83-QQQQRESOLUTION NO. 83-_c~d~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, URGING THAT A VETERAN ADMINISTRATION HOSPITAL BE LOCATED IN BOYNTON BEACH. WHEREAS, the Veteran Administration locates Veteran Hospitals thrOughout the Country to serve a special group of Americans; and WHEREAS, a determination has been made that a Veteran Administration Hospital should be located in the Palm Beach County area; and WHEREAs, Congressman Dan Mica, the Boynton Beach Representative to the United States Congress, has strongly supported locating a V.:A. Hospital in the Palm Beach County area; and WHEREAS, the Veteran Administration has agreed to construct a V.A. Hospital in the Palm Beach County Area; and WHEREAS, A V.A. Hospital provides a positive addi- tion to the economy of an area as well as a service to American Veterans in the area; and WHEREAS, there is vacant land in Boynton Beach located in the 1-95 corridor in an area currently undergoing controlled, positive development. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Mayor and City Council of Boynton Beach finds that a Veteran Administration Hospital facility will be a positive addition to the City of Boynton Beach both as a provider of service to the area citizens and as a positive addition to the current development patterns of the City. Section 2. The Mayor and City Council further resolve and request that Congressman Mica take steps to encourage the Veteran Administration to purchase a site in Boynton Beach for the new Veteran Administration Hospital. Section 3. The Mayor and City Council further resolve to do all they can to assist the Veteran Administration in a project to locate a V.A. Hospital in Boynton Beach. 1983. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~ day of December, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ATTEST: Cou~c~'~ Member City Clerk &-- ~P~' - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECEMBER 6, 1983 Vice Mayor Zimmerman Councilman Cassandra Councilman deLonq Aye Aye Aye Motion carried 5-0. Resolution No.. 83-QQQQ Re: V.A. HosDi.tal Attorney Doney noted that in Section 1, line 4, the words "area-citizens" should be chanqed to "area veterans". With that change, Attorney Doney read proposed Resolution No. QQQQ by title only: "A REady'SOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, URGING THAT A VETERAN AD~LNiSTRATION HOSPITAL BE LOCATED IN BOYNTON BEACH" Councilman deLong moved for the adoption of Resolution No. 83-QQQQ with the following stipulations in Sections 2 and 3, which are to become a part of the public record and spread upon the minutes of this meeting: Council~n deLong read Section 2 of the Resolution and said the first-Stipulation he wants is: That there be no deeding of City property for hospital purposes unless it is by referendum of the electorate. Councilman deLonq then read Section 3 of the Resolution and stated his second Stipulation: Under no circumstances whatsoever shall water or sewer service be provided any lower than that amount paid by the local residences. With reqard to the second Stipulation, Councilman deLonq referred to the University of Florida in Gainesville receivinq a concession of free water and sewer services. The college has multiplied so much the Water and Sewer Department of Gainesville was continuously in the red due to the amount of students and the buildinqs erected there. Councilman Wriqht seconded Councilman deLong's motion. City M~n~qer Cheney handed the Council a letter dated December 6, 1983, written by former Mayor "Martv" Trauqer, who planned to be at the meeting but had a sudden commitment for the co!teqe. Mayor Warnke took a vote on the Stipulations. 5-0 in favor of the Stipulations. The vote was - 30 - ~REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECEMBER 6, 1983 Mayor Warnke was concerned that the Government could build a hospital without qoinq by the City Codes. In the State of Florida, City Manaqer Cheney said the City has no riqht to inspect any public education buildinqs. If a school, colleges, or what have you are built in the City, the City has no zight to qo into them. As far as Federal bui!dinqs are concerned. City Manager Cheney said they are not exempt from local inspections. In other places he worked. City Manaqer Cheney said they inspected Federal buitdinqs and exDecte~ them to comply With local Codes although he had never be~n involved with the V. A. From a Buildinq Code point of ~iew, City Manager Cheney did not think inspections were a D~oblem. City Ma~qer Chene¥ continued by saying he would have to refer the question of compliance with the City's heiqht limita- tion to the City Attorney's office, which they may not be able to_answer this eveninq. He understood they were talkinq 40 to 60 acres and added it may be a moot question; heiqht ~may not be a problem. Mayor Warmke was concerned that a veteran cannot get into a Veterans Hospital unless he has already been certified to be 50% disa~o!ed. He did not think there were many 50% disabled veterans in the City. Mayor Warnke added that you also qet into the problem of conqestion. Mayor Warnke read the letter from Mayor Trauqer sayinq he felt it imperative that the City Council pass the proposed Resolutiom. There was more discussion about the hospital. Councilma~n~ deLonq aqain moved to adopt proposed Resolution No. QQQQ,~. seconded by Councilman Wriqht. Mrs. Kruse took a roll call vote on the motion, as follows: Ma¥or~Warnke Vice-Mayor Zimmerman CouncLiman Cassandra Cou~±Iman deLonq Councilman Wright Aye Aye Aye Aye Ave Motion carried 5,0. Other Request for Approval of Revocable One Year Permit to Use Public ~ro~ertv Mayor Warnke said the request was by Tire Kinqdom. - 31 -