O#288BUILDING CODE ADDENDUM TO THE 1953-1955 REVISION TO THE SOUTHERN STANDARD BUILDING CODE BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA An ordinance ef the City of Boynton Beach~ Florida, adopting the "Southern Standard Building Code: t953-195.$ Re~histon" and the Southern Standard Building Codes Part II (Gas), 1953~193~ Edi~tion, as the . . Building Code of the City of Boy~ton BeaCh, Florida, providing cer~amn amendments and additions to provisions of said codes providing for fire zone; providing for the issuance of permits and collection of fees therefor$ providing for the appointment of a Board of Adjustments and ~ppeals to administer or endorse said code; providing penalties for the violation of said code; repealing the present building code and all ordinances snd parts of ordinances in conflict herewith and for other p%~rposes. Be it ordained by the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida: Section I That the Building Code of the City of Boynton Beach~ Florida~ as amendeds be an.d the same is hereby repealed, and the Southern Building Code, 1953-1955 Revision, ar~ the Southern Standard Building Code Part II (~as), 1953-1955 Edition, as published by the Southern Building Code Congress s three conies each of which were filed with the Clerk of the cit~ of Boynton BeaCh, Florida, ~n the 5th of November A. Do195 , be and the same are hereby adopted as the Building Code of the City of Beynton Beach, Florida, subJ~ects howevers to such amendments~ corrections and additions as shall appear elsewhere in this ordinance. Mayor ~ Vice Mayor Councilman Councilm~n Councilman Section 106.2 shall ~e amended as follows: Ail contractors to be required tc carry public liability and ,property damage ~ C0i~IL~TION OF RECOM~NDATIONS OF THE BUILDING CODE C 0M~ITTEE FOR ~E FORk~YDAT10N 07 A BUILDING CODE FOR THE CITY 0F BOTNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, USING THE S~JTHERN STA~?DARD BUILDING CODE AS COPYRIGHTED BY SOUTHERN EUILDING CODE CONGRESS ON MAY 5TH, 194~, AND AS REVISED IN 1953~1954 AS A BASIS FOR THE NEW CI~f CODE. Section 105~l (a) shall be amended to read as follows: (a) _~uy owner, authorized Cgent, or contractor who desires to con~ struct, enlarge, or repair, move, demolish or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or repair or resurface roofing, install air conditioning and heating systems, or stall a steam boiler, furnace¢ incinerator or other heat pro- .at! ~ of ducing apparatus or other appurtenances, ~he instal which is regulated by this code, fences~ walls, fuel t~ks~ pumps~ bottled gas, and related equipment, groyaus, docks~ swiping or wading pools~ water proofing ~d s~dblasting or install awnings on co~ercial buildings~ and~r any other e~ipment or unit r~lating to a bulling or building st~cture~ si~s~ or cause any such work to be done~ s~ll first ~k~ application to th~ Buil~ng Official ~d obtain the requ~ed pe~it therefor. Such permit shall be requested in all cases d~scribed without regard to the cost of the work. Section 108.1 (c) shall be amended to read as follows: A building permit will be mandatory on repairs of $!00o00 or Se~tzon 105,3 (c) shall be amended to read as fo!i,~s: (c) All drawings ar~ specifications for comF~rcial buildings of $~$,000~00 ,or more in value a~ all buildings used for the mass ass~ablage of the public shall bear the signatu~® and seal of an architect or engineer registered in the State of Plorida~ and shall bear the name of the owner or his agent. Any buildings under the jur,,isdiction of the Florida State Hotel Commission shall be ~esigned by a registered archzte~t. Section I05,~~ s~all be ~m®nded to read as follows: Street Line No permits shall~ be issued by the Building Official for the const~ction of a~y building, or for *2u® alteration of any building, wh~re said building is to be cha~uged and such change will affect the exterior walls, bays, balconies