82-HHHRESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, REQUESTING PERMISSION FROM THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMNISSIONERS PURSUANT TO FLORIDA STATUTE §171.062 TO REZONE A CERTAIN PORTION OF A PARCEL OF LAND BEING ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH FROM THE COUNTY ZONING CLASSIFICATION R-S (SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) TO THE CITY ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF P.U.D. (PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT) WITH LAND USE INTENSITY (L.U.I.) OF 5.0 AND FROM COUNTY LAND USE OF LOW-MEDI~{ DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO CITY LAND USE CLASSIFICATION OF LOW DENSITY P~SIDENTIAL AND ANOTHER PORTION OF A PARCEL OF LAND BEING ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH FROM THE COUNTY ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF R-S (SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) TO THE CITY ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF P.I.D. (PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT) AND FROM COUNTY LAND USE DESIGNATION OF LOW-MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL TO CITY LAND USE CLASSIFICATION OF INDUSTRIAL~ IfHEREAS, the City of Boynton Beach has received a request for annexation from WILLI~ E~ BENJAMIN, II, and POINT ~NALAPAN DEVELOPMENT CORP. as owner of the following described property: SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION (EXHIBIT "A") WHEREAS, the City Council at the ~J~ly.~6, 1982, regular meeting considered this annexation request, and upon the recommen- dation of the Ci~?[~Planner, City Zoning Board and Technical Review Board, determined that the proper zoning for a certain portion of this parcel of land would be the City's Zoning Classification P.U.D. (Planned Unit Development) with Land Use Intensity (L.U.I.) of 5.0 and the proper Land Use Classification under the City's Land Use Planof Low Density Residential, said land description attached hereto as Exhibit "B"~ WHEREAS, the City Council at the ~Iy~g~ 1982, regular meeting considered this annexation request, and upon the recommen- dation of the ~i~ Planner, City Zoning Board and Technical Review BOard, determined~thatthe proper zoning for a portion of ~his'pareel. ofiland would be the City's Zoning Classification P.I.D. (Planned Industrial Development) and the proper Land Use Classification under the City's Land Use Plan is Industrial. See land descrip- tion attached hereto as Exhibit "C". WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 171~062 of Florida Statutes~ City of Boynton Beach requests that the Board of County Commissioners consen5 to the City of Boynton Beach rezoning and changed Land Use Classification on the above described property upon its annexation. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the City Council hereby requests permission to rezone and to change the land use classification, ~en annexed, of the property described above as previously enumerated. Section '2. That a certified copy of this Resolution be sent to the Board of County Commissioners of Palm Beach County, the County Adminisnrator, and the County Director of Planning, Zoning and Building. PASSED and ADOPTED this 1982. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA By: ATTEST: (Corp. Seal) rot ouncil Mem~ ~l~~'mbe~ / C--6unc i 1 Member - 2 - Exhibit "A" A parcel of land lying in Section 9, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida. The North 2/3 of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 9, 'Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, less the North 159.82 feet of the West 135.00 feet thereof, and less the right-of-way of High Ridge Road (50.00 feet right-of/way) . TOGETHER WITH the North 2/3 of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of the South 1/4 of said Section 9. TOGETHER WITH the North 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of tine Southwest 1/4 and the South 1/3 of thee South 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of the Sout_hwest 1/4 of S ~' , ecLlon 9 less the 25.00 feet right-of-way of High Ridge Road. TOGETHER WITH the-South 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 9, less the 25.00 feet right-of-way of High Ridge Road. TOGmT~.ER WITH Tracts, D, E, and F, as shown in Plat of Lincoln Memorial Gardens, as recorded in Plat Book 23, page 176, Palm Beach County, Florida. TOGETHER WITH all that land, bounded on the South by the South line of said Section 9; bounded on the East by the West right-of-way of the Seaboard Air Line Railroad (as laid out amd now in use); bounded on the North-by the South line of Tract "D", as same as shown on the Plat of Lincoln Memorial Gardens, recorded in Plat Book 23, page 176, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; bounded on the East by the West line of the South Half (S 1/2) of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of the S = · ouahwest Quarter of said Section 9. . ,I EXHIBIT "B" "-' ~-' ~ r'~ ' ' P. UD. I)ESCRI PTION ~ -COMaE~'I~ al t-he Zouth~es'~-"'corn,,r of-Section 9'~ To'~s-hi~ 45 · Ran'jc=43."Ea:4t; ':tlmace-run l~orth .88041.'~1-'' EaSt' along ~h~ South iin~'-Oi-sai~'.:14ec~ion"9, a' dis'tance'o~ ~5.,~t feet"ko'a poinL on the rlght-of-3~ay.~o!~..Hl~h -Ridge Road;. t~nce run'North a!on~ said eas- r~ht-of-way, a'distance .of 822.7'1' feet %o thC POINT OF-BEGIN~ -hunc~ .continue North along s-aid .ca-~te. rly -righ't'-~f-way, 'a dis- of .996.93 f,zet; tbs.ncc run N~rth .88~45'14''- Es'st, -a 'distanc'e".of .ruer; thcnc~ run.I}orth 159.82; th.enc~ .run.'-/~0rth :88°45'14'' Zast, -tistanc,z of 1220.87 i~:~et;.~t.9,3~ce run North 00~05'28 .... East, a distance 1318.05 f~cL; ~h,.~ac,~ r,in North 8U~45'58', East~ a' distance of 39.82 .thence._ 'run South g1~32'26'' East, -a distance _o~ 2481.01 feet; run South BE'4 1'51" .%';est, 'a" di.$ta'ncc .-o[ 1424 -83 'feet t:o thc CONTAII-I]NG 38.73 Acr,:s, moue or tess,: including 0.34 Acrus for the add,tick, al r~ht-of-'w.3y of High Ridge Road. -, P. ID. DESCR! PT1ON - CO>~MENCiNG at- the -Southwest corner of Section 9,. Township 45 .Sduth, Range 43 East7 thence run North' 88°41'51'' East, a distance 25.0[x feet to a point on the easterly right-of-way of ~igh Ridge Road and the POINT OF BEGINNING; thehce run. North along sai'd East right-of- ~,~ of }~,igh Ridge Road~ a dJStaDc~' of 822.71 feet; thence run'North EaaSS4t'51 East, a distance of 1424.83 feet; thence run South 0~t2'2b t, a distance of 822.50 ~,eet to a point on the-So~th line of the afor~m,~ntioned S~ction 9, Townkhip 45 South, Range 43 East; thence South 88~41'5t'' West a~ong said South line of Section .9, a distance 3442.16 f<:et to the POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 27.07 Acre's~.~"moro o~- tess, right-of-way of High Ridge Road. .. includinq .'!.79 Acres for th,'- 0.28 Acres. for addJ t ~onal