Electric Pole (Temporary) & Electrode Grounding System-diagrams 12-20-17 FILLABLECity of Boynton Beach Building Division S:\Development\BUILDING\Forms-Templates-Signs\Electric Pole (Temporary) & Electrode Grounding System-diagrams 7.2015.doc 01/10 ELECTRIC POLE (TEMPORARY) All work shall comply with the 2011 National Electrical Code Notes per FPL standards: 1. Before service can be run, company must have electrical inspection OK; necessary tree trimming must be done; deposit arrangements must be made. The non-refundable charge must be paid. 2. Service pole must not be within 25 feet of swimming pool and must provide clearances shown on Figure 5. 3. Un-spliced timbers required; minimum length 12 feet for 2x4’s and 16 feet for 4x4’s. Use ten-penny nails (3” long). 4. Special arrangements must be made if service drop exceeds 80 feet, or is larger than 100-ampere capacity. 5. Minimum typical requirements are shown. If local code requirements are more stringent, they must be followed. 6. The surface the meter socket is mounted on must be plumb so that the meter socket jaws are truly vertical. 7. Where acceptable to the inspecting authority, an 18 foot treated pole (5” minimum diameter at top) may be substituted for the 4x4 timber and braces provided the pole is set 5 feet deep and well tamped. All other requirements remain the same. Direction of FPL Pole FOR PROMPT ELECTRIC SERVICE SET TEMPORARY POLE AS DETAILED 10’ 8’ 10-12’ 4”X4” Pole Service Drop Cable Point of Attachment must provide clearance as shown in Figure 5 Minimum 10’ Minimum 8’ Brace Attachment 6’ - Max 4’ - Min Ground wire enclosed in conduit where req. Meter Weather Proof Switch/GFI Required 12” Min. 3’-4’ 3’ Min. Ground Rod Driven 8’ Min. Meter Size Main Size Riser Size Wire Size Ground Size 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd, PO Box 310, Boynton Beach FL 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 742-6350 Fax: (561) 742-6357 S:\Development\Building\Forms&Templates\Electric Pole (Temporary) & Electrode Grounding System (3/04, 7/07) Effective Date: Primary Building and/or Electrical Permits applied for on or after September 1, 1997. On free-standing Temporary Services, Irrigation Services, Lift Stations, Sign Services, and like Electrical Services, a second Grounding Electrode (Ground Rod) will be required were none of the other electrodes are available (as described in NEC 250.50). The second Grounding Electrode (Ground Rod) must be placed no closer than 6 feet apart and effectively bonded together. The second Grounding Electrode is not required when the Electrical Contractor can demonstrate the first Electrode measures 25 Ohms or less to ground (NEC Article 250.56). All work shall comply with the 2011 National Electrical Code. Page 2 GROUNDING ELECTRODE SYSTEM Separated by 6 ft. or greater between Electrodes Listed Grounding Clamps suitable for direct Burial or Exothermic weld (Cad-weld) per NEC 250.8, and NEC 250.70. S:\Development\BUILDING\Forms-Templates-Signs\Electric Pole (Temporary) & Electrode Grounding System-diagrams 7.2015.doc 01/10 CIRCUIT BREAKER PANEL SCHEDULE PANEL # CIRCUIT C.B. SIZE CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION LOAD (WATTS) WIRE SIZE CIRCUIT C.B. SIZE CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION LOAD (WATTS) WIRE SIZE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 TOTAL ESTIMATED LOAD FIRST 10,000 WATTS AT 100% REMAINING WATTS AT 40% HVAC (ESTIMATED) AT 100% TOTAL ESIMATED DEMAND WATTS (LESS HVAC LOAD) WATTS WATTS WATTS WATTS ÷ 240 VOLTS = AMPS Page 3