16-3319Design No. U419 Nonbearing Wall Ratings -1, 2, 3 or 4 Hr (See Items 3 &4) 1. Floor And Ceiling Runners - (Not shown) - Channel shaped, fabri- cated from min 25 MSG (min 20 MSG when Item 4A is used) corrosion - protected steel, min width to accommodate stud size, with min 1 in. long legs, attached to floor and ceiling with fasteners 24 in. OC max. 2. Steel Studs - Channel shaped, fabricated from min 25 MSG (min 20 MSG when Item 4A is used) corrosion -protected steel, min width as indicated under Item 4, min 1-1/4 in. flanges and 1/4 in. return, spaced a max of 24 in. OC. Studs to be cut 3/8 to 3/4 in. less than assembly height. 3. Batts and Blankets* - (Required as indicated under Item 4) - Min- eral wool batts, friction fitted between studs and runners. Min nam thickness as indicated under Item 4. See Batts and Blankets (BKNV or BZJZ) Categories for names of Classified companies. 3A. Batts and Blankets* - (Optional) - Placed in stud cavities, any glass fiber or mineral wool insulation bearing the ITL Classification Marking as to Surface Burning Characteristics and/or Fire Resistance. See Batts and Blankets (BKNV or BZJZ) Categories for names of Classified com- panies. 4. Gypsum Board* - Gypsum panels with beveled, square or tapered edges, applied vertically or horizontally. Vertical joints centered over studs and staggered one stud cavity on opposite sides of studs. Vertical joints in adjacent layers (multilayer systems) staggered one stud cavity. Horizontal edge joints and horizontal butt joints on opposite sides of studs need not be staggered. Horizontal edge joints and horizontal butt joints in adjacent layers (multilayer systems) staggered a min of 12 in. The thickness and number of layers for the 1 hr, 2 hr, 3 hr and 4 hr rat- ings are as follows: Wallboard Protection on Each Side of Wall Rating Min Stud No. of Layers Min. Thkns Depth & Thkns of Insulation of Panel (Item 3) 1 3-1/2 1 layer, 5/8 in. thick Optional 1 2-1/2 llayer, 1/2 in. thick 1-1/2 in - 1 1-5/8 1 layer, 3/4 in. thick Optional 2 1-5/8 2 layers, 1/2 in. thick Optional Use 6" Studs - 2 1-5/8 2 layers, Sl8 in. thick Optional Wall Legend 2 3-1/2 1 layer, 3/4 in. thick 3 3 1-5/8 3 layers, 1/2 in. thick Optional 3 1-5/8 2 layers, 3/4 in. thick Optional 3 1-5/8 3 layers, 5/8 in. thick Optional 4 1-5/8 4 layers, 5/8 in. thick Optional 4 1-5/8 4 layers, 1/2 in. thick Optional 4 2_1/2 2 layers, 3/4 in. thick — CANADIAN GYPSUM COMPANY -1/2 in. thick Type C, IP -X2 or IPC -AR; 5/8 in. thick Type AR, C IP -AR, IP -XI, IP -X2, IPC -AR, SCX, SHX, WRX or WRC; 3/4 in thick Type IP -X3, ULTRACODE, ULTRACODE SHX or ULTRACODE WRX UNITED STATES GYPSUM CO - 1/2 in. thick Type C, IP -X2, IPC -AR or WRC; 5/8 in. thick TYPe SCX, SHX, WRX, IP-Xl, AR, C WRC, FRX-G, INAR, IP -X2, IPC -AR; 3/4 in. thick Type IP -X#, ULTRACODE, ULTRACODE SHX or ULTRACODE WRX 4A. Gypsum