Boynton Green Building Program Local Requirements City of Boynton Beach Green Building Program adapted from IGCC Public Version 2.0 i City of Boynton Beach Green Building Program May 16, 2011 Chapter 3 Excerpt Revision 3 City of Boynton Beach Green Building Program adapted from IGCC Public Version 2.0 2 CHAPTER 3 JURISDICTIONAL REQUIREMENTS AND PROJECT ELECTIVES SECTION 301 GENERAL 301.1 Scope. This chapter contains: requirements that are specific to and selected by the jurisdiction; elective requirements that are specific to the project and selected by the owner; and provisions for wholebuilding life-cycle assessment. 301.2 Jurisdictional Requirements and Project Electives. This chapter requires that the jurisdiction indicate in Table 302.1 whether specific provisions are mandatory for all buildings regulated by this program and, where applicable, the level of compliance required. This chapter also contains project electives, as listed in Table 303.1, that become mandatory only as selected and indicated by the owner for the specific project. All other provisions of this program shall be mandatory as applicable. SECTION 302 JURISDICTIONAL REQUIREMENTS 302.1 Requirements determined by the jurisdiction. The jurisdiction shall shall indicate the following information in Table 302.1 for inclusion in its code adopting ordinance: 1. The jurisdiction shall indicate whether ASHRAE 189.1 is applicable by selecting “Yes” or “No” in the optional compliance path in Table 302.1. Where “Yes” is selected, the administrative provisions of Chapter 1 of this program and the provisions of ASHRAE 189.1 listed in Chapter 12 shall apply and the remainder of this program shall not apply. 2. The jurisdiction shall indicate the minimum number of project electives that must be incorporated into all projects, as modified by Section 303.2. 3. Where the jurisdiction requires enhanced energy performance for buildings designed on a performance basis, and for buildings greater than 25,000 square feet in total building floor area, the jurisdiction shall indicate a zEPI of 46 or less in Table 602.1 for each occupancy required to have enhanced energy performance. 4. Where “Yes” or “No” boxes are provided, the jurisdiction shall check the box to indicate “Yes” where that section or appendix is to be enforced as a mandatory requirement in the jurisdiction, or “No” where that section or appendix is not to be enforced as a mandatory requirement in the jurisdiction. 4.1 Where “Yes” is selected for Appendix B, the jurisdiction shall select a compliance level phase in accordance with Section B103.1 by checking a box in Table 302.1 corresponding to Phase1, 2, 3 or 4. The selection of higher phases requires that all lower phases be selected. City of Boynton Beach Green Building Program adapted from IGCC Public Version 2.0 3 4.1.1 Where Phase 1 is selected, the jurisdiction shall indicate the number of months to be used in association with Section B103.2. 4.1.2 Where Phase 2 is selected, the jurisdiction shall indicate the number of years and the percentage to be used in association with Section B103.3. 4.1.3 Where Phase 3 is selected, the jurisdiction shall indicate the number of years to be used in association with Section B103.4. 4.1.4 Where Phase 4 is selected, the jurisdiction shall indicate the number of years and the percentage to be used in association with Section B103.5. 4.2 Where “Yes” is selected for other jurisdictional requirements in Table 302.1, the provisions of the indicated section shall apply. 302.1.1 zEPI of 46 or less. Where a zEPI of 46 or less is indicated by the jurisdiction in Table 602.1, buildings shall comply on a performance-basis in accordance with Section 602.2.2. Exception: Buildings less than 25,000 square feet in total building floor area pursuing compliance on a prescriptive basis shall be deemed to have a zEPI of 51 in accordance with Section 602.2.1 and shall not be required to comply with the zEPI of Jurisdictional Choice indicated by the jurisdiction in Table 602.1. TABLE 302.1 REQUIREMENTS DETERMINED BY THE JURISDICTION Section Section Title or Description and Directives Jurisdictional Requirements CH 3. JURISDICTIONAL REQUIREMENTS AND PROJECT ELECTIVES 302.1 (2) Optional compliance path – ASHRAE 189.1 􀂅 Yes 􀀻 No 302.1 (3) Project Electives – The jurisdiction shall indicate a number between 1 and 15 to establish the minimum total number of project electives that must be satisfied. _15__ CH 4. SITE DEVELOPMENT AND LAND USE 402.2.3 Conservation area 􀀻 Yes 􀂆 No 402.2.5 Agricultural land 􀂆 Yes 􀀻 No 402.2.6 Greenfields 􀀻 Yes 􀂆 No 402.3.2 Stormwater management 􀀻 Yes 􀂆 No 403.4.1 High occupancy vehicle parking 􀀻 Yes 􀂆 No 403.4.2 Low emission, hybrid and electric vehicle parking 􀀻 Yes 􀂆 No 405.1 Light pollution control 􀂆 Yes 􀀻 No CH 5. MATERIAL RESOURCE CONSERVATION AND EFFICIENCY 502.1 Minimum percentage of waste material diverted from landfills. 