79-P RESOLUTION NO. 79- P A RESOLDTION OF TRE CITY OF BOYNTON ~EACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING FEDERAL GRANT TENDERED BY UNITED STATES ENVIROI~NTAL PROTECTION AGENCY. ~ WHEREAS, the City of Boynton Beach, Florida has been tendered an increased Federal Grant in the increased amount of $874,344 ~nich increases the total of Ter to $3,940,534 by the Unite& States Environmental Protection Agency unde~ the provisions of the Federal Water Potlution~ Control Act Amendments of 1972, and %~d~EAS, after thorough investigation, it is deemed in the best interest of the inhabitants of the City of Be.vnton Beach, that said Grant be accepted, NOW, '£H~REFORE, BE IT RESOL~ED BY THE CITY COUNC~ OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: Section l: That Federal Grant increase in the amount of $874,34~, increasing the total offer to $3,940,534 tendered to the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, by the Un, ted States Environmental Protection Agency, under the provisions of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972, is hereby forma/ly accepted, and the Mayor of the City of Beynton Beach is hereby authorized to execute the Grant Agreement. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Edward F. Ha~mening, as Mayor of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, is hereby authorized to execute any and all documents in co~u~ection ~th the processing of said application as well as claims for reimbursement, etc. as authorized representative of the City. PASSED AND ADOPTED th_is O day of February, 1979. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORID~A ~ ~ Vice ~yor CounCil Member - - Co~fucil Member ATTEST: Cit~ 6~he rk (Corp~ Seml) 1979 CERTIPIED MAIL REF; ~W-SA Mr. Frank Kohl City Manager P. O. Box 33935 Boynton Beach, FL 33q35 RF~ C120996-02-I Boynton Beach Dear Mr. Kohl: Your request for an increase in the Grant Offer has been approved by the Environmental Protection Agency upon consideration of all the supporting information. Therefore, your Offer in the amount of $3,066,190 can be increased. In view of thLs request, we are pleased to make an additional Offer of $$7t43t~ which increases the total Offer to $3,gz~0,53g. Your attention is invited to Section 35.936-5 (Grantee Responsibility) and 35.936-t2 (Documentation) of the EPA promulgated regulations gO CFR Pa_et 35, dated December 17, I975. In accordance with Section 35.937-6 (Cost and Price Considerations) the proposed contracts which are less than $100,000 do not require the EPA Project Officer's review and approval. However, the grantee is responsible for the procurement in accordance with the new regulations and you are encouraged to ensure that the grant conditions are met. As stated in Section 35.936-20 of the regulations, incurring costs under subagreements which are not awarded or administered in compliance with this regulation shall be cause for disallowance o~ costs under the grant. FEB 1 1979 o To accept this Offer, please execute three copies of the attached Grant Amendment form and return by certified mail to the Environmental Protection Agency. Also, include three copies of the requked resolution authorizing the ac. ceptance of this grant increase. The Grant Amendment must be accepted / z-2l--wlthin three weeks from the date of this letter or it becomes invalid unless a time extension is requested from this office. The request must be in writing with an explanation of your request. Sincerely yours, ~Reg~onal Administrator ~.ncAosure FDER Russell & Axon City of. Boynton Beach Edward F. Earmeni~g, mayor 305 ~732-8111 E. Sta ec~ Mana 1881-2005 Constructi on TITLEII City of Boynton Beach Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Region IV, Water Division 345 Courtland Street, N. E. Atlanta, Georgia 30308 price escalation and Sewer System Evaluation Survey. i68X0!03. A F4 0004 Water Division $ 3 Y779042002 ,,. 11 $ 874,344 C~ty of Boynton Beach P. O. Box ~10 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 _ %) 496-02-1 - ,, for which t '~4!t ~xp~ditious!Y iniliat~ and, t{me!y complete the preleCt ~ ork - _ ,- ~ ~n a~licabl~ provimons of ~ CFR Chapter L re~resent~, and agrees that it, and its comr~emrs' subcon~ract°ra' - NOT LIMtTED provi~oas of ~ CFR Chapter k Subchapter B~ INCLUDING BUT 4C CFR part 30, mud (2) any special condilions ~t forth in thb grant agreement or CFR 30.