5740 ___---_J -~~--------"'1..._~.___,__.__,_~----~ -~ o 0 i(J I " l\ .~~ , ~ r - 0 "j I i ~ I q.'!; ,f?' \. 1'.,.- City of Boynton :Beach rvrrcRoFILM INPUT SHEErr Planning Depa.rtment Development File "","" "~~~ (~.J. ~. , l:>tQ.~~~' - Project Name 14-( " DOCUMENT TYPE c'vv..ry e I LJ l, Date 3/1\ I ?J I I I Parking Lot Variance - PL V Conditional Use - CO D Preapplications - Preapp 0 D Master Plan -l\1P D D ""-===<1 Master Plan Modification - MPM LJ D Preliminary Plat - PP C8T D D Site Plan - SP D D Site Plan rv.lodification - SPM Rezoning - R Rezoning and Land Use Element .Amendment - LUEA Annexation - A l~bandonrnent ~Abdrn Number of Sheets Y ~r k~ 5 Year CONlMENTS: Approved D Denied D Conditions D X of X '/ . Retrix No" 96;) Frames =- ~. ~-- -~- < ......... ....' ................................ ::=:::::::::.:=:::.;::::;;:::::;. :::::::::::::::~::::;=:::::::;::: ................. ~~~~~~~~i~~~~~~j~j1~~~~~j~~1;~ :..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.y.. . ............. . ................ 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ZO;';i~G STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH: SS l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1l. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 21). 26. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that High Ridge Country Club, inc., a Florida corporation, owners of the land shown hereon, being in Section 8, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, shown hereon as High Ridge Country Club. being more particularly d(=scribed as follows: 0 Commencing at the Northeast corner of ~aid Sectios 8, run thence South 85 10'46" West along the North line of said Section 8, a distance of 1250.56 feet; thence South 14 58'05" East, a distance of 33.52 ~et to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described parcSl; thence run South 85010'56" West, a distance of 668.61 feet; thence South 10028136" West. 370.37 feet; thence South 18 08'34" West, 1058.56 feet, thence South 25038'29" yJest, 842.72 feet ~o the beginning of a curve concave to the Southeast, havi~g a radius of 596.64 feet and a central ang1e of 14023'39"; thence southerly along the arc of said curve 142.34 feet to the end of said curve; thence South 11014'5011 West, 549.27 feet to th~ beginning of a curve, concave to the East having a radius of 4434.42 feet and a central angle of 6039'36"; thence southerly along the arc of said tUl"ve a distilnce of 515.45 feet to the end of said curve, thence South 4035'14" West, a distance of 400.00 feet; thence South 85c24'lI6" East, 155.00 feet; thence South 17000'00" East, 95.00 feet; thence South 34005'00" East 211.00 feet; thence South 60000'00" East, 185.00 feet; thence South 32000'00" East, 200.00 feet; thence South 18015'00" East, 176.00 feet; thence South 40035'00" East, 200.00 feet; thence South 69015'00" East, 165.00 feet; thence North 58035100" East, 111.00 feet; thence South 