􀀻 50% 􀂆 65% 􀂆 75% CH 6. ENERGY CONSERVATION AND EARTH ATMOSPHERIC QUALITY City of Boynton Beach Green Building Program adapted from IGCC Public Version 2.0 4 Section Section Title or Description and Directives Jurisdictional Requirements Table 602.1, 302.1, 302.1.1 zEPI of Jurisdictional Choice – The jurisdiction shall indicate a zEPI of 46 or less in Table 602.1 for each occupancy for which it intends to require enhanced energy performance. See Table 602.1 and Section 302.1 602.2.2.3 Total annual CO2e emissions limits and reporting 􀀻 Yes 􀂆 No 613.2 Post Certificate of Occupancy zEPI, energy demand, and CO2e emissions reporting (For Buildings seeking Property Tax Incentive only) 􀀻 Yes 􀂆 No City of Boynton Beach Green Building Program adapted from IGCC Public Version 2.0 5 CH 7. WATER RESOURCE CONSERVATION AND EFFICIENCY 702.1.2 Enhanced plumbing fixture and fitting flow rate tier. 􀂆 Tier 1 􀂆 Tier 2 702.7 Municipal reclaimed water. 􀀻 Yes 􀂆 No CH 9. COMMISSIONING, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE 904.1.1.1 Periodic reporting 􀀻 Yes 􀂆 No CH 10. EXISTING BUILDINGS 1006.4 Evaluation of existing buildings 􀀻 Yes 􀂆 No APPENDICES Appendix A Enforcement procedures 􀀻 Yes 􀂆 No Appendix B (RESERVED) 􀀻 Yes 􀂆 No SECTION 303 PROJECT ELECTIVES 303.1 Electives required. A total of not less than the number of project electives as indicated by the jurisdiction in Section 302.1(2) of Table 302.1 shall be selected by the owner. Such project electives shall be applied as mandatory requirements to the project and shall be indicated to the Building Official by means of completion of Table 303.1. Electives identified by the jurisdiction as being “not available” are not available for selection. 303.2 Additional elective. Where required in accordance with Section 705.1, the total number of project electives indicted in Table 302.1 shall be increased by one. 303.3 Applicability to existing buildings. Project electives shall be applicable to existing buildings only where such buildings are evaluated in accordance with Section 1007.4. 303.4 Project electives checklist. The submitted construction documents shall include a completed copy of Table 303.1 indicating which project electives that the owner has selected as a means to comply with Section 303.1. The total number of project electives selected shall be in accordance with the minimum number of project electives indicated by the jurisdiction in Table 302.1. The Project electives selected shall be applied and enforced as mandatory requirements. City of Boynton Beach Green Building Program adapted from IGCC Public Version 2.0 6 TABLE 303.1 PROJECT ELECTIVES CHECKLIST Section Description Check the corresponding box to indicate each project elective selected. Jurisdictional determination of nonavailability CH 3. JURISDICTIONAL REQUIREMENTS AND PROJECT ELECTIVES 304.1 Whole Building Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) 􀂆 (5 Electivesa) 􀂆 CH 4. SITE DEVELOPMENT AND LAND USE 407.2.1 Flood hazard avoidance 􀂆 􀀻 407.2.2 Agricultural land 􀂆 􀀻 407.2.3 Wildlife corridor 􀂆 􀂆 407.2.4 Infill site 􀂆 􀂆 407.2.5 Brownfield site 􀂆 􀂆 407.2.6 Existing building reuse 􀂆 􀂆 407.2.7 Greenfield development 􀂆 􀀻 407.2.8 Greenfield proximity to development 􀂆 􀂆 407.2.9 Greenfield proximity to diverse uses 􀂆 􀂆 407.2.10 Florida Friendly plant landscaping 􀂆 􀂆 407.2.11 Site restoration 􀂆 􀂆 407.3.1 Changing and shower facilities 􀂆 􀂆 407.3.2 Long term bicycle parking and storage 􀂆 􀂆 407.3.3 Preferred parking 􀂆 􀂆 407.4.1 Site hardscape 1 􀂆 􀂆 407.4.2 Site hardscape 2 􀂆 􀂆 407.4.3 Site hardscape 3 􀂆 􀀻 407.4.4 Roof covering 􀂆 􀀻 407.5 Light pollution 􀂆 􀂆 407.6 Public EcoArt 􀂆 􀂆 CH 5. MATERIAL RESOURCE CONSERVATION AND EFFICIENCY 508.2 Waste management (502.1 + 20%) 􀂆 􀂆 508.3(1) Reused, recycled content, recyclable, bio-based and indigenous materials (70%) 􀂆 􀂆 508.3(2) Reused, recycled content, recyclable, bio-based and indigenous materials (85%) 􀂆 (2 Electivesa) 􀂆 508.4.1 Service life – 100 year design life category 􀂆 􀂆 508.4.1 Service life– 200 year design life category 􀂆 (2 Electivesa) 􀂆 508.4.2 Interior adaptability 􀂆 􀀻 CH 6. ENERGY CONSERVATION, EFFICIENCY AND EARTH ATMOSPHERIC QUALITY 613.3 zEPI reduction project electives 613.3 Project zEPI is at least 5 points lower than required by Table 302.1 􀂆 􀂆 City of Boynton Beach Green Building Program adapted from IGCC Public Version 2.0 7 Section Description Check the corresponding box to indicate each project elective selected. Jurisdictional determination of nonavailability 613.3 Project zEPI is at least 10 points lower than required by Table 302.1 􀂆 (2 electives) 􀂆 613.3 Project zEPI is at least 15 points lower than required by Table 302.1 􀂆 (3 