CORRESPONDENCE - PROJECT NAME: Las \t entanas LOCATION: 1375 S. Federal Highway PCN: I FILE NO.: MMSP 08-064 " TYPE OF APPLICATION: I AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER: Epoch Properties McCarley Davis - Epoch Properties ADDRESS: ADDRESS: 359 Carolina Avenue FAX: Winter Park, FL 32789 PHONE: FAX: 407-644-9845 PHONE: 407-644-9055 E-Mail: SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITT AL 8/13/08 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: PUBLIC NOTICE/ SIGNS 30 days /10 days IPARC: TART MEETING: LEGAL AD PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING: CITY COMMISSION MEETING: COMMENTS: S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Gulfstream Lumber\Uptown Lofts at Boynton Place\MMSP 08-064\2008 PROJECT TRACKING INFO.doc The City of Boynton Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISON 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 TEL: 561-742-6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 www.boynton-beach.org November 5, 2009 Mr. McCarley Davis Epoch properties 359 Carolina Avenue Winter Park, Florida 32789 Re: Las Ventanas Sign Program MMSP 08-064 Dear Mr. Davis: In response to your request dated August 11, 2008 for the administrative review and approval of the modifications proposed to the above-referenced approved site plan, depicting the following: . Creation of Signage Design Guidelines for all portions of the Las Ventanas proj ect (as depicted in the attached document, date-stamped November 4, 2009). Please be informed that the proposed guidelines date-stamped 11/4/09 are "minor" as defined within the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 4 - Site Plan Review. The City will utilize this document in the review of permit requests for all signs for Las Ventanas from this point forward. Please contact me at questions. (561) 742-6260 if you have additional Sincerely, Principal Planner Cc: Karen Main, Plan Review Analyst Page 1 of2 Breese, Ed From: Sent: To: Cc: McCarley Davis [McCarley@epochproperties.com] Tuesday, October 20, 2009 5:54 PM Breese, Ed; Main, Karen 'Mike Sidello' Subject: FW: Revised rendering Attachments: ButterflyAsian _10_7 .pdf Ed and Karen, Please look at the attached revised renderings of the retail signage. Pages 1-2 show the signs with the increased signage area, exclusive of mouldings and embellishments, and the lettering has been increased correspondingly. Pages 3-4 show the signs with the increased signage area and the lettering at the size from the original drawing we presented from this concept. The reason for both versions is that Mike at Art Signs felt the original lettering size looked "lost" in the larger area. This becomes, I realize, somewhat of a circular argument - the letters looked crowded so we increased the area, the letters look lost so we increased the size of the letters. However, we did want to have some discussion as to the comment about the original renderings, sent in August, looking "crowded." One of Mike's concerns is that the comment made originally was based more on the rendering (super imposed image on the building) rather than on the actual design drawing for the sign. We are trying to come up with the best product here so I apologize in advance for this process dragging on so. Mike is also copied on this email so he can throw his 2 cents in if need be. I will call tomorrow to discuss. Thanks, McCarley Davis Financial Analyst/Asset Manager Epoch Properties Inc. Suite 200 359 Carolina Ave. Winter Park, FL 32789 Phone: 407.644.9055 Fax: 407.644.9845 ffiGcarley@epochproperties.com 1& ' Z/ - 01 ~O~ Wllff tUe~.f , ~. #rS~1O FINtt ~ M.e ~~s- hc.rMj I 1bC/j fI1;t( /7) ~I r f'lt1JA.{ StbU ~ ~;HJ- ~/A-5 tJV'TlI~/v ~22 G-IJtMl, 'ro I-hl/t. ~ ~ MI/HJ BtJ-~St~ ~~ "ofs ) 73(/) HlPt We ~ TIlt€"" 0'tJ6. {>>/~~~..s/~. From: Mike Sidello [mailto:mike@artsignfl.com] Sent: Wednesday, October 07,20094:38 PM To: 'McCarley Davis' Subject: Revised rendering McCarley, Attached, please find the revised renderings. Mike 10/21/2009 Michael Sidello Art Sign Company 835 N.W. 6th Avenue Ft.Lauderdale,FL 33311 Office - 954 763-4410 Fax - 954 763-2736 Cell - 954 234-6120 mike artsi nfl.com 10/2112009 Page 2 0[2 r N,- \ I ~ ~ I I .'- <U ~ =B.,- ~~ U'" '. ~ ,~ \fI ~l ~ J!l qj -@ 'i 9 ~ Q G\ ~1! ~3 ;:: <lJ c +- .~ ~ <lJU ..c () \fIL: ~~ 17 ~~ c . :J ~) >-~ ~F-- rv~ AJ~ l::.< .:3;$ t:C ~ '1 a :g ~ .ll ~ ~:~i o .. cE .Ql3 \.f\ (l) +- 0 (l) [) ELL [) E U ::J C ~ 'E If\~lJ) 'tJ .~ (l)'tJ.r: +- (l) Q. [) 0 [) eLL b 'E ,(\1 ~ .1~a..:J }i-;. ~~ ~'O 'C I ..t\1Et-ijj [) (l) (l) ::J ~1;LL(l .r: c .t ,Ql3 If\ (l) t 0 ,~ ~ .n [) E U :J C ~ 'E If\~lJ) 'tJ ,~ (l)'tJ.r: +- (l) Q. ~ ~ ~ ~ 9 'E(\1 ~ 'Ii ~ a.. [' Cor~.r: >'0 'C ~ ~E~-m [) (l) (l) ::J ~1;LLa.. "-.. ~ if ~ s ~ ~ ~ 8 c .~ ;0 "C ~ ~ ~ -5 o ~ ':0 ~ f "" ~ ~ c ~ c ~ '" Cl ~ '" Cl -;;; > e a. a. <( .... c .!!! 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Wall signs to be internally-illuminated cabinet signs with "push-thru" graphics and decorative moldings/embellishments per Art Sign Company drawing #09-07-06-247, Sheet #4 (front signs ), and drawing #09-07-06-247, Sheet #6 (rear signs ). 2. Sign cabinet depth to be 8" excluding 3. Front signs to be a maximum of one (1) square foot per linear foot of storefront lease space, square footage calculated exclusive of moldings/embellishments. 4. Rear signs to be a maximum of one-half (0.5) square foot per linear foot of storefront lease space, square footage calculated exclusive of moldings/embellishments. 