O60-02 ORDINANCE NO. 60-2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, .REPEALING ORDINANCE 229 and ORDINANCE 2~8 OF SAID CITY, ALSO KNOWN AS THE ELECTRICAL CODE AND OUTSIDE TELEVISION ANT~NA CODE, RESPECTIVELY, AND ESTABLISHING IN LIEU THEREOF A N~$ ELECTRICAL AND OUTSIDE TELEVISION ANTENNA CODE OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, DEFINING TERMS USED THEREIN; PROVIDING FOR A BOARD OF EXAMINERS FOR ELECTRICIANS AND AN ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR; REQUIRING E~ATIONS BEFORE ELECTRICIANS ~Y DO ELECTRICAL WORK; SETTING FEES FOR SUCH EXAMINATIONS; PROVIDING FOR CERTIFICATES OF COMPETE~CY AND RENEWALS THEREOF; MAKING IT UN- LA~UL FOR PERSONS NOT QUALIFIED OR CERTIFIED TO DO ELECTRIC~2L WORK; MAKING IT ~UzAkrFUL TO DISCONNECT OR ALTER CERTAIN SERVICE EQUIPMENT OR FOR MASTER~ S TO ~PLOY UNLICENSED ELECTRICIANS; PROVIDING FOR LICENSE FEES FOR ELECTRIC~_L CON- TR~CfO~S~ ~QUIR~NG SUpERVISiON OF ELECTRIC~kL WORK BY CONTRACTOR TO BE UNDER A DJL-Y CERTIFIED ~L~STEr~ ELEC~vm'. ~-~.~,~' REQUIRi~N~ FILING OF CERTALN iNFOR~TION BY THOSE ENGAGED IN ELECTRIC;J~ ~ORK; REQUIRING PERMITS FOR ALL ELECTRICAL WORK AND ~L~KING IT UNLAWFUL TO PROCEED WI'i~OUT °-'~-' ~=~, M~i~ING PROVISION FOR ISSU'ANCE OF SUCH PEP~IITS AND SETTING FEES THEREFOR; ~@.KING IT UNL~¢~FUL TO CONCE~d4 k~IRING WITHOUT FINAL APPROVAL BY ELECTRIC~L INSPECTOR; PROVIDING FOR CERTAIN STYaNDARDS FOR ELECTRIC~J~ %~ORK; ~ULATING THE INSTY~LLATION, UTILIZATION AND ~INTEN~CE OF OUTSIDE ~mm~ ~~ FOR TELEVISION RECEIVING APPARATUS OR EQUIP~'~T; REQUIRING PERMITS f~D CERTIFICATES OF APPROVAL ~'~D PROVIDING FOR THE M~A~ER ~dl~D ~EES FOR O?.TAI2,!/i~G S~'[E; PROVIDI2$G FOR ~h°PEALS f~ND ~ BOARD OF ~PP~Lo; ~D~TIN~ %~FE. ~ '" ?'~ .... ~-~ ,'r~" _ MOST *'%:~..~.¢- ZSS5~ OF THE N.~t..TIO~.~'uL F_,J~, C?~ZC CODE ?ROVIDZ~G P.~,~i,.,..L,?Z>,S FO~ VIOLATIONS ,'" . '~ - ;.. OF SUC~i O~IN, 2~CE~ ?RO~¢2DING FOP~ SEVEP~BILITY OF ~THE PROVISIONS OF THE OPDIN~¢~CE; ,.~P~LLMG ALL O~RDIN~2~CES IN CONFLICT HEREW~TH~ ~ND FOE O~qER PURPOSE~. BE iT frieD IT IS HEREBY ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. That Ordinances No. 229 and 2&8, also kno~m as the Electrical Code mud the Outside Television 7mtenna Code, Respecti=ely, of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 2. That there is hereby established in lieu thereof a new Electrical and outside Television Antenna Code of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, to read as follows: Section 3~ DEFINITIONS. a. The term "electrical construction", as used in this code, is hereby defined to include and govern all work and materials used in installing, maintaining and/or extending a system of electrical %~iring for light, heab, or power, and all appurtenances, apparatus, or equipment used in connection-there- with, whether outside, inside or attached to any building or structure, lot or premises. b. The term "electrician", as used in this ordinance, is defined to mean a person who is engaged in the trade or business of electrical construction, and who is qualified under the terms and provisions of this ordinance. c. The term "master electrician", as used in this ordfnance, is defined to mean a person who pSssesses the necessary qualifications, training and technical knowledge to plan, lay out, and supervise the installation of elec- trical ~iring, apparatus, or equipment for'light, heat, or power, as covered by the terms and provisions of this ordinance, and must have .had at least five (5) years experience, the last year being in PaLm Beach County., Florida. d. The term "sign-master electrician", as used in this ordinance, is defined to mean a person who possesses the necessary qualification% trainLug and technical knowledge to plan, lay out and supervise the installation of electrical wiring~ apparatus, or equipment in mad on signs, as covered by the terms and provisions of this ordinm~ce.. e. The term "journeyman electrician", as used in this ordinance, is defined to mean a person who possesses the necessary qualifications, training and technical knowledge to install electrical v~_ring apparatus or equipment for light, heat, or power, as covered by the terms and provisions of this ordinance, and he must be capable of doing electrical ~m0Fm according to the plans and specifications ~arnished to him, and in accordance 'with the stsmdard rules and regulations governing wiring installations in the city, f. The term. "sign-~ourneymsn electrician", as used Ln this ordinance, is defined to mean a person who possesses the necessary qualification, training and technical knowledge to install electrical wiring, apparatus, or equipmmat in mud on signs, as covered by the terms and provisions of this ordinance. Sign~. journeyman electricians must be capable of doing electrical sign ,^ork according ye the plans and specifications furnished to him and in accordance with the standard rules m~d regulations governing sign work in the city. g. The term, "maintenance electrician", as used in this ordinance, is defined to mean a person vaho possesses the qualifications herein before prescribe5 for a "journe].nnan electrician", but who must bs regularly employed to maintain mud make minor repairs to the electrical wiring, apparatus, and equipment which is installed, contained, and used upon premises or in buildings owned, occupied, or controlled by the person, firm or corooration by v~om the maintenance ~lectrician is emP!oy~d. - h~ The term "electrical contracto~-~ as used in this ordinance, is defined to mean a person, firmer corporation engaging in the business of electrical contracting. The oerson in charge of the electrical installations for said person, firm, or corporation shall have passed the master electrician's exam- ination according to the terms of this ordinance ~ud possess am aster electrician' certificate issued hereunder and paid up-to-date. -2- i. The term "appliance electrician," as used in this ordinance~ is defined to me-an a person who possesses the necessary qualifications, training and technical knowledge to repair electrical appliances~ He must also be capable of connecting electrical appliances to existing wiring in accordance with this ordinance and with the standard rules and regulatioms governing wiring installations in the city. j. Permit for Electrician's Helper. Every person engaged in or de- siring to engage in work as an electrician' s helper in the City of ~oynton Beach, shall secure from the City Electrical Inspector a helper's permit, which will entitle the applicant to work at electrical construCtion and in- stallation only under the direct supervision of a certified electrician. No fee shall be charged for each helper's permit° k, The term "board" or "board of examiners", as used herein, is defined as the board of examiners of electricians hereinafter provided for. 1. The term "city", as used herein, means the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. m. Service, or services, shall consist of that portion of an electrical installation from the point of entrance to the point of distribution, in two or more meter installations each meter and its point of distribution shall be considered as a service. n. By ..nothing' contained in this section or elsewhere in this ordinance is it to be construed that an electrician's occupational license or permit shall be req~ ~dred under this or other ordinances for any work involved in the erection, installation, repairing, remodeling and maintensnce of elevators., dumb waiters and moving stairways; such exception shall not, however, extend to work on conductors and equipment for supplying power to the control panels of such elevators, dumb waiters or moving stairways. o. ~mtenna elements - that portion or portions of the outside antenna system for television receiving apparatus or equipment which are electrically comuected to the receiver. p. ~mtenna mast - that portion of the outside antenna system for television receiving apparatus or equipment to which the antenna ~lements are attached. q. Tower or mast support - the support or extension required to elevate the antenna mast to a height deemed necessary for adequate operation. r. Antenna system - the combins£ion of any antenna elements, mast and tower or mast support as defined above. so Height of antenna system - the overall vertical length of the antenna system, as defined above, above the ground~ or if such system be located on a building, then, above that part of the level of such building upon which the system rests. SectiOn 4. BOARD OF ~[AMIk~RS OF ELECTRICI~aNS; CREATION, APPOiNtmENT