New & Major Site Plan Mod Application (2-2011)
CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 1 PLANNING & ZONING DIVISION 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Phone: (561) 742-6260 City Applications and Codes Accessed Via Website www.boynton-beach.or 11-01-10 SITE PLAN and MAJOR SITE PLAN MODIFICATION APPLICATION Including: MASTER SITE PLAN* TECHNICAL SITE PLAN* MAJOR MASTER SITE PLAN MODIFICATION*
MAJOR TECHNICAL SITE PLAN MODIFICATION* * Applicable only to lots located within Mixed Use Pods of Planned Industrial Development (PID) zoning districts. I. GENERAL INFORMATION: This
application must be filled out completely, accurately, and submitted as an original to the Planning and Zoning Division; an incomplete application will not be processed. Print legibly
(in ink) or type all information. In addition to the original, provide a copy of the completed application as part of the submittal, and pay the applicable fee as adopted by the City
Commission. This process is further described in Chapter 2, Article II, Section 2.F of the Land Development Regulations for site plans and major site plan modifications, and Chapter
2, Article II, Sections 3.A and B for master site plans and major modifications thereto. A. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE*: Yes: _____ Date(s): ________________________________ * Pursuant
to Chapter 2, Article II, Section 1.C.2 of the Land Development regulations, a pre-application conference shall be required prior to the submittal of this application. B. PROJECT INFORMATION:
1. Name: ______________________________________________________________________ 2. Proposed Use of Property /Site: a. Is this application for site plan approval in connection with any
other Planning and Zoning Division application (choose all that apply)? Type of Application: Mark all that apply Official Use Only Corresponding Application File #: (1) Annexation: ANEX
(2) Community Design Appeal: CDPA (3) Conditional Use: COUS (4) Future Land Use Map Amendment /Rezoning: FLUM /REZN (5) Height Exception: HTEX (9) Use Approval: USAP (10) Vacation Vacation
and Abandonment: ABAN (11) Variance: ZNCV
2 b. Description of Proposed Use(s): _______________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________
_________________________________ * Describe the proposed use(s) and building size(s), expressed in square feet. c. Is the proposed use eligible for the City’s Expedited Development
Review Program pursuant to Chapter 2, Article I, Section 5 of the Land Development Regulations? Yes* _____ No _____ * On an attached addendum, indicate the proposed uses(s) and /or describe
the project’s characteristics that avails itself the opportunity for Program eligibility. 3. Previous Site Plan Approval on Subject Property? Yes _____ No _____ Date ______________ 4.
Existing Land Use Classification (from Future Land Use Map): __________________________ 5. Existing Zoning District (from Official Zoning Map): ___________________________________ 6.
Parcel Control Number (PCN)*: ____ -____ -____ -____ -____ -______ -_______ CTY RNG TWP SEC SUB BLK LOT * List all PCN’s on an attached addendum for applications comprised of multiple
lots. 7. Address and Legal Description*: __________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________
______________________________________________ * Provide on attached addendum if more space is needed. 8. Is the property located in the Community Redevelopment Agency area? Yes _____
No _____ 9. If yes to Question #8 above, what is the name of the applicable redevelopment plan? _______ ____________________________________________________________________________ 10.