5. Moldings/embellishments fabricated from 1" thick Sintra brand PVC. 6. Sign cabinet fabricated from heliarc-welded aluminum angle internal frame with external .125 aluminum face and sides. 7. All graphics computer-routed into aluminum face with matching computer-routed %" thick clear acrylic inserted into the routed aluminum voids in the face, creating a "push- thru" appearance. 8. 3M brand #3630-33 red translucent vinyl graphic film to be applied to the faces of the %" acrylic "push-thru" graphics. 9. Tenant graphics to be in the font of the tenants' choice. 10. Logos are not to exceed 20% of the sign face area. 11. Aluminum sign face and sides to be in texturized stucco-like finish Sherwin-Williams #6140 Moderate White. 12. Sintra brand PVC moldings/embellishments to be in texturized stucco-like finish to match brown paint of building trim. 13. Internal illumination from High Output fluorescent lamps and ballasts with all wiring in u.L. compliant conduit and raceways concealed within the sign cabinet. 14. All fabrication, installation and wiring to meet or exceed all applicable building and electrical codes and all U.L. requirements and specifications. 15. Window graphics may be black or white die-cut vinyl lettering only. Any window graphics should be limited to a maximum of 6 inch tall lettering and limited to no more than 10% of the door and one adjacent window surface of any tenant. 16. No sign shall be installed without written landlord approval, City approval, and permit. 17. No signage is to be allowed on awnings. 18. Stacked font is allowed, permitted that stacked copy will fit within the designated sign band and will not appear crowded, look inappropriate, or out of scale and character with adjacent signage. Prohibited Si!!:ns: A. Animated/fluttering signsB. BalloonsC. Bus bench signsD. FestoonsE. Flashing signsF. Roof signsG. Rotating signsH. Signs that swing!. Sidewalk signs (sandwichl"A" frame)J. Portable signsK. Exposed neon tubing signsL. Signs that obstruct free ingress to or egress from a door, window, fire escape or other required exit or entrance.M. Snipe signs or signs attached to or painted on fire escapes, television antennas, satellite dishes, utility poles or any other associated structure.N. Signs which emit odors, sounds, smoke, vapor or other visible matter. O. Unauthorized signs on property owned by or under control of the City of Boynton Beach. P. Banners (unless approved pursuant to Chapter 21)Q. Off premises signs, except those permitted under Chapter 21, Article III, Section 6 Special Signs) or Chapter 22, Article II, Section 7, Paragraph 0 (Neighborhood Identification Signs).R. Electrical or illuminated signs in residential zoning districts, except that in a development where models are being demonstrated, an illuminated sign, meeting the other requirements of this chapter, may be used provided no illumination is shown between the hours of9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. the following day.S. Bill boardsT. Non- geometric signs shaped to depict figures or demonstrative shapes used to attract attention to the business activity with which the sign is associated.V. Painted wall signsV. Pylon SIgns W. Any other sign prohibited by the City of Boynton Beach Page 1 of 1 Breese, Ed From: Breese, Ed Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 20094:08 PM To: 'McCarley Davis' Cc: Main, Karen Subject: RE: Las Ventanas Signage Text-Rev 09-15-09.docx McCarley, Thank you for the revised Sign program language. Karen and I have completed our review and have minimal comments. The comments, based upon the numbered responses we received from you, are as follows: . #11 - You indicate the use of "Moderate White" for the sign faces. Staff agrees that is an appropriate choice. However, the drawing for Butterfly Asian Bistro you attached in your e-mail uses the tan building wall color on the sign face with the red lettering, which does not appear to be as attractive a combination. We just want to ensure that "Moderate White" is stated in the sign program and that the Asian Bistro proposal is changed accordingly. . #15 - The window graphics should be limited to 10% of the door and one adjacent window surface of any tenant, as we have done with others, rather than all individual window surfaces of a given tenant. . Add a "W." to the list of prohibited signs that states, "Any other sign prohibited by the City of Boynton Beach". Everything else looks good! At this point we need you submit three 11" X 17" color copies of the complete sign program and one full plan size color copy. Please ensure that all pages, and notes and details on each page, are corrected to correspond with your most recent changes and that there are no conflicts. Lastly, again while reviewing the Asian Bistro sign drawing, it appears as the signs superimposed on the wall have a crowded look, which is a criteria in our review. Please readdress these signs and attempt to provide additional space between the top and bottom words and the border trim. If you have any questions, just let me know. Thank you McCarley, it is nice to see this process coming to a conclusion, and to actually start permitting signs! From: McCarley Davis [mailto:McCarley@epochproperties.