CORRESPONDENCE CORRESPONDENCE 07/18/97 09: 16 TILDEN. Lr-'ITZ & COOPER. INC. ~ PEACOCK LEWI~ CPM LIghtIng LITEPRO U3.00 CONTOUR PLOT TEST #ITL39558, CATALOG #AR3/400MH/HS NUM LUMS/ ORIENTATION: 1 / Nd\ MOUNTING HEIGHT: 25.0, BRACKET ARM LENGTH: 0.5 LLF: 1.00, LUMENS: 32000, ILL. UNITS: Fe SCALE: 1 IN= 40.0FT 120.00 I -12 .00 j I I r- i I I I i i i l -80.00 -120.001 Legend: A= 1.00 8=0,50 C=0.25 0=0.10 E=0.05 NO.743 P005 ill ~IT6~a\fJ~ JUL 2 2 1991 ill PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. .... 12r ~ 07/18/97 09: 16 TILDEN. LOBNIT2 & COOPER. INC. ~ PEACOCK LEWIS <II..... ..,. NO.743 P006 '~~~~;~~~1 .. , , CPN lightlnq LITEPRO, U3.00,~CON-t.OUR PLOT '." ...._~,;.., . .... -,' - -. ..:.,.- ""'~""'.. ;,.~.<:. 'TEST, :~UTL39558..' CATALOG' #ARXdOOMH/HS , ),:, ., '"NUN LUMS/'ORIENTA:nON:;~_~:N!.A ,.., , :~"~;,;;.~". ",,<MOUNTING- HEIG,HT: 25..0, BRACKEr ARtf[!:.~NG.iH.~~Q..5" ',,'11 ~ - -,"'<.:..' ,~...., 'LLF' t- 00 ,.. lUMENS' 32000 ILL UNr""~~, ~c ' ; ,.,:.! :...., ~;~~.. ..., . ,.. ",,~..'..r " ";', '~'oI:..,.~~ CEO OFT of ;'~7 ,J,..: ".t ,":''l''~'~l",,:':'I,.,,' - '. : ',c' S Al . 1 IN= 4 ,~ ,...,.~.,.~;."'.' ~ ~-:::.~~~t;::-:."';5~.:~.::.'. .-;~ .. . ~.- f. -r ~ ~ ..' ~. 120.00 .~".' '1." .. ... '.. ~. ' . . ; - "l"....... i -80.00 -120.00 ... Legend: A=0.20 8=0.10 C=0.05 0=0.02 E=O,Ol ~''''i..t.~ .".. ',;. .~,.'O;..~ \,;:.>>~~."f'jl -.\".<' J.:'.' ~. "I.~', ~ Vicinity Sketch ~ '" ~. "., SITE DATA LAND USE DATA A. tOHV"LUCENfCENTER II. "DULT CQHGAEGAT( LIVING r.l,CrLlTY IA(LFI C. "'(OIC",l!OfFICt: ~DAD Ill'll O(DICATION!. - NYPOLUXO Ra.l,a 1A"0('II1"0Iol.l,'" LAUS!PONOS OPEN spAa/IUr,UIS TOTAL SITE AREA T01ALIIUILOIHGCOVU...G[ TOTAL .AU IN stAEETS I UNCOVERED PARKING fOTAlaI'EN!.PACE TOTALS RESIDENTIAL DATA A. CONVALESCENT CENTEA NO. Of IIEOS 110. OF nOlllU PAAK/NGIl(IlUIA[D PAOVIDf.D 110 2f'4AX, 110 SPACES ]6 SPACES C. I-1EDICAl/OFrICE!PHAIlM.I,CV HEllE..SE....LE HOQflAnu NO. OF 5101l1f.S ...",qur, llHIUl"CO PROvIDE& IO,QOO S.F. 21'4""(' ",OsP""c,,s ',I) SPACES 'EXISTlllG ZONING PAU'IIEIoCI4COlJNTY - liS BO'l'lHOII It:ACI4 . AI....... TOrAl 11.29Ioc. ~..2Q.--,,"- 21.29 't. pltOPOSHI lONIHG JOVN10l<l!UCIlPUO PJlOPOSEIl lUI ....IlNG 5.00 ~"... ...... :~ OJ . -- ~1 " 1; .~ .-J ~~ \ ~. :! '-- ----- 5 .. .. ----- - , ~'!.. ..____ . - ...,. . lw.o<L!'4':- ."-__-li~ ___ ~,._-\,~~-:r a g . HypolUXoRoe no~.' ~ -~."'". ", '-->-~'-"\" _:::1JiOiionctrft}1lf= ~ .. . c.--'~... - ...----- "'" a: - ... .,udl."Ol).fll"'G '!I'll' '"t\"'''''_B/'(I~.' , Cl) Ful...r. ~'I""""" 'CP 85' . , ". --i.... . '0 ~ .t: Cl X ~ .:; c 2 i '" E~i&I,,,,O Ire,. In bulle, 10 b, p"..r~.d ..... '. ."d In aeeo'Cl.ne. ....lIh 1111<)''''''''0''' .ovldld b EwJ", Ind .....ocl.'.. I",c. Sur.... de'e 12/82 / '- \ '- ". '- iliA ~ ',- 3,0 ^" 14.1 1 " 7.&3 ^" 35.11 1 '- '- 1.27 ^" 6,0 1 '- ,95 .c O,S '~ 2.112 "" 11.11 2.1I':t 11.7 1 ~ ~L 21.29 100.0 1 2.53 12 ~) ! 'J.n ^" 17.5 1 / ~ ~ 21.29 ^" 100.0 1 !e o~ ~ & ~~ " '" S, ..DULT CQNGJlEGATE LIVING FA.CILlTY NO, Of t1VIOlG UNIT!. HO. Of STORIES PAAKor<; !'<<O'nDEO 220 ~lt@lIffiff(Q)Ifcdl JFcalIfOC ) ura.--.n site t...A.J planning des~n ~r~~e stu 10 site groP'1ics / /, /; kJotebOQ I"'~''''l<''''''' JOOO........Ie<x",""..I'IO.<l _".'",,'_"''''''''')l.O' ,Il.l~'''''''''-_ .. ~'iIA. . -its ',. .r 1, r ~ ,~' I f I ~. I ~r , J,i' ,. ~ " , j , '. J F- , ... /, .<"':" ~.'f 1.1 - J-~1I"f -,0'-1.' ).-...'.. - - -- - ~."n~u.....Tt" tJ>D~ _om!!t ~s:!!! ,.-0'11 ~Zm" iizO -f-f0 D_D J>J>'D -f.... ,-m J> Dez z- P16 J>2 Zlil QJ> .." .. J> D -< m ~ ~ ,. I l e ~ 1 '- \ \ Ii tJ rlf. 'KEEFE & ~SSOCIATE S INC .... ... _, ... ........ ...,...... .:_:':'.~.~HITECTS ~ r-:- STANFORD PAR~l ] ....u...... .:::y~ ..AeM. PLO"'IClA .,.T "-ClQIII ~ 1II..,ClaNTIAL aUIL:I:'. A AClMINlaT"A TIQN. . ANCILLAlIIIJIY .uILClIN_ [ 8 COMM. NO. ..". OAT. .-.Mil.. .. ... os ~ STANFORD PARK B'KEEFE & ssaCIATES 'NC, ARCHITECTS .... w. _... '.. .~... ... ~"......... ...-" ..... .OYN'TON ....CH. PLOIIlIlaA m ~ ~ :I o Z lD m ~ ~. ~ j o Z .Jo .Jo m Iii ~ :I o z d ; IllillJ ~ III! m 'I .UILDING .L.VATIDN. [ - 'N~'"V .~- - J [J COMM. NO. ..,. c.,. .......L .. ,_. m m m nno Iii Iii Iii ~ ~ ~ j j j C C C Z Z Z " m ID STANFORD PARK []'I<EEFE & r.:aSSOCIATES 'NC. ARCHITECTS .OVNTON ....CH. ~D"'O'" BUILDING ELEVATIONB [ ] , m m ~m ~ ~ i~ ~ ~ ~ ;:~ ~ :t :t ~:t 0 0 i~ z z Z LI N ~ g i Ii 9 m ~ ~ ~ z ~ ------ . C:~M. NO. ..1. DA,.. ......tL .. ___ a'KEEFE & SSaC'ATEB INC. ARCHITECTB STANFORD PARK tJ .GYNTDN ..AQH. fl'U:lNDA ~~N. '_~N' [ ~ " ] lD" ~II- ~lD:7 -'II '.01'" ~'II 0 ZD -4D )'11 I"'~ ~Z G I! 8 ~ CDMM. NO. ..1. CAT. ~IL .. ___ ~_!!.. "' 11 ~ f I, 1-. I" I I ~, 't t f ;~. /' ",~' ",!'I' ~_~!~ _~L-,_~__-L~_j:".J U~. t.' __ 1 [ B'KEEFE & SBOC'ATES INC. ARCHITECTS STANFORD PARK 4TH P,"PCIII IIIL.A.N ......a.NTIAL .UILDIND . .DYNTON ..ACH" PLCJIIaDA \~\ \~. \ )\ \, \ \. \">'\' '~,\: \ '\ /" \ \~~:..\ ] ~ [] COM..... ND. ..... 0"". ~IL .. __ f i 1 I ~ j t I ~ I I I . , \~. [" 2,1 j , ~ ~. !'" 't. ""'"~ '" / "' ~ f-' ~ ,'-- / (~ '-- ~_'-..." "' j, ',f f'i I I, I j / I i 1 ~i t [J ,.,........., "'Ilt",r o4U '0"1' <<I ~ ~'~ !' _ ______ ~r:.~~____ --.--t 1 STANFORD PARK O'KEEFE & ssoe'ATES 'NC. ARCHITECTS alllCl "'-00f' ~L"'N .....a.....TI...L .UILO.... A .OVN"I'DH' ....c.... ~a.. "- " ~. ~ It ( . ..: [ J )DN Dma ~!!h. ~g6 IUD .....tD D)'D )rr jm) De2 2- ~6 )2 2G) !:!m r'" r ) D -< m e j= 'J li~ tJ COM"". NO. ..,. CIA,.. O. .......... .-. ~ o. " ~ II ( ~ . { ~ ' ?~ ... I ," .. ij " h !I J i i I I~ ' 0, 1 l ! / \~ .\ \ ~':.:f\ / / ~ .~{i'Q\ t ,!,' j t:\';:.,:-:;:, _~_l__~+~'; l'~1 \ \' l:~..:;.; ,...' ------- --~-_...__.~ -'~--' -- u..'z" [ ] STANFORD PARK D'KEEFE & r~SSOCIATES 'NC. ARCHITECTS .,.e PLDD" ,.L.AN ....IO.NTIAL .U,LClING ., A,DMINI.TIIIlATIDN. ANCILLAIIIIY .UILDIN". .C1VNTON aaACH. n,""IiDA (J c:O....M. NO. ..,. CAl'. ........L .. .,__ " ...