Mr. Michael W. Rumpf
Director of Planning & Zoning
City of Boynton Beach
Development Department
Planning & Zoning Division
100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard
P.O. Box 310
Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310
September 4,2007
- 4 2001
; '.li
Urban Design
Urban Planning
Land Planning
Landscape Architecture
File No.:
Tuscan Villas (aka The Villas at Boynton Beach)
NWSP 06-002
On the east side of Federal Hwy. approximately 1,100 feet north of
Gulfstream Blvd.
Dear Mr. Rumpf,
Please accept this letter as a formal request for a one year site plan approval time extension. The
Development Order was granted by the City Commission on April 18, 2006, however a building
permit has not been secured and the property owner would like the approval to remain vested.
Status ofProiect:
Since receiving site plan approval, the property owner has worked very closely with the City of
Boynton Beach. They attended several meetings with the Engineering Department to discuss
both the utility plans and the proposed plat.
The FDOT drainage, driveway, temporary driveway and fire-rescue approvals for the project
have been issued. Outstanding approvals include approval from the City of Boynton Beach for
the Utility Plans and the Plat/Engineering Approval. Also, the FDOT Utility Permit and Health
Department permits are outstanding, but they can not begin until the City has approved the
Utility Plans and Plat/Engineering Plans.
Please find attached copies of the three Review Letters received from the City Engineer. We are
in the process of preparing a response to the third letter.
Architectural Drawings:
The property owner contracted David Lawrence Architecture to prepare construction documents
for the five buildings on the site. The construction documents were submitted to the City of
Boynton Beach Building Division for pre-review of the permit drawings in June 2007. The City
then responded with comments. Weare in the process of updating the
plans to address these comments.
G:\Jobs\Paisley Custom Homes\Boynton Beach Prop\Agency Corres\Rumpf081407 SP extension.wpd
477 S. Rosemary Avenue
Suite 225 - The Lofts at City Place
West Palm Beach. FL 33401
561.366.1100 561.366.1111 fax
Justification of Delay:
The property owner has work very closely with the City of Boynton Beach on the review of the
Plat and Engineering Plans. In addition to this thorough review process, the property owner has
been finalizing construction documents for the proposed townhomes.
Unfortunately, since receiving approval of the site plan, the housing market in South Florida has
taken a downturn. This change in the market has affected the ability for developers to receive
financing for their projects quickly. This has been an additional obstacle the property owner has
been faced with in the past year.
Thank you in advance for your consideration of the time extension request. We look forward to
working with the City of Boynton Beach to create a successful project.
Sincerely yours,
CC: Mr. Jim Paisley
Mr. David Lawrence
Mr. Mike Hagerty
G:VobslPaisley Custom HomeslBoynton Beach Prop\Agency Corres\Rumpf081407 SP extension.wpd
El4/02/2007 15: 41 74262Sr BDYNTN_BCH_
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71te City of Boynton Beach . 41z,~ 7
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PAGE 01/05
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March 8. 2007
Mr. Joseph Tucker. PSM.
Richard L. Shephard & Associates, Inc.
219 S.E. 23m Avenue
P.D.Box 759
Boynton Beach, Florida 33435
Re: The Villas at Boynton ,Beach Plat - 1st Review.
Dear Sir:
The review comments for the subject development are listed unde Exhibit lOA" attached and
made a part of this letter. When.the plat and civil plans have been corrected. please submit
three, signed and sealed sets of the plans and three copies of the repose record plat for our
second review. Please note that chan es to these documents ma re uire an ther iew.
The following items shall be included with your re-submittal prior tol placing the record Dlat
before the Citv Commission:
1. An administrative fee of 2% of your engineer's certified cost es mate (to be submitted) to
construct the "required Improvements" (see attached list). The e covers the cost of
reviews, processing and inspections.