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 3:39 PM To: Breese, Ed; Main, Karen Subject: Las Ventanas Signage Text-Rev 09-15-09.docx Ed and Karen, I know this has been a long time coming, but we revised the text for our retail signage criteria based on the concept we discussed with Mike Sidello at Art Signs back in August. The revised language is attached. I have also attached the exhibit he refers to, which is the sign for our fIrst tenant who happens to be currently doing their build-out. Pease review and comment. Thanks, .McCarley Davis Financial Analyst/Asset Manager /!'poch Properties fnc. Suite 200 359 Carolina Ave. Winter Park. FL 32789 Phone: 407.644.9055 Fa:!:: 407.644.9845 mccarley@epochproperties.com 9/22/2009 Building, Window and Door Signage: / I. Wall signs to be internally-illuminated cabinet signs with "push-thru" graphics and decorative moldings/embellishments per Art Sign Company drawing #09-07-06-247, Sheet #4 ( front signs ), and drawing #09-07-06-247, Sheet #6 (rear signs ). /2. Sign cabinet depth to be S" excluding moldings/embellishments. /' 3. Front signs to be a maximum of one (1) square foot per linear foot of storefront lease space. (4. Rear signs to be a maximum of one-half (0.5) square foot per linear foot of storefront lease space. / 5. Moldings/embellishments fabricated from 1" thick Sintra brand PVC. / 6. Sign cabinet fabricated from heliarc-welded aluminum angle internal frame with external .125 aluminum face and sides. / 7. All graphics computer-routed into aluminum face with matching computer-routed 3;4" thick clear acrylic inserted into the routed aluminum voids in the face, creating a "push- thru" appearance. Is. 3M brand #3630-33 red translucent vinyl graphic film to be applied to the faces ofthe 3;4" acrylic "push-thru" graphics. (' 9. Tenant graphics to be in the font of the tenants' choice. L 10. Logos are not to exceed 20% of the sign face area. / 11. Aluminum sign face and sides to be in texturized stucco-like finish Sherwin-Williams #6140 Moderate White. 1;;;u17lUtF11f PO~ por ~ ~. ( ('12. Sintra brand PVC moldings/embellishments to be in tex~~tu~~li~n~1J €bD<d co<..t>IL", match brown paint of building trim. /13. Internal illumination from High Output fluorescent lamps and ballasts with all wiring in V.L. compliant conduit and raceways concealed within the sign cabinet. 114. All fabrication, installation and wiring to meet or exceed all applicable building and electrical codes and all V.L. requirements and specifications. #- 15. Window graphics may be black or white die-cut vinyl lettering only. Any window graphics should be limited to a maximum of 6 inch tall lettering and limited to no more than 10% of the individual window surface. 16. No sign shall be installed without written landlord approval, City approval, and permit. 17 . No signage is to be allowed on awnings. 77+€- ~ ; ()Yv/E /Ii}{) 't WIJJ/:Jt;.JJ ~ / 18. Stacked font is allowed, permitted that stacked copy will fit within the designated sign band and will not appear crowded, look inappropriate, or out of scale and character with adjacent signage. Prohibited Sie:ns: A. Animated/fluttering signsB. BalloonsC. Bus bench signsD. FestoonsE. Flashing signsF. Roof signsG. Rotating signsH. Signs that swing!. Sidewalk signs (sandwichl"A" frame)J. Portable signsK. Exposed neon tubing signsL. Signs that obstruct free ingress to or egress from a door, window, fire escape or other required exit or entrance.M. Snipe signs or signs attached to or painted on fire escapes, television antennas, satellite dishes, utility poles or any other associated structure.N. Signs which emit odors, sounds, smoke, vapor or other visible matter. O. Unauthorized signs on property owned by or under control of the City of Boynton Beach. P. Banners (unless approved pursuant to Chapter 21)Q. Off premises signs, except those permitted under Chapter 21, Article III, Section 6 Special Signs) or Chapter 22, Article II, Section 7, Paragraph 0 (Neighborhood Identification Signs).R. Electrical or illuminated signs in residential zoning districts, except that in a development where models are being demonstrated, an illuminated sign, meeting the other requirements of this chapter, may be used provided no illumination is shown between the hours of9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. the following day.S. Bill boardsT. Non- geometric signs shaped to depict figures or demonstrative shapes used to attract attention to the business activity with which the sign is associated. V. Painted wall signsV. Pylon SIgns * W. /tvD I+4j apfcI2- .s/~ ~ /;(n;fJ by 71f€ 01\Y ~ 1 (I 'f 17 II Page 1 of2 Breese, Ed From: Breese, Ed Sent: Friday, December 12, 2008 8:39 AM To: 'McCarley Davis'; Main, Karen Subject: RE: Las Ventanas Signage McCarley, Karen and I have reviewed the latest addition to the proposed Sign Program. We forward the following comments for your review: . Under the heading "Building, Window and Door Signage", there are two # 2's. . Add to # 9 the same language contained in the second # 2, "Copy shall fit within the designated sign band, will not appear crowded, look inappropriate, or out of scale and character with adjacent signage." . Modify # 1 0 to reflect that national tenants are subject to the same four colors as all other tenants, however their logo (which still may only be 20% of the total sign area) may utilize their corporate colors. National tenants may also utilize their nationally recognized font style. . Clarify # 12 regarding sign area calculation. Since you intend to have front and rear access to the retail spaces, staff recommends using a (1sfx lineal front footage of lease space) for the front elevation and a (0.5 sf multiplier for the rear/garage entrance). . Modify # 13 c. & d. It appears as though your intent is to only allow flat wall signs as opposed to projecting. Flat wall signs shall not