85-TTREsoL o 85-1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY fDUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING RULES ANDREGULATIONS OF CIVIL SERVICE BY ADOPTING A NEWSET OF RULES AND REGULATIONS. WHEREAS, pursuant to the Charter of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, the Boynton Beach Personnel Director, Boynton Beach City Manager and the Civil Service Board have reviewed a revised set of Rules and Regulations of Civil Service of Boynton Beach and are reconxnending that those Rules and Regulations dated July 16, 1985, which are attached hereto be amended. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. That the proposed new set of Rules and Regulations for Civil Service are hereby approved, ratified and adopted. ATTEST city c~ (Corporate Seal) CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ~M~yor Vice Mayor Council M~ ~iI Member CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH RULES AND, REGULATIONS and CIVIL SERVICE DRAFT -- JUNE 12, 1985 TABLE OF CONTENTS RULE TITLE PAGE RULE I RULE II RULE III RULE IV RULE V RULE VI RULE VII GENERAL PROVISIONS ............. 1 DEFINITIONS ................ 2 ORGANIZATION FOR PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION. . 7 POSITIONS INCLUDED IN PERSONNEL SYSTEM . . . 9 THE CLASSIFICATION PLAN' . ......... 10 COMPENSATION PLAN ............. 12 APPLICATIONS ................ 16 RULE VIII EXAMINATIONS ................ f0 RULE IX ELIGIBILITY LISTS .............. 34 RULE X APPOINTMENTS ................ 36 RULE XI GENERAL PERSONNEL POLICIES AND PROVISIONS. . 43 RULE XII SEPARATION AND DISCIPLINARY ACTION ..... 61 RULE XIII EMPLOYEE ASSOCIATIONS ............ 66 RULE XIV AMENDMENT OF PERSONNEL RULES ........ 66 RULE XV SAVING CLAUSE ................ 66 APPENDIX A .................... 67 APPENDIX B .......... ' ............ 70 RULE I GENERAL PROVISIONS SECTION 1. PURPOSE OF THESE RULES: These rules set forth the principles and procedures that are to be followed by the City in its personnel program to the end that the City and its employees may have assurance that personnel Will be dealt with on an equitable basis, and that the citizens of the City may derive the benefits and advantages which can be expected to result from a competent staff of City employees. SECTION 2. POSITIONS COVERED BY THESE RULES: These rules shall apply to the positions and offices in the City service as more specifically set forth in Rule IV. SECTION ,3. APPROVAL OF RULES: These rules shall be in force and effect when approved by the City Council and shall have the force and effect of law insofar as they apply to positions covered by said rules. -1- RULE II DEFINITIONS For the purpose of these Personnel Rules and as used herein, the following words and terms shall have the meaning indi- cated unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: SECTION 1. ALLOCATE shall mean the act of assigning each position to its proper class. SECTION 2. ANNIVERSARY DATE shall mean the date of hire or the date as of the adoption of these rules, or last hire, or whichever is later. SECTION 3. APPEAL shall mean a request for a formal hearing before the Civil Service Board involving suspension, demo- tion or discharge. Such appeal must be made within fourteen (14) days of the suspension, demotion or discharge. Only employees that have attained permanent status are eligible to an appeal before the Civil Service Board. SECTION 4. CERTIFY shall mean the act of the Personnel Director in supplying a department head with the names of applicants who are eligible for appointment to the class and positions in the classified service for which certification is requested. SECTION 5. CLASS shall mean a position or group of posi- tions having similar duties and responsibilities, requiring similar qualifications, which can be properly designated by a title indicative of the nature of work and which carry the same salary range. SECTION 6. COMPENSATORY TIME: An employee eligible for overtime in accordance with the pay plan may be granted com- pensatory time off at the same rate it was earned, i.e., straight time for straight time, or time and one half for time and one half fOr each hour of overtime worked. (See Pay Plan for maximum accrual). SECTION 7. COMPLAINT shall mean formal notice of dissatis- faction by an employee with permanent status who feels that an employment situation is unjust, inequitable or a hindrance to effective operation. Employees filing a complaint should follow the grievance procedure. SECTION 8. CONTINUOUS SERVICE shall mean employment in the classified service which is uninterrupted. -2- SECTION 9. DEMOTION shall mean the assignment of an employee to a position in a lower class having a lower maxi- mum salary than the position from which the assignment is made. SECTION 10. ELIGIBLE shall mean a person listed on the active eligibility list. SECTION 11. EMPLOYEE: Whenever "employee" is indicated in the book, it denotes regular or permanent. All other employees will be indiCated by probationary or temporary. SECTION 12. EMPLOYMENT LIST shall mean a list of persons who have been for appointment to SECTION 13. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT shall mean no person will be denied employment or promotional opportunities ~because of a handicap, race, color, religion, sex or national origin. SECTION 14. EXAMINATION shall mean any selection instrument used to measure the relative knowledge, skills, and abilities for candidates competing for Positions which may include evaluations of training and experience, performance tests, oral interview, written tests, evaluations of performance appraisals, etc. SECTION 15. GRIEVANCE shall mean formal notice of diSsatis- faction by an employee with permanent status who feels they have been unjustly treated in cases involving employment conditions, suspensions of five days or less, relationships between an employee and his supervisor or relationships with other employees. SECTION 16. HEARING shall mean a public hearing by the Civil Service Board held after public notice, at which time any person may have a reasonable opportunity to be heard. (See also definition for appeal.) SECTION 17. JOB TITLE shall mean a definite descriptive designation for a job classification. SECTION 18. LAYOFF shall mean the dismissal from employment because of shortage of work or funds, or because of changes in the organization. SECTION 19. MEMBERS OF THE CITY SERVICE shall mean all per- sonnel, salaried and hourly, employed in one of the job classifications set forth in the City of Boynton Beach Pay Plan, either as members of the Classified Service or as mem- bers of the Non-Classified Service. -3- SECTION 20. NEPOTISM shall mean no two or more individuals who have a parental, sibling or spouse relationship may be employed by the City in the same department or division thereof in a larger department. (See organizational chart for list of departments. Appendix B) SECTION 21. OVERTIME PAY shall mean pay for overtime worked when compensatory time cannot be given. Payment shall be made at time and one-half for overtime hours worked in excess of employee's normal work week or work day. (See also Annual Pay Plan.) SECTION 22. PAY GRADE shall mean a salary range with a minimum and maximum pay bracket established to fairly and competitively compensate an employee or the work assigned him under his specific job classification. SECTION 23. PART-TIME EMPLOYEE shall mean employees hired on a part-time basis and will be paid for only those hours actually worked and at the rate of pay for that job classi- fication. Part-time employees receive no fringe benefits. SECTION 24. PERFORMANCE REVIEW shall mean an evaluation of the employee's performance by his or her supervisor, and done prior to the completion of probationary service, and annually thereafter prior to the employee's anniversary ~ date. SECTION 25. PERMANENT EMPLOYEE shall mean a Classified Service employee who has satisfactorily completed his or her probationary period of service. (See also Probationary Employee) SECTION 26. POSITION shall mean a group of duties assigned to one person or job. SECTION 27. PROBATIONARY EMPLOYEES shall mean any employee who is serving his probationary period of one (1) year prior to being regularly appointed to a permanent position and class in the classified service, except promotional employees who after six consecutive months are permanently appointed to the higher position, provided they are permanent employees, otherwise they must serve a minimum of one year as outlined above. Those employees serving their initial one (1) year probationary period are not eligible for a hearing before the Civil Service Board or the Employee Grievance Board. SECTION 28. PROBATIONARY PERIOD shall mean that period of time beginning with a person's initial employment in the Classified Service and normally ending twelve (12) consecutive -4- months thereafter. During this period an ~Ployee may resign, or be discharged, demoted, or suspended without notice or recourse to the Civil Service Board or the Employee Grievance Board. (See also Probationary Employee). SECTION 29. PROMOTION shall mean the assignment of an employee to a position in a higher class having a higher maximum salary than the position from which assignment is made. Employees that achieve permanent status and are pro- moted will not lose that status for th. e j They have no vested rights or recourse to appe. Civil Service Board while assigned to their ~romotional opening during eriod if returned to the same pay grade with sim former position if that position is fil2 SECTION 30. PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATION shall mean an examina- tion or group of examinations for a position in a certain class, admission to which is limited to employees in the classified service who hold permanent positions in another class. SECTION 31. PROMOTIONAL LIST shall mean a list of persons who have been found qualified by a promotional examinatio~ for an appointment to a position in a particular class. SECTION 32. PROVISIONAL EMPLOYEE shall mean any employee filling a position in the classified service without com- petition pending the establishment of an eligibility list. SECTION 33. REGULAR EMPLOYEE shall mean an employee who has achieved permanent status in the classified service in accordance with the provisions of the rules after completing a probationary period. They shall also gain status in that class to which appointed. SECTION 34. STATUS shall mean a condition acquired by an employee completing his initial probationary period, giving rights in the manner the rules set forth, to a class. SECTION 35. SUSPENSION shall mean the separation with or without pay of a classified service employee for a temporary or fixed period of time. SECTION 36. TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE shall mean an employee holding a position other than permanent, and who is not eli- gible for benefits except hourly rate of pay. SECTION 37. TEMPORARY POSITION shall mean all positions that are not designated permanent. -5- SECTION 38. VACANCY shall mean a position existing or newly created, which is not occupied, and for which funds are available, and for filling of which a valid requisition has been received by the Personnel Director. SECTION 39. PHRASEOLOGY. The term "his", "her", or "employee" is not intended to denote a specific sex, but rather is used only for clarity and content. -6- RULE III ORGANIZATION FOR PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION SECTION 1. THE CITY COUNCIL: The City Council shall: ae Approve the Personnel Rules, after receiving a recommendation from the Civil Service Board and City Manager. Annually Approve the pay plan and all amend- ments thereto. Make and confirm appointments to and remove from positions in the exempt service. SECTION 2. THE CITY MANAGER: The City Manager shall: Be responsible to the City Council for the administration of the personnel system sub- ject to these rules. Appoint, promote, transfer or remove, demote, suspend, or discipline all depart- ment heads, officers and employees subject to the provisions of these rules and provi- sions of the Charter excepting those in the exempt service. Co Performs such other duties and have and exercise such other powers in personnel administration as may be prescribed by law and these rules. SECTION 3. THE PERSONNEL DIRECTOR: The City Manager shall appoint a Personnel Director who shall also be secretary to the Civil Service Board, who shall also be responsible to the City Manager for the administrative and technical direc- tion of the City Personnel program. He shall be known as the Personnel Director and shall: A. Administer the provisions of these rules. Be Develop and administer such recruitment and examination programs of competent applicants to meet the needs of the City service. Ce Prepare and recommend to the City Manager for City Council adoption, a Classification Plan and amendments to the Classification Plan so -7- Ee Fe Ge Je ne that it will reflect on a current basis the duties being performed by each employee in the City service and class to which each position is allocated. Administer the pay plan including the periodic review of salary and wage levels in the area to the extent that such levels affect City employment and the periodic investigation of factors affecting the economic level. Provide a system of checking payrolls, so as to determine that all persons-in the City service have been properly appointed and are being paid in accordance with these rules. Provide for the establishment and main- tenance of a roster of all employees in the City service. Provide such forms and procedures as he may consider necessary, appropriate, or desirable ~o carry out the personnel program. Develop and establish in cooperation with the City Manager and various department heads such training and educational programs for employees in the City service as conditions warrant. Prepare annual reports regarding the work of the department. Attend all meetings of the Civil Service Board or have a designated representative attend. Perform such other activities with reference to personnel administration not inconsistent with the City Charter or these rules, as the City Manager may direct, or as may be required by Ordinance. Prepare and recommend such rules or amend- ments to the rules as may be necessary or advisable to carry out the intent and pur- poses of the City personnel program. Shall furnish such secretarial services to the Civil Service Board as they may require to properly carry out their duty under these rules. -8- RULE IV POSITIONS INCLUDED IN PERSONNEL SYSTEM SECTION 1. THE CITY SERVICE: The City Service shall comprise all officers and positions in the City employ, now existing or hereafter created. The City Service is divided into the exempt and classified services. Exempt Service. The Exempt Service shall include the following positions and levels, to wit: 1. Elected Officials 2. The City Manager 3. The City Attorney and Assistant City Attorneys 4. Consultants, counsel, architects, auditors, board and committee members, advisory boards and the like rendering temporary professional services for pay or not for pay. 5. Day laborer, part-time, or temporary employee. Be Exempt personnel may not be assigned the duties of a vacant classified position except in accordance with Civil Service Rules and Regulations. The Classified Service shall comprise all other positions now existing or hereafter created not specifically included in the exempt service. Employees that have not completed their probationary period are not eligible for certain Civil Service benefits. SECTION 2. STATUS OF EMPLOYEES IN THE CITY SERVICE: Ail persons holding position in the classified service on the effective date of these rules, and whose positions normally involve continuous year round full time service, and who have served continuously for a period of twelve consecutive months immediately prior to the date of