Board* - (As an alternate to Item 4) - 5/8 in. thick gypsum panels, installed as described in Item 4 with Type S-12 steel screws. The length and spacing of the screws as specified under Item 5. CANADIAN GYPSUM COMPANY - Type FRX UNITED STATES GYPSUM CO - Type FRX 4B. Gypsum Board* - (As an alternate to Item 4 and 4A) - 5/8 in. thick, 2 ft. wide, tongue and groove edge, applied horizontally as the outer layer to one side of the assembly. Secured as described in Item 5. Joint covering (Item 7) not required. CANADIAN GYPSUM COMPANY - Type FRX UNITED STATES GYPSUM CO - Type FRX 5. Fasteners - (Not Shown) - Type S or S-12 steel screws used to attach panels to studs (Item 2) or furring channels (Item 6). Single Layer sys- tems: 1 in. long for 1/2 and 5/8 in thick panels or 1 1/4 in. long for 3/4 in. thick pnaels, spaced 8 in. OC when panels are applied horizon - ally, or 12 in. OC when panels are applied vertically. Two layer sys- tems: First layer - 1 in. long for 1/2 and 5/8 in. thick panels or 1 1/4 in. long for 3/4 in. thick panels, spaced 16 in. OC. Second layer - 15/8 in. long for 1/2 in., 5/8 in. thick panels or 2-1/4 in long for 3/4 in. thick panels, speed 16 in. OC with screws offset 8 in from first layer. Three - layer systems: First layer - 1 in. long for 1/2 in., 5/8 in. thick spaced 24 in. OC. Second layer - 1-5/8 in. long for 1/2 in., 5/8 in. thick panels, spaced 24 in. OC. Third layer - 2-1/4 in. long for 1/2 in., 5/8 in. thick panels or 2-5/8 in. long for 5/8 in. thick panels, spaced 12 in. OC. Screws offset min 6 in. from layer below. Four -layer systems: First layer - 1 in. long for 1/2 in., 5/8 in. thick panels, spaced 24 in. OC. Sec- ond layer - 1-5/8 in. long for 1/2 in., 5/8 in. thick panels,spaced 24 in. OC. Third layer - 2-1/4 in. long for 1/2 in. thick panels or 2-5/8 in. long for 5/8 in. thick panels, spaced 24 in. OC. Fourth layer - 2-5/8 in. long for 1/2 in. thick panels or 3 in. long for 5/8 in. thick panels, spaced 12 in. OC. Screws offset min 6 in from layer below. 6. Furring Channels - (Optional, not shown, for single or double layer systems) - Resilient furring channels fabricated from min 25 MSG corrosion -protected steel, spaced vertically a max of 24 in. OC. Flange portion attached to each intersecting stud with 1/2 in. long Type S-12 steel screws. Not for use with Item 45A. 7. Joint Tape and Compound - Vinyl or casein, dry or premixed joint compound applied in two coats to joints and screw heads of outer lay- ers. Paper tape, nom 2 in. wide, embedded in first layer of coumpound over all joints of outer panels. 8. Siding, Brick or Stucco - (Optional, not shown) - Aluminum, vinyl or steel siding, brick veneer or stucco, meeting the requirements of local code agencies, installed over gypsum panels. Brick veneer attached to studs with corrugated metal wall ties attached to each stud with steel screws, not more than each sixth course of brick. 