2. A recording fee of $45.00 payable to the Clerk of the Circuit C rt to record the plat.
3. The recreational impact fee of $ 16,962.00 (item # 25 of the D velopment Order). The
funds are due prior to issuance of the city's Land Development Permit (LDP). Please
include with items 1 and 2 above.
4. Restoration surety: Since 110 % completion surety is required item 7 below) for the
required, paving and drainage improvements, Include languag in the bond that the funds
are also available for restoration purposes should the develop ent not be completed.
5. The receipt of all required, outside agency approvals such as .8.C.H.D., SFWMD,
L.W.D.D., P.B.C. Engineering, FOOT, and any others required or your project.
04/02/2007 15:41
PAGE 02/05
Mr. Joseph Tucker, P.S.M.
Richard L Shephard & Associates, Inc.
page 2
6. Receipt of a recordable ,Unity of Title per item # 57 of the 0.0 a d two sets of your
Declaration of Condominium docu~ents for r~view and approval.
7. Completion surety for 110% of the engineer's cost estimate gua anteeing completion of
the required paving and drainage improvements (see item 1 ab vel.
Please note the followina conditions and/or reauirements:
The Fire Department requires that emergency access shall be rovided at the start of
the project and shall be maintained throughout construction p the Florida Fire
Prevention Code, Section 3-5 and NFPA 241 (2003).
Satisfactory response to those Conditions of Approval itemiz.J In attached, Exhibit A.
4. The surveyor shall "lathe and flag" the monumentation and co tact our Engineering
Division for an inspection.
, ,
Please call Ken Hall at 561-742-6283 or the undersigned should y u have any questions.
We look forward to working with you on your project.
Sincerely, ~ ./ /' ~.:\
H. David Kelley. Jr.(,E.t.S,M.
City Engineer i "---.
Jeff Livergood. Public Works Director
Laurinda Logan, Senior Engineer
Jody Rivers, Parks Director
Tim Large, Building Code Administrator
Ed Breese, Senior Planner
Ken Hall, Engineering Plans Analyst
Mr. Michael aggerity, P.E.
Simmons & hite, Inc.
5801 Corpo ate Way, Suite 200
West Palm each, FI. 33407
Mr. Ken Tu~a, Principal Planner
Urban Desi n Studio
477 S. Rose ary Avenue, Suite 225
West Palm each, FI33401
0~/02/2007 15:41
PAGE 03/05
SHEET 1 OF 2 - Comments are counter - clockwise beginning in he upper, left-hand
corner:' I
1. J
Change the sheet callout to read, sheet one of two.
In the vicinity map, identify the rectangle as Tradewinds Estates d show Turner Road
for a more precise location. 1:
The lettering on the entire sheet is sub-standard. Change all the 8- oint lettering to 12-
point to satisfy code requirements. Segment titles should be a mi of 14-point and
all lettering in bold.
Change the heading above the owner of the land to read
and Reservations.
Between the above title and the :first paragraph, add the words, Sta of Florida and below
it, County of Palm Beach with double spacing above and below (t* same as all other
headings). Additionally, add parentheses after the words) Florida and County for_this
and all similar callouts throughout the plat. l
In the 1..t paragraph under the Dedications, add the following after c letters, "LLC II ,
a Florida Lim.ited Liabi.lity Company. Make the same change within the 'witness"
statement and in the Acknowl~dgement, in~luding the deletion of e corporate language.
In. the 5th line of the 1~t. paragrap~ replace the word. "Delray" with
Delete the 2nd paragraph in its entirety - not needed.
In the 2nd line of the 4th paragraph, there is a discrepancy between e total square feet
shown and that indicated on the survey. Please clarify. I
Regarding the Description: Show a full and detailed boundary desbription. The
description must be so complete that the starting point can be dete ined and the
boundaries run without reference to the plat. Chapter 5, Article V, Section ID5. The
Point of Beginning shall be identified in. bold letters.