adoption of these rules shall be considered to be permanent employees, and as such entitled to the rights, benefits and privileges extended to such employees by the City Charter and these rules. -9- RULE V THE CLASSIFICATION PLAN SECTION 1. THE PURPOSE: The Classification Plan provides a complete inventory of all positions in the City service and accurate descriptions and specifications for each class of employment. The plan standardizes titles, each of which is indicative of a definite range of duties and respon- sibilities and has the same meaning throughout the City service. SECTION 2. COMPOSITION OF THE CLASSIFICATION PLAN: Classification Plan consists of: The ae Classes of positions which are established by grouping positions which are basically similar in the kind of work and level of difficulty and respon- sibility, which require similar experience and training at time of recruitment, and which may be compensated fairly from within the same range of pay under similar working conditions. (See Pay Plan) Class titles which are descriptive of the work p~r- formed and which identify each class. Ce Written class specifications (job descriptions) for each class of positions which contain a description of the nature of the work and of the relative responsibility of positions in the claSs, examples of work which are illustrative of duties of posi- tions allocated to the class, requirements of work in terms of knowledges, abilities and skills necessary for performance of the work, and a state- ment of experience and training desirable for recruitment into the class. An allocation list showing the class title of each position in the City service, as identified by the name of the employee holding that position. SECTION 3. CLASS TITLE: Class titles shall be used in all personnel, accounting, budget, appropriation, and financial records. No person shall be appointed to, or employed in, a position in the classified service under a title not included in the Classification Plan. Titles used in the course of departmental routine to indicate authority, status in the organization, or administrative rank may continue to be used for such purposes. -10- SECTION 4. CLASS SPECIFICATIONS: Specifications are to be interpreted in their entirety and in relation to others in the Classification Plan. Particular phrases or examples are not to be isolated and treated as a whole definition of the class. Specifications are d~emed to be descriptive and explanatory of the kind of work performed and not necessarily inclusive of all duties performed. SECTION 5. MAINTENANCE OF THE CLASSIFICATION PLAN: The Personnel Director is charged with the responsibility for the proper and continuous maintenance.of the Classification Plan so that it will reflect on a current basis the duties being performed by each employee in the City service and the class to which each poSitiOn ~s allocated. The Personnel Director shall fication of positions and upon tion, he re necess of tie mended City Col t ~view the classi- of his investiga- appropriate and in the form ses and the aboli- plan. Such recom- .ye when approved by the ~er. Allocations and re-allocations within the approved Classification Plan shall be made as follows: The Personnel Director shall study the duties and responsibilities of each new position as it is created and on this study, place the position n class within the Classif duties to be performed. Be Changes responsibilities of a position the addition of new assignmen~ away or modification of existing sh reported to the Personnel Director or d )artment heads. If these are determined to be permanent, are more than minor changes, and justify llocation to a different classification, el Director shall, after affording to the employees affected the opportunity to be heard, by giving them ten days written notice and with consent of the City Manager place such position in its appropriate class, -11- SECTION 3. PROMOTIONS: When an employee is promoted to a position in a higher class, they will be advanced the equivalent of one (1) additional step provided the next suc- cessive step in the pay plan appears in the new range, otherwise they will begin in Step "1" of the new range. The original employment date or anniversary date will be retained. SECTION 4. DEMOTIONS: The Salary range and step will be a provision of the demotion, and will be approved by the City Manager prior to notifying the employee. Persons demoted whether voluntarily or not, will be placed in the step of the grade of the lower classification that the person would have normally attained for that position based on their number of years of service with the City. SECTION 5. REINSTATED EMPLOYEES: A reinstated employee will be paid at a salary rate within the approved salary range for the position in which he is reinstated and shall be at step comparable to the one previously held. This pro- vision applies only to employes that have been layed off. SECTION 6. PART-TIME EMPLOYMENT: When employment is on a part-time basis, only the proportionate part of the rate for the time actually employed will be paid. The persons filling this .position will not be eligible for sick leave, vacation, holiday, or other benefits. SECTION 7. OVERTIME: Overtime pay or compensatory time may be given only for authorized or directed time worked in excess of the employee normal work week and is subject to budget limitations and approval of the City Manager. Overtime will not be granted for less than a fifteen (15) minute period. The choice of whether to grant overtime pay or compensatory time rests solely with management and depends on the most efficient and economical delivery of service. Employees are eligible to be paid at the rate of time and one half (1 1/2) for any hours worked over their regular work day. If the employees work on a holiday, they will be paid for the holiday if the City Manager approves and will be paid for the hours worked at the time and one half rate. In calculating hours actually worked for the purposes of overtime, paid leave benefits such as holiday, sick and vacation leave shall be counted as hours worked. Leave without pay shall not be counted as time worked and overtime hours worked during such a pay period would be authorized at straight time. Such overtime will be subject to the rate as outlined above unless such employee is covered under the provisions of a union contract. -13- RULE VI COMPENSATION PLAN SECTION 1. EFFECTIVE DATE OF PLAN: This plan will be effective on adoption of the personnel system. SECTION 2. SALARY SCHEDULES: To provide for adequate recognition of growth on the job, and recognizing that the City expects all employees to educate and train themselves so they may be more productive and valuable, the following method of advancement will apply: A. Employee growth in knowledge and diversity. Employee efficiency and a specific demonstration, act or performance that clearly indicates to the department head superior attainments. A one (1) step increase may be approved by the City Manager at any time during the anniversary year for performance out- lined in "B" above. The above schedule will provide incentive for advancement of skills though education and training and tenure, and at the same time will provide increases where justified. To insure systematic progression, each classifi- cation has been assigned to a Salary Range containing five (5) steps of approximately 5% each. All normal advances will be made automatically, upon satisfactory completion of the employee evaluation report, to the next step in the assigned range, one (1) year from the employment date. Upon activation of this plan, all personnel will retain their present anniversary date and all new employees' anni- versary dates will be the date of employment. All new employees will start at the first step for his class, unless it is impossible to recruit at the starting step. The City Manager may approve a higher starting rate or adjust an individual rate when he deems it in the best interest of the City provided funds are within the approved budget. Longevity increases beyond Step 5 will be authorized as follows: Step: L-1 L-2 L-3 L-4 L-5 L-6 Service ReQuired: Two (2) years in Step L-1 Two (2) years in Step L-2 Three (3) years in Step L-3 Three (3) years in Step L-4 L-5 is the final step in the pay plan. One year in Step L-5 eligible for a one time 5% or $1,000, which ever is less. -12- ae CALLBACK: Any employee who has physical~ left work (punched out, etc.) and is called back to work by his Department Head or the Department Head's designated representative for an unscheduled or emergency depart- ment related assignment, ~hall be compensated for one (1) hour of call back pay, plus the time worked in excess of the first fifteen (15) minutes. Such overtime will be subject to the rate as outlined above unless such employee is covered under the provisions of a union contract. COMPENSATORY TIME: An employee eligible for overtime in accordance with the pay plan may be granted compensatory time off at the same rate it was earned, i.e., straight time for straight time, time and one half for time and one half for each hours of overtime worked. Compensatory time can be accumulated and used, with the Department Head's approval, in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act. Employees who are not eligible for overtime payment as indicated in the pay plan, are expected to work the necessary hours to complete their assignments. These employees are eligible for such limited compensatory time o~ff with permission of the Department Head or City Manager as outlined above. ~ SECTION 8. INTERPRETATION: The City Manager shall be responsible for interpreting the application of the compen- sation plan with regard to pay problems which are not speci- fically covered by this plan, using the principles expressed herein as a policy guide. SECTION 9. INITIAL ADJUSTMENT TO THE COMPENSATION PLAN: The Personnel Director, using the general principles set forth in this plan, will place the salary of each employee in the appropriate step and range for the class to which his position has been allocated. After the initial step has been established, an employee's grade and step may not be changed other than by the procedure outlined herein, or by authorization of the City Manager. SECTION 10. SEVERANCE PAY: An employee with permanent sta- tus may, upon termination of employment with the City pro- vided the termination is in good standing, be paid for unused accumulated vacation leave not to exceed the maximum authorized accumulation and unused sick time as outlined in Rule XI. Severance pay for any other reason may be approved by the City Manager. However, if not specifically authorized will be referred to the City Council if in excess of two work weeks. -14- SECTION 11. RETIREMENT: Provisions applicable to the retirement plan is specifically outlined in the current appropriate Retirement Plans. SECTION 12. REVISED SALARY ~CHEDULE: The City Manager will Provide a revised salary schedule to the City Council. This schedule will include the Class Title, the NeW Pay Range, and other revisions that might be a change in policy or application of the Compensation Plan. In ~extreme cases only, will consideration be given by City Council to adjust- ment during the budget year. All requests of this nature will be referred to the ~ complete' juStifi- cation in writing :from the Head and Personnel Director. SECTION 13. BONUS INCREASES: The City Manager is authorized to bonus ~of $500.00 a bonus is ~ j ~d in writing on the ~ forms by the Department Head. This bonus will not affect the employee's pay grade and step. Funds for bonuses will be budgeted as a separate alilowance and ~admini of the City Manager. entitled to bonus mo to an attained received merit increases in ~under the direct control not nus will be id Service statu been th%t Pay PLan are not eligible for a This ap~ h is recogniz can be e d department head~concurs. substantiated by the supervisor and the using the prescribed forms furnished by onus as outlined in this Section 13. ~ can be prompt rewards vided the ~e mustlbe ead y Manager. Whenever the said awarded as:aforesaid, payment thereof e ~n four (4)~sequel quarter-annual installments of i$12!5.00 ~each with the first such installment of $125.00 ~to be palid to the employee~with his or her next ensuing salary paymentl and each $125.00 shall be paid quarter~ann,ually ther tal of $500.00 has been paid in full or ,r so long as the employee continues top performance in his or her position, whichever event shall first occur,i provided, however, that should top performance of the :employee ~be 'discontinued for an~ the amount of the said award shlall be reduced and for that which thie employee has, given con- tinuous top p, ~ce. -15- RULE VII APPLICATIONS SECTION 1. ANNOUNCEMENT OF EXAMINATIONS: Public Notice of entrance examinations shall be given at least two weeks in advance of the examination by publication in at least one newspaper of general circulation in the City, by posting an examination announcement on the City Hall bulletin board and in such other places and such other manner as the Personnel Director may deem advisable. SECTION 2. FILING OF APPLICATION: Ail applicants for posi- tions in the classified service must file written applica- tion on the form prescribed by the Personnel Director within the time limit fixed in the examination announcement. Incomplete applications may be returned to the applicant with a notice to amend the same. Amendments or corrections must be made within the time limit fixed by the Personnel Director. SECTION 3. CITIZENSHIP: Ail applicants must be citizens or naturalized citizens of the United States or show proof of legal residency by showing their current immigration and naturalization form. SECTION 4. RESIDENCE: There shall be no requirement of residence for filing application for a position in the classified service. SECTION 5. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: The Personnel Director may after consultation with the department heads concerned prescribe such limits of age and other specific require- ments, physical or otherwise, as in his judgement are required by the nature of the work to be performed. Such requirements shall be shown in the examination announcement. SECTION 6. REJECTION OF APPLICATION: The Personnel Director shall reject any application or applicant when he has determined: ae That the application was not filed within the period specified in the examination announcement or was not filed on the prescribed form. Be That the applicant lacks any of the required quali- fications set forth in the examination announcement. -16- Ce Do That the applicant is physically ~r~fit to perform effectively the duties of the position in which he seeks employment. That the applicant is addicted to the habitual excessive use of drugs or intoxicating liquor; or had been convicted of a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude or of a felony, provided the sentence has not been completed or the parole period has been violated. That the applicant has made a false statement of' a material fact, or practices~ or attempted to prac- tice any .fraud or deception on his application or test or i~ attempting to secure appointment, or, iif a cancel ~he certification and in That the applicant was prewiously in the City ser- vice and was removed for ca~use ~or resigned not in good standing. GJ That the applicant after notification, did not promptly present himself at the time and place designated for the examination. That the applicant has a work record from previous employ not consistent with the standards expected of a City employee. That two or more individuals have a parental sibling or spouse relationship and therefore may not be employed by the City in the same department or division thereof in a larger department. (See organizational chart for list of departments. Appendix B) This rule shall not apply to employees of the City at the adoption of these rules. SECTION 7. POSTPONEMENT AND CANCELLATION OF EXAMINATION: Any examination may be postponed or cancelled at the discre- tion of the Personnel Director. In either case each appli- cant shall be notified of the postponement or cancellation and the reason for the action. SECTION 8. VETERAN'S PREFERENCE: The term "veteran" means a person who served in the active military, naval, or air service and who was discharged or released therefrom under honorable conditions only or who later received an upgraded discharge under honorable conditions, not -17- withstanding any action by the Veterans Administration on individuals discharged or released with other than honorable discharges. To receive benefits as a wartime veteran, a veteran must have served du~ing one of the following periods of wartime service: Spanish-American War: April 21, 1898 to July 4, 1902, and including the Philippine Insurrection and the Boxer Rebellion. Mexican Border Period: May 9, 1916, to April 5, 1917, in the case of a veteran who during such period served in Mexico, on the borders thereof, or in the waters adjacent thereto. World War I: April 6, 1917, to November 11, 1918; extended to April 1, 1920, for those veterans who served in Russia; also extended through July 1, 1921, for those veterans who served after November 11, 1918, and before July 2, 1921, provided such veterans had at least 1 day of service between April 5, 1917, and November 12, 1918. World War II: December 7, 1941, to December ~1, 1946. Korean Conflict: June 27, 1950, to January 31, 1955. 