DRAWINGSGENERAL NOTES 1) The fire alarm system is U.L. Listed as POWER LIMITED & of the general alarm type per NEPA 72, 2002 edition. All equipment is compatible and Listed for its intended use. 2) The fire alarm panel is provided with standby battery per NFPA 72 with 24 hours standby and 5 minutes alarm. Should loss of normal 120VAC operating power occur, the fire alarm panel will automatically transfer to the standby battery. 3) A break in any field wiring or grounding of any conductor will result in the activation of the fire alarm panel trouble buzzer, which can be silenced by operating the "Trouble Silence" button on the fire alarm panel. 4) Pull stations to be mounted at 48" AFF per the ADA code. 5) Ceiling mounted smoke detectors shall not be located in a direct airflow, nor closer than 3 feet from an air supply diffuser. NFPA 72 A. (2002) I 6) Power up and power down of the fire alarm panel must be done in the proper sequence: Power Down: Disconnect battery and then turn off the AC power at the breaker. Power Up: Turn on the AC power at the breaker and then connect the battery. NOTE: Do NOT disconnect the AC power feed from the terminal block to disconnect power. 7) The 120VAC power feed for the fire panel and booster power supplies must be from a dedicated emergency panel breaker, and the breaker must be identified as "FIRE ALARM CIRCUIT". 8) The control (relay) module for AHU shutdown shall be located within three (3) feet of the device being controlled. NEPA 101 A-7-6.5.5 (2003) The control module shall be located such that the front mounted LED is visible upon entry into mechanical room. The relay contacts have a MAXIMUM capability of 1.0 amps @ 24v and 0.3 amps @ 120VAC. Contractor must verify that the shutdown circuit does NOT exceed these maximum current ratings. 9) The installing contractor shall set the device address as identified on the installation wiring disgrams 10) Wall Mounted Horns and strobes to be at 80" to bottom or 6" from ceiling which ever is lower. 11) Notification Appliance Circuit will be "Class B - Style Y" 12) Signaling line circuits (SLC) Circuit will be "Class B - Style 4" 13) ALL DEVICES ARE COMPATIBLE 14) All duct detectors will send -a supervisory signal to fire alarm panel. 15) Conduit shall not exceed 40% of conduit capacity. 16) Maximum number devices of slc circuit is 198 devices 17) The design installation complies with FBC 11-4.28.3 18) All audible devices shall be 3 PULSE temporal. 19) All strobe light shall be synchronized. AREA OF "NORK SITE KEY TOTAL CIRCUIT AMP DRAW `lr\uu" ' Psi 0 DEVICE DEVICE COUNT DEVICE AMP DRAW TOTAL DEVICE AMP DRAW MAX AMP 2.5 P2R 75CD 1 .157 0.157 ALARM SR 75CD 4 .158 0.474 1#12 AWG THHN WIRE FOR GROUND CONNECTION GREEN GREEN CURRENT 2#12 AWG THHN WIRE FOR POWER SUPPLY AND AND PANEL TO 120 VOLT POWER TOTAL CIRCUIT DRAW �� STANDBY CURRENT WWW.FIRECONTROLSMET TOTAL 0.6311 DEVICE LEGEND NOTIFIER NBGX-12LX PULL STATION NOTIFIER FSP -851 PHOTO SMOKE SENSOR NOTIFIER FSD-751 DUCT HOUSING SYSTEM SENSOR (P2R) MULTI -CANDELA HORN/STROBE SYSTEM SENSOR (SR) 1 MULTI -CANDELA SERIES STROBE FU SYSTEM SENSOR (RTS151) REMOTE TEST STATION MTD. 0 48" A.F.F. = FCI GFPS-9 REMOTE POWER BOOSTER D90;O ; F o \i ; N RTI M03 ER D91 O_ N F 10 n. FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTICE: BOYNTON BEACH CITY ORDINANCE CH. 9 FIRE PROTECTION AND PREVENTION SEC. 9-33 DUCT DETECTOR ANNUNCIATION (b) UNLESS PART OF AN ENGINEERED SMOKE CONTROL SYSTEM, ALL HVAC SYSTEMS IN A FIRE AREA SHALL SHUT DOWN WHEN ANY DUCT DETECTOR ACTIVATES. PENETRATIONS AND DOORS Pentrations through rated walls and doors in rated walls shall be protected using materials that will maintain the fire rating of the wall. Doors in rated walls shall be rated for that wall. This includes frames, door closers and hardware. A label from a recognized door testing agency shall be afixed to the hing side of the door, confirming its rating. Pipe penetration material shall have its data available for inspection also. TOTAL CIRCUIT AMP DRAW ` INUU1 I ht L Psi 0 DEVICE DEVICE COUNT DEVICE AMP DRAW TOTAL DEVICE AMP DRAW MAX AMP 2.5 P21? 75CD 2 .157 0.314 ALARM SR 75CD 3 .158 0.474 1#12 AWG THHN WIRE FOR GROUND CONNECTION GREEN GREEN CURRENT 2#12 AWG THHN WIRE FOR POWER SUPPLY AND AND PANEL TO 120 VOLT POWER TOTAL CIRCUIT DRAW TOTAL 0,788 AMPS PER OUTPUT CIRCUIT 3.0 9.0 AMPS TOTAL A 16-2 FPL WIRE FOR HORNS AND STROBES DESCRIPTION STANDBY B QTY RED TOTAL ALARM 18-2 FPL 24V POWER PANEL TRIP QTY ORANGE TOTAL 1#12 AWG THHN WIRE FOR GROUND CONNECTION GREEN GREEN CURRENT 2#12 AWG THHN WIRE FOR POWER SUPPLY AND AND PANEL TO 120 VOLT POWER 13 4 �� STANDBY CURRENT WWW.FIRECONTROLSMET CM ALARM is Intertek PER UNIT PER UNIT CURRENT PER UNIT PER UNIT WIRELESS 0 L CURRENT CURRENT Inc. are altered in any manner by owner, (AMPS) Office j, (AMPS) Womens PER ITEM (AMPS) ITEM (AMPS) f i (AMPS) or in part, related to the project and (AMPS) that the owner and its agents indemnify and holds harmless Fire Controls Inc. for any and all acts related to the project. (AMPS) This concept drawings are for information (AMPS) Contractor shall field verify all 1 F.C.1 GFPS-9 POWER SUPPLY 0.075 X 1 = 0.075 -0.175 X 1 = 0.175 X 1 2 CIRCUIT #1 0.0 X 1 = 0.0 0.631 X 1 = 0.631 X 2 3 CIRCUIT #2 0.0 X 1 = 0.0 0.788 X 1 = 0.788 X 7 4 CIRCUIT #3 0.0 X 1 = 0.0 0.0 X 1 = 0.0 X 28 5 CIRCUIT #4 0.0 X 1 = 0.0 0.0 X 1 = 0.0 X 2 = TOTAL SYSTEM TOTAL SYSTEM 6 SYS SENSOR (RTS151) TEST STATION 0.0 X STANDBY CURRENT (AMPS) 0'075 ALARM CURRENT (AMPS) 1.594 X REQUIRED OPERATING TIME OF SECONDARY POWER SOURCE FROM NFPA 72 STANDBY: 24 HOURS ALARM: 5 MINUTES X 1/60 = .083 HOURS REQUIRED TOTAL SYSTEM i -� REQUIRED REQUIRED EXISTING CIRCUIT #1 TOTAL SYSTEM X REQUIRED = STANDBY STANDBY 0.892 STANDBY ALARM = ALARM ALARM 8 TIME CURRENT 0.0 CAPACITY TIME = CURRENT 1.292 CAPACITY 1 (HOURS) (AMPS) 1.292 (AMP -HOURS) (HOURS)HO(AMPS) 9 EXISTING CIRCUIT #3 0.0 (AMP -URS) 1 24 X 0.075 = 1.8 .083 1 X 1.594 = 0.1324 - REQUIRED EXISTING CIRCUIT #4 REQUIRED X REQUIRED = DERATING 0.95 MINIMUM MINIMUM STANDBY = ALARM h all AMPERE HOUR .o FACTOR @ TOTAL SYSTEM AMP -HOUR 7 AHR CAPACITY REVISION: CAPACITY REVISION: BATTERY REVISION: 1.2 °'1904 BATTERY BATTERY (AMP -HOURS) (AMP -HOURS) STANDBY. 24 HOURS ALARM: 5 MINUTES X 1/60 = .083 HOURS SHEET NO. REQUIRED FA1 OF 1 TOTAL SYSTEM REQUIRED WILL BE REQUIRED REQUIRED TOTAL SYSTEM REQUIRED PROVIDED STANDBY STANDBY ALARM 1.9324 X 1.2 = 2.4 FIRE ALARM BATTERY CALCULATIONS - PSI 2 NEW F.C.I. GFPS-9 POWER SUPPLY CAPACITY r = XI INN" D EVIICi� � i I NOTIFIER AFP -200 1 20VJ NO , .