PERMIT DOCUMENTS • AFfPR RN-OWING-RETURN To ' ' CFN .20160154940 • • OR BH 28272 PG 1177 RECORDED 05/04/2016 10:43:15 Palm Beach County, Florida - Sharon R. Bock,CLERK 6 COMPTROLLER PERMIT NUMBER; (L/V_ ( 5t( - Pp 1177; Opp)pl . NOTICE OFCOMMENCEMENT The undersigned hereby gives notice that Improvement will be made to certain real properly,and In accordance with Gupta 713, • Florida Statutes,the following information is provided In this Nalce of Commencement. 08 I. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY(Legal denoiptlon of the property do Weet adder;If available)TAX POLIO NO.: 43 45 33 25 000 0621 SUBDIVISION Los;, Mangos Villas 62 'A �/1 BLOCK TRACT LOT BLDGUMR� V I.GENERALDESCRIrrION OPIMPROYEMA'rr: Home improvement ' 3. OWNER INFORMATION OR LESSEE INFORMATION If THE LESSEE CONTRACTED FOR THE IMPROVEMENT: ,.H',n,.ed.gden,: Mary Hughes, 501 SE 27th Lane, Boynton Beach, Fl 33435 a Interest 1,popery: I Owner c.Nuns ted eddra,atm simple deebnwa(If alfrueet earn Cana hoed Mor): N/A . t. a.CONTRALTON'e Nome: Bailey's Home Services, Inc.. • co,ac,ar•,addeme: 1 P.O. Box 476, Boynton Beach, F1 334MoMnumba: 561-738-5933 . ('' 3. SURETY(Ifamllab,e,a copy of dm payment bend Iiatttsdl: - . v e.Nome and add..o: N/A e Phone number: A Amainof bond:S d.a.LENOER'L NAME: N/A Lmdc't.ddren: b.Phan*number 7. Persons within the State of Florida designated by Queer upon whom notices or other documents may be served as provided by Section 713.13(I)(a)7.,Florida Statute,: . a.NamuM tidea,: . N/A b.Phone number of dedwted rwnr: • S.a.In addition to himself or herself,Owner designates N/A of to receive a copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided In Section 713.13(I)(b),Florida Statutes. b.Phone number of paean or entity dedaxad by Omni: 9. Expiration date oflootlae of commencement(the expiration date may not be before the completion of construction and final payment to the contractor,but will be I year tom the daze of recording unless a different date I,specified): 7-30 201 6 • e' 'd, . *..o.tc .. . . M.r ..,,, : .d,'; ,a- .. a 9. •' I,I' alp ry' M' M„b p. "..cote .-.. .t• h, . ew'd! JO,-L e „ale l t M 1: e M, .; •• 'I. tau .aI 1 isM '. t.. B. ' 1.: tu':e EJd u ' I; •.. .. a _ ...se ' ' y....9. '.FIN R .. RFMORDPD AND POSTED ON TT 105IP SrBP BEFORE THE FIRST INCPFeTOON YOU INrPNU TO OBTAIN FDIANCNQ CONSULT WITH YOUR LPNDFR OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE fOMM 4 WO WORK OR RPf0.DW0 YOUR NOTICE OF COA.NENCEMENT Under penalty of perjury,I declare that I have read the foregoing notice of commencement and that the facts stated therein ere true to the best of my knowledge and belief. (Signature a of 0e or lc.GCc,or Owner's or Lessee's (Print Name and Provide Signatory's Tite/ORice) Authorized Ofa'u_r^� /Dlrector/PartnerfManager) Stale of r(,I�H1304--- County of Pak, MACa • • �nys,'/ • _. .._The f soirelors(uJmq.,-.i..w9's,.cccknewledged before me this Oa day of 404/ 20 6 by (nit of person) —_--,u.., � _.._._. ._ - ( P ) (type of authorily,...e.g.officer,trustee,attorney in Tia) for (name ofpany on behalf of whom instrument was ex�ecuted�) p �s /� Personally Known_or Produced Identification I�Type of Identlficatlon Produced r C'�-1/^L'oy v/COI/Ce= p":-. WTIIEWT.RFID / •t��31.lILdd:Ouun EE ESISB EIPIRES:Oaumbu,,Alb (Signaturetory Public) S. YW,Nn Rood Mur Sada Rer.,00lI l(S.aemtelnU (him t,T type,or Sump Commissioned Name of Notary Public) nR STATE OF FLORIDA • PALM BEACH COUNTY -•S ,c A'4 r, I hereby certify Ina,me laregoing is e V Q J,'l� True copy 01 the record in my office with 1I• red II sit any es rep 'red by law/i M,.ori. iH15 pAY 0ARON([((4C .RO SHARON R. OC /�CyCLLEEfRK 6 C /OOLLEER���/y� BY / EaUTv CLERK