QUALIFICATIONS OF M~LMBERS; ORGANIZATION. There is hereby created a BOAP~D OF E~d~IS~RS OF ELECT}~ICI3~/~S FOR THE CITY OF BO~TON B~CH. Such board shall consist of five members to be appointed by the City Council. One of such members shall be· the electrical inspector of such city~ another, the fire chief of such city, or his assistant~ one of the members shall be a licensed electrical contractor in such city. One member shall be a journes~nan electricians and one shall be a layman. The present board shall hold office for the remainder of the year in which this ordinance becomes effective, or until their successors are named and supplied. ~Subsequent thereto the members of the board, other than the electrical inspector, shall be appointed by the City Co~u~cil and shall serve for one year. Should either the master electrician or journeyman electrician member fail to renew his certificate or have same cancelled or revoked, this membership on the Electric Examining Board shall be automatically terminated, and the City Council, by motion, shall appoint a new member in his place as soon thereafter as practical. No member of the board of examiners shall receive compensation for his services as such member. The electrical inspector shall be secretary of the board, and the board shall elect its other officers and adopt rules of procedure. A majority of the members thereof shall be a quorum. Section 5. ELECTRIC~2~ INSPECTOR; APPOINT~2~T ~.'D QU~IFICATIONS~ COMPenSATION. The electrical inspector of 'such city shall be named and appointed pursuant to the regulations of such city and shall be paid a salary to be determined by the pay plan of such city. The appointee to such office ~hall be a person of good moral character, possessed of such executive ability as is requisite to the performance of his duties, and he shall have a thorough knowledge of the standard materials and methods used in the installation of electrical equipment. He shall be well versed in approved methods of electrical construction, have a knowledge of the. statutes of the State of Florida relating to electrical ~ork, and the rules, regulations and standards of the National Standards Association. He shall have a master's electrician certificate of the city and shall have had at least five years, experience as a journeyman. It shall be unlawful for the electrical inspector to engage in 'the business of selling, installing or maintenance of electrical equipment, directly or indirectly, and he shall have no financial interest in shy concern engaged in such business in the city at any time while holding office. Section 6. ELECTRICAL LNSPECTOR - DUTIES ~D POWERS. The duties and powers of the electrical inspector shall be: a. To enforce the provisions of this ordinance under the general super- vision of the city manager and the city commission; b. To receive applications, and grant permits thereon, for the installation~ or alteration of electrical equipment in accords~nce with the provisions of this ordinance. c. To m~oke inspections of electrical installations as provided by this ordinance and to issue a certificate of approval on~iring installations, apparatus, equipment, or light fixtures after installation thereof, pursuant to permit granted, provided the same comply with the rules and regulations o£ this and other ordinances of the city, the permits, ~ud the current issue of the National Electrical Code. However, if defects, omissions or violations exist, no certificate of approval vdll be issued until corrections haVe been made'. d. To keep on file in his office a list of inspected elec%rica], equipment as issued by or for Underv~iters, Laboratories, Inc., which list shall be accessible for publiC reference during re$~lar office hours; e. To keep complete records of all pe~its issued, inspections and re- inspections made and other official work performed in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance; f. To hold membership in the International Asaociation of Electrical Inspectors and the National Fire Protection Association, and, ~th the consent of the Comacil ~ad/or the city manager, to serve on any electrical committee of these associations to which he may be appointed; g. To inspect any wiring or equipment conducting or using electric current for light, heat or power in the city, and if conductors and eouipment are found to be unsafe to life or property, he shall notify the person,~irm or corporation ovming or operating such Wi. ring or equipment to correct the condition ~,~thin a forty-eight hour period or within such larger time 1L.~tit as he shall specify; h. He shall have the authority to disconnect service in any building or premises containing defective or hazardous wiring or equipment upon failure to correct the violations specified in the foregoing paragraph. He shall also have the authority to disconnect service in any building or premises immediate!yupon inspection when emergency, hazardous conditions arise, such as.~i~es, storm ds~r~age, etc.. - ~ i. To enforce all the provisions of this code, and for such purposes, he shall have all the powers of a police officer of such city. He or his represent- ative, may enter any building or pren~ses for the ourpose of m~king electrical inspections or to prevent violations of this code ~pon presentation of proper credentials. j. ~uenever any electrical work is being done contrary to the provisions of this ordinance, or is being done in an unsafe or dangerous manner,~ the electrical inspector may order the work stopped by notice in writing Sarved~ on any person engaged in the doing or causing such work to be done, and ~any such person shall £orth~th stop such work until authorized by the electrical ~n- spector to recommence and proceed with the work. If in the judgment of the electrical inspector any electrical work or portion thereof is deemed unsafe, he shall cause all persons to be excluded from access thereto or use thereof. The electrical inspector shall notify the o~er or his agent of said unsafe conditions and the o~aer or his agent shall within twenty-four (24) hours thereafter appoint an architect, engineer~ or~ electrician to represent him, and the electrical inspeCtor with said architect, engineer or.~electrician shall appoint an additional party~as referee. In case the electrical inspector and owners' representative 'fail to agree upon a referee it .~shall be the duty of the City Council to appoint a competent person &s referee. The decision of the majority of this committee shall be final. If found necessary, the owner or his agent shall immediately make the conditions safe or in the event'of failure on their part to do so within twenty-four (2~) hours after the decision of the committe% the electrical inspector may make such conditions safe and secure and charge the expense of same against said property, or may order the electrical work removed. k~ Liability: The electrical inspector or his duly authorized assistaut, members of the Eoard of Examiners of electricians, members of the Electrical Board of ApPeals, charged with ~the enforcement of this code, acting for the city in the discharge of his duties, shall not thereby render himself liable personally and he is hereby relieved from all personal liability for any damage that may occur to persons or property as a result of any act required or permitted in the discharge of his duties. Section 7. APPLICATIONS FOR ELECTRICIANS' EX_~MINATION; M~NNER OF ~KING EXAMINATIONS. Applicants desiring to take electricians' examinations in any of the classifications must file applications with %he electrical inspector at least ten days before the next scheduled examination accompanied by the examination fees provided by this code. Ex.ruminations for Master Electricians and Master Neon Sign Electricians shall be held' at the Electrical Inspector's office on the third Saturday in January, April, July and Octaber of each year. In addition to these periods, the Board may designate other days for the examination of journeyman, maintenance electricians and appliance electricians. Examinations shall be conducted by the electrical inspector and at least 3 other members of the board. Examinations shall commence on the day designated and continue until all applicants appearing for the examination have been ex--ed and shall be based on questions designed to determine the applicant's practical knowledge of electrical construction as defined in this ordinance, and may be wholly or part in writing. Examinations shall be of a technical nature and sufficiently strict to satisfy the board as to the applicant's competence in the field of his application as well as his familiarity with the rules and regulations governing electrical construction. There will be no refund of applicants fee. Section 8. FEES FOR ~INATION~ CERTIFICATE OF COM~PETENCY$ REN~AL CERTIFICATES ~D B'EN~?