A. PECHT,JR, RICHARD WE:-:SING TO: City Planner FROM: City Engineer SEPTEMBER 8D 1978 t I ~ \1" 'c~ ...... ~' r\;j r;~ !~oo".' L,. [!~ f~ il~i Re: High Ridge Storage Park site Plan Comments are as follows: - BOYNTON BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 150 NE 2ND AVENUE BOYNTON BEACHD FLORIDA 33435 ATTNa ALLAN H. NVQUISTD FIRE MARSHALL 1. A property survey is required. 2. A 40-ft. right-of-way dedication is required for the east half of High Ridge Road and also for the south half of Miner ROq,d if the north property line is q,djacent thereto. 3. A roadwq,y cross-section should be shown. REs HIGH RIDGE STORAGE PARK HIGH RIDGE ROAD BOYNTON BEACHp FLORIDA DEAR SIRs 4. Const;t"lction details are required for the french drains. I AM WRITING THIS LETTER AS yoU REQUESTED TO CONFIRM OUR CONVERSATION OF THIS MORNING AND TO STATE OUR AGREEMENT TO YOUR REQUEST FOR FIRE PROTECTION FOR THE ABOVE MENTIONED PROJECT. BR~EFLYp THIS WILL CONSIST OF THE FOLLOWINGs A) 40 WELL B} 2n HOSE-BIBBS THROUGH OUT PROJECT AS DISCUSSED C} 4n CONNECTION FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT AT WELL D} 2 HOUR~FIRE SEPARATION BETWEEN UNITS AND ALL CONCRETE STRUCTURE ELSEWHERE E) FIRE EXTINGUISHERS AS SHOWN ON PLANS ALL OF THE ABOVE WILL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH T~E BOYNTON BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT9S REGULATIONS. 5. Site plan should indicate the water source for domestic supply and fire protection. TAC:mb V~~ 'l'om Clark OUR ENGINEERp ARNOLD CHANEp WILL BE IN THOUCH WITH CAPT. JAMES RHODEN TO VERIFY DESIGN OF SYSTEM WITHIN A FEW DAYS. THANK YOUp 'f?LJ W~ Q RICHARD WENS1NG~.I.A. RW/EM I 2300 PAUl BEACH LAKES BOl'L\'ARD . SL'ITE 214 0 WEST PADI BEACH, FLORIDA 33409 . 305:686-1642 .- -- "~- --<> o o o t) fi'jj MINUTES COMl1UNITY APPEARANCE BOARD PAGE 'lVlO SEPl'EMBER 18, 1978 MEMORANDUM r'~' ':<..C:' ~-- -: ~~, L f ",,' !"' fl. \.- I I' Chairman Reid clarified that the recommendations wer~ to plant shrubbery on each side of the building, in the middle se:tor plant an area of 50 ft. with two trees which will follow what J.S sh<;>wn on the architectural schematic and Note B is changed from WedelJ.a to shrubs. Mr. Weinshel refer~ed to hedges on the side an~ Chairm:n Reid replied that this is no shared road ~th an industrl~l plan... on the other' side and there will be shrubs lnstead of WedelJ.a by the building. Hr. Wensing agreed and initialled the changes. Mr. Blanchette moved to accept the plan as corrected, seconded by Hr. Fasano. Motion carried 7-0. August 17, 1978 TO: City Planner FROM: City Engineer Re: High Ridge Storage Park Site Plan Comments are as follows: - J J .1 ~ I I 1. A property survey is required. 2. A 40-ft. right-of-way dedication is required for the east half of High Ridge Road and also for the south half of Miner Road if the north property line is adjacent thereto. 3. A roadway cross-section should be shown. 4, Construction details are required for the french drains. 1..0 ). ~, , kt. r~ !~; , i'",,- \" : ~:; .~ !:p r~~ {t';"N'.1 - ~", ,t"i ~F f I 5. Site plan should indicate the water source for domestic supply and fire protection. TAC:mb v~~- 'rom Clark I J) \\ '..< ~.....~~.::': l:"'--L.:i~~~~:.'- '::'i:":~~ .0 ~ I 1 'j I~ 1 i 1 , .} :[ ~ J ~ ! 1 ,J 11 ~I ~, 1 J ry .\ " ,'"t r:f1'J ;/ I I 'f 'a' :.;...--=I~~ Ii I'I .:I' ;\ \, !, ! vf " 11,' ,';-~ ,. o o ~I,., ~~ ~\ --~,.:-""'\\ .",.;r;v ,\,.tr:.~'I'~"'"':;.A-AV7/"*"'--1rc"""~"7t:"lrll".-j;\'.~r"'~~'7f"\~""""~~0'\'t;~lf~r'" (,' n :,' >, ...>. :;\ '-'.,1 :{ '\; ,.' ~ (') " c: .~ :, .. ". . '-''-': -.; " ,"-, \\ :. 'J~ " -c~/ ,"', ..< -<o.",,_~-......~"__ ('::\ !! ' or' ~~ :,!:.. I: \ ", \~ /I " \) .......:..;;. Ii ':::.. \\ \ I, l '0",) : \" \ '. ,>-',( 11'- '~'I--' (...'."i . . " r'I ".,~ '~"'-' 'lC~"'''''' ~.-------.,-------_.__.,- ..~- i'..__ !' PECHT'" WENSXNG Q> A RCrIITJECTS & PLANNERS ~ I 6 - -' - -- MIEMfBERS: AMlERJCAN HN.:liTHTUTE OF ARCBlTfECTS HERBERT A.. l?lEICHT p JR. llUCHARD WlENS~NG ~ S~PT[M~ER 80 1978 BOVNU~~ B[A~M F9~[ DEPA~1ME~e ~50 ME 2N~ A~EN~~ B~VN1~N 8~A~~o FlO~ODA 33435 A1uNa AllAN Ho NV~UOS16 FO~[ MA~SMAll ,~ , ~ I I' I, : ! I I j \ ~ REa HUGH RnDS~ S10RAG~ PAR~ Hu~~ R9D~[ R~A[Q) B~VNu@~ B~AC~D Fl~~O~A I .1 D[~~ SU~a ~ AM W~819N~ l~OS l[1u[~ AS VO~ REQU[S1~~ 10 CONfORM OU~ CONV[~SA1fiOM or 1MOS MO~NON~ AN~ 10 S1AYE OU~ AG~[[M[Nl 1@ VO~~ ~~Q~~Sl fO~ rnR~ P~Ol[CuOON ro~ THE AeOV~ M[N1nON[~ P~O~[C1o B~HErlVo u~o~ WOLl CONSBS1 Of lME rOllownN~8 A) 40 W1Ell ~} 2w MOS[=B06~$ nH~OU~~ aU1 ~~O~ECu AS ~nscuss[~ ~) 4w CONNEC10000 ro~ fRR~ DEPAR1MEN1 A1 ~[l~ \D) } "2. t'H)U~:::-it'n ~E S[ ~~~~ l' 8 Ob\'llS[ Iltf~[[ N ,UN 0 1$ AN[}) Allb C~NC~[1[ Su~llJCuU~[ ElSEWHER[ [) f3~[ [UinNSUftSH~~S AS S~OWN ON ~LANS ALL or THE ABOV~ ~ijLL 3[ nNSlALl[~ g~ ACCg~~ANC[ WUl~ 1~[ BOVNTON BEACH FORE DEPARTMENyiS REGULATOONSo fI n " If Cl , ~ OllJ~ [~~6~[[Rv A~~OlD CMANED ~flLl BE UN THO~CH W81H CA~uo J~M[S RHO~[N u@ V[~O~V ~[S8~N ~f $VS1EM WB1~8N A FE~ ~AVSo II I I .1 J ! It 11 <'\ I t f ~ I 1ffaAN~ V<<HD 0 ~Off ,~o R U, L) ~~ w~1 RD~~A~~ WENsnw@o Ao~ oAo Rw/[~!J I 2300 l?AILM BEACH LAKES IfMJ>UlLVARlO> 0 S\UH1'E 2Jl4t 0 WES1' PAlLM BlEACH, lFILORlllO>A 33409 0 305J(5~H).Jl6.!j}2 ,t ,"I n . i! ,,,> '':.:, , " '" "-11 " .