~ "," .. to ' ~ --~= R9 -----, 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -run I I I I I . ' ~ t " .; '! I, '. f' I I~ I" ~. 8'I<EeFE & SSOCIATES ''''C, ARCHITECTS -~f'.[: . . I I I I . I -- I L _ __ I I .-1......... I I I I I I I I I I I -_______________J I -1 STANFORD PARK MEDICAL CENTER FLOOR PL.AN aOVNTON .."CH, ~DIIltDA [ ) UI D 0 '1111 ~ m ~~i t m ZH ~ m ~lt \1 ~ Ii \~ ~ ~ :t ~ 0 :t Z 0 :t Z 0 0 Z ( I I it q r~ i 5 I ~ 1 ~ d i ~ ~ ~ I Ii t t , i 1 Hl J t 1 I I l !,~ ~ p m Z I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ iIli 9 i: ~ e UI n z ~ !1 0 )> '11 D 11 2 g - UI ~ n u1 ( 1 u i t " A IlJ ~ j "lll11 t 0 COM""". NO. STANFORD PARK [ )[ ] ..,. f)'KEEFE & DA,.. AP4IL .. "H. SSOCIATES INC. ARCHITECTS 'ao' ,,~ ~~. ,~ . 0.." uo ................,...... ..... .DYNTON ..ACH. ~AID" ;".!t :t.. i) \1; ~ t\ '\li \ ~ \ ~" ~\ \~ ~ ~ \ ,~ )\ 1\ to "l' 4;\ \\~ "" 11\ '" 10 "" o 2, f \ \\ 1:,\\ <<-- \ ;':1. . \ . \: · 'i\ \~, \i\ \ ~; \ \ \ \ ,,' ~f \ /1 \ \ ,; " \ . ii' ... \S \\ ; . ~!. i'i~ o:!:t t- - 1. ...-" t, '!, -l; -;: . t ." - ~" t " } \~~ .\ It j.! · \ t l 1" ~~ ..." ." t~ H . %~ \ "- ,;. \ ~O ,,-~ ~1) -.0 11 "" 1) f' ~ 2, .'\\1 \ U~ ~ \ l\l ~ \, ~ t \ \ ..... \, ., \ ',':' \ ," \ \ \ \ ~ \ , \ . \, , > \ \ .:. \ ;" \ \ ~ ';.\ ,t " \' \ \ . 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Gl .. :l "5 c Boston ~ -::: ~ 0 :2 co Floral H Y p-O.J,UX "1 I~;__~ti~_ LJVl =: o Of,:. \l.l :;;: BLvD lte siipp : r I ___I HIDGE 8 I / " COMPTON I - WAV------ - -----I '2 GRANGE,COUNTRY I , Pl , 3 IlAMMONO Pl , '4 ISlINGTON Pl I 5 ROGART CIR I \ , \ CLUB I \ ~--- .../ '- / -- location map C) C:CI "l: o co -'Ocean ~ t;; 1\1; C/)I g HER~~E]R PKWY a: C11 C11> I .- .-<{ YEL::' W ~r ICK RD Bioward .q W Broome Sl~' B!~~l ~.l ; W Branch Sf ( W Drew ;tfl W Duval St . VV ~~!.!.y__~~ ~ : W~lJ.:~!: W Centr;)1 St- L!l-1~ ... a. U '<t '<t '<t ... ... > III ~ "tl C ~~ ~ Q .:: :r: EXIT NO 45 71 ST S _ _ ~~ l-l..J:!I..IJ-.. DR rr;y-- Loqu;\t J I,illl'olll :t;("lL U ar~I~'~:; l- I Cf1 _ ~;t1111 lIl'arlt w 1\ "~ll1orial- 5 ~ IPark <l: "(i~' ~~~ ~ ~ _CL.1- ~ CC1\llltlY \.;l! > Pine ~lEyill( ~~~r.3 IINl i: -o8"y I'~" :!j,rJ::Avr. ~ ,~ ~ CI:Arthur C --Ci- 'J') S Atlalltic Dr ~ Z s N a CI: TOMA TO~ 4Q.-c _~1L-' -u-o. 0 --- u 0 0 W 1::1 ~...~... ~ l~~ II lOb o ~st nd I Cede, L ,~~ge ~ Commorce Rd /7yS - Arl nc-- ~h-~ -' ;::-e::.~ (.1 -/0 LV):? a.. n.k ?~ fd-r ~ J1Vcr/Y ho",~.J c=/,L ~n~ ~("f4'-~. rf?5 /~ -, r"t V ~ r/~-::.f::~ a-V} L 1<.':'"C..c-n e:....- ( ?"" ~::.) ~''3 ci.'j; /:Lo- k",-.{)- 6-/p. ~ /;7'17 - _"":.;'1--=- '?(."'~ c'rp./v<>-- { k f'(':' .b~cC- ?(f \. ,C<!rr~-(,---r ,- V2 'f"rn ,'f ? rc;:Yl.5 C0'fY~ l' 6c::..c- ". Y i=,.r ~ ~..:......c~ ~ ( 7,( \~~) () '--\ ) fryy-n;-f #'"Y:? -..:29'0;( , MnV_ q_Q7 ~HIJ .,.or... ',.,'.,1 ,I !.. 7:31 AM O~I'TI.I1'(\P t:EArl-l '!I!\ILITIE~ J.) .. ...~ .. oJ.'i .. ' 1,.0'.4 ~ 1 4 . 0 . FAX:\IO, TO; Tambri Heyden Planning. Zoning, Community Improvemtnt Director Here Ill! the prices for the RAM Modules for the HP DesignJet 750C Plotter that we discussed. There are two available slots in your machine which woul;i allow a maximum of68 MB of RAM to be added to the machine. At This time ( would recommend e single 32MB RAM chip be added, leaving one remaining slot for future expansion, Please give me a call if I can be of additional assistance or when the additional RAM is delivered that 1 may lWist with the installationlupgl"ade, DATE; 05/08/97 SUBJECT: Plotter Mcm ory Cc; File ITS-Lynn Mycts Memory 4 Less 2622 WeI$t Lincoln Avenue, Suite 104 Anaheim, CA 92801 714.821-3354 Attn: Domingo Ext. 324 Atlaz International aka Atla Computer Supply 616 Burnside Avenue P.O. Box 110 Inwood, NY 11096 516-239-1854 Attn; Andre Meaa Micro Devices Milipita$, CA 408-942-8061 Ann: Gill Memory Ine, 7225 NW 25th StnlBt, Suite 300 Miami, FL 33122 800-504-SSSS Ann: Clara 407 315 5298 p, l /illf-@__LUU11 I. [L~~Y.;:,:~: IL.",,: ,,1 ,,1D ~_~I _ ZO~jJLi~J~J~El__~~___ - .Ls Ci,? 1" C5e_ /'?~ ~h ~( (7~ 32MB Simco Module $109.00 16MB Stmm Module $209.00 $130,00 $131.00 $120.00 $250,00 $246.00 $234,00 ~~J:. I" L)i .. y\~~ J c~l'.Y ~ /" ~V~ \0;fi/ t( '-v Ii ~.,;v1 \ (;}c , I ~v " c ~~i/~ (' '---1 C-, ~ A" . / - \ ~,,-' ,/ ,( .~ c-I<J) E-< c-I c-I N ~ r- r- M en en Q)M :z; q< q< ~ 01" H en en ~ roc-l ~ P<c-I I"il E-<O:; I"il r- ~ ~ <J) ...... P< M U c-I :z; ...... *' I"il I Lf) ~ N a H ...... E-< ~ l'J 0 I"il E-< U >< H i< ~ ~ ~ >< P< 0:; I"il H :z; 0:; 0 I"il 0 ()I P< :z; :z; :z; 0 l'J 0 H H E-< ...... :z; >< E-< >< 0:; <J)1"il I"il 0 0 ~~ U) ~ E-< I"il c-I U) 3~ 0:; U) H ~ .j..J c-I :Ii q<rz., ;::l a ...... ~ 0 0., ~~ I"il U) c-I .j..J U 0 ...... ;::l ~ E-< U) ~ 0 P<P< ><:z; I"il 0 H U >. tii H H i< Q) E-< P< ~ P< P< 0:; E-<H 0 .j..J I"il I"ilO:; aU) ~ l'J l'JU Lf) .~ 0 OU) NO:; I"il I-Ir- I"il Ol"il c-Il"il ~ P<c-I H ~O E-< N 0 H c-I H H P< E-< M ~ ~ ::0: :z; O"l 0 0 I"il U U a Q) :z; ::0: u I"il a 0 M .~ l'J a E-< 0:; :> N Q) M 0:; > 0 c-I I"il E-< M E-< c-I >. *,u I :z; U) ro I"il Lf) I"il U) .-l HH I en 0.,1-1 ......I"il c-I U) M UJQ) l'JU) Lf) U) r- .~ UJ II c-I I"il Lf) 00 X I 0:; c-I P< ,-lr- ~ 0 0 <:I' CO CO <:I' <:I' <:I' (])M :z; L.(") L.(") :.:: 01" H CO CO ~ ro,-l ~ ,-l ,-l D-<,-l >il 80:: >il r- ~ t!l (J) ,:l; '- D-< M U ,-l :z; '- =Il= >il I L.(") H N 0 H ,:l; '- 8 ~ t!l 0 >il 8 U >< H i< .0 ~ >< 0:: >il H :z; 0:: ::J >il 0 QI D-< :z; :z; :z; 0 t!l 0 H H 8 '- :z; >< 8 >< 0:: 0 >il 0 0 N (I) .0 8 >il ,-l (I) L.(") 0:: (I) H H <:I' +J ,-l ::r: ~ ,-l ;:j 0 '- ,-l 0.. ~S >il ,-l +J U c:l ;:j S 8 ~ 0 D-<D-< ><:z; 0 (I) U :>, ~ H >il i< (]) 8 H :.:: D-< H 0:: 8H D-< +J >il >il0:: OD-< s:: t!l t!lU O::J .