14-0140T41-ELEF140PE 001-YTTYPICAL) He.L. W A Al-, Of 6PI --e A3 1 1i3 HOL RIA NEW SUPPLY GRILLE EXISTING I I OV DUPLEX 414AW4145 A�AT 90014 NEW RETURN GRILLE NEW MOV DUPLEX AT 18" A.F.F. U.O.N. NEW THERMOSTAT EXISTING TELEPHONE 001ET 143 OQ 400. EXISTING EXHAUST GRILLE; NEW TELEPHONE JUNCTION BOX AT 18" A.F.F. U.O.N. WITH 3/4" CONDUIT TO ABOVE CEILING, NEW EXHAUST GRILLE NEW JUNCTION BOX AT 18" A.F.F. U.O.N. WITH 3/4" CONDUIT TO ABOVE CEILING. EXISTING O.A.I. GRILLE NEW 220V RECEPTACLE AT 18 rort Al -L AVI " A.F.F. U.O.N. NEW O.A.I. GRILLE 0i EXISTING DISCONNECT NEW DUCT DETECTOR 44-5 NEW DISCONNECT (NEMA 3R AT EXTERIOR) 14MU 14p,10 O.A.1, OUTSIDE AIR INTAKE T?40P 811 4- GFI GROUND FAULT INTERRUPTER - BUILT INTO UNIT. 1*39 - -L I___ -NEW BALANCING DAM zoo LFIRE ALARM PULL STATION FIRE ALARM HORN/VISUAL DEVICE SIGNAL VO4 1104 71 FIRE ALARM VISUAL DEVICE SIGNAL SMOKE DETECTOR Jf 10 NURSE CALL CONTROL UNIT I. NURSE CALL PULLCORD STATION SWITCH W Z MAGNETIC LOCK - 15 SECOND DELAY PER 1994 NFPA 101 FACP FIRE ALARM -CONTROL PANEL -PLAR-CONDIT1.0N.INN-:7REMODEL I GG ER. PLAN NOTES: All wiring shall be concealed. Telephone system, burglar alarm, computer, and sound systems are not in contract. Contractor shall furnish and install nurse call system and fire alarm system 3.) New outlets, rocker switches, and cover plates shall be white in color. 4.) Contractor shall wire A/C units and thermostats. U3 5 All material shall be new and bear the UL label. 6.) Label parielboard circuits. Replace existing outlets and covers to match new units. Nurse call wall plate at Toilet Rooms shall be installed 2'0" from comer of room Mn and 7'0", A.F.F. to bottom. 9.) Nurse call system shall be Jeron 5115 visual call control units and Jeron 2102 pullcord stations. Substitutions shall be approved by architect and project manager. ---------- REVIEWE Noy :.tural All material shall be new and free from defects. ctrical cc f1hArcrivissductboard and insulated flex, with standard duty full reinforced vapor barrier with manufacturer's logo printed on material. Tape and seat all joints. 4 PlumbinO4 I 0.A-2. 3.) Support ducts. with ' trapeze hangers I" X 2" X I" channels) with minimum 1" wide X 22 gage P&Z UJ support straps spaced per SM-ACNA Standard 5-1. i I 4.) I Thermostats shall be Honeywell T8600C 1162 or equal. I Furnish and install all material and labor for a complete installation. Fue -W 6.) Furnish and install Quietum steel heavy density molded fiberglass turning vanes with steel side rails at all 90 duct turns. 7.) Balancing dampers shall be Russkin MDRS25 at all branches. 8.) Furnish and install filters at all units prior to start-up and prior to occupancy. this all confer 9-) on p�errn Balance all systems to tenant's comfort. BeVtj CRY of Be tdi Cod W WON cc 10.) Maintain 1010" between O.A.1 and plumbing vents/exhausts. 0 .11.) Clean all equipment at completion of work. R, qu 1W Wlily 12.) Verify voltage prior to construction. (). W U. .13.) Furnish all accessories for a complete installation. JAN 13 201 to W > UJ 14.) Furnish and install 4" concrete pad for new condensing units. Anchor units to slab withstand W 110 MPH wind load. Isolate pads from building. 