or other appendages or projections fronting on any street, alley or public lane, or for the placing on any lot or premises of any building removed from another lot c~ premises unless there b~s been a certified s~vey of the property, and ~&rnishes to the Building Official proof of this survey. -2- Section 107.4 shall be amended to read as follows: Xny person desiring a building permit shall, in addition to filing an appli- cation therefor, pay to the City, before sUCh is issued, a fee as required by the City Com~issiom in a Resolution passed by a majority vote of the said City Commissioners. The City, the County, the State, and the United States of America shall be exempt from the paying of any fee for any building permit. Permit for any such work wha11 be issued by the Buildin~ In~pector, on the.apI~oved form, and marked "No charge"; however, nothing in this section shall exempt the above exemptees from procUring per,it from the building department on the btal~ provided therefor. Applications for building permits shall furnish an es .'~%2n~te of the cubic contents cf the building as a basis for determining the proper fee to be charged. The cubic contents shall be taken as the area of the building in square feet multiplied by the height in feet, taking the height from lowest floor level to the average height of the roof. Section 108.2 (c) shall be amended to read as follows: The Building 0ffioial, upon notification from the permit h~lder or his agent, shall make the following inspection of buildings and such other inspections as may be necessary, and shall either approve that pmrtion of the construction as completed or s_ball notify the permit holder or his agent wherein the same fails to comply with the law: Foundation inspection to Be made after trenches are excavated, and steel placed. SLAB Inspection: To be made prior to pouring of slab. TIE Beam inspection:-.To be m~le prior to POu~ing of beam. FRAME inspection: To be made after the reef, all framing, fire-blo~king and bracing is in place and 'all-pipes, chimneys, and vents are complete. FINAL Inspection.- To be made after the building is completed and ready f~ ~cupancy. Ail existing sidewalks, curbs, streets or other city property must be in good repair at this time. Inspector to certify as to this. Section 1302.4 shall be amended to read as follows: The first pax~graph of this Section shall have the following added to the end of the last sentence~ "except one story dwellings which shall have no less two (2) 5/S "dowels". ARTICLE 1302 shall Be amended to include Section 1302.6, which shall read as follows: ARTIOLE 1302 shall be ~ended t,o include Section 1302.6; which shall read as follows: F~daf~Lon~l~~: For frame b~ildings constructed on solid original ground, concrete piers and footings with masonry (Solid or concrete filled) piers for ~ supports may be used; or~ if peeferred, continuous masonry and c~ncrete footings and foundations as shown in Table of 1/inimum Allowable Dimensions. Foundation_Walls andFootina~ All exterior foundations shall form continuous walls; footings shall be at least 4 inches wider au each side than the wall ns~t above them, except o~ commercial buildings; which may be built to the property line, When eon- crete blocks are used fee foundation walls in frame buildings~ footings and reinforcing steel are required as in Table of ~ Allowable Dimensions herein. Blocks shall be bonded with 6" thick cap extending full width of blocks reinforced with 2 #3 reinforcing bars. Anchee bolts shall extend through blocks to the footing s~eel. Hollow units shall be filled with grout in cells containing these anchor bolts. For all other types of buildings, footings and foundations shall be as follows: All exterior walls and interior bearing walls shall be supported on continuous masonry or reinforced concrete walls or footings as listed in the following table and must be of sufficient size and strength to safely support the loads imposed as determined by the character of the soil. Mi. _nimum_Allow,,~ab~l~ D~m~nsio~_i Founda~tio_ns.