- ..e '.1 '~""t;-"'::~ Ii f/,-. !f " ~, !' ,- ,rU Q ~i L r 1,,1" , J,! \'.;!' \\ n ., " I Ji, n " )1 Ii, J/ '\ It " \~ ~ , ~l If II ~ ... " ., " !l 'V ':<-0 II \i '\ iF '\1. If \1 't , [: It 11 .. .( " /) ~ '1,f ^ 'j " il ~ Ii " \ ~ f 1 i i j 1 I I II <> II /7' 1 ~ :l 1 l \1 v I fI 1\ i! , !j 11 1\ ,\ j\ I 11 P Q f 1\ ". r) !p\ 'lll 'j;:j. ,; II '. II .",1. \' " " )\ " /.) ,,,:,,:-1"" ~ \- .~... ,. "f'. !~ ,.. 'J.. :::, ;\.-,. ~) <.\ '; ~~ C ,i),' ,\, o I! I~ : : ,\ ') :-'.l':" ~, ,/, \;) ;,""\ '" :9L~ " v , ',.' 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PLAJmING AND ZONING BOARD APPLICATION BOYNTON BEACnu FLORIDA All ~pplication~ to be processed by the Planning and Zoning Board must be received and accepted by the City Planner twenty~ (20~ days prior t.o t.he reg-ular meet:ing 0 The applicant. will be advised as to supplemental meetings necessary for application reviewo All applicants wi thapproved 6i te plans u '\A,7hich o.t. a later date reques~ a revisiong will be processed in the ,same manner as the initial application subject t.o all Code requirements effective at the time the revision is requestedo Name of Applicant /j~~~~ ~ ~ , olla ~~~~ "- Intended Use of Site '. ~TO~~~ ApplicantUs Address A E ~ 1~ ~~~fu' ~ L~~TAU-~~ \2v~~ ~A'tdJ t 'v ~~~~u""'@ Address of si,te l~~gb~ Legal Description of Site_'Y 34o~ OPT\-1E: u-:SooG orz-711E UlLJ'/<tf'~. SF."Lt J b 'w U " 46. i'" IVt ~ E p,. ~ .Q>\Jtv'M Fi -.<\ L ~,;,:" 1'J .." ll.'~ Q' .1.F:;U "" ~J,;"3'OD ' f) ~ -r:f r f!3 .-UUJ It! () r.;: <;~'{..1-l ~ , t u.JcJ <4 5 ~ . (7 ~ '2:., ~ ~ ~ . r.Plf' ~ -u r.:::..tA~ . _ 10 . , I , f eo fa.. The following data must appear on all copies of the Site Plan~ 10 20 30 Existing Zone H ~~ e~~S~ ~~ L'fO ~ 4 c.f2JG~ o ~ Area of Site Total Number of Units Proposed 40 Density Gross Per Acre == = 50 Building Area ~ 2. ~ ~ ., 3j % of Lot Sqo Ftc 60 Parking Spaces~ ReqUd 3roposed c.t$10 ?-2 % of Lot 2~ % of Lot ~~ % of Lot \ storieB' ~ 10 Parking = Aisle AreaJ'3otBqG Fto 80 Street Area \1S0D Sq.. Ft.. 90 Landscape Area ~ ~ S23 5> Sq 0 Ft 0 10 D Height of. Buildings '~Feet 110 Total Floor Area f3 '258'L Sqo Fto What is the applicantUs interest in the premises affected? ~cJ~~ (Owner 0 Agentp Lesseep E:bCo) (I) (We) understand that this Site approval becomes a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Boardo (1) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and the statements or showings made in any paper or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) ,<,our> kn,OWledge ~ beliefo This apPlicati,on will not be ac~ cepted unless 5i ne the owner of the propertyo /:. -: [11 - 1) ~ \ \ .' IV' f -v~ ,'f'\, L ~ 1i~S'v-.. LA.J ew S d e-~ro 5i atur M~ER The Owner has here~y aesigna~ed the above signed person to ac~ as his agent in regard to thi~ petition 0 (To be executed when Oi~er designates another to act on hisf behalf 0 ) ~~@;g ~~~ ~~q (f.A~~ d-~ g~ ~!C{f ~j1~ ~~ ?J ~~#n <W tl <:diJ t::;:,v ,.r V (j (J 't-' ~t:~ ;, ;""",E'" ~\\ , -~,~ '.~"~r [) i II :' ,,/" '. 'l/ ~,i ,u. 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Jr:;:;r----~..:T '\ [ , I , ! , ,I , , " I; I, I 'i :1/ : " 'II r ~"" ~.~) $.1 I-- i--- >--- High Ridge Ro Wensing ~, ^'" -:... " ... eo~PO~tHE LIMITS e.rJio.::..- ~ I lifLVh"'fl].~ G 7,(;,]{J I 1/),)' " I I - 1-. ..- ----, -- r ..o~ ,.-- - ,.- --.. ,,- - 1--"'- .- '--- ,- r--" ..-- r- .- 1- ]~.).,~.,.. (" : ~' .=8,-1 -0 - ''-"- ' lI- t Cv", -- L~ T----1 storage Pa.rk f- rL for J 0 PalerI1 &l----f 1---- i U On ~ j -/ I J J I ::::--... ~ __ >C"~{i'; ,?' I ",,'~'~~: ,,;) :.0 o,~~ ' J CITY OF BOYNTON SEA CHY 1.$ ~b \,,',',/i. 'iP ;;;>'~ I? Ir-ll ., j;:qr:-r '\\-----rr-?~;:;p' i.L< ,r 1/ I ~ J lilliJ L-_ '.' ., '(/ I ~ r f'ffill 0, I I~ iP. 'J L I , t u, I v 1 ] J ~, !-.! -; , t-- 7~ Ac<f.,U,f;J \l /:'1 ~, I s,. I \ I I , G~ ~ . I -It. , '.aVM """ "" E:= G i1@JI.;=i~ k ~[ t=t: '.VM.- ~~ ''T1oJ~~ t,p ~~ 4<. · Ie I~ =t= Ff i I ) ~E~~ ~==~. - ; -r [ 111~i:t l-.C t- ~ . f---I-- .,. 'y. r - y ;\--.E " ,~r- ''-r 1---1-- t--....., I-- r 11-- I-- . 1-- /.~ I r-r ,. 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COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD aOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Date AY0 2; t \9 .,~ Preliminary ( ) Final (X) Request for Change Sign Approval Project Name ""I t~ ~ ~\ ltJ(;Ol~ 'V, 340' OJ=. -rWE: ~ Legal Description lL-. \'w 455 f2..4...