R02-091 RESOLUTION R02- Oq 1 FDOT RESOLUTION NO. [483-98] A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO REQUEST THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ("FDOT") TO CONVEY SURPLUS PROPERTY TO THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ("CITY") TO BE UTILIZED FOR THE PURPOSE OF A CEMETERY, SUCH PROPERTY BEING IDENTIFIED IN THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND SKETCH ATTACHED TO THIS RESOULTION LABELED AS EXHIBIT "A"; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, the FDOT acquires properties for transportation facilities for the citizens of the State of Florida; and WHEREAS, the FDOT is permitted by law to convey real property that FDOT no longer needs and determines to be surplus to other public entities to further the public needs of the State of Florida; and WHEREAS, the City of Boynton Beach can utilize FDOT's surplus property described on the attached Exhibit "A" for a cemetery; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the citizens of the State of Florida to gain the most benefit from properties acquired with public funds; and WHEREAS, the City of Boynton Beach is requesting that FDOT convey to the City of Boynton Beach the surplus property described on the attached Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, the surplus property is sought for the improvement of the Barton Memorial Cemetery and is proposed to be conveyed to the City of Boynton Beach for the purpose of constructing the improvements. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: SECTION 1: The foregoing recitals are true, correct and incorporated into this Resolution by this reference. SECTION 2: The City of Boynton Beach requests the FDOT to convey title to the surplus property described on the attached Exhibit "A" to the City of Boynton Beach pursuant to Section 337.25(4)(h), Florida Statutes. SECTION 3: The surplus property to be conveyed to the City of Boynton Beach by FDOT will be used for the purpose of improving the Barton Memorial Cemetery, which will be in the best interests of the general public of the City of Boynton Beach. SECTION 4: Upon adoption of this Resolution, the City Clerk shall forward an executed copy of this Resolution to Tracy Glansen, Florida Department of Transportation, 3400 W. Commercial Blvd., Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33309-3421, for further handling. SECTION 5: immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS ,a tx n eo ,2002. This Resolution shall take effect DAY OF CITY Ot Vic~ ;ACH, FLORDA ATTEST: c Commissioner Commissioner 05/23/2,382 !i;04 ,35~-777--42B2 FDOT T~!ST F~ RW PAGE EXHIBIT "A" LOCATION MAt LEGEND, NOT TO SCALE S -uRV£YDR'S 8 · AND ~.. BASEL IRE NOTES L ARC LENGTH CF CURVE 0~ CENTERL~NE ! ) Beortn~Ibo~l~ ~0¢ Exh[bff 'A" Is the ~ CENTRAL ANGLE CF CURVE we$f II~a o¢ ~he $,W.I/4 o¢ C,B, . CHORD BEARING Twp. 45! ,, ~ge, 43 E,, o~ show~ on CONT. · CONCRETE' +he FPO"' Right Of Woy MOp COR. : CORNER No, 932;fO-24~2. S~id line D · DEGREE OF CURVATURE No¢+h 0 ~36'31 EXIST. ~ EX[ST~NO F.P. , F~NANCIAL PROJECT 2) lmformo-'fon shown h~reOn for S~ote FDOT · FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF -TRANSPORTAT[ON Rood 9 ~295~ ~8 Dosed on ~he FDOT FO. FOUND Rfgh~ o' woy Mo~ Seoflon 93220-2202, ~ R ~ ] PON ROD prov t de: by FDOT. L/A - L~M]TED ACCESS ' N/A . NOT APPLICABLE 3) PuCpose Cot Exhibft '%" Is SU~PLd5. NO. . NUMBER IRT) . OFFSET RiOHT ~) All d{m~nelons ore oolouiofed P,B.CO, - PALM BEACH COUNTY {Pi . PLAT purpose o{ II lusfraflng o legol P,B. . PLAT BOOK descrfp¢ on +o w~Tch ~t fs o?