~Walls ..and ~ootin~s. Continuous Walls . _Footin~ Thickness Bottom Height Width ..~ .......... Min, Steel Recuie~d Min. depth below Finish Grade to Top of Footing Rods min. 3" clear from bottom Frame 1 story 8** 16 8 4" 2 #5 Masonry 2 story 8*** 20 lO 4" 3 #5 Masonry 1 story 8*** 16 10 4" 2 #5 ** 6" if of reinforced concrete poured monolithic with footings. ~*** 12" to provide ledge for Joist bearing where other than slab floors on grade are used. t ,~r buildings over One story high, the minimum footing thickness under isolated piers and ~lunms or posts shall be 12 inches. -4- The above minimum sizes apply for soil bearing values of 2500 lbs. per sq. ft. or greater. For lesser soil bearing values or for excessive ~uilding loads, the foundations shall be properly designed to suit the pa~ticular conditions, Properly designed continuous gra~e beams with widths proportional to l~ads may be substituted for these ~ footings~ subject to the approval of the Building Official. Section 1402.6 shall be amended to read as follows: Plai~_Concrete Cast-in-place concrete constx~Action reinforced only for s~ge or t~r- at~e c~ges s~l ~ closed as plan concrete. PI~ con~ete~ fill~ s~ ce~o~ ~ the r~~nts for rei~o~ con. ere ~d ~ve a ~~ ~t~te come.sire stre~th at 28 de~ ~ess .eth~se' s~ifi~ ~ a' re~st~ ~c~tec~ ~ ~g~r re~st~ed in the State of Flori~. A~ ~n~ete ~ f~ fect~s, col~, ~, ~d sla~ ~t ~ve a ~~ ~t~te eo~essive stre~th at 28 ~ of 2~ 1~. ~r sq. ~ch ~ess oth~se s~cified ~ a regist~ ~c~t~t or ~n~r re~st~ ~ the S~te ef Flori~. Floor slabs s~l ~ a ~ ~f 4" t~c~ess, m~t ~ rei~c~ ~th a ~~ of 6 x 6 x 10/10 wel~ ~e mesh lap~ 6" er its ~v~ent M~ke adeq~te ~isiom f~ ~t~-~cof~g sla~ ~TIC~ ~04 s~l be ~e~ t~ ~cl~e S~tion ~.7 ~eh sha~l read as fe~ews ~ a. The mininmaa thickness ef exterior bearing walls of hollow masonry shall be 8 injhes. Masonry walls (including walls of plain concrete) shall include vertical supp~r~ unless otherwise specified by a registered archi- tect or engineer registered in the State of Florida~ at such intervals that the wall panel within the vertical and horizontal supports shall not exceed 256 square feet in area, provided, however, that for solid masonry walls the distance from center te center of vertical supports shall in no case exceed 20 fest~ and for hollow walls of masonry ~r walls cf hollow masonry u~_its~ such distance s~hall not exceed 16 feet. b. such'~herizcutal support shall be obtained .by reinforced concrete -_ col ~mma at allcorners and at inter,als as specified above, and By .reinforced concrete tie beams below each tier of-~floer or ceiling Joists and on top of all walls to form a coping. In one story residential buildings~ the corner col~mms may~ ~ ~omitted, c. Re~0~ced concrete colunms specified in (b) shall be not smaller than 8 x I2inches and .haVe not less than four (4) 5/8 inch reinforcing reds. Pgured columns shc,Ald have four (4) 5/8 inch reinforcing rods - "and in any case where 12 x 12 col~mm blocks a~e used, four (4) 5/8 inch reinforcing reds shall be used." ~. In commercial or industrial construction, reinforced poured concrete columns shall be formed and have four (4) n~mber 5 dowels in footing and four number 5 rods extending from footing into beam and looped.every twelve (12) -5- inches in f~ee sta~d~ col~ns and every 18 to 2~ inches Section 1~09.2 shall be amended tc include the following sentence as a~ addition; The maximum si~e pipe or plumbing stack permitted in an eight (8) inch exterior ms~omry wall shall Be 2" inside diameter. Section 1~15o3 shall be amended to read as follows: ~ Ve~neer_ on ~o,~l or.