SHIP Report 2014-15 & 2015-16
SHIP Annual Report Boynton Beach FY 2014/2015 Interim-1 Form 1 Title: Report Status: Unsubmitted Page 1 Form SHIP AR/2009 67-37.008(3)(f), F.A.C. Effective Date: 11/2009
Form 2Code Strategy Expended Amount Units Encumbered Amount Units Unencumbered Amount Units 1 Purchase Asst. w/Rehab $25,000.00 1 $20,000.00 1 2 Purchase Asst. w/o Rehab $180,000.00
4 3 Rehabilitation $91,292.37 3 Homeownership Totals: $205,000.00 5 $111,292.37 4 Homeownership SHIP Distribution Summary Code Strategy Expended Amount Units Encumbered Amount Units
Unencumbered Amount Units Rental Totals: Rentals Subtotals: $205,000.00 5 $111,292.37 4 Additional Use of Funds Use Expended Encumbered Administrative $118.80 $33,923.30 Homeownership
Counseling Admin From Program Income $80.56 Admin From Disaster Funds Unencumbered Totals: $205,118.80 5 $145,296.23 4 $.00 Total Revenue (Actual and/or Anticipated) for Local SHIP Trust
Fund * Carry Forward to Next Year: $.00 NOTE: This carry forward amount will only be accurate when all revenue amounts and all expended, encumbered and unencumbered amounts have been
added to Form 1 Source of Funds Amount State Annual Distribution $340,421.00 Program Income (Interest) $1,611.21 Program Income (Payments) Recaptured Funds Disaster Funds Other Funds
Carryover funds from previous year $8,382.82 Total: $350,415.03 Page 2 Form SHIP AR/2009 67-37.008(3)(f), F.A.C. Effective Date: 11/2009
Description Eff. 1 Bed 2 Bed 3 Bed 4 Bed Rental Unit Information Recap of Funding Sources for Units Produced ("Leveraging") Source of Funds Produced through June 30th for Units Amount
of Funds Expended to Date % of Total Value SHIP Funds Expended $205,000.00 21.48% Public Moneys Expended $27,900.00 2.92% Private Funds Expended $686,564.00 71.94% Owner Contribution
$34,845.88 3.65% Total Value of All Units $954,309.88 100.00% SHIP Program Compliance Summary -Home Ownership/Construction/Rehab Compliance Category SHIP Funds Trust Funds Homeownership
$306,378.90 $340,421.00 Construction /Rehabilitation $306,378.90 $340,421.00 % of Trust Fund FL Statute Minimum % 90.00% 65% 90.00% 75% Program Compliance -Income Set-Asides Project
Funding for Expended Funds Only Income Category SHIP Funds Expended SHIP Funds Encumbered SHIP Funds Unencumbered Total of SHIP Funds Total Available Funds % * Extremely Low $60,000.00
$46,000.00 $106,000.00 30.25% Very Low $.00 .00% Low $90,000.00 $25,292.37 $115,292.37 32.90% Moderate Moderate $55,000.00 $40,000.00 $95,000.00 27.11% Over 120%-140% $.00 .00% Totals:
$205,000.00 $111,292.37 $.00 $316,292.37 90.26% Income Category Total Funds Mortgages, Loans & DPL's Mortgages, Loans & DPL Unit #s Total Funds SHIP Grants SHIP Grant Unit #s Total SHIP
Funds Expended Total # Units Extremely Low $60,000.00 1 $60,000.00 1 Very Low $.00 0 Low $90,000.00 2 $90,000.00 2 Moderate $55,000.00 2 $55,000.00 2 Totals: $205,000.00 5 $.00 0 $205,000.00
5 No rental strategies are in use Page 3 Form SHIP AR/2009 67-37.008(3)(f), F.A.C. Effective Date: 11/2009
Strategy List Unincorporated and Each Municipality ELI VLI Low Mod Total Purchase Asst. w/Rehab Boynton Beach 1 1 Purchase Asst. w/o Rehab Boynton Beach 1 2 1 4 Totals: 1 2 2 5 Number
of Households/Units Produced Description List Unincorporated and Each Municipality 0 -25 26 -40 41 -61 62+ Total Purchase Asst. w/Rehab Boynton Beach 1 1 Purchase Asst. w/o Rehab Boynton
Beach 2 2 4 Totals: 3 2 5 Characteristics/Age (Head of Household) Description List Unincorporated and Each Municipality 1 Person 2-4 People 5 + People Total Purchase Asst. w/Rehab Boynton