Is the subject property listed in the City’s inventory of historic sites? Yes _____ No _____ 11. Parcel Size (in square feet /acres): _______________________ /_______________________
12. Existing Use of Property: ________________________________________________________ 13. Project Architect: ______________________________________________________________ __________________________
____________________________________ 14. Project Landscape Architect: _____________________________________________________ 15. Project Engineer: _____________________________________________________
_________ 16. Project Traffic Engineer: ________________________________________________________ 17. Project Surveyor: ______________________________________________________________
3 C. APPLICANT: 1. Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Company Name: ______________________________________________________________ 2. Address:
____________________________________________________________________ City: _______________________________ State: ________________ Zip Code: __________ Phone: _____________________________
Email: ___________________________________ 3. Interest in Property (check one)*: Owner ( ), Lessee ( ), Contract Purchaser ( ) * Include a copy of the last recorded Warranty Deed with
all applications. a. Include written consent of all property owners of record if subject property is under joint or multiple ownership; b. If a lessee, include a copy of the Lease Agreement
and written consent of the owner(s); c. If an authorized agent, include a copy of the Agent Agreement or written consent by the seller(s) and owner(s); d. If a corporation or other business
entity, the name of the officer or person responsible for the application and written proof that such representative has the delegated authority to represent the corporation or other
business entity, or in lieu thereof, written proof that he is in fact, an officer of the corporation or other business entity; or e. If a contract purchaser, a copy of the Purchase Contract
and written consent of the seller(s) and owner(s). D. PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION: 1. Name of Property Owner (Trustee): _______________________________________________ 2. Owner Address:
______________________________________________________________ City: _______________________________ State: ________________ Zip Code: __________ E. AGENT INFORMATION*: 1. Name: _____________________
_________________________________________________ * All correspondence will be mailed to the agent unless there is no agent of record, in which case, all correspondence will be mailed
to the applicant. This party will receive agendas, letters, and other material. Company Name: ______________________________________________________________ 2. Address: ______________________________
______________________________________ City: _______________________________ State: ________________ Zip Code: __________ Phone: _____________________________ Email: _________________________________
4 F. AUTHORIZATION OF AGENT: Signature of authorized agent. Date Signature of Owner(s) or Trustee, of authorized principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity.
OR Date Signature of contract purchaser (if applicant). Date G. CERTIFICATION: (I) (We) understand that this application and all papers and plans submitted herewith become part of the
permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Division. (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of
(my) (our) knowledge and belief. This application will not be accepted unless signed according to the instructions below. Signature of Owner(s) or Trustee, of authorized principal if
property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. Date OR Signature of contract purchaser (if applicant). Date K. RIDER TO THE SITE PLAN APPLICATION: The undersigned as applicant
for site plan approval does hereby acknowledge, represent, and agree that all plans, specifications, drawings, engineering, and other data submitted with this application for review
by the City of Boynton Beach shall be reviewed by the various boards, commissions, staff personnel, and other parties designated, appointed, or employed by the City of Boynton Beach,
and any such party reviewing the same shall rely upon the accuracy thereof, and any change in any item submitted shall be deemed material and substantial. The undersigned hereby agrees
that all plans, specifications, drawings, engineering, and other data that may be approved by the City of Boynton Beach, or its boards, commissions, staff, or designees shall be constructed
in strict compliance with the form in which they are approved, and any change to the same shall be deemed material and shall place the applicant in violation of this application and
all approvals and permits which may be granted. The applicant agrees to allow the City of Boynton Beach all rights and remedies as provided for by the applicable codes and ordinances
of the City of Boynton Beach to bring any violation into compliance, and the applicant shall indemnify, reimburse, and save the City of Boynton Beach harmless from any cost, expense,
claim, liability, or any action which may arise due to their enforcement of the same.