~och~d. , PLUS 0R MINUS ~,O.B, = POINT OF BEOiNNIN0 6) The fop~ Drophlc fnFOrmo'tfon sho~n P.O,C', · POINT OF COMMENCEMeNt hereon ¢~ ~urveyed by 6reenhorne P.G, : POINT OF CURVATURE O'~oro, Inc, on February 8, 2002. P. ]. = POINT OF INTERSECT!ON POT -POINT ON TANOENT P~T. = POINT OF TANOENCY P,S~M. -PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR 8 MAPPER R = RADIUS 0F CURVE ROE, = RANGE R/W . R~GHT OF ,WAY SEC. = SECTION SO.FT. - SQUARE FEET S,R, .STATE ROAD NOT A SURVEY STA, .STAT;ON PARCEL 88 (PART) T = TANGENT TWP, = TOWNSHIP FLORIDA )EPART~NT OF TRANSPORTATION WP I . WORK PROGRAM ITEM RIGHT OF w~ ~ . HATCHED AREA TO BE · SURPLUS R]OHT :OF WAY PARCEL SKETCH STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STAT~ ROAD, NO.9 I I-9~I P~M BEACH COUNTY DISTRICT FOUR --~[~ .... D~- R[0HT OF WAY MAPPING P.~u ~}~j...~j/ ~Z FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA 3~309 ~~*~ .... ' ~ ) 77,-4550 ' ~ '. c.zc~ ~ ~.~_~~ - _ __ _ ........' ~~~4,2 iS~gET~ i 85/'23/2882 il:Sa 954-777-~2~2 FDOT DiST t RH PAGE EXHIBIT LEGAL D~SCR~PT[ON B~i. ng a port[on o~ the Northwest mne-quarteF (N,w.I/41 ut Sec+~on o¢ the Soufhwes+ one-quar~e¢ tS.W.~/4~ of S ctlo~ .z ~,00 reet~ ~hence N~¢+h [~¢09'~6'* East ~ i .... T =.=, ee:T +o m pofr~+ on sold De~o~tmen~ o¢ TFan~or~ot[on Right o~ Woy M¢~: thence Scmwfhwes+er-!y ~e,~t['ol _aog~e o. 01~38 4~ , mhd on ~rc die,on.ce of I58 80 f~e~ +,~ Che~ O' w;~e plrtted r,.gh+ of w~y for ~r+h~esf iZ'*h Avenue, m~m ~ aT ~o~e ~ O~ mold Puol ~c Reoor'dm~ +h~nce North 89¢37';2'' West clung the prolongation ~f so]d cenTerllne, o dfseamce of 86.~ feet to ~he POINT OF DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION D2STRICT FOUR RIOHT OF WAY MAPPING 3400 WEST COMMERCIAL BLVD. FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA '~954)?7T-4550 ~v",'¢iOi 82-0 I _P88, DSN NOT A SURVEY ~E..~L 88 (PART) FL{DR{DA DDEP~RYh. tEN'~ O~' TR~NSPORYATION R~GHT DF WAY PARCEL SKETCH STAT~ ROAD NO, B fi-95> PALM BEACH COUNTY SECTION ~3~2D-~4 ~Z {SHEET ~ OF ~ ~ .___ P3_~,,-~3/2882 ii: ~ '354-777-~25~ FOOT DIST 4 RW PAGE 84 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION B;$%R;CT FOUR R~OHT OF WAY MAPPING 3400 WEST COMMERCI~ FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA ~3309 tNOT A SURVEY PARCEL 88 (PART FLORIDA DEPARTMENT DF' YR~.NSPORTAT~ON RIGHT OF WAY PARCEL SKETCH ~0,9 { [-95~ PAL~ BEACH COU~ STATE F · P, NO. SECT[BN ~22F-}- 24 I 2 FDOT DIS'- PAGE 05 ,oo o ,oo ~oo f'* · 200' KNOLLWOOD SUBD V]S~ON WELLB AVE (p~ R - 5,72q,65' NOT A SURVEY PARCEL 88 IPART) SEE SHEET I FOR LEGEND AND NOTES RIGHT OF WAY MAPP]NO ~400 WEST COMME~O~AL BLVD, FORT LAUBERDALE, FLOR[DA i95~}7T7-4550 FLOR[DA ~EPARTMENT OF TRANSPOF~TATiON ARCEL SKETCH R~_,HT OF WAY P '- NO,~ (I-gS) PALB BEACH COUNTY F,P, NO, ~ SECTION 9~20-2412 05/2B~2~02 ii:~ ~54-777-~2Sl FDOT DIST ~ RW PAGE N 7T~50'04" '¢i I9.54, I 3.00' 34,OI HEADBTON .BARTON MEMOR II $35~ .4£ADSTONE FD.PK NAIL 8 DISC ~KHA LB696 AT ~ INTERSECTION N. W,STH ST. N.W, IOTH AVE. (ON I/4 SEC.LIN[) DETA! L "A STATE OF FLORID~ DEPARTmeNT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT FOUR RIGHT OF WAY M~PPINS ~4oo ~EST COMMERCIAL BLVD. FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA ~ 954 )777-4550 t ,$~r-¢ey'.WOiB2-O-P88. 818+21ol6__/// 200.OO'RT. BAR 'TON IvlEMOR [ AL PARK St DEWALK 89° 37 ' I 2 FD,PK NAIL _~._.¢~ NOT A SURVEY PARCEL 88 (PART) SEE SKI ET I FOR LEGEND ~ND NOTES FLORID~;~P~TNENT OF TRANSPORTATION ~OHT:J~ ~ PARCEL ~TCH ~<,~,:,:~/o..~: _. S[C~220-2qj 2