~ c:l c:l(l) 0(1) >il S-lr- >il ::J>il M ::J D-<,-l H .oc:l >il :z; N U H ,-l ~ H H 8 M ~ r... :z; (J) r... 0 >il 0 U 0 (]) :z; ~ U >il 0 0 M ,~ t!l 0 8 0:: :> N (]) ,-l 0:: :> c:l ,-l >il 8 M 8 ,-l :>, =Il=U I :z; (I) ro >il L.(") >il (I) rl HH I CO 0..S-l '-I'il rl (I) M Ul(]) t!l(l) L.(") (I) r- ,~ Ul II ,-l >il L.(") c:l::J :x: I 0:: ,-l D-< ENDANGEREDITHREATENEDandPROTECTED SPECIES SURVEY VEGETATION ANALYSIS Tract 5 - Newport Place, Boynton Beach, Florida Palm Beach County, Florida On June 4, 1997 a survey of the 2.4 acre (approximate) parcel proposed for the expansion of Newport Place was conducted to ascertain the presence of any federal or state listed endangered (E), threatened (T) or species of special concern (SSC) on the property. The survey was conducted by Peter A Quincy of Cotleur Hearing, Inc. Prior to the field survey a review of the literature was conducted. The literature which was surveyed included the "Florida's Endangered Species, Threatened Species and Species of Special Concern", April 1996, the "Rare and Endangered Biota of Florida", Vols. 1-5 and "Florida's Endangered and Threatened Plants" by Nancy C. Coile. The following species were identified as possibly occurring on the site. FISH None AMPHIBIANS Florida gopher frog Rana capito (T) REPTILES American alligator Eastern indigo snake Gopher tortoise Florida pine snake Alligator mississippiensis (SSG) Drymarchon corais couperi (1] Gopherus polyphemus (SSG) Pituophis melanoleucus mugitus (SSG) BIRDS Florida scrub jay Bald eagle Aphelocoma coerulescens Haliaeetus leucocephalus (T) (T) MAMMALS Florida mouse Sherman's fox squirrel Podomys f10ridanus Sciurus niger shermani (SSG) (SSG) PLANTS Curtis' milkweed Spreading pinweed Dancing-lady orchid Hand fern Hoary pea Simpson zephyr-lily Asclepias curtissii Lechea divaricata Oncidium bahamense Ophioglossum palmatum T ephrosia angustissima Zephyranthes simpsonii (E) (E) (E) (E) (E) (E) None of the species listed were observed during the June 4th survey. No additional evidence (scat, fur, skins or tracks) indicating the presence of other listed species was found. The Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission staff (Tim Regan) was contacted to insure that any nesting by bald eagles was identified. Mr. Regan confirmed that there are no know bald eagle nests within the area. UPLAND VEGETATION Crab's eye Broom sedge Saltbush Spanish needle Schefflera* Madagascar periwinkle* Sandspur Rattlebox Beggars lice Tassle flower Fennel St. Johns wort Morning glory Pepper grass Gopher apple Puccoon Climbing fern Pepper tree* Balsam apple Wax myrtle Prickly pear cactus Virginia creeper Slash pine Piriqueta Painted leaf Bracken fern Abrus precatorius Andropogon glomeratus Baccharis glomeruliflora Bidens pilosa Brassaia actinophylla Catharanthus roseus Cenchrus spp. Crotalaria pallida Desmodium lineatum Emilia fosbergii Eupatorium capillifolium Hypericum spp. Ipomea spp. Lepidium virginicum Licania michauxii Lithospermum caroliniense Lygodium spp. Melaleuca spp. Momordica charantia Myrica cerifera Opuntia spp. Parthenocissus quinquefolia Pinus elliottii Piriqueta caroliniana Poinsettia heterophylla pteridium aquilinum Castor bean Cabbage palm Brazilian pepper* Saw palmetto Green brier Puncture weed* Wild grape Poison ivy Caesar weed Ricinus communis Sabal palmetto Schinus terebinthifolius Serenoa repens Smilax spp. Tribulus cistoides Vitis spp. Toxicodendron radicans Urena lobata *Denotes exotic species ENDANGEREDITHREATENEDandPROTECTED SPECIES SURVEY VEGETATION ANALYSIS Tract 5 - Newport Place, Boynton Beach, Florida Palm Beach County, Florida On June 4, 1997 a survey of the 2.4 acre (approximate) parcel proposed for the expansion of Newport Place was conducted to ascertain the presence of any federal or state listed endangered (E), threatened (T) or species of special concern (SSC) on the property. The survey was conducted by Peter A Quincy of Cotleur Hearing, Inc. Prior to the field survey a review of the literature was conducted. The literature which was surveyed included the "Florida's Endangered Species, Threatened Species and Species of Special Concern", April 1996, the "Rare and Endangered Biota of Florida", Vols. 1-5 and "Florida's Endangered and Threatened Plants" by Nancy C. Coile. The following species were identified as possibly occurring on the site. FISH None AMPHIBIANS Florida gopher frog Rana capito (T) REPTILES American alligator Eastern indigo snake Gopher tortoise Florida pine snake Alligator mississippiensis (SSC) Drymarchon corais couperi (T) Gopherus polyphemus (SSC) Pituophis melanoleucus mugitus (SSC) BIRDS Florida scrub jay Bald eagle Aphelocoma coerulescens Haliaeetus leucocephalus (T) (T) MAMMALS Florida mouse Sherman's fox squirrel Podomys f10ridanus Sciurus niger shermani (SSC) (SSC) PLANTS Curtis' milkweed Spreading pinweed Dancing-lady orchid Hand fern Hoary pea Simpson zephyr-lily Asclepias curtissii Lechea divaricata Oncidium bahamense Ophioglossum palmatum Tephrosia angustissima Zephyranthes simpsonii (E) (E) (E) (E) (E) (E) None of the species listed were observed during the June 4th survey. No additional evidence (scat, fur, skins or tracks) indicating the presence of other listed species was found. The Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission staff (Tim Regan) was contacted to insure that any nesting by bald eagles was identified. Mr. Regan confirmed that there are no know bald eagle nests within the area. UPLAND VEGETATION Crab's eye Broom sedge Saltbush Spanish needle Schefflera* Madagascar periwinkle* Sandspur Rattlebox Beggars lice Tassle flower Fennel St. Johns wort Morning glory Pepper grass Gopher apple Puccoon Climbing fern Pepper tree* Balsam apple Wax myrtle Prickly pear cactus Virginia creeper Slash pine Piriqueta Painted leaf