~L FEES. Applications for examination shall be accompanied by fees as follows: Piaster and sign-master electricians .$25,00 Journeyman, Sign-journe~m~an, maintenance s~nd appliance electricians 2.00 Applicants who pass the ex~mination will be issued a certificate of competency by the board of examiners. All such certificates shall exoire on the ensuing October let and may be renewed at that time by the board. Before any master electrician or master sign electricians certificates are renewed, satisfactory evidence mUst be submitted to the board that such.applicant has been actively engaged in the trade or business of electrical construction as a master electrici -5- in the city for a period of at least ninety days during the year irmmediately preceding the date of expiration of his certificatg, and all such applicants for renewal must sign an affidavit to such effect.- Certificates for maintenance electricians shall bear the name and address of the person, firm or corPoration by whom such persons are regularly employed. Such Certificates shall become' null and Void if the maintenance elec.trician changes his place of employment, but such person may ~.have ~his certificate endorsed ~to show the .new location of employment by presenting Same to the elect~£~al inspector~, If certificate is not renewed within 30 days after the same has expired, applicant may be required to take a new examinati°n at the descretion of ~the B0ard4 The renewal fees-for master and sign-master electrician certificates shall be $25.00, and for journeyman, sign journeymen, maintenance and appliance elec- triciaus shall be $2.00~. All money paid for examination and renewal fees shall be paid by the electrical inspector daily as received into the finance department of the city. Section 9.~ UNLAWFUL FOR PERSONS NOT QUALIFIED AS ELECTRICIANS TO INSTALL OR REPAIR ELECTRICAL WIRING APPARATUS OR EQUIPMENT. It shall be unlawful for any person not qualified as an electrician, in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, or who does not possess a currently effeCtive certificate as provided by this ordinance, to do any electrical construction in the city, or make any repairs, alterations, additions, or Changes to any existing system of electrical wiring, apparatus, or equipment, for light, heat or power, within the limits of the city. It is not the intent of this section to prohibit individuals from repairing personally owned electrical appliances on a non-commercial basis. Section !O. UNLAWFUL TO DISCONNECT, ~tLTER OR T~MPER SERVICE EQUIPMENT OF CORPORATION HAVING ELECTRICAL FR~2~CHISE. It shall be unlawful for any perso~ te disconnect, alter, oP tamper with any service equipment, such as service dvop, conductors, meters or protective devices owned by the company or corporation holding a franchise for electrical current for light, heat and power in the city, except duly authorized agents, licensee~, or employees of such company. Section 11. LICENSE FEES FOR ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS$ SUPERVISION BY A ~D~STER ELECTRICIans TELEPHONE NU~% .~D ~DDRESS; LENDING OF N~4E BY ~5~STER ELECTRICIAN UNLAWFUL. Before any electrical contractor, firm or corporation may engage in the business of electrical construction in the city, he or it must pay the annual occupational license fee as provided by the currently effective occupational license ordinance of such city with reference to electrical contractors. The supervision of all electrical work by such contractor must be u~uder a master electrician duly certified u~uder the pro~rlsions of this code. Every electrical contractor doing electrical work in the city shall supply the electrical in- spector with an accurate t~lephone n~mber and address of such business. No licensed master electrician, firm or corporation shall allow his or its name to be used by any persons or party, directly or indirectly for the purpose of obtaining a pern~t for doing electrical work '~mnder the license of such master electrician~ firm or corporation. Conviction for violation of this provision shall be grounds for up to one year's suspension or revocation by the board, after a h~aring of such person's certificate and license. Section 12. REGISTPJ~TION All master, sign-master and maintenance electricians must register with the electrical inspector the name and address of the person, firm or corporation by whom they are regularly employed, and they may not be employed by more than one person, firm or corporation at any one time. Such registration, in the case of a master electrician, must be in the form of a letter from the master elec- trician and the firm, person or corporation employing him. Section 13. UNLAW?UL TO E~LOY UNLICenSED E/.ECTRICIi~S; JOURNEYMAN ~-&~Y NOT WORK EXCEPT UNDER LICE~TSED _~:~STEB. No master electrician, firm, corporation, or person shall amploy any person to work in the capacity of sm el6ctrician in the city unless such ~mployee has in his possession a currently effective certificate of competency issued under the provisions of this ordinance, or a temporary permit issued by the secretary of .the board pending the employee taking the' next scheduled ex- amination. No journeyman electrician shall do electrical work of any character in the city unless he is duly certified-.hereunder and employed by and works under the direct supervision of a master electrician duly certified under the p re- visions of this c~de. Section 1~. PL~S ~AND SPECIFIC3~TIONS OF ELECTRICi~ ~DRK TO BE SUBI~[TTED TO ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR. Plans and specifications, showing location of utility pole with complete description of all proposed electrical work, shall be submitted to .the electrical inspector at the same t~e application is made for a building permit,, if any. The plans .must he legibly drawn, or printed to a definite scale., by an architect, general contractor, electrical contractor, or owner, one floor plan being sufficient if it can be made to show all the proposed electrica1' work, otherwise two or more plans shall be SUbmitted. The plans shall show' the total floor area, the square feet of the building under consideration, the point to which the service connection 'is' to be made, the size of service and Sub-feed wires, the location of service switches and center of distribution, and the arrmgement of circuits showing the n:umber of outlets connected thereto. The plans, if found in order, must be stamped "Approved" by the electrical inspector, or a duly authorized assistant, before the building permit or the electrical permit can be obtained and he,fore amy eleCtrical ~ork can be started. COpies of all blueprints and' drawings of this nature must be filed in the Office of the building inspector of the city for safekeeping and future reference if required by the latter. The in[~tallation of the -wiring, apparatus, or equipment, for light, heat or power, within or attached to any building or~ .premAses, whether for private or publi.c us% must be done strictly in accordauce with the plans and specifications .'submitted. fray chsmges or omissions in the wiring' system shown on the plans must first be approved by the electrical 'inspector, em~d such approval noted~in writiDg. Section 15. UNL~%~UL TO .CONCE~[L WIRING OR TO CONN.=C, SOURCE OF BEFORE CERTIFIC~'~TION B~ ELECTRIC?~ INSPECTOR; NOTICES OF RE~D]2~ESS FOR INSPECTION REQUIRED. When a job has been roughed in, it shall be th~ duty of the per, on taking t'~ out the permit to no m~y the electrical inspector that such job is ready for inspection, and failure to make such notification shall be deemed a violation of this code. it shall be unlawful for any person~ firm or corporation, their agents or employees to cover or Conceal any ~iring until a certificate of inspection, in the form of a sticker placed on the s~.~ltchbox, has been issued by the electrical ~mspector, or his assistants, certifying that the ~..~ring has been inspected s~ud approved and is ready to be covered~ It shall be %~mlawful for any corporation holding a franchise for the purpcse of furnishing current for light, heat or power in the city to connect its source of power to any electrical installation ~ the city ~dthout first having approval therefor from the electrics~l inspector to the effect that such installation has be.