~eel. Except a~ provided elsewhere in this Seetio~ masonry veneer applied to w~l or steel framing shall Be anchored to the structural framing members by approved non- ferrous metal ties or AO d galvanized nails at intervals of not m~re than sixteen (16) inche~ vertically an~ twenty-four (24) inches horizontally. Masonry veneer or framed walls shall Be supported upon the fo~mdation except that such veneer attached to steel framing m~y be supported upon other &tzProved non-com- bustible supports. ~sonry veneer over wood frame exterior walls shall provide a minimma 3/4" &ir space. The wood shall Be covered with a waterproof membrane of 30 lb. felt or its equivalent. The Bottom co~rse of masom~y shall Be at least ~" Below weed sills (sole plates), with adequate weep.~les provided (~ 3/8" every 15t lineal length of exterior well. Weep holes mmst Be a~cve finish grade line. Masonry veneer ex~emXing below finish grade line ~A~t be so!i~ly Joined to the fo~ation wall~ so as te prevent undergrade voids that encourage hidden termite sheathing m~st be treated for rot and termite damage at least two feet abc~e the finish first Section 170~.1 shall be amended to read as follows: All wood framiug, ~$~, bucks~.~:~, sills.~platee or a~y and all 0$her~ woodwork ext~ior or ~t~ior,,s~ ative to ~t~ 2 feet of ~t of Secti~ 1701.4 s~l ~ ~end~ t0 ~e~ ~ follow: Ne m~d sills of any ty~e whall be-permitted~On permanent construction. Treated plates, studs~ sheathing and siding must clear the finish grade by at least six (6) inche~o Wood gi~ders~ beams and floor Joists must provide an eighteen (18) inch mini- sam clearance betwee~ t~e bottom of such members and the ground he~eatho Vent er ot~er openings m~st be flashed to p~otect structural woo~ members from the w~° Section 1701.7 shall be amended to read as follows: Foun~tion_ Sil~s Ail masonry shall be finished to provide a t~ue and even bearing surface for wooden structural memberso Such structural members shall be securely fastened to the mason- ry or concrete bearing surface in the following mannar-. Ail sills and plates in all buildings shall be bolted with not less than one-half (~) inch diameter bolts~ corrosion resistant, of a length to provide a mi~ six inch embedment in the masonry er concrete, and spaced not more than four feet apart° There shall be one such bolt in a~dition at each corner or offset in the wallo In exterinr frame wall ecnst~A~tion~ where fouudation walls are not poured monolithic with the footings~ bolts must extend through the walls ~ onto the footings, regardless of whether the ~lls a~e solid. One .half inch steel dowels extending from the footing and adequately lapping the holts are construed as complying with the requirements, of this Section. If hollow walls are used, the cells in which said dowels are located must be solidly filled with concrete or grout. Ail foundation sills shall be ~eated for rot and termite prevention, and shall be separated from contact with foundation walls of masonry by not less than 28 ga. galvanized iron or other approved cor~osion~esistant metal, or by a grout bed of 1.3 mortar at least 4 inches thick° Section 1702.4 sh~a!l be amended as follows~ Delete the words"one by four (1 x 4) inches or"° Section 170~.8 shall be amended 'as follows: Delete all reference to the 5/16", 3/8", 1/2" and 5/8" plywood thickness and include the sentence - "Plywood roof sheathing shall be not less than ~ with ~ allowable on 16" centers and 5/8" allowable on 2~" centers. Section 1,70~.7 shall be omitted from the code. Section 1704.9 shall be amended to rea~ as follows; Use following table for maximum spans of ceiling Joists and roof rafters: Table - Maximum Allowable SDan _ . Ceiling Joists And Roof Rafters e of Joists:Spacing of :Maximum Allowable Span (ft. & in.) Rafters -Inches) :Joists Center: for Roof Slopes of :to Center :For Ceiling: i-~&:Less than:Plast. :Exposed Flat :(Inches_) :Joists .