Bracken fern Abrus precatorius Andropogon glomeratus Baccharis glomeruliflora Bidens pilosa Brassaia actinophylla Catharanthus roseus Cenchrus spp. Crotalaria pallida Desmodium Iineatum Emilia fosbergii Eupatorium capillifolium Hypericum spp. Ipomea spp. Lepidium virginicum Licania michauxii Lithospermum caroliniense Lygodium spp. Melaleuca spp. Momordica charantia Myrica cerifera Opuntia spp. Parthenocissus quinquefolia Pinus elliottii Piriqueta caroliniana Poinsettia heterophylla pteridium aquilinum Castor bean Cabbage palm Brazilian pepper* Saw palmetto Green brier Puncture weed* Wild grape Poison ivy Caesar weed Ricinus communis Sabal palmetto Schinus terebinthifolius Serenoa repens Smilax spp. Tribulus cistoides Vitis spp. Toxicodendron radicans Urena lobata *Denotes exotic species 'I1U City of 'Boynton '13eacn 100 'E. iJ3oynton iJ3eadi iJ30ufevara P.O. iJ3u.t310 iJ3ognton iJ3eadi, !Jforitfa33425-0310 City!J{aff: (561) 375-6000 !J!U: (561) 375-6090 '~~~' June 10, 1997 Mr. Dan Weisberg, Senior Engineer Palm Beach County Traffic Division Department of Engineering and Public Works P.O. Box 21229 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416 He: Traffic Study: Newport Place (Stamford) ACLF (The Manors at Newport Place) Hypoluxo Road and 7th Court File # NWSP 97-015 Dear Mr. Weisberg: The enclosed traffic study on the Manors at Newport Place at Hypoluxo Road and -rh Court site dated June 6, 1997, prepared by Yvonne Ziel Traffic Consultants, Inc. was received by the Planning and Zoning Division recently for the above-referenced application. Please review the enclosed information for conformance with the County's Traffic Performance Standard Ordinance. If you have questions regarding this matter, please call me at (561) 375-6260, otherwise please send me your written comments/approval to the above address, with a copy of your written response to Milan Knor, Development Services Director also at the same address. Sincerely I ----, j /;, ~, .. ....... r ~' //. \ ' . V"I"- -<'"A:"H,'U ~t. J" r;J~.t.A.)'- . Tambri J. Heyden, AICP Planning and Zoning Director T JH:bme cc: Milan Knor w/ attachment Central File s:\projects\Manors at Newport Place\traffic 5tnurica's (jateway to tfu (julfstream Department of Engineering and Public Works PO Box 21229 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-1229 (561) 684.4000 http://wwwco,palm.beach,f] us . Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners Burt A.aronson, Chairman Maude Ford Lee, Vice Chair Karen T Marcus Carol A. Roberts Warren H Newell Mary McCarty Ken L Foster County Administrator Robert WeIsman, PE. "An Equal Opportunity AffirmatIve Action Employer" @ printed on recycled paper July 14, 1997 r~.':") ,~ n~) ;, ~; n '.',1: , . . , i1, l:l \':-) _" '" ': " H \J~ r--'_"~H_""'''''"-., I uu I JUL I 1 1997 ! 12) ,! l ~"~__.~.,.=,"._J PLANN!NG AND I ."'v_. ,.... ZpNING DEPT. . "~" Ms. Tambri Heyden, Director Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Department 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: NEWPORT PLACE (STAMFORD) ACLF Dear Ms. Heyden: The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the trip generation information for the project entitled Newport Place (Stamford) 8C.LE, pursuant to the Traffic Performance Standards in Article 15 of the Palm Beach County Land Development Code. The project is on the south side of Hypoluxo Road at 7th Court, The project is reported to be approved for 272 ACLF units that will be increased to 353 ACLF units. The increase of 81 ACLF units will generate 174 additional daily trips, The Previous Approval determination from the City shows Stamford approved for 220 ACLF units, Please check the accuracy of the City's earlier determination, If this accurate, then the increase in units will require a traffic study, Based on the information provided, the Traffic Division has determined that the project meets the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County, If you have any questions regarding this determination, please contact me at 684-4030. Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER ~c-- J4-~ Dan Weisberg, P,E. Senior Registered Civil Engineer cc, Milan Knor, Director - Boynton Beach Development Department File: New - TPS - Traffic Study Review g:\user\dweisber\wp50\tps\boyn75 - TAZ 418 tJ1ie City of 'Boynton tJjeac/i 100 T-. fJJoynton '1Juu:Ii 'Boukvanl P.O. fJJtxt310 fJJoynton fJJeadi, J'Wrufa. 33425-0310 City !JlaJl: (561) 375-6000 J'5tX: (561) 375-6090 RECEIVED JUN 2 0 1997 PBC ENG TRAFt=IC DiV ~=--' ' + June 10, 1997 Mr. Dan Weisberg, Senior Engineer Palm Beach County Traffic Division Department of Engineering and Public Works P.O. Box 21229 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416 Re: Traffic Study: Newport Place (Stamford) ACLF (The Manors at Newport Place) Hypoluxo Road and 7th Court File # NWSP 97-015 ..2. ~ /.}. c: <...I Dear Mr. Weisberg: The enclosed traffic study on the Manors at Newport Place at Hypoluxo Road and 7th Court site dated June 6, 1997, prepared by Yvonne Ziel Traffic Consultants, Inc. was received by the Planning and Zoning Division recently for the above-referenced application. Please review the enclosed information for conformance with the County's Traffic Performance Standard Ordinance, If you have questions regarding this matter, please call me at (561) 375-6260, otherwise please send me your written comments/approval to the above address, with a copy of your written response to Milan Knor, Development Services Director also at the same address. Sincerely I -----' , / d~i Lt )- YJ<-:f-&-'''- Tambri J. Heyden, AICP Planning and Zoning Director T JH:bme cc: Milan Knor w/ attachment Central File s:\projects\Manors at Newport Place\traffic JtrrurUa s (jateway to tlU (julfstream . Cotleur HeariJ;lg Landscape Archileclure Planning Environmenlol Consulting Graphic Design MEETING MINUTES NEWPORT PLACE June 2, 1997 r:=:--p 10\ .