9. Caulking and Sealants* - (Optional, not shown) - A bead of acous- tical sealant applied around the partition perimeter for sound control. UNITED STATES GYPSUM CO - Type AS *Bearing the UL Classification Mark 9 0 1 r17A 11 BOYN ON ][3 ACI[4 FLOR11D TENANTo P02 PRODUCTS BY 02 y AREA SUMMARY: (SUITE 300) Gi CODE INFORMATION: EXISTING AREA SUMMARY 2014 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE — 5TH EDITION FIRST FLOOR (D LEVEL OF ALTERATION: LEVEL 2 (EXISTING) HEATED (OFFICE) AREA = 2,108 SF BOYNTON BEACH ZONING HEATED (LABS/WORKAREA) AREA = 2,075 SF SECTION 8. M-1 INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT REGULATIONS AND USE PROVISIONS UNHEATED (STORAGE) AREA = 2,248 SF A. M-1 INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT PARAGRAPH 1, SUBSECTION B, ITEM 11 UPPER FLOOR C'7 M — RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT LABORATORIES UNHEATED (STORAGE) AREA = 2,108 SF FLORIDA BUILDING CODE GROUP B, m JE � SECTION 305, BUSINESS OCCUPANCY — TOTAL AREA -+--► LABORATORIES; TESTING AND RESEARCH (NONHAZARDOUS) (HEATED AND UNHEATED) = 8,539 SF EXISTING BUILDING CONSTRUCTION: TYPE II—B — SPRINKLERED Q U) TABLE 500 — ALLOWABLE HEIGHTS/BUILDING AREAS O (F— FACTORY/INDUSTRIAL OCCUPANCY) �� o MAX. HEIGHT IN FEET = 55 FT. � MAX. NO. OF STORIES = 4 ONO- AREA: MUTLISTORY = 42,000 S.F. PER FLOOR ( ONE STORY ONLY = 63,000 S.F. VCf) WC TABLE 500 — ALLOWABLE HEIGHTS/BUILDING AREAS =mo (B— BUSINESS OCCUPANCY) MAX. HEIGHT IN FEET = 55 FT. - J Q MAX. NO. OF STORIES = 5 C Z AREA: MULTISTORY = 34,000 S.F. PER FLOOR L� 0 ONE STORY ONLY = 51,000 S.F. GMr TABLE 600 REQUIREMENTS: •—, INTERIOR BEARING WALLS — NC co cY) COLUMNS — NC BEAMS, GIRDERS, TRUSSES — NC W FLOORS/FLOOR CEILING ASSEMBLIES — NC CU ROOF/ROOF CEILING ASSEMBLIES — NC TENANT SEPARATION — 2 HOURS OCCUPANCY SEPARATION (OFFICES/STORAGE) — 2 HOURS Q TENANT UPFIT OCCUPANCY GROUP: BUSINESS (GROUP B) � MINIMUM OCCUPANCY LOAD — GROUP B = 100 S.F. GROSS MAX. DISTANCE TO EXIT (SPRK.) — GROUP B = 300 FT. MAX. DEAD END CORRIDOR — GROUP B = 20 FT., CAN BE 50 FT. (see note: 20) EGRESS WIDTH — GROUP B LEVEL = 0.2 STAIRS = 0.3 MIN. CORRIDOR/AISLE — GROUP B = 44 IN., 36 IN., IF SERVES LESS THAN 50 PEOPLE MIN. CLEAR OPENING EXIT DOORS — GROUP B = 32 IN. MIN. STAIR WIDTH — GROUP B = 44 IN. MINIMUM OCCUPANT LOAD — SUITE 300 OCCUPANCY — BUSINESS REQUIRED:100 SF/PERSON FIRST FLOOR: 4,183 SF/100 = 41.83 (USE 42) OCCUPANTS ACTUAL: 16 OCCUPANTS OCCUPANCY — STORAGE (S-2) REQUIRED: 300 SF/PERSON FIRST FLOOR: 2,248 SF/300 = 7.49 (USE 8) OCCUPANTS ACTUAL: 2 OCCUPANTS Issue Date: Gi C� M (D ■ W co N C O C'7 M = O M M m JE � ry (,� -+--► O 40 Gi C� M (D W co N C O C'7 M = O M M m JE � ry (,� -+--► O Q U) •L O �� o O � � ONO- U ( •CD VCf) WC =mo o - J Q O Np C Z cu L� 0 C: GMr •—, co cY) v W CU 0 