86020'00" East, 1065.00 feet; thence North 47050'00" East, 230.00 feet; thence North 01050'00" East, 610.00 feet; thence North 5036'50" West, 1039.99 feet; thence North 16('55'39" East. 287.63 feet, to the beginning of a CiJfVe, concave to the West having a radius of 300.00 feet and d central angle of 27021'09"; thence r;ortherly along the arc of said curve, a distance of 143.22 feet to the end of said curve; thence North 10025'29" West, 396.75 feet; thence North 0053113" West. 323.04 feet; thence North 24047133" East, 23~.32 feet; thenc~ North 2049'16" West, 345.4? feet; thence North 24037125" \~est. 132.00 feet; thence North 138.00 feet; thence North 32053'05" West, 276.27 feet; thence South 85010'24" West, 60.00 feet to the beginning of a curve, concave to the Northeast having a radius of 275.00 feet and a central angle of 96025'5~"; thence northwesterly along the arc of sa~d curve, 462.84 feet to a point of reverse curvatur-e and the beginning of a curve co~cave to the West, having a radius of 1342.35 feet and a central angle of 10040'48"; thence northerly along the arc of sa1d curve'oa distance of 250.22 to the end of said curve; thence North 80055'27" East, a d1stance of 60.00 feet; thence North 9 04'33" West, a distance of 53.09 feet; thence North 14058'05" West, a distance of 139.03 feet, more or less to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 171.168 acres, more or less. NOT TO Sc:.4'-'= APPROVAL ::.:::::::::.:- ~ ~ \',. ~, ~I !;) JI -Ii CO/vft:JR!:'S~~VG. LOCA TION has caused the same to be s~rveyed and platted as sho~n hE~eon and do hereby dedicate as follows: EASEMENTS: a. Utility and Drainage Easements - The utility easements and drainage easements as shown are hereby dedicated in perpetuity for the construction arId maintenance of utilities and drainage. South Florida Water Management District Surface Water Management Permit Number 50-00697 was issued for stormwater drainage of the property shown hereon and the property adjacent to the easterly and southerly boundary of High Ridge Country Club. The right of access to the permitted drainage fac n iti es (Permi t Number 50-00697) is hereby dedi ca ted to the owners of sa i d adjacent p:operty or their assigns for drainage purposes. The location of sa~d access shall be subject to approval by the High Ridge Country Club Board of Directors or their assigns. b. Ingress and Egress Easements - The ingress and egress easement is ded;cated for the express purpose of providing ingress cmd egress to the ad~r:cent property from Hypoluxo Hoad. c. The City of Boynton Beach is hereby granted the right of access over and across the property shown hereon for the exp'es; purpose of providing fire and polir:e protection, garbage collection. and utility maintenance. The right of access is limited to the access nonnally used by the Club members their guests, or their assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the said corporation