77-JJJRESOLUTION NO. 77- 3-~q-~ WHEREAS, the Building Official of the CiTY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, has heretofore conducted a periodic survey of structures within the City to determine the existence of any structures which fail to meet minimum standards of sanitation and habitability, or constitute unsafe or dilapidated structures, the continUed existence of which would constitute violations of Section 7(20) of the charter of said City and Section 103.4 of ~he Southern Standard Building Code, previously adopted by the 2ity; and WHEREAS, a report of the Building Official indicating the existence of certain structures within the City which do constitute violations of the above provisions of law has been submitted to the City Manager, who has concurred in such findings; WHEREAS, a copy of said report which is attached here- and hereby made a part hereof, has been submitted to the City 1 for its consideration and determination; and WHEREAS, satisfactory evidence has been submitted to City Council substantiating the findings of said Building 1 relating to the existence of the violations sen forth in the above report; and WHEREAS, the continued existence of said conditions is detrimental to the health, safety and welfare of the inhab- of the City; NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: 1. That the conditions existing upon the property more ularly described in the report of the Building Official Lttached hereto are hereby determined to constitute violations of .r~er and code of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, and such detrimental to the health, safety and welfare of the ;ants of the City; 2. That the City Clerk is hereby directed forthwith notify the respective owners of the properties above described by registered mail of the action taken hereunder by the City Council and that they shall within twenty (20~ days of the date of the mailing of said notice, at their expense, cause such condi- tions to be abated, removed or repaired, otherwise the City shall to abate said conditions and to charge a lien against the respective lands for the costs of such abatement. 3. The City Council shall further hold a public hear- lng on the 7'~ day of'~~197~ at 8:00 o'clock P.M. at the City Hall, Boynton Beach, Florida, at which time the property Dwners effected by this Resolution shall be given an opportunity to show cause why subject conditions should not be corrected or abated. Notice of said hearing shall be published by the City Clerk on +~ !q+-~ D~¥ ~ ~~77 and shall also be furnishe~ to subject owners by registered mail. The Building Official of the City is further directed to post notice of 6his action upon the ~ffected properties. PASSED AND ADOPTED THS 1~~- day of ~o~f~.[~7~ (Corporate seal) CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA City Clerk Vice Mayor Councilman Councilman Lis~ submitted to City Council F~eting of November 15, 1977, ~ding P~solution to Demolish. (TART.~ Owner of Record A aress Eugene ~y P. O. Dr,/er Boynton Peach, FL Town a Country Squzre 1445 N. W. 8 Street Proper~ A~ress 2320 S. Fed. H~A;~ Boynton Beach, FL behind 802 N. W. 2 Ave Boynton Beach, FL ~t%at part of 'S. 5 acres of the SE ~ of the NE ¼ lying East of U. S. $1 Sec. 33 T~p. 45 Rge. 43 Prope~y Oontrot No. 08 43 45 33 80 Unrecorded Flat Lot 2 less Road Right- of-Way, Block 54-A LAKE BOY~ F~ PL 4 Property Oc~trol No. 08 43 45 29 21 Plat Book 13 Pages 32 & 53 September 22, 1977 Name: (Last) (First) A~dreSs: ~k). ) (Street) (City) 2320 South Federal Highway Nar~ of Cc~pany: (State) Boynton Beach Fla Ackiress: (No. } ---(Street) (City) (Middle) 33435 (Zip) (state) (zip) The undersigned certifies that he has just and r~asonable 9zounds to believe that on August 18 ,1977, EUGENH HARVBA~ (date) (name of violator) ___coa~LLtted_the followings, violation of. law as indicated: Violation of Code: Chapter 14 - A Violation of Ord/nance:Section 14 - A - Violation of Zoning: Narrative or Cb~n of Events: Premises inspected by Robert Latham on August I8, 197~ Said premises was found .to be inadequate according to above mentioned Ordinances and notice was sent August 19, 1977. As premises was occupied, Florida Power ~ Light was 8sked to diBconnect sexx~ice on August 22, 1977. Attachmants: Copy of Ordinance Copy of Notice to Owner Copy of Notice ~o Fla. Power ~ Light Pictures I swear the above start is correct and true to the best of my knc~Iedge and belief. ~~ l-nsp~ctor' s Signature (Badge Sworn and subscribed before me ~day of ~ Notary lq3/blic My c~,~ssion expires:. Notamy PubIic. State of Florida at Large. My Commis~on exp r~ Sept. 18. 1979. CJTY.·'of- RECrJPT FOR ~,~P,T~ z BOYNTON BEACH Au~st 19, 1~ C~RTIFt~D~AtL NO. 3341D3 'Eugene Harvey P. O. Drawer 278 Boynton Beach, Fla 33435 ~: STRUC1T~d~ IN REAR OF TROPICAL ACRE RESTAURANT P. O. Drawer 278 Bo~~.33.3~ REGISTERED NO. ~ CERTIFIED NO INSURED NO. SIGNAT~E ~ Addr~uthoHzed ag~t Property Owner: ~Tn accordance with Chapter 14-A of the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances, this ~x.~etter is a notice of intent to demolish t~e structure~and clear the lan8 located at: 2320South ~ederal'Highway Boynton BeAch Fla 33435 Legal Description: that part orS. 5 acres of. theS~.~ of the NE ~ lying East of U. S. #1 ~¢- ~ Sec: 33 Twp: 45 Rge: 43 ~/qe ownership as shown on the current tax roll is as fellows: Eugene Harvey his (~ structure~f) has CA~ bee~ determined to be a public hazard by the City of Boynton Beach Building Official for the ~eason~s)-indicated on the attached exhibit. ~ noted in Section 14-A - 8(a) of the Boynton Beach Code, please be advised ~nat arrangements for correcting this condition must be made within twenty (20) days of receipt of' this notice. Failure to comply with this notice wilt result in the City taking steps to remove ~he structure(~) and clear the land with the total cost of the improvement, 'including but not limited to, printing, pl~lic adveTtisement and removal being placed in the form of a lein upon the subject ~Foperty. Chapter 14-A of the Boynton Beach Code provides for an appeal of the notice to demolish to the City Council, if §.aid written appeal is filed with the Building Official within twenty (20) days after the date this notice was served. ]~H: df Att. (1) Central ~iles (w~att.) J f you h~ve any questions concerning this matter, please contact the Building fficiat for further information. Si ie~el m y . . . ~ : ':.'~..- , ~. -".~ . .-BOYNTONBEAC~.CODE~ ~ I .. ..... - · -. ~-.- : .... .~. _.. ...... ~ .-. . .... - ~: ..'~ -~, ..~ ..- '. ~ i'~ .,.' .." ~ Tile s~C~fire la~ illumination, ventilation,' ~m~ -_ .... .:-... '-'::' ~-'~: -- . ': '.":' : .-:' ~. ' tie~ adequa~ ~ protect the ~eal~ . d -' : .-' '.. -~.. .-3~--~.'~ ~cupan~orth~pubh~ -.:_.. [ ~ . -: . ..'2 . _.-~.-:.-. ';~.' ' ... "M '.:'- f.-- .... :~i~ 2:'..-"~: ~, 'umfe ~r ye~n ~f~d ~ suz[ manner-~ ~';.'...j-h>- :.. "~.L ?- . ~.~ . ' ~-' ~. ~, ~h~.'. ~'..:,: ?;.~ ~ ~ ,~o~s ~a: ~... ¢~ '~h ~a ~. ~ ~.:~-:. ~: ,:;~ :..' ..:. :'.. ~ ~ .- : -_ : t~.~}?~.~::-~')~ 'rhe-s~c~m~ ~6se'-of'~e~ldcatl6h; ~e~al e, ~;~x.:(?-;'~ ': ~:,~.:i :.'~ ~ -.. '~'~ '~ : J'-: :'~"~:~ -] mental ~:~lth and s~e~ that it cr~t~ a~.~----..: ..' :. : - --. --'-~ '-.: ~ . ' -~.' - .' ;~t." h~d {o ~he'~cupan~:or the publi~;_':~:tri. )":~: .' >-:-: ::;;'--.?.