5 READ, ACKNOWLEDGED, AND AGREED TO this _______ day of ___________________, 20 _____. Witness Applicant Witness A representative must be present at all Development Application Review
Team (DART) meetings, Planning and Development Board meetings, and City Commission meetings held to review this project. II. MANDATORY PLANS AND REPORTS: Unless otherwise specified below,
the applicant shall be required to submit to the Planning and Zoning Division, 12 sets of each of the following plans and exhibits. With respect to master site plans and major master
site plan modification applications, the requirement to submit any of the plans listed hereunder may be waived at the discretion of the Director of Planning and Zoning or designee when
deemed unnecessary. Regardless of the type of application however, all plans and exhibits listed below shall be drawn at the same scale and each contained entirely on one (1) sheet of
paper (sized 24” by 36”), unless the resulting scale causes the drawing to become illegible. In these instances, multiple sheets are allowed, provided that a key sheet is also used in
the submittal. A. SURVEY INFORMATION: Not older than six (6) months, prepared and sealed by a licensed surveyor showing all adjacent rights-of-way, including alleys and driveways. The
surveys shall also illustrate the following: 1. Total gross project acreage and square footage; 2. North arrow, scale, and legend; 3. Property boundaries, legal description, and property
control number(s); 4. Existing natural features, including but not limited to lakes, trees and other vegetation, soils, and topography; 5. Existing buildings and structures, including
dimensions, height, and use; 6. Existing utility lines and easements; 7. Existing ground elevations (street and finished floor); and 8. Permanent reference monuments and permanent control
points as required by Chapter 4, Article VIII, Section 4 of the Land Development Regulations. B. SITE PLAN: Prepared and sealed by a professional architect, engineer, or landscape architect
registered in the State of Florida, which shall clearly illustrate the following: 1. Total gross project acreage and square footage; 2. North arrow, scale, and legend; 3. Future Land
Use Map Classification (FLUM) and Zoning District (from Official Zoning Map); 4. Tabular summary indicating the total building area expressed in square footage, including nonresidential
floor area (if applicable) and intended use of such floor area; 5. Tabular summary indicating the total number of dwelling units (if applicable), including characteristics such as number
of bedrooms, bathrooms, and size of each typical unit; 6. Tabular summary indicating square footage and percentage distribution of the total project site, including areas proposed for
landscaped open space, vehicular use areas and other paved surfaces, building coverage, and pervious and impervious surfaces;
6 7. Tabular summary indicating number and ratio (methodology) of required and provided off-street parking spaces and loading zones; 8. Existing buildings and structures which are to
remain, and any that are proposed, including their dimensions, height, setbacks, and use; 9. Proposed off-street parking spaces, loading zones, and vehicular use areas (e.g., driveways),
including dimensions, setbacks, traffic control markings, and signage; 10. Proposed sidewalks and pedestrian areas, including dimensions and setbacks; 11. Proposed fences and walls,
including dimensions, setbacks, height, and material; 12. Proposed location of exterior freestanding lighting fixtures; and 13. Proposed dumpster or trash receptacle location(s). Please
insert the following information on this application form: 14. Required Parking Methodology: Number of Units or Floor Area Parking Calculation Number of Spaces a. Residential (1bdrm):
units @= spaces b. Residential (2bdrm+): units @= spaces c. Commercial: sq ft @= spaces d. Office: sq ft @= spaces e. Industrial: sq ft @= spaces f. Public /Institutional sq ft @= spaces
g. Other: sq ft @= spaces h. Other: sq ft @= spaces i. Total Spaces: = spaces 15. Floor-Area-Ratio: Total Floor Area: sq ft ÷Lot Size: = Floor-Area-Ratio
7 16. Surface Area: a. Pervious: sq ft % b. Impervious: sq ft % c. Water: sq ft % d. Total Surface: sq ft 100 % C. LANDSCAPE PLAN: Prepared and sealed by a professional landscape architect
registered in the State of Florida. The landscape plan shall illustrate the same general information as that shown on the site plan, in addition to containing the following: 1. Proposed
vegetation (trees and shrubs), including species, height, and size, and any which are to remain; 2. Locations of protected or specimen trees; 3. Tabular summary of plant list indicating
the types (i.e., shade tree, palm tree, shrub, or ground cover) and quantities of all plant material. The plant list shall indicate the common and botanical name of each plant, including
a denotation of native species and their respective percentages; 4. Proposed berms, watercourses, and other topographic features; 5. A notation on the method of irrigation; and 6. Locations
of exterior freestanding lighting fixtures, to ensure the proposed plant material will not conflict with their placement. D. CIVIL ENGINEERING DRAWINGS: Prepared and sealed by a professional