project more than 18 inches off the wall. Should you wish to allow true projecting signs as well, which we would encourage, we would recommend the following: Projecting sign be allowed to project from the face of the building no more than 3 feet, and that they be limited to a maximum of 6 sf, uniform in color and materials, hung in a rigid manner from uniform and decorative brackets, with the bottom of the sign a minimum of 9 feet above the sidewalk. The remainder looks fine. Please review the above and give us your feedback, Thanks, Ed [Breese, Ed] iginal Message----- From: McCarley Davis [mailto:McCarley@epochproperties.com] Sent: Friday, December 05,2008 10:10 AM To: Main, Karen; Breese, Ed Subject: FW: Las Ventanas Signage Text.docx Ed and Karen, Have either of you had a chance to review the attached? Thanks, McCarley Davis Financial Analyst/Asset Manager Epoch Properties Inc. 359 Carolina Ave. Winter Park, FL 32789 Phone: 407.644.9055 12/12/2008 Page 2 of2 Fax: 407.644.9845 mcca rl ey@epochproperties.com From: McCarley Davis [mailto:McCarley@epochproperties.com] Sent: Tuesday, November 25,2008 1:44 PM To: 'MainK@ci.boynton-beachJl.us'; 'BreeseE@ci.boynton-beachJl.us' Subject: Las Ventanas Signage Text.docx Ed and Karen, I know this issue has languished a bit, but I am attaching for your review the proposed text that will accompany our final sign package. This revised text includes the final color selections, which I believe was our last issue to finalize. The only portion of this language that I am still concerned about is number 11, where we have specified a font for all signage. The font selected matches the font used in our brochures and on our project logo, but I am not sure that this font is appropriate for the retail tenant signage. If you can suggest a font that is more typical or that you have seen in other recently submitted signage programs, please suggest that as an option. I look forward to your comments. Thanks, McCarley Davis Financial Analyst/Asset Manager Epoch Properties Inc. 359 Carolina Ave. Winter Park, FL 32789 Phone: 407.644.9055 Fax: 407.644.9845 m cca rl ey@epochproperties.com 12/1212008 Page 1 of2 Breese, Ed To: McCarley Davis; Main, Karen Subject: RE: Las Ventanas Signage Text.docx McCarley, Karen and I have reviewed the latest addition to the proposed Sign Program. We forward the following comments for your review: . Under the heading "Building, Window and Door Signage", there are two # 2's. . Add to # 9 the same language contained in the second # 2, "Copy shall fit within the designated sign band, will not appear crowded, look inappropriate, or out of scale and character with adjacent signage." . Modify # 1 0 to reflect that national tenants are subject to the same four colors as all other tenants, however their logo (which still may only be 20% of the total sign area) may utilize their corporate colors. National tenants may also utilize their nationally recognized font style. . Clarify # 12 regarding sign area calculation. Since you intend to have front and rear access to the retail spaces, staff recommends using a (1 sfx lineal front footage of lease space) for the front elevation and a (0.5sf multiplier for the rear/garage entrance). . Modify # 13 c. & d. It appears as though your intent is to only allow flat wall signs as opposed to projecting. Flat wall signs shall n~ Broject more than 18 inches off the wall. Should you wish to allow true projecting signs as well, which w~d would encourage, we would recommend the following: Projecting sign be allowed to project from the face of the building no more than 3 feet, and that they be limited to a maximum of 6 sf, uniform in color and materials, hung in a rigid manner from ~f'\itorm and decorative brackets. /.b tJtf tJn1, 1" (;> b ~ '1' a- b t' V' t' 5 i tie tt.:'t.t-l.- K- . The remainder looks fine. Please review the above and give us your feedback. Thanks, Ed [Breese, Ed] iginal Message----- From: McCarley Davis [mailto:McCarley@epochproperties.com] Sent: Friday, December 05, 2008 10:10 AM To: Main, Karen; Breese, Ed Subject: FW: Las Ventanas Signage Text.docx Ed and Karen, Have either of you had a chance to review the attached? Thanks, McCarley Davis Financial Analyst/Asset Manager Epoch Properties Inc. 359 Carolina Ave. Winter Park, FL 32789 Phone: 407.644.9055 Fax: 407.644.9845 m cca rl ey@epochproperties.com 12/11/2008 '\ Building, Window and Door Signage: 1. Proposed tenant signage is to be placed totally within the width of the storefront and is not to exceed the leased space. 2. Tenant will be allowed two building fayade signs for the lease space; one sign on the road frontage side of the lease space and one sign on the parking side of the leased space. Signage depicted in exhibit A. 2. Stacked font is allowed permitted that stacked copy will fit within the designated sign band and will not appear crowded, look inappropriate, or out of scale and character with adjacent signage.3. Wall sign lettering and logos must be within appropriate scale of the building facade and shall not exceed 80% of the surface area designated as the sign bandA. Logos may not exceed 20% of the sign face of any given tenant.5. Window graphics may be black or white die-cut vinyl lettering only. Any window graphics should be limited to a maximum of 6 inch tall lettering and limited to no more than 10% of the individual window surface. 6. No sign shall be installed without written landlord approval, City approval, and permit. 7. All tenant signs shall be designed with individual, non-internally illuminated letters.8. No signage is to be allowed on awnings. 