~n inspected ~d approved. When a job is finally co~Pleted.~_ , it shs~ll be the duty of the person tsd~ing out the permit, to notify the electrical inspector that such job is ready for final inspection and failure to make such notific~tion shall be deemed a viols~tion of this code. Section 16. PEPJ.~ITS FOR ELECTP~C~IL WORK R~QUIRED; UNL~¥~FUL TO PROCEED P~THOUT PERMIT OR TO V~'.RY PERMIT. A permit must be secured from the electrical inspector before any electrical work in the city can be commenced, whether the installation shall be temporary or permanent, and whether for ~ring, apparatus, equipment, or for reeking extensions or changes to existing wiring systems, or for light, heat or power, and whether upon premises, or inside, outside, or attached to buildings, or stnuctures of any character. It shall be unlawful for any person to proceed -7- with such work without such permit, o~ to-vary the terms of such permit, or of the requirements of this code without the written approval of the electrical inspector', However, any. corporation holding a franchise from the city for the purpose of furnishing electrical current for light, heat, or power, shall have a right to install, connect, disconnect, or remove meters, or their protective devices, without obtaining a permit hereUnder after a certificate of approval has been issued on the installation. Section 17. 'TO WHOM SUCH PERMITS ~4AY BE ISSUED.. Such electrical, permits may be issued only to duly licensed electrical contractors, to master and ~sign-master electricians who 'are qualified under the provisions of this ordinance; to owners who qualify according to the provisions of this ordinance; to duly registered maintenance electricians, but only to"the extent provided in this code; and'. to duly registered appliance electricians, but 'only according to the extent provided .by this code~ Section 18. PERMI. TS~' iSSUED TO M~INTENI~CE ELECTRICIANS-PROVISIONS. Permits may be issued.:to duly qualified maintanance electricians, but only to the extent of permitting reasonable alterations,' additions, or exten- sions to existing installations of wiring~ apparatus, or eqUipment-installed, contained, or used upon premises, or in-buildings owned or occupied, by the person, firm or corporation by whom sUch maintenance electrician is regularly employed. Such alterations, additions, or extensions must be of a miner ' character, and shall'be confined to existing branch-circuits and fixtures, apparatus or equipment connected thereto, but shall not include the installation or replacement of service conductors, service equipment or sub-feed' circuits up to the final center of distribution. No alterations, additions or extensions shall be made which would place an overload upon the service conductors, sub- feed, or branch-feed service conductors, or overload the protective devices through ~mich electrical energy is supplied. Section t9. PER~TS TO OWNERS - PROVISIONS Permits shall be-issued to a bona fide owner o~ property permitting him to install, personally, electrical wiring on property owned by such person providing the following rules -and regulations are followed: a. Such owner must submit plans and specifications .to the electrical inspector for approval; b. Such owner must Satisfy the inspector as ~o the owner,s ability and qualifications to install el'ectrieal wiring; c. Such owner must make application for and secure an electrical permit before commencing such electrical work; d. Such owner must file an affidavit that he is the bona fide owner personally installing the ~rk on his premises only~ e. Such owner must Day the required permit fees hereinafter set forth; f. Such owner mu~t perform the electrical wo~ according to the rules and regulations contained in this ordinance and in the ~urrent issue of the National Electrical Code; go Such owner must notify the electrical inspector when the work is ready for inspection; h~ ~d~h wdrk m.Ust~bei~o~e, by .t, he owner personally wi~odt compensation or pay from any6ne for hms la~r~ a~d s~ch o.wner shall n°~ Be ~o?rmitted to employ anyone else ~o assist him with s~h electrical instaita~i~n~ except a licensed master electrician. Section 20. PERMITS TO APPLI~JqCE ELECTRICIANS - PROVISIONS Permits may be issued to duly registered appliance electricians but only to permit connections of appliances to existing wiring. Section 21. P~ffT FEES The electrical inspector on behalf of the city shall dharge aud collect for electrical permits (not including signs) at the following rates, to-wit: The mJ~uimum fee for any permit shall be $1.50. ROUGH WIRING OUTLETS: Ceiling ) Bracket ) Receptacle ) Switch ) Sign Outlet ) Door bell ) Floodlight ) i through 5 outlets ........ ~.~ .....1.50 Each additional outlet ........ A .... ,05 Stove or water heater outlet only (eaCh) .................... ,50 SERVICE Temporary and construetion service .......... 1.50 lO0-ampere and under. ................... ~ ........................... 1.50 Over lO0-ampere to 200-ampere. 0 ............................... 2.00 Over 200-ampere to 400-ampere.,~. ............................. 3.00 Over 400-~mpere to 600-ampere .............................. 4.00 Over 600-ampere to 800-ampere. .............................. .5.00 Over 800-ampere to ............................ ; .............. 10.00 ~'charge of $1.00 for each additional meter, except for firstmeter. EQUIPMENT STOVES: Each connection ...... . ............. 50 rough WATER HEATERS Each connection ...................... 50 rough SPACE HEATEJIS:~ Each installation MOTORS: · 50 fin. · 50 finish Each motor up to and including 1 h.p. 1.00 Each motor over 1-h.p. through 3 h.p. 2.00 Each motor over 3-h.p. through ~ h.p. 3.00 Each motor over 5-h.p. through 8-h.p. ~.OO Each motor over 8-h~p. through lO-h.p. 5.00 Each motor overlO-h.p, through 25-h.p. 8.00 Each motor over25-h,p, throughlOO-h.p. 10. O0 Each motor over lOOh.p. ..... ~ ............... ~..;.... ....... l~.O0 G~NEP~TORS AND TR~NSFO~MERS:' (Determine KW and figure s~me as Diathermic, electronic eqUiPment, by inspector) h.p.) X~ray, etc. (From $~.00 ~o $~5.'00, determined ~LDINGI*~kCHINES: (Determine the amperage, as follows) Up to 6-ampere .................................... :,;.;, 1~00 Over 6-ampere to ~2-ampere ............................. 2.00 Over 12-ampere to ~8-ampere ........................... .. 3.00 Over ~8-ampere to 25-~npere ............................. 4.00 Over 25-ampere to 30-ampere ............................. 5.00 Over 30-ampere to 35-a~pere ............................. 6.00 Over 35-s~pere to 40-ampere... .... . ....................... 7.00 Over 40-ampere ............................. 8.00 POPCORN & DOUGHNUT Ma~CH!NES: (each) ......... . ........... TOASTERS: ( each ) ...................................... COFFEE UPd~S: (each) ..... . ............... ............. :-. MEAT CASES AND SHOWCASES: (Determine number of lights) First l0 lights or fraction thereo£~.... .............. Each additional light in case.. .... [ .... ' ............... .50 .50 .50 1.50 .10 C~,RNIV~'~S, CIRCUSES, ROAD SHOWS ~D SIMIL~ TEMPORARY INSTALLATIONS, A PERMIT FEE OF $15.00 ~HA~ 'BE PAID. TRANSFORMERS OR B~LASTS PEHTAINING TO ELECTRIC SIGNS: (each) FIXTURES: ................................... 1. on Lights I through lO bulb sockets or Fluorescent tube .... ~ ................ ...... . ........ . ....... 1.50 Each additional light bulb socket or fluorescent tuB~.. .10 but not to exceed ten dollars for any electrical sign contains only bulb sockets. Combination of light fixtures and outlets up to 6 when completed for one inspection., ................................ · .. 1.~0 Streamers or festoon lights; First l0 lights ...................... , ~. ............... 1.50 Each additional lO or fraction .......................... 