In the 3rd paragraph, the 3n1, 50" th & 12th lines, ad the degree (0) symbol
after the degree number in each of the bearings. uke a template for same
if it is not available on. the typewriter system. l
In the 3Td paragraph.) 6th line, the distance of 268.9 ' is shown as 269.04'
on the 'plat; w~ch is correct? Change one or t>>e other to as to read
together. . I
~4/02/2007 15:41
PAGE El4/05
Page 2 of3.
In the 3fd paragraph, 8th line, the distance of 178.49' ~ shown as 178.48 on
the plat; which is correct? one of the other io as to read together.
In addition, the plat reflects a bearin.g of S. 720 49 5Su E. yet the legal
description shown a 45' number. t believe that the 9' is correct; change
the legal description. accordingly.
In the 3rd paragraph, 12th & 13th lines, the course ~ noted as S. 010 47'
33" E, a distance of 268.56'. The plat sheet reflects a course of S. OJ 0 47'
32" E, same distance. Based of parallel segments n the plat sheet, the.
'minutes' shoul4 be 32". Ve1;ify and correct accordi gly.
Title the "Residential Areas" as Tracts and they should e reserved to the
owner forbui.Jding purposes (or some such language) without reco . se to the City of
Boynton Beach. I
Th.ere are five (5) places on this sheet that l1eed to correctly identii)1 the name ofilie
Association. Please revise the five locations by replacjng the word!l, "Home Owners"
with Condominium Association. Additionally, after every refere~c~ to the Association,
identify it as a Florida cotporation not for profit.
Add the letters, (U.E.) after the Utility Easement dedication and ch ge the year to read
2007 throughout the plat.
There are at least twenty places within this sheet that lack a period t the end of the
sentence. There are 7 places in the first column, 5 places in the Cler column, and 8
places in the right col~. Please locate these sentences and add e necessary period.
Both corporate (bank and condo) signilllZS and acknowledgemen.ts quire two corporate
sign.atures - the presidei1t or vice~presidcnt and the secretary or ass' tant secretMy
respectively two witnesses to each signature or the use of a both if appropriate.
Make the word, "dedication'" plural under the Mortgagee's Consen and the word
"reservationH plural under the Acceptance of Reservations.
In th.e AcknowJedgement for the Acceptance paragraph, change th word, "is" to upper
case and correct the spemng of the word, "instrument ate" I
Modify the Title Certification to state that "all taxes have been paiJ on said lands per
Chapter 177.192 as amended" and add the attorney's license numbh.
Correct the last name of the City Engineer to read, Kelle'y in two pJaces, and delete the
words) "County Clerks Certification" and the n.ame) "Sharon Bock in the recording block.
Add a seal circle for the City En.gineer, the City Surveyor and Ma er and the Mortgagee
and identify the Villas at Boynton Beach seal circle as a Condom.i ..urn Association
In the Surveyors Notes, add the "degree" symbol in. the 5th paragra h, and change the
name of the City to Boynton Beach in the 6th paragraph. .
0~/02/2e07 15:41
PAGE 05/85
Page 3 of3
SH_EET 2 OF 2: 1
Show and identify those portions of utility easements within Tracts & D.
Remove all the language within the recording block - not needed.
Add the appropriate symbols for tbose descriptions under the legend and add the
descriptions and symbols for the U.E., L.A.E., etC.
Referen.ce the FDOT highway iden.tification'number which is usuaU a 5, then 4 digit #.
At the east quarter-cotner of Section 4, correct the abbreviation for
Correct the two of"easeament" in the U.S.l RJW and ide ti.fy the :roadway as
South Federal Highway sin.ce we are at the south end of Boynton Bach.
Show the nam- of the internalstree!. It must not be the same as or !Ound phonetically the
same as a:oy existing name currently in the city.
The last note under the Surveyor's Notes states that building setba s shall be as required
by Code. As aT.) approved !PUP project, the master plan/site plan ftabliShed setbacks;
the.refore, the note should either be eliminated or modified accordir gly.