~E. I \J\1 AO' Or.:- Ttl8 ~ 3'OC/ tJf'TJ8'" t-J lJJla f- b ' CoI.J1..-"(''1 Ft","j, Address of Site " .~ t(OU f2.\lt)(;?~ Owner ~Clt;' ~ ""~IM (;) Architect '1Z,t:.~~fI?,..-o Wt11..j$rt-Jc.~ ~j'TO~~~~ ~'~f2-,,'~ '3 00 ~ 0 F !We ~ w ~ 0 F er~t:.t ..,;'J' PI .e:., Cllli ',..':"1 \" ~ =' e-.. I O~ 58G.--nLJ 'l\.,U .4,..'-:;<", ~4-.5E I ~Oj'~ t:J Tel. if Tel. if All meetings of the Cormnunity Appearance Board are op~n to the P"ublic. IMPORTANT - Requirements for Review: IN ORDER F:JR YOUR PLANS TO BE REVIEWED, A REPRESENTATIVE WILL NEED TO BE PRESENT AT THE MEETING. Preliminary Revie\'l Requirl:ments: A. Site Plan (includi~g i:he General Landscape Development) B. Building plan C. All Exterior Elevatiol'ls with material designations D. Outline specifications of facade and roof treatments E. Sketches of all signs and their dimensions F. General Exterior color description (including signs) Final Review Requirements: A. Site plan showing setbacks, landscaping, all outside areas and their uses. Landscaping may be in general terms, but the heights and general types of plants and trees must be noted, includipg lighting, fencesp or any outside permanent fixtures and calculations or parking lot landscaped areas (10% minimum) . Building Plans Detailed drawings for all signs Exterior surface treatments (including roofs) Extericr color scheme (including that of signs). All colors must be designated by sample. Six (6) sets of working drawings and specifications. B. C. D. E. F. Date of Review 1-1l/-1'Y? Follow-up Date Decision of review (as stated in official minutes of the meeting) : g Community Appearance Board I Chairman 1 CAB ') ".I :1 ) ) ~1 t {"1 ~ ( Beach -\:. ~i ';1 '''( !...... f ./ J ~, , ,1 J) ,t a 1 I <f~~)r~ ,;':.; "I! i\ , r .<:;~ ~ ,,~~d n, J~~ t~......) ~.3 <;,!) \( Ji" , I~ (\ !l...:"~I;_ .. o ..---... COMMUNITY APPEARANCE B, Jill COLDR ~~D MATERIAL SCHEDULE Date Auy. ~ D '\9 ,~ Job Name \..\ \CQ~ \'2,.\ lOt';,@: 'STO (2~(o~ ~A.iJ,.~ Location.... ~ ~h~ f%,'cD~~ ~Aa Applicant ,JD~EtOI~ A P~b~1Mt) Address \1\ II?,.. 6 \ L.&:,.w T~t...)~ ~ Tel. # SURFACE MATERIAL BEAMS v=-- COLUMNS DOORS VV\~L. . W€.OOtO FASCIA GABLE ENDS "..,.. GLASS GRILL PANELS .~ INSECT SCREEN -.- RAILINGS ROOF :rAG, ~ G~~ (~'T L SHUTTERS = SOFFIT ~i.UCA,.~ ~ 'f\JI6.~O WALLS OTHERS (as required), Q[CD12..A'tlI).g" ~~ lDFCDfLct.\ lIIJE. ~ A~~&,6,.T C--_~rIJ'.T> S~ltJ~6.ti~ I~~ T~~ 58'2 as 133B COLOR (Name) == = ~~~~ !)A'Ii'At- ~~ ........... <==> = = = l.tJW I Tt;S "'= UbWT G~'1 UwU l' ~~~ <==> G~ StA~ B~ tJ~iUl~ L, IJ. CAB Form ~12 City of Boynton Beach 12-5-75 CI <, ~ l) o ';;..' ,"" f\ - "-~ --------..~ '"' If ~ t:i.~ ! II 1\ 15'\-:?'~~ ~ {j "0 ~~-.*' If f J II ~. r ~ j II JI !J Ii I} dJ .... o c) PY.ANNING AND ZONING BOARD APPLICATIO! ~.~..,.,. BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA All ~pplications to be processed by the Pla~ning and Zoning Board must be received and accepted ~y the C1ty Planner twenty- (20) days prior to the regular meeting. The applicant.wil~ be advised as to supplemental meetings necessary for app11cat1on revie't"l1 0 All applicants with approved site plan~, which at a later date request. a revision, \"I1ill be processed 1n the :same manner as. the initial application subject to all Code requ1r'~ents effect1ve at the time the revision is requestedo Name of APPlicant~6~e~ A Rk~\M@ , l ,lIb ~ ~~\~~~ t2V&.~ 'V~&"'9 I 'Vr~~~t')u~~ ApplicantUs Address Address of site ~ac,~ ~\~~ Intended Use of Sit~ ~~~~~A~ Legal Description of Site \v 340' orT~E: u '3.00' C\T"'- ,UE UlL.Mf ( .=.." S~"r .I r;, Tw u 4~ s I2.Ar~G; .p, tLCDl~"-~ AA I l-1;;~t;" !1e~ ~~~, --:,,- 1:.) "";tOr) -1l..F ptJf! /JW I~ ;F S;;C;T I" ;TuJ/J 6 <:., I P tl "2..b 8i:> , (.'~;L:;':- ...~ The following data must appe?x on all copies of the site Plan: 1. Existing Zone H 1 ~~~~~ ~' ~ 1.4"0 ~ ~c.~~ 20 Area of site 3.. Total Number of Units Proposed 40 Density Gross 50 Building Area ~ '2 I '1 ., Per Acre 34 % of Lot Sqo Fto 60 Parking spaces: ReqUd 'Proposed &0 ==='" 7.. 8. Parking - Aisle Area!Ci3~qo Fto Z"? 2\ \1 \ % of Lot % of Lot Street Area \ 1 ~oO Landscape Area \ ~ S8.s Sq. Fto Sq. Fto % of Lot 90 10.. 11. StorieD Height of Buildings~Feet Total Floor Area {5 '2581. Sq. Fto What is the applicant'S interest in ~he premises affected? 4) tV~tt (OWner, Agent, Lessee, EtC.) (I) (We) understand that this Site approval becomes a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Board. (I) (We~ hereby certify that the above statements and the statements or show1ngs made in any paper or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge belief.. This application will not be ac- cepted unless si ne the o\~er of the property.. ?," '- ~ U\-r-~ U0 ew SIr.