9. Maximum letter height for stacked copy is 16 inches. Single copy letters may be 30 inches tall. 1 O. Tenant signs may be Black, White, Green, or Red. National tenant logos, colors and fonts will be in accordance with the tenant's prototypical signage program. 11. Font style for all tenants, excluding national tenants, shall be Lucida Calligraphy or a style similar in size and character. 12. Maximum tenant sign area = (1.5 sq ft) x (lineal footage of front lease space) 13. Mounting. Wall signs shall be consistent with the standards listed below: a. Equipment. Wall signs shall be mounted to conceal all mechanical or electrical equipment. b. Wall patching. All spalling of the concrete or masonry block, which occurs during installation, is to be repaired with non-shrink cementations stucco patch and painted to match the existing wall. All penetrations are then to be silicon-sealed, and the sign area painted as necessary. "All penetrations" includes each tap con, which attaches the conduits and sign components to the wall, and around all four sides of all electrical boxes. c. Projection. Wall signs shall not project more than twenty-four (24) inches from the surface to which they are attached. d. Building fayade. Wall signs shall be mounted parallel to the building fayade. e. Extensions. Wall Signs shall not extend above or below the edge of any wall or other surface to which they are mounted. Wall signs shall not be erected, constructed, or maintained upon or above the roofline of any building. Prohibited Si2ns: A. Animated/fluttering signsB. BalloonsC. Bus bench signsD. FestoonsE. Flashing signsF. Roof signsG. Rotating signsH. Signs that swing!. Sidewalk signs (sandwichl"A" frame)J. Portable signsK. Exposed neon tubing signsL. Signs that obstruct free ingress to or egress from a door, window, fire escape or other required exit or entrance.M. Snipe signs or signs attached to or painted on fire escapes, television antennas, satellite dishes, utility poles or any other associated structure.N. Signs which emit odors, sounds, smoke, vapor or other visible matter. O. Unauthorized signs on property owned by or under control of the City of Boynton Beach. P. Banners (unless approved pursuant to Chapter 21)Q. Off premises signs, except those permitted under Chapter 21, Article III, Section 6 Special Signs) or Chapter 22, Article II, Section 7, Paragraph 0 (Neighborhood Identification Signs).R. Electrical or illuminated signs in residential zoning districts, except that in a development where models are being demonstrated, an illuminated sign, meeting the other requirements of this chapter, may be used provided no illumination is shown between the hours of9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. the following day.S. Bill boardsT. Non- geometric signs shaped to depict figures or demonstrative shapes used to attract attention to the business activity with which the sign is associated.D. Painted wall signsV. Pylon SIgnS Page 2 of2 From: McCarley Davis [mailto:McCarley@epochproperties.com] Sent: Tuesday, November 25,2008 1:44 PM To: 'MainK@cLboynton-beach.fl.us'; 'BreeseE@cLboynton-beach.fl.us' Subject: Las Ventanas Signage Text.docx Ed and Karen, I know this issue has languished a bit, but I am attaching for your review the proposed text that will accompany our final sign package. This revised text includes the final color selections, which I believe was our last issue to finalize. The only portion of this language that I am still concerned about is number 11, where we have specified a font for all signage. The font selected matches the font used in our brochures and on our project logo, but I am not sure that this font is appropriate for the retail tenant signage. If you can suggest a font that is more typical or that you have seen in other recently submitted signage programs, please suggest that as an option. I look forward to your comments. Thanks, McCarley Davis Financial Analyst/Asset Manager Epoch Properties Inc. 359 Carolina Ave. Winter Park, FL 32789 Phone: 407.644.9055 Fax: 407.644.9845 m eea rl ey@epoehproperties.eom 12/11/2008 Breese, Ed From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Breese, Ed Thursday, August 21,20085:22 PM 'McCarley@epochproperties.com' Main, Karen Las Ventanas Sign Program McCarley, The following are staff comments on the Sign Program. Upon inclusion of this information in a revised submittal and answering of the questions raised, we can approve your program. . add: No sign shall be installed without written landlord approval and City approval and permit. add: All tenant signs shall be designed as individual, non-internally illuminated letters. add: Individual tenant signs shall not exceed 1.5 square feet X the lineal front footage of the lease space. add: No signage allowed on the awnings. add: Signage will be allowed on the rear sign band for only those tenants with a rear customer access. . All monument type signs at the perimeter of the site need to have the numerical address at the top. . List two (2) colors plus black and white that tenant signs may use. National tenant logos will be exempt from this color limitation. . List font style for tenant signs. . For all of the signs on pages 2 & 3, provide colors for stucco, trim, tile areas, poles, graphics and lettering. . Provide views of all four (4) sides of the "Community Identifier" sign and its precise placement at the corner. . Based upon the sign band dimensions provided, it would appear as though the maximum letter height for stacked copy would be 16 inches. If that is the case, staff recommends that this be stated and for harmony and compatibility with the single copy, that the single copy be limited to 30 inches. . Is the "Future Resident" sign for parking spaces that are reserved and not open to the general public? . Will there be signs delineating floors for public parking from resident parking in the garages, before you enter the garages? Let us know if you have any questions or comments and please copy Karen on any e-mails. Thanks again! Ed 1 ~v~~~ iJ-U) ~: · /lib St4wu oS#4U & IqS~ ~TJIovr ~l17DV ~ ~ I 4f-!