50 RADIO TRANSMITTERS: (Fee to be determined by electrical inspector) REINSPECTIONS: When extra inspection trips are necessary due to any one of the following reasons, a charge of $1.50 shall be made for each trip: (a) Wrong Address (b) Condemned work resulting from faulty construction. (c) Repairs or correction not made when inspection called for. (d) Work not ready for inspection when called. The payment of reinspection fees shall be made before any further permits will be issued to the person owing same. All money received for permit fees shall be paid over daily to the finance department of ~the city. Section 22. ~PEALS Any person whose application for any permit hereunder has been re- fused, or who feels aggrieved to anY. decision or action of the'electrical in- spector or the board of examiners, o? who may consider that the provisions of this c~de~do not Cover the point rai~ed, or.that any particular provision would cause ~fest injuryto be~6ne, m~anneal tb ~.be b~~,~ .... ~ ~-^~-~-~. erred to by servin~i~ten~tice on the electrical inspector. Such r~tice shall, .within ten days, be transmitted by such inspector to such board of appeals, The iatt~r~s~all arrange for a hearing, with ~written notice to the appellant thereof, within thirty days after receipt of such notice of appeal. Section 23. BO~kHD OF APPE~S. a. _There is hereby created a board of appeals consisting of five members to be appointed by the City Council of the City. Three of such members shall be master electricians in such city, and one shall be a journeyman and one shall be a laymsm. Such board shall elect its own officers and adopt ~les of procedure. A majority shall constitute a quorum. Board members shall receive no compensation. b. The board shall have the authority, in addition to all other authority provided for in this ordinance to subpoena any one granted a license in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance. The board may revoke or suspend any type of electrical license granted under this ordLns~nce, if found guilty of any one or more of the following acts or omissions, to-wit: -lO- (1) Fraud or deceit in obtaining his or its certificate or license, or both$ (2) Negligence, incompetency or misconduct in the practice of contracting or installing electrical work contrary to the City OS National Electric Code.~ (3) Fraudulent departure from or disregard of~ plans and specificatio~ · in any materials respect, without consent of the owner or his duly authorized representative, in writing~ and the consent of the Electrical Inspection Department. c. i~yone whose license has been revoked may again be licensed by applying to the Board and conforming to Sec~ ? of the City Electrical Code. Section 24. SPECIt~ RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR SERVICES AND SUB-FEEDS. a. All services on new structures~ whether undergroUnd or overhea~?~ shall be galvanized or sheridized threaded conduit. b. Fuse panel shall not be installed in Kitchens or Closets. c. Service wires or circuit wires sh'all enter the meter ca~inet or switch without the use of concealed backing box~ d. ~l electrical conductors installed undergroUnd shall be encased in an approved raceway. e. All main switches~ and sub-main switches, must be DlainlY marked so that the division, sub-division, or separate occupancies of the building which they control, can be quickly and positiVely identified~ f. The master services for stores must provide at least one lO0-ampere~ three ~lre, llO-220-volt, single-phase current for each store~ g~ The sub-feeds to each store must provide at least a lO0-ampere, three wire, llO-220-volt, single-phase current to each store. h. In multiple meter installations, only one set ~ service conductors shall be installed in service raceways beyond the assembly of meter sockets, gutters, or other approved wire enclosures used exclusively for wiring of meters. i o Service entrance cable may be used only on the load side of meter on residences classified as old houses in ~ich non-metallic wiring is used, when properly fused and switched at meter. j. fd_l equipment exposed to'the wea.ther~ such as switches, conduit, and fittings, shall be of the rain-t.ight, or weather proof type. k. Feeders to groups of meters and bther devices shall be installed in compliance with the current i~sue of the National Electrical Code. 1. In all stores, o~£ice buildings, public assemb'~y halls, and com- mercial buildings~ all receptacle circuit outlets shall be rated at ~.75 amps each. All general lighting circuits shall be rated~ at 2~5 for each outlet. All combination receptacles and general lighting circuit shall be rated at 3.75 amps for each oublet o (1) All stores, office buildings, publmc assemB.1M~h~lls and commercial buildings that are equipped with summer and Wi~ter air conditioners~ each electric outlet shall be rated at 2~5 ~.~n; ~s e~ch~ except those outlSts ~.p~..cified in Section 2~, paragrap~ l".mi' ~and Section 25, ba~rap~ ,;p,'~ ahd all circuits.to Be' protect~d~ B~ 15 amp. ex- ~eDt~nE tho~e mentioned ih S~'ion 2~, par~EraDh ,,m,, and Section ~5~ paragraph "p". Th~e v~l~es to be used~ for comDuting service conductors sizes, and number outlets on branch circuits° (2) The total lighting load shall not exceed ~0 per cent of branch circuit rating when in normal operation, if the 'load will continue for long periods such as store lighting. m~ The maximum number of Mogul base light sockets' shall not exceed three per 15-ampere circuit, or four per 20-ampere circuit. No convenience receptacles shall be permitted on a branch-circuit supplying Mogul base light sockets. n. Every commercial building other than warehouses be provided with a minimum l~ amp sign circuit raceway and outlet to Switch same. Section 25, ELECTBiCAL%WORK - OTHER GENERAL REQUI?d~NTS. a. Approved rigid metal COnduit, or surface metal raceways, or electrical metallic tubing shall b~ required to conduct current for lights, heat, or power in th'e wiring of residential buildings and in churches, schoolS, hotels, theatres, public bUildings, commercial buildings~ manufacturing establish ments, and in all bther::huildings~ b. .New outlets for all ele6tric stoves and water-heaters shall be equipped with an approved' receptacle which must be located within three feet of the stove or water heater, and which must be of sufficient size. These units shall be connected to the receptacle ~rovided by use of proper detachable plug and cord. c. f'[ll water-heaters., except the full automatic type, shall be equipped with a pilot light and indicating switch. The switch and pilot light must be located in a conspicuoUs place inside the building, preferabl~; i~ the kitchen or hall.. d. ;~[1 wires used in underground conduit~ or trapped conduitS, must be lead-covered, or approved for installation in wet locations. Conduit which is laid in, or under., concrete floors, poured or laid on ground surfaces, shall be considered underground, whether sheltered or not.~ e. A sufficient number of receptacles s~all be installed in every kitchen, dining room, breakfast room, living room, library,, den, sunroom, recreation room, and bedroom, so that no point om the wall, as measured horizontally along the wall, v~ll be more than six feet distant from a receptacle. Wall spaces in excess of four feet and interrupted by a door opening shall have a receptacle installed within that area, even .t~ough it may be within the six foot limit of another receptacle required by this section. f. Any bumlding to be used~ for other th~n warehousing purposes nd residences, shall have recept, a~les installed each twenty feet of Wall space~ ~.11 receptacles shall be in~talled at accessible locations and this access- ibility shall be retained rSgardless of wall fixtures or other modifications required by tenant. g. ;d[1 receptacles in any type building shall be of a grounded type. NO EXC~. TIONS, h. Bell or signalling transformers shall'not be installed in attic space or clothes lockers. Bells, buzzers, c'nimes~ and other low voltage in- stallations, must be made in a workmanlike manner, with care being taken to protect the circuit-conductors against mechanical injury and moisture. i. Any kitchen, bathroom, utility room, work shop, garage or equivalent car storage space shall be provmd ~ with an electrical outlet to provide proper illumdnation. j. Bathroom light outlets shall be controlled by a wall switch not a part of the lighting fixture. ko Three-eights inch fle~xible metallic conduit-(Greenfield) may be used for show case lighting, boiler controls ~udmotor tails, if over two feet in length, special perm~ssion must be obtained. Flexible metallic conduit (Greenfield) may be used for flexible connections to equipment only; other usage by special permission of the electrical inspector only. 1. Armored Cable (BX) shall not bs used due to climatic conditionso· m. Only one short ninety degree (telephone) ell shall be used in any one conduit run, and it shall not be greater th~om_ six inches from an accessible pull box. n. Portable cords attached to music boxes, marble machines, floor or table lamps, and other similar equipment, shall not exceed s~x feet in length from the equipment to the outlet supplying its current, and the cords must not be nailed down, tackled or held with strings or other supports, but left free ~d clear. -12- o~. The minimum wire capacity for ~window display lighting shall not be less than 200 watts per linear foot, and shall not exceed eight outlets per circuit including the convenience receptacles, and not more than two receptacles with each lighting circuit.. When window lighting outlets are not installed in the original construction~ a raceway shall be provided from the panel to the window area of a sufficient size to provide for future window lighting of not less tha~ 200 watts per linear foot, and terminating in a .suitable junction box. p. The minimum size residential service shall be two number 2 and one number 4 conductors, terminating in a switch or panel of 100 ampere capacity, if the residence will have Jan electric range, with or without a water heater~ Service for all other residences shall be computed in accordance with the National Electrical Code of 1959~ -(1) There shall be a minimum of two extra fuse holders or breakers for future use,~ .width an empty raceway terminating in an accessible attic if possibl% .