~'~.' ; :'. :" i'. - ' ~ ' - · ~ The smc~u~, ~se 0f the f~lu~ of .] - mi ' ~-:_ .~ __ .__~.~U~J~ LL.;-=---:---2----i-.- z--ff ~--' '.'~ :? 2~,~'[;~'-%[-~-'.--z'.- - - ' : - :'" ;CITY o{: BOYNTON BEACH August 2~, 1977. Florida Power & Light Company 240 Northeast Second Avenue Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Attention: .Ctlstome~ '~ezvice - Re: Structure behind 2320 Soutk Federal Highway B. oynton Beach that part of S.~ 5 acres of the SE~ of the ~ lying East of U. S. #1 Sec: 33 Twp: 45 .Rgg~ 43 Meter #: SC22748 Dear -,~'r: '2.i:-.:Y : This office made inspections of the above captioned premises. Please be advised that the building(~) were condemned and posted accordingly. _ Please disconnect the service drop and remove the ~meter~9 at this address. Premises unoccupied as of August t9., 1977 you for your continued cooperation. ','~.~ar E. H~il - / .. . ~l~g O[~ici~ ' ' mgc ric nn ector Central Files CfYY BOYNTON BEACH September 7, 1977 ~RTtFIF~D HAIL NO. 334111 'c~,'a & Country Squire, ~445 N. W. 8th Street North Miami Beach, .~¢k GAPAGB IN BACK OF 802 N. W. 2nd Ave. Boynton Beach, Fla Dear Property C~ner: ~n accord~mce with-Chapter 14-A of the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances, this l~tter is a noti. ce of intent to demolish the structure~3~ ~nd clear the ~tand %bcated at: Behind 802 .N.W. 2ndAve Boyntbn Beach, Aegat Description: Lot 2 less road right of way block S4-A Lake Boynton ~states Plat 4 The ~ership as shown on the current tax roll is as follows: Tc~cn & Country Squire Inc. ~s ~ structure(~0[ has (k~ been determined to be a public hazard by t~e C~ty of Boynton Beach Building Official for the reason (s) i~dicated on the attached exhibit. noted in Section 14-A - 8,(a) of the BoyTnton Beach Code, p/ease be advised arrangements for correcting this condition must be made within twenty (20) of receipt of this notice. Failure to' comply with this notice ~11 result the City taking steps tO .remove the structure~) and clear the land with the cost of the improvement, including hut not limited to, printing, and removal being placed in the form of a lein upon the subject pter I4-A of the Boynton Beach Code provides for ~ to the City Council, if Said written appeal Official within twenty (20) days after the date this No. 334111 _JEIP'T FOR CERTIFIED MAIL ~{0 INSUtIAIiCE COVEBAGE PROV~ (:See Reverse) j.~T~ ~ Country Squi.r_e In~._ -2- -Please be advised that there are refrigerators in the above mentioned garag~ that are in direct violation of State Law. ~ We u~ge you to correct this situation as soon as possible in order to avoid the loss of a child's life. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact the Building Official for further information. ^rr: cc :Central Files (w/att.) ; '-'. '' '----~ '-' "· ' ' " .' BOY,TON BEACH CODE .. : : · ~ .. .-. ?.: ~' ; ..... ;. ' I~A~' . '-" ..... ' ' ' "- <'-: ' "-' ";': ~ '; '*" ~J '7 1' ";;' ' '. _ ''.' .'.-;':;;.: ties sd*~us~ b probct the ~eslth sn~ sCe~ o* ~* ... ~, u~e or retain ~nf~ted in suc~ manner ~ . -- tio~,- s~ of the. prem~ o~he~s~ de~- :- . so u~i~, unmfe, overcrowde~ men~al ~ health and s~e~ ~hat h~d to the ~cunants~ or the publi~ - '-'- - ~ .. . : The st~cg~e, b~use of the f~lu~ of 2he o~er or o~upanb ~ comply ~h suck nogiees or ordem i~ued . - ', - . · - . . -.:-.