/ ~ i ~/O&~-r-: · .lJ.u.. ~ ~ ~ ~ IV'/).lc//~ I 1UoYV- 1A./7f:JtA/~ 1~/UiH7d:> ~. · !Pb((// ~ TC:tlJ1H1/r .st~ ~~ por ~~ 1.5 sF X L/,(Je1tU.- ~ ~~. · tJo ..s/~ /~>>4 ~ 67()~. · ~ UJtl(., ~ ~ tNV 'fl.Ie ~ ~ ~ fM, ~t.y ~ ~ (.,IrPT')(-- ~ ~ ~. . --- /~ ~ St.-~ lJo A.Iof INOIctn:- .+ N~c.M.- ~S. . I. q>> ? ~ ~ fVnrne ~~~ ~6AJ t:n. lZE~ ~ Ft!r'L ~'~aFH<:.€. . LIs.,.. 2 ~ p~ &..4etL.HVJ) fV1<I1 r€. TJ.h41" ~ ~ ~ UJ6. t.tJ~ tiJeU- IlL. ~ ~ m.s UII4I T7Jfic1u. . t~J) r Wi. ~ sr:JU FrP- ~A-Il/"Y ~. · ~ tJ'tf/ T1I€. IUltXl~ ~ Ik:l~ ~ $H'fC!tLcD ~ hG/,uG- I(,II~ 7lIc: ~ SIze Fdz.- s/~ ~AJE ~.$~ /lJl/T"' 13x~ -30 ". 1'fV fA? ftd-S · ~()e ~ .$7Vceo nt€ ~ ~ /f-YVl) ~~ ~ I}U ~ D-IfI l1. ~ .iuJ ~ !,r ~/~. (( J) · fMv,()e /l1CXJ;S op. A<.L ~ $II>€S OF ~1tJ1'11 /~I Fr &2., St ~ If-fVI:> h..€.~J€ ~4r~ K/!:at,,IJ(;, IAi MIlS/) ~/OFctJT / ~ ~V,~. n'I/J ~z 1/C.. q~<:.. ~') St~s (1) f _ V" IAJ~ TlI€ Pu..6U-c.. . ~~ In-~ n wtiOl& T/-I-Q~' p~ AtffJ) 6tV ~ ~ ~ Breese, Ed From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Breese, Ed Thursday, August 21,20085:22 PM 'McCarley@epochproperties.com' Main, Karen Las Ventanas Sign Program McCarley, The following are staff comments on the Sign Program. Upon inclusion of this information in a revised submittal and answering of the questions raised, we can approve your program. . add: No sign shall be installed without written landlord approval and City approval and permit. add: All tenant signs shall be designed as individual, non-internally illuminated letters. add: Individual tenant signs shall not exceed 1.5 square feet X the lineal front footage of the lease space, add: No signage allowed on the awnings. add: Signage will be allowed on the rear sign band for only those tenants with a rear customer access. . All monument type signs at the perimeter of the site need to have the numerical address at the top. . List two (2) colors plus black and white that tenant signs may use. National tenant logos will be exempt from this color limitation. . List font style for tenant signs. . For all of the signs on pages 2 & 3, provide colors for stucco, trim, tile areas, poles, graphics and lettering. . Provide views of all four (4) sides of the "Community Identifier" sign and its precise placement at the corner. . Based upon the sign band dimensions provided, it would appear as though the maximum letter height for stacked copy would be 16 inches. If that is the case, staff recommends that this be stated and for harmony and compatibility with the single copy, that the single copy be limited to 30 inches. . Is the "Future Resident" sign for parking spaces that are reserved and not open to the general public? . Will there be signs delineating floors for public parking from resident parking in the garages, before you enter the garages? Let us know if you have any questions or comments and please copy Karen on any e-mails. Thanks again! Ed Cd-d f.,UJ /Z.€:[) ~:11htYLO ~ \'\ II (2{)d€/UJFf ~ ItPO ~ Z ~ .#f/~~mll ~. -1170 ~~ L.#Ct&-r'S (kf.,o;4IP ~~ ~ J/ _ _ _. '--~ PtJ"t - n.. ~IV~ 1.1 ~ 'S-I ~ - ~~ Ult.~ '6or ~-&e ~ ~ !1<<.N"~t4~~ ~/P6tl.~~ ~= --- OV~rz. 1 Breese, Ed From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Breese, Ed Tuesday, July 31,200711 :19 AM 'mccarley@epochproperties.com' Main, Karen Las Ventanas Sign Program McCarley, Thank you for the submittal of the draft sign program. The proposed signage appears elegant and enhances your project nicely. The following comments are designed to help define and complete the sign program so hopefully all issues are fully addressed: 1. Detail the type of wall signs proposed (i.e. channel letters, reverse channel letters, flat letters). 2. Indicate if wall signs are internally or externally illuminated. The graphic submitted for "Storefront Sign" appears to indicate the signs would be externally illuminated. 3. Indicate that proposed wall signage is to be placed totally within the width of the storefront of the tenant for which it is indicated and will not be allowed to exceed the leased space. Indicate if stacked copy will be allowed. If permitted, note that the stacked copy must fit within the designated sign band and will not appear crowded, look inappropriate, or out of scale and character with adjacent signage. 4. Indicate that wall sign lettering and logos must be within appropriate scale of the building facade and shall not exceed 80% of the surface area designated as the sign band, as depicted on the approved building elevations. 5. Indicate logos may not exceed 20% of the sign face of any given tenant. 6. Indicate window graphics may be black or white die-cut vinyl lettering only. Since the City is looking to promote the pedestrian scale of these storefronts, it is recommended the proposed location be relocated from above the doors to on the doors themselves, at eye level, or on the window adjacent to the door, and placed within 18 inches of the door, also at eye level. Any window graphics should be limited to a maximum of 6 inch tall lettering and limited to no more than 10% of the individual window surface. 