PERMIT DOCUMENTS G..Y On o`�O� City of Boynton Beach "rot, .` Building Division INSTALLATION AFFIDAVIT WINDOW & DOOR (replacement) To: City of Boynton Beach, Florida Department of Development- Building Division Field Inspection Section 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., PO Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310! Re: Permit No. f 1- ?111(1 From: Rttg( 1 « (Contractor) 1046 SW 1)!" st 8x4 kir, ' - -g3 (Contractor's Address) -Torn 11ev� , (Owner/s Name) 700 4xuoiNs Wt6* tl 6,ymiar` Q,rack P, (Property Address) 33-13? CERTIFICATION SELECTION: (Please check all that apply) ❑X Certification of Window Installation ❑Certification of Door Installation Other (glass block, etc) Rant( Litt' , am a licensed contractor (license No. t_)-•h'7nlo ) and do hereby certify that all work (as indicated above) has been performed and installed at the above address in accordance with the Florida Building Code, Existing Building, as amended, and Manufacturer's Installation Instructions/NOA/ Product Approvals submitted. 1 3/afw17/ Signatu ladalifier Date STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this (date)bangiliteg,who is personally known to me or who has produced S (type of identification)as identification and who di did no ake an oath. I r _rte (SEAL) Signature of person taking acknowledgement ,_ , • � II Name of officer taking acknowledgement-typed, printer . stamped + - - - - - - - Title or rank Serial number }s1Z" ELIZABETH A ! , Notary Public•Mats ot•Florida • t • j• •- Commission I FF 976696 ted, My Comm Expos Apr 5.2020 Abtt anKut m..NtlMNNedryMr 4 _ _ 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd, PO Box 310,Boynton Beach FL 33425-0310 Phone:(561)742-6350 Fax:(561)742-6357 S:IDevelopmenttBUILDINGIForms-Templates-Signs1Window and Door Affidavit.doe(11/11) City of Boynton Beach rf�P= Building Division 7.0N WINDOW & DOOR INSTALLATION CERTIFICATION FOR LICENSED CONTRACTORS ONLY I. PURPOSE The purpose of this Policy is to provide a method for certifying installation of replacement doors and windows. This policy applies only to licensed contractors or owner qualified for exemption under Florida Statute 489.103 (7) II. AUTHORIZATION Section 104.12 of the Boynton Beach Amendments to the Florida Building Code as adopted by the City of Boynton Beach, provides that requirements necessary for the public safety, health and general welfare not specifically covered by the standard or the Building Official shall determine other technical codes or policies. III. APPLICATION Qualified applicants may certify the window and/or door installation by preparing an affidavit certifying that the installation of the window and/or door complies with all codes, ordinances, rules and regulations; that the qualifier or designee personally inspected the specific job; and that the window and/or door was installed according to the 2010 Florida Building Code, and Existing Building Code, as amended, and the Manufacturer's Installation Instructions/NON Product Approvals. This affidavit must be presented to the inspector at the Final scheduled inspection on-site. The Structural Building Inspector will fail the inspection until certified by the applicant or pass the inspection if the signed affidavit is present at the job site. A Final is the only scheduled inspection and an.affidavit supplied, the Inspector shall add the comment, "CERTIFIED," and pass the inspection. , Inspections may be requested by balling the inspection clerk 24 hrs in advance at (561) 742-6355. AROM x136/.103 dF38SA 34 • noinim.no3 4:G4.2 wA t^:Igj3.mean VM ntaA 1S'MLttlotliN.lc.Gq".I.13J^0v ,..„ • 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd,PO Box 310,Boynton Beach FL 33425-0310 Phone:(561)742-6350 Fax:(561)742-6357