79-D soLu i ?9-D A ~ESOL~TION A~/~DIN~ ~SOL~I0~ "~OL~ION F~G ~ ~S~ ~D~I~N PRo~oNs ~ P~G AG~ FOR $2~5~,000 8 ~S, $~S 197 ~ ~ S~ ~h~S, ~ CO~OT ~ E~OR ~ DESI~A~ON OF T~ PAY~G A~ FOE SU~H ~S, ~ PROLOG ~ ~C~ DATE. ~, the City has h~tofo~, by resol%tion d~ ~opted on S~t~er 19, 1~8~ autho~zed the iss~ce of not ex~e~ $R~500~0 Water ~d Sewer Rev~ue ~ Se~es 1~8~ dated Feb~ l~ 1~8 [the '~s"); ~d ~ th~ Ci~ has heretofore~ by resolution d~ adopted on Dec,her 19~ 1978~ referred to ~ title in the title a~ (the '~o~ Resolution")~ d~i~ted the pa~ng ~ent for such ~nds; ~d ~ the ~o~ Resolution incorreet~ deSi~ated said p~ ~ent for such ~s as the Flori~ Natiom~ ~ T~pa, Florida, when in fact the ~_rst Nation~ ~.nw of Flo~da~ T~pa, Flo~da shoed have been desi~mted as pa~ng ~ent~ NOW ~0~ ~ IT BESOL~ ~ ~ CI~ CO~CIL OF ~ CI~ OF ~N ~CH~ F~DA: ~ection 1. Section 3 of the ~ior Resolutio~ be hereby ~ended to re~ as fo~ows: '~SECTION 3. ~e ~nds sh~ be p~able at the ~rst National ~ of Florida~ T~pa, Florida." Section 2. ~l ~solutions or p~ts of mesolutions in conf~ct ~e~e%~th are here~ ~ress~ repe~ed. Section 3. ~is resolution sh~l t~e effect i~e~ate~'. P~ ~ ~ this 6th ~y of Feb~a~, 1979. Att est: City Clerk Councitmember Councilmember (Corp. Sesl)