O61-08 ORDINANCE NO. 61'8 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FI3QtlII)~, ESTABLISHING A LIBRAt{Y BOARD, DEFINING ITS POWERS AND DUTIES AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: OF THE :CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. LIBRARY BOARD ESTABLISIiED: There is hereby established a Library Board hereinafter referredio as "BOARD'". The Board shall consist of five (5) members which shall be appointed by the City Council. Ail members of the Board initially appointed shall serve until lhe date of the first meeting of the City Council in January, 1962, on which, date three (3) members of.the Board shall be appointed for a term of two. (2) years and the remaining two (2) members shall be appointed for a term of one (1) year. Thereafter, members shall be appointed, for a term of two (2) years, or until their successors ha~-e been appointed and qualified. In the case of vacancy by resignation, removal or otherwise, such vacancy for the unexpired lerm. SECTION 2. and ORGANIZATION: th.e City Council shall fill COMPENSATIO] Members of the Board shall be residents of the City of Boynton Beach; however, neither the Mayor nor any member of the City Council shall be eligible to be. a member of the Board. No member of the Board shall receive any pay or compensation for any services rendered as a member of such Board. The members of the Board shall, immediately after their appoinimerrt, meet and organize by electing one of their members as Chairman and such other officers as the Board may deem necessary. SECTION 3. QUORUM, BY-LAWS, RULES AND REGULATIONS: Three (3) members of the Board shall constitute a Quorum. The Board may make and adopt such by-laws, rules and regulations for lheir own guidance and for the government and operation of any municipal library and reading room in the Cily of Boynton Beach, Florida, as lhey may deem expedieni, subject to the approval, supervision and control of the City Council and inconsistent with law. SECTION i. POWERS AND DUTIES% Subject to the control and direction of the Ciiy Council, the Board: (a) Shall act .in an advisory capacity (non-administrative) lo the City Council, to assure representalion of the ideas of citizens and taxpayers of the City relative the function and oper~ation of muni- cipal libraries and reading rooms in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, and such advisory assistance shall include, but not be limited to, recommendations relative control of expendii-~r:esof monies collected, or donated to the credit of any municipal library in this City and the supervision, care- and custody of ihe groundS, rooms, property and buildings constructed, leased, or set aside, for municipal library purpose s. (b) Shall make recommendations for the appointment of a suitable Librarian. and assistants and their respective rates.of com- pensation; establish regulations for the government and conlrol of any municipal library as may be deemed necessary for its preservation and to maintain its usefullness and efficiency; fix and impose by general rules, penalties and forfeitures for failure to return any book or for violation.of any by-lavas or regulations, of the Board. (c) Shall annually in an advisory capacity assistihe City Manager in preparing a budget for the maintenance and expansion of municipal library facilities. (d) Shall keep records, inventories and accounts, budgetary or otherwise, of all of the acIivities of the Board and the municipal library system and make annual reports to the City Manager and the City Council relative thereto or' whenever requesied to do so by the Council. SECTION 5. MEETINGS OF THE BOARD: In the performance of their duties set forth in this ordinance, the Beard shall hold at least one (t) regular meeting each month. Special meetings may be cat, ed by the Board Chairman. upon prior notification. 1Viinutes shall be kept during all meetings and a copy given to .the City Manager a~d the City Council. SECTION 6. .REMOVAL OF NKEMBERS, VACANCIES: Members of the Board may be removed by an affirmative vote of a majority of the iotal members of the City Council. SECTION 7. PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION: It is hereby declared unlawful for any person,:to trespass, cause injury to, or to destroy any library grounds, rooms, books or other property constituting a part of the municipal library system of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, or to violate any of the. by-laws or regulations adopted by the Library Board and -2- approved by the Ciiy Council relalive operation of said municipal library system. Any person or persons found .guilty of violating, this Seclion shall be punished by fine of not less the $5. 00 nor more ihan $500. 00, or by im- prisonmenl in the city jail not exceeding nineI, y (9,0) d~y~ or both such fine and impr£sanment , at the discretion of the Couri. SECTION 8. SEVERABILIT¥: Each of .the provisions of ihis ordinance are separable including word, phrase, clause or sentence, and if any pro~Sions hereof shall be de lared tnva~'d!;, the remaining poriion shall nol be affected but shall remain in full force and effect° SECTION 9. I~EPEALING PROVISION: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict he rewiih are hereby repealed. First reading this 3.rd day of April, A. Second Final reading and passage, this 1~ D. 1961. day of 1961. City Clerk -3-