79-WA RESOLUTION OF T~E CITY OF BO_V~TON EEACH~ FLORIDA O~ A~O~ ~~T0 ~P~, k~EEEAS, the Chmrter of the City of Boy.ton Beach, Florida, provides ~ the City Treasurer shall prepare all check_s, vouchers, and withdrawal slips to be draw~ om the City depositories, and shall sign the same and present said cheak~ vouchers and withdrawals to the M~yor er V~mce ~ayor to be eo~utersig~ed as ~provided herein or by ordinance of the City WHEEE~, the City Council in regular session of August 7, 1961, did duly pass en ordinamce that the City Nanager shell be authot~ize~ to co~Utersign all checks~ vouchers and withdrawal sl*ps of the City; and '~WNERE~S~ PETER L. CEEEEY is duly ~ppointed City Nanager; end ~IEREAS~ ~ F. HARM~NING is the duly elected May~c mud shall sigm checks~ vouchers a~d ~_thdrawal slips in the absence of the City Manage** ~EAS, EETTY BISCOE, Vice M~or~ has beea almpointed checks~ vouchers and withdrawal slips in the absence of the Mayor ~ud the City ~ager; W~, B. J. ZOEEL is the duly appointed Treasurer; and ~EJEBEAS, ALMA COOK, Deputy Treasurer, has been appointed to prepare a~d sign checks~ vouchers and withdrawal slips in the mbsence of the Treasure** NO~, T~ORE, BE IT RESOLVED that a true copy of this Resolution be sent to all Federal Savings and Loan Associations, commercial banks or other depositories wherein the City of Boy. ton Beach maintains municipal savings acco,~uts, checkip~ accounts or other deposits. ~IS RESOLUTION shall take effect on May ?~ 1979. PASSED ~ ADOPTED THIS 1st d~y of ~, 1979o Attest: CITY OF BO~)N BEACH, FLORIDA / (Corp. Seal) Co~ucilme~er