DRAWINGSI I I Q 0 o N8_8°40'49"W 83. 19 ' LOT 707 (OCCUPIED) A_30°78'20" R-380. 0 LEGAL -DESCRIPTION Lot 100, Block 4, MELEAR according to the Plat recorded in Plat Book 86 at Page 145 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Containing: 5765 square feet equaling 0.132 acres, (Gross) Property Control No. 08-43-45-18-21-004-1000 PROPERTY ADDRESS. 1810 MAGLIANO DRIVE BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, 33436 LOT 99 (OCCUPIED) ' ; I UTILITY L % SEMEN T r ONCRETE LOT 27 (OCCUPIED' LOT 20 (OCCUPIED) CIS - _ iitlNR _ d1J�pf3, i14MINr3 LN LOCATION MAP not to scale SURVEYORS NOTES 1. Bearings shown hereon are relative to a plat bearing with the centerline of SAN SAV/NO DRIVE being shown to bear N. 01'19'11" E. and all other bearings shown hereon are relative thereto. 2. Distances shown hereon represent field measurements and when applicable, coincide with the recorded plat, unless otherwise noted. Distances shown hereon are in feet and decimal parts thereof. J. No search of the Public Records has been made by this office. 4. No documents regarding additional restrictions, easements, and /or other matters, unless furnished to this office, has been shown unless stated hereon. 5. Information regarding subsurface improvements, encroachments, and/or overlaps, if applicable, has not been determined, unless otherwise noted. 6. Elevations shown hereon, if applicable, are shown in feet and decimal parts thereof. Datum is based on the National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD)/(MSL) Mean Sea Level, of 1929. Z According to the National Flood Insurance Program, Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) Community Pane/ No. 120192 0190 B, last re— vised October 15, 1982, this yroperty as shown hereon lies in Flood Zone "S . 8. SURVEY MAP AND REPORT OR THE COPIES THEREOF ARE NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND THE ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF A FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER ,___9t_ ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS TO SURVF. Y MAPS OR REPORTS - BY OTHER THAN THE SIGNING PARTY OR PARTIES ARE PROHIBITED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE SIGNING PARTY OR PARTIES. 10. SUBJECT TO: Easement and Right—of—Ways of record. 11. Purpose of this survey is for poo/ as—built. 12. ACCURACY— SUBURBAN. LiNEAR: 1 FOOT IN 7,500 FEET Plat of SPEICFIC Pll_RPOSE survey ,for pool as—built Certified to: LEND L = Length of -Cun e = Well R = Radius ®=Delta = Catch Basin PCP = Permanent ;tro,` = Gate Valve in concrete Dennis .H. 1Vurmi Donna 14. Point N,s`Ti = Nail & Tin rLii1 = Concrete flume )1Vurmi PK = Pa; trc r Conc. = Concrete ire Hydrant govalve in 2'x4' concrete slab 90 IW = Back o% #✓c � = Light Pole f T8 UB Top of ci ' "a ,V c = Electric Service Date Revision —��'ropo a E i r `3 -Clean out "1 hereby certify that I have surveyed the property Plat described hereon, and that this sketch of survey is — Pro,p':' 4 d deJISL�t , > = Measured accurate and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, there are no apparent above ground - i � Cable , i ;% v = Sanitary Lift Station encroachments other than those shown or stated hereon, and that this survey complies with the Water _ Pow6r i 1e = Buried Propane Tank Standards of Practices adopted by the Florida Board of Professional Land Surveyors in Chapter 5J-17, = Overh-o od f FPL Trans L = Licensed Business Fac.. s ^ RSC , r :r i ik, = Irrigator ' •, 1 PLS -- i =Professional Land Surveyor ®2016 JQC DEVELOPMENT SERVICES INC.Florida "q@t��Of8p fj !c = Back Flow Preventor PRA9 = Perroonapt Monument EB = Engineering Business Field Date: 3-08-16 Fax. (66f) 790-4488 (561) 790-4471 N = North S = South pave. = pavement O.R.B. =Official Record Book Ref.: FOLDER evelopme7tt T -� Gk Services, Inc. E = East AE/EOZD = Agricultural Scale:EB#4873 C 1_13#4873 nv.l W = West Residential/ Equestrian Overlay Zoning District 1 = 20# I r..,,rs„ 12794 W. Forest Hill Boulevard 4 4 -A nn.n:...s...... Ell --'.J- n] 1.. .