Page 3 of3 .
At the entrance, add a,"right turn. . only" post sign to the stop sign d. a "one-way" sign in
the median across from the egress drive aisle. . .
Make the width of the p~vers the same wid~ as the public sidewJ through th.e entrance
to delinea.te the pedestrian path. ; I
Show and dimension the proposed screen walls on top of the retairlm.g walls i:o Sections
A-A and B-B. Per Code, show the screen walls two (2) feet offth~ property lines.
The City of Boynton Beach
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P.O. BOX 310
'YNTON BEACH. FLORIDA 3342.';.0310
FAX: (561) 742-6285
If f \' t 8 ':'l1't'J
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June 15, 2007
Mr. Joseph Tucker, PSM.
Richard L. Shephard & Associates, Inc.
219 S.E. 23rd Avenue
P.O.Box 759
Boynton Beach, Florida 33435
Ref: 1 st Review letter of 03/08/07.
Re: The Villas at Boynton Beach Plat - 2nd Review.
Dear Mr. Tucker:
The second review comments are again listed under attached Exhibit "A". When all the
current plat comments have been addressed, submit three (3) copies of the signed and
sealed plat along with the Mylar. Any remaining civil plan comments will be forthcoming next
The following ite'ms are still outstanding and should be delivered with your resubmittal.
The Administrative Fee and required surety: We need the engineer's certified cost estimate
to calculate both the fee and the 110% surety guaranteeing completion of the paving and
drainage improvements.
The check for $45.00 payable to the Clerk of the Circuit Court for recordation.
The Recreational Impact Fee ($16,962.00). The plat will not be recorded until this is paid.
Additional, required documentation: A recordable Unity of Title, two (2) sets of the
Declaration of Condominium, and the receipt of all, required outside agency approvals.
When the monumentation has been "lathed and flagged", please call the Engineering
Division for an inspection.
Should you have any questions. please call Mr. Ken Hall at 561-742-6283 or the undersigned
at 561-742-6988.
Mr. Joseph Tucker, P.S.M.
Richard L. Shephard & Associates, Inc.
Page 2
Sincerely, A..
1~~/4~ ~;.i'~' {~ /; (~U~~l1
H. David Kelley,.Jr., P.B/P.~~M:
City Engineer I I .
Xc: Jeff Livergood, Public Works Director
Laurinda Logan, Senior Engineer
Jody Rivers, Parks Superintendent
Tim Large, Building Code Administrator
Ed Breese, Senior Planner
Ken Hall, Engineering Plans Analyst
Mr. Michael Haggerity, P.E.
Simmons & White, Inc.
5801 Corporate Way, Suite 200
West Palm Beach, FI. 33407
Mr. Ken Tuma, Principal Planner
Urban Design Studio
477 S. Rosemary Avenue, Suite 225
West Palm Beach, FI33401
SHEET 1 OF 2 - Comments are C.C. beginning in the upper, left-hand comer:
Change the font of all bolded titles to a 14-point minimum, preferably 16-point.
Add the wQrd, Descriotion in front of the Dedications and Reservations heading and
make the word "Dedication" plural.
In the 151 paragraph, 2nd line, remove the comma after the word, "as".
Regarding the Description:
Address the following changes to the Description:
15t line: Change "Southeast" to read, Northeast.
2nd line: Remove the period after the word, "County".
3Td, 51\ 7111, & 12th lines: Add the "degree" symbol to a114 callouts. **
3rd line: Change the distance callout to 266.16. **.
41h & 6th lines: Change the word, "North" to read, South. **
91h line: Remove the word, "point". **.
12lh line: Correct the word "if' to read, of. **
13lh line: Change, "pr" to read, or. **
** These comments not addressed in 151 review.
In the 2nd line of the 3rd paragraph, there is a discrepancy between the total square feet
shown and that indicated on the survey. Not Addressed. Please clarify which is correct.