engineer registered in the State of Florida. The civil engineering drawings shall illustrate the same general information as that shown on the site plan, in addition to the following:
1. Proposed drainage plan indicating ground elevations, flow arrows, drainage structures; 2. Certification by engineer of record that drainage will conform with all rules, regulations,
and codes, including but not limited to the Chapter 4, Article VIII of the Land Development Regulations; 3. Traffic control markings and informational signs; 4. Locations of all water
and sewer mainlines, services structures and lift stations; and 5. Locations of fire hydrants. E. FLOOR PLAN: Prepared and sealed by a professional architect or engineer registered in
the State of Florida. The floor plan shall clearly illustrate the building floor plan, including height, number of stories, interior and exterior dimensions, doorways and other openings,
and use for each space proposed within the building. F. ARCHITECTURAL ELEVATIONS: Prepared and sealed by a professional architect or engineer registered in the State of Florida. The
drawings shall clearly illustrate all proposed building and structure elevations, including the exterior surface, finish, paint manufacturer’s name, and color code. Colored elevation
drawings or renderings shall be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Division during staff review. In instances when all sides of a building or structure are consistent in color(s) and
material(s) with each other, only the front elevation shall be required; however, the colored elevation drawings or renderings must identify the exterior finish and material, in conjunction
with the color
8 name, manufacturer, and color code. A color sample (swatch) shall be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Division to ensure that the project and color represented at the time of site
plan approval is the same as during the inspection process. This submittal however, may be waived at the discretion of the Director of Planning and Zoning or designee. G. PHOTOMETRIC
PLAN: Prepared and sealed by a professional engineer registered in the State of Florida. The photometric plans shall illustrate the same general information as that shown on the site
plan, in addition to the following: 1. Detail of each type of exterior freestanding lighting fixtures, including material, color(s), height, and sizes; 2. Illumination levels (in footcandles),
including a summary table indicating the average, minimum, and maximum footcandle levels; 3. Certification of compliance with the latest edition of the Florida Building Code and the
capacity to withstand 140 MPH wind load; and 4. Proposed conduit routing. H. TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS: Two (2) traffic impact analysis (statement or study), prepared by a professional
traffic engineer registered in the State of Florida. The analysis must demonstrate compliance with the Traffic Performance Standards (TPS) of Palm Beach County, and address anticipated
impacts to local, County, and State roads. III. SUPPLEMENTAL PLANS, EXHIBITS, AND REPORTS: At the preapplication conference or during the review process, the Director of Planning and
Zoning or designee may request 12 sets of each of the following plans, exhibits, and reports, unless otherwise specified below: A. TREE SURVEY: Prepared and sealed by a licensed surveyor
registered in the State of Florida. The tree survey shall include all tree species, approximate number of species in a group, and the age, condition, function, position, and landscape
value of each tree. Good individual specimens, rare species, and trees of historic interest shall also be noted. B. TREE MANAGEMENT PLAN: A detailed tree management plan shall only be
required for for those permit applications associated with the removal of plant material as regulated under Chapter 4, Article I (Environmental Protection Standards). The applicant shall
be required to submit five (5) tree management plans sized 24” x 36” and one (1) additional copy sized 11” x 17”, all of which drawn to scale, and prepared and sealed by a professional
landscape architect in the State of Florida. The tree management plan shall illustrate the same general information as that shown on the site plan. The plan shall illustrate the trees
that are to remain in place, as well as those which are to be relocated elsewhere on-site, including a notation regarding the reason for relocation. The plans shall also indicate the
trees that are proposed to be removed and the reason for such removal. C. VISUAL IMPACT ANALYSIS (VIA): Prepared and sealed by a professional architect, engineer, or landscape architect
registered in the State of Florida in instances when a development is proposed and abutting an arterial or collector roadway, or to a property zoned for single-family homes. The VIA
shall include the following: 1. Line-of-Site Analysis, which may be accomplished by submitting a two (2)-dimensional cross-section of the site illustrating the proposed building elevations
in relation to the aforementioned abutting rights-of-way or properties zoned for single-family homes; and 2. Landscape Elevation Plan, which illustrates the landscape material that is
proposed against the building or structure elevation, or off-street parking areas abutting to all public rights-of-way.