6. Vietnam Era: August 5, 1964, to May 7, 1975. VETERAN'S PREFERENCE AND CREDITS: Any such veteran, taking his first competitive entrance exa- mination only, shall receive five (5) points credit added to the passing earned rating resulting from his examination for his first test only as outlined in the Florida State Statute 295.08 and 295.09. Veterans's preference points will not be applied to promotional examinations. To receive such credit, a certificate or other authentic proof of service and honorable discharge must be shown at the time of filing application. In order for the veteran to receive the additional credit points they must have achieved a passing score on the examination. SECTION 9. RESIDENT'S PREFERENCE: Those persons who are currently residents of the City of Boynton Beach and whose current residence in the City has been continuous for a period of one or more full years and who present satisfactory -18- proof of such residence and who receive a passing grade on entrance examinations shall have additional points added to such grade, as follows: ae Residents Who do no~ receive veterans preference - 1 point Residents who do receive veterans preference - 2 points -19- RULE VIII EXAMINATIONS SECTION 1. RECRUITMENT BY EXAMINATION: Ail appointments in the classified service shall be made according to merit and fitness. Merit and fitness shall be ascertained by examina- tions which shall be prepared by or under the direction of the Personnel Director. All examinations shall be impartial and shall relate to those matters which will test fairly the capacity and fitness of the applicants to discharge effi- ciently the duties of the positions to be filled. Examinations may be assembled or non-assembled, and may include written, oral, physical test, performance tests, ratings of training and experience, or any combination of these or other factors. The exam may take into con- sideration such factors as education, experience, aptitude, knowledge, character, physical fitness or any other quali- fications or attributes which, in the judgement of the Personnel Director, enter in, to a determination of the rela- tive aptitude of applicants. Promotional examinations shall take into consideration the quality and length of employment, in addition to any or all of the above factors. The City Council shall be empowered to waive an examination for any position in the classified service when due to the lack of an eligible and/or eligibles it is necessary to recruit from the public to fill a position due to a creation, promotion or a vacancy, provided all other spe- cified qualifications and/or requirements for appointment are complied with. SECTION 2. IDENTITY OF EXAMINEES CONCEALED: The identity of all persons taking a competitive written test shall be concealed from the examiners by the use of an identification number which shall be used on all examination papers. This number shall be used from the beginning of the examination until all test papers have been rated. Any papers carrying the name of the applicant, or any other identification mark, or any applicant who reveals his identification number to the Personnel Director or to any member of his staff, Directly or indirectly, shall be disqualified and the appli- cant so notified. SECTION 3. RATING EXAMINATIONS: Appropriate techniques and procedures shall be used in rating results of examinations and in determining the relative ratings of the competitors. Final examination grades shall be expressed on a scale of -20- 100 for maximum possible attainment and 70 percentile the required passing grade. In the case of all examinations veteran's preference, residence or other credit shall be in addition to the above minimum of 70 percentile outlined in Section 9 and 10 of Rule VII. If a position is advertised in at least in two newspapers and applicants are unable to attain a 70 percentile, the Civil Servic Board may lower the passing point not lower than 60 for one (1} testing cycle only, ~ Manager certifies that the position must be filled, otherwise no exception will'be made. The final ratings of successful competitors who have attained a passing score of 70 !or above shall be rounded off to whole numbers according to the following: .50 and above, the next lower ratting; ~, s 81.) SECTION 4. MINIMUM GRADES DirectOr may determine the part or parts of an examinat further par~ts, if ~ ar, : The Personnel grade for~any licant who fails to ~to not be ny thereof, and, if his relative the Each applicant t!aking notice of the results his final earned ratinig and SECTION 6. INSPECT Any applicant shall have the rigiht to ms inspection of his exami~nation papers within of establishment'Of the list, unless the examination is rescheduled within that initial one month in test up to one week manifest error in rs corrected if called to Director within the in~ shall not invalidate such a list. ich ca ra the applicant may review his ~ of the examination, A or test procedure shal~l be ion of the Personnel Such corrections SECTION 7. PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATIONS: Vacancies in hi~gher positions in the classified service shall be filled by the promotion of employees in the service whenever in the judge- ment of the City Manager and the Personnel Director it is in the best interest of the City to do so. When the deter- mination is made that there will be a promotion, the Personnel Director shall designa the lower class or classes to which the promotiona ination is to be given. Only those employees c~rrently ~holding the positions in the class so designated will be eligible to make application. -21- The Personnel Director may also prescribe other reasonable requirements in the examination announcement. SECTION 8. ANNOUNCEMENT OF ~ROMOTIONAL EXAMINATIONS: Ail promotional examinations shall be publicized at least ten calendar days in advance of the examination by posting announcements on a bulletin board in the City Hall and in such other places and in such other manner as the Personnel Director deems advisable. Copies of all such announcements shall be furnished the department affected. SECTION 9. SERVICE CREDIT IN PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATIONS: Regular employees who receive a passing grade in promotional examinations shall have a credit for continuous city service added to such grade which shall be computed as follows: one-fourth of one point shall be added for each full year of uninterrupted service. SECTION 10. CONTINUOUS SERVICE. Employment in the classified service is considered continuous when unin- terrupted except for authorized leave of absence, suspension or separation due to lay-off. Time lost due to leave of absence, suspension or lay-off should not be included in the determination of length of continous service unless approved as to intent prior to such leave, by the City Manager. Employees that resign or are terminated and are rehired ~y the City will be considered new employees serving a proba- tionary period and therefore previous continuous service will not be considered in calculating total City service. Authorized leave of absence without pay shall be granted to any regular employee drafted into the armed services or called up on the reserve and in such event said leave of absence shall be included as part of continuous service, provided said employee does not withdraw all his funds. (i.e. pension, sick leave, etc.) SECTION 11. UNSKILLED AND SEMI-SKILLED LABORERS, DOMESTIC ATTENDANT OR CUSTODIAL WORK: Unskilled and semi-skilled laborers, domestic attendants or custodial workers may be appointed after such non-competitive tests of skill as the Personnel Director may prescribe. SECTION 12. NON-ASSEMBLED EXAMINATION: ae Whenever the Personnel Director determines that possible applicants are not available in sufficient numbers to justify holding assembled examinations, he may conduct examinations for such classes on a continuous non-assembled basis. The names of successful applicants shall be placed on the appropriate eligibility list in order of -22- their relative grades without refulgence to priority of time of examination. A person who competes in or is disqualified from a non-assembled examination for a particular class is eligible to compete in another examination for the same class after an elapsed time as determined by the Personnel Director. SECTION 13. DEPARTMENT: patrolman shall have a diploma from a standard high APPLICATION FOR POSITION IN THE POLICE Ail candidates for the entrance examination for ~'ests, the In the absence of ! or Gen Police Stan, an Associate' u com~' etion of state acCrE ited ins or have an successful high sc] Development (G.E. Training transcri years of college work or one accredited by al s ciation, or certific~ States holder has examinations. a Not less than twenty-one years of age at the date of: examination. (without shoes) shall conform to ~ording to the following table: MALES Height weight (inches) Min. Max. 60 100 140 61 102 145 62 103 150 63 104 155 64 105 160 65 106 165 66 107 170 67 111 175 68 115 181 -69 119 186 70 123 192 71 127 197 72 131 203 73 135 209 74 139 214 75 143 219 76 147 225 77 151 230 78 153 235 FEMALES Height Weight (inches) Min. Max. 60 94 125 61 96 127 62 98 129 63 100 135 64 102 136 65 104 140 616 106 144 67 109 147 68 112 152 69 115 158 70 118 162 71 122 168 72 125 171 -23- Cm De Ge Candidates must be free from any bodily defects, deformity, or disease and must be certified as fit for service by a Licensed Florida physician at the candidates expense. Candidates will also be required to pass a physical agility test, written test, psychological test, polygraph test, background investigation and an oral examination. Failure to pass any portion of the above require- ments will result in the applicant being eliminated from any further consideration for the particular testing cycle. No person shall be admitted to an examination for Detective until he has served a minimum of three (3) consecutive years on the local force. No person shall be admitted to promotional examina- tion for Sergeant until he has served a minimum of three (3) consecutive years on the local force. No person shall be admitted to promotional examina- tion for Lieutenant until he has served a minimum of two (2) consecutive years as Sergeant on the local force. All candidates for this position must have taken a recognized course in basic super- vision. (See memorandum outlining eligibility of those Detectives that are holding that classifi catio~ as of the adoption of these rules for promotion to Lieutenant. APPENDIX A.) Candidates to enter promotional examination for Captain must have earned a sixty (60) credit hour associate's degree in police-related subjects, including, but not limited to: Police Science, Law, Accounting and Business Administration at a recognized and accredited college or university and who shall have served a minimum of two (2) con- secutive years as Lieutenant on the local force shall be declared eligible. Candidates who have completed thirty (30) credit hours in Police-related subjects at a recognized and accredited college or university as outlined abowe and who have served a minimum of four (4) consecutive years as Lieutenant on the local force shall also be declared eligible. Candidates with less than thirty (30) credit hours in Police-related subjects as outlined above shall not be considered eligible until they have served a minimum of six (6) consecutive years as Lieutenant on the local force. -24- No person below the rank of Captai~'~shall be admitted to promotional examination for Deputy Chief of Police and must meet the following criteria: Candidates who have earned a 120-hour Bachelor's Degree in police-related subjects, including but ~not limited to: Police Science, Law, Account s Administration at a recognized or univer- sity, and who have two (2) consecutive years as Captain on the local force shall be declared eligible. Candidates who -hour Associates Degree in pol ects at a recognized and accredited university as outlined abo ~e served a minimum of six (6) consecutive years as Captain on the local force shall also be considered eligible. Police ~Chief declared eligible time-in-grade re~ years .as Deputy also related ab tion of a 120-hour Ba AdministratiOn or a and accredited colI Police to these candidates will not be , meet the following imum of two (2) Candidates must gained ~ comple- Degree in Police at a recognized unlv sity. The.appointing authority may, however, select and appoint a Police Chief from outside the city ser- vice provided the candidate meets all.stated requirements ~pt that his service is not locally attained, if in ty's opinion, such selection is in the best interest of the City of Boynton Beach, and holds a certified certificate of required number of hours training by the State of Florida. In the event that circumstances or conditions arise that make it impossible to certify an individual police officer, or police officers for entrance to promotional examinations for the next higher posi- tion because, of lack of time-in-grade, and the waiver of such requirement is deemed essential in order to efficiently administer the City's merit system, the City Manager may, at the request of the -25- Personnel Director, recommend that time-in-grade requirements be waived by the City Council, pro- vided however, that the applicant or applicants involved possess al~ other qualifications required by these rules for promotion. SECTION 14. APPLICATION FOR POSITION IN THE FIRE DEPARTMENT: Any Person initially employed as a Firefighter must: Be a high school graduate or the equivalent, as the term may be determined by the Division of State Fire Marshal of the Department of Insurance. Not have been convicted of a felony or of a mis- demeanor involving moral turpitude, as the term is defined by law. If an applicant has been convicted of a felony, such applicant must be in compliance with State Statute 112.011(2)(B). Have his/her fingerprints on file with the Florida State Fire Marshal's Office. Have a good moral character as determined by investigation under procedure established by the Florida State Fire Marshal's Office. Be in good physical condition as determined by a medical examination as prescribed by the Florida State Fire Marshal's Office. Such examination may include, but need not be limited to, provision of the National Fire Protection Association Pamphlet 1001. Failure to pass any portion of the above require- ments will