PERMIT DOCUMENTS 1 • Page 2 April 18, 2017 INSTALLATION AFFIDAVIT irz WINDOW & DOOR (replacement) U w r ior 0hi, To: City of Boynton Beach, Florida Department of Development- Building Division Field Inspection Section 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., PO Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Re: Permit No. 6-2 —I 1C15 From: i .-. .-i'=p '71 flLTli,4N - RP/4 T,11O. Cz- P .1%✓c(Contractor) Otic .Tti0usl7 r4?, sT #6 L4�c Watery- (Contractor's Address) 334/ /}Niue= STL— iOLC (Owner/s Name) /9 iernLrvTe oR A 3343 (Property Address) gR.TIFICATION SELECTION: (Please check all that apply) Certification of Window Buck and Door Buck Installation o Certification of Mull Tube Installation ❑ Other (glass block, etc) I, D1W V 5Cd1-2-1-1/.4n, , am a licensed contractor (license,No. SGC/3/25_22.2a____)and do hereby certify that all work(as Indicated above) has been performed and installed at the above address in accordance with the Florida Building Code, Existing Building,as amended,and Manufacturer's Installation Instructions/NOAI Product Approvals sub 1 e . /o//q/T2 Signature of ualifier Date STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The foregoiN instrument was acknowle.ge&• : $ r is - this Io Ii h 117 (date) by Te (i y • S K.11 i're,et , who Is '•ersonally known to me or who has produced •• (tIpe o1..e i . 6; .- .entificatlon and who did (did not) take an oath. • •• • •• ••• • • • •• (SEAL) Signature of person taking acicromr•tedgDrflSlt :•: .:• : •.• 0 ' Name of,officer taking acknowledgement-typed, printed or stamped Title or rank . • . . . • Serialaumber • . . • • • • • • • • • . • ••• . • • • • • • • • • •• ••• •• • • ��.,, CHELSEA L.MCMANUS :°'' * MY COMMISSION#GG083009 IXPIRES:MAR 14,2021 • •••• • • : : •• •• �`"� Bonded through 1st State Insurance • • • . . • • • A • • • • • . • •• • • • • • ••• • • • •• • • • • • • • ••• The City of Boynton Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT F BUILDING DIVISON 100 E.Boynton Beady Boulevard P.O.Box 310 — - Boynton Beady,Florida 33425-0310 n (r TEL: 561-742-6350 FM: 561-7426357 www.boynton-beach.org MEMORANDUM NO. 16-008 Retrofit of Windows, Doors, Garage Doors, Shutters and Skylights FBC Existing Building, Alteration Level I Retrofit of Windows, Doors, Garage Doors, Shutters and Skylights, for detached one and two family dwellings,and multiple single family dwellings,(townhouses)with common roof height<30 feet. 1. Window or door buck, and mull bar inspections are not required. The buck shall comply with Section FBC 1710.10 specifically, unless otherwise tested; buck shall extend beyond the interior face of the window or door frame such that full support of the frame is provided. Except: Projects other than detached one and two family dwellings; and multipie single family dwellings; (townhouses)! A Licensed Contractor, Registered Architect, or Professional Engineer shall provide a Window and Door buck and Mull Tube Installation Affidavit at Final Inspection.All Window,Sliding Glass Door and Door Inspections are required to have inspections performed prior to the concealment of the attachments. > 110.1.3 Affidavit for inspection.With specific prior approval of, and in a format acceptable to the building official,an affidavit-for eertlficatIonof inspection may be accepted from the permit qualifier when ad-co-rope-riled by extensive photographic evidenceof sufficient detail to bernonstrate, code compliance' The photographic evidence shall be comprehensive in the display of the installation and/or construction and job location identifiers. The affidavit and accompanying photographs shall be provided to the inspector onsite, at the next scheduled Inspection. If the photographs are found to be Insufficient by the building official to demonstrate compliance with this code and/or the permitted document,or clearly display location Identifiers,or are missing,the inspector shall require the contractor to obtain the services of a Registered Florida Professional Engineer to inspect and certify the installation and/or construction. 2. A Florida Professional Engineer or Architect may modify the buck or fasteners as specified in a Notice of Acceptance.Such modification must be documented with a signed and sealed letter or drawing. Note: 1013.8 Window sills. In Occupancy Groups R-2 and R-3,one-and two-family and multiple family dwellings, where the opening of the sill portion of an operable window is ionated more than 72 inches (1829 rnm) above the finished-grade or other surface below; the lowest part of the clear opening of the window shall be at a heigbt npt less if-1j 3j•inr<hes 5915 mm) above the finished floor surface of the room in which the wlhdbl6 is:locdted.:Ope4aple sections of windows shall not permit openings that allow passage of a 4-incl[-1iarlietef f102'vrm)sit}terCwhere such openings are located . ... . .. . within 36 inches(915 mm)of the finished nor. .. . If you have any questions or need any futber jntormatien.plpase contact me in the Building Division at 561.742.6350. Thank you. • • • . . • . • .. • ... . . . .. •. . • ° °° °° °° °° °° • . • . . . . . . .. .. . . • . . • . ... .