> s3_~. The O\~er has hereby designa~ed the above signed person to act as his agent in regard to th~s petition. (To be executed when owner designates another to act on his behalf..) 8.. ~eg;g ~/1(bC1 ~ fA~-<J) ~~ ~ ~/l){ ~CZ@ /} $~ JjJjV@p '" - ""~-''''''.~''_'''~--'''"~'''_;'~''''=~_'''''_'~----'",..,'-''-''~~'~.--- u ~"."_""","___'.'_'~"'M,"'_,"~""""",~,~,_~~""'-"""'''-=-''''''_.__',-";",_-,,-,,,-~,-~-,--,~'--.~'-'->,- D a :{ iI II I I n ,I if II \' i '.j Ii It \l , \1 "'---'~~o II" .1 II ~ ''';\\11 b tl . 0 o =C:::i ') ~, &0 f! (.) i.J 0: "0 ) 'C1 f j I _ -';"'\~.\t~r,~"',"----------"''''-''''- o " !) I' i r '. ,,1 ,_, v, '<- ".", , .-. ..r----. ~~ ---:^', ~ THIS IS A LEGALLY BIm140 CONTRACT, IF NOT FULLY UNDERST~) SEEK COMPETENT ADVICE '" DEPOSIT RECEIPl AND CONTRACT FOR SALE AND PURCHASE JAMES O. TAYLOR and DAVID TAYLOR --------------------------------------------------------------------------,*k~<< oL-~~~~llC!.\!~t~.:h~:J:.J~C!YL_~QYl;!~QI:L~~~<2l.!L_t:!:!.____(Ph.,-~!!.f!._:.I~~~_____) hereinafter called the 8eller, and WILLIM<l GALIONE t or Nominee, . , ----------------------------------------_________________________________ hu~~ of _ JJ...J... Jil... ...1.tID1.t.QJUlJid.O-J- -L.Ql1.t.CUlQ..J,. .JEt... _ _ _ _ _(Ph._ _!2.li~::.!2.~~li _ _.) hereinafter called the buyer, hereby agrer that the seller shall sell and the buyer shall buy the following described property UPON '!HE TERMS AND CONDITIONS HEREINAFTER SET. FORTH, which shall include the STANDARD Jo'OR RUL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS set forth on reverse side of tbis contract. 1. LEGAL DESCRIPTION of real estate located in____-?..cU.m_llEaG!..Q.l1________________________Coullty, Florida: Thl\ West 340 feet of the North 300 feet of the Northwest Quarter (NW-l/4) of Section 16, Townshi~ 45 South, Range 43 East, of Palm Beach County, Flo~ida, LESS the West 40 feet of the Nortl. 300 feet of the Northwest Quarter (NW-l/4) of Section 16, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, of Palm Beach t::oun'i:y, Florida. Personal propert}. included: N/A - Vacant Street address: N/A - Vacant Seller represents that the property can be usd. for the following purposes: _ _ _ _ _ _ .J:ndJUttJ::i.s:il. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2. Purchase price and Method of Paym::.:: P~r.:h:lSe ~riee is -~~~~!~:~!Y~U;'~9Q'~~!?_Jf?.?!.Q.Q.Q~.Q.91___ Dollars. Deposit to be held in trust by _Ja.m~&_ ft. .~_D_'lYj.g_.TSl.Y.J..9]:'____ $ ____:I:.LIlQQ:.QQ_______ Approximate principal balance of firs[ mr^rtgalIe to which conveyance shall be subject, if any. Mortgage holder_______ ______J'l.OJl.~_________ $--- - --- _::.Q::_-- - - ---. Interest________% per annum; Method of payment ____________. Other: J?.m:...._ .M9~.Y_ .M.,ts..__ _<.s.~_e_13.p_e_c_i,SLl_ _C_I,SLu_s..?_SJ__ Cash, certified or local cashier's check on eloGing and delivery of deed (or SUell gr~ater or less,;r am~unt as may bl' ne~essary to complete payment of purchase price after cred.ts, adjustments and prorations). $__5JLg5Q~QQ_______ $. - - 2.0..,.75.0... .0.0_ _ _ _ __ __ 3. T.IME FC?R ACCEPTANCE: I.f this contract is not executed by the selle.' and buyer 011 or berore_L-Au.q.uat,..~9.'Z.a__, the aforesaId depoSIt shall be, at the opl1on of the buy e.', returned to him and this agreement shall be null and void. The date of contract for purposes of perl'ormanee, shall be regarded as the date: when tbe last m1\~ of the seller and buyer 1.as signed this contract. ' 4. CLOSING DATE: This contract shall be el08ed and the deed and posstlision shall be delivered on or before the1.___day oCDec- emba:r::.. _ _, 19.18 _ _; unless extended by othei' provisions of this contract. 5. PRORATIONS: Taxes, insurance, interest, rents and othe: e.xpens~ and revenp..er'1Rf p~ert,Y.1~1~~~wrated as of the date of closing. 6. . EVIDENCE OF TITL~: (Check D. (1) or IK (2)) ~.thm --.1:'3-- daytXlll'XWXX~9Clli~ the seller shall, at his expense, dehver to the buyer or h.s attorney m accordance w.th Standard A un reverse side either: (1) abstract (2) Title guarantee. .7. !JONVEYANCE: Seller shall convey title to the aforesaid property to the buyer by statutory warranty deed sub'ect I tt t' d 'c. thu contract and la"es for the year of closing. ~ 0 ma ers con ame 8. RESTRICTIONS AND EASEMENTS: The nuyer Ghall take title subject to: (a) Zoning andlor restrictions and prohibitions imposed by governmenta! auth~rity, (b) Restrictions and malt.ers appearing on the plat andlor common 10 the subdivision, (c) Public utility easements of record, prOVided sa.d easements are located on the SIde or rear lines of the property and at'e not more than six feet in width, (d) Other_ _ _ _ _. NONE 'F~tl.~ - ;;id;d- th~ -;;;;; -of ili~ fo;e;oin-; i~;;kr~ - ~ili ~he-.;;;;r ~he - p~';;r~ -f;- tbe- ;';p-;;.~ -..