-:l 11 ~f/ R ill \ i, r,1 1. "lljI.i1_Jt.JLlL~..,... '. ~ . I "',.(' 1 ~ , f) 'I .' 1:;\ JUN 2 'f'l97 :1, j uU I ~_., ~~ I; L . I I L..-.-~----' I L . PLM1NING~ND 1 ZONING Dz,PT. . Attendees: Don Hearing ~ Tom Little '--r1 J Jersey Lewicki, City of Boynton Beach Planner Tammi Clifford RE: Site Plan and Development Approvals for Proposed Assisted Living Facility Location: City of Boynton Beach A pre-application review meeting was held with the City of Boynton Beach on Monday, June 2, 1997 in anticipation of filing a Site Plan for the proposed Assisted Living Facility at Newport Place. Attending the meeting were those identified above. A summary of the topics of discussion are provided below. Over-view: Don Hearing had provided an over-view of the Newport Place Master Plan and the proposed 81 bed Assisted Living Facility. Don stated that a revised Master Plan was recently submitted to the City in compliance with the conditions of the March 1996 approval of the Master Plan amendment. Don provided an over-view of the Site Plan and pointed out the proposed facility will result in a reduction of assisted living beds from 120 to 81. Don noted that due to this reduction the building takes a slightly smaller footprint and that it was our intention to reflect the up-dated calculations on a revised Master Plan at the time of Site Plan submittal. Jersey Lewicki indicated that he would need to review the code to determine if the extent of deviation of the Master Plan would require a formal Master Plan modification approval process. Don stated he did not believe that that was the case. Submittal Materials: Jersey indicated that in addition to the Site and Landscape Plans the following information would be required. Suite 402 1070 E. Indianlown Road Jupiter, Florida 33477 407-747.6336 ~fI.~-Z\nwpt-mml,doc '. Newport Place Meeting M. s June 2, 1997 Page 2 1. Traffic A Traffic Statement indicating the peak hour and average daily trips proposed for the 81 bed facility and stating how it compares with the original approval. 2. Sample Board Jersey indicated that a Sample Board with the various building materials fastened and adhered to the board would need to be submitted some time after the Technical Review Committee meeting prior to the Planning and Development Board hearing. Sample Board should include a stucco sample, a roof tile sample, glass sample, window molion sample, and various paint chips and any other related material. 3. Colored Elevations Jersey indicated that it will be necessary to submit a colored front elevation of the building. He indicated that it was not necessary to reflect the landscape on this elevation and while it is considered a mandatory submittal item that it could be submitted at later date concurrent with the Sample Board identified above. 4. Conceptual Engineering and Drainage It will be necessary to submit a Conceptual Engineering Plan and Preliminary Drainage Calculations as a part of the submittal package. Jersey stated that these not be final engineering plans. 5. Application Fees The application fee for Site Plan Review is $750.00. In the event that it is determined that a Master Plan Modification is required to reflect the reduced building footprint, then an additional $500.00 Master Plan Fee would be required. 6. Required Copies Twelve (12) copies of all required documents are required for submittal. (Don Hearing would request that twenty (20) copies of each document be submitted to allow adequate copies for client and consultant distribution. 7. lighting Photometries Don Hearing inquired if a Lighting Photometric Plan would be required at time of Site Plan approval. Jersey indicated that Lighting Photometries would not be required until time of building permit. 8. Schedule The schedule for the project approvals is as follows: Newport Place Meeting Mil June 2, 1997 Page 3 June 9, 1997 Submittal to the City August 22, 1997* Planning and Development Commission Public Hearing* September 16, 1997 City Commission Public Hearing *The City of Boynton Beach is considering giving the Planning and Development Board final authority for Site Plan Review approvals. Discussions are continuing with the City Council and a decision expected shortly. The meeting concluded at approximately 3:00 p.m. Action Items: Don Hearing to coordinate with Brian Idle and Dick Mann concerning the required Colored Elevation and Sample Board. Don Hearing to coordinate with Mike Schorah and Yvonne Ziel concerning a Traffic Statement. Don Hea~ing to coordinate with Mike Schorah concerning the Conceptual Engineering Plan and Calculations. Don Hearing to coordinate with Jersey Lewicki and Chuck Millar concerning the necessity for filing a Master Plan amendment. cc: Tom Little Chuck Millar Dick Mann Mike Schorah Brian Idle Jersey Lewicki . To: DON HEARING Fax: Date: 747-1377 07/21/97 From: JERZY Re: Pages: TRAFFIC STUDY CC: o Urgent o Please Comment o Please Reply o Please Recycl X For Review . . . . . . . . S NOT SURE WHETHER YOU ARE A WARE ABOUT THE PALM BEACH FFIC DIVISION DETERMINA nON REGARDING THE TRAFFIC STUDY NEWPORT PLACE PUD. JUST IN CASE, I AM FAXING IT TO YOU. ....................... ill ( ~~~.