result in the applicant being eliminated from any further consideration for the particular testing cycle. Ail personnel must advance following the promo- tional procedures listed below. Employees hired outside the Boynton Beach Fire Department as lateral transfers are not acceptable unless other- wise noted. TRAINING AND CERTIFICATION Standard for training and certification have been established and prepared along the guidelines of the N.F.P.A. 1001; Firefighers Professional Qualifications of 1981. The development of these standards are based -26- upon overall performance objectives, W~ich are considered the minimum necessary for a person to be considered com- petent to engage in providing fire service at the respec- tive level in the role of firefighter. The standards are designed so that any m~mber of the Fire Department can achieve the level required by various means; these include courses and training, local training programs, self-study, attendance at colleges offering suitable Fire Science courses, and by combination of these means. There must also be personnel can be of J will be controlled traini dem¢ evaluate ment stresses ful program of prepared in Service Standards and validity and ~ accredit ~such proce( ~rmance The establishmen testing will not, in will achieve ths follows that lOped to skil formance desired- testing procedure by which rtified. This procedure ervised by the department person or persons who have ~plish and adequately ication testing. The depart- is essential to a meaning- and, accordingly, is the IFSTA (International Fire the Bureau of Fire ida, to review the se procedures and to es when pr:epared to do so. ~dards and defi~ed ensure that all personnel It be deve- ire the overall per- Throughout the standards, levels of numerical ascending sequence have been used to denote increasing degrees of responsibility: i.e., Firefighter, Firefighter I, Firefighter II, and Firefighter III, the lowest or basic level being Firefighter. similar sequence will be used in each standard; the total number of levels varying in accordance with~the number of steps involved in the indi- vidual standard. This standard shall cover those persons inhired or in existing classifications within the Fire Department through a one-year probation period and the requirement for the subsequent three levels of progression after the one year probation, i.e., Firefighter I, Firefighter II, and Firefight~r III, and all other classifications subject to applicable, probationary requirements. The current employees of the Fire Department, who have three years as a firefighter, may advance at an interval -27- of satisfactory performances with an understanding that at the beginning of the standard there may be delay due to administrative procedure application. Present proba- tionary requirements will be maintained, but will not pro- hibit advancement. Ail the performance objectives for any level of fire- fighter shall meet the following criteria: they shall be performed swiftly, safely, and with competence. Each objective shall be met in its entirety. -28- I PROMOTED TO FIREFIGHTER P~SSES t _EXAMINED FOR PERFORMANCE OB3ECTIVES FO~ FIREFIGHTER III tYRS SATI SFACTO~Y PERFORMANCE MIN. I CONTINUATION OF ON-THE-30B I I TRAINING AND RELATED TECHNICAL / ] STUDIES FOR FIREFIGHTER III R III P~SSES . I EXAMINED F~R PERFORMANCE j 2 yR~s OBOECTIVES FOR FIREFIGHTER Iii J MAN J PROMOTED TO FIREFIGHTER II PISSES I R EXAMINED ON PROBATIONARY EQUIREMENTS iNCLUDING'FIRE- FIGHTER I PERFORMANCE OB2ECTIVES SATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE I I ASSIGNED TO SHIFT FOR ON-THE-3OB I TRAINING AND RELATED TECHNICAL YR I STUDIES FOR iADVANCEMENT UP liN. PASSES JAPPOINTED AS RECRUIT FIREFIGHTER[ AND ASSIGNED TO MINIMUM STANDARDSIEMT TRAINING Fails*** . Unsatzsfactory Performance Fails*** Unsatisfactory Performance Unsatisfactory Performance Fails** SELECTED NAME ON ELIGIBILITY LIST"[ Not Selected* GETS PERSONAL INTERVIEW [ QUALIFIES TAKES WRITTEN, AJILITY, PSYCOLOGICALLFails--Name not placed AND PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS J on Eligibility APPLICANT List. *Name remains on eligibility list (may be interviewed again). **When the training officer and/or supervisor recognizes that a probationary Firefighter is not progressing satisfactorily, this fact shall be immediately brought to the attention of the individual concerned and appropriate counseling and assistance shall be instituted. If these efforts fail, the supervisor shall make appropriate recommendations to the Fire Chief. ***When the training officer and/or supervisor recognizes that a Firefighter is not progressing satisfactorily, this fact shall be immediately brought to the attention of the individual con- cerned and appropriate counseling and assistance shall be instituted. If these efforts fail, the supervisor shall inform the employee of his/her being retained in the present position until additionally qualified. -29- Whenever a "rule, regulation, procedur~~, supply, apparatus and equipment" are referred to, it is implied that they are those of the Boynton Beach Fire Department. A Firefighter who has been certified by the department at any level of Firefighter I, II, III, excluding offi- cers, may retain said certification for one year if he/she terminates employment with the Boynton Beach Fire .Department for cause(s) which would not have caused failure to qualify for initial employment and returns to the department, with departmental approval, on a full-time basis, provided there is a budgeted opening, but will be returned to the beginning step of the certified pay range. Ail persons in the Firefighter/Driver classification will be held encumbered in this position. Any indivi- dual in the Firefighter/Driver position who wishes may be issued certification in the Firefighter I, Firefighter II, and Pirefighter III standard after showing successful compliance by meeting the require- ments of the level to which application is made, beginning with Firefighter I. Upon issuance of the Firefighter II certifiCation, the Firefighter/Driver classification will be removed. Inasmuch as there are limitations placed upon promotions, all Firefighter/ Drivers' eligibility lists will remain in effect together with the addition of all Firefighter III's until October 1, 1986, after which only certified Firefighter III's will be eligible for promotion to Fire Department Lieutenant. FIRE PROMOTIONS Promotions in the Fire Department shall be as follows: No person shall be admitted to an examination for Fire Prevention Officer I until he/she shall have a Firefighter II certification as a minimum and have earned at least six (6) college credits in the Fire Science courses only at an accredited Florida Junior College or upper level university offering a degree program in Fire Engineering or Fire Science. Persons inhired or promoted to this position shall meet the State of Florida Fire Inspector cer- tification requirements. (In lieu of college cre- dit, 1/2 point per year service in the local force can be applied for promotional credit - 6 points total.) -30- No person shall be admitted to an ~Xamination for Fire Prevention Officer II until he shall have a Firefighter III certification as a minimum and one (1) year must have been served as Fire Prevention Officer I, and shall have at least twelve (12) college credits in the Fire Science courses only at an accredited Florida Junior College or upper level university offering a degree program in F~re Engineering or F ~ce. inhired or promoted: to this posit~ the State of Florida Fire Inspector ¢ ~tion requirements. (In lieu of college credit, 1/2 point per year ser- vice inthe local force can be applied forlpromo- ~ tiOnal credit - 12 points total.) No person shall be admitted tion for Lieutenant attained Firefighter I twelve (12) College credits Courses only at an College: or upper lew program in Fire En Promotional additional training, i.e., Fire Prevention Assoc college local 12 points total.) to promotional examina- [ have and have at least Fire ce sity degree for ons; Lieu of .n the it - No person shall be admitted to examinations for Fire Prevention Engineer until he/she shall have met upper level university standards for this posi- tion by attaining the appropriate degree. No person shall be admitted to promotional examina- tion for Captain until he/she shall have served as Lieutenant on the local force a minimum of one (1) year and shall have earned at least eighteen (18) college credits in the Fire Science courses only at an accredited Florida Junior College or upper level university offering a degree program in Fire Engineering or Fire Science. Promotional applicant will be given preference for additional training, education and qualifications; i.e., Fire Prevention Certificate, Paramedic II, Associate Degree, Bachelor Degree, etc. (In lieu of college credit, 1/2 point per year service in the local force can be applied for promotional credit - 12 points total.) -31- No person shall be declared eligible to apply to take the examination for Training Officer until he/she has served as a Firefighter III on the local ~9~ce for a minimum of one (1) year~'after October,~_ 1986~. and he/she ha~ completed and i's certified by the Florida Minimum Standards as a Firefighter. Must possess a high school diploma or GED, supple- mented with extensive training in modern fire- fighting principles and practices both through field and Practical and classroom experience. Must be certified to teach with a minimum of a Florida Firefighters' Standards Council and The American Red Cross certificate. Preference will be given to those applicants possessing additional fire related certification. Eight years of progressively increasing responsibility in~'a Fire Department, and have demonstrated ability to ~arry out preplanning activities associated with fire operations and comply with all other requests outlined in the job description. No person shall be admitted to promotional examina- tion for Executive Officer until he/she shall have served a minimum of three (3) consecutive years as Captain or in another rank of equal stature on the local force and shall have earned at least forty~ five (45) college credits toward a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration. Credits earned in Fire Engineering or Fire science at an accre- dited Florida Junior College may be counted toward total credits required. Promotional applicant will be given preference for additional training, educa- tion and qualifications; i.e., Fire Prevention Certificate, Paramedic II, Associate Degree, Bachelor Degree, etc. (In lieu of college credit, 1/2 point per year service in the local force can be applied for promotional credit - 12 points total.) No person shall be declared eligible for appoint- ment to the position of Fire Chief unless he has completed and is certified by the Florida Minimum Standards and preferably has an Associate's Degree in Fire Science, Public Administration, or related field along with specialized training in modern Fire Department administration and demonstrated ability in the administration of personnel, deve- lopment and administration of budgeting and an overall administration experience of a Fire Department's operation. Twelve (12) years of progressively responsible experience in the Boynton -32- Beach Fire Service with a minimum of six (6) year's experience as a Line Command Officer, i.e., Captain or Executive Officer), demonstrating an ability in administration of department personnel and experience in aspects of overall respon- sibility for significant portions of departmental peration and comply with all other requests outlined in the job description. Promotional applicant will be given preference for additional training, education and qualifications; i.e., Fire Prevention CertifiCate, ~aramedic II, etc. 9. In the event circumstances or conditions arise that make it impossible to certify individual members or fire officers for entrance to promotional examina- tions for the next higher position because of lack of time-in-grade, and the waiver of such require- ment is deemed essential in order to efficiently administer the City's Merit System, the City Manager may, at the request of the Personnel Director, recommend that time-in-grade requirements be waived by the City Council, provided however, that the applicant or applicants involved possess all other qualifications required by these rules for promotion. The appointing authority may, however, select and appoint a Fire Chief from outside the City Service, provided the can- didate meets all stated requirements except that his service is not locally attained, if, in the authority's opinion, such selection is in the best interest of the City of Boynton Beach. -33- RULE IX ELIGIBILITY LISTS SECTION 1. ESTABLISHMENT OF ELIGIBILITY LISTS. The Personnel Director shall establish and maintain such eligibi- lity lists for the various classes of positions as are necessary to meet the needs of the Service. Each list shall contain the names of those persons who are deemed by virtue of the examination process to be qualified to perform the duties required in the specific class. Such persons shall be notified and take rank upon such lists in the order of their relative grades as determined by Rule VIII, Section 3. Eligible applicants attaining the same score shall be con- sidered to have the same rank on the eligible list. SECTION 2. DURATION OF LISTS: The term of eligibility of each eligiblity list, and the names appearing thereon shall be for two years. SECTION 3. RE-EMPLOYMENT LIST: A regular employee who has been involuntarily separated from the City Service without fault or delinquency on his part, i.e. layoff, shall have his name placed on a re-employment list for the same class of position he held at the time of his separation. The name of such employee shall be placed upon the list in the order of his total continuous time served in the class. Such employee shall be eligible for re-employment for a period of two years from the date of separation. SECTION 4. REMOVAL OF NAMES FROM LISTS: The Personnel Director may at any time, remove the name of an eligible from a list for any one of more of the following causes: A. At the request of the eligible. B. Failure to respond to notice to appear for interview within the time limited in such notice. C. Declination of permanent appointment. Failure to notify the Personnel Director of a change of address. Appointment to a permanent position through speci- fication from a list for another class at the same of higher salary. -34- In the case of promotional lists, upon separation, other than layoff, from the City Service. In any case where the Personnel Director finds that an eligible is or has, in any manner become disqualified for the class which he is listed, in accordance with Rule VII, Section 6, of these rules. SECTION '5. RESTORATION OF NAMES TO ELIGIBILITY LISTS: Whenever any person's name is removed from an eligibility list for any one or more of the causes mentioned in the pre- ceding section, he shall immediately be notified thereof unless his whereabouts are unknoWn. Such person may, within five (5) days from date of removal, make a written request to the Personnel Director for restoration of his name to such list for the duration ~f his eligibility. The request shall set forth the reasons for the conduct resulting in removal of the name from the list and shall futher specify the reasons advanced for restoration of the name. The Personnel Director, after full consideration of the request may restore the name to the eligibility list or may refuse such a request. The person shall be notified of the Personnel Director's action. -35- RULE X APPOINTMENTS SECTION 1. PROCEDURE FOR FILLING VACANCIES: Ail vacancies in the classified service shall be filled by original appointment, promotional appointment, provisional appoint- ment, temporary appointments, re-employment, re-instatement, transfer or demotion. Whenever a vacancy is to be filled