co Q � 40 Gi M H N N O C'7 M 0 m ry CU Cl) •o Z O i.L, o � � U N •CD t0 =mo - J Q O Np C C: M O C: C: QO m Z W Date: 5.18.2016 Project Number: Designed By: Drawn By: Checked By: Sheet Title: Sheet Number: CVR O LO N co I N N /EXSTG. ROOF f� CONSTRUCTION LA-) 28" BAR JOIST EXSTG. FLR. SLAB A1.4 VERTICAL HEIGHT - STORAGEMAREHOUSE SCALE: 3/8" = V-0" LEGEND/SPECIFICATION: F.E. = FIRE EXTINGUISHER "Larsen" MP Series, Multi—Purpose Dry Chemical Model MP5, Standard Bracket, UL Rating 2A -10B: C This Is A Minimum Specification And Shall Be Verified With Fire Marshall. Location Of Fire Extinguishers Shall Be Verified With Fire Marshall. MINIMUM OCCUPANT LOAD — SUITE 300 OCCUPANCY — BUSINESS REQUIRED:100 SF/PERSON FIRST FLOOR: 4,183 SF/100 = 41.83 (USE 42) OCCUPANTS ACTUAL: 16 OCCUPANTS OCCUPANCY — STORAGE (S-2) REQUIRED: 300 SF/PERSON FIRST FLOOR: 2,248 SF/300 = 7.49 (USE 8) OCCUPANTS ACTUAL: 2 OCCUPANTS DOOR SCHEDULE DOOR DETAILS FRAME HARDWARE REMARKS NO DESCRIP11ON WIDTH HEIGHT THICKNESS TYPE I MATERIAL FINISH ELEV HEAD JAMB SILL MATL. FIN LABEL C� 1 EXISTING DOOR S-0" 7'-0" 1 3/4" SWING WD. - - - - - WD. PAINT (EXSTG.) EXISTING RELOCATED - SEE NEW FLOOR LAYOUT FOR LOCATION. 2 EXISTING DOOR S -O" 1 7'-0" 1 3/4" SWING MTL - - - - - MTL. PAINT (EXSTG.) EXISTING REMOVE AND REVERSE SWING AS SHOWN ON NEW FLOOR LAYOUT. •—, W o 'CU Q m a) A1.3 PART. FIRST FLOOR PLAN - SUITE 300 (LIFE SAFETY) SCALE: 1/8" = V-0" A1.2 PART. FIRST FLOOR PLAN - SUITE 300 (NEW LAYOUT) SCALE: 1/8" = V-0" WALL LEGEND o EXSTG. WALL CONSTRUCTION ® EXSTG. RATED GYP. BD. WALL UP TO BOTTOM OF ROOF DECKING ® EXSTG. 2 HR. RATED GYP. BD. WALL (TENANT SEPARATION) UP TO BOTTOM OF ROOF DECKING EXSTG. 2 HR. RATED WALL UP TO BOTTOM OF ROOF DECKING — 6" (20 GA.) STL. STUDS AT 16" O.C. WITH (2) LAYERS 5/8" FIRECODE GYP. BD. EACH SIDE. FIRE SEAL AROUND ROOF JOIST PENETRATIONS AND ROOF DECK VOIDS. SEE U.L. DESIGN NUMBERS. LABEL WALL — "2 HR FIRE WALL — PROTECT ALL PENETRATIONS" NEW WALL IN—FILL: 2 HR. RATED WALL — 6" (20 GA.) STL. STUDS AT 16" O.C. WITH (2) LAYERS 5/8" FIRECODE GYP. BD. EACH SIDE. SEE U.L. DESIGN NUMBERS. LABEL WALL — "2 HR FIRE WALL — PROTECT ALL PENETRATIONS" A1.1 PART. FIRST FLOOR PLAN - SUITE 300 (EXISTING / DEMOLITION PLAN) SCALE: 1/8" = V-0" Issue Date: Revisions Wc3 C: ■ 00 C� �U)70C Q _C N N M o M m CU CO •L U O u- O L A U N N0 m 0- C -�j O CU C C A O m ~ Date: 5.18.2016 Project Number: Designed By: Drawn By: Checked By: Sheet Title: PART. FLOOR PLANS, WALL LEGEND, DOOR SCHEDULE, VERTICAL HEIGHT Sheet Number: lhft�Al Wc3 C: M 00 C� �U)70C Q _C O04 (0U� t'W oc, O CY) Z � c0 �- C'r3 LO Q Cl) coCQ •—, W o 'CU Q m a) N N M o M m CU CO •L U O u- O L A U N N0 m 0- C -�j O CU C C A O m ~ Date: 5.18.2016 Project Number: Designed By: Drawn By: Checked By: Sheet Title: PART. FLOOR PLANS, WALL LEGEND, DOOR SCHEDULE, VERTICAL HEIGHT Sheet Number: lhft�Al