~and am empty raceway terminating to an accessible place either under the ~floor or to .the exterior of the building 18 inches ~Dove grade. .q. Any flood light sign or display-so located that they blind the motorist on .~the public highwayor detract from traffic signals shall be read- justed or removed by the order of the ElectriCal Inspection Department. (1) All flood lights within 7 feet of finish grade used for exterior lighting shall be of the totally enclOsed type and properly grounded° r. .Built in ranges, broiler ovens and grills shall each be controlled by a disconnect or breaker of proper size for each section.; They Shall be con- nected to ~branch circuit conductors by approved receptacles, attachment cap and cord. ..se Any service conduit in excess of 8 feet inside building must have a disconnect switch and fuSeS at meter location~ ~t. In buildings where small appliance circuit must be installed, no more than ~ outlets shall be connected to a circuit~ u. All air conditioners of one-half ton or more to be installed on a separate circuit~ v. All dishwashers, garbage and washing machine disposals or combination dishwashers and disposals to be installed on separate circuits. No smaller than #12 B & S Gage. .w. All lighting outlets over~ sinks and wash bowls:or in toilets shall not be the pull chain type switch. xo Ground wires shall be termed an integral part of the electrical system, and shall be no smaller than No. 4 A.W.G. copper wire, and shall run from outside service water main piping in one CONTINUOUS length to a ground connecting clamp of approved type, and to the connecting stud in the meter device° Ground wires shall not be concealed in walls.or masonry or run inside of the building to any panel or switch box. Only by permission of the Electrical In- spector may driven ground be installed which shall consist of no smaller than 3/~ inch galvanized pipe, l0 feet in length, driven into the earth. The above sh~ll apply to all temporary and permanent installations. y. Table of outlets per circuit shall be: light outlets 8_7_6,5_4_3r~_1_0 receptacles 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 Except appliance outlets. Section 26. APPRDVEDMATERIALS. All electrical equipment shall be in conformity with the provisions of this .ordinance, the statutes of the State of Florida, and the rules and re- gulations issued by the State Hotel Commission.° They shall be installed s~nd used so as to be reasonably safe to persons and propertyl -13 - Conformity of electrical equipment ~th applicable standards of Under- writers' Laboratories, Inc. shall be prima facie evidence that such equipment is reasonably safe to persons and property. The section shall not apply to equipment owned ~nd used by an elec- tricity supply or communication agency in the generation~ transmission or distributors of electricity, or for the operation of signals or the transmissdo~ of intelligence. The mskers, name, trademaf~ or other identification symbols shall be placed on all electrical material, devices and appliances used or installed under this ordinance. Section 27. SIGN INSTALLATION ~'-~D BORDER LIGHTING- TR~INSFORMERS. a. Standard transformers designed for use in gas tube signs shall be used, and shall be suitable for the paPticular application. b~ A transformer shall be secured in place in a reliable manner, but shall not be mounted on a door nor hung so that the entire weight is suspended from a single sheet-metal side, face, or top unless the metal is No. 22 U.S.S. gauge or heavier and is reinforced at the mounting points, or one dimension of the side, fac% or top is less than kine inches. c. It is recommended that a transformer be supported by the angle iron framework.rather than the sheet metal of the sign. However, a strap-iron bracket or sheet me~al channel, not lighter than No. 22U,S.S. gauge in thickness~ may be used as a support for a transformer, if secured by at least two rivets or bolts to each face of the sign. d. A transformer shall be so installed that it will be readily access- ible, except in a small indoor or portable sign. which is sealed to prevent access to uninsulated high-voltage parts. e. An open-type transformer shall not be used except in a small, portable, indoor type of gas-tube sign and, thsn not more than two in a sign. If two are used, each shall be in a separate compartment, f. A transformer for an outdoor-type sign shall be installe~ in the sign enclosure or in a separate box of no lesser thickness on the outside of the sign enclosure, or shall be of the weatherproof type. g. Each sign of ,the gas-tube type shall be so wired that not more than one transformer will be dependent upon a single automatic~ overload-protective devic% unless the combined load is less than 1650 volt-am, peres. h. Only window-type transformers may be plugged in. All other trans- formers must be permanently installed in an approved method of wiring. i~ WindoW. type tran§formers must be used for each individu$~l window- sign and must be especially designed for this purpose. j. Transformer wires must swing clear in the air and not be supported against any combustible material. k. Drain holes must be provided in transformer enclosures exposed to the weather. Transformers shall be mounted on the parapet wall, and maintain a ~orkable clea~ance between the box and the roof. Special permission may be granted only by the electrical inspector to install the enclosures on the roof. If mounted on the roof enclosures must be elevated two inches from the roof. Wood shall not be used for the elevation or mounting of transformer cans, and holes must be so made that a projection or rim is not left in the can around the edge of the hole. 1. Portable neon signs shall be equipped with three-wire polarized plug. Those signs must be provided with at,nree-w~re' polarized receptacle within six feet of the sign, and the green wire shall ground the transformer and the metal parts of the sign to the conduit system of the building. Section 28. S~!~fl~ - CONDUCTORS~ a. Not more than 20 feet of cajole from a single transformer shall be run in metal raceway where the potential between the cable and the raceway is more than 5000 V. b, Conductors shall not be smaller than No. tS.B and S gauge, c. Open wiring indoors° d. Open conductors indoors shal£ be mounted on non-combustible non- absorptive insulators. Insulators of~porCelain shall be glazed on all exposed surfaces, A separation of at least ].~ inch shall be maintained between con- ductors and between conductor and any other object.