81-NRESOLUTION NO. 81- ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING THE JOB DESCRIPTION FOR Eb-ERGy COORDINATOR BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTO~ BEACH, FLOR/DA: Seetion 1._ The duties and responsibilz'~ ...... ~ the position of Energy Coordinator are hereby adopted and shall be in accordance with the 'o 3 b descrlptzon attached hereto and made $ part hereof at pay grade 30. 1981. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS / ~ ~-~ day of ~, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor y ATTEST: ~~e~rk· · (Corp. Seal) ENERGY COORDINATOR (Proposed Job Description) NATURE OF WORK This is responsible, professional level administrative work.requiring close Coordination with all City departments under the Supervision of the City Manager. responsibility for developing, implementing Work involves the and evaluating a comprehensive energy conservation a d management program. This position also functions as the City's energy information and referral source and provides liaison with other energy_related groups and agencies. Additional responsibilities include the Creation of energy data, researc of City ener~v c~-~ . h and reports- a! f~!1 or part-tim~ De~?]~ts; the Supe the COordination a ........ ~, ~n · .. of ad~ition- gr nts, and the Drodu~ --~ ~ e ~dmln~str ==u ar~ic±es for ~ ILLUSTRATI~.VE_TASKS Directs the implementation and annual revision of the Comprehensive Plan Energy Element in Coordination with the Office of the City Planner; - Assists in the development and administration of City Emergency. Contingency Plans, as related to energy shortages; - Maintains CUrrent files on energy research t and policy in Coordination wi~ ~ ....... , echnoloqv ~** u**~ city blDrary; ~ ~-- - Monitors, collects and analyzes City energy us~ data and compiles computerized monthly status reports in coordination with the Data Processing Department; - Acts as Chairman of the City's Local Energy Committee, represents the City on the Citizens, Energy Advisory Board and the Re~ion X Energy Action Committee (REAC), and conducts liaison with energy-related private sector firms in Coordination with the Chamber of Commerce; -Assists department heads in conducting energy efficiency and conservation pr6jects and develops reports documenting savings achieved; -Develops and administers the Energy Impact Analysis for development plans requiring Plann to ~ons~der energy re~,~ ..... lng and Zoning Boar~ .... -Researches, applies for and administers any energy-related grants or assistance for which the City is eligible; -Reviews City expenditures for the impact of direct and in- direct energy costs, in COordination with the Finance and Pur- chasing Departments; -Promotes over-all awareness among municipal employees and the citizenry of the importance of energy conservation and cost reduction; Assists in-the internal management of all City energy usage in COordination with department heads and through'close contac~ with local public utilities and State Regional and County energy officials; , - Reviews and prepares revisions to proposed proclamations, resotntions and ordinances for inclusion of energy-conscious language, where applicable; - Performs Other related Work as required by the City Manager. KN~LE_DGE,ABILiTiEs AND sKInns - Working knowledge of the practices of urban administration and comprehensive planning, and of the principles of basic and alternative energy technologies; - Ability to devise, plan, implement and evaluate programs theirand projectS,accomplishment;and to supervise the work of others in pursuit of - Ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing; Ability to collect, analyze and present statistical data; - Ability to establish and maintain effective working re- lationships with other City departments, the public, represen- tatives from the private sector, and officials from Other levels of government; - Ability to conduct thorough research and to prepare effective reports, exhibits and articles; -Demonstration of SOund Judgement, creative ability, and a strong commitment to public service. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Graduation from an accredited four (4) year college or university with major coursework in Public Administration, Planning, Engineering, Environmental Sciences or related field plus three years of experience in energy conservation/manage_ ' i~t programs. Master's ~egree, ~lus. two years of experience preferred;and experience, or any equIvalent comblnat!on of education, train-