~ELreater :6 in 12 :Flat : 2x¥ 12 ll' O" !l' 0" 9' ll" 7' 10" 8' 5" 16 10' l" 9' 7" 8' 6" 6' 10" 7' $" 25 8' ll" 7' ll" 7' 1" 5' 7" 6~ O" 32 2' 1" 2x6 12 16' 7" 16' 9" 15' 1" 12' I" 12~ t1" 16 15t $" 15" 8" 13' 3" 10~ 8" 11' $" 2~ 13' 8" 12' 2" 10' I1" 8' 8" 9' ~" 32 12' 2" 2x8 12 16 2W 21~ 7" 21' 1" 18' 11" 16' 6" 21' 10" 1~~ 10" 19 ~ 3" 17t 5" 16' 0" 1~~ 6" 15~ !1" 13' 11" I1 ' 6"' ,~!2 x 10 12 16 3,2 26 ~ 9" 27' 25' O" 2k' 22' 5" 20' 20' 8" 2" 2~' 9" 0" 21' 10" 1" 18' 2" 20' 0" 17' 6" lk~ 6" Size of Joists Spaces Flat Roof with Plaster Ceiling 15' I" 13' 3" 10' 11" 19' 10" 2~~ 9" 21 ~ 10" t8~ 2" ~ 0" 3 x 6 12 16 12 3 x 8 16 2~ 12 3 x 10 16 2~ 12 2 x 12 16 25 Exposed 16' 1" l~' 2" 11~ 8" 21' !" 18' 7" 1~' 6" 2g' 3" 23' 3" 22' 6" 18' 8" 12 3 x 12 16 2g 21 ' 1" i7' 6" 26' 1" 21' 30' 7" 27' ~" _32' 11" Section 17o~.10 shall be amended to read as follows: Scuttles All buildings shall have a scuttle or opening through the ceiling into the roof attic. Such opening shall be not less than five (5) square feet in dimension° Scuttle openings shall be provided with a lid that does not require any special effort to remove or open. ~ Section 1705.2 shall be amended to read as follows:' Sheathing Sheathing shall be applied on the exterior w~ls of all type VI buildings more than one story in height, except when back-plastered stucco construction is used. Sheathing, where required for exterior walls, shall be applied solidly over the wall surface and shall be one or more of the following materials: (1) Wood not less than S/$ inch thick° (2) ~Plywood not less than 1/2 inch exterior grade. ARTICLE 1707 shall be amended to include Section 1707.3 LUMBER GR&DES, which shall read as follows: Lumber of grades 3, $ or other similar low quality grade below those listed in table 1707 shall not be used. All lumber used in construction must be ~2 or better. Section 1803.3 shall be amended to read ~s follows: Gypsum lath shall be securely nailed to wood supports at the following intervals: On side walls, three nails minimum at each strut, except at joints where a minimum of fbur shall be used. On ceilings, four nails minimum to each Joist. Section 1803.5 (first paragraph only) shall be smended to read as follows: Metal lath shall be attached to vertical wood supports with No. 15 gauge wire staples or blue lath nails. Section 180~.6 shall be amended as follows: Omit last sentence of paragraph. ARTICLE 1806 shall be amended to include Section 1806.8, which shall read as follows: Total roofing weight must be placed on the roof before any interior plastering is applied. -9- Section 1807.6 shall Be amende~ to rea~ as follows: Ail p~rtlaud cement stucco w~rk shall Be composed of three coats totslling not less tha~ 5/$e in thickness. The scratch and applied monelithically and shall Be appreximately ~ thick, while the finish coat is t~ Be not less thau 1/8" i~ t~tcknesse Before the scratch coat hardens, it shall Be evenly scratched to provide a good ~eoha~ical key for the finish Before applying stucco, walls shall Be wetted down evenly t~ obtsi~ a thin uniform suction° The walls shall be ~istened BeWeen the scratch and finish Coats. Section 2201.2 (Section C) shall Be amended to renal as follows: Every fixed a~Ing or msm~uee shall be at least eight a~d one-half (8~) feet in the clear.~ Between the lowest point or projection, and a sidewalk immediately below. It is recommended that the following statement be inserted in the section of City regulations governing construction set-backs i~om lot lines, etc° ~ and Be ~ade a part of the City c,de enforced by the Building Iuspoct~r~ "The floor level of all h~mes mhall be 16 inches above the cr~m of the Should any part or portion of the ordinance b~ for any reason found or declared te be unconstitutional or unenforceable, it shall not affect or impair the remaining parts or portion of said ordinance. The chapter on five c~e requirements are ~o be used in conjunction ~rlth the existing five codes of the City of Boynton Beach and ~here there is any conflict be~.een the two~ the code now in existence shall take