the department head shall make a requisition to the Personnel Director for eligibles for appointment to the class of position .for which the vacancy exists. Such requisition shall be upon the form provided by the Personnel Director. If the position is permanent the Personnel Director shall certify to the department head the proper number of names from the appropriate list or authorize some other kind of appointment as provided in these rules. SECTION 2. PRIORITY OF LISTS: Certification shall be made from existing lists in the following order of preference: A. Re-employment lists B. Promotional lists C. Employment lists D. Re-instatement lists Re-instatement lists may rank before or after employment lists at time of certification by specific request of the appointing authority. SECTION 3. CERTIFICATfON FROM THE LIST: Upon receipt of a valid requisition for an eligible to fill a vacancy, the Personnel Director shall certify to the requesting depart- ment head the names and addresses of those eligibles on the list for the class, who have indicated willingness to accept appointment in accordance with Section 2 above and based on the "Rule of Three Scores" as outlined in subsections A and B. The "Rule of Three Scores" means that the names associated with the three highest scores as determined by Rule VIII, Section 3, and Rule IX, Section 1, shall be certified to an entrance position with one additional score being certified for each additional vacancy provided, however, that a fewer number may be certified when there is not the required number on the list. -36- Ag Certification and selection for entrance positions: The Personnel Director as soon as feasible shall certify from the appropriate eligible list the three (3) persons who stand highest thereon, giving thei~ names and examination grades. Whenever a group of three (3) eligibles is cer- tified, one of the candidates must be appointed to the positon under consideration. Only under excep- tional conditions, satisfactory to the Personnel Director shall the three (3) names of eligibles be passed over. A request of this type shall be sub- mitted in writing by the Department Head to the Personnel Director giving specific reasons for rejecting each of the names on the list of eli- gibles for the next three (3) eligibles whose standing is the next highest on the list. Eligibles not selected shall be returned to the register in accordance with their respective gra- des. Such eligibles shall be recertified in groups of three (3) eligibles and if not appointed may be considered a total of three times and then removed from the eligible list. Eligibles considered for appointment and not selected will not be recer- tified to the same department after two (2) con3 siderations. If more than one vacancy exists, certification will be as outlined above with one additional name added for each vacancy. In the case of identical scores the eligibles will be sub- mitted as tied and considered one position of the three positions submitted. Certification and selection for promotional positions: , The Personnel Director shall as soon as feasible certify from the appropriate eligible list for each vacancy, the names and scores of the three persons who stand highest on the eligible list. Only under unusual conditions satisfactory to the appointing authority, who is the City Manager, shall the names of the eligibles be passed over. Requests to by- pass the names of the three highest persons on the list shall be submitted in writing by the Department Head giving specific reasons why the per- sons whose names appear highest on that list should be by-passed. The Personnel Director then shall certify the name of the next three highest on the list to the Department Head. -37- If all three employees are passed over under the provisions outlined in the preceding paragraph they shall be notified in writing by the Personnel Director prior to the certifications of the next three names highest on the list. SECTION 4. INCOMPLETE CERTIFICATION: When the number of names (irrespective of the number of scores) available for filling any vacancy is fewer than three, the department head with the approval of the City Manager, may decline certification for that vacancy and request that the vacancy be filled by provisional appointment, or in any other manner provided by these rules. SECTION 5. APPROPRIATE LIST: The Personnel Director may certify to a vacancy, applicants from eligibility lists of classes other than the class of vacancy, if, in. his judge- ment, the lists are appropriate due to similar qualifica- tions and/or examinations and a higher classification than the class of vacancy and there is an insufficient list for the specific class vacancy. SECTION 6. NOTICE OF CERTIFICATION TO THE ELIGIBLE: Whenever the name of an eligible is certified the eligible shall be sent written notice of his certification. SECTION 7. WAIVER OF CERTIFICATION: Eligibles may waive certification upon filing reasons satisfactory to the PerSonnel Director. Waivers must be filed with the Personnel Director within five (5) days from the date of notification of certification and if approved, the name of such eligible shall not be certified until waiver has been withdrawn upon written request therefore. Failure to exe- cute a satisfactory waiver or to report for interview within the time indicated shall be deemed sufficient cause for removing the name of such eligible from ~the list. SECTION 8. PROVISIONAL APPOINTMENT: Whenever there are urgent reasons for filling a regular position in a class for which appropriate lists or the required number of eligibles are not then available, the City Manager may authorize the vacancy be filled by a provisional appointment. In such case, preference for provisional appointment shall be given first to persons whose names are on appropriate lists, secondly, to persons in the City service whom the Personnel Director finds to be qualified; thirdly, to persons who have applied for appointment as regular employees and whom the Personnel Director believes to be qualified. Provisional appointments shall be terminated at such times as the required certification and appointment can be made from a list and shall be for not longer than six ~6) months. -38- if the position is still not filled as provided by these rules the provisional appointee's status may be continued with the approval of the City,Manager, but not to exceed a total of twelve (12) months from date of appointment. SECTION 9. TEMPORARY APPOINTMENT: Temporary appointments may be made of persons whose employment is expected to be of a seasonal nature or whose services are required for a spe- cial job or project and when it is expected that the ser- vices of such persons will be no longer necessary at the close of the season or upon completion of such special job or project for which they have been appointed. Temporary appointments may also be made to fill vacancies resulting from regular employees on authorized leave of absence. The City Manager will approve all temporary appointments. Persons filling these positions will be paid only for those hours actually worked. They will not be eligible for sick leave, vacation, holiday, or other benefits. Such appointments shall be made from the appropriate lists insofar as practicable and shall be for a specific period. The acceptance of such appointment by an eligible shall not affect his standing on the list for permanent appointment. SECTION 10. EMERGENCY APPOINTMENT: Emergency appointments may be made by the City Manager or in his absence, the Mayor in case of riot, conflagrations or other emergency which threatens life, property or the general welfare of the City. Such appointments shall continue only during the period of such emergency and shall not continue longer than thirty (30) calendar days. SECTION 11. TRANSFER: A position may be filed by trans- ferring an employee from another position of the same class or similar class with.essentially the same basic qualifica- tions excepting that in no case shall an employee be trans- ferred to a class having a higher maximum salary than the class from which the transfer is made, unless the employee is qualified in the new class and is on the register for that position. The City Manager may transfer an employee for many reasons, including but not limited to the following: efficiency, better utilization of personnel, in lieu of departmental lay-off, etc. Transfers must be approved by the department heads affected, the Personnel Director and the City Manager and shall be executed on the prescribed form. Any such transferee shall be on probation for six (6) months in said department. SECTION 12. DEMOTION: A. A position may be filled by the demotion of a regular -39- employee in accordance with the pr6~edure for demotion as outlined in Rule XII, Section 5. An employee may also be demoted upon his own ini- tiative with the approval of the Personnel Director and department head concerned and shall receive status in this new class, if he has status in his present class. SECTION 13. PROBATIONARY PERIOD: The probationary period shall be regarded as an integral part of the examination process and shall be utilized for closely observing the employee's work, for securing the most effective adjustment of the new employee to his position and for rejecting any employee whose performance does not meet the required stan- dards. Ail appointments for authorized budgeted positions shall be probationary and subject to a probationary period of one year after appointment except those positions filled through promotion, which shall then be six (6) months. Any employee serving on a probationary period, either six (6) months or one (1) year, has no vested rights in that position and therefore no recourse to the Civil Service Board. The Personnel Director may grant status to persons appointed from a re-employment list without a probationary period. ~ If a permanent employee promoted to a higher class as a result of appointment from a promotional list or other list for a six (6) month probation is found unsuited for the work of the class during the probationary period he shall be reinstated to his former pay grade and step in the class from which he was promoted. If any employee is reinstated to his former position, this shall not be considered a demo- tion. A person filling the position of an employee that has been promoted will hold that position contingent on the pro- moted employee successfully completing his six (6) month promotional probationary period~ If the promoted employee for any reason is returned to his former position the person filling that position would in turn be returned then to his former position. If no vacancy exists the employee will be appointed to a position comparable to his former position and having similar duties and at his former grade and step. The permanent employee will be assigned the new duties and responsibilities for the higher classification but will retain no vested rights in the new position until he has satisfactorily completed the probation. This employee retains permanent status in the position from which he was promoted. -40- A. Department Head Responsibility: The department head shall make an evaluation report at the conclusion of the sixth (6th) month of the employee's initial ~ne year probationary period and at the conclusion of the third (3rd) month of a promoted employee's six (6) month probationary period, as the Personnel Director may require and shall notify the Personnel Director whether the services of the employee have been satisfactory and whether he will continue the employee in his posi- tion. Such notice shall be on the prescribed form and a copy shall be given to the employee. If the evaluation is negative at six (6) months there will have to be another evaluation done at the end of nine (9) months if the department wants to keep the probational employee. Employees on a six month promotional probation will be re-evaluated in one month, after the three (3) month evaluation, if they receive an unsatisfactory report. B. City Manager Responsibility: At any time during the probationary period the City Manager may remove an employee whose performance does not meet the required standards, provided t~at he shall notify the employee's department head and the Personnel Director of the reasons for such action. The same procedure holds true for a Department Head to recommend removal of an employee by notifying the Personnel Director and the City Manager. SECTION 14. MEDICAL EXAMINATIONS: Applicants for positions in the City service may be required to undergo a medical examination by a licensed Florida Physician to determine physical and mental fitness to perform work in the position to which appointment is to be ~made. Ail employees of the City during their period of employment may be required by their department head with the approval of the Personnel Director, to undergo periodic medical examinations to determine their physical and mental fitness to perform the work of the position in which they are employed. Such periodic medical examination shall be at no expense to the employee. Determination of physical or mental fitness will be by a physician or physicians designated by the Personnel Director. When an employee of the City is reported by the examining -41- physician to be physically or mentally unfit to perform work in the position which he is employed, such employee may within five (5) days from the date of his notification of such determination by the examining physician, indicate in writing to the Personnel Director his intention to submit the question of his physical or mental unfitness to a physi- cian of his own choice. In the event there is a difference of opinion between the examining physician and the physician chosen by the employee, then a physician shall be mutually designated by the examining physician and the physician chosen by the employee whose decision shall be final and binding as to the physical or mental fitness of the employee to perform the work of the position in which he is employed. The City shall pay its physician; the employee shall pay his physician; and the third physician shall be paid by the loser. Applicants and eligibles determined to be physically or men- tally unfit for service shall not be considered for appoint- ment. An employee finally determined to be physically or mentally unfit to continue in the position in which he is employed may be demoted in accordance with these rules or separated from the City service. -42- RULE XI GENERAL PERSONNEL POLICIES AND PROVISIONS SECTION 1. HOURS OF WORK: The City Manager shall establish hours of work which insofar as practicable shall be uniform within occupational groups which shall be determined in accordance with the needs of the service and which shall take into account the reasonable needs of the public who may be required to do business with various City departments. Employees shall be paid for legal holidays and those called to work shall also be paid for the time worked as provided. Hourly rate employees must work their regular work days immediately before and after the holiday in order to receive pay for the holiday or be in an authorized with pay status immediately before and after the holiday. Part-time, tem- porary, and emergency appointed employees shall not be entitled to holidays with pay. SECTION 2. LEGAL HOLIDAYS: Legal Holidays to be observed by the City's employees unless such employees are required to be on regular duty are New Year's Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day and such other days as may be specifically designated from time-to-time by the City Council. The City Manager and City Council reserve the right to declare these and any other holidays on a date designated by them; such date does not necessarily have to be on the specified traditional date, but on a date that meets the best interest of the City; except if noted otherwise by union contract. Hours paid for holidays are based on the formula