~~ ~ PlANi~I;'JG n'JD ZONING DEPT. . Cotleur HeariJ;1g landscape Architecture Planning Environmental Consulting Graphic Design July 16, 1997 Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Department City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Re: New Site Plan Review The Manor at Newport Place File #NWSP97-015 Dear Tambri: Pursuant to the comments provided to the applicant in connection with the above referenced project during the July 1, 1997 Technical Review Committee meeting, we are pleased to provide the following responses. To assist you in your review, our responses are organized by each respective Departmental Memorandums. Each response includes our action or actions to be taken to address the comment and any revisions made to the plans. Planning and Zoning Department Memorandum 97.325 1) By way of Don Hearing's telephone call to Jerzy Lewicki in the afternoon of July 1 st this item is considered resolved. 2) As requested a statement has been provided on the Site Plan regarding the future subdivision or sale of the subject parcel. 3) A statement has been provided on the survey indicating that it has been abstracted for all easement, rights-of-way, and utility lines as required by the LOR's, 4) By way of Don Hearing's telephone call to Jerzy Lewicki in the afternoon of July 1 st this item is considered resolved, 5) To address the issue of lighting spillage into the eastern residential area, an aluminum residential shield will be utilized in the luminaire for the eastern pole light fixtures, A manufacturers cut-sheet for these fixtures is provided herein. Suite 402 1070 E. Indiantown Road Jupiter, Florida 33477 407-747-6336 FAX 747-1377 E:lproiectslqeneralln,z\nwptresP-1, doc Tambri J, Heyden The Manor at Newport Plac. asponses July 16, 1997 Page 2 6} The Architectural Plans and Elevations have been amended to reflect the dumpster/trash refuge disposal area. The dumpster will be located within an area enclosed by walls and will include an opaque gate access from the rear of the property. 7} As requested traffic control markings have been delineated on the Site Plan pursuant to Chapter 4 Section 7b.2 of the LOR. 8} The required minimum building setback envelope was shown on the previous submitted Site Plan. As requested the proposed buildings setbacks have been dimensioned and shown on the plan. 9) As required by Chapter 4 Section 7d.1 of the LDR's a presentation board containing samples of all major exterior building materials is provided. 10) As requested a color photograph of the existing Newport Place facility is provided herein in order that the staff may compare architectural compatibility with the existing structures. 11} As requested a table has been added onto the Landscape Plan providing a tabular summary of the landscape materials required by the code including the minimum sizes and spaces. 12} An asterisk has been provided adjacent to all native plant materials in the plant list. 13} As requested all known existing and proposed easements are shown on the Landscape Plans. 14} As requested all references to Cypress mulch have been eliminated and substituted with Melaleuca or recycled mulch, 15} The applicant acknowledges that a building permit will not be issued until the traffic statement is approved by the Palm Beach County Traffic Division. 16} As requested the architectural elevations and floor plans have been coordinated and appropriately clarified in respect to windows, window panels, port chache, and balconies. 17} As recommended by the staff the proposed monument sign has been relocated onto The Manor at Newport Place parcel. To respond to a question raised by staff there is no proposed building signage as a part of this project. 18} The Architectural Plans have been amended to provide screening for all proposed roof top equipment. A line of sight diagram is provided, 19} A note has been added to the Landscape Plan indicating that the anticipated method of irrigation is a fully automatic irrigation system utilizing well water as a source. 20} As requested architectural details have been provided for the proposed gazebo structure as well as the trellis located on the west side of the proposed building within the courtyard area, These details are provided on Sheet 2 of the Landscape Plans. 21} As requested the following tabular data has been added to the Site Plans. a} Net buildable area b) Other paved areas - sidewalks, etc. c) Total lot coverage Park and Recreation Memorandum 97.288 No Comments T ambri J. Heyden The Manor at Newport Plac ,esponses July 16, 1997 Page 3 Park and Recreation Memorandum from Kevin John Hallahan, Forester 1 } The existing trees to be preserved or removed have been clarified on the Site Plan. 2} A tree management plan will be prepared prior to a site clearing permit. 3} No comment. 4) The applicant agrees. Police Department Memorandum 97.0039 No Comment Department of Development Memorandum 97.145 Building Division 1) As requested a handicap accessible path has been provided from the building entrance to the sidewalk located on the public right-of-way. 2) As requested the proposed monument sign has been relocated within the boundaries of The Manor at Newport Place parcel. 3} A note has been provided on the building elevation indicating that no building signage will be installed. Engineering 1) Sheet 4 of 4 is attached showing the surveyor's certification. 2) All design professional plans have been signed and sealed as requested. 3) The applicant agrees. 4) As requested a general note is provided indicating that no buildings or structures shall be placed within easements. Fire Department Memorandum 97.260 1) No Comment. 2} The applicant acknowledges that no portion of the building shall be over 200' from an fire hydrant. 