0- FILE COP BUILDING DIVISI 0 M cc < 15.) Diffuser S6Wul White 24" X 24" U.O.N. Acoustical Tile Supply Metal-aire 570.0 Series X 24" U.O.N. tL >- Z UJ 1, La Acoustical Tile Return Metal -wire 7500 - R Series White 24" Z Gypboard Supply Metal-aire LSM Series White M 0. Gypboard Return Metal-aire 1400 Series White 00 tam0� UJ Z 16.) Equipment. Sched AHU #1 & 2 Existing Carrier 40 QH0483 00. with 7.5 KW H.S. - 208/140/1 o. W 0 Z Ir U) Z >0 C.U. 91 & 2 Existing Carrier 38 QD04210 - 208/240/1o. W 0 New AHU'A' American Standard TWEO 60D w/ 8kw H.S. - 5 ton - 208/10. Z New C.U. 'A' American Standard 7A2060A100A - 5 ton - 208/10 - 12.0 SEER. New AHU'B' American Standard TWE090A300B w/ lOkw H.S. - 7 1/2 ton - 2086o. New C.U. 'B-' American Standard TTA090A300C - 208/3o - 8.9 E.E.R. EF Greenheck SP -7, 60 CFM, S.P. = 0.25, 80 watts, @ 115V with 5WSSC speed control and VI kit. EF -I Fasco A7 1001, or equal, 100 CFM with accessories per ED -1 15V. 17.) Duct detectors shall be Air Products and Controls. LTD -RW Series - 115V with MS-KA/P/R accessory kit or equal, Interlock into fire alarm system. 18.) Outside air intakes shall be Russkin ELFD series with bird screen. 19.) Condensate piping shall be Schedule 40PVC to new dry well. 20.) R & S fines shall be sleeved in conduit below slab. q,14 21.) AHU 'A' shall be installed on plenum box. A11U 'B' shall be installed on factory stand/sub-base. 22.) Outside Air Based upon I person/142 s.f and 20 CFM/person: A/C Al 1,200 s.f = 9 persons = 180 CFM A/C #2 1,300 s.f. = 9 persons = 180 CFM A/C 'A' 1,600 s.f = I I persons = 220 CFM AIC cB7 2,100 s.f = 15 persons = 300 CFM tlo �F -Iry 4, 1W4-r^LL C014015016A.VrS PUHP AT PDX"Ar� 04 L u ® E 15:;414 Co. Lo A1-,VlFBFI -e A,3,li 33 H94 T_,(-rfLW1400E 0012YtTYPICAL) e.d.'A' L .6"U) . o. F e.76� .50ee*r4l P0rZ,^,1-r_ A40 OoTe 446ET 47 o it A45LOVAR05 ftow&%&sr-r% to It A &I A 0 LEGEND:1,EfxEND NEW SUPPLY GRILLE d) EXISTING I I OV DUPLEX NEW RETURN GRILLE NEW MOV OV DUPLEX AT 18" A.F.F. U.O.N. ------ - NEW THERMOSTAT EXISTING TELEPHONE OUJLET 145 143 160 400. EXISTING EXHAUST GRILLE`S NEW TELEPHONE JUNCTION BOX AT 18" A.F,F. U.O.N. gio WITH 3/4" CONDUIT TO ABOVE CEILING. NEW EXHAUST GRILLE NEW JUNCTION BOX AT IS" '14, tt 12th CONDUIT TO ABOVE CEILING.A.F.F. U.O.N. WITH 314" EXISTING O.A.I. GRILLE PF_,(WsLL:r0tZ A1,L A0 NEW 220V RECEPTACLE AT 18" A.F.F. U.O.N. A NEW O.A.I. GRILLE It 0i EXISTING DISCONNECT vv NEW DUCT DETECTOR 5 11J O.A.I. OUTSIDE AIR INTAKE NEW DISCONNECT (NEMA 3R AT EXTERIOR) 137 142 art 14 i Zalli f F 139 BiE GFI GROUND FAULT INTERRUPTER - BUILT INTO UNIT. OFI-) NEW BALANCING DAMPER ep Coat 91�t W�A 300 IS&A FIRE ALARM PULL STATION AFIRE ALARM HORN/VISUAL DEVICE SIGNAL N 6w40 14 06 g 6 AX-rf. r If 4. AWAIJ 4�# FIRE ALARM VISUAL DEVICE SIGNAL SMOKE DETECTOR ho, NURSE CALL CONTROL UNIT go 2112NURSE CALL PULLCORD STATION r., ery ISO SWITCH MAGNETIC LOCK - 15 SECOND DELAY PER 1994 NFPA 101 5- FACP FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL 10"4POWER-PLAN NOTES: All wiring shall be concealed. 14/10 'A --- - --- Telephone system, burglar alarm computer, and sound systems are not in contract- ` N 1`1 3' 2 01 0 Contractor shall furnish and install nurse call system and fire alarm system. 340 3.) New outlets, rocker switches, and cover plates shall be white in color. 0Z A, V J 4.) Contractor shall wire A/C units and thermostats. All material shall be new and bear the UL label. 12.77 Label panelboard circuits. 7.) Replace existing outlets and covers to match new units. e> Nurse call wall plate at Toilet Rooms shall be installed 2'0" from comer of room F -)(-f f,; t4 V 4o.l4..PF_t4!5A-rF. tA O.E.5., ToAr,-W and 7'0". A.F.F. to bottom. 