80-PRESOLUTION NO. 80-p A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYh~fON BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, SUP- PORTING SENATE BILL 989, ANNEXING ALL ENCLAVES BY STATUTE; SENATE BILL 1045, REMOVING THE ADVER- TISING REQUIREMENT IN VOLUNTARY ANNEXATIONS; ~ND SENATE BILL 1269, PROVIDING FOR ANNEXATION OF ADJACE~ AREAS (EXCLUDING INDUSTRIAL PLANTS) UNLESS A MAJORITY OF REGISTERED ELECTORS IN AREA VOTEAGAINST THE ANNEXATION~ REQUESTING OUR LOCAL SENATORS TO CO-SPONSOR THESE SILLS; REQUEST- 1NG THE LEGISLATIVE DELEGATION OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA TO SUPPORT THESE BILLS WHEREAS, the "Greater Boynnon Beach as the reserve annexation area of the City of Area" was designated Boynton Beach, and Wt{EREAS, the Area Planning Board, acting as a delegate of the Department of Environmental Regulation, designated the City of Boynton Beach as the municipality to supply water and sewer in the reserve annexation area, and WHEREAS, the City's Comprehensive Plan calls for expanslo into the reserve annexation area, and WHEREAS, the process of annexation into this area should be expedited so as to allow proper control and planning in the de- velopment of the area, and WHEREAS, Senate Bill 989 would expedite the annexation process through one statutory state action, annexing all enclaves to the City, and WHEREAS, the City has incurred and will continue to incur considerable expenses for the publication of advertising require- ments for voluntary annexations, and WHEREAS, Senate Bill 1045 would alleviate this cost by eliminating the advertising requirements in the evenn of a volun- and the Florida Statutes do not provide any clear how industrial areas should be annexed, and tary annexation, Wt{EREAS, direction on Industries 171.041315) annexation of indus- W~EREAS, the Supreme Court of Florida (A.B.A. vs. City of Pinellas Park) has determined that Section of the Florida Statutes, which addresses the trial areas, is vague and ambiguous, and (1) Senate Bili WIREREAS, for a referendum inside the City and, in the area tion to be annexed (excluding industrial plante), 1269 would eliminate the requirement under consideraq require that a majority of registered electors decline annexation, and WHEREAS, Senate Bill 1269 would specifically exclude in- dustrial plants from being eanexed without their consent if thDy provide their own municipal-type services. bIOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUI~CIL OF THE CITY OF BOY~T05I BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: Section 1. That the City of Boynton Beach wholeheartedly supports Senate Bill 989, annexing all enclaves by Statute; Senate Bill 1045, removing the advertising requirements in voluntary annexations; and Senate Bill 1269, providing for ennexation of ad- jacent crees (excluding industrial plants) unless a majozity of registered electors Section 2. sponsor these proposed Senate Bills cedures. in the area vote against the annexation. Thet we request our local Senators to co- relating to annexation pro- Section 3. That we request the Legislative Delegation of Palm Beach County, Florida, to support these proposed Senate Bills which would expedite the process of annexation. Section 4. That the City Clerk be and is hereby euthoriz ed and directed to send a copy of this resolution to all members oJ the Legislative Delegation of Palm Beach County, Florida, ell muni¢ ipalities of the County, and to ell committees of the State Senate to whom such considerations in the matter expressed in this resolution would be referred under legislative procedures. (2) PASSED AND ADOPTED th~s 3~d'day of June, A.D., 1980. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ATT EST: City O~erS~ (Corp. Seal (3)