3) No Comment. Public Works Department Memorandum 97.138 No Comment Please find enclosed twelve (12) sets of revised Site, Architectural, Landscape, and Engineering Plans, together with a materials sample board indicating the proposed building materials. We would like to thank the staff for their time and effort in the review of this project. Should there be any questions or any additional documentation required, Tambri J. Heyden The Manor at Newport Plac~ .esponses July 16, 1997 Page 4 please don't hesitate to contact either Mr. Chuck Millar at (561) 659-7500 or myself at (561) 747-6336. S:"ife'Y YO~rs. l14( tJ:f'tL::J/!Jl Donaldson Hearing DH:nt Enclosures cc: Chuck Millar Tom Little Brian Idle </It elk '-" ~)r The Archetype" took three years to develop . and nearly twenty years to evolve. It replaces the ~shoeboxD fIXture as the standard for architectural cutoff luminaires. During the 60s and 70s. the dominant rectilinear character of buildings made the Mshoebox~ a preferred luminaire where architectural compatibility was important. Now. both architecture and industrial design have evolved into a new era. Today's architecture often combines curvilinear, rectilinear. classic and neo- classic fonn into a single structure. Industrial design emphasizes a new design logic where product function is expressed by articulated form. The Archetype is so advanced that it ,mtiquates all other Outdoor cutoff luminaires. Irs eclectic shape universally adapts to today's architecture while its function is be'.lutifully expressed by its torm. Lighting performance. ergonomics, materials and rugged construction all combine to make The Archetype the new state. of-the-art luminaire for outdoor cutoff lighting. The Archetype is Registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. ~ KIM LIGHTING p.o. Box 127'5 16'555 East Gale Avenue Industry, California 91749 Phone 818/968-'5666 FAX 81H/369-.2()<J'5 , "'--~II~ ~""'_I "" f '- \.Il """'-"-" ....,,, I ... , 1....... , ..-'~.&. I..." .....,.,J I I r- t:.Jt:J.) 1"ll..).U......1. aroch ype (ar'ke tip') 1: the original r - ~ern or mOU<::1 or WIlIUl au things of the same type are representations or copies. 2: a perfect example ofa type or group. 4 4 KIm Products Str~et and Area Lighting l~.lrking GaI"'.lge Lighting FIQ()dlighting Environmenral Ughdng Landscape Lighting Fountain Lighting Contents 2-3 Design Logic 6-7 Pcrtbrmance and Flexibility Installation and Maintenanl.:e I t)..11 Applications 13 Computer l.ayout and Diskette Service Speciflcations - AR Specifkatiuns - SAR Ordering - AR Ordering - SAR 8-9 Photometries See separate Photometric catalogs: Alb Alc AH Modd SAR Model @ 1989 Kim Ughtlng [nl.:. This version @ 1991 P',ltents Pending l.t-I S 16.17 18-19 20.Z I f . ..---.,:, ~"""""""'T""~ ~ _'--'........1 L.-I..." ...11........ , ~...,U~I~I~.....,JI I ~peCiticatlon~ .. AK IVloael Mogul Base - 150 to 400 Watt Certification: Underwriters Laboratories listed for wet loca- tions. Photometrics based on independent testing laboratory (ITL) reports. Housing: One piece die cast aluminum with integral cooling fins over the optical chamber and electrical compartment. SoUd barrier wall separates optical and electrical compartments. Double-thick wall with gussetS on the support-arm mounting end. Housing forms a half-cylioder shape with 550 front bce plane providing a recess to allow a flush Single-latch detail. All hardware is stainless steel or electro-zinc plated steel. Lens Frame and Latch: One piece die cast aluminwn lens frame with 1" minimwn depth around the gasket flange. Inte. gral hinges with stainless steel pins provide no-tool mounting and removal from housing. Single die cast aluminum cam-1atch provides positive locking and sealing of the optical chamber by a one piece extruded and vulcanized silicone gasket. Clear 3/16" thick tempered glass lens retained by eight stainless steel clips with full silicone gasketiog around the perimeter. Reflector Module: Specular .AJzak- optical segments rigidly mounted in an aluminwn frame which attaches to housing as a one piece module. Reflector module is field-rotatable in 900 increments. All HPS and MV sockets are porcelain mogul base rated 4KY. MH sockets are pin-oriented and include a molded silicone lamp stabilizer. All sockets are factory preWired to a quick-dlsconnect plug and include a wire seal through the barrier wall. Available in four light distributions, all interchangeable within the same housing. Electrical Module: All electrical components are UL recognized, mounted on a single plate and factory prewired with quick-disconnect plugs. Electrical Module attaches to housing with no-tool hinges and latches, accessible by opening the lens frame only. All ballasts are high power bctor _: rated for -20"R starting. Support Arm: One piece extruded aluminum with internal bolt guides and fully radiussed top and bonom. Lumlnaire-to-pole attachment is by internal draw bolts, and includes a pole reinforcing plate with wire strain relief. Arm is circular cut for specified round pole. Finish: Housing. lens frame, latch and support arm are matching TGIC Thermoset Polyester Powder-Coat Paint available in black, dark bronze, light grayalwninwn or white. Powder-coating is 2.5 Mil nominal thickness, and aU components are thoroughly cleaned and primed with a protective chromate- conversion coating prior to powder- coating. .See copy at right. Max. fixture wt. (400HPS) - 45 lbs. , 8" L I~ r 16" l 1'1U.O.J....L r~uLt '{f":" liill::'i:ilill::/liiill'j'j'j . '.' r I r ~ \ II: t, I d, '\! III I I . ,/1" ,'" , '11;"1/1" _. . _ f' 1 I I .,.... " -1.111 I, 11 I: 'lillI, 1 I t. .... ,:', :: :',' '~'::":. ,.~: .::~] Lt_' ^___~ ",~ , ,\ Tjlpe IV Forward Throw ~8" .....-v.......k- ~ m..p DR-P LG-P" . ......-.,. ," .-~~ ",': . ~ ~}x:~~~(!~~~:. -. . ,,~i;~~~~ AI:I'H Killll.rghllllg 22 W' r ,'/ . " \.. 1Ype V Square .J ~ Warning: Fixtures must be grounded in accordance with local codes or the National EILietrical Code. Failure to do so may result in serious persomll injury. For-all "'0 standard pole mounts. 