-; -;~t~- fu -iliis- ~o~;;a-;;;:- - - - - - - - -- 9. . DEFAULT. BY BUYER: ,If buye:r fails to perform any of the covenants of this contract, all money paid pursuant to this contract bv bduyer as aforesanl shall be retamed by or for. the account of the seller as consideration for the execution of this contract and as agreed liquidated amages and III full settlement of any clauns for damages. 10. D~FAULT BY SELLER: If the seller fails t\l perform any of the covenants of this contract, the aforesaid money aid b the buer at the option of the buyer, shall be returned to the buyer on demand; c r the buyer shall have only the right of specific ~erfor';'ance. ) ;~inte~~;r~~~~:~o~~t ~~~~~ITTEN PROVISiONS: Typewritten or handwritten provisions inserted in this form shall control all 12. OTHER AGREEMENTS: No agreements or representations, unless incorporated in this contract shall be binding upon any of the parties 13. SPECIAL CLAUSES: . SEE ADDENDUM nAil ATTACHED Execu:ed,_b~~y~r on - --~F.;~:A~J~1-f.----,------- 1- 9 9 ~--~...-."""" ~_. - .. L C' __ '>"- "r':"-/\t..~L/Lt-?\lu' , -.=~'/,~./C~1~~d..'lU:fZ------ -Wllilam-Ga-~n.er;-o~omi-ne-e----='~ (St,I!.) ---r-r.:.....L_-"J~- - - - ----- ----. .----------~7Biiye;-------------(SHM.} COMMISSION TO BROKER: The seller hereby recogni:r.e,_____N!~_________________ as the broker in thb trniUlletion, and agrees to pI'y as commission _ _N!!! _ _ _ _ 01, of 'Le "ro's Jnl- ~ - -th- - - - -r- - - - - - - - - - - - -- {fJ U-:' e:. - " ~ price, e sum o. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . -h-----------.----------------------Dollan; ($-_N!~_____) or one-half of the deposit in case 5'lme is forleited by I e buyer through fadure to perform, as compensation foi' service r~n dered provided same does nGt -e~ed '~e full am t f th ' . , """"'......... .. oun 0 e Conunls.!ilon. WIT~ESSES: (Two are required) ~ ElCeeu!ed by Seller on.~--fIr;6-j2.f'..-------. /4.cl~~::;f!!Cf.f~~'dz::.-------- ~'M~2r-ff~-..~);'k..t. _:'__.(S/:/II.} -~!/~~ - --~------ ' J' t; Il..-- ("1'11 V . D - d r--'-S7:1h'-- -------- ) I .J D~poslt receIVed on_______ -______________ to be held subjec~ to tn'lltolltr:fcf} elj?~, subject I,,\dea By . - - - -, - - - - ~ -,llruAl'ij - - --- - - --- ---. -7A,/i;;;;eJ":j-- ----- --- --7- - -- - - -- - - - --r - -- --- --- WITNESSES: (Two arc required) ".. .", ~ ">f";\ .' ~:/--,,~: ~.,~"~ :;i' .,;~~'r...",~~:'- .~. ." ~'".,... "or-, ~~l"~ '" ~ ,. "~ )) /1 if I \ t // ,~21 I t ," ,. ~. I (. ~ ~) f.C\."') \..:iv \ i !/ ;" / /' . ...... t~.... VI;;; Ci .... STANDARDS FOR REAL ESTATE TRANS/,r.ll('~lS /. # ADDENDUM TO DEPOSIT RECEIPT AND CONTRACT FOR SALE AND PURCHASE BY AND BETWEEN JAMES o. TAYLOR and DAVID TAYLOR; and WILLIAM GALIONE, OR NOMINEE A. FVIUENCI' OF TITLE, It) A ('omplete ab'tract of tille prepared hl' a "'Plllahle ahslratl linn '"""o.till!: to h,' an Mc'" a" ""IP'" of tht' in".:.trUnlf'nt'i aIfl'ctim; the litit, tu th;lt recll property n'cordcd in pnhlk rt'C'onh of th.l' lu.~nt}' (11 IIH' tI.l~(' .ar Ihi.. (-ontfall. ..!UlhIlH~ I:' the' ftcJJcr .l :n.trkctahlc title ill tUlordallcc Wit11 titJl' standards aclOIlI(.d fro III titne tu tituC' b~ 111(> Fin' hl&\ ";:11-. "Hi,i, (t onlr to Iir'II'_ ('IH 11 . hraf1('c. {>'Tcptionc; or CJualificntiol1\ srC forth in thie;; contract and thn~e whjrh ,hall he cIi"rlmr~~c! t". ..dh'T ;t' or I)(.fo[(' c1o..ing. 12' :1 lt~l' g\l,tranh:{' ulIllmitmcnt i,'-tu'(} hr a qualified tille insuror itg:rl'cing to hSUl. tu the hl1y(r~ IIpon ttlt' rCUUl1i1h! uf the dct.rf herl"afu:r '11' Illiuut.,f. Clc" ,"',"ne1 f.tuaranll.'(O III Ihl' arnonnt of the purchase price insurin~ the tjtlc or the 111r~tcr tn iha, t"l'ul rHOpl'rf", \nhit.( l fltlh ~n Ii..n.... ("Ill \tlll~ ImH'u's. ,'''''Cpliofls or '1".dilicatiom set forth in this contract and those which shaH he di,ehar!:",j I" '1'Iler at or l,..fol~ ,Insill'!' TIm'er shall Itan fiftel'l1 (lj) dal's if ahstract. or five (5) days if titIe!:narantee. from the date of re,eivinl! 11", e\'id,'nee of title tn ~'amill" \;,,;w. If titl,' is fll\",d In I... ,kfel't;\'l'. the ;" rer shall, within said period lIotify the seller in wriling sp~cihillg Ihe <ldetls. If Ih,' s..id ,Id,', h "lIlh'r the lil1,. lIn'lI.