In the Residential Tracts paragraph, reserve the tracts to the owner for building purposes.
Not addressed. Also, change the word, "is" to read, are, and delete the words, "for
recreation purposes".
Identify the "Buffer Tract "F" to read Landscape Buffer Easements (L.B.E.) for clarity
and identify these easements within each easement area with dimensions.
In the 71h paragraph, bold the words, "Tract "G". Also, remove the period after the word,
"hereon" .
In the I Olh paragraph, bold the words, "The Lift Station Easement" and in parenthesis,
add the letters, L.S.E. and revise the paragraph after the words, "and assigns" as follows:
for utility purposes and is the perpetual maintenance obligation of the said association.
without ..... Also, add a period after the last sentence. It is recommended that the
easement be lengthened to facilitate parking of any maintenance vehicle.
Page 2 of 2.
In the Witness statement, change the word, "corporation" to read company and if there is
no corporate seal, remove the reference and associated language. Also, modify the
Acknowledgement the same as above.
Both corporate (bank and condo) signings and acknowledgements require two corporate
signatures - the president or vice-president and the secretary or assistant secretary
respectively with two witnesses to each signature or the use of (as to both) if appropriate.
Please address the above and if needed. please request the city's standard paragraphs.
Also, modify all statements to reflect the plural, not the singular person.
Make the word, "dedication" plural under the Mortgagee's Consent and add the period at
the end ofthe sentence. Also, if appropriate, add the words, a Florida Corporation" after
the name ofthe banle
In the Acceptance of Reservations, change the word, "or" to read and, and show the year
on the line above for clarity.
In the Title Certification, change the word "subdivision" to read "development" and
insert the attorney's license number.
Add the appropriate Clerk of the Circuit Court's recording information on sheet 1 only.
Add additional seal circles for the bank, the city clerk, and the surveyor. Place the titles
above the circles for clarity.
In Surveyors Note 5, add the "degree" symbol.
Show and i~entify those utility easements within Tracts C & D. Not addressed.
Under the Legend, include the initials for all referenced items such as U.E., L.A.E.,
P.O.B., P.R.M.S., L.S.E., etc. Add the initials L.S.E. within the lift station parcel.
Remove all references to "Tract F" and insert the initials, L.B.E. within each easement
including their dimensioning their widths for clarity.
Please verify that the referenced, FDOT number is the correct one.
Show the name of the internal roadway. Not addressed. Use one ofthe following
suffixes: Court, Drive, Lane, Parkway, Street, or Circle.
Show the end of the five (5) foot utility easement at the north end of Tract "E" trailing
into the roadway tract as shown in the utility plans, not within the (10) foot L.B.E.
The City of Boynton Beach
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P.O. BOX 310
FAX: (561) 742-6285
AUG a 9 ""f'l7
SIMMONS & lV1l.n
.luTE, INc.
August 7, 2007
Mr. Joseph Tucker, PSM.
Richard L. Shephard & Associates, Inc.
219 S.E. 23rd Avenue
P.O.Box 759
Boynton Beach, Florida 33435
Re: The Villas at Boynton Beach Plat - 3rd Review.
Dear Mr. Tucker:
Listed on attached Exhibit "A", are the remaining comments for your plat and civil plans.
When they have' been addressed, please deliver the signed and sealed Mylar along with
three (3) copies of the plat and the plans for final review purposes.
The following items are still outstanding and should be delivered with your resubmittal.
The 2% administrative of $8,898.00 based on your engineer's certified cost estimate to
construct the "Required Improvements" This fee covers the cost of reviews, processing and
inspections. Please include a signed and sealed cost estimate with your check.
Surety for 110% of the engineer's cost estimate guaranteeing completion of the "Required
Improvements" excluding the utilities. The bond should also reference use of these funds for
any restoration purposes. Surety may be in the form of cash, a performance bond, a letter of
credit or an escrow agreement subject to city approval.
