PERMIT DOCUMENTS I Akhil VIII IIIII IIIII 11111 1111111111 3111111 AFTER RPMROMO-RETmN TO; /( ` • a . CFM 20170329709 LJU : 1 (lA� v n 1 ,^� r OR BE: 2934w PG 1967 v`" Y -/JCtI\r/r RECORDED 09/19/2017 10:52:52 a'a,a%`y Palle Poach Cbuntyr Florida EL 1"1*- Sharon R. Bork,CLEFK 6 COMPTROLLER Ps 1967; (las) NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT The undersigned hereby given notice that improvement will be made to certain real property,and in accordance with Chapter 713, ' Florida Statues the following information is provided in the Notice of Commencement. - I. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY(Legal description and Street ,a-ddress,if available)TAX FOLIO NUMBER: 6%41d-6%204 °12"{Doy o'O. SUBDIVISION,(Orb 1ttAdv 1.09- 1jQ BLOCK lo`j TRACT IAT_ 2LELDC_UNLp_ aAh o was W l acoon 'Ba>rl. FL z n b 2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION 0'IMPROVEMENT: YY r L ta r r 1415 3. OWNER INFORMATION OR LESSEE INFORMATION IF THE LESSEE CONTRACTED FOR THE IMPROVEMENT: a Name Gal stades;: 01 flICaO aaA 4_ ,2oe./ /� Co(O py..c4-y.¢c.� &yn. Bea( F(, 3342.!0 h.tow=hiprop,,1 weer o e Name and Stets of fat simple titleholder(ifdieerw than Owner Used above): N/A 4. CONTRACTOR'SNAME: Florida Home Improvement Associates h.ConrraOor', 3044 SW 42nd St Hollywood, FL 33312954.792-4415 c.Ploy camber 5. SIRRETY(if applicable,a copy of the payment bond is attached): a.Name and address: N/A b.Phone number: c.AjIwmt of bond:T 6. LENDER'S NAME: N/A - b.Lender's address; e-Phone number. 7. Persons within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served as provided by Section 713.13(1)(a)7.,Florida Statutes: a.Name sod address: b.Phone numbers of designated pawns: 8. In addition to himself or herself,Owner designates to receive a copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Section 713.13 I of ( )(b),Florida Sramtes. I.Phase number ofdesigaled per,ca or eotiry. 9. Fipiration date of notice of commencement(the expiration date may not be before the completion of constmction and final a s payment to the contractor,but will be 1 year from the date of recording unless a different date is specified): ,20 .1.11 krt.' . ARR CON6IDa� 1 h., .1u.o.J' ; le' s .N'1 —as ' W •.s-r;. A P RPA}^•tree❑P1r1m1 1 s O 1.1' q EsF 1 ulJBLy,dRJ L IJ i 1 Oh 713 IJ A CTA RFC A"7 BFd'ARDFDAND PO'•rPn ON Th'P IGH CITEHffOR,HI 11 cT 1. • al s Jul..i4.tl',.ra1mow OF Tfff FI_R_ H.SPE Oh 6YOIr ru'reun Under Penalty of perjury,I declare that 1 have read the foregoing notice of commencement and that the facts stated therein are true to the best of my knowledge /a and belief. J k 74ie t 6�j Ze'-L s /,C>/�f/�0"4yC-L. Signature of Owner or IeFF/ Print Name and Provide r / 6 � Authorized Officer/Director/Partner/ManageroLessee's S nem lg ry'a Title/Office State of Florida County of Palm Beach The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this —40y day of __ _ f ..1 20 t Bym�6E Gb � � s-•- /}� (nae of person) as '"^ �-' For (type ofaummrity....e.g.officer.trustee,attorney in fact) Mame ofpotty on behalfof whom iimnos rwas executed) 2 Paso �a.1 OBALEMOSe o o • I;type of identification: L Cf)MMISSIONLGG135619 - / C Of FLORIDA • PALM BEACH COUNTY v� WIRES:AUG 17,2021 O�IQ/l- !j7,Z rq. . Barred mmugh 111 State Insurance glgnaturcof [e---p "reby certify that the foregoing isa Q t1' " true copy of the record in my office with rl ; redo ns, it any as requir d by tatf 4^ s�#4 ' THIS./ tDAYOF / .207 ^'•na, r SHARON R. BOC CLE•K4COyTR r, By ar DE'UTY CLERK