O#287 AN OR~I~%NCE OF TEffIE CZ%l OF BO!H~ON BEACH~ PA[H ~CH COU!~Y~ FL~A~ ~G?'ZD~~G & BI~G~ S~T~TG WORTH T~ IT~'~ OF GE2T~CCL ~E~E ~D ~ k~]TE~ST ~~NTS '~ON T~ ~BTED2~SS OF T~ C~Y OF ~IG A TAX RATE OR ~SS OF T[~ CITY OF BOYZ,~ON B~-CH¢ FLORIDA¢ FOR T~ ~ ~ ~AII~D BY T:~ C%[CY CO~(CZL OF Tg~ C~2Y OF BCZ!~ON B~&CH¢ PA~{ B~.CH COUI~Y¢ FLORIDA = T~mt the following Budget¢ setting forth the %terns of GE~N~L EXPENSE AI~ OF ~'.Tb~ST ~QL~I~S upon hhe outstmnding indebtedness off the City of Bo~to~ Beaoh¢ Florida¢ be and the s~e hereby is adopted as the Budget off the City off Bo~tom Beach¢ ~a~ Beach 0otmty¢ F!orida~ flor the Fiscal Ye~ begimaing November 1~ 195~¢ an8 ending Cotober ~!] 1957, ADM!NISTRAT-~YE Salaries Wages- Stationery & Office Supplies Light ~ Power Telegraph & Telephone T~ls~dral3o e Le~ai & ~fofessiona! Pos %age Election E~ense Coumoi! Fees Repairs & Haintenm~ce Gr obmds Maintensm~ Ne~r Equipment Ts% Sale Advertising Other Social S ec~ity Self ~sua~ance Ftmd Reserve for New City Hall Reserve for 0ity improvement Reserve for Trax Adj~tments~ Abatements & Discounts Rescue for Codification of ~dinances 25~000.00 1~500.00 2~000~00 400.00 500~oo I~200.00 5~000.00 400.00 350.00 3~000,00 500.00 i~200~00 5~000~00 200°00 !~000~00 520~00 5~000~00 15~000.00 8~000,00 i5~000~00 _: ~_- ,ooo.o_o. 93~770.00 Li,' quor Lioenses Beer & Wine Licenses Cigarette Tax Franchise Tax (Florida Power and Utilities Tax: Florida Power & Light Southeastern Nat~al Gas Southern Bell Tel & Tel Ati~tic Fuel South Florida Gas Flo~as M~tert~e Star Gas Gold Coast Gas Gas Oil ~od~ts Tax Penalties Other Penalties Advertising & Redemption Telephone Booths ~sc~ Revenue Repayment of Lo~ by Water ~pt~ Repayment o~ ~u by I & S F~d ~¢ERAGE R. Ds B~; Animal Rescue; City Advertising Seacrest Band Chamber of Commerce Womsa~s Club Library imerican Legion ~ Fireworks Recreation Board Teen To~¢n R~N%rE Publicity - Taxes 0VEP~&GE pmAST~ C__~IL D~ENSE C~!L SERVICE 18~000.00 7¢000.00 700,00 37¢000.00 17¢500.O0 22~000.00 !~100.00 5,000.00 1,~00.00 700~00 i~500.00 350~00 i50~00 300.00 300.00 30o~oo 750.00 200.00 200,00 2~200,00 10,630.40 _ 26 87o,0 $154~150.'42 /-.,00u. O0 250~00 3~750.00 600.00 250.00 600.00 ~00:00 8,450.00 9~500~00 5,000.00 ¢00,00 6~000.00 1,050.00 6 ~ 000. O0 Salaries Auto Expense Stationery & Supplies Light & Power Telephone. & Telegraph Csm~e of Prisoners Sa£ety Supplies Repairs & ~aintenance Uniforms Radios & Maintenance Other Postage Eq~pment Reserve for New Police Station Reserve for Pension F~d Fines & Forfeitures Ocean Ridge D~iCZ~ FLRE Sa!sa-les 3 Paid Men 34 Vo?omteers A 5m~nis trative Auto ~ense Stationery & Supplies ~ght & Power Telephone & Telegraph /22su~ano e S~piies Repairs & l~inten~ce New Ec~pment 750 Gal~ ~mper 2 Salvage Covers ! Gas Mask ! Radio B~er Coats ~ety Equipment B~!ding F~md Reserve for New Fire Dept, Obher [~5~ant Rental Uniforras Radio Mainten~ee Fire College Reserve for Pension Fund 32¢000~00 4¢000,00 200.00 300~00 400. O0 I~000.00 I~000o00 !