for deter- mining sick leave in Section 4. SECTION 3. VACATION LEAVE: Each full time employee, with the exception of shift members of the Fire Department and any other members of a bargaining unit, shall earn vacation leave at the rate of one working day per month during the first year of service. Each employee shall, at the end of each year thereafter, be credited with additional vacation days (accumulated in hours) for each full year of continuous service as outlined in the chart below, but no additional credit shall be earned after his or her 21st year of ser- vice. Employees on initial one year probation are not eli- gible to take vacation for the first six months of employment. They may take up to six (6) days of vacation -43- during the second half of their probation ~ar (6 months). If more vacation time is requested the City Manager must authorize it. This vacation schedule wilI take effect on September 29, 1983, and employees eligible will accrue such leave time at the new rate a~ter adoption. VACATION POLICY Years of Service Vacation Days Vacation Hours 1 year 12 96 2 years 15 120 3 years 15 120 4 years 16 128 5 years 17 136 6 years 18 144 7 years 19 152 8 years 20 160 9 years 21 168 10 years 22 176 11 years 22 176 12 years 22 176 13 years 22 176 ~ 14 years 22 176 15 years 22 176 16 years 24 192 17 years 24 192 18 years 24 192 19 years 24 192 20 years 24 192 21 years & after 25 200 For purposes of vacation leave, each shift member of the Fire Department shall receive the equivalent of six (6) shift days per year vacation. Each shift member of the Fire Department shall earn one (1) shift day additional vacation for each four years of continuous service, but no additional credit shall be earned after his sixteenth (16) year of service. In computing vacation leave earned, no increments will accrue for any pay week which includes three or more days of leave of absence without pay. For uniformed members of the Fire Department no increments will accrue for any three week pay period which includes four or more days of leave of absence without pay, or the appropriate percentage of the pay period. -44- Vacation leave may be taken as earned subject to the appro- val of the department head who shall schedUle vacations so as to meet the operating requirements of the department. Employees may accrue vacation~ leave to a maximum of the leave earned in the most recent two employment years. Provisional employees shall be entitled to the same vacation leave allowance to which regular employees are entitled in accordance with the provisions of this section, provided they attain probationary status. SECTION 4. SICK LEAVE WITH PAY. Sick leave with pay shall be granted to regularly employed full time employees at the rate of one working day for each completed month of service. Such leave shall be computed on an employment year basis. Sick leave pay will be paid at the same rate as a regular work day. Unlimited accumulation of sick leave is authorized. Sick leave shall not be considered as a right which an employee may use at his discretion, but rather as a privi- lege which shall be allowed only in case of personal sickness or disability, legal quarantine because of exposure to contagious disease, or in the case of illness within the immediate family. No more than five working days in any : calendar year may be taken as sick leave because of illness within the immediate family. In the case of a prolonged, serious illness within the family, an employee may take more family sick time only if approved by the Department Head, Personnel Director and City Manager and a doctor's letter must be submitted. For purposes of this rule ,,immediate family" shall consist of the employee's spouse, parents and children only. Sick leave will not be granted if it falls on regular days off or on a holiday. Sick leave is credited as follows: One fifth (1/5) of the assigned average work week excluding overtime, holiday time, etc., per month. In order to be granted sick leave with pay an employee must meet the following conditions: A Notify his immediate supervisor not later than one (1) hour after the beginning of the scheduled work- day of the reason for his absence or within lesser limits if required by the Department Head. B. Permit such medical examination, nursing visit or inquiry which the City deems desirable -45- Ce Ee File a written request' for such sick leave on the form and in the manner to be prescribed. Requests for more than three (3) days sick leave must be accompanied by a doctor's certificate explaining the absence and/or unfitness for duty. If excessive sick leave is taken in such a way as to indicate a pattern, random or otherwise, the employee will be placed on restricted sick leave and a doctor's certificate will be required for a one day absence. Employees serving a probationary period on an ori- ginal appointment shall accrue sick leave in accor- dance with the provisions of this section. In computing sick leave no increments will accrue for any week which includes three or more days of leave of absence without pay. For uniformed mem- bers of the Fire Department no increments will accrue for any nine day cycle which includes five (5) or more days of leave of absence without pay, or two thirds of the pay cycle if other than nine days. In computing sick leave taken, all employees shall be charged one hour sick leave for each hour not worked because of illness. Permanent employees that have exhausted their accu- mulated sick leave and are still unable to return to work, may draw against their annual leave account. Such request must be made to the Depart- ment Head by the employee, who in turn must notify the Personnel Director on the prescribed form. Claiming sick leave when physically fit shall be cause for discharge. Employees that have attained permanent civil ser- vice status and are regular employees will have payment made for unused sick leave at the rate of one half (1/2) of the total number of hours accumu- lated not taken, upon termination in good standing or retirement. Part-time, temporary, probationary and provisional employees are not eligible for benefits outlined in this paragraph. LIGHT DUTY - Employees may return to work with a Light Duty Certificate and/or letter from their -46- physician provided there is work ~ailable within the Department that would comply with the doctor's requirements. If there is no such work available the employee will remain on sick leave status until he has a full release to return to work from his doctor. SECTION 5. LEAVE WITH PAY: ae JURY DUTY/WITNESS FEES - Ail pay granted under this section must be approved by the City Manager. Leave with pay may be authorized in order that regular employees may serve required jury duty or a subpoena issued by a court of law to appear as a witness on cases relevant to the City, provided that such leave is reported in advance to the Personnel Director. In order for the employee to receive their regular pay for such leave the employee must deposit the money which he receives for jury duty or as a witness with the City Finance Department for those days that coincide with his/her regular work schedule. Employees can keep only travel expense monies. Employees subpoened as witnesses in cases unrelated to City business may take vacation leave in order to receive pay. Be MILITARY LEAVE: Ail employees in the City service who are members of the military reserve units and who must attend annual training sessions are entitled to leave of absence with full pay. The City of Boynton Beach pursuant to Florida Statute 115.07 - Officers and Employees Leaves Of Absence For Reserve Or Guard Training, grants up to seven teen (17) calendar days with pay each year in order that such employees may fulfill their military obligations. Full-time permanent employees in the City service who are called to perform military service may at the discretion of the City Council be granted leave of absence without pay for such service in accor- dance with the provisions of Public Law 93-508, Section 2021 - Right to re-employment of inducted persons; Section 2024 - Rights of persons who enlist or are called to active duty; reserves. Ce DISABILITY: Employees who are on disability leave will have their positions held for a maximum of six months after disability claim is accepted and approved by the proper agency, after which they will have their name placed on a re-employment list -47- as provided under the Civil Service Rules and Regulations. In no case, however, will a position be held open longer than nine (9) months from date of incident. If the employee fails to comply with any provisions required by the agency handling the claim, they will waive their rights for reinstatement in their open position or any other position. WORKERS' COMPENSATION: Whenever an employee is totally disabled from duty for a period of no more than seven (7) calendar days because of an injury determined to be compensated under the provisions of the Worker's Compensation Acts he shall be entitled to full regular pay. If the period of disability is greater than seven (7) calendar days, the employee will be eligible to receive a sum of money up to an amount equal to the difference between his worker's compensation check and his normal net take home pay. The injured employee will be eligible to receive the salary supplement fora period not to exceed three (3) months from date of injury. At the end of the three months, or sooner, the City Manager, Department Head, and Personnel Director will review the case for a determination of pay status. If continuation of the salary supplement is granted it can be at any rate determined equitable by the reviewing committee, but not to exceed an amount equal to the net take home pay. In no case will the salary supplement be extended beyond six (6) months from date of injury. After six (6) months from date of injury, the injured employee may elect to receive accrued sick leave and after exhausted, vacation leave, in accordance with his regular hourly wage, to the extent that his combined sick leave or vacation leave, City suppplement (if less than the full amount authorized) and workers' compensation bene- fits equal his regular weekly net take home salary. The employee must contact the payroll clerk to quality for the combined check. It is incumbent on the employee to make application for disability in accordance with the pen- sion plan they are members of, or the insurance -48- plan they are covered under. Failure to do this automatically cancels the additional City benefits. If the appropriate ~isability plan denies the claim, the additional City salary supplement bene- fit will be cancelled. If the appropriate disabi- lity plan accepts the claim, the salary supplement will be cancelled after issuance of the disability pension check or at the end of the time duration outlined above, which ever comes first. If an employee who is receiving Worker's Compensation payment along with City supplement, sick or vacation leave, is found to be working or receiving compensation for his services elsewhere, during this period, he will be subject to reimburse the City for all medical expenses and supplement, sick or vacation pay taken and be subject to dismissal. Eg COMPASSIONATE LEAVE: In the event of the death of the mother, father, foster parents, brother, sister husband, wife, son, daughter, grandparents, grand- children, mother-in-law, or father-in-law of a permanent and probationary employee, such employee shall be entitled to paid compassionate leave not to exceed three (3) consecutive calendar days for any one death. However, if it is necessary for the employee to leave the State in connection with the interment of the deceased, five (5) consecutive calendar days shall be allowed. Employees must submit proof of death in order to be eligible for this article. The City Manager may grant additional leave under this section when he deems it appropriate. Fe PREGNANCY LEAVE: Pregnancy leave will be authorized and will begin when the employee brings in a certificate from the doctor stating that it is in the best interest of the employee's health to begin a leave of absence. Sick leave or vacation benefits may be used. The employee must notify the Personnel Director in writing before the end of 30 working days after child birth of her intent to return to work or her intent to resign. SECTION 6. INSERVICE TRAINING: Any permanent full-time employee may be accorded leave with pay to attend an authorized training program, provided that: Leave is requested by the employee's department head and approved by the City Manager. When such leave is granted, -49- the Personnel Director shall be promptly notified Df the reason for such leave, the course work to be~ompleted, and the probable date of the employee's return to duty. Leave shall be for time required to complete the course. In no event shall any leave be approved or granted under this rule except where there are adequate, unencumbered funds available in the departmental budget which are sufficient to cover the cost of such training. Completion of such training will considerably improve the employee's job knowledge and substantially increase his efficiency. In the event the final examination is failed or the course not completed, employees granted leave under this rule shall reimburse the City for one-half the cost of such training course. If the employee leaves the City service within one (1) full year after completion of such training, he shall reimbuse the City for the total cost of such training course if the City Manager requires. Employees granted leave under this rule shall continue to accumulate both sick and annual leave at their regular rate during the period of training. The City Manager must approve all payments made on leave with pay but in no case will more than thirty (30) days be approved without approval of the City Council. SECTION 7. LEAVE WITHOUT PAY: A regular employee may be granted leave of absence without pay for a period not to exceed one year for sickness, disability or other good and sufficient reasons which are considered to be in the best interest of the City. Such leave shall require the prior approval of the Department Head, the Personnel Director and the City Manager. Employees that are on approved leave of absence without pay will be responsible for paying all their benefits, i.e., insurances, etc. Except under unusual circumstances, voluntary separation from the City service in order to accept employment not in the City service shall be considered as insufficient reason for approval of a request for leave of absence without pay. If for any other reason, leave of absence without pay is given, such leave of absence may subsequently be withdrawn and the employee recalled to service. All employees on leave of absence without pay are subject to applicable pro- visions of these rules. -50- SECTION 8. PROHIBITIONS: POLITICAL ACTIVITIES AND UNLAWFUL ACTS: A NO person shall be appointed to, demoted, or dismissed from any position or in any way favored or discriminated against with respect to employment, because of race, color, national ori- gin, sex, handicap, religious creed, or political opinion or affiliation. B. No person shall use or promise to use, directly or indirectly, any official authority or influence, whether possessed or anticipated, to secure or attempt to secure for any person an appointment or advantage in appointment to a positon in the city, or an increase in pay or other advantage in employment in any such position, for the purpose of influencing the vote or political action of any person or for any consideration; however, letters of inquiry, recommendations, and references by public employees or public officials shall not be considered political pressure unless any such letter contains a threat, intimidation, or irrele- vant, derogatory, or false information. For the purposes of this section, the term "political pressure," in addition to any appropriate meaning which may be ascribed