9.) Nurse call system shall be heron 5115 visual call control units and Jeron 2102 T 125 pullcord stations. Substitutions shall be approved by M and project architect I 6Tmanager. , Perm - 147 225 64 NOM: REAE' 0. 124 1.) All material shall be- new and free from defects. 51"ctu'al d, and insulated flex mdth standard duty full It 2.) Duct shall be R-6 insulated, fiberglass ductboar I`42 IEF-YO-sT. d seat all j Electrical 4P. T "o reinforced vapor barrier with manufacturer's logo printed on material. Tape an joint Plumbirig CA146 Ao 0. A. 1, h trapeze hangers I" X 2" X I" charnels) with minimum I" wide X 22 gag I T1 Iq 3.) Support ducts with fvfechanical 10, A_3% <�rtj k.L� A RU rt suppostraps spaced per SMACNA Standard 5-1 PAZ k 4.) Thermostats shall be Honeywell T8600CI 162 or equal. S 1? Forester 5.) Furnish and install all material and labor for a complete installation. FF -4 Z; W 6.) Furnish and install Quieturn steel heavy density molded fiberglass turning vanes with steel side, 123 rails at all 90 duct turns. ptt olic 4�* 7.) Balancing dampers shall be Russkin MDRS25 at all branches. Other 3 � 6 , *1, a T 8.) Fumish and install filters at all units prior to start-up and prior to occupancy. processec, tv KAO. tny: 14/01,;� I I E 9.) Balance all systems to tenant's comfort - lei All vvor% invoieedon this Wmit 5 a( 10.) Maintain 10'0" between O.A.1 and plumbing vents/exhausts. CKY 0 8 "Iran Beach MIR 4* IS. Ll 14-+ lop .11.) Clean all equipment at completion of work. .12.) Verify voltage prior to construction. 13.) Furnish all accessories for a complete installation. talo, 14/10 14.) Furnish and install 4" concrete pad for new condensing units. Anchor units to slab to withstand 110 MPH wind load. Isolate pads from building, 109: l 15.) Diffuser Schedule Acoustical Tile Supply Metal-aire 5:70.0 ' Series White 24"' X 24" U.O.N. 14-0 Acoustical Tile Return Metal -sire 7500 - R Series. White 24" X 24" U.O.N. Gypboard Supply Metal-aire LSM Series White Gypboard Return Metal-aire 1400 Series White 16.) Equipment Schedule: AHU #1'& 2 Existing Carrier 40 QH048300- with 7.5 KW H.S. - 208/240/lo. SIE ItJr 114 C.U. 91 & 2 Existing Carrier 38 QD04210 - 208/240/10. New AHU `A' American Standard TWE060D w/ 8kw H.S. - 5 ton - 208/10. 144 1150 New C.U. 'A' American Standard 7A2060AI00A - 5 ton - 208/10 - 12.0 SEER. New AHU 'B' American Standard TWE090A3 OOB w/ 1 Okw H.S. - 7 1/2 ton - 208�3 o. 1015 New C.U. 'B-' American Standard TTA090A300C - 208/30 - 8.9 E.E.R. EF Greenheck SP -7, 60 CFM, S.P. = 0.25, 80 watts, @ 115v with 5WSSC speed control and VI kit. EF -1 Fasoo A7 1001, or equal, 100 CFM with accessories per ED- I 15V. 17.) Duct detectors shall be Air Products and Controls. LTD -RW Series - I I 5V with MS-KA/P/R accessory kit or equal. Interlock into fire alarm system. 18.) Outside air intakes shall be Russkin ELF.D series with bird screen, 19.) Condensate piping shall be Schedule 40PVC to new dry well. 20.) R & S fines shall be sleeved in conduit below slab. 21.) AHU 'A" shall be installed on plenum box. AHU 'B' shall be installed on factory stand/sub-base. 22.) Outside Air Calculations Pei ASHRAE 62 Based upon I person/142 s.f and 20 CFM/person: A/C #1 .1,200 s.f = 9 persons = 180 CFM A/C #2 1,300 s.f. = 9 persons = 180 CFM A/C 'A' 1,600 s,f = I I persons = 220 CFM R -C __R, �MQDEL. ..ONDITIONI, N -G. ---- ------- Al ..,-PLAN A/C 4B7 2,100 s.f = 15 persons = 300 CFM U4414 1w4t*LL C.Oi4i964.4jocre ruH W r AT Z UJ I- Z cc 0 W -J U. > WW X 0 cc Z • 0.0 own W ce 1. 0 - Z Cr a U* 't Z >- Z 0