~ Conductors shall not be located where they will be subject to mechanical injury, e. Tubulation glass amd tie-wire Shall not be permitted on any secondary wiring. Bare wire shall not be.smaller than No. l~ wire, and may be used for wall signs on the outside of buildings when installed in compliance with the following regulations. Conductors and tubing of the sign must be at least six inches from the top of the parapet wall, but cannot be installed on the roof- side of the parapet or on top of any roof'. Conductors must be supported on approved insulators spaced at a distance not to exceed eighteen inches apart. These insulators must be at least one and one-half inches long~ and all glass or bare conductors must maintain a height of at least eight and one-half feet from the ground. Conductors or tubing of signs must not be installed on walls where they can be reached through windows~ doors, fire escapes or other similar openings or platforms° f. Types of wiring approved~. For sign and outline lighting operating at over 600 volts between con- ductors, the only t~pes of wiring approved are as follows: Open wiring 6n insulators. Concealed wiring on insulators. ~d~giRigid metal conduit which shall be grounded. Flexible metal conduit which shall be grounded. Electrical metallic tubing which shall be grounded. g. ~ypes of CondU~tors~ Conductors shall be of a type approved for the purpose and for the voltage of the circuit. Section 29. WINDOW SIGNS. a. In the exposed type of show window signs, terminals shall be (a) enclosed by receptacles approved for the purpose, or (b) where hanging in'the air, free from grounded surfaces, enclosed in sleeves of vulcanized fibre, glass or other suitable material which overlaps all live parts by at least one-half inch, b. Metal enclosure for electrodes shall be made of not less than No. 26 ~.S.S. gauge sheet metal. c. All window signs of more ths~ 5 square feet shall be supported by a metal fr~e so designed that tubes are supported to it. Ail supporting brackets or chains must be atvached to metal frs~neo In no case should brackets or chains be attached to the tubing° d. All window signs of 3 square feet or less shall have a glass frame so designed as to reinforce tubing,, Zn such case they may~be hung from frame. e.. When signs of this type a~e made up of two or more units: the tubing shall be so designed that the electrode used to connect the two units shall be on the same plane .and put together with ~aot more than a four inch space between the electrodes and in such manner that both electrodes and connection can be covered by one strafight glass alcove or housing. f.; This straight glass sleeve o.~.~ housing must be securely fastened in place~ Transformer ~ires feeding wfndow signs must drop in a vertical plane from the transfomer to the window si~-,.s~ Electrodes on window siEns which connect to t~a:d~former wires must be designed and placed~so that ~,~r.es from the transformer Will drop straight s~d be covered by straight glass sleeves of sufficient size~ g. Transformer Wires must swing clear in the air and not be supported against any Combustible material. Section ~O~ SA~E - CONNECTIONS OTHER TH~ RECEPTACLES. If tubes do not terminate in receptacles designed for the purpose, all live parts of the tube terminals and conductors shall be so supported as to maintain a separation of at least l½ inches between conductors or between conductors and any groUnded m~tal. Section 31. Si~3~ - BUSHINGS. Where electrodes enter 6he enclosure of outdoor signs or of an indoor sign operating at a voltage in excess of 7500 volt bushings shall be used unless receptacles are pr,vided. Section 32. Si~ - RECEPTACLE f'~D BUSHING SEALS. A flexibl% non-conducting seal may be used to close the opening between the tubing and the receptacle or bushing against the entrance of dust or moisture° Section 33 ~ S~ -RATING OF DEVICES. Switches, flashers, and similar devices controlling transformers either shall be of a type specially approved for the purpose or have a current rating not less than twice the current rating of the transformer. Section 3~. Si~E - ENCLOSURE OF TR~SFOR]MER ~2~D FLASHING DEVICES. All electric flashers and similar devices, if part of a sign, shall be in a separate compartment. If not a part of the sign, they shall be enclosed in approved metal boxes, the doors of which shall be arranged so they can be opened without removing obstructions or finished parts of the enclosure. Section 35, S~ - TUBE T~R~fIN~S. The terminals shall be so designed so that the tubing can be replaced ~thout the necessity of exposing uninsulated live parts. If the spring contact type of receptacle is used, it shall be so designed that even with the tube removed the live spring will be recessed. If tube terminals are not accessible only by ladders or other special equipment, insulation is not required. Section 36. S~d~E - GROUNDING. Signs, troughs, tube terminal boxes, and other metal frames shall be grounded unless they are insulated from the ground and from other conducting surfaces and are inaccessible to unauthordzed persons. Section 37. CONSTRUCTION OF SIGNS AND ~NCLOSURES. a, Material: Except for portable signs of the indoor type, signs and outlinelighting shall be constructed of metal or other non-combustible material., ~ood maybe used for external decoration if placed at least 1-3/~ inches from the nearest current-carrying part. -16- b. Strength: Enclosure shall have s~nple strength and rigidity. c. Thickness of metal: Sheet copper shall be at least 20 oz. Sheet metal may be No. 28 UoSoSo gauge except that for outline lighting and for gas tube signs, sheet metal shall be No~ 2,4 UoSoS~ gauge. d. Marking: Ail signs must be marked with the makers' name: Gas tube signs within put rating in amperes or volt~ampereso The marking shall be visible from inspection after installation. Section 38. ~RING TO SIGNS~ All primary wiring in connection with the installation of all electric signs shall be done by others than by sign men. Section 39. UNLAWFUL TO INSTilL ~d~TENNA SYSTEMS WITHOUT PERMIT. Except as Otherwi~econtained herein, it shall be unlawful for any'person to install, either as o~mer or as agent, servant or employee of the owner, or as an independent contractor for the owner, or otherwise, any outside antenna system for television receiving apparatus or equipment or any additions to, or substitutions for, such systems mnless and until a permit for such installation, or for such additions or substitutions therefor, shall have been first obtained from the electrical and building inspection dep~rtment of the city, SeCtion ~0. MANN~-~ OF OBTAINING PEPJ~IT. No permit such as required by Section 39, of this ordinance will be granted unless and until such proposed antenna system and the installation thereof meets the following requirements. a. ~mtenna systems must be made of non-corrosive material and must be consistent with the standards of the Underwriter Laboratories, Inc. in accordance with the current issue of such standards except as the same are herein speci- fically varied. ~mte~ma systems installed on roof tops must be mounted on their own platform or plate covering two or more rafters of the roof and securely anchored. b. Antenna systems must be ade$~ately grounded for protection against a direct stroke of lightning with the proper ground wire as specified in the material list. No such system may be mounted so as to project over any street, sidewalk, alley or public thoroughfare or in such a manner as might be a hazard to safety in periods of hurricsme winds. c. Towers or mast supports constructed of a single pipe or series of lengths of pipe telescoped shall require guy wires at each joint or at such points as are considered to be adequate for support, ~dthin the concepts of accepted engineering practices. d. Towers of fabricated construction shall be erected secured and guyed as necessary to conform with the requirements of Section 2307 of the Building Code of the City of Boynton Beach. e. lmchor points for guy wires must be secured to withstand a strain of at least 600 pounds per guy '~re; rawl p]rags may not be used for anchor points. f.. Guy ~ires must be of a non-corrosive material with a tensile strength of at least 600 pounds. g. Transmission lines must be of a type consistent with the standards of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. in accordance t~th the current issue of such standards and must be kept at least six inches clear of existing telephone or electric ~res. Rawl plugs may be used only for support of transmission lines. Standoff ~nsulators must be used at least every ten feet in running the trans- mission line down the building. h. Lightning arrestors shall be of a type consistent with the standards of the Underwriter Laboratories, Inc. in accordance v~th the current issue of such standards. Both sides of the line must be adequately protected with proper resistors or neon lamps to remove static charges accumulated on the line and must match transmission line at television frequencies. When lead-in conductors of polyethylene ribbon-type are used lightning arrestors must be installed in each conductor~ If a co-s~xial cable is used for the lead-in suitable protection may be provided without lightning arrestors by grounding the exterior metal sheath. i. Ground wires must be a minimum of No. 6 almminmn o~~ copper for grounding masts and lightning arrestors and must be installed in a mechanical manner with as few bonds as possibl% maintaining a clearance of at least two inches fromany