~500~00 500.00 600.00 700.00 500,00 25,00 !~500,00 5~000o00 ~~o,9~ 4%865.00 25~000,00 900.0o__ 25~900,00 I!~205.00 4,500.00 600.00 1~500.00 !00.00 420.00 300.00 !~I00.00 300.00 2,670.00 %600~00 120.00 75.00 275.00 300~0o !~2o0~oo 5~000~00 650.00 i5~000.00 350,00 360~00 375.00 56~525o00 ~965.00 Ocean Ridge Gulfs ~r D~IOIT W~ER DEP~TM~ Salaries Auto Expense Equipment Rental Stationery & Supplies Light & Power Telephone & Telegraph Chemicals & Haterials Legal Postage & E~vpress Repairs & Maintenance Other New Eefeipment & Extensions E!eC tro-R~ss tproofing Tank F~tintemsmc e Social Secz~ity Revenue Certificates & ~mterest and Reserve Reserve for Re£~nding Certificates Repay General Fraud Water Sales Water S ez~zice I% en ~a~ Hydrsmt ~ l STR_ EET DE__. Salaries Auto E~ense Light & Power Repa%rs & P~intenance Sewer & Drainage Other New Equipment Telephone & Telegraph Radio Haintenance Streets & Sidewalks ~ 1,275~00 ~_ ~_ ooo.~q 2:275~00 i~700~00 4,000.00 8OO°OO i0~000.00 300,00 1~000o00 6~000.00 i~000.00 ~00o00 5~000.00 850.00 AI~355o60 250.00 i~000o00 450.0o !8¢$64.00 1~000o00 l0 125~000o00 !00~000o00 i0~000.00 t25~000~00 !4,000,00 5~000.00 9¢000.00 i¢000,00 8¢000.00 2~000~00 1~000o00 3,500.00 i00,00 200~00 3~000~00 54,250~00 social Security Reserve for Sewer 7~nprovement Reserve for New Equipment mad Rep!ac ememts Rental of =qumpmen~ D~FiCI~ PARK~$ & . ~YGLO~o Salaries Power & Light Lus~arance Repairs & Maintenance Gro~ads Maintenance Other Colored Ball Auto ~ens e Social Security Reserve for Colored Pool Reserve for New Ball P~k Eoy~pment ~chase of ~ke Front ~operty D~wIC~ · CAS INO Salaries Light & Power Telephone & Telegraph Repairs & Hainten~uce ~ls~al~oe Other Social Security Reserve for Improvement P~rchase of Beach ~operty Znt er es t D~ZCIT ~S_. H & C¢~RBA~ . ~G~W DEP~4RTI'.~!Yf Salaries Auto Expense .T.~s ~J~ a~ o ~ 34o,oo $ . ~O00,OO 57~i40.00 15,000.00 5~000~00 :~o00.00 !~200.00 600.00 !~000.00 400,00 300.00 700.00 !i5~00 15,000.00 5~000,00 500.00 45~415.oo 2,000.00 700.00 !00.00 l~O00.OO 500.00 7OO.OO 45.00 5~000.00 I0~000.00 23 ~/,5 ~ O0 2!~000.00 3~ 0 ~0 .00 800~00 42~!40.00 ~5~415o00 23¢/¢+5.00 Operating Supplies Otlaer New Equipment Social Serenity Out of City Garbage Tax Collections DEFIC~ PARK C~,~~. __ _ERY Salaries Ins~ance Telephone & Tele~araph Legal Drives & ~{a!ks P[.aterials Gro~mads }~intenamc e Other Social Security BUILDING i~SPECT ION Salary. & Vacation Auto Ekpens e Statione~ & Supplies Legal Obher Social S ec~mrity DEFICIT Permits EiECTRICAL INSPECTION Salary & Vacation Auto E~ense Stationery & Supplies C~ZEP~GE !50,00 500,00 7~0o0,oo ~_ ~y~-O~ 33~5~00 500, O0 o o0 0 o 21,500.00 1~000.00 50,00 i00,00 100~00 200.00 300.00 50~00 !