PERMIT DOCUMENTS City of Boynton Beach 0Building � Division ON 9 • INSULATION INSTALLATION CERTIFICATION Job Address ZC 3 S S 6-7-4- 5 rr Permit# (75-636( STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE: We, the undersigned, hereby certify that the thermal.insulation has been installed in the referenced building in compliance with the Florida Model Energy Efficiency Building Code, and the approved plans and specifications, and in accordance with good construction practice. The insulation furnished is of the type, thickness, and R value as set forth below: MASONRY WALL INSULATION: STUD WALL INSULATION: ' Manufacturer !'w Manufacturer Type R Type Thickness 3341 Thickness R Value R Value CEILING/ROOF INSULATION: OTHER INSULATION: Manufacturer Owe^> Manufacturer Type i3(o.,... (ceflta (ose Type Thickness Q- IC)`r Thickness R Value 3C� R Value GARAGE & CEILING INSULATION: Manufacturer Type Thickness R Value Date: Insulation Contractor/Builder Ow--Pr Company Name Building Contractor CC# ar"- N C-4—> Authorized Contract Owner Certified on Signature Date Office Use Only: Submitted to(Division Employee) Date i 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd.PO Box 310.Boynton Beach FL 33425-0310 Phone:(661)7424360 Fax:(661)7424357 S:NevelopmennBuildinplFomts&TemplatesVn-HouseVnsuWtlon Installation Certification(9A5)