electives) 􀂆 613.3 Project zEPI is at least 20 points lower than required by Table 302.1 􀂆 (4 electives) 􀂆 613.3 Project zEPI is at least 25 points lower than required by Table 302.1 􀂆 (5 electives) 􀂆 613.3 Project zEPI is at least 30 points lower than required by Table 302.1 􀂆 (6 electives) 􀂆 613.3 Project zEPI is at least 35 points lower than required by Table 302.1 􀂆 (7 electives) 􀂆 613.3 Project zEPI is at least 40 points lower than required by Table 302.1 􀂆 (8 electives) 􀂆 613.3 Project zEPI is at least 45 points lower than required by Table 302.1 􀂆 (9 electives) 􀂆 613.3 Project zEPI is at least least 51 points lower than required by Table 302.1 􀂆 (10 electives) 􀂆 613.4 Mechanical systems 􀂆 􀂆 613.5 Service Water Heating 􀂆 􀂆 613.6 Lighting Systems 􀂆 􀂆 613.7 Passive design 􀂆 􀂆 CH 7. WATER RESOURCE CONSERVATION AND EFFICIENCY 710.2.1 Fixture flow rates are one tier above that required by Table 302.1 􀂆 􀂆 710.2.1 Fixture flow rates are two tiers above that required by Table 302.1. 􀂆 (2 Electivesa) 􀂆 710.3 On-site wastewater treatment 􀂆 􀂆 710.4 Non-potable outdoor water supply 􀂆 􀂆 710.5 Non-potable water for plumbing fixture flushing 􀂆 􀂆 710.6 Automatic fire sprinkler system 􀂆 􀂆 710.7 Non-potable water supply to fire pumps 􀂆 􀂆 710.8 Non-potable water for industrial process makeup water 􀂆 􀂆 710.9 Efficient hot water distribution system 􀂆 􀂆 710.10 Non-potable water for cooling tower makeup water 􀂆 710.11 Graywater collection 􀂆 􀂆 CH 8 INDOOR ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY AND COMFORT 809.2.1 VOC emissions -flooring 􀂆 􀂆 809.2.2 VOC emissions – ceiling systems 􀂆 􀂆 809.2.3 VOC emissions-wall systems 􀂆 􀂆 809.2.4 Total VOC limit 􀂆 􀂆 City of Boynton Beach Green Building Program adapted from IGCC Public Version 2.0 8 Section Description Check the corresponding box to indicate each project elective selected. Jurisdictional determination of nonavailability 809.3 Views to building exterior 􀂆 􀂆 809.4 Interior plant density 􀂆 􀂆 a. Where multiple electives are shown in the table in the form “(x electives)”, “x” indicates the number of credits to be applied for that elective to the total number of project electives required by the jurisdiction as shown in Section 302.1(3) of Table 302.1. SECTION 304 WHOLE BUILDING LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT 304.1 Whole building life cycle assessment project elective. A whole building life cycle assessment shall be a project elective. The requirements for the execution of a whole building life cycle assessment shall be performed in accordance with the following: The data and final report shall be included in the owner education manual required by Section 904.4. 1. The assessment shall demonstrate that the building project achieves not less than a 20 percent improvement in environmental performance for each of at least three of the following impact measures, one of which shall be global warming potential, as compared to a reference building of similar useable floor area, function and configuration that meets the minimum energy requirements of this program and the structural requirements of the Florida Building Code: 1.1 Primary energy use 1.2 Global warming potential 1.3 Acidification potential 1.4 Eutrophication potential 1.5 Ozone depletion potential 1.6 Smog potential 2. The reference and project buildings shall utilize the same life cycle assessment tool. 3. The life cycle assessment tool shall be approved by the Building Official. 4. Building operational energy shall be included. 5. Building process loads shall be permitted to be included. 6. The reference service life of the reference building shall be in accordance with Section 505.1. 7. Maintenance and replacement schedules and actions for components shall be be included in the assessment. 8. The full life cycle, from resource extraction to demolition and disposal, including but not limited to, on-site construction, maintenance and replacement, and material and product embodied acquisition, process and transportation energy, shall be assessed. Exception: Electrical and mechanical equipment and controls, plumbing products, fire detection and alarm systems, elevators and conveying systems shall not be included in the assessment. City of Boynton Beach Green Building Program adapted from IGCC Public Version 2.0 9 9. The complete building envelope, structural elements, inclusive of footings and foundations, and interior walls, floors and ceilings, including interior and exterior finishes, shall be assessed to the extent that data is available for the materials being analyzed in the selected life cycle assessment tool. 10. Mechanical, electrical and plumbing components and specialty items shall not be included in this calculation. 11. The life cycle assessment shall conform with the requirements of ISO 14044.