PERMIT DOCUMENTS Sep 14 16 03:04p Dove Construction 561-364-5800 p.2 ATTR RECORDING-TFTURN7rt 1111111 11111 11111 11111 11111 1111111111 1111 1111 4.10:11, CFN 20160330394 OR BK 28575 FG 0103 RECORDED 09/14/2016 15:1341 EEPALEUtittfita Pala Beach Cfamtir Florida It 1(0-375 NOTICE OP COpEMENCHMENT Sharon R. Eock•CLERK & CUPrROLLER F', 0103f (lp,) The mdenigoed'aeeby given notice Porn improvement will'x nu&to certain iI property,al in madame with Cbspta 713, Deride Same the fallwinginfarmabon is provided in the Nobs ofCommenammL 1.DESOU TION OFPROPeaIY(Legal description end meet ddiess,if available)TAX MOUDNUM,TAL• seromaoe.3cJ0 or (9-45.4-3 BLOCK TRACT LOT SLOG MOT PCM. O1i,•4'3,.4c •19 . Cs. O 15 • 00%O Sot i3. £C, 4-oSS ,er 812-334AG? 1 GDlfa EL DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENT; 3. OWNED IPTOILMATMN OS/M a:NPORMA7'IOn W tlw11SSCr:CONTRACTED FOR TOE rROTEMI T. .Namnd awsstuff A:taStti FgAscr £ nOO IQ E,gpc o T.GBUYFs SttS LAYFp stir A Imam'Lerawer • a Naos GM Mina EOM rola Endcl&c td 4.1vn am Ona I o YA do wj 4. CONTRACTOR'S NANRe C.+.IE ceras-resat mca4 GF 5Lt1TN a,t..1.,ad . b.CoNnaTax 7tte rag a awi/ l e �Je ct � t aPe a 54.1'344:SY.o PION cn • S. SUREfv LV (if apliable,a Et io d)i s bud ottrxI LNw cd Sas:: � . O.Poen orb= e.Amara dbmt:I 6. warn NAML p4/S. . 7. Pena within the Suer of Faith deilaald by Owner upon whm notice or other dray nu may be vaned as provided by Semon 713.13(fl(,)7.,Florida Sumner LNo=maribs 1.-1A.i4r. I,Rem astern ntdwim.lndimma ' 8. In addition tobroad or luenclEOwaerdeigmin re to receive.copy of the Lime.Notice es provided in Seel®713.13(I)(b),Plndda Stepan b PEmt eerier of ddp.ed b:(5...."b" 9. Expinta date ofcolke ofmahatma(the apiramdme my not be before the completion ofconstrumon and final payment so:be=IS ba will be I yam from the dam of recording alma•diffmvmt date is.pari&die WARNING 7D OWNER: ANY PAYMENTS MAT)F BY THE OWNER AFTER THE DZPBUTION OF THENOTICE OP O)aa'ENCEMEN' ARECONS'DPAED MPROPFJR PAYMENTS UNDER CHAIfER 7L3.PART 1,SECTION 713.13 FLORIDA STATUTES MID CAN RESULT IN YOUR PAYING 1WICEFOR P*ROVEMENIS TO YOUR PROPERTY.ANOTWE OF OINDISENCFMENTMUSTBB IP.CORTEM AND MEM)rim'ars JOB SfrT REWIRE THEFN67 NSPECUON IPVOU D17'FWD TO OBTAIN FINANCING.CONSULT .iii1 r :PJe S. 1.: . els•:War :l _.:. ..L•tt'14 . .O'., IL: :n ,:I I' -YOfR?NOTICE OFCOADARNCEMFNT Under Peoally ofperiay,l declare dal nave read the thieving soda of camemeemeot and that the Gab slated therein re hoe to the swam kmwidge ad belief ven.,Y.t L C.t ,Gem s w- Slgnamre of Owner or Lace,or Owa's or lame', PrlarName and Provide Sigmmry'a Th>GOSte Aeshoeted OlfktnlmeeorfPaem&bLotger ' Sete of Flat Conary of Palm Bah The foregoing imament wwas,,ar�karlvlgS before m:thin t day of }noJp+__,,, 211.fr—.r.� By Yeroni(CS 011oaaQeal—m_'',, (+ m Cct'r at ICICI r Pari .i1 [�1 I_(I�u,•l]l lLY 1 mr�, i,• , . (CYN eTnaelie/....aL.Bcer.nl5et eT�sf ro few For o7pryolb 1 II-��(•n•fm on WolfaMom Warman'was scud) ' UPermon11y known orDProdlced the following type ofidedafaboa D • r W:t,.:s IRENE ENMENDORF . e`0 l�Yl E Notary g161k•Slate of Nokia Swart of Notary Puggc Est am [' f My Corel.Expire,Mar 59.2017 f (MN,type,or Num commiseiered as ofNomyOMNI at a Cmwkaalon 1 EE 867101 a< 514,E OF r!.c,slD.', -.:(h1 CE:-.0; Cella.' EMeNriNEENBULDDIMEernaTe,pleva SivANdu eICmam oremen ,:,: ��',., i tirle5. viQ3f{3!r3 ihn •-I::;;. :••1 iF. a •;iii;�::;c tree:opt of:h::.c c,-!'.n r: C.;�ii:.:r-;in G x: rill I ii •-Ia- L isA:. y.' in'Jf:e— �n /r/J UFFt 6" +f � � L, DEPUTY CLERK Sep 1416 03:04p Dove Construction 561-364-5800 p.1 11fq. p Dove Construction 7248 Brunswick Circle Boynton Beach, Florida 33437 (561)-364-5800 Office (561)-364-5500 Fax FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET DATE: Sei'r R ?_6i(o TO: RELtn Mil I l rk _ COMPANY BoSi-tTO 3 13 44 4.1 TELEPHONE NUMBER 5 1 • 74? - 635--0 FAX NUMBER Scoff 742 (01157 NUMBER OF PAGES 2 (Including cover sheet) ADDITIONAL COMMENTS PLe."st. ATh .0 .I • -C2 PERZIvt'-I- e-vi APe ,(o - 37sco ".amu -r1 