83-NNNNA RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AND THE SCHOOL BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO OPERATE A COMMUNITY SCHOOL PROGRAM. NOW, THEREFORE, BE AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. That the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, that certain Agreement between The School Board of Palm Beach County to cooperatively continue to operate a community program using public school facilities. Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of November, 1983. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Vice M~r ATTEST: City C~erk (Corporate Seal) )unCil The School. Bo~trd o.f Palm Beact~ County, hereafter known g~s the CITY OF BOYNTON B~CH , hereafter known an thc~ ( City/Town/Vi].lage ) CITY 1. '.Po cooper~t:i_vely operal:o a Co,nmuniny School Progcam at CONGRESS C0~IIY MIDDLE S c hool. 2. The program wi].l com,r, enc¢i o,~ NOVEMBER 1 . L9 83 and will continue to OCTOBER 31 , 19_84 , with the option of renewal, modifica-uion or cancellakion of this agreefi~ent at any time during the period of -this agreement hy either party with al: !eas'n thirty days written notice. The sur,, of $8,000. operation of the sum, $_ 4,000. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH agrees 'to conlir:Lbute the ( Cl. ty/'J?O~;n/1/i ]. ]. ~9 ~i to the School Uoart~ of Palm 1leach County toward, the ~ CONGRESS C0~NITY MIDDLE School. Of thJ. s shall be made ava.i].~ble for supplies, equipment, par'u- tih'ta personnel ser'~iges an~ other simJ. lar use in the com,tunity school t')roDram ~ith specific approval ._.in w, xJ.t~ing, o.f 'the school pr: ncipal and $ .... 4,000. _ far administrative SUDpO.,:t aeruices. ~. 'th a CITY aU,"cas to provide these furu]s no later { Ci ty/Town/Vii, lag e ) than NOVEMBER 30 o~ th~ ca]_e, ndar year. 5. Payments and/or expenditures .fo~ community school sul>port hy CITY sha].l he ,,ada unon the cond.:.tjon that 'tl~e ( Ci tY/'fown/Village ) sama has been l]u~otec] :i.n _its duly a.~,row~d }'n.'~gau for the cLlrrellt y~Ltr . 6. Other gouer,tmontal 'units w.i. slxi~tg to be a [3L~rty to this agreement the agreed upon support contr:i.)~utian of $ 8,000. 7. 'the CITY may prov:i.~e ac]di'tiona]_ { City/'l'own/Vil!age ) :Ln 'the :form of fund:tn9' plann.[n9 S~l)!~oru, aqL~:i.p, ent, t"ac:.].it:..es :i-m[~rovamen~. with the School Systonz's l]iract-oc of School l?]_ant; IR!ant, iraq sul~jecl: to aporova] hy 1:ha School Roard 8. The School. ]~oa.r(] o.[ ]}a].m IhH, ch County zig,tees f:o make ava:.]_able needs. These fac:i.l.:i.'t:i_es will_ he mad[: ava:i..l, at~]e after the oonc!usior~ o.f 7~greement Page needed. Priority use of Community School facilities shall be given to scheduled day school activities, community activities an~ to community use of the facilities. 9. The School Board agrees 'to provide a qualified full-time Community School Assistant Principal 'to have responsibility for the Community School program. This assistant principal will. be an_employee of the School Board· and responsible to the principal of the school. 10. The Board agrees to provide proof to the of adequate insura.nce 'to protect the CITY CITY City/']~own/Village ) from all ( City/Town/Village ) damages, liabilities, cost or expenses resulting from any prupose related and/or incident -to the provision of services called for in -this agreement and caused by the Board, its personnel or agents thereof. 11. This agreement shall become effective upon official approval of ]Jot.}] parties. Any legal documents determined necessary by the ~ttorneys of the respective parties shall be attachef~ to' and become part of this agreement. Approved as to form: City Manager Peter L. Cheney City of Boynton Beach, Florida U3homas J. ~!ills, Superintendent School Board of Pa]_m ~eoch Coont¥ Pau!a Nessmith, Chairman School Board of Palm Reach County City Attorney James Vance City of Boynton Beach, Florida CJyty Clerk Betty Boroni City of Boynton Beach, Florida Mayor James Warnke City of Boynton Beach, Florida