9 D. NATIVE FLORIDA ECOSYSTEM SURVEY OR INVENTORY: All applications for site plan approval where proposed alterations of environmentally sensitive lands occur shall include two (2) copies
of a Native Florida Ecosystem survey or inventory. The evaluation of any proposed alteration of lands which are found to be environmentally sensitive shall be prepared by a professional
biologist and contain the following information: 1. Site location map with the specific property clearly indicated; 2. Aerial photograph with the specific property clearly indicated
(scale: one {1} inch equals 600} feet or less); 3. Detailed map of existing terrestrial and aquatic vegetation, including exotic species within the jurisdictional limits of wetland jurisdiction
of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation; 4. Soil types and conditions; 5. List of endangered, threatened and rare species and species
of special concern found on the site; 6. Areas or sites where colonies of birds are nesting or roosting or where migratory species are known to concentrate; 7. Archaeologically and /or
historically significant features as identified or recognized by State or Federal regulations; 8. Geologically significant features; 9. Areas of previous disturbance or degradation,
including present and past human uses of site; 10. Surrounding land uses; 11. Conceptual footprint of site development, including buildings, roadways, parking areas, utilities, water
features, flood control structures, stormwater systems, wellfield locations, landscaped areas, buffer areas, preserve areas, and other open space areas, as an overlay to vegetation mapping;
12. Status of development approvals, including permit applications; and 13. Project Operation; a. Description of proposed operations to be performed on the site including use, storage,
handling or production of substances known to be harmful to humans, plants and/or animals; b. Identification of any pollutants expected to be emitted during project operation; c. Identification
of timing and source of noise and /or vibration impacts on resident and adjacent human and animal life; and d. Project Alternatives; (1) Discussion of project alternatives should be
provided, including options considered and rejected and the rationale for rejection of each option considered; and (2) Mitigation considerations should be discussed in detail as they
relate to possible loss of habitat or impact on endangered, threatened or rare animal and plant species, or species of special concern. E. HISTORIC PRESERVATON: In instances where proposed
construction, alteration, modification, or demolition is proposed to an individually designated Historic Building or structure or that which possesses historical significance, all applications
for site plan approval shall include a statement and justification indicating that preservation significantly interferes with reasonable use of property. IV. CONCURRENCY REQUIREMENTS:
Please be advised that all applications contained herein are subject to the City’s Concurrency Management Ordinance and cannot be approved unless public facilities (potable water, sanitary
sewer, drainage, solid waste, recreation, park, and road facilities) would be available to serve the project, consistent with the levels of service adopted in the City’s Comprehensive
10 V. PUBLIC NOTICING REQUIREMENTS*: * Excluding applications for technical site plans and major technical site plan modifications because they do not require public hearings and are
therefore, exempt from Part V Public Noticing Requirements. The public noticing requirements contained herein shall be applicable to all new site plans and major site plan modification
applications. Pursuant to City of Boynton Beach Ordinance 04-007 and 05-004, no quasi-judicial proceeding shall proceed until proof of notice of the proceeding, in affidavit form, has
been filed with the Office of the City Clerk and copied to Planning & Zoning. Proof of notice must include the name and address of each property owner to whom notice was mailed and a
photograph of each sign posted, as hereinafter required. The following notices must be paid for and provided by the applicant: A. MAILING: The applicant shall mail (by first class mail)
a notice of public hearing to the Planning and Zoning Division, and to all individuals and associations owning or having control over land located within 400 feet of the boundary line
of the subject property for which the quasi-judicial hearing is required. All notices shall be mailed and postmarked no less than 10 calendar days before the public hearing.