Beach 1 1 Purchase Asst. w/o Rehab Boynton Beach 2 2 4 Totals: 3 2 5 Family Size Description List Unincorporated and Each Municipality White Black Hispanic Asian Amer-Indian Other Total
Purchase Asst. w/Rehab Boynton Beach 1 1 Purchase Asst. w/o Rehab Boynton Beach 3 1 4 Totals: 1 3 1 5 Race (Head of Household) Description List Unincorporated and Each Municipality Farm
Worker Devel. Disabled Homeless Elderly Other Other Total Purchase Asst. w/Rehab Boynton Beach 0 Demographics (Any Member of Household) Form 3 Page 4 Form SHIP AR/2009 67-37.008(3)(f),
F.A.C. Effective Date: 11/2009
Expended Funds Strategy Full Name Address City Zip Code Expended Funds Unit Counted Purchase Asst. w/Rehab Pamelina Baglio 220 SW 3rd Street Boynton Beach 33435 $25,000.00 Purchase
Asst. w/o Rehab Martha Mendoza 406 SW 9th Avenue Boynton Beach 33435 $60,000.00 Purchase Asst. w/o Rehab Jackson Adhemar 408 SW 9th Avenue Boynton Beach 33435 $30,000.00 Purchase
Asst. w/o Rehab Tanicsha Lowery 153 West MLK Jr. Blvd. Boynton Beach 33435 $45,000.00 Purchase Asst. w/o Rehab Andre Elisma 147 West MLK Jr. Blvd. Boynton Beach 33435 $45,000.00
Boynton Beach 2014 Interim-1 $205,000.00 Form 4 Purchase Asst. w/o Rehab Boynton Beach 1 1 Totals: 1 1 Special Target Groups for Funds Expended (i.e. teachers, nurses, law enforcement,
fire fighters, etc.) Set Aside Description Special Target Group Expended Funds Total # of Expended Units Form 5 Page 5 Form SHIP AR/2009 67-37.008(3)(f), F.A.C. Effective Date: 11/2009
Code(s) Strategies Expended Amount Units Encumbered Amount Units 2 Purchase Asst. w/o Rehab $60,000.00 1 3 Rehabilitation $46,000.00 1 SHIP Expended and Encumbered for Special Needs
Applicants Special Needs Breakdown Strategies Special Needs Category Expended Amount Units Encumbered Amount Units (2) Purchase Asst. w/o Rehab Receiving Supplemental Security Income
$60,000.00 1 (3) Rehabilitation Developmental Disabilities $46,000.00 1 Special Needs Category Breakdown by Strategy LG Submitted Comments: Page 6 Form SHIP AR/2009 67-37.008(3)(f),
F.A.C. Effective Date: 11/2009
SHIP Annual Report Boynton Beach FY 2015/2016 Interim-2 Form 1 Title: Report Status: Unsubmitted Page 1 Form SHIP AR/2009 67-37.008(3)(f), F.A.C. Effective Date: 11/2009
Form 2Code Strategy Expended Amount Units Encumbered Amount Units Unencumbered Amount Units 2 Purchase Asst. w/o Rehab $28,050.00 1 $90,000.00 2 $60,000.00 2 3 Rehabilitation $100,000.00
2 $51,912.48 1 Homeownership Totals: $28,050.00 1 $190,000.00 4 $111,912.48 3 Homeownership SHIP Distribution Summary Code Strategy Expended Amount Units Encumbered Amount Units Unencumbered
Amount Units Rental Totals: Rentals Subtotals: $28,050.00 1 $190,000.00 4 $111,912.48 3 Additional Use of Funds Use Expended Encumbered Administrative $34,849.50 Homeownership Counseling
Admin From Program Income $858.79 Admin From Disaster Funds Unencumbered Totals: $28,050.00 1 $225,708.29 4 $111,912.48 3 Total Revenue (Actual and/or Anticipated) for Local SHIP Trust
Fund * Carry Forward to Next Year: $.00 NOTE: This carry forward amount will only be accurate when all revenue amounts and all expended, encumbered and unencumbered amounts have been
added to Form 1 Source of Funds Amount State Annual Distribution $348,495.00 Program Income (Interest) $800.45 Program Income (Payments) $16,375.32 Recaptured Funds Disaster Funds Other
Funds Carryover funds from previous year $.00 Total: $365,670.77 Page 2 Form SHIP AR/2009 67-37.008(3)(f), F.A.C. Effective Date: 11/2009