\rkt'lahk, Ihe seller shall have ninet~. (90) days from the receipt of s\lc!' nolin' to t'ure the def,."ts. .uHI if aft,'r sai,1 Illr;o:! "'11-. shall 'lilt llil\e ,url'd Ihe defccts. buyer shall have the option: (ll accepting title as it th~n is. or (2) delllaTllIiIll: it 1 dllll,l 01 .111 III 0 "" . I"".! It,.rt'.m,h I' whi"lt ,h,dl 'nrlh"ith b,' r~turned to the hlll'er, and thereupo" the bUl'er and ,,'lIer shall bc' IdCiI,,'d of all fmtl"'l nhli!:., lir'll' l1?ldt'f '.hi, f'(Ul'r.u t. 13. A. This Contract is contingent upon the following listed conditions and should any of these conditions not be satisfied in full this Contract shall at the option of Buyer, be null and void and all deposit moneys paid shall be immediately refunded to Buyer: (I) The engineers of the Buyer shall conduct test borings, perco- lation tests and other appropriate tests and shall find the property to be free from all geological and engineering conditions that would preclude or render unusually expensive the property's use and development as an indus- trial park to include commercial warehouses. The Seller hereby grants to the Buyer and his agents a license and privilege to enter upon the property for the purpose of making such test borings and other appropriate tests. (2) Buyer shall have obtained confir~ation front all necessary zoning officiaia that an industrial park to include commercial warehOUS€E i.s a presently permitted use of the property. Further Buyer shall have obtained from all necessary governmental authorities the following: a. Approval for the use of well and septic ta.lk for the pro- posed industrial park. b. All building permits and necessary approvals for the con- struction of an industrial park, to include commercial warehouses. c. Approval of all surface drainage requirements without the need for mechanical assistance. n. E'\ISTI:"J(; MORT(; \GES, Th,' seller shall furnish esloppel I<Ucrs (not necessarill' in affidavit furm) '.euin!: forlh (he prillci'h.1 b..I.IlII1', 1l1<lhnti of p'"'m','nl. ,md "1",,IH'r tIll' Illorlllage is in good standing. If (here is a charge for the tltan!:e of owue.-hip r~cor<t" hr tlt< n"'rl~a<l' ", .1 shall Iw horne h~' the h\l~~r. Seller shall receh'e as credit at dosing, an am"'lnt equal to the escrow funds held bv the morl!:a!:e,'. If Ihe ni..lit,,! mnrlgalle \l'luires Ih~ buyer to assume same, then the buyer shall do so; "r:>vided. however, if the murtgallee doe. not an'el>! tl.e hll~'r. th"1I iu lhat e';ent (Iceurring. Ihe bUl'er ilt his option. mal' cancel the eonlract and all monies paid by the burer shall he refund~d to the bu~'er. C. PCRCIL\SE J\lONEY MORTGAGES: An)' purchase mone}' n~tes and mortgages required hy Ihe eoutract shall follow th.' forllls geuerall) ""cepH'd and u".cI i" Ihe '(lunl)' where the land is located. Any purchase mane" mortgage shull provide for in<lIrance against loss h\ fin' wi,h e:s(tnded coverage in an amOllnl not less than the full insurable value of the iml'ro\'cments. In a first mortga!:e. th,' nole and murt!:ag, ,hall provide for ,'I'ccleratiou, at th~ option of the holder, after tl.irty (30) days defanlt and in a second mortgagt'. after fifteen :1')) daJ's ddauh A ,eeond mortgage shall require a mortgagor to keep all prior liens and encumhrances in good standing. Bu\ cr shall has'e th~ right to prepa) all or parI of the principal at any time or times with interest to date of payment witllOut penally. D. OTHER MORTGAGES: In the event buyer executes a mortgage to one other than the seller, all costs and chargc'S incidental th~reto shall be "aid by the buyer, E, SURVEY: If the huyer desires a survey he: shall have the properly surveyed at his expense prior to closing date, If the survey sho" s all encroachment. the same shall be treated as a title defect. . ~~._~wa~~~~~R~~~~m~m~~m~~~~~~'m~~~~~~~~~M~~~~~~~m~ft~~~~~~~~~~~~ a~~~~~~~~~~~~_~~_~~~U.~~~K~"~~M~M~~~~~~~~~'~~w~m~~mm~m~m~~~-- ~~~w_~~~_~~_U~~~~~~~~~~~~M~M~~q~~~~m~~M-~-ffl~~~~~~~m~~~r~m~~~m _~~~m~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~M~~~~"~M~~~~~~~~m~m~~~~~~~m~~m~~~~rt~"1 ~~~~~~~~~_~~~~~~~M_M~~~~~~~~~~mM~~~~~~~~~~~~'m~~-~~~~m~. ~~~~_~~~~~~-~~~~~~~"M~~~~~~~M~~~~~~~mm-m~~mm~~~r~~m;mm~~~m- ~~~~WH~~_~~~~~~~~~~~~~"~~~~~~~~~mm. (3) Seller hereby agrees to execute any and all docmaents that may be necessary to obtain the required approvals and to otherwise cooperate in every way possible with the Buyer in obtaining such approvals, including attending any workshop or other hearings and testifying in support of the industrial park if requested by the Buyer. 13. B. At closing Buyer shall execute to Seller a Purchase Money Mortgage in the amount of $53,250.00. Said Note shall be for a 5-year period with interest at 9-1/4% per annum. Interest only shall be payable semi-an~ually with principal payments annually on the anniversary date of the Note ~n an amount of at least $15,000.00 for the first three (3) years. On th7 . fourth anniversary date of said Note One-Half (1/2~ of the out~t~nd~ng.pr~n- cipal balance plus accrued interest shall be due w1th the rema~n~ng pr~nc~- pal balance and accrued interest due five (5~ years from the.date,of the Note. Said Note may be prepaid in whole or 1n part at any t~me w~thout penalty. ~ -iNSBR-.-'rN<~::- --H-i=i:!' ;.,-m-l7f' \1ru..!i~d;-rhl!'lllft~lIt1IIoIP 'l""w.- ~~l!" 'l9'a!i!ft~ 1I(l'lftP."'lIYmm"lll''fJ~'''IlBlItffill!c!'"IIt'll'~''II.~ ,&, """1'"!-H.