7. The "Building ID - Address Locator" detail does not appear to depict a size, location or type of lettering. 8. Indicate the use of exposed neon tubing on signs and in windows is prohibited. 9. Indicate that all ground mounted signs will be placed a minimum of 10 feet from any property line and outside the safe sight triangle. 10. Indicate that all monument signs will display the street address prominently, preferably high enough on the sign to eliminate potential conflicts with required landscaping. 11. Indicate on the "Directional Sign" detail that the maximum height is 6 feet. 12. Indicate the bottom of the blade/projecting signs, or any ornamental detail attached thereto, will have a minimum of 9 feet ground clearance. 13. Indicate that the maximum projection of the blade/projecting sign is 4 feet from the building. 14. Indicate that the maximum number of blade/projecting signs is one per tenant bay, with a maximum of two per tenant, regardless of the number of bays leased in excess of one. Thank you again for the review. We trust these additions will make the sign program complete and workable. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. When you are ready to formally submit, the Sign Program will be treated as a Minor Site Plan Modification (administrative review only), which entails the submission of 4 complete sets of the package, a cover letter requesting approval of the Sign Program and the associated $150 application fee. 1 .. Page 1 of 4 Breese, Ed From: McCarley Davis [McCarley@epochproperties.com] Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2009 5:50 PM To: Main, Karen; Breese, Ed Subject: RE: Las Ventanas Signage Attachments: BldgCFrontSign.pdf; BldgCRearSign.pdf; TypFrontSign.pdf; TypRearSign.pdf Karen, The calculation you are proposing will not allow for enough area or size for our tenants' signs. I also do not think the size you are requesting corresponds to the letter size that is also in the language (single copy may be 30 inches tall). I would like for you and Ed to look at the attached. The signage areas proposed for the bays are as follows: Typical (WoolbrightlUS-1) Front 37s.f. Typical (WoolbrightlUS-1) Rear 21 s.f. Bldg C (Corner) Front Bldg C (Corner) Rear 44s .f. 37s.f. Keep in mind, these tenants have no other signage opportunities other than the signage on their particular bay, so they are at a distinct disadvantage to other tenants in the area, especially those at Sunshine Square. Also, keep in mind that these are tough times. Tenants are hard enough to come by, especially in our type of space, and lack of signage is just another disadvantage we don't want to have to overcome. We do think we have our first lease, but I would hate to lose them because the sign age code is too restrictive. Please call or email me with your thoughts. Thanks, McCarley Davis FmancmlAna~sUAssetManager Epoch Properties Inc. 359 Carolina Ave. Winter Park, FL 32789 Phone: 407.644.9055 Fax: 407.644.9845 mccarley@epochproperties.com From: Main, Karen [mailto:MainK@bbfl.us] Sent: Thursday, February 19, 20099:26 AM To: McCarley Davis; Breese, Ed Subject: RE: Las Ventanas Signage Hi McCarley, 7/22/2009 Page 2 of 4 Ed and I just finished looking over these revisions and request the following changes. #3 should be titled "Maximum tenant sign area" rather than band area and the calculations as follows: a. Front sign = to 1 sq ft per linear frontage of tenant space b. Rear signage = to % (.5) sq ft per linear frontage. Tenant font for #7 should be a simple style such as Times Roman since the nationals will have their own fonts. After making these changes we will need to formalize the package by completing the minor mod process. Please send a cover letter to Ed, four color copies of the entire package and $150. Please call either of us if you have any questions. Karen From: McCarley Davis [mailto:McCarley@epochproperties.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2009 2:35 PM To: Breese, Ed; Main, Karen Subject: RE: Las Ventanas Signage Ed and Karen, Although it has taken me a while to get to this, attached is a revised signage text for our project. I believe I have complied, for the most part, with your requested revisions. I still have a question as to the specified font we should use. Can you tell me what was specified as the font for Renaissance Commons, Boynton Town Center, and Sunshine Square, if the Sunshine Square had to submit to this process during permitting of their remodel. I look forward to your comments, Thanks, McCarley Davis Financial Analyst/Asset Manager Epoch Properties Inc. 359 Carolina Ave. Winter Park, FL 32789 Phone: 407.644.9055 Fax: 407.644.9845 mccarley@epochproperties.com From: Breese, Ed [mailto:BreeseE@bbfl.us] Sent: Friday, December 12, 20088:39 AM To: McCarley Davis; Main, Karen Subject: RE: Las Ventanas Signage McCarley, 7/2212009 Page 3 of 4 Karen and I have reviewed the latest addition to the proposed Sign Program. We forward the following comments for your review: . Under the heading "Building, Window and Door Sign age", there are two # 2's. . Add to # 9 the same language contained in the second # 2, "Copy shall fit within the designated sign band, will not appear crowded, look inappropriate, or out of scale and character with adjacent signage." . Modify # 1 0 to reflect that national tenants are subject to the same four colors as all other tenants, however their logo (which