~$23.00 3~000~00 600,00 50~00 50,00 200.00 i00,00 4~070~00 7~000,00 2~000~00 600~00 ~0,00 Ii~925,00 i~823.00 2~930.00 -7- So~al Security 2 200.00 100.~ 3,050.00 Permits PLUMBING I~PEGTI~N Salaries and Vacation Aute Expemse Stationery & Supplies ~h~ Soci~ Sec~ty 3,565.00 Permits ?,000.00 Rent 300,00 Supplies 100.~ Equt~ent ~ ~,867.58 AM01]l~ TO I~ RAISED BY ~,F/~I~AL TAX LEFY ON REAL AND PERS(K~L PROPERTY INTI~J~T & SINKI~G'FU~ requirements for REFUNDS6 B~ ISSUES ~F 10/1/46 a~d 7/1//+9 __ CITY PUB~O~ requirements BE IT F~RTHER ~IFED BY THE OITY C~CIL ~F THE C~ ~ BOYI~TON BEACH, PALWI REACH COUNTY, FL~It~: -$- 1. That there Be, and there hereby is~ levied ul~n all of the taxable property~ ~th rea! and personal~ wit~_in- the City of Boym~n Beach, Palm Beach County~ Flerida~ A GE~E~L TAX ~o provide for the QEHERAL ~ES of said City as provided in the B~l~et It.s hereinbefero set forth~ ~o wit~ A Tax su~£i- ¢ient ~o proau~e the s~m of OHE HENDRK~ F~RTI THOUSAND, EIGHT HI~DRED SIXTY 2. That there be~ an~ ~he~e hereby is~ Ievie~ 'u~n all of the prop~rty~ ~th real and perse~l~ within the Ci~y of ~~ ~ch~ P~ C~t~ Flori~ a S~0~L T~ to ~de for ~he ~~ of ~~T ~ · f %h ~ ~t~ A T~ s~ficl~t 3. T~t t~ ~ ~d thee h~e~ is~ l~ed ~n ~ of ~he ~o~rty~ ~h r~ ~d ~o~ ~%~ the City of ~n B~h~ ~ Beth C=~y~ F~, A S~L T~ ~ ~~ fo= O~Y ~LIC~ ~ h~e~f~e set f~h~ ~o ~ A T~ s~fi=ient ~ ~ce the s~of ~ TH~, F~E ~he s~ ~e~ ap~rtion~ to ~d l~i~ ~t a~ of t~ City of ~ton Be~h~ ~ B~h 0o~ty~ Fiji&, ~ ~o~rtion te the ~s~s~ ~ti~a ~f ~=ties ~ ~e not ~t ~ ~ati~ ~ ~son ~ the He~st~ ~en~ent, ~e ~ti~n of ~ ~ble ~o~rty~ ~h r~ ~d pers~ u~n ~ch s~h ~es ~y ~ l~e~, si~ ~t~ the ~rate ~ ~f t~ City ~f ~ach, ~ B~h ~ty~ Flori~, for the ~e y~ 1956 ~ s~ ~ the T~ Assessm~t R~ of the sai~ 0ity of B~n Beth, ~g ~e~ f~ at F~ ~~, F~ ~~ S~~ ~~, S~ ~~ ~ ($15,567~'~) 5e T~t s~d ~s ~re~ore r~e~ ~ ~ P~P~ 2 ~d ~ the s~e h~e~ ~e~ a~ion~ ~ ~d l~e~ a~t ~1 t~e ~th r~ ~d ~rsen~ ~t~ the C~rate ~ts of the City of ~t~ ~h~ ~o~rty~ T~ ~%ion of ~1 ~Ble ~o~rty~ ~ r~ ~d ~0~, ~t~n ~he ~rate ~ts of the City of Bo~n ~h, ~ B~ch Co~ty~ for the ~e y~ 1956~ ~ s~ ~ ~ T~ Assessment Ro~ of s~ Ci~y of Bo~t~ B~h~ ~ ~eBy f~ at ~ ~I~, S~ ~ S~~ TH~, 3, ~ ~~ u~n the T'~ ~oks of the Oi~ of ~tom ~ach, ~ B~eh Oo~ty~ FI~, ~ t~ ~r ~age ~o~rtio~te to ~ ~tion thief ~ ~e T~ ~sess~, t~% is the ~l~ge ~e~ Be ~ fo~ows~ ~ F(R ~L E~I~NSE FOR INTEREST ~ OUfSTANDING B~ F~R CITI I~BLICITY 9oSOmills BE TT FURTHER ~~: That the &b~ve and fo~ego~mg ~rdin~uce is an ~oviding a Budget and fixing a tax rate or ma~ a tax levy for the General E~pen~e a~ Iuteres~ Requirements an~ City PaBlicity of ~he City of Boynt~n Beach, Flcrida~ for the fiscal year B®ginuing N~vemBer 1, 1956, a~d e~. 1957o EFFECTIVE DATE: This ~dinaace shall Became effective with the ~si~ of the O~ter of s~d City ~A such c~es F~T ~~ ~he f~st ~y of ~to~ S~, F~L ~D~G ~ ~SAGE ~he 15th ~ay of ~to~, 1~6, ~yor 0o~ci~ ~o~o~ A~test: City Clerk