1-.6" field splices are maae at the pole top. --1 2"-- Powdet'-Coating. 2.5 Mil nominal thickness. Cbromate conversion coating. Best known proparalton of aluminum for paint adhesion and retardation of ocddation, Alumtnum I WH-P .-{' ct (t - u r / ....0' J I . .a.'-......L...I'~ L".U.L.tI.,,,, I ~ iUl. ..........,UI .....,...., ....,""'_ , ~-'U..... l-r I ""w I I 1'1'-'......,......... I U'C.J...J Wall Mounting: (For poured concrete walls only): Modified support arm with side access hole to allow field splices within the arm. Wall embedment bracket provided to accept draw- bolts. Trim plate provided to cover wall. embedded I-box, finished to match fixture and arm. Junction box in wall by others. Optional Photocell Receptacle: Factory prewired receptacle installed directly above electrical compartment with full gasketing around the perimeter. For multiple fixture mountings (250vv. or less). one fixture is suppUed with a photoceU receptacle to operate the others. Four 400W. fixtures require two fixtures with photocell receptac1es. NEMA base photocells by others. Optional Lexan Shield: One piece vacuum formed clear UV stabilized polycarbot:late enclosure replaces standard tempered glass lens. FuUy gasketcd cylindrical enclosure with 550 back face to match fixture housing. 250 Watt maximum (see note at right). CAUTION: Use only when vandalism is anticipated to be high. Useful life is limited by {]V discoloration from sunlight, mercury vapor and metaUic halide lamps. Optional Houseside Shield (For AR2. AR3 and AR4 only): St:unped aluminum shield with bypass louvers for streetside light. Louvers block houseside light from lamp. Clear anodized finish. Attaches to lens frame interior on any of four sides to insure correct orientation with reflector. Black anodized panel added to reflector to reduce houseside reflection~. Note: Use for clear lamps only. Effectiveness is reduced for coated lamps. Opt! amper-Resistant Latch: Standard die cast latch is provided with a captive 10-32 stainless steel flat socket- head screw to prevent unauthorized opening. Note: Required only for vandal protection in locations where fixtures can be reached by unauthorized persons. r:;~~ Wall......... In'rM:ket designe for easy 4 Vl' positioning an. lOW' securing durlnJ L-.= concre~ pour. NEMA fJase photocells mount directly above electrical compartment. Photocells by others. Special Options for Street Lighting Optional Terminal Block (for fidd wire: connectioJls): B5AMP, 600 Volt box damp terminal hlock mounted to housing inside ekctrical compartment. Accepts # 14.4 wire. Factory prewired to ballast module disconnect plug. Optional Air Filter: Allows optkal chamber to breath, filtering out all air particles above son microns, Multi-layer disc assembly mounted in solid wall betwc:t:n optical compartment an<.1latch c:lVity. Optional Slipfltter Mount: Cast aluminum damp. type slipt1tter mount with single set.screw anti-rotation lock. Bolts to housing from insi<.1e electrical compartment lIsjn~ mounting holes (or standard support arm. Fitter d;lmps to any hori;wntat pole davit-arm with 2" pipe size mounting end ( 2 YH" 0.0.), ..or. . . Note:May be used with 400w," BPS in outdoor locations where ambienJ air temperature during fixture operation will nc:; exceed85"F. Terminal Bloc Air Filter ~'IJllilillW~~~l~!I~I~~~' - 1".-.., ,;-:'-~.'-_'J. 0'- ...__ :.~~,,"~-I": Davit arm wil 2" pipe size fixture moun, by others. .~:~ 1/...._ Slip filter Mount, by Kim Kim Lighting Ala- - ~ a(/:) (/)1;:. N I;:. ~ (/)1;:. ~ n.~ n.~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ffi ~ (/:)co ~ffi N Ul ~ ~ (") ~ffi ~~ ~~ Ul~ Q..Ul n.Ul n.Ul tt (/:)~ tt g ~~ to t- ~ '0 ~ '0 n. 0 \- ct. r- \- t ~~ '0 ~~ \- n. (/:)N co ~ I;:. (/:) I;:. I;:. (/)~ (/)~ ~~ Q.. 0. ~ct. c") ac"l ~ct. ~ Wo:: a \-W ~ ~ r-Ul ~ ~~ ~Ul (/:) ~~ Ul~ ~Ul ~Ul (/:)\0 n.Ul (/) n.....I Z -(/) 0.....1 I;:. ~~ - ~ to N - ~ 0 u..1;:. ~~ - Z ~ 0 E :.,..1% ::> 0 ~::> 0 ~ \- ~ n. fQ \- (/) ct. t ~fQ ~Ul \- :r. ~O ~~ ~~ '0 ~ 06 u..1t. <l~ _~5 n.~ \- .z. ~Q.. c"l 0:: ~ 0 Nt-:ca Ul~Q.. ~ ~~. .J · t-:- ~O% ~~~ ~Ul% c"l""" \-%9 to cot- ~Ul Ul r-~9 (") \O~ l.O co 4-~ t- \-~~ """ ~ n.~ l.O ~ ~ c-l <.!)~ Ul (/) n.<.!) ~ n.~ ~u.\ (/) ro bn. ~n. ct. o~ bn. ct. ct. ~~ ~ C!> 4-\- o\- ~ r-Ul n.C!> 4-r- n. \ -<.) ~~ ~z ~ n. u.\4- zit. r- ~ u.\~ \- \- Zo -0:: <.!)o c"l ~ ro'M N ~ l.O N c"l Zu.. ~ (i) u.\ 0 (h u.\8 ~t) 4:,.(( 1;:.<.) ~n. o~ ~~ G:l ~::> ~ \-8 I{; 'e):r. u.\ u.\~ <be.. 'Sctl ~Ul I;:.~ \-~ ~....I 'M 0" z4- 'M ::> Ul<.) 2 _n. 6Z 'M UjUj ::> ::> Q t- 5 ~~ ::> 0 0 ~ 0::- ~~ ::> 0 is ~ Q..~ c: .' 0 S ~\ \ ~ car- :;s- ::>::> ~ ~o ~ gg 8~ ~ \ - ---~--------- -~-~-_.- --" ~~ YVONNE ZIEL TRAFFIC CONSULTANTS, INC. 11440 86th St. North, West Palm Beach, Florida 33412 Telephone (561) 624-7262. Facsimile (561) 624-9578 June 6, 1997 Mr. Michael Haig Planning & Zoning Department City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 RE: Newport Place (Stamford) ACLF Dear Mr. Haig: Yvonne Ziel Traffic Consultants, Inc. has been retained to prepare a trip generation analysis for the above referenced project, located at Hypoluxo Road and 7th Court. The project has been approved for an ACLF with 272 dwelling units, the applicant is proposing to increase the dwelling units by 81 to a total of353 units. Attached are the trip generation calculations for both the approved and proposed uses. Trip generation indicates that the change results in an increase of 174 daily trips. Since the increase is less than 200 daily trips, according to Palm Beach County-Wide traffic Performance Standards Ordinance, a complete traffic study is not required. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, NNE ZIEL ~TANTS.INC. vo e liel, P.E. President Enclosure Traffic Engineering and Planning