PERMIT DOCUMENTS 1111111 IIIII 11111111I1 11111 11111 111 11 ILII ILL I . Mire RECORDING•RE1LRPrO CFM 210 1 71337 3645 I'9— '33f2 g CUR BE. 29420 PG 1874 RECORDED 10/23/2017 10:33:17 Paler Beach Counter Florida Sharon R. Bock'CLERK & COMPTROLLER PEANUT NUMBER Ps 18741 (lnel )NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT The undersigned hereby gives notice that improvement will be made to certain real property,and in accordance with Chapter 713, ow _049O Florida Statutes,the information is provided in this Notice of Commencement p 9—y2-4/513/3-2z— I. DESCRIPTION OF�PRROPERT,YY a(Legaldeeaisice,tide pe M property street abbess.if TAX FOLIO NCI:,+'a.h h++eaeeue SUBDIVISION kftd/W°06 • I'^ BLOCS TRACT LOT f/5 BLDG UNIT 4359 Star Ruby Blvd.Boynton Beach.Fl.33436 L GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENT: INSTALL 1-22KW STANDBY GENERATOR WITH SWITCH AND INSTALL 1-SDOG UG LP TANK AND LINES. 1.OWNER INFORMATION OR LESSEE INFORMATION IF THE LESSEE CONTRACTED FOR THE IMPROVEMENT: N•me•nd•d.., Lon J.Hendershot 4359 Star Ruby Blvd.Boynton Beath,Fl.33436 b Intone In pommy,Owner -- _-- c Hunt AS Sem ore:ndedoddda Br 6 Dunn Sox Once li rd aenl 4.0 CONTRACTOR'S NAME:ASSURANCE POWER SYSTEMS Cwnae s den•, 1595 SW 4th AVENUE,DELRAY BEACH,FL.33444 b pha,en„nb„ (561)886-0470 3 SURETY of tryllaa4•ec01°alae Tarm.n berm ii NUMB/ •Nana•d addicts. b Phone numbs -_ cAnwx of bent 4 B LENDER'S MAME: Lade,ed6eu I Phos number 7 Persons within the Slee of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notice or other daumenls may be served at provided by Section 713.13(1)p)7,Florida Smarter a Nam•d.ddle,e b hatnate-tot designated grin _ _- 8 a In addhion to himself or herself,Owner designate of to receive a copy of the Lienar's Notice Ds amided in Section 713 13(I)(b),Florida Statutes b Phone number of persona entity delimited by Owner - 9 Expiration date of notice of canmenceanent(the expiation dote may not be before the completion of construction and final payment to thr enamour.but will be I year hon the daze of recording unless a different data is specified y .20_ WARNING TO OWNER-ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY THF OWNER AFTER THE E\PMA11ON OF THE noon OF COMMENCEMENT URF CONSIDERED IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNDER CHAPTER 713 PART L SECTION 713.13.11ORIDA STATURES AND CAN r 'e;I: ' "L Ilk L %-:•d lad' L 'r G ':•a':R' . 'hi : a R' T..'. 1 ' RECORDED AND POSTED ON T11ElDB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST LNSPECTION.IF YOU[TEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING.CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE CMIMENCLNG WORK OR RECORDING YOUR Notre OF COMMENCE-MEWL Under permby of perjury,I declare 1 have read the foregoing notice ofcanmeocesnent and that the fans stated therein are me to the best ofm knge and bQ(f. l YJ/ Got)sr-J}rr<l dP C ( re of Owne or lessee,or Owner'.or Lesser (Print Name sad Provide Signatory's Title/OlSee) AmholtredOfficer/DirerIe./PLrlaer/MReager) Scam Slaof nCi ,dtA- CountyofyWrette r...k �6''yN �111�� The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this (2-- day of a-4)6tr.20 n by Lon I-I -ncLur l s+ a, owl..4 r (name of person) (type ofautority....cg officer,mala,attorney in fact) for (name of pony on behalf of whom instrument was executed) Personally Known or Produced Identifiati.. we' Type of Identification Produce_ D L-/ d nand. motel M 3 W peon (Signature of ry Public) clo „Ns o a \ (Prima,Type,a Stamp Com ' lamed Name of Notary Public) i"eVff „\9'-Bynrma Ilk Pw ouolH a. STATE OF FLORIDA • PALM BEACH COUNTY `�pt �L. n� I hereby certify Incl the foregoing Is a s e true ropy of the record in my office with 'II' 111, redacllo s, II any as ulr by law, ro vl4 °• 7HIYOF .20 r'.,t+Cie ' SHARON R. BOCK CLERK & • 'ROLLER By /�'�� DEPUTY CLERK