PERMIT DOCUMENTS AFralt REfORDING-RETURN W. 111111111111 11111 1111111111111111111111111111 r. CFN 20170361787 OR BK 29400 PG 1866 RECORDED 1O/8/2017 12:54:!7 PERMITRODER: 1?-140 Palm Beech County, Florida Shoran R. Bock/CLERK h COMPTROLLER NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Pe 186F" (1P9) The undersignedhaeby gives nonce that improvement will be made to certain real property,end in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida Starnes,the following information u provided m this Notice of Commencement. LL's 11 I. DESCRIPTI`OIN OYP/PROPERTYYY((LLelgal deescripton of lie propvty&steel address,if available)TAX FOLIO NO.: l- r VI(g I C) glo((7b SUBDIVISION 111lIa P.4141.0 BLOCK TRACT LOT BLDG EVIL 1I—lyli 221`I- Air: is-i' RAI/ 410/ 15)1,w1ito Fi.e&* &- 2.GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENT: iviola I i all Ike nil wW + Dogs 3. OWN731TOORMATION OR LESSEE INFORMATION IFTBR LESSEE CONTRACTED FORME IMPROVEMENT: N.tem me Sere& Jah,o FA 20 3..114 NG /j= WA Y a/o6 Qoydlh. ' 6eti ,." b.Waco in loped: ULwNtft. c.Name sed Sam alto dmpl ddebntla(if Chem from Owner Used'bomb 4. a.CONTRACTOR'S NAME: Shutter up Industries Inc. csaeeaa.Wi,a, 1847 Aragon Ave Suit#2,Lake Worth FL 33461 tpbove msaba,561-588-2623 5. SURETY(ifappnmbte,s copy of Pyam bora D em: AL A Name sad tan b.Paine out c Ammo abmd f d.8.LENDER'S NAME: ImdYa WGm: t Mae number • 7. Palms within the State of Florian designated by OwTer upon whom notices or other d' .. . may be served as provided by Section 713.13(I)(a)7.,Florida Stamen: s.Nem and Mees b.Paine samba:cddpmS pawns S.M N addition to hinuelf or haul[Owoa designates of m receive a copy of the Lienor's Notice aspravided in - 13.13(1)(b),Florida Statutes. b.Phone samba dote=m miry delimited by Owes. 9. Expiration date of notice of commas•-•.., : eaphsdon data will be 1 year from the date of recording unless a different date is specified): 20_ WARNING TO OWNER'ANY PAs S MADE BY THF OWNER AFTER THE EXPIRATION OF THE NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MF CONSIDER MI IMPRO' ; YMFNTS IIMDFRCHAPTER 711 PART I SECTION 71113 FLORIDA STATUTES AND CAN RESTB TON YOI IR PAYIN ••FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY A NOTICE 07(3IWAFNMeIPIr MIFr RE RECORDED AND POS asONTHE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING.CONSULT WITHYOUR /,.'OOJR AANAATTTORNFY BEFORE COIAMNCRJO WORK OR RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMNT PNrEaE � //ma /w •Y1f�✓ l7 _ac/ ( r .er or Lain,ar Owner,or Lain'd C.. and Provide Signatory's TItleOLBee) ABN,, Ot&eerfDlrtaoNPartn&Manager) State of D o County of . a.r The _ V foregoing instrument wasedm—ow^ledged before me this I.� day of 0 e1�—&)4 2D I n by3Dh✓1 as �,(�E `YCYYn�e^lll�,•,,VYVV////// (come arm) ( feulTwity....e.g.officer,trustee,attorney in fan) for (name of party an behalf of whom instrument was executed). Personally Known_or Produced Identification 1.------- of Identifica�• educed t_ il ,Fri'"; , JADE BRITI•NcOr(RADA �p = MY COMMISSION aFF241204- �Slpmt 'of]oluy Public). EXPIRES June 17,2078'-7: ( 'q or Stamp ..ssroned Name of Notary Public) 4071]860153 iylyNouryBW4a.eom —'." Ra-10-IS-12 STATE OF FLORIDA ' PALM BEACH COUNTY re I hereby certify that !rte foregoing is a `•'- �t! '2: true copy of the record in my office with & , redactions, if any as required by law. �4F' Q•o THIS L�TiA1 OF dry ,20 11 SHARON R. BOCK CLER COMPTROLLER By DEPUTY ERK