~25, tiation o! work, a con~ract shell be submitted which is in eccordence curement Regulation · eaning and televising, the ~nterim report shell be approved by the EPA. ~ndetionS for minor rehabilitation shell be in accordence with PRM 78-10 ~ included in this report. rantee agrees to esteblish and implen~nt a continuing sewer meintenence · - ' 'e locate and correct all I/I sources cos~ m which sh~l~ b designed ~o to eliminate an~ to otherwise ensure that the sewer system(S) w~tl subject to excessive I/I in the future. A schedule for development ~' v elimination of excessive inflow program and a schedule for ~mel. '* ' ~pom aouse laterals or private proper%y,, must be subml~tea .... ~ days of acceptance. for approval w~n~ 60 gran; grantee agrees to document I/~ abatements.results, t by perfo~mingdata obtaineda post libation flow ~onitoring program. SclfTlc}en ft~t rainfall and groundwater conditions comparable to conditions existing !/I analysis/SSES data was taken should be recorded to document the ivenass of the sewer system rehabilitation work. All data ccllected lld be summarized in a repoFc upon completion of the~prehabi!itati°n Nork submitted to the state and EPA for approval. The r~ art should ammend facility design adjustments necessary as a result of the actual I/I work shall De performed duringperiods of hiqh groundwater. of the rehabilitation phase,the grantee shall implement a testing program the results to the EPA documenting the effectiveness of the rehabili- in reducing excessive infiltration/inflow. ;C!20 496-02-! ~si~iance has bee~ awarde~ m~der Ibis grant, M accord~lce ~vld~ a~ applicable provisions of~ C~ Chapter [, Subpar~ wi~i comply with: (~) all app~cabie prov~iom of 40 CFR Clmper 1, Subehapter B, 1N~UDiNG BUT ~4OT LIMITED TO d~e provision~ of Appendix A Ia 40 CFR Par~ 30. and (2) ape special conditions ~t forth ia ~h~ grant a~*eement or any gram ame~Smenr pursuant to 40 CFR 30,425~ Prior to initiation of work, a contract shall be submtt_a' ¢' which is in'accordance with the Procuremen~ Regulations. Prior to cleaning and televising, the interim report shall be.approved by the EPA. Any recommendations for minor rehabilitation shall be in accordance with PB4 78-10 and must be included in this report. (a) "The grantee agrees to establish and implen~nt a continuing se~er maintenance program which shall be designed to locate and correct all I/~ sources cost effective to eliminate and to othen~ise ensure that the s~er system(s) will not be subject to excessive t/t in the future. A schedule for development of such a program and a schedule for timely elimination of excessive inft~,~ sources oriqinating from house laterals oCprivate property must be submit%ed to EPA for approval within 60 days of grant acceptance. (b) "The grantee agrees to document I/I abatement results b~ perfoCming a pos~ rehabilitation flow monitoring program. Sufficient flow data obtained during rainfall and groundwater conditions comparable to conditions ex~sting when I/I analysis/SSES data was taken should be recorded to document the effectiveness of the sewer system .rehabilitation work. All data collected should be summarized in a report upon completion of the rehao~.~tat~on' '~' ' work and submitted to the state and EPA for-approval. The report should ammend any facility design adjustments necessary as a result of the actual I/I abatement." The SSES work shall be performed during periods of hiqh groundwater. As part of the rehabilitation phase,the grantee shall implement a testing program and submit the results to the EPg documenting the effectiveness of the rehabili- tation work in reducing excessive infiltration/inflow. -. -~!