= AF -P-200 EXISTING CP1 12-2-1 12-2-2 A 75cd 75cd °QUI ami N N 12-2-3 12-2-4 12-2-5 75cd 75cd 75cd �nl,()( E 0 L N N N ELECTRIC, 190M. TIOht RE q poRED: Uffi)E ROURD STEEL ElhD8 6 t T,, Q.. . Y alwo, Y NEW CIRCUIT #2 12-1-1 12-1-2 12-1-3 12-1-4 A 75cd 75cd 75cd 75cd `' ;c: 1,w- EOL EXISTING CIRCUIT #1 E E E E PS 12 F.C.I D GFPS-9 POWER SUPPLY NEW ":'"n" KELLY FALLICA Notary Public - State of Florida my Comm. Expires Jan 31, 2016 ';9 F Commission # EE 165129 JOB COST UND GREGORY LA EF20000663 SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE cont Is Inc. ME ON THIS OF ' . = 2014 BY GREGORY LANE WHO N PERSONALLY KNOWNTO, OTARY WIRE LEGEND SYMBOL WIRE TYPE AND DESCRIPTION LABELED WARE COLOR COLOR A 16-2 FPL WIRE FOR HORNS AND STROBES BROWN BROWN B 18-2 WIRE FPL FOR DATA COMMUNICATION RED RED C 18-2 FPL 24V POWER PANEL TRIP ll"dG_ ORANGE D 1#12 AWG THHN WIRE FOR GROUND CONNECTION GREEN GREEN E 2#12 AWG THHN WIRE FOR POWER SUPPLY AND AND PANEL TO 120 VOLT POWER 13 4 �� NOTE: WIRE COLORS ARE FOR RISER REFERENCE ONLY, AND DO NOT REFLECT ACTUAL FIELD COLORS. f r a fes. f �! H PS12 o " D91 / @ f i \�� N Pil l ! f ,r %N f fi>> Office i � � f r Office f i r! t F r t ,� f< 3 f�� l f` f .` 12-2-5 ER 75cd F I, G? EOLf f ER M03� ,- ptf ITEM DESCRIPTION STANDBY QTY TOTAL ALARM %pontrols Inc QTY Trusted Brands/ Onnovative Solutions TOTAL 2721 NW 19TH STREET POMPANO BEACH, FLORIDA 33069 CURRENT LIC 9 EF 20000663 STANDBY CURRENT WWW.FIRECONTROLSMET CM ALARM is Intertek PER UNIT CURRENT PER UNIT WIRELESS 0 L If any document prepared by Fire Control CURRENT Inc. are altered in any manner by owner, its agents or by any third party if Office j, (AMPS) Womens Mens PER ITEM (AMPS) f or in part, related to the project and (AMPS) that the owner and its agents indemnify and holds harmless Fire Controls Inc. for any and all acts related to the project. This concept drawings are for information (AMPS) Contractor shall field verify all information contained on these drawings and is responsible for design and 1 NOTIFIER (AFP -200) ANALOG FIRE PANEL .185 X 1 = 0.185 .236 X 1 = 0.236 applicable N.F.P.A. codes in effect at the 2 NOTIFIER (FSP -851) PHOTO SMOKE SENSOR .00025 X 2 = 0.00050 .00025 X 2 = 0.00050 O 3 NOTIFIER (FSD-751) DUCT HOUSING .000375 X 7 = 0.00263 .000375 X 7 = 0.00263 CZm 4 NOTIFIER NBGX-12LX PULL STATION .000375 X 28 = 0.0105 .000375 X 28 = 0.0105 O CZ d- m 5 NOTIFIER MMX -101 MONITOR MODULE .000375 X 2 = 0.00075 .000375 X 2 = 0.00075 6 SYS SENSOR (RTS151) TEST STATION 0.0 X 2 - 0.0 0.012 X 2 = 0.024 i -� 7 EXISTING CIRCUIT #1 0.0 X 1 = 0.0 0.892 X 1 = 0.892 8 EXISTING CIRCUIT #2 0.0 X 1 = 0.0 1.292 X 1 = 1.292 9 EXISTING CIRCUIT #3 0.0 X 1 = 0.0 1.449 X 1 = 1.449 Other - 10 EXISTING CIRCUIT #4 0.0 X 1 = 0.0 0.95 X } = 0.95 h all DRA tY or o .o TOTAL SYSTEM G.o TOTAL SYSTEM REVISION: REVISION: REVISION: STANDBY CURRENT (AMPS) °'1904 ALARM CURRENT (AMPS) 4.85s REQUIRED OPERATING TIME OF SECONDARY POWER SOURCE FROM NFPA 72 STANDBY. 