has caused these presents to be signed by its and attested to by its and its corporate seal to be affi xed hereon by and with the author~ ty of its Board of Directors this __ day of , 19_ HIGH RIDGE COUNTRY CLUB, INC" a corporation in the State of Florida ATTEST: ^CKNOWLEOG1~ENT STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH: SS BEFORE ME personally appeared and , to me well known, and known to me to be the indiVlO'Uals descnbed in and who executed the foregoing instrument as _ and _ __ of the High Ridge Ccunb'y Club, Inc.. a ccrporation. and severally acknowledged to and befor~ me that they e~2cut~d such instrument as such officers of said corporation, and.that the s~al affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation and that it was afflxed to sain instrument by due and regular corporate authority, and that said instrument is the free act and deed of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal this ______ day of My commission expires: . 19 , Not('ry Public <l CORPORATION NOTARY "~,_'Y~."'p "'l''''~ ''''',-.'.!/to.~ 'AQ~ ~__~""''''''''''~}'"J''' _.....--_.!>:l'__"l?"'l" .' ~Ii<'n~<t_..~...~~ ~!I!U>-"",'~~- ._-"'!"'1WIl" _ .,!'I1t::<;!:1"'''~~ '~~i_"'-,'._-~_,,:'l!:'!'!!IIlI'W'l~~fF"'!:.":-',".''''''''ft9I_->;...........,..... ,__~_,~,,,,,~~~,,~~,,,",,~:z..t;...,.o;~I~...:.-~~,,,,,", :-;;!i~'~> '_""~(?'. M_~.~_, I~~"':~f~~ 'i,;.o' __ ~~~~~~~""'f"''''''~ 'W ~'#-",,,,, 'm~~M:'t.~~ .i<-,_. f$"" e~~"'~~"""_-.<l"'''"''''_.'__ H\: _"~"'_"._ '_'_.,~."-:-#_~._._..~,~....... . \,'" ........'......"',~,;".-,._-~~..,,,......~....,....""...- ,.~;;:.':'",.-, c' ~; - " ~ .~ '~ '--"~ ~ ". .._~, . , ~~ ~ "1 43 EAST J ! ~~~~.,-...-- \.-- JOH~ 8. DUNKLE, Clerk , D.C. l BY:. r:r,/.R~ jJ a!f~~lf1 f'~ -' . ~~--- Chairmall t2// &/ ~c.; Dat~ NO'!E: The owner or assigns is re~pons:ble ~o~ ma:r.te- nance and operation of the drainage system ar.d 1akes includirg the cortrc1 of aq~atic needs. MAP MORTGAGEE'S CONSENT City of Boynton Beach This plat 1s hereby approved for record this _____day of . 19____, STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH: SS By: f4ayor The undersigned hereby certifies that it is the holder of a mortgage upon the property described hereon and does hereby join in and consent to the dedication of the land described in said dedication by the owner thereof a~d agrees that its mortgage wh1ch is recorded in Official Record Book 3152 at page 1508 of the publ ic records of Palm Beach County. Florida, shall be subordinated to the dedication sho\'m hereon. City Engineer This plat is hereby approved for l"ecord this __day of ? 19____, By: City Engineer IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said corporation has caused these presents to be signed by its and attested to by its corporate seal to be affixed hereon authority of its Board of Directors of . 