PERMIT DOCUMENTS Y• YURASEK CONSULTANTS STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS THE PALM BEACHES 561 644 - 0593 August 10, 2017 City of Boynton Beach Planning & Zoning Department 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd Boynton Beach, FL 33435 RE: 43 Woods Lane Permit #17-1006 Gentlemen; Please be advised that I am familiar with the recent construction which occurred at the above referenced location. More particularly the installation of the double layer of tar paper, wire lathe and stucco were all performed in a sound, professional and workmanlike manner. The work conforms with all of the requirements stipulated in the Florida Building Code, 2014, 5th Edition and A.S.C.E. 7-10. I trust that the forgoing satisfies all concerns of the City of Boynton Beach Building Department staff. However, in the event that you request additional information relative to this installation, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Very ly y1/s, • 411 !f- •• .urasek, P. - . FL Reg5434,147 •. ®TATE d. F<QR431' _ •efth