80-XRESOLUTION NO. 80-~ ~RESOLUTION OF THE CiTY COUNCIL OF THE. CITY OF O~NToN BEACH~ ~LORIDA~ RATE~YIN~G THEENcINEERING CONTRACT BSTW~EN THES~UTHcENTRAL REGIONAL WASTE- WATER TREAT~fENT AND DISPOSAL BOARD AND PI1SSELL & AXON, EKGiNEERS-PL~NERsAARCHITEcTs, iNc. WHEREAS, THESOUTHCENTR~L.REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL BQARD,~ep~e,sehtihvthe Cities of De]lra~ Beach, ¥~orida and Bgyn~o~ services f0r~th~ area designered as the S~uth central Region of Palm Beach Coun~y~ ~t°rida, sad~ ~HEREAS, THE SOU~H CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL HOARD has deemed i~ neeessamy and ~viSable to expand the existing South Central' Regionai Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Facilit from the present 12 MGD capacity ~o 24 MGD~ and~ WH~REAS~ THE SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER TF~ATMENT AND DISPOSAL BOARD has entered intb a contrac~ with the firm of Russell S Axon, Engineera~planners-Architecvs, Inc. for professional engineering services for the design and construction of said expansion of the exist- ing Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Facility. NOW~ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE 2ITY OF BOYNTON BEkCH~ FLORIDA: That the Civy of Boynton Beach does hereby ratify the eng-ineerin~ contract be~ween the South Centmal Regional Wastewarer Trea~men~ and Dlsposal Board and the firm oi Russell & Axon: Engineers-Planners-Architects, Inc. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 1980. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA BY Mayor ATTEST: Council Member Seal)