PERMIT DOCUMENTS OA cp I-CO 'd-v 7e, / 0 0 /} ITY OF BOYNTON BEACH o��� DEVELOPMENTIDEPARTMENT I BUILDING DIVISION ,_ v 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard•Boynton Beach,FL 33425•(561)742-6350•Fax 742-6357 ON O APPLICATION FOR TEMPORARY/PI ARTIAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Fee: $450.00 Permit# • Tenant I 1 — `a�S Job Address , 1k • . (� o Unit ‘ Contractor of Record ! •Itilaei.,„, C Phone 9sc-_s _co0 Qualifier/Authorized Agent C\(.‘ n S2. i ' Email(4,c � .-�.ma, P We, the undersigned, are requesting a Temporary/Partial Certificate of Occupancy (hereinafter, "the TCO") for the building, or portion of the building, identified by the job address stated above in relation to work done under the permit number(hereinafter, "the permit") stated above. We understand and agree to comply with the following stipulations: 1. The TCO is valid for thirty (30) days and expires at 1.1:59pm on the thirtieth (30th) day from the date of issuance. 2. All means of egress shall be kept clear and accessible while the building is being occupied. All life safety systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. All equipment and facilities shall be maintained in such manner that there is no'hazard to life or property. The TCO may be revoked by the Building Official at any time should the space become unsafe or if any code violation(s) affecting the proper occupancy of the area is evident. 3. The undersigned hold harmless from any liability the City of Boynton Beach in the event of any accident or damage to life or property. 4. Issuance of the TCO does not constitute in itself permission to operate a business. 5. The TCO is issued for the work completed under the permit. If the permit is allowed to expire, the TCO will automatically be revoked, and the space must be vacated immediately. 6. Expiration or revocation of the TCO may result in the issuance of a Notice of Violation and/or disconnection of utility services. The building official may require a cash surety for unfinished work or revision of plans until a permanent Certificate of;Occupancy is issued. Sdeh-eaehrsaretratratli'seiRpial-to one-hundred- arid-ten-percent-(t10%) of theestImated-value-of-the-remaining-work---including-lobar-and- rnateria he-desigmprofessianel—with-$2;000-as-a-minimdm. The design professional shall submit a signed and sealed document attesting to the ametmt--required-to i cover-4he-cash-surety.-If work has not been completed and all finals for the permit requested within,ninety (90) days of issuance of the TCO, the City of Boynton Beach retains the right to 143eti d to dry-dee the�shrtbe•reematrti�avock. 8. It is the responsibility ofjthe contractor and property owner to monitor the progress of the work ebC, L- covered under the permit until a permanent Certificate of Occupancy is issued. i (Continued on other side) Page 1 of 2 Contractor (Signature) STATE OF FLORIDA if I COUNTY OF PALM BEACH , '• jI II . . , . .• • The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of ' (month), (year), PI/ (name of signer). Notary's signature .... i (SEAL) Notary's name, printed,typed or sta Eyed . 'Personally known l OR producced identification •1Type of identification'produced ' " • i I I Tenant L : : EE , ! = (Signature) STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH r.•1 a• . : 0,, : .y .r _i, 1 'i, ` ' month (year), The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of. (month), b Ei'. t /'• (name'ofsloner). , Y Notary'saignature k u (SEAL) . .1 Notary's name printed typed or stamped 1 ,, , personally known , + OR produced Identification Type of identification produced - " • '� al • — - J". FOR OFFICE USE ONLY •J , i • 1. ' ' Date of Approval-_ -Approved by � SPP Page 2 of 2 I 1 1 Reinaldo A. Gomez, R.A. Architect Ar#0013736 December 12,2017 Reference: Permit Number 17-2005 488 N. Federal Hwy Assured Contracting Services TCO Application Please note as a registered architect in the state of Florida, I certify that the following outstanding items shall be satisfied accordingly as stated below: 1. Fire Alarm systems-Application has been submitted within 30 days. 2. Temporary requirements per Fire Marshall shall be to install to 10 year battery operated smoke detectors located within each unit. Please feel free to contact me in regards to the project. emails: rei@reigomez.com Thank you 'S OF F.... .c .•�y.�co A �O � cj 1373E 12.12.17 TQC FRED ARS Reinaldo A. Gomez, R.A. 14884 SW 24th Street Miami, Florida 33185 Phone:786-261-955 I E-mail:rg4email@bellsouth.net