19 Attest: Ci ty Cl erk and its by and with the this day TITLE CERTIFICATION STATE OF FLORIDA FIeST MAI2/Nt: aANK ~ reUST COMPANY 01=' rUE P&/LM l3J&ACPt!?S By: . SS COUNTY OF PALM BEACH: ATTEST: X, JER.RY" E. AI<ON , a duly 1 icensed attorney inUthe State of r~'ida, do hereby certify that I have e~amined the title to the hereon described property; that I find the title to the property is vested to I-IIa;U ;:1/,0(5;;: CO</NTRV CLCll'3 p INC. that the current taxes have been paid. and that the property is encumbered by the mortgage shm'ln hereon; and th~t I find all mortgages are shown and are true and correct. HCKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH: SS BEFORE ME personally appeared . to me \'Jell to me to be the individuals described the foregoing instrument as and and known. and known in and who executed Date: or the SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE FIeST lV'.AelNG .e>4N,t:' q reosr a?M,PANV OF nIt:: P41.M et:4c#E'S a corporation and severally acknowledged to and before me that they executed such instrumant as such officers of said corporation. and that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation and that it was affixed to said instrument by due and regular corporate authority, and that said instrument is the free act and deed of ,said corporation. This is to certify that the plat shown hereon is a true and correct uoepre3entation of a survey made under Il1.Y responsible direction and supervision and that s~id sHrlley is.accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief and that (P,R.M.'s) Permanent Reference t<~numents ha~e been placed as required by law and that (P.C.P,'s) will be set under the guarantees posted with the Board of County Commissioners for the Required Improvements and further that the survey data complies with dll the requirements of Chapter 177 Florida Statutes. as amended, and ordinances of Palm Beach County. Florida, WITNESS my hand and official seal this_____day of . 19_, My commission expires: Notary Public Registered Surveyor No. State of Florida This instrumant "'.'as prepared by: rDAII~ 8. BRADY INC i CONSUL TlNG ENG WEER" & James l. Kramar, PLS LAND SURVEYORS Actwi~ & Brady. Ane. "".1(\. IIU" 1 ~..:;. .- J.:~.-_:: RECORD PLAT ,\Q~ A"tC' ~,. " ~"... ...1 . . A\.... t\:.\ .. ==- " (}~ staLl! KSOiIl NO SCALE D~TE 7- 23 _ 79 ,10.0 m::-- 1.9512 1958 S. Congress Avenue Nest Palm Beach, Florida O.P. FP ~ ~ 84 o.F '-- CORPORATION NOTARY !jg ., :;)-1 City Commission \ ~~/ City Engineer City Clerk SURVEYOR 1 SIllZET 2 r....';ft" ~..E'~:;..;...0l:M-.- IA..'''-~''*'"&?; ., j 'I Ii ~ H ft H I it r II JI. 11 II ~ 11 !J .~ I"il J ~ u ~. n ~ ~ " ~, I Ii W JI' J1 II n II !l ',i B' il 11 n ' II l' ~1 \ ~\.! : ~.. \ ; [..) , \ n r n .~.')I \1 1 n I. 'I rl \j ~ ' , I' ,: il ~i \.'1 bj fl If ~ 11 II .1 .J li.l,. '., _. - .__.-.--.~~. ~! t {i M ~ l'j ,'1 II \1 U,' il H:\l J :,) 11 ' R i; r~ I' ~ J{ d v tJ fi n I' ~. n b u n !i! ,. " 11 n <; 11 It I 1\ .~ fj 51 U ~ .\ 11 /. i I , II H if \J .~ 11 8 11 'I I' ~ ~ 1 "" '."''''''''