thereto by lawful authority, includes the use of official authority or influence in any manner. C. No person shall, directly or indirectly, give, render, pay, offer, solicit, or accept any money, service, or other valuable consideration for or on account of any appointment, proposed appointment, promotion to, or any advantage in, a position in the Civil Service system of the city. D. As an individual, each employee retains all rights and obligations of citizenship provided in the Constitution and laws of the state and the Constitution and laws of the united States. However, no employee shall: 1. Hold, or be a candidate for, public office while in the employment of the city or take any active part in a political campaign while on duty or within any period of time during which he is expected to perform services for which he receives compensation from the city. However, when authorized by his Department Head and approved by the City Manager as involving no -51- interest which conflicts or activity which interferes with his city employment, an employee in the Civil Service may be a candidate for or hold local public office. The City Council shall prepare and make available to all affected personnel who mak~e such request a definite set of rules and procedures consistent with the pro- visions herein. Use the authority of his position to secure support for, or oppose, any candidate, party, or issue in a partisan or non-partisan election or affect the results thereof. No City employee or official shall use any promise of reward or threat of loss to encourage or coerce any employee to support or contribute to any poli- tical issue, candidate, or party. No person elected to public office or members of their immediate family shall, during the term for which he was elected, be appointed to any position in the classified service. No person shall make any false statement, cer- tificate, mark, rating or report with regard to any test, certification or appointment made under a~¥ provision of the Charter and these rules, or in any manner commit or attempt to commit any fraud pre- venting the impartial execution of provisions of the Charter and these rules. No person shall, directly, or indirectly, give, render, pay, offer, solicit or accept any money, service or other valuable consideration for or on account of any appointment, proposed appointment, promotion or proposed promotion to, or any advantage in a position in the claSsified serviceo No employee, examiner, or other person shall defeat, deceive or obstruct any person in his right to examination, eligibility, certification or appointment under the Charter and these rules, or furnish to any person any special or secret infor- mation for the purpose of affecting the rights of prospects of any person with respect to employment in the classified service. Any employee who violates any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit his position. (See also Dismissal Rule XII). -52- SECTION 9. EMPLOYEE RIGHTS OF APPEAL: Upon the dismissal, suspension without pay of six (6) or more consecutive working days, or demotion of any permanent employee in the classified service, the City Manager shall within twenty- four (24) hours, give the employee a written statement of the reasons for such dismissal, suspension, or demotion and shall immediately file a copy thereof with the Civil Service Board. If the employee desires, he may, within fourteen (14) calen- dar days after such dismissal, suspension, or demotion file with the Board a request for a hearing setting forth in detail in his petition, the basis of his appeal. The Board, upon receiving such notice of appeal, shall within ten (10) days, set a date for a hearing. Notice of the time and place of such hearing shall be served upon the City Manager and the employee either personally or by registered mail at least five (5) days before the date of the hearing. The Board shall conduct the hearing at the time set, which hearing shall be public and may adjourn the hearing from time to time upon cause shown or upon its own motion, pro- vided that such adjournment, in all, shall not extend beyond sixty (60) calendar days from date of the dismissal, suspen-= sion, or demotion. Both the affected employee and the City Manager shall be given full opportunity to be heard in person and, at the option of each, to be accompanied by counsel; provided further, that should the City Manager elect to be accom- panied by legal counsel, the affected employee shall be notified of his right to be accompanied by legal counsel prior to the commencement of the hearing. The Board shall sit as a body to consider such evidence as it deems pertinent in determining the facts in the case. The City Manager and the Department Head shall first present their evidence, the employee shall present his evidence and both sides shall have the opportunity for rebuttal. The Board shall determine, on the basis of the evidence sub- mitted, the merits of each case. The Board shall follow the Rules of Evidence, and shall avail itself of an attorney-at-law of its choice whose com- pensation shall be fixed and paid by the City of Boynton Beach. Ail testimony presented in a hearing before the Board shall be presented under oath. For such hearing the Board shall fl¸ -53- have the power to subpoena the attendance and testimony of witnesses and the production of books and papers relative to the case in question. Such subpoenas are to be served by a member of the Boynton Beach Police Department and it shall be unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to respond to such subpoena issued by the Board without a legitimate excuse. Ail testimony given at a hearing before the Board shall be recorded and transcribed by a court reporter or by such other means of recording as may be acceptable to the Board. Ail witnesses demanding witness fees for attendance at any hearing shall be entitled to a per diem of ten dollars ($10.00) such sum to be paid by the City of Boynton Beach. No employee of the City of Boynton Beach summoned by the Civil Service Board to testify at a hearing shall be entitled to any compensation for such service. The Personnel Office shall spread upon the official minutes of the Board the facts contained in the appeal, the Board's findings, and its decision which shall be final; provided, however, that either party may petition the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, for review by certiorari of the ruling of said Board. Such petition shall be filed within forty-five (45) days from the date of the Board's rendering of a decision. Final decisions of the Board shall be transmitted to the City Manager and executed by him. Should the Board decide after a hearing that an employee in the classified service has been unjustifiably dismissed, suspended, or demoted and their decision is not reversed by a ruling or decision of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, said employee shall be returned to the position he held prior to the dismissal, suspension, or demotion. The employee will be eligible for up to a total of six (6) months compensation at the regular pay grade and step for his classification at the time of his dismissal, suspension, or demotion. This compensation shall be paid to the employee for the time he has been declared unjustifiably dismissed, suspended, or demoted by the Board, provided that the Board's decision has not been superseded by a decision or ruling of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida. See also, the City Charter, Section 72.11 and 72.12 SECTION 10. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE: A. POLICY: It shall be the policy of the City of -54- Be Co Boynton Beach to provide a procedure for the pre- sentation and mutual adjustment of points of disagreement which may arise between permanent employees and their supervisors, and to assure employees that their problems and complaints will be considered fairly, honestly, and without repri- sal. PURPOSE: The primary purpose of the grievance pro- cedure is to determine WHAT is right rather~than WHO is r~ght. Free Discussion between employees and supervisors will lead to a better understanding by both, of the practices, policies and procedures which affect employment. It will also serve to identify and heip ~liminate Conditions which may or conceivably ha caused misunderstandings and grievances. ~ defeated if a spirit of conflict ent consideration of a grievance. ~mployees alike must realize and recognize the true purpose of a grievance ~rocedure is to.have ~alue in ' ' the City Service. A grievance is a to , ~hips supervisor or g:rievances arising cerning suspensio days, wages, are to grievance w~ con- (6) or more ~ls. s or:less 3oard. ~: employee .on of a days from the incident in question or the procedure will nou be valid. PROCEDURE FOR PRESENTATION OF A GRIEVANCE. The empl~oyee shall, within ten (10) calendar days of the incident, first take his problem, complaint or grie~vance to his immediate.supervisor who shall review the problem, imake a. decision, and advise the employee of this decision within three (3) working days. It Ks neither necessary nor desirable that the grievance be presented in writing at this point. Supervisors are encouraged to consult with their department heads or individual who may be able to offer assistance information rela- tive to the grievanoe. -55- If the grievance is not resolved t0 the employee's satisfaction by the supervisor, or if a decision is not made within the time specified, the employee may submit his grieyance and it must be in writing on prescribed form to his department head. It shall be the responsibility of the department head to consult with the Personnel Director to determine whether or not the grievance is subject to established Ordinances, Resolutions, administrative regulations, or these rules. Upon receipt of notice from the Personnel Director that the grievance is not subject to any of the above men- tioned limiting laws, the department head shall investigate the grievance and make a decision in writing within three (3) working days. The grievance will be based solely on the report sub- mitted by the employee. If the grievance is not resolved to the employee's satisfaction by the department head, or if a deci- sion is not made within the time specified, the employee may take his problem to the Personnel Director, and it shall be incumbent on him to thoroughly investigate the grievance as submitted in writing to the Department Head and to render~a fair and impartial decision within five (5) working days. If the grievance is not resolved to the employee's satisfaction by the Personnel Director, or if a decision is not made within the time specified, the employee may request a review of his case by the City Manager. All such requests must be made in writing and a copy sent to the Personnel Director. Such requests must be filed by the employee within three (3) working days after receipt of the Personnel Director's decision, and, in any case, not later than eleven (11) working days after he made his original request to his department head. If the grievance is not resolved to the employee's satisfaction by the City Manager, within three (3) working days, or if a decision is not made within the time specified, the employee may request that his grievance be submitted to the Employees' Grievance Board. All such requests to the Employees' Grievance Board must be made in writing and a copy of such request furnished to the City Manager within three (3) working days after receipt of the City Manager's response. -56- It shall be the duty of the Employees' Grievance Board, after carefully weighing all facts contained in the employee's written statement of grievance and written statements containing decisions reached by his supervisor, ~epartment head, the Personnel Director and the City Manager, to judge each case fairly the written six (6) or taped or have minutes taken. After a of the Employees' Gr findings in the case. a deci- ~ir deci- all Manager the findings and all other Should the employee's complaint arise from his suspension of'six (6) or more consecutive working days,: or ~action vant to promotion, demotion or dismissal., it be referred to the but shall be imme- diately r:e ~ the City Manager for appropriate action as outlined elsewhere in these rules. SECTION 11. ESTABLISHMENT OF EMPLOYEE'S GRIEVANCE BOARD: PROCEDURE: A seven (7) member Grievance Board to review employee complaints relative to employment or working conditions shall be established. The following are exclusions for presentation: grievance arising from the employee's suspension of six (6) consecutive days or more, demotion or dismissal; which are solely the responsibility of the Civil Service Board; or employees that use a union or other grievance procedure can not have their case reheard by the Employee Grievance Board, or visa versa. In order to establish fair and equitable represen- tation on said Board, the City service shall be divided into Units, so far as is practical, and each permanent employee in the Unit shall vote for a :representative and an alternate to the Board using a sealed ballot box. Votes will be tabulated by~ the Personnel Director and members of the Civil Service Board. The City Service shall be divided into Units as follows: -57- Unit 1: Administrative: Ail departments in City Hall, civilian personnel in Police and Fire, administrative of Public Works and Utilities and Library. Unit 2: Fire Department Unit 3: Police Department Unit 4: Public Works & Building Maintenance Unit 5: Utilities Department Unit 6: -Recreation, Parks and Golf Course Unit 7: Building, Engineering & Planning Elections to the Employee's Grievance Board shall be held every two (2) years during the first week in December. No person shall serve more than one (1) consecutive term on said Board, whether as representative or alternate. No department head nor employee exercising supervision over the work of others may be elected to the Board. Representatives and alternates shall take office immediately after election results are certified. In the event that the employment of any Unit repre- sentative or alternate is terminated for any reason during his period of service on this Board, the Unit shall within four (4) weeks hold an election and select a replacement and shall notify the Personnel Director of such selection. Notice of any replacements on this Board shall be promptly reported to the City Manager, the City Council, and to every department in the City Service. Ail elec- tions and functions of the Board shall conform to these rules. ELECTION OF BOARD MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES: Each Unit in the City Service shall nominate candidates for representatives and alternates who will serve during the absence of said representatives. All candidates must be permanent employees. All names submitted for that division will be alphabetically placed on the ballot. The candidate receiving the highest number of votes will be named the Board member; the candidate receiving the second highest vote will be named alternate. Ballots shall be placed in sealed ballot boxes by the employee. After the ballots have been tabulated, a list -58- showing representatives and alternates for each Unit shall be prepared by the Personnel Director and copies of said list forwarded to the City Manager, members of the City Council and to every department in the City Service. MEETING OF THE GRIEVANCE BOARD: As soon as possible, after each election, and in any case within two (2) weeks thereafter, Board represen- tatives shall hold an organizational meeting and name a chairman who shall preside at all meetings; said chairman vote in:all deli- berations and de Board. Notice of the selection of 11 be forwarded promptly to the Cit~ ers of the City Council and the Personnel Director. The Grievance Board shall meet on call as requested to review all grievances submitted to them and after true of each indivi- dual case, in writing, to