The $45.00 check payable to the Clerk of the Circuit Court for recordation.
The Recreational Impact Fee of $16,962.00. No permit shall be issued until paid.
Additional, required documentation:
Two (2) copies of the Declaration of Condominium. Please incorporate the language in
comment # 29 of the Development Order into your document.
Mr. Joseph Tucker, P.S.M.
Richard L. Shephard & Associates, Inc.
Page 2
The receipt of all, required outside agency approvals.
When the monumentation has been "lathed and flagged", please call the Engineering
Inspector, Mr. Frantz LaFontant at 561-742-6989 for an inspection.
Should you have any questions, please call Mr. Ken Hall at 561-742-6283 or the undersigned
at 561-742-6988.
'(.: A
'--C<l vIe'! (I;.
H. David Kelley, Jr.,
City Engineer
Xc: Jeff Livergood, PE, Public Works Director
Laurinda Logan, Senior Engineer
Jody Rivers, Parks Superintendent
Tim Large, Building Code Administrator
Ed Breese, Principal Planner
Ken Hall, Engineering Plans Analyst
Mr. Michael Haggerity, P.E.
Simmons & White, Inc.
5801 Corporate Way, Suite 200
West Palm Beach, FI. 33407
Mr. Ken Tuma, Principal Planner
Urban Design Studio
477 S. Rosemary Avenue, Suite 225
West Palm Beach, FI33401
SHEET 1 OF 2 (remaining miscellaneous items):
In the 2nd line of the description, add the word County. after the words, "Palm Beach"
Add the period at the end of the witness statement.
In the 2nd line of the Mortgagee's Consent, make the word "dedications" singular and add
the period after the year.
Correct the word "instrumentate" in the 8th line of the Association's Acknowledgement
and add the period after the year.
Correct the spelling of the word, "licence" in the Title Certification.
Add the year 2007 in the recording block.
Add a seal circle for the City Engineer and remove the 2nd reference to surveyor in the
land surveyor's circle.
SHEET 2 OF 2: (remaining miscellaneous items):
Identify the permanent reference monuments and reference them in the legend.
Additionally, identify the P.O.B. and the P.D.C. in bold caps.
Show the epd of the five (5) foot utility easement at the north end of Tract "E" trailing
into the roadway tract as shown on the utility plans, not within the ten (10) foot L.B.E.
Not Done.
On sheets 2 & 4, change the references to the landscape buffers "LB" to either call them
out as landscape buffer easements or reference them as L.B.E. and add a legend
identifying ,the reference.
Regarding section D-D: Show that the pavers through the driveway are the same width
as the sidewalk on either side.
Remove the type "D" curb on the south side of the Hie parking space for accessibility.
Replace the exfiltration details with the city's standard details (D-2 & D-3).
In section B-B, correct the detail to reflect a six foot concrete wall.
Page 2 of2
In section C-C, show that the retaining wall is a minimum of six (6') inches higher than
the abutting landscaping to minimize stormwater runoff.
Cantilever the north and south retaining walls to provide sufficient room for landscaping
within the two, - five-foot landscape easements.
PROJECT NAME: Tusca~l Villas
LOCATION: East of Federal Hwy; North of Gulfstream
PCN: 08-43-46-04-12-000-0150; 08-43-46-04-12-000-0 140; 08-43-46-04-12-000-0 160
Wendy Tuma, RLA, ASLA Boynton Beach, LLC
ADDRESS: 477 S. Rosemary Avenue !ADDRESS: 631 US HIGHWAY 1 STE 220
Suite 225 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 N P B FL 33408
FAX: 561-366-1111
PHONE: 561-366-1100
PUBLIC NOTICE/ SIGNS 30 days / 10 days
S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Tusean Villas\SPTE 07-011\2007 PROJECT TRACKING INFO.doe