~'''''''~.-<~.---_....-.,.............,~.>.~--...,".-......,..._"",,"-~~-~,,<.. __'K,,,,___~,,,,,--~,_,,,,_,,,~"""L~----"1r' , '7-'--"--'-"-""""''"'~- FEB 4 1980 PRELIMINARY 'fr:CH~~iCN GOMMITTFE Fl/!i <:;n ~l ~\N ReJIEW _ .... ~ - ... , t)~a. ""'~, f ( .' . ~ (- - -, t.I.(!. I, - Bldg. [" ',1. ~.l!z . . C" tn.::?__ ~I ~ ~~, _ . ~ ';::. ~ rii" j ~ ,-- J; '" r STATE OF FLOR IDA : . ~03 -".2 ..:,. oG .~l:.s.I~~*,.B~' : SS F". nor. L . C -- .-0 "".- ~ ! ,\ ,k Ih~911 .1('..., f. COUNTY\OF P AUt BEACH: . , Eng. ~.".,>t. : ~ [.::;:1'>::,/'5: fJ() ,~,<tD ~~...., "Iv -t; ~)ltP~~2 ~V"'~ ,~sJ.,p~ g~.l:.'l.t O~'!1~ '.' t f . . fA -1 {, i _. ;f/ ~ gt> ~'r Li. .......t;. LA. +.;I@:J. ~tR-'J aN-aJ' ~ i 5 Pl a twas fil ~d for record tJtlL , ; ~.. _~u ~~ ' :.-- '---4', "l.. . 1j0""4l2. Tt-iz . at , thlS day Po"c~.,,, .-z.~h_ ~~'r~' ~4lia' ~ H4Utl4A'"Ut~ deuf4e.l~'.1iIf ,19_. and , .." . a i"J,,~ /J...- .' .. }-_ j:f" 0 ~~.~1.tP""'1-4.f 0,.. ~7..,;t';f. - duly recorded ) n P 1 a t Book No. P. "'1. ~,.:.t. r;t/ 7jt:4'~ :. _.--:.,LJ.L _C! t:-r'~v4h~ on Pages_through_. t' '.LL. J I City P:anr::;r ,;.~,.:)sj::JrI) L '.2,t..5/_.&:L Rec. Dlr. ~<_ [j;.,thfq\.~ APP T} 0"" Tif:D ,- e,.. Y,'",,, 'lok.I.... /~\ u "'I ~ I f I 1 ~--.~-"'1IilII/IIl~~~~"""'~~.~;t"""',...,..,,:,., /1.- ~ :1ac~~~lI~~~.l "",. "~~.l'. . ~.t~ _ i?! 'r. ",",~'~.-4::"'~.".~.",~~~';~:.f ~_'A':';~'~ ~~ )'~~~:y' ,;:':~~,~'>~~~~.i1It.j/~.Q~:;,;:M-l::'-L~'::L)f"~~::-;~-"~~'~7B.i~,~'"~~r-,ltk<.~'",'~:,~',I: lf~ ~ ~ ~ a t ~ , ...:' I . . J:t '. ..... .~. u- 'd ~ . ..' IT<:":"'''f.l<-"..~,snr~,'''~~':'"~;'''~~~!':''!i/!''Iii?:4-~,.m;;,."~~z.~....~~~~:~.",~...,.",~~_. ,l ,!,.."~~"_,,,,,,,"(_,,,-,_...-.ff\~'n.~:U..Jw;;\thwi.-,:,- .~,... ~;lill_ ,~:f!!'..:i'1fil~!F"~"~iC.~,-R1 " '.~c.;_: ",.(i!,,\~~._,"';li1I"~J~~ . . f(l1777rrf(f7TrT177771/////1/1 d ~~ ;; I ~ \ \ I. -~li;/!LU///I//;r ___ . -N4L &:.4 'a~~:;" r. .1, \r i .:fj ij ! '.;j , ---..-.. -." '11 \, ; 1 'i .' I I i1 -J ',j .t~ '.. \ ~ ' I ,: t;. ( li ! . , , Ii \ \' I ". .. 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IW AREA OF EWDW.6.LL'El BEFORE co~c. EWOWALL~ ARE c.oWSTRUCTED (SEE €JUT. 4' CF""4 ) ORAI\\JAGE SYSTEM IS SIZED FOR Cot.JTIGl.l.ouS AREAS Wli'-'It-J FlROPERT't BOUl-JDARY. l='L. t::::L. IS PIP~ I\\JVER1' E:LEVAT\Ol'--l t-.J.o.$. DATUM) M,S.L. ,. LOC/1 T 10 N N.T.5. MAP ~T.LI,_,_'_ -,,-,.~ :- '''',...~~~, ~'I'If_',,_ ,.:JDlz:v-,""'- ~~ ,-"'" Ur~ - 't.u.1'" .~~.~___ __~_""IJ'__._.~'';'''''''''''~"~"",,;,,,__.___,,~__ ~ J ~.__ _....~~~,..___~,,~___"""""".........,. r--.'-~~'- ~- _..~.",.Q.-'''''' ..1 71'1'7"";r':~-'----"~ l...~..,~~ _......._____.. """.. __._.".,_'~~I!'M~'MlI!"'''cm__ ~.~- ,. / ' :..L,;.}.': ~, '0,:" i3~: "'j ct!. ~ .. '" ~ ":~.... '-"'"'--';';;~~~~~-~-;::::::::::--=- - ~".... -."'""......-. :::-=-... --- --=~ --~ - '" -#'''Ilo~!O'::'Q '::tl;!:it'_, OOg8@l!.1illilB Uf\1iMf:lleemS USl8 lli[Wn\l'~~ nL\[j]!illlM OI~"Ir~ II.:!!t 0Cllil, ~ m ~ d o )= OC ~ Z :J <0 U W (!) o e::::::;;) 0::: :b CP == J: Z...