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Notice of Preventative Treatments for Termites (as required by Florida Building Code(PBC;10424) CERT. #3secl.V/54 PRE-TREAT P.C.FIRMNJB100595 1 ?MlIWCONJ 4O4MIL Phone(861) 841-0030 4801 N.Fla01er Drive Mobile(661) 818.9218 Went Palm Beach,FL 33407 /t- OWNER /nkaltV LOT r BLOCK Z SUB-DIV STREET ADDRESS 99f1 c1 ci 3'$ �d#•r CITY 40.14'77*/ c4 jCG //GENERAL CONTRACTOR 'q—as4c OPERATOR (MAIN SLAB��E ,V,MSWG D7—/7!, GARAGE ADDITION PATIO MATERIAL USEDRamie T o. Sf 694 TAMP SQUARE FEET r600 Stage of tteatmenSlcarlmatel,Vertical,Adjoining Slab, PRE-TREAT T.C.INC. 4901 N.Rapier Dr. Weal Palm Beech.F133407 DAC .03100595 PO��� 1. Geo,ec,.. W F • (fax) • y 19 p 4 rtsnrm.a'ste FRNATIO IN-PLACE DENSITY AND WATER CONTENT OF SOIL AND SOIL AGGREGATE BY NUCLEAR METHODS (SHALLOW DEPTH) - ASTM 6938 Project: Ise 4ir ate,4.‘ Project ID: J%go/ Address: 1 Sw 3yr.C./ rin, SA Report ID: Client: / �yj / " Date: 7 /6,, a Permit No: Fiel Tech: Qyi Ozwate�lr-f Test Mode: Area Tested: £/4 M'f�i!/r*s Soil Description: Proctor/LBR ID: Max Density(PCF): 166,7 Opt Moisture(%): /3,9 Test Standard: Compaction Required (%): q+- Probe Elev Wet Dry Moist. Compaction Location Depth Density Density (%) % Results (in) (PCF) (PCF) lorolfir' ld 4 /154 /06,1 YM 1 y P 2 Leri 1/1>V) .2 3 Jean/ //MS /07, 7 6443 1 ,b 4 fit/laner /arc /t/ /az// 6 �L✓�/I1C✓ 415,L) 72 r i! 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 Testing Gauge Information: Manufacturer: Model: 3 y_ SIN: . f7 Density Standard (DS) Moisture Standard (MS): Remarks: Legend for Elevation: Respectfully Submitted: PR=Proofroll 1, 2, 3 ='1st, 2nd, 3rd Lift GFA International, Inc. SL=Springline FL = Final Lift FBPE CA#4930 SG=Subgrade • BG = Below Grade BC= Basecourse BOF= Bottom of Footing 4/8/2014 TOP =Top of Pipe FG = Finished Grade Professional Engineer# Test report shall not be reproduced,except in full,without the written approval of GFA International State of Florida Environmental•Geotechnical•Construction Materials Testing•Special and Threshold Inspections•Plan Review and Code Compliance Florida's Leading Engineering Source www.teamgfa.com