IGCC Training flyer
International Green Construction Code International Code Council Training June 23, 2011 7:30 a.m. -4:00 p.m. Fire Station 5 2080 High Ridge Rd, Boynton Beach The City of Boynton Beach
recently adopted the International Green Construction Code (IGCC) as the model for its voluntary Green Building Program. As the first city in Florida, and only the second in the nation
to adopt the IGCC model, this innovative program offers both developers and existing building owners the opportunity to increase the energy efficiency and water conservation features
of their site while reducing waste and environmental impact. The program contains attractive incentives for participation and is poised to become the premier instrument for reduction
of green house gas emissions in the community, furthering the City’s overall GHGE reduction goals. The International Code Council (ICC) is a membership association dedicated to building
safety and fire prevention. ICC develops the codes and standards used to construct residential and commercial buildings, including homes and schools, and are the family of model codes
which constitute the Florida Building Code. The IGCC provides model code language to establish baseline regulations for new and existing buildings related to energy conservation, water
efficiency, building owner responsibilities, site impacts, building waste, materials and other considerations. Rating systems such as LEED are voluntary guidelines for cutting-edge applications
of green building design. The IGCC establishes minimum requirements for all buildings, providing a natural complement for voluntary rating systems which extend beyond the IGCC’s baseline.
The U.S. Green Building Council, creators of LEED, has participated in the development of the IGCC and endorses its usage as a viable option for communities that wish to regulate minimum
green building provisions. The IGCC establishes several levels of compliance, starting with the basic provisions of the code, and then offering jurisdictional requirement options. Boynton
Beach has tailored those options to incentivize reductions in energy and water conservation. As a result of the adoption of the Green Building Program, the City is pleased to host the
only scheduled Florida IGCC training at Boynton Beach Fire Station 5, conveniently located off I-95 and within walking distance of the Boynton Beach Tri Rail Station. This ICC training
helps prepare the participant to take the ICC certification on the IGCC for plans examiner and inspector. Registration for the training is available on line at www.boynton-beach.org.
Registration is limited to fifty (50) participants. Cost for attending is $75.00 and includes workbook and lunch. Please contact Nancy Byrne, (561) 742-6372, byrnen@bbfl.us for more