~0 496-02-! T~o gran~e co~.enants an~ agrees t~at k will expeditiously i~tiate and finely complete the project =v~k for w~icl~ ~s~s tance has been awarded under tbJs grant, in accordance Mth all applicable proWsions of ~ CFR Chapter l. L~bU~ will comply w~::i: (!) all applkabie provisions of 40 CFR Chapter I, Subehzpier B, [NCLUD}NG B~T NOT Klg~i~D TO fi~e pro~'isiona of Ap?xadix A to 40 CFR Par~ 30, and {2)~ny special conditions ~t for t~ in }hN gram agreement or ~ny gram amendment pursu~m to 40 CFR 30.425. Prior to initiation of work, a contract shall be o ' -': ' su rotted %,n~cn is in accordance with the Procurement Regulations. P~-ior to cleaning and televising, the interim report shall be approved by Any recommendations for minor rehabilitation shall be in accordance wi~h PR¢178-10 and must be included in this report. (a) "The .grantee agrees to establish and implement a continuing sewer maintenance h program which s al~ be designed to locate and correct all I/I sources cost effective to eTiminate and to othen~ise ensure that the sewer systat(s) will not be subject to excessive I/1 in the future. A schedule for development of such a program and a schedule for ~]me~y el~mmat~on o, excessive inflow sources oriQinating from house laterals or orivate property must be submitted to EPA for approval within 60 days of grant'acceptance," (b) "The grantee agrees to document I/I abatement results by performing a pos~ rehabilitation flow monitoring program. Sufficient flow data obtained during rainfall and groundwater conditions comparable to conditions ex,sting when I/I analgsis/SSES data was taken should be recorded to document effectiveness of the sewer system rehabilitation work. Alt data collected should be summarized in a report upon completion of the rehabilitation mork and submitted to the state and EPA for approval. The report should ammend any facility design adjustments necessary as a result of the actual I/t abatement." The SSES work shall be performed during periods of hiqh groundwater. As part of the rehabilitation phase,the grantee shall implement a testing program and submit the results to the EPA documenting the effectiveness of the rehabili- tation work in reducing excessive infiltration/inflow. ~-C!20 496-02-1 ~is~ance hes bean awar4ed ~fier tbJ5 gr~.,tt~ in accordance ~v~h all applicable prov~ons of 40 CFR Clmpte~ t, ~bpa~ w~}! comply wi*k: (~) ~I[ app~cab[e provisiom of 40 CFR Chapter }. Subchapte~ B. INCLUDING BU~ NOT TO ~h¢ ~o~5s[ons at Ap~ndix A to 48 CFR Part 30. and (2)any special conditions set fodh ~n th~ ~mt a&~eemenr or ~ny gr;m~ amen~:~ar ~ursu~nt to 40 CFR 30.425. ' ~ ~- ted which ~s in accordance Prior to m.~otion of work, a contract shall be submit .... with the Procuremer~ Regulations. Prior to cleaning and televising, the interim report shall be approved by the EPA. Pcqy recommendations for minor rehabilitation shall be in accordance with PP~'~ 78-10 arm must be included in this report. fa) "The grantee agrees to establish and implement a continuing sewer maintenance program which shall be designed to locate and correct all I/I sources cost effective to eliminate and to othe~Dse ensure that the sewer system(s) will not be subject to excessive I/I in the future. A schedule for development of such a program and a schedule for timely elimination of excessive inflow sources orioinating from house laterals or private property must be submitted to EPg for approval within 60 days of grant acceptance." "The grantee agrees to document I/I abatement results by performing a po~t rehabilitation flow monitoring program. Sufficient flow data obtained during rainfall and groundwater conditions comparable to conditions ex, sting when I/I analysis/SSES data was taken should be recorded to document the effectiveness of the sewer system rehabilitation work. All data collected should be summarized in a report upon completion of the rehabilitation work and submitted to the state and EPA for approval. The report should aw~end any facility design adjustments necessary as a result of the actual !/I abatement." (b) The SSES work shall be performed during periods of hiqh groundwater. As part of the rehabilitation phase,the grantee shall implement a testing program and submit the results to the EPA documenting the effectiveness of the rehabili- tation wor~ in reducing excessive infiltration/inflow. 