~""f.:. H. LEASE": The sellcr shall furnish copies of all written leases to the buyer pdor to closing and if there are any persons in po,scs,ioll without wri 'en ; cas"". eSloppel letters from such persons specifying the nature and duration of the oecupancl' shall be furnishe,! to the bu.-er by the selk prkr to the ,'Ios;n~ date. I. MECH' "lI{; I. !EN~,: Seller shall furnish to the buyer an affidavit that there have been no improvem~nts to the suhject property fllr 90 days i", .,edi . tel)' prerrdim( the date of closing. If the subject properly has heen impToved Within 90 days imllll.diatelj' precedin!: the dosing date. tIle ,.lIer',all 'Ieli\cr ".leases or ....;';'.cr of all mechanic.s Hens ~xecuted by general contraclors, subcontractors. ,uI,pliers or mat~rial men and seIler's '\1ee! ",it lien affidavit. . I J.. PLACT or Cl.' >SI"':G: Closing shall be held at the office of the seller's aUornel' or as otherwise agreed "pon. K. TIMF, ''i ('F 'J'IE ESSENCE: Time is of the essence of tI.e Contract for Sale llnd Purchase. L. DOCU'fENTS FOR CLOSING: Seller's attorney or other closing agent shall prepare deed, note, mort!:age, sellers affidadt. closing statement al'd ,,,hmil conics of same to buyer's attorney, and copy 0 f clnsing statement to the brak~r, at least two da)'s prior to .cheduled closing date. . M, EXPENSES State "lrlax and documentary stamps which are required to be O1ffixed to the instrument of COllve)ance. int.1l1!:ible pelSonal property tax,,,, and the cost of reeordinj:t the purchase money mortgage shall be paid by the seller, Documentar)' stamps 10 I". affixed III the nole or not,,, s~cured by the purchase money mortgage and the cost of recording the deed shan be paid by the buyer. N. PROM TION OF TAXES (REAl- ANn PERSONAL): Taxes sball be prorated based upon the current year's tax without r~!:ard to dis- count. If the closing takes place and the current year's taxes arc not fixed, and the current year's assessment is available, taxes will be prorated hasel! upon '"ch assessment and the prior year's millage. If the current year's assessment is 110t available, then taxes will he prorat~d 011 the prior year, tax, provided. however, if there is completed improvement of !he subject premises bv January 1 of the year of closing. then the taxes shall be prorated to the date of closing based upon the pri..r year's millage and an equitable asscs.sment to he agreed upon between Ihe parties. taking into consideration Homestead Exemption, if any. O. SPECI' L ASSESSMfNT UENS: Certified, confirmed or ratified special assessment liens as of the date of c1osinp, (and not as of the date of the conlr.d) are to be ),aid by the seller. Pending liens as of the date of dosing shall be assumed hy the buyer, provided however, that where the improve lIent has been substantially comple!ed as of the date of the contract, such pending liens shall be eon~ldered as certified. confirmed or ratified and the seller shall, at closing, be charged an amount equal to the last estimate by the public body of the assessment for the improvement. The Purchase Money Mortgage shall encumber only that.portion of the property described as Phases II, III and IV on the tentat~ve plan of the industrial park attached hereto as Exhibit "A". Fur-c.her, said Purchase Money Mortgage shall not encumber the South 10 feet of the property nor shall it encumber the North 30 feet of the property. The Purchase Money Note and ~ortgage shall provide for Releases of those parcels desig~ated Phase II, Phase III and Phase IV on Exhibit "A" attached. 'llhe parcel designated as Phase II shall be released upon reduction in the original principal balance by an amount of $17!750.00. The parcel described as Phase III shall be released upon reduct~on of the original principal balance by the amount of $35,500.00. 13. C. Seller shall at his expense cause to be paed th~r ~ortion of High Ridge Road beginning at Minor Road on the North and con~~nu~ng at,le~st 15 feet beyond the South property line of t~e pro~erty ~ubJect to th~s,vontract. Should Seller be unable to accomplish sa~d pav~ng pr~or to the clos~ng date, then Seller shall at closing furnish Buyer with a valid contract between Seller and a licenoed paving contractor, said Contract ~o provid7 adeq~ate performance and completion bonds and to require complet~on of sa~d pav~ng within Sixty (60) days from the closing date. 13. D. At Closing Seller. and Buyer shall grant cross easements to each other covering the North 15 feet of the Seller's property ~ying immeuiately South of the property subject to this Contract, and extend~ng ~_~~R~~L~ft~~~~~~~_~~.1~~~~~~~~M~~~M~~~~~~~~~~~k~Mn~~m ~~~QCw.*oo~~~q~~~~.~.Mm~~~M~~~~-~~~~~~m~~~~Wmmm~~~~~- ~-l\.!~K,~...J.Olil;t-M-tM-itr..,....--..I'I!.e~4.Ii"~&WIlllLl'_ h~rnP~ d.ol.W..."'~.a..aadJ-...~~_"'IM..