Description Eff. 1 Bed 2 Bed 3 Bed 4 Bed Rental Unit Information Recap of Funding Sources for Units Produced ("Leveraging") Source of Funds Produced through June 30th for Units Amount
of Funds Expended to Date % of Total Value SHIP Funds Expended $28,050.00 30.24% Public Moneys Expended .00% Private Funds Expended $59,500.00 64.15% Owner Contribution $5,200.51 5.61%
Total Value of All Units $92,750.51 100.00% SHIP Program Compliance Summary -Home Ownership/Construction/Rehab Compliance Category SHIP Funds Trust Funds Homeownership $308,737.80 $348,495.00
Construction /Rehabilitation $308,737.80 $348,495.00 % of Trust Fund FL Statute Minimum % 88.59% 65% 88.59% 75% Program Compliance -Income Set-Asides Project Funding for Expended Funds
Only Income Category SHIP Funds Expended SHIP Funds Encumbered SHIP Funds Unencumbered Total of SHIP Funds Total Available Funds % * Extremely Low $.00 .00% Very Low $100,000.00 $50,000.00
$150,000.00 41.02% Low $28,050.00 $90,000.00 $35,000.00 $153,050.00 41.85% Moderate $26,912.48 $26,912.48 7.36% Over 120%-140% $.00 .00% Totals: $28,050.00 $190,000.00 $111,912.48 $329,962.48
90.23% Income Category Total Funds Mortgages, Loans & DPL's Mortgages, Loans & DPL Unit #s Total Funds SHIP Grants SHIP Grant Unit #s Total SHIP Funds Expended Total # Units Extremely
Low $.00 0 Very Low $.00 0 Low $28,050.00 1 $28,050.00 1 Moderate $.00 0 Totals: $28,050.00 1 $.00 0 $28,050.00 1 No rental strategies are in use Page 3 Form SHIP AR/2009 67-37.008(3)(f),
F.A.C. Effective Date: 11/2009
Form 4 Strategy List Unincorporated and Each Municipality ELI VLI Low Mod Total Purchase Asst. w/o Rehab Boynton Beach 1 1 Totals: 1 1 Number of Households/Units Produced Description
List Unincorporated and Each Municipality 0 -25 26 -40 41 -61 62+ Total Purchase Asst. w/o Rehab Boynton Beach 1 1 Totals: 1 1 Characteristics/Age (Head of Household) Description List
Unincorporated and Each Municipality 1 Person 2-4 People 5 + People Total Purchase Asst. w/o Rehab Boynton Beach 1 1 Totals: 1 1 Family Size Description List Unincorporated and Each
Municipality White Black Hispanic Asian Amer-Indian Other Total Purchase Asst. w/o Rehab Boynton Beach 1 1 Totals: 1 1 Race (Head of Household) Description List Unincorporated and Each
Municipality Farm Worker Devel. Disabled Homeless Elderly Other Other Total Purchase Asst. w/o Rehab Boynton Beach 0 Totals: 0 Demographics (Any Member of Household) Special Target Groups
for Funds Expended (i.e. teachers, nurses, law enforcement, fire fighters, etc.) Set Aside Description Special Target Group Expended Funds Total # of Expended Units Form 3 Page 4 Form
SHIP AR/2009 67-37.008(3)(f), F.A.C. Effective Date: 11/2009
Expended Funds Strategy Full Name Address City Zip Code Expended Funds Unit Counted Purchase Asst. w/o Rehab Jermaine Bueford 2121 W. Woolbright Rd. #K103 Boynton Beach 33426 $28,050.00
Boynton Beach 2015 Interim-2 $28,050.00 Form 5Code(s) Strategies Expended Amount Units Encumbered Amount Units 2 Purchase Asst. w/o Rehab $45,000.00 1 3 Rehabilitation $24,699.00
1 SHIP Expended and Encumbered for Special Needs Applicants Special Needs Breakdown Strategies Special Needs Category Expended Amount Units Encumbered Amount Units (2) Purchase Asst.
w/o Rehab Receiving Social Security Disability Insurance $45,000.00 1 (3) Rehabilitation Developmental Disabilities $24,699.00 1 Special Needs Category Breakdown by Strategy Page 5 Form
SHIP AR/2009 67-37.008(3)(f), F.A.C. Effective Date: 11/2009
LG Submitted Comments: Page 6 Form SHIP AR/2009 67-37.008(3)(f), F.A.C. Effective Date: 11/2009