490-02-_ The grnn~.ee covenants and agrees that h wi!] expeditiously initiate and tii~ety con~p!ete tee project work for which a, sistance has bee~ awarded under t~ grm~t, in aemrdarme wifh ~ ap!~iic~ble provisions of~ CFRCbapi~ l, Subpan wii~ comply wiE~: (!) all appEmxb!e provisions of 40CFR Chapter I, Sqzbchaptef B. II~CLL~ BUT Nr~ LiMiTED TO the provisions cyf Ap~ndix A to 40 CFR Part 30. and [2) avff special conditicms ~t fca*th in ~h~ ~ant a~-eemcnt or anh' grant amenS:~cat p0rsuant lo 40 CFR 30.425. t. Prior to initiation of work, a contract shall be submitted ~Mch is in accordance with the Procurement Regulations. ~rior to cleaning and televising, the interim report shall be approved by the EPA. Any recommendations' for minor rehabilitation shall be in accordance with P~.~ 78-10 and must be included in th:is report, ~a~ "The grantee agrees to establish and imolement a continuing se~,~r maintenance programwhich shall be designed to locate and correct all I/I s~urces cost effectiw to eliminate and to othen~ise ensure that the sewer system(s) will not be subject to excessive ~/I in the future. A schedule for development of such a program and a schedule for timely elimination of excessive i~flow sources oriqinating from house laterals or pri~ate property must be submitted to EP~ for approval within 60 days of grant acceptance." (b) "The grantee agrees to document I/I abatement results by performing a pos't rehabilitation flow monitoring program. Sufficient flow data obtained during rainfall and groundwater conditions comparable to conditions existing when I/I analysis/SSES data was taken should be recorded to dOCmT~nt the effectiveness of the sewer system rehabilitation work. All deta collected should be summarized in a repor~ upon completion of the rehabilitation and submitted to the state and EPA for approval. The reporffc shou]dammend any facility design adjustments necessary as a result of the actual I/I abatement." The SSES work shall be performed during periods of hiqh groundwater. As part of the rehabilitation phase,the grantee shall implement a testing program and submit the results to the EPA documenting the effectiveness of the rehabili- tation work in reducing excessive infiltration/inflow~ :1: REVISED PAYMENT SCHEDULE ~ FY 79 2nO QTR $562,933 3rd QTR 562.933 4th DTR 562,933 FY 80 1st QTR 562,933 2nd QTR 562,933 3rd QTR 562,933 4th QT R 562,936 aRANT ineNTtFICATION NO~ C12D496-02-1 NOTE' The Grant Agreement must be completed in duplicate and the Crig~ aaI returned to the C~an~s Administratio~ Division for Headqm~rtem grant awards and to the appropriate Grants Administration Office ~or state a~ local awards with n 3 calendar weeks after receipt or w thin any extension of time as may be granted by FPA Receipt of a written refusal or failure tn return the pro.fly exc~ted document wi~m the pr~ibed t~e. ~ result ~'in thc automatic withdrawal of the grant offer by the Agency. ~y change to the Gr~t ~m~t by the ~aat~ sub- sequent to the document be ng s gned by the ~PA Grant Award ~Jtici~ which the Gr~t Award Offici~ determines to .~ materially at,er the Grant A~eemcnt shall void ~he Grant ~reem nt. OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE '· JThe United States of America. acting by and through the U.S. Envir~mental Pr~ection A~nc~ (EPA). hereby offers a grant/amendment to thc City Of B0ynt0n Beach for 75 % of all approved costs incurred up to and not exceeding $ 3~9~O,534 for thc support or approved budget peri~ effort described ia application ~mciml:~ ,qq, ii,'a/.,,t ,,~,,tt/q,,/// .~lConstruction Grant Appl icati0n dated included herein by reference I U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Regional AdmSnistrator Region IV, Water Division [Environmental Protection Agency, Region IV 345 C0urtland Street, N.E. [345 ~urtland Street, NE Atl anta~ ~0rgia 30308 [Atlanta, Georgia 30308 I ~s (;[nm Ag cemem is s ~biec Io applicahlc U.S. Environmcnta~ Pmteclion Agency st~mm)ry provisions und ~[~nt regtda- [ ~ons. In 'wccpting this uw;n d tu; ne %( ne ~ · nd auy pay nents made purs~ a ~t t ~ere o I ) file m~dmsi:ned rcpmsen[s ~hs; ~l~e appl~cahk' l~ovislt)ll~ of 4(~ ('FR Chap~c~ I'. Subchapter B ;md of ~he pn~visions ol ~hi> ;m,'cement ?mrs t ;hru ~V). and ..1