~IM..Mittll1-(M- _..o...:....d~__'3&.._"'~r:_i~.lig..,....$ltN..A.,.-II.......a1l--~ml!fttll~nd-otlt~dmi..g-da~"l),mi-dn~drlinry .of..pI..w:Ffii.o~.blll:cinbcr.c.:a..pr-~iA:il1..~1.oond..w..,~..u.-Ulll:-fai&.~-de-..1"" ..n.-IMl:,-...glMll""-~M-optiuft~t-i rtalrin;-:-tm.- -Pt<ill'"ll'-.as.J... .&.ojj~""NlfllJ1.,iilfiHl3""'".pSCc:uda,-i~-~o&aIllldli*$It..OOIlb:M~.......Jl. '""Mitt;""I'I!~..fM!ftWttlt-""'ta. netl-ttr 'the-b~ ...~a.ll-JWk'<{~""..~.a.. ~__,..an;;l.aJl...w~ant...!ittbN>ty.. R. MAINTENANCE; Between the date of the contract and the date of closing, the property, including lawn, shrubbery and pool. if allY, shall be mah~tained by the seller in the condition as it existed as of the date of the contract, ordinary wear and tear excepted. S. PROCEEDS OF SALE: The Deed shalI be recorded and the evidc nce of title continued, at selIer'a expense, to show title in the buyer, without :my encumbrances or change from the date of the Illst evidence rendering selIer'G title unmarketable, and the cash proceeds of such sale . shalI be hel,1 in escrow by the seller's attorney or by such other mutually agreed upon &crow Agent for a period of not longe.- than five (5) days, exclusive of ';aturdayn, Sundays and holidays. If the eeller's title h so rendered unmarketable, the buyer's O1ttorney shall, within the said five (5) day period, ""tify seller's allorney in writing of the defect and the selIer shalI have thirty (30) days. from the date of receipt of such llotifie.ltion to cure the .!,.fecI. In the event seller fails to timely ellre said defect, nil monies paid hereunder shall, upon wriUen demand, therefor within five (5) da.~ the.'t'afh'r. be immediatcly returned to buyer, llnd simultaneonsly witb sneh repayment, huyer shall vacate the premises and reconvey. h, Spt.dal Warranty Deed. In the event of the failure of the buyer to make timely demand for refund, he shall take title lIS is, waivinr, all right" a'lilirL~t the scHer as t(l the intervening defect. r: I' LI .:r _ ...1U.l.aKI:B..,.S .c.o')f.M.I.SSIC~~..Tb1llo &ukl:~"-'"Ilwwiuj.glI...ahall.. bc..d.~_cL ..a4o..tIoo-w.--.r -tJ.o-iMolt_ent- ~~ ~'PMeero.: U. ATTOP"lEY FEES AND COSTS: In connection with any litigation arising ont of the Conlract, the prevailing party shall be entitled 10 recover all . ISis i..-"lrcll, including reasonable attorneys fees, V. CaNT! \CT NOT RECORI>ABI.F.. This contract shall not be recorded in the office of Ihe Clerk of .llIl' Cireuit Conrl of Ihe Slate of Florida. BRITTON PRESS ~:~-.,~_."i:(' ,'~,iw:_. ~,_;~~,,;:~~_,,:i~. lI&''"~~~..,..!u.~~~,....~~~d...~.'ijr~ If;r~~''\!.;'~ c ,. ~r-"~'~. I" . ""'~rT ' 'I >> I I I . I LiB "...__:I<~."J L~-,..,~.-' , :', f I i \' If ~ .~~~ _1'........ 'lll~ . [' . ~~.-s-;,aJ...LML~~._ . "'~:_-~~-..... ,l;I~1 ~-}f~.- 'M.. It'i..'' ". ,-' '...'"" ~ - " . r -..., ~~ n \~, ~ t .n . .. , ! I I I , , f i f I t I I I I I ! I I I ! ~ ~ ! I ~~~, "'" ' ~"':I .~f~, ~~ -.:W>~_..&i~~ W" .. ~.. J 11 I , r'i. ,_~. ~"~IlBI~Ii\:i ..,...~Il __Ill. .. - .. - .tIl ~~fIL ....-: ~\ ~ LL ~,~ :-.ol~~ i - -"-'J" T ~ --.,.,.. - - ~~ ... rr .. o 13. D. Continued. . . East feet from High Ridge Road and the South 10 feet of the property subject to this Contract for the purposes of ingress and egress. Said Agreement shall provide that Buyer shall cause the said 25 foot strip to be paved, said paving to be completed prior to the complet- ion of Phase IV of the proposed industrial park. Further, said Agreement shall provide that the Buyer and the Seller shall each be responsible for 50% of the cost of maintaining said 25 foot roadway. 13. E. Buyer shall at Buyer's expense within Sixty (60) days of the date of this Contract cause the subject property to be surveyed. The legal description of the property set forth in Paragraph 1 of the Deposit Receipt and Contract for Sale and Purchase shall be amended to conform with Buyer's current survey. Additionally, Buyer shall cause the surveyor to prepare a legal description for the following: That portion of the property comprised of Phase II, III and IV on attached Exhibit "A." (1) as set forth (2) Exhibit "A". (3) Exhibit "A. " That portion of the property designated as Phase lIon attached That portion of the property designated as Phase III on attached The legal description so obtained shall be used for purposes of Warranty Deed, Purchase Money Mortgage and release provisions of the Pur- chase Money Note and Mortgage. WITNESSES: (SEAL) William Galione, or Nominee BUYER As to Buyer (SEAL) James O. Taylor (SEAL) ---. David Taylor As to Seller SELLER " o I\-' , ~ "11 ~ 1~3_t.~_.__~.""""~~~~AIId.:~~~~.lU. 4:;81:i . J.::::. _ ..._,..,..J.,.- --~ '"*-~ -- - , '''-- " \~ \\ ~~J'~~ " - :;, I, ~J .HI,- "I''''' .:i"JI,.," ,-~~~_~:,t,{/'"~r,,?~. . 1 . t M1-- II !j " I \\} I' I :i~'''.~'''' ',.' . It_ ,I ..~