combustible ~ -'~ ma~erla~ j. Ground straps for group, ding maSts and attaching arrestors to water or other pipes must be ~ approved listing. k. Miscellaneous hardwap% s,~ch as brackets, turn buckles, thimbles, clips, etc., must be hot dipped gai~a~ized or similarly treated for weather protection~ smd for protection against corrosion and electralytic action° Turnbuckles must be protected against turning by threading the guy wire through the turnbuckle ~r by other similar locking device. L The antenna system shall be so designed and erected as to conform with the wind pressure requirements of Section 2307 of the Building Code of the City. m. Where the height.of any antenna system is 12 feet or over, a de- tailed sketch thereof shall accompany the application for permit and such sketch must comply v~th all the requirements of this ordinance, n; The current issue of the National Electric Code is hereby adopted and approved as a part of this ordinance as a minimum standard for ~y item not specifically covered hereby; o~; The antenna system must fully comply with any pertinent regulations of the Civil Aeronautics Authority or the Federal Communications Commission. Section ~1~ I~kNNER OF OBTAINING CERTIFICA.TE OF APPROVZI. AFTER PERMIT GRANTED. When any installation covered by a permit has been completed~ the person in whose name the permit therefor has been granted shall in~nediateiy notify the electrical and building inspection deoartment of the city that the work is ready for final inspection whereupon ~he s~ne shall be promptly inspected by representatives of the latter department, and~ if the work complies in all respects with the provisions of this ordinance and with the permit, a certificate of approval shall be given, Section ~2. PEP2TITS f~ID INSPECTION FEES. Except as otherv~se provided herein, the fee for granting the permit provided for by Section 39, shall be a total of $3.00. A re-inspection fee of $1.00 shall be charged and collected for each extra inspection when caused by any of the following reasons: ao Wrong address on application. b. %~rk rotund faulty upon first examination. c. Repairs of corrections not made when reinspection is requested. Section g3. TELEVISION ~TF~ PERMITS - LIFE OF. Any television antenna permit issued hereunder shall be personal to the applicant and if not exercised within three months ~fter the date of issuance shall become void. Section 44. RIGHT OF CITY TO l~h~fE RE-INSPECTiONS ~[D TO F~QUIP~E REPAIRS OR ~TE~TIONS. Every television receiving antenna erected orior to the effective date of this ordinance may be maintained and operated in-its present condition, unless the antenna is so constructed and maintained as to be unsafe and danser- ous as determined by the electrical inspector in accordance ~t~ this ordin~nce~ There shall be no chsrge by the city for inspecting any e~~sting antenna prior to the date bove mentioned. Nothing herein contained, nor the fact that auy person has theretofore obtained a certificate of approval, shall be construed to prevent the city, through its duly authorized inspectors, from inspecting any antenna system in use in such city in order to ascertain whether or not the same continues to remain in a safe condition and in compliance with this ordinance. In case any condition is found which might result in danger to life or pro'perty, or a violation of any provision of this ordinance, the electrical and building in- spection department of such city is authorized to give written notice to the owner or operator of such antenna at his last known address, pointing out such conditions and requiring the correction of same within 25 days from the date of such notice. If such conditions are not corrected within ~uch time, the main- tenance in place thereafter of any such defective installation by the owner or user thereof shall be unlawful. Section 45. DEMONSTRATION ~d~TEh~A SYSTEMS. The provisions of this ordinance requiring a permit and certificate of ap- proval shall not be applicable to antenna systems installed for demonstration purposes where the duration of their existence shall not exceed three days; provided, however~ that before any such demonstration antenna system is installed. oral approval therefor must he obtained from the office of the electrical and building inspector. No fee will be charged for suc~ oral approval. Section 46. REPAIRS TO ANTENNA ELE~IENTS. Despite anything herein to the contrary, minor repairs to antenna elements may be made without the necessity of a permit or certificate of approval, pro- viding a prompt report thereof is made to the office of the electrical and building inspector. However~ should a check thereof by such inspection depart- ment disclose defects, same must be pointed out and corrected in the manner provided for in Section 4~ thereof. Section 47. TE~POR~iRY R2~.~OV;~L OF ~m~TENNA SYSTEMS. Lu any case where an antenna system covered by an existing certificate of approval is temporarily taken down as a precaution in case of threatened storm. It shall not be necessary to obtain another certificate of approval or permit before it can be again set up providing it is installed exactly as it was be- fore being taken down and further providing that the office of the buildLug and electrical inspector is notified so that a spot check can be made. In case defects are disclosed upon such spot check, the provis$ons of Section ~4 shall govern. Section 48. VIOLATIONS AND PF2~Y~TIES. Any person, firm or corporation convicted of the violation of any of the terms oP provisions of this code shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars or imprissned in the city jail not more than sixty days, or both~ The issuance or granting of a permit or approval of plans and/or specifi- cations shall not be deemed or construed to be a permit for, or an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of this code. No permit presumi~ to give authority to violate, or fail to comply with, the provisions of this code, shall be valid except in so far as the work or use which it authorizes is lawful. The issuance of a permit upon plans and specifications shall not prevent the electrical inspector from thereafter requiring the correction of errors in said plans and specifications or from preventing electrical operations being carried on thereunder when in violation of this code or any other ordinance of the ciSyof Boynton Beach. Section 49. ELECTRICAL PEPSi, ITS - LIFE OF Every permit issued by the electrical inspector under the provisions of this code shall be' personal to the applicant and shall expire by 1Lmitation and become null and void if the electrical work auvhorized by sumh permit is not commenced within six months from the date of such permit~ or if the electrical work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned, at any time after the work is commenced for a period of 60 days. Before such work can be re- commenced, a new permit shall be first obtained to do so, and the fee therefor shall be one-half the amount required for a new permit. Section 50. N~TIONAL .ELECTi~IC CODE OF 1959 AS ST~d~DA~ The 1959 issue of TheNatmonal° Electric Code of the National Board of Fire Underwriters shall be the standard by which electrical work shall be done ]_r the city. Ail work done under this chapter shall comply v~ith such National ~_ectrmc Code unless a different requirement appears herein~ Section 51..- SEVERJ~BILITY If any section, sub-section~ sentence, ct~ause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional~ such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions oZ this ordinance.. The City Council o£· Boynton Beach hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance and each section~ sub-section~ sentence,~, clause or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that anyone or more sections, sub-sections, sentence,. clause or phrase be declared unconstitutionaI. Section. 52~ REPE~LING PROVISION ~1 ordinances orparts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 53. EFFECTIVE DATE That it is necessary for the immediate preservation of public peace, proper%y;~ health or safety,~ or for the daily operation of a municipal department, that the passage of this ordinance beaccomplished" with the least possible delay and it is hereby determined that this ordinanc~ is an emergency measure and shall become effective FeB. ll, 1960. PASSED Y~D ADOPTED by the City Co%mcil of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, at a regular meeting this 1st day of February, A. D. 1960. ATTEST~~ City ClerM --~ Vice Mayor Councilman '