Director, and the review of his case. SECTION 12. EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE RATING: Employee perfor- mance rating reports relative to, but not limited to, the conduct, capacity, and performance of all regular employees shall be made by department heads at least once each year on the form and in the manner prescribed by the Personnel Director. The employee performance rating will be used to indicate the eligibility of an employee for their annual salary increase. If an employee fails to receive an increase due to a poor evaluation report, or if the employee is on extended leave, said be eligible for reconsideration upon receipt the evaluation report covering the following three months period, or when the employee returns t° work, If an employee fails his eva- luation at the end of this three month extended period he will be re-evalUated each month thereafter for the next three months. If said employe unsatisfactory evaluations will be subject to discipli] would not interfere with increase which would be due on Rule XII, Section 5A) conltinues to receive three months he n. This extension s next annual anniversary date. (See Such ratings may be considered as a factor in promotional examinations and as factor in any other personnel transac- tions where it is not contrary~ to City Charter or these rules. -59- Any employee, upon application to the Personnel Director, during regular working hours, may ascertain his own perfor- mance records as maintained in the Personnel Office. He may also, with the consent of the Personnel Director, inspect any reports made by his supervisors concerning him. He may also place written responses to such reports in his file, a copy of which must go to his department head. For probationary employees' performance ratings see Rule X, Section 13A. SECTION 13. PERSONNEL FILES: The individual personnel records of employees of the City of Boynton Beach shall be open to inspection only by persons who can show good reason or cause why they are entitled to such information by filling out a prescribed form, copy of which is sent to the employee; but may be made available to administration offi- cials of the City in connection with the performance of their duties. Public disclosure of information from such records shall be made in accordance with Florida State Statutes. SECTION 14. PERSONNEL DATA: It is the incumbent duty of all employees to notify the Personnel Department in writing whenever there is a change of address, or telephone number of the person whom to contact in case of emergency. -60- RULE XII SEPARATION AND DISCIPLINARY ACTION SECTION 1. RESIGNATION: Any employee wishing to leave the City Service in good standing Shall file with his department head, at least two weeks before leaving, a. written resigna- tion stating the date the resignation shall become effective and the reason for leaving. Failure to comply with the pro- cedure may be considered cause ford future employment by the City. Unaut wor~k for a period.of three ~(3)working sid~er~ Personnel Director i: ce: :h employee ~ed absence~from con- SECTION 2. LAYOFF: : The any employee in:the class such action is made necessary by reason of: of work or funds, the abolition of a Position or because of changes in ill be laid off ~ probationary employees for whic~ the regular employee Whenever the layoff of one or more employees shall become necessary the City Manager shall notify the Personnel Director, at least ten (10) days in advance of the intended action and the reasons therefore. The Personnel Director shall thereupon furnish to the appointing authority the names of the employees to be laid Off in the order in which such layoff shall be effected. Such layoff shall be made within classifications of positions and departments when probationary and regular employees are involved. Temporary and provisional employees, irrespective of department, shall be laid off, in that order prior to layoff of probationary or regular employees. The order of layoff shall be in reverse order of total con- tinuous time served upon the date established for the layoff to become effective. For reductions in force affecting police and fire uniformed class, the forgoing procedure shall apply unless otherwise covered by contract with the exception that Senior classes will displace Junior classes. Example would be: if a Police Captain's position is to be abolished, the incumbent (in seniority and merit) would displace a Police Lieutenant, -61- who would displace a Police Sergeant who would displace a Police Officer, who would displace any probationary or pro- visional or temporary, or be separated as the case may ~require. SECTION 3. SUSPENSION: The City Manager may, for discipli- nary purposes, suspend a regular employee without pay for such length of time as the City Manager considers appropriate, but not to exceed sixty (60) days in any twelve month period nor more than thirty (30) days for any single suspension. A written statement of the reason for suspension shall be submitted to the Personnel Director and to the employee affected in each case, such statement to be submitted within 24 hours of the time the suspension becomes effeCtive. A regular employee may be suspended by the City Manager without pay for a longer period pending the investigation or trial of any charges against him. Such employee determined to be innocent of the charges against him may be returned to duty with full pay for the period of suspension, but in no case will the employee be eligible for more than six (6) months full pay if the investigation exceeded that six (6) month period. An employee suspended with pay pending an investi- gation of charges against him will not be con- sidered on suspension, but rather, paid leave of absence. SECTION 4. DISMISSAL, DEMOTION AND SUSPENSION: Any employee in the classified service may be dismissed, demoted or suspended by the City Manager for cause. Although such action may be based on other causes, any one or more of the following shall be sufficient: Incompetency and/or inefficiency in the performance of duties. Conviction of a criminal offense or of a mis- demeanor involving moral turpitude. Violation of any of the provisions of the Charter or these rules. Violation of any lawful and reasonable regulation, order or direction made or given by a superior officer. Public intoxication or drinking any intoxicating beverage while on duty; being addicted to the use -62- Fe Ge Je Km L Ne Re of narcotics or under the influence'of any drug or narcotics or having alcohol on the breath when reporting to duty. Offensive conduct or language toward the public or fellow officer or employees or abusive public cri- ticism of his superiors or public officials. Carelessness or negligence in the use of the pro- perty of the City; the theft or misuse of any equipment, materials, property or other things of value belonging to the City of Boynton Beach. Being in a City owned vehicle with alcohol or other narcotic substance. Attempting to induce any officer or employee of the City to commit an act in violation of any lawful or reasonable regulation. ~Conduct, either while on or off duty, which reflects discredit upon the City. Hindering the regular operation of the department or division because of excessive absenteeism. Incapacity for the proper performance of duties because of a permanent or chronic physical or men- tal ailment or defect. Being absent without leave or failing to report after leave of absence has expired. Failure to maintain a satisfactory appearance. No employee can receive his salary plus outside compensation while on duty. Such outside compen- sation must be turned over to the City. Has used, or threatened to use, or attempted to use political influence in securing promotion, leave of absence, transfer, classification change, pay increase, or character of work, or uses such influence to by-pass department chain of command. Has intentionally falsified the records or has failed to report absences from duty to his super- visors in accordance with prescribed procedures. Has been habitually tardy without sufficient cause, thus hindering the regular operation of his department. -63- Se Is willfully antagonistic in his attitude toward supervisors or fellow employees, continually criti- cizing orders or rules issued or rules adopted by his supervisor, or conducts himself so as to inter- fere with the proper coordination of the work effort in his department to the detriment of effi- cient public service. Te Employee cannot work for any firm that can pose a conflict of interest, i.e., contractor doing work with the City, or any other conflict. Ue Has been convicted of the unlawful possession, use, dispensing or sale of any narcotic, barbiturate, mood,elevating, tranqualizing or hallucinogenic drug, or other stimulant as defined in Florida State Statute 404.1, either on-duty or off-duty. SECTION 5. DEMOTION FOR INABILITY AND/OR UNSATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE OF DUTIES: ae An employee charged with unsatisfactory performance of duties, after the second three month evaluation, is subject to dismissal, suspension, or demotion procedures provided the following procedure has been followed: The employee's department head Jr designee has given the employee a written eva- luation outlining the unsatisfactory performance. The employee must sign for this evaluation or give written reason why he will not sign. If there is no improvement, the employee is subject to the above disciplinary steps or other discipli- nary measures. The demotion of an employee involving the change from a position in one classification to a position in another classification for which the maximum rate of compensation is lower, shall be considered a classification demotion. Such demotion may be made upon the employee's written request with the approval of the department head, City Manager, and Personnel Director or may be made by the department head in writing to the City Manager with a copy to the Personnel Director. In either case, the department head must forward his recommendation to the City Manager with a copy to the Personnel Director. Demotions may also be made in lieu of layoff at the election of the employee and the approval of the department head, City Manager and Personnel Director. A written -64- statement of the reason for demotion shall be sub- mitted to the employee affected and to the Personnel Director. SECTION 6. DEMOTION FOR PHYSICAL INCAPACITY: Whenever a permanent employee in the City force is physically or men- tally incapacitated and is unable to perform his assigned duties, he may, by his own initiative, request appointment to a position in a lower classification, duties of which he is able to perform, )n is available in any department. Such dem¢ considered a classification demotion and must be approved by the City Manager. The City also demote an employee who is no his assl~ of which i to perform, provided such posi- tion is ava -65- RULE XIII EMPLOYEE ASSOCIATIONS SECTION 1. The City of Boynton Beach will adhere to the sec- tion of Florida Statutes, Chapter 447, which deals with public employees right to organize along with the defini- tions and terms entitled Rules of the Department of Commerce Public Employees Relations Commission. SECTION 2. The budget submission date is July 15, and this date represents the day the City's Budget is presented to City Council. RULE XIV AMENDMENT OF PERSONNEL RULES SECTION 1. AMENDMENTS: Amendments or revisions to the rules may be recommended for adoption by the Personnel Director, City Manager, City Council or Civil Service Board through the Personnel Director and City Manager Additions and/or deletions to these rules and regulations will not affect members of bargaining unit members unless ratified to their current contract. Such amendments or revisions of the rules shall become effective after approval by the City Council. RULE XV SAVING CLAUSE If any section or part of a section of these rules is held by any court to be invalid or unconstitutional, the same shall not invalidate or impair the validity, force and effect of any other section or part of a section of these rules unless it clearly appears that such other section or part of a section is wholly or necessarily dependent for its operation upon the section or part of a section so held invalid or unconstitutional -66- APPENDIX A I. ISSUE: POLICE DETECTIVE (GRADE 28) POLICE SERGEANT (GRADE 30) POLICE LIEUTENANT (GRADE 33) Currently a Police Detective can take the Lieutenant exam after two (2) years experience as a Police Detective and, if a passing grade is made, be eligible for promotion to Lieutenant. A Police Sergeant can also become a Lieutenant. The difference is that the Sergeant has gained practical supervisory experience and the Detective has not. Since it is felt that supervisory experience should be a prerequisite for promotion to Lieutenant, it is proposed that the Civil Service Rules be amended to resolve the following con- cern. II. PROPOSAL: ae The City will create as many added "Special" Sergeant positions as is necessary to provide an opportunity for Detectives to obtain the necessary supervisory experience. This opportunity will be offered to only those persons who appear on List ~1 below. After this opportunity, Detectives who do not par- ticipate in the "Special" Sergeant positions will no longer be eligible to go directly to Lieutenant. Current Detectives will be eligible to become "Special" Sergeants on probation (see list at end of memo), and be paid as a Sergeant. De Ail new probationary "Special" Sergeants will serve as Road Patrol Supervisors during the probationary period and be assigned throughout the department in order to gain broad experience. Ail Regular Sergeants will also be assigned throughout the department during this period in order to gain broad experience. Em Probationary "Special" Sergeants (who were Detectives) will, at the end of a two year period, become permanent Sergeants or remain as Detectives as determined by passing probation after a Sergeant exam - written and oral. -67- Ge FailUre to pass the special exam at the end of two (2) years will cause a return to Detective position with pay status adjusted to that grade. The next Lieutenan~ exam (within the next two year period) will be taken only by the present Sergeants (see list below). Lieutenant exams given after the two year period will be open only to Sergeants, i.e., those Regular Sergeants and those who suc- cessfully went through the "Special" Sergeant pro- bationary period and passed the Sergeant exam. Special Sergeants can take sergeant promotion exam when the'next one is given and, if they pass, be on list for Regular Sergeant. If said exam is failed, Special Sergeant will have opportunity to take a specially scheduled Sergeant exam at end of two (2) year period. If pass, stay as a Sergeant; if fail, return to Detective. III. LISTS LIST DETECTIVES ELIGIBLE FOR SPECIAL SERGEANT LIST ~2 SERGEANTS ELIGIBLE FOR NEXT LIEUTENANT EXAM (In next two year period if meet minimum requirement at time of exam.) LIST ~3 REGULAR SERGEANT PROMOTION (Patrolmen on regular Sergeant list that expires in 3/86) *Esposito Galbraith *Carrion Padich *Graham Grenier *Brooks McGowan *Harris Hammack Kirrman Caudell Mottl Albertus Sheridan Thrasher Nicholas Ostaszewski Nissensohn Haugh Swain Yannuzzi *Detectives marked by asterisk in List %1 will serve only a six (6) month probation as a Special Sergeant. Special Sergeants will not be eligible for Regular Sergeant positions for period of two (2) years after becoming Special Sergeant, unless Regular Sergeant list is exhausted prior to 3/86. Promotional exam for Regular Sergeant will then be given to all eligible Patrolmen, Detectives and Special Sergeants eligible to -68- take the Regular Sergeant exam and, if~ Promoted to Regular Sergeant, will then serve six (6) months proba- tion, with the exception of those Special Sergeants who already served six (6) ~onth probation. -69- APPENDIX B