- ...... § l/A-Id HOUSING § 14A-18 ' There shall be no standing pools of water which might pro- vide a breeding place for mosquitoes. Dwellings should be free from rodents and other vermin at ali times. ((Ord. Bio. 65-31, § 10, 8-16-65) ...... Sec. 14A~17. Responsibility of occupant. The responsibilities of the occupant are as follows: To keep dwelling and premises he controls and occupies in a clean and sanitary condition. To dispose of ]rubbish and ifarbage in a clean and sanitary man~er as prescribed by city ordinances or regulations. To hang and remove sckeens provided by the owner except where owner has agreed to supply such services. To keep plumbing fixtures' therein in a clean and sanitary condition and te exercise reasonable care in the proper use and operation thereof. To exterminate in the following cases: (a) Occupant of a single dwelling is responsible for extermination of any insec{s, rodents or' other pests therein or on premises. (b) Occupant of a dwelling unit in a multip]~ unit structure is responsible for extermination of any insects, rodents m: other pests, if his. unit is onIy unit infested. Notwithstar~ ~ing the foregoing provisions of this s~idn, whenever infestation is caused by the failure of the dwner to maintain the dwelling in a ratproof or reasonably insect proof condition, the occupant is not responsible for extermina- tion of any insects, radenls or other pests therein. (Ord. No. 65-31, § 11, 8-t6-65) -Responsibitltles of owner. ~-h~ responsibilities of the owner are as follows: To let no dwelling to any one for an occupancy unless it meets minimum standards set forth herein. To have dwelling in cIean, sanitary, habitable condition, to free ~rom infestation before renting, to paint walls and ce/lings and to clean, repair and exterminate if needed to meet aforesaid requirements before offering for rent. 216. 13 § I4A-15 BOYNTON BEACH CODE . § 14A-19 To provide screens'to Joe hung. To exterminate in the following cases'.'. (a) W/aen infestation exists in two or more units or multiple unit structure~ (b) When infestation exists in shared or public areas of multiple unit structure. (c) When in£estation exists in single unit of iaultiple unit structure or in single unit structure ~;hen in- feslation is due to failure of the owner' to main- tain tl2e dwelling in a ratproof and reasonably in- Sect proof condition. (Ord. No.. 65-31, § 65) Sec. 14A-19. Condition of structures. ' Alt dwelling structures shall be watertight, weatherproof, rodent and insect proof and in good repair. Every foundation, ~xterior wall and roof shall be reason- . ably watertight, weathertight and rodent proof, ahal] ade- quately support the building at all times ~nd shall be in a workmanlike state of maintenance and repair. Every interior partition, wall, floor and ceiling shall be reasonably tight, capable of affording privacy and maintained in a workmanlike state of repair and in a clean and sanitary condition. All rainwater shall be so drained conveyed from every roof and the lot shall be so graded and drained as not to cause dampness in the walls, ceiling, floors or basement of dwelling. Every window, exterior door and basement hatchway shall be reasonably weat/qertight, watertight and rodent proof, and shall be maintained in a sound condition and repair. Every inside and outside stairway, every parch and every appurtenance thereto shall be .so constructed as to be safe to use and capable of supporting the load that normal use may cause to be placed thereon; and it shall be raaintained in sound condition and repair. Every supplied plumbing fixture and water and waste pipe shall be properly instal!ed and maintained in a sanitary work- ing condition, free from defect, leaks and obstruction. 216.14 "UN$/L~E BUILDING 8-31-77 $~-dBJECT: ~ , DATE: THERE IS A GARAGE BEHI~ 802 N.$/~ 'SECOND AVENUE THAT HAS ON FIRE AT DEAST TItP~EE ~IMES. ROOF BEAM DEFI~OTION INDICATES A POSSIBI~ 00LI~PSE. PLEASE REPLY TO ~ SIGNED