24 HOURS ALARM: 5 MINUTES X 1/60 = .083 HOURS SHEET NO. REQUIRED FA1 OF 1 TOTAL SYSTEM REQUIRED REQUIRED TOTAL SYSTEM REQUIRED STANDBY STANDBY STANDBY ALARM ALARM ALARM TIME CURRENT CAPACITY TIME CURRENT CAPACITY (HOURS) (AMPS) (AMP -HOURS) (HOURS) (AMPS) (AMP -HOURS) 24 X 0.1994 = 4.786 .083 X 4.858 = 0.4032 REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED DERATING MINIMUM MINIMUM STANDBY ALARM AMPERE HOUR FACTOR @ AMP -HOUR 7 AHR CAPACITY CAPACITY BATTERY 1.2 BATTERY BATTERY (AMP -HOURS) (AMP -HOURS) REQUIRED WILL BE PROVIDED 4.786 + 0., =.1 5.1892 X 1 1.2 = 6.228 EIRE ALARM BATTERY CALCULATIONS CP1 EXISTING NOTIFIER AEP -200 EIRE PANEL f r a fes. f �! H PS12 o " D91 / @ f i \�� N Pil l ! f ,r %N f fi>> Office i � � f r Office f i r! t F r t ,� f< 3 f�� l f` f .` 12-2-5 ER 75cd F I, G? EOLf f ER M03� ,- ptf f� F777 %pontrols Inc Trusted Brands/ Onnovative Solutions 2721 NW 19TH STREET POMPANO BEACH, FLORIDA 33069 (954)958®9111 (954)958®9933 FAX LIC 9 EF 20000663 z , WWW.FIRECONTROLSMET CM is Intertek WIRELESS 0 L If any document prepared by Fire Control f Inc. are altered in any manner by owner, its agents or by any third party if Office j, construction is not in accordance with Womens Mens /f Controls Inc. then it is understood that f or in part, related to the project and , that the owner and its agents indemnify and holds harmless Fire Controls Inc. for any and all acts related to the project. This concept drawings are for information only to potential system arrangement. N jl 75cd f', ��\ N f 12-2-1 12-2-3 ` 12-2-2 75cd B r f Office ✓ ' 75�d N E I D90 �G 12-2-4 °C ER Open Area 75cd ,N Office Office Office FIR 't" A LA 7? M FL 0 0 OR P LA N 1::8 NORTH f� F777 %pontrols Inc Trusted Brands/ Onnovative Solutions 2721 NW 19TH STREET POMPANO BEACH, FLORIDA 33069 (954)958®9111 (954)958®9933 FAX LIC 9 EF 20000663 ETL 1 0101197ATL-001 WWW.FIRECONTROLSMET CM is Intertek WIRELESS 0 L If any document prepared by Fire Control Inc. are altered in any manner by owner, its agents or by any third party if construction is not in accordance with unaltered documents prepared by Fire Controls Inc. then it is understood that Fire Controls Inc. has no liability in whole or in part, related to the project and that the owner and its agents indemnify and holds harmless Fire Controls Inc. for any and all acts related to the project. This concept drawings are for information only to potential system arrangement. Contractor shall field verify all information contained on these drawings and is responsible for design and installation of the system in accordance with the specs. To the best of our knowledge the drawings and specifications submitted herewith, comply with existing interpretations and previsions of the applicable N.F.P.A. codes in effect at the date shown below. No warranty express or implied is hereby given. DATE: 09/22/2014 SCALE: AS NOTED W O -1--i Z3 T V J! d' �m M CZm >M C_ U ��4­1 E a) CZCZ O CZ d- m L � T ' > CU ' O C;CZ O LU(DTM�O/'� T �r■ CZ ^C W I LICENSED ENGINEER. i -� REVIEWED BY DAT Structural Electrical Plumbing Mechanical P&Z Forester Fire �j ! Police Other - Processed by: II conform h all DRA tY or o .o G. L. G.o REVISION: REVISION: REVISION: SHEET TITLE Fire Alarm Floor Plan Notes, Riser & Calc's SHEET NO. FA1 OF 1