81-JJJRESOLUTION NO. ~ ~'~.~. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, AMENDING RULE 11, SECTION 5 "LEAVE WITH PAY" SUBSECTION CONCERNING ON THE JOB INJURY BY PROVIDING FOR A SALARY SUPPLEMENT FOR UP TO SIX MONTHS FROM THE DATE ~F INJURy;AND FOR oTHER pURPoses. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Boynnon Beach is empowered to enact amendments to the City of Boynton Beach Civil Service Rules and Regulations by Section 72.9 of the City Charter; and WHEREAS, the City Council wishes To provide protection for those city employees that are injured while on duty. NOW, THEREFORE, BE AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. That Rule 11 "General Personnel Policies and Provisions", Section 5 "Leave with Pay", subsection concerning on the job injury of the City of Boynton Beach Civil Service Rules and Regulations as adopted January 6, 1978 is hereby amended to read as follows: ~m-~e-~e~-tm~y~-~Whemeva~-aR-empleyee-is-~e~atty ~isa~te~-~em-~y-~e~-a-pe~ie~-e~-me-me~e-~ham- sevem-~)-eatem~a~-~ays~eea~se-e~-am-imj~y ~e~e~m~me~-~e-Be-eempemsa~e~-~m~e~-~e-p~e- wis&em-e~-~e-We~kmamis-Gempemsa~&em-Ae~v-~e sRat½-Be-em~i~te~-ae-~tt-~eg~ta~-pay=--t~-~Re pe~ie~-ef-~sab~ti~y-is-g~eaae~-ahaa-sevem-<~) eatemRa~-Rays-~he-empteyee-may-etee~-~e ~eee~ve-aee~eR-s~ek-teave~im-aeee~Ramee wlhh-hls-~eg~ta~-he~ty-wagev-~e-~he-e~em~ ~ha~-h~s-eem~me~-s~ek-teave-am~-we~kmamZs- eempemsa~em-Beme~s-e~at-h~s-~eg~ta~-weekty v-v-v-sata~yv--~he-empteyee-m~s~-eem~ae~-~he-pay- ~ett-ete~k-~e-~at~y-~e~-~h~s-eem~me~-eheek. ~orkers' Compensation. Whenever an employee is totally disabied from duty for a period of no more than seven (7) calendar days because of an ±n~ury determined to be compensated under the provisions of the Workers' Compensation Act, he shall be emtitled to full reqular pay. If the period of disability is qreater than seven calendar days, the employee will be eliqibte to receive a sum of money up to an amount equal to the difference between his workers' eompen- (7) sation check and his normal net take home Day. The iniured employee will be eliqible ~alary supplement for a period not to three (3) months from date of in~ur~. to receive the exceed At the end of the three months, or sooner~ the City Manaqer, Department Head and Personnel Director will revzew the case for a determinanism of the employee's physical ability to perform h~s City employment after a report fro~ the City physician and considerinq all oZher relevant factors. In no case will the salary supDlemenn be extended beyohd six ~6) months from date of injurK. The injured employee may elect to receive accrued sick leave and after exhausted~ vacation leave, in accordance w~th his reqular hourly waqe, to the extent that his combined sick leave or vacation leave, City supplement (if less than the full amount authorized) and workers' compensation benefits equal his reqular weekly net take homo salary. The employee must contact the payroll clerk to qualify for the combined check. -2- It. is incumbent on the employee to make application for pension disability in accordance with the pension plan they are members of. Failure to do this automatically cancels the additional city benefits. If the appropriate disability pension board denies the claim, the additional City salary supplement benefit will be canceled. If the appropri~tg'disability pension board accepts the claim, the salary supplement will be canceled after issuance of the disability pension checkor at the end of the time duration outlined above which ever comes first, If an employee who is receiving workers' compensation payment along with the City supplement, sick, or vacation leave, is found to be working or receiving compensa- tion for his services, during this period, will be Subject to reimbursing the City for all medical expenses and supplemented, sick, or vacation pay taken. Section 2. Should any section of t~is Resolution or any portion hereof: any paragraph, sentence or word be declared by a Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remainder hereof as a whole or any part hereof. Section 3. This Resolution shall upon its passage. PASSED and ADOPTED this ~ 1981. t~Ke effect day of ~ immediately Ma~ or ~ / FLORIDA -3- Member / Council Member ATTEST: City Clerk (Corp. Seal)