O#279 ORDINANCE NO. 2?9 AN ORDINA~E OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORiDA~ RRLATING TO FEDERAL OLD AGE AND Si~VIVORS INSL~,&NCE. An ordinance declaring the ~olicy snd ~ur~ose of 'the City of Boynton Beach~ F!orida~ to extend to the employees and officials of said City of Boynton Beach~ Florida~ not excluded by law~ nor h~reinafter excepted~ the benefits of the system of Federal Old Age and Survivors Insurance~ ss authorized by the Federal Social Se- curity Act~ and amendments thereto~ u~on the basis of a~p!icable State and Federal laws or regu!ations~ authorizing and directing the Mayor (or other chief executive '°' ~ of~.mcer~ to execute agreements and amendments thereto with the Stste Agency authorized to enter into such agreements~ for coverage of said employees and officisls~ providing for withholdings from salaries an~ wages of emoloyees and officials of said City so covered to be made and oaid over as orovided by aoolicab!e State or Federsi laws or reguiations~ pro- viding that said City shall aoprooriate and oay over emoloyer's contributions and assessments as orovided bM aooticabie Stste or Federal laws or reguiations~ oroviding that said City shall keeo records amd make revorts as required by @o,~_~!m~ao_e State or Federal ia~s or reguistions~ BE IT OP~AI~D BY Tt~ CITY COUNCIL OF T~ CITY OF BOYNTON B~A~H~=' ~ ~ FLOR ID,I ~ E8 FOLLOWS Section i, It is hereby d~cta~ea to be the policy and ouroose of the City of Boynton Beach~ Florida~ to extend effective as of January 1~ i9[[~ to the employees and officials thereof~ not exciud- ed by law~ nor exceoted herein~ the benefits of the system of Old surwmvors Insurance as suthorized by the Federal Social Age and '~ ~' Security Act and amendments thereto~ and by Chaoter 650~ Florida Statutes~ as amended~ snd to cover by such oian all services which constitute employment as defined in Section 6{0~02~ ~_orids Statutes~ oerformed in the em,o±oy of said C~ty by employees and officials thereof~ except (1) Service of an emergency nature, (2) Service in any class or classes of ~ositions the comoensation for 'which is on a fee basis~ (3) Service oerformed by a student for the school in which he is enrolled° Section 2o there is hereby excluded from this ordinance any authority to include in any agreement entered into under Section 3 hereof shy service~ ~osition~ employee~ or official now covered by or eligible to be covered by sn existing retirement system~ Section 3~ The Mayor (or other chief executive officer) is hereby authorized and directed to execute s!! necessary agreements and amendments thereto with the Florid~ Industrial Commission~ ss State Agency~ for the ~ur~ose of extending the benefits vrovided by said system of Old Age smd Survivors Insurance to the employees and officisis of this City as ~rovided in Sections ! ~nd 2 hereof~ which agreement shall ~rov±de for such methods of ~dministration of the ~ian by s~id City ss are found by the State Agency to be necessary end ~ro~er~ smd shsi! be effective with resvect to ser~ ~ices in empio~ent co~ered by such agreement ~erformed on and after the !s~ day of Ja~uary~ ~.D~ 19~ Section 4~ Withholdings from saiaries~ wages~ or other comven- sation of employees and officials for the ~ur~ose ~ro¥ided in Section i hereof ere hereby authorized to be made~ snd shall be made~ in the ~mounts amd at such times ss may be required by applicable State or Feder~l !sws or regulstions~ and shall be ~sid over to the ~tate Agency designated by said laws or reguistions to receive such amounts. Section ~ There shsl! be a~pro~risted from available funds~ deri~ed from General Revenue~ such smounts~ at such times~ as may be required to ~ay promptly the contributions end assessments required of the City ss em~!oyer by ~v~licsbie State or Federal laws or regu~ iations~ which sh~ll be ~sid over to the lawfully designated State Agency at the times and in the manner ~ro-¢ided by law and r e guia t ion ~ Section 6. The City shall kee~ such records and make such reports as may be required by a~plicab!e State or Federsi laws or regulatio~]s~ and shall saae_e to ~he reguistions of the Sts~e Agency~ Section 7. The City does hereby ~do~t the terms~ conditions~ e ~ benefits ~ri~ileges~ ~nd other condi- requirements~ res~r~ions~ ~ ~ tions thereunto~ope,~tsinlng~ ~ of ~it!e~ II of the Soci~i Security Act es emended~ for end on behelf of ell officers ~nd em~!oyees of its dee~rtments and agencies to be co~ered under the ~greeme~at, Section 8. The Auditor of the City is hereby designated the custodian of all sums w~tn~el~ from the comoensstion of of~i~e~s and employees and of the s.)opro~risted funds for the contribution of the City~ and the Auditor of said City is hereby made the with- holding and reporting agent and charged with the duty of msintein- ~ '~ of this ordinance. lng ~ersonnel records for tn~ ~urmoses Section 9 _hms ordinance shall take effect u~on its a~provsl and ~ublicstion ss required by law. Passed d s.D~roved this 19th day of March 19~6, Attest: Clerk