still may only be 20% of the total sign area) may utilize their corporate colors. National tenants may also utilize their nationally recognized font style. . Clarify # 12 regarding sign area calculation. Since you intend to have front and rear access to the retail spaces, staff recommends using a (1 sf x lineal front footage of lease space) for the front elevation and a (0.5 sf multiplier for the rear/garage entrance). . Modify # 13 c. & d. It appears as though your intent is to only allow flat wall signs as opposed to projecting. Flat wall signs shall not project more than 18 inches off the wall. Should you wish to allow true projecting signs as well, which we would encourage, we would recommend the following: Projecting sign be allowed to project from the face of the building no more than 3 feet, and that they be limited to a maximum of 6 sf, uniform in color and materials, hung in a rigid manner from uniform and decorative brackets, with the bottom of the sign a minimum of 9 feet above the sidewalk. The remainder looks fine. Please review the above and give us your feedback. Thanks, Ed [Breese, Ed] iginal Message----- From: McCarley Davis [mailto:McCarley@epochproperties.com] Sent: Friday, December 05,2008 10:10 AM To: Main, Karen; Breese, Ed Subject: FW: Las Ventanas Signage Text.docx Ed and Karen, Have either of you had a chance to review the attached? Thanks, McCar/ey Davis Financial AnalysVAsset Manager Epoch Properties Inc. 359 Carolina Ave. Winter Park, FL 32789 Phone: 407.644.9055 Fax: 407.644.9845 mccarley@epochproperties.com From: McCarley Davis [mailto:McCarley@epochproperties.com] Sent: Tuesday, November 25,2008 1:44 PM To: 'Main K@ci.boynton-beachJl.us'; 'BreeseE@ci.boynton-beachJl.us' Subject: Las Ventanas Signage Text.docx Ed and Karen, 7/22/2009 Page 4 of 4 I know this issue has languished a bit, but I am attaching for your review the proposed text that will accompany our final sign package. This revised text includes the final color selections, which I believe was our last issue to finalize. The only portion of this language that I am still concerned about is number 11, where we have specified a font for all signage. The font selected matches the font used in our brochures and on our project logo, but I am not sure that this font is appropriate for the retail tenant signage. If you can suggest a font that is more typical or that you have seen in other recently submitted signage programs, please suggest that as an option. I look forward to your comments. Thanks, McCarley Davis FmancmlAna~sVAssetManager Epoch Properties Inc. 359 Carolina Ave. Winter Park, FL 32789 Phone: 407.644.9055 Fax: 407.644.9845 mccarley@epochproperties.com 7/22/2009 r1lI /-r--- ;..-:~ --------- , / l' 12 "'" I , 41'-41 (REf) A.. S r- ~ I ~D I lOMASONRry ~ U-14 ---'-- - - - - - : ~ I: ~ ~ ~ / ~ : ~ II ! I r~ 1f1.' / ,... I ~Irnrffl~ i~~ lffi\ -iffi\ !?~. .Jlliuf~ II -~ ~+ W W +~ ~ liB = = = B / = ~ :~t }IL - ~ ~-~ -- ~ olli -+ ~ m~ - J~l ~ 0 D ~ = ~ r=====i = I I A & B I II 1== 1-+ -- M~f1 II II ~ ~ = ~~ +- I I ____- ~v~ I Stucco Covered Foam Medallion c ( Raised Stucco Band I~ ~--- - -..:::;:r = I I H -+ + fJ.,.j. I --..../ .- ;J [ II II P ~ .! J' _~_____________ _/. \ 'I I I , d --------- 7- ES ~ I 1\ ! \ I \ ~ L- Aluminum Storefront 00 T Stone Coated Stec Roof ~stern (Typ) .e. Front Elevation Stucco Covered Foam Medallion s~ Alumlrum cap Ra Ised Stucco 6and (T~p) Stc IRe J [ I[ t_1D DD mo DO DD ~~ Aluminum Storefront Door (T~p) .e. Rear Elevation Fabric Awning wi Aluminum Frame (T~p) Aluminum Storefront Window (T~p) ~ --------- ----------- -- ------------- f----- ~ ~ Stucco Finish ~ ---~~ .. (T~p) I j tl tl ./ I -7 tl / tl / / I nl__~_ _~_ ~ - ~1 =-f' j~-f ~ I ~ t;I t1l ,t;I t;I I / = [J r== t= [J / = F=t= 'PII"'fIjo """'" '==== ==t= I ~ r-- -I-- - ~~ -- .- -- ~ ~~ ~.- ~ - - ls;;~ -,=== 0 r== t= 0 = = F=t= = I ;== I Ir====i I~I! ~ I--~~ ~/ t-L': """ I-~ I---- I~ ~ lID 1......---.... >.L - Tenant Sign I Tenant Sign I ~ Tenant Sign I I - ] i - D <l e <l ] I I D Ie] I - ~~~ ~^--^---^- Aluminum Storef'ront fr. ~ ~ '- abrlc Awning w/ .&. 1. Window (T~p) ~ AiumllUll Frame · A3iJ1 IAI Front Elevation F E ;- Stone Coated Steel / Fanel Roof ~5tem ~ Corbel tr t f'' t:l #1-~ 1/ \\ 1/ m ~ I~f---..... Tenant &19" "..,. Id '=== - Or'\o ~ ;=== I'ulie r== Id I = = ....--- ....--- O.t""""\o Ono ~ ~ = = ~a~c ~ (1)1 ~~ ~ I n5) = = ~ ~i' ~ " Tenant &19" D ( 12 ,.. & r-:..,.."''''''' ~ u r-n t;l t;l EJ ,...-- o no ~ 0 \T=== Ra 15ed Stucco E ~ .., 421-1Z \, II' TPIIA~ tl I t:l #1~~ 1/ ~ Tenant &19" I'T""I'" tl tl :::[81~ ~Ilin! V 1-'- 1-- 1-'- 1-- ~ """ I- f- 1-- I-f- 1-- I-f- 1-- '-'- L...._ If I UI J 'HHI V 'V 'V 'V "" Tenant &19'1 \D \, Inum"Storefr Window (Typ) IAI Rear Elevation AUG , 3/,,j Jo,,',. v". EPOCH@ PROPERTIES , ,~ I\CuRPOR.ATED August 11, 2008 Mr. Ed Breese Principal Planner Planning and Zoning Division The City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: Las Ventanas Master Signage Program Dear Mr. Breese We would like to request final approval of the master signage program for our Las Ventanas project. We believe that the enclosed submittal has addressed all of the questions and comments that have been raised by your office. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or with any requests for additional information. Sincerely, nfl" .?-.:- /":....>1....1.) McCarl6 Davis Financial Analyst! Asset Manager cc. Karen Main (P&Z City of Boynton Beach) Joe Reeves \:;q ( "r,,Jil',' -\\1'"11 \\'I"11'r ['.lih, n TI,L, \27"') 1-j('~II'++,"("-' 1.1'\ I,L';I('-H "'..f'