Palm Beach County Property Appraiser Office Attention: Mapping Division Downtown Service Center South County Office 301 North Olive Avenue 501 South Congress Avenue 11 West Palm Beach,
Florida 33401 Delray Beach, FL 33445 Phone: (561) 355-2881 Phone: (561) 276-1250Fax: (561) 355-3881 B. SIGNAGE: One (1) sign for each street frontage of the property shall be posted
no less than 10 calendar days prior to the hearing. The sign shall be legible from a distance of 100 feet and shall contain a description of the approval being sought, the date, time
and location of the hearing, and a statement that the application being considered is available for inspection in the Development Department of the City of Boynton Beach. C. POSTPONEMENT:
When a quasi-judicial hearing is tabled or continued at the request of an applicant, re-notice of the hearing shall be provided by the applicant in the same manner as original notice.
D. CITY TECHNICAL SUPPORT AT PUBLIC MEETINGS: 1. Applicants who wish to utilize City electronic media equipment for presentations at City Commission Public Hearings must notify the Planning
and Zoning Department representative at least one (1) week prior to the scheduled meeting;
12 2. The notification is to include the scope of support to be provided, including the corresponding agenda item, type of media, materials and equipment needed, along with contact information
for the applicant; 3. The department representative will notify the I.T.S. Department at least two (2) working days prior to the Commission Meeting to schedule technical support; 4.
A copy of the items to be presented must be delivered to the I.T.S. Department no later than 6:00 p.m. on the working day preceding the Commission Meeting. At the conclusion of the meeting,
these items will be returned to the department representative who originated the request; 5. In the event that media or materials are defective, I.T.S Department. will notify department
representative by noon of the day of the meeting. 6. At least thirty minutes prior to the Commission Meeting, non-City individual will meet with I.T.S. Department representative to finalize
13 E. AFFIDAVIT: AFFIDAVIT RE: Property Address: Project Name: File #: I /We, the undersigned do certify that to the best of my knowledge, the attached ownership list, 400’ radius map
and mailing labels are a complete and accurate representation of the real estate property and property owners within at least 400 feet of the above-referenced subject property. This
reflects the most current records on file in the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser’s Office. The notifications were postmarked a minimum of 10 days in advance of the public hearing.
Site signs were posted on the premises a minimum of 10 days in advance of the public hearing in accordance with City Ordinance 04-007. Attached, are photographs of the signs showing
their placement on the property and the abutting right-of-way. Sincerely, _____________________________ Applicant /Agent Notary Public, State of Florida Cc: Planning & Zoning Department
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I. ART IN PUBLIC PLACES: Please contact Debby Coles-Dobay, Public Art Administrator at 561-742-6026 or for more information regarding the public art requirements.
Any proposed development, redevelopment, or remodeling project that has a construction value of $250,000 or more is subject to the Art in Public Places Ordinances 05-060 and 07-002 (Part
II City Code of Ordinances, Chapter 2, Article XII) shall provide the following: A. PROJECT NAME: _________________________________________________________________ B. APPLICANT INFORMATION:
1. Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Company Name: ______________________________________________________________ 2. Address: ______________________________
______________________________________ City: _______________________________ State: ________________ Zip Code: __________ Phone: _____________________________ Email: _________________________________
__ Website: _____________________________________________________________________ C. PROJECT /ART LOCATION: ________________________________________________________ D. ART DESCRIPTION*:
_________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________ * Including project design, image content, special features /amenities, special construction materials.
E. ART INFORMATION: 1. Is the art location accessible to the public? Yes _____ No _____ 2. Will an artist be hired by the developer? Yes* _____ No ______ * Artist resume must be submitted
to Arts Commission for approval. a. If not, would you want a call to Artists through the Arts Commission? Yes ____ No ____ 3. Constructed Value for the Project: $_____________________________________
___________ 4. Pubic Art Fee at 1%: $__________________________________________________________ a. Budget for Art Component of Project (70% of 1% fee above): $____________________ b.
Elect to pay Public Art fee in lieu of placing Public Art in Project? Yes ______ No ______ Official Use Only Site Plan Date: _________________________________ Estimated Completion Time:
__________________________________ Arts Commission Meeting Date: _____________________________________________________________________________ S:\Planning\Forms\Applications\New Applications
(LDR Rewrite)\Site Plan Application.doc 15