79-RRESOLLrfION NO. 79- /? WHEREAS, the City of Boyaton Beach, bbS received a request for annexa- tion from S m , UPPl[z ASSOCIATES, LTD. the owners of the following described The West 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of the S~th- west 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 1, Township 46 South, Range 42 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, containing 4.4 acres, mDre or less; and IrHEREAS, the City Council at the January 16, 1979 regular meeting, considered this annexation request, and upon the reconmendation of the City Planner, feels that the proper zoning for this parcel of lend %x~ald be the City's Zoning Classification PUD (Planned Unit Development) District, with land use inte.nsity of 3.9 as defined in Section 31-1 of t~he Codified Ordinances of the City of Bot~ton Beach; and WHEREAS, Chapter 171.062 of Florida Statutes, requires that when a municipality plans to annex property at a zon~rg classification which would permit a different density then tbmt whick is currently in effect under County's regulations, that the nunicipality must request end receive per- rdssion frcrn the Board of County Conmissioners for such a change; NOW, THF~REFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BFAfM, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the City Council hereby requests permission from the Board of County Commissioners of Palm Beach County to rezong ~nen annexed, the property described above, from County Zoning District AG (Agricult%~al) to Boynton Beach Zorff~g District PUD (Planned Unit Development) ~ith a land use intensity of 3.9, which will result in a change in density allowed for such land. Section 2. That a certified copy of tkis Resolution be sent to the Board of Cotmty Comnissioners of Palm Beach County, the Cotmty Ad~inis- trator~ and the C~mty Director of Ptsrming, Zoning and Building. PASSED and ADOPTED ttzis 6th day of lZ~rch, 1979. · /~' ~ce Mayor ATIEST: City Clerk -2-