--....IJ ~ II .&'- l~ ~.. i)l." I.! R!lt~ ~' ;..'.:.'J'1 Z Oi ~l Z > o ~ ~, ~ >0 ~\1 ali!I Q MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN 131M I c:> 9512 4 c.> "I ~ -, j <; -. -. j ~ il. '" ,:!'r' ~ - ~ .' '- 1 - MJ I- J. .. Vaf"IQ& Yanes Yanes Vanes COt-JTROL WA1ER E.L. <;:).0 R 8.0 Meet E:v.lst. Ground I \0 I Ae CO~TRO\.. WA ER EL.9.0 E.\... 12.0 , B=++om EI. 0.0 T"dP,cal Berm 5eci\on CSecilon A-A) . ~cal lake Sec+ion N:TS. l-J. T S. ~ Varies ------ - ...~ ~ ~~ ~ - ~ [')I.\s1. Ground VCilrtes COt-JTRo L WAIE.R ,-,-.~~~.-=-:J_ A CCl~TRoL WAlEI<' EL. 11.0 ,1"~ ~~ B=++o"", E.1. G>.Q TIjPlcal Canal Section (SeC+lon C-C) T~pa ca I ( Section Cana I Section B-B) N.T.S. N.T.S. II l- I~I I cPa.. \ G4 I 2.5 O' v J . ~':i7{ ~:: f"t ~I .. '.' . . . . . . . . D . . D . o .. 0 : ." . '. ' 0" . (,..-.... . " n o I o . II I A.c.s.C. "TYPE ]I 1\ C. COMPACTED S\..!ELLROCk:: BASE 1\ 12 COMP6.CTEO S.!-1BGRADE .. T~Plcal Ua If' _.~'._ PC3~klng 6e.ct,on Area "-1.T5. k. ''4.'' / ' CO"-1IROL WAiE.R E\... \ I. C> j I I ADAIR & BRADY, 11f.....IAU. .....LTI.. EII..EEU UI. 10'11'18 PUIIIEU Ul JClIlH "II" mar UJlWIlI'llf.fWllM CD ::> .....J Z U (.) >- C 1M' a:: .11 l- II Z ::l () 0 l- t) Z > W " C) fA 0 iL - 0 0:: :c ~ I- Coi ... _0 J: TYPICAL SECTIONS 1184 ......,"'" 3 <> ~ 1 "9 w... ~ , i.1 ~i I~ r: L I 11 f~ I, i\ if h :1 I it " Ii . il ~ H d t{ ~ ~[ ~! I! ~~ Ii 'I t! " Ii 'I ~ ~ r, l 1:1 :'IN I <. I I I ~ ~ ~ l~" -- APPROX. WE!GH I OF GRATING 235 LBS. 380 LBS. 465 LBS. 725 L.BS. 235 LBS. BRICK,PRE-CAST CONCRETE OR POljRE,O... MAX. IN"PLACE CONCRETE WALLS MAY BE USED.' C.F.S. ALL EXPOSED CONCRETE CORNERS AND I~. 65 EDGES TO BE CHAMFERED 3/4~ . 23.49 clx8" CONCRETE COLLAR WITH I-N95.. ,35.23 ~ BAR CONTINUOUS (MAY BE PRECAST 6 x 58 20 e" IF CONCRETE WAL.L IS USED)~ 15 :65 GRpUT IF PRECAST RING IS USED. '. Il A" . "a" "e" 2,'- 4" 21-0" 4'-4" 41 011 3i - 4" aI-oil 3'-4 ii-Oil SEE DETAIL "0 If TYPE INLET C o E H G 31-1" i-6" 41- 6" P.t- 1'1 I '~-- ~ .1i. a" rI "BI~ ,~ . lieU .- "0" - . co . ->>.-----_.-- J t~ L 4" . s e I e c=o.....,..,. ~ SLAB OVERHANG END VIEW -*811 UP TO 6'nEE.O I o'L6' TO 10' oCEP I 2.11 - OVER I ~i DEEP INLET DETAILS t s I ..... tr I \'70 iOTAL R/W 4.0' . I 1 , \ ~o 40 REMOVE€. DISPOSE OF .3 E'il5T. SPoiL BAUY_I {t ,,- - HEET EXIST. GRamm ./ ,/ / ,. ~I!':::' ~ l!!f ,,="/lII~/I/(~/{::::.. ~ 1 :;:-1 UJ.s1//f 1.5 J!!f ,,",0 IE. DE.VE.LOPER 15 TO I II~ EXc.AV...\TE THE. EAST \-tAU= JI OF CAfYAL SEC.TIO~. I~ DEVELOPER I4A'5 OPTIO~ ~ TO USe;: MATERIAL AS f-4E. "= ~ SEES FIT. ~ ~ /III ~ - rl/fr/~ ;...-- !!l' \\w = r"\lII~:~lIl1= J ~~~~~~':.l.~A>JAl. TYP" C.AL CA~AL E -4.. SECTIO~ CA~AL N,T.5. -0 1 -~ PAVEMENT- ~ - !: BASE./ RAISED CURB of ...~~~:,,~~;.;.:;q;,:;;::::.:.~:~'".::t:r::..(~~...l."Ot~~::S::::~:i~..:.a~~'tIC!'at:::!:."'.-.,..~~~:::~~..Jt):;~~ " "II ":.=.~~~~~~.:~'~~::5.:t:~~~-:,':-:',,;:,'-::7:::3..~~-,,~*;::!t::::!t:::::-~Y...::::::r:c"-,:.~~~r:.:~.'J!Q!(";CC~~~~1lJ 1 .., f .,' , ~ ~ "f,", CONTROLLED ~,' WATER L.EVF.L ',.'. ... ~~Ii. . - - 4=1~~ _, BLEED-OFF SLOT---1 ~~ _ , ~--.~ FLOW LI NE L C.M.P. " FLASHBOARD RrSER -...~ ~ N. T.5: ".-. 1'All I $TUo J TOf' E.L:.''',,~ TOP EL'l,.J1,!1 r-rSNGTH .1 '- . -.:: l-~ . t~ \, jl_1IJ ..1 ~ -- I (I' t- if*==-3G~ . ,-:J: U~G"i~ .~ ,/ I", I I ""I ": -- . ,I ~I et.Eeo-OFF I r_=-- !III I. ,'III ~ ~t. ~L ,II I. . I at -, ~~ l .~.~~.L.eL <D.O'') l --=.L ELEVATION . ON itA -A". SE.Cll ~ CO ~ ITR OL c....,.~ U -TtJ"~E' 4 1'1 '7 ( ,'"'- t... " ,"~ ..... "" fO" ---i j &1' . ~ &" 111 '#~~- ilA 4>> 'A r ~~.... '" . ((j -' - \ \' ,,\ s-o OR 7-0 ~ l · 1 I. \ 'I \ \1 .J ~-O OR "7- (;) * ",.- ..... I' " I \ J I I' '_/ ( I J:.L.EL. :. ". I .l,. ~., . . .~ I, e'~~~~l ~ '..> E!, . :Jj4 F120NT 'ELEVA-Il9N CONCRETE ENDvVAt_l... ..!. "'....w ~IDE- , e.LE\f~ile)~J r ~-~ DaT A..1LS' 1_~ .., *' N.T.S , 1\ \1 11 USE 10-0 ON \s,~ So C.l'-''\.R use:: I"rLdl <:;)$.J ;~\- ci..i' C.I"'1.R _J.....J.~ Jl~. j , ~ I '\ . . 11.41 r-Tr . "c" {f' "c" III 2 ~.. c ~ PL,At~ "---- DETAlL 'IB' .5ECTION "c ...... -l. I' " A TOP EL e.v. L-. STUe:, LENGTH I TOP EL. /0. '3 If ~ t , ll~i~=~~''- ~ ~ ~ 3.0 '11g1.i= -. $0" ';',1 =:1 L"-~X 60"LG. .{f.:tt . IF.1 rl BLEED-OFF \[~~. -<< { ;\..L.EL.G.G'~ I I I, i "~l ;"1 -~ . t. t . , ~ I ~ 'rj '! : i ~ l ~ ,I II ct . l ~fil' 'I \ 'i: I, W j t . .. i L ~ I , I. · . ,I. , I"I.! ,I'. """ , I ....' /'" ..I, uJ I~ :l.':!!!!!ll! q"ii!! '\ ltil'--' 1'1, i II il' Ii; i HIn: -<I l;.1 I I. I' "Ii . '1'1' 3 m 'II ill!'l~lii I:: Q, ~ '; I. f i II 0" I \ ELE:VATION ---- . CONTROL STRUCTURE 5E.C."TION "A-A II II A l~op ELEV. TOP EL. ~."3' i.:~~~---" -=;r\J , . '1'1 ,r II ~_~ '\_ I ~. .I~'O .~ ~ !,\\! '1\ \ 11\\.\ l:Jt== .-- -=-- , u. l ~;.I I 'j ~~- /J, ~ " II 1,,1" i c...~~ _ -,#':._ iii ..L.EL.8.0.. - ., 1'1 , I "AIW 6TU~ LEI"'lGTH Cf u.\ t- Ui 5- ~ a ELEVATION 5 E.C"T' ON " " ~.-A ... j T",. l-:TRL.:CTURE 2 " II A I S1'U~ EL. 9.'3' ,.. LENGTH 1 .~ . . 8 80' IH "~I"~ I ~ '-' f:1l:::::: -. :'!'.,.,l, ill,. ~ ~I-' i ,. j . 'f J I ! 1 .. ~'JX 24'lG., ; :ii Liij ! 1:1 us Ol eLcEO-OFF I,' :1 ,1':1: 11"1.!llll 11 ~ \J! II: - I I, 1,lli I ~ \Il i 'I III ' a ~ I f.L.EL 8,0 t Itll .~, I I t Et TOP EL e.v. '. TOP ~J I- ::r ': .--:::: .,."-"- ........" .- · 'All , 0.. f "A"- _ ,F+.."Jf E LEV AT' 0 N 5E. C,.. '"" I~ .,,", . (.ONiROL ~TRl'CTURE 3 \. DIMENSiONS CG~..jT DIA. GAGEl R'St=!R. J STUe I W!~R STFtUC. W,t)~~J}tE'G~Ti LEN C.iTH . 'fOP J .- .....,.....- G-' 4' 4' .,:} ,.-oi' I 42' 12- -' ::> 2 Zfr14' I 3':#"'..... 3' Z' :':;.3 0 [2.4" ,>' J1~ r 9.~ I 3 15" 16 L ~c... -.-.- , i I 31 4 2411 :4 I 3~' .3 2' FLA5\4e 'ARD RISE\< $ STU~ -- N,1: s. 1~~~l ::,J r L~~~_. ..;'" ~.~_1J!IIPIi _ "J..~rmJa\i!l~_~if~~=~~-:::~".;;",,-. ~ .~A ~~ :,,,l~ ;'4~ ~, ", .~ .~ fir ",] "\ 1184 CD :::::> ....J U :I: >- U a:: C II ~ III Z z :J 0 0 I- Z U )., 0